Toyota OFMD
Toyota OFMD
Toyota OFMD
Leadership And
Ideal Daily Operations Management
What if?
Floor Management Development System Management Roles
Understanding FMDS – Floor Management Development
FMDS is a Comprehensive System that aligns Floor Management and Human Resource
Development activities to achieve Company Targets and Support the Succession
• FMDS ensures foundations skills are in place for Ideal Daily Work, and
• Aligns Daily Shop-Floor Activities with Hoshin goals and objectives.
• FMDS Visualizes Shop-Floor Management and Leader Development through:
Visualization of Gap to Standard
Promote Two-way Communication
Defines and Develops Roles and Responsibilities for all members
Supports Toyota’s On-the-Job Development for all members
FMDS is ingrains the Toyota Way Culture into the Managing Structures of FMDS
FMDS as a People and Leader
Managers and Assistant Managers:
• Quickly see how the groups are performing
• Coach Group and Team Leaders in the Business
Leadership through Hoshin
• Support Group Leader activity with necessary resources
• Strengthen the groups’ commitment and pride as they
strive to achieve shared goals
Team Members:
• Can see Group/Area/Shift performance
• Understand how important their job is to the
Company’s success
• Have access to information to help solve problems
• Improve team member knowledge and skill level
• Can see how their job impacts Company Success
Leadership, Hoshin, FMDS and Three Pillar
“From a Leadership perspective, we use our FMDS and Three Pillar Boards
and I try to be a leader from that perspective - of always challenging our
Group Leaders and Assistant Managers to think of the next level.
How do we get to the next level? How do we achieve the things that we do?
The way I do that, I try to provide the vision for them and let them create
the road map.
Jeff Hurst, Manager, Powertrain, TMMK
Overview of Toyota Hoshin Management
Connection to
Floor Management Development System
FMDS - A Leadership Development and Management
• FMDS Uses Hoshin to Set Direction linked to the Company Hoshin
• Drives Activity through Problem Solving (Toyota Business Practice ) and Kaizen
FMDS and the Five Mission of Shop-Floor
FMDS Management Review Cadence
The Management Activities
Of the Shop-Floor Group
Safety Quality Productivity Cost Resource
FMDS Board Layout Standards
And the Safety Quality Productivity Cost Human
Five Hoshin Hoshin Hoshin Hoshin Resource
Missions Development
• Main KPI are derived from Sub-KPI’s one Management Level Up
• Main KPI’s Directly linked to the Annual Hoshin
Main KPI • Visualize Monthly and Historical Trend PLAN
• Clear Target is Specified and Visual
• Color Coded/Symbol judgement of Current Status
Toyota Hoshin
Management By Shift
Floor Management & Development System
Who Attends the FMDS Five Mission Review?
FMDS, Three Pillar Toyota Business Practice and Leadership Development
“When I think of FMDS and Three Pillar, it’s REALY TBP (Toyota Business
Practice). It’s all about how you get from a large, vague problem to pinpoint
the exact issue that you can work on.
When my Team Leaders are looking for a TBP to work on, I say ‘Let’s Go to
the FMDS Board.”
– Jeremiah Duncan, V6 Assembly Group Leader, TMMK Powertrain
The Role of the Production Group
Leader And
Floor Management Development System
Supervisor Ideal Daily Management
Ensure Operational
Conditions for Ideal Production
Manage 5M Change Points
Manage Standardized Work
Ensure the Control
Basics Abnormality
Hoshin Main
Start with the Hoshin Statement – Quantitative and
Qualitative High Level Vision of the Dept or
Main KPI’s for the FMDS Board are High Level
Indicators deemed critical and Targets are
derived from the Department or Section Hoshin
FMDS Safety Hoshin Example: Respect our community and
Note: Safety is a Focus create a family-like environment through ensuring mental,
emotional, physical and environmental Safety.
FY 2018 Targets: Main KPI’s
Lost Time Accidents: 0%
Recordables: 0%
T/M Safety Dojo Training: 100%
100% T/M Completion of Find and Fix Safety Kaizen: 1 per month
Stimulate Team-member (T/M) involvement to support eyes for safety and
problem solving:
1. Safety Culture: Create a culture for Safety and Health Through
Leadership, Management and T/M engagement
2. Safety System: Enhance safety performance through
implementation of Safety Best Practices
3. Environmental Management: Reduce non-Safe waste through
process kaizen and segregation
Sub-KPI’s and Process Sub-
FMDS Sub-KPI’s are Proactive and Reactive
Measures that can be measured to show
potential improvement to achieve Main KPI.
Sub-KPI’s are indicators that will support the overall
achievement of the Main KPI and are Fact Driven
Sub-KPI’s may change quarterly and may be Direct
(reactive) or Indirect (proactive)
Process Sub-KPI’s breakdown to process level
Sub-KPI’s are tracked by area by shift.
• Safety Sub-KPI Example:
• Acute Injuries Incidents
• Ergonomic Incidents
• Behavior-based
• Near Misses
• Process Related
• Workplace Organization and Layout Related
• Eyes for Safety Dojo Training Completion 23
Process Activity
FMDS Process Activities are activities at the
Process Level intended to Improve the Sub-KPI’s
through Countermeasure implementation as a
result of Toyota Business Practice 8 Step
Problem Solving Process.
There are 2 Measures of daily process activity:
1. Completion
2. Outcome
Process Activity is measured by completion
status and is typically displayed on the activity
Just as there are 2 measurements of
Activities there are also 2 types of Activities:
1. Direct: Results from problem solving a Gap to a
standard, defined cause and effect, quantifiable
results, and easily linked to Sub and Main KPI’s
2. Indirect Activity: Results from a broad Problem
Solving activity with no specific Gap; generally
Kaizen or effort to improve overall environment or 24
Process Activity
Process Results
FMDS Process KPI’s are the Quantifiable results
indicators of the process level activity intended to
improve the Sub-KPI’s
The Process KPI is the measure of Outcome
compared to the target set for the Activity
Process Results KPI answers the question:
• How will you Check?
• How often will you Check?
• How long will you Check? (e.g. 90 days)
• Did you achieve the desired outcome
• Do you understand both success and failure
• What did you learn?
Now, It’s Your
FMDS Dojo Audit