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BS-7121-11-1998 Offshore Cranes

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BRmSHSTANDARD BS 7121-11:1998

Code of practice for

Safe use of cranes -

Part 11: Offshore cranes

les 53.020.20


BS 7121-11:1998

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by Teclmical Committee
MHEtJ, Cranes and derricks, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Associated British Ports

Association of Lony Loader Manufacturers and hnpoIters
British Iron and Steel Producers' Association
Building Employers' Confederation
Construction Plant-hire Federation
Electricity Association
Engineering Equipment and Materials Users' Association
Federation of Wll'e Rope Manufacturers of Great Britain
Health and Safety Executive
Institute of Logistics
Institute of Mechanical Engineers
Institute of Occupational Health and Safety
Institute of Plant Engineers
Institute of Structural Engineers
Lifting Equipment Engineers Association
Uoyd's Register of Shipping
Safety Assessment Federation

The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard, through
a subcommittee:

British Marine Equipment Council

Federation of Manufacturers of Construction Equipment and Cranes
Independent Engineering Insurers Committee
Institute of Petroleum
International Marine Contractors' Association
MinistIy of Defence
Shipbuilders' and Shiprepairers' Association

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Engineering
Sector Board, was published
under the authority of the
Standards Board and comes into
effect on
15 August 1998

© BSI 1998 Amendments issued since publication

Amd. No. Date Text affected

ISBN 0 580 29503 6

BS 7121-11:1998

- - r" SIRIM IRU

02 109132

Conunittees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Terminology and definitions 1
4 Crane management 4
5 Procedures and precautions 8
6 Inspections, examinations, tests and checks 10
Annex A (informative) Beaufort scale of wind forces and related sea states 13
Annex B (infonnative) Recommended signaller's hand signals 14
Annex C (nonnative) Statutes for inspections, tests and thorough examinations
of offshore cranes 16
Annex D (nonnative) Inspections, tests and examinations of cranes mounted on
barges or pontoons 18
Bibliography 18
Figure 1 - Oftlead and sidelead angles 2
Figure 2 - Examples of offshore cranes 3
Figure 3 - Possible movements of a supply vessel during hoisting 8
- Figure B.1 - Recommended signaller's hand signals 14

~- Table 1 - Comparative tenus used in offshore crane and other lifting industries
Table Al - Beaufort scale of wind forces and related sea states
= Table C.1 - Statutes for inspections, tests and thorough examinations of
offshore cranes 16

Cl BSI 1998
BS 7121-11:1998


This part of BS 7121 has been prepared by subcommittee MHEtJ/I0 under the
direction of Technical Committee MHEI3. The subcommittee wishes to acknowledge
the contribution of the International Crane Forum to the preparation of this standard.
This part of BS 7121 provides recommendations for safe use of offshore cranes.
It is in the interest of all involved in lifting operations to ensure that these operations
are carried out efficiently and safely. The offshore enviromnent is sufficiently hostile
that wave action can subject the crane and/or its load to motion, imposing demands on
the crane and the crane operator that are more severe than in most other lifting
". Qperations. Accordingly, this part of BS 7121 provides guidance on understanding the
/........•.. / •.' . ..r ,,~ets per!fonnance, and makes recommendations for the competence of operatives

(;~: ! ~':' ": ~other personnel.

\~~~\,(~2.'!.1' part of BS 7121 is directed to owners and users of offshore cranes, who are
\~l~~;,;~(;~. . o~e~.to implement all o~ the recommendations, and, if possible, upgrade
~ •. .;;.;..:. ~ xisting eql.Upment and operating procedures.

Whilst it is ~recognizedthat the recommendations do not relate to design and

manufactute of offshore cranes, designers are strongly advised to take these into
This part of BS 7121 is one of a forthcoming series of standards, Safe use ofcranes,
consisting of the following:
- Part 1: General;
- Part 2: Inspection, testing and examination;
- Part 3: Mobile cranes; to.

- Part 4: Lorry loaders;

- Part 5: Tower cranes;
- Part 6: Derrick cranes;
- Part 7: Overheadlundertl,ung tmveUing and goliath cranes;
- Part 8: High pedestal and portal jib cranes;
- Part 9: Container handling cranes;
- Part 10: Rail mounted cranes;
- Part 11: Ofjslwre cranes.
It has been assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that the execution of its
provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced personnel.
As a code of practice, this British Standard takes the fonn of guidance and
recommendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification and particular
care should be taken to ensure that claims of compliance are not misleading.
A British Standard does not pwport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 18, an inside back cover and a back cover.

ii e BSI 1998
BS 7121-11:1998

1 Scope Table 1 - Comparative terms used in

This part of BS 7121 gives recommendations for safe offshore crane and other lifting industries
use of offshore cranes (including supporting Oftshore crane industry Otherwise known as
structures affIXed to offshore installations), primarily term
operating in an open sea environment. Slew/slewin/\.) ~"c. c ',7 :~ ,Swing/swinging
The following activities are not covered in this part
of BS 7121:
Booming ,3"' .9(
~:- ~ mg/derricking/jibbing
a) slinging practices;
Hoisting Cl
Q: - ,,'
~i/ ;'., '
inching, whip/main hoist
Slew bearin s.,(p.. QJ ?~ lewring/race, slew/swing
b) crane erection practices; VlJHO circle
c) use of all non-slewing cranes used offshore
[e.g. blowout preventer (BOP) cranes, overhead Boom Jib, stick
travelling cranes, gantry cranes, hoists and davits]. Extension (tip) Fly jib
A-frame Gantry, apex, struts!
2 References backtiesllegs
The following normative documents contain Machinery bedlhouse Carbody
provisions that, through reference in this text, Sheaves Pulleys
constitute provisions of this part of this British Counterweight Backweight, ballast
Standard. For dated references, subsequent
amendments to, or revisions of, any of these Crane operator Crane driver
publications do not apply. For undated references,
the latest edition of the publication referred to 3.1.2 Safe working load and safe load indicator
applies. (rated capacity and rated capacity indicator
and limiter)
BS 7072:1989, Code of practice for inspection and
The terms "safe working load" and "safe load
repair of offsiwre containers.
iiiiiiiiiii Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. London: indicator" are long established in the British crane
!!!!!Jr industry, and used in BS 7262: 1990. During
The Stationery Office.
preparation of this part of BS 7121, however, several
tJ) The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health European Standards for cranes were being
* Regulations 1988. Statutory Instrument 1657. London: developed, and the CEN committees responsible
The Stationery Office. adopted the alternative terms "rated capacity" and
The Docks Regulations 1988. Statutory "rated capacity indicator". These terms have gained
Instrument 1655. London: The Stationery Office. wide acceptance in the European crane industry, and
The Shipbuilding and Ship Repairing for this reason the drafting committee for this part of
Regulations 1960. Statutory Instrument 1932. London: BS 7121 decided to align with the European
The Stationery Office. Standards, and use "rated capacity" and "rated
capacity indicator".
The Factories Act 1961. London: The Stationery
Office. 3.1.3 Appointed person and responsible person
The Construction (Lifting Operations) During preparation of this part of BS 7121 it was
Regulations 1961. Statutory Instrument 1581. London: recognized that the terms "appointed person" and
The Stationery Office. "responsible person" are equivalent in the offshore
The Merchant Shipping (Hatches and Lifting Plant) crane industry. The term "appointed person" is used
Regulations 1988. Statutory Instrument 1639. London: in this part of BS 7121, in common with BS 7121-1.
The Stationery Office. 3.2 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of BS 7121 the
3 Terminology and definitions following defmitions apply.
3.1 Terminology 3.2.1
3.1.1 Comparison of terms appointed person
Certain tenus used in the offshore crane industry competent person authorized by the duty holder to
have similarities with tenus used in other lifting ensure that the crane and associated equipment are
industries. For the purposes of this part of BS 7121, safe for use
the distinctions given in Table 1 apply. 3.2.2
permanent control position on or off a crane, with
protective enclosure

© BSI 1998 1
BS 7121-11:1998

3.2.3 3.2.11
check offshore crane
visual and functional assessment (not a test) of the machine with slewing facility, used to lift, lower or
condition of a crane, without dismantling, prior to move loads in an offshore environment, operating
use (e.g. detection of defects or fluid levels) from a fixed location on an offshore installation
3.2.4 NOTE Examples of offshore cranes are shown in Figure 2.
competent person
person with practical and theoretical knowledge of a
crane and its equipmen.. ' '.. ce of operation in
an offshore environm j:ilbilitY··to,detect
deficiencies and to '_!SS ~if.criti~ality in relation
to strength and perf. £'6, and t<:i recommend
remedial action to e ·,..atcondltions are
appropriate for safe us"'~> .
dynamic rated load
maximum permissible load that can be lifted in the
prevailing sea state, if there is relative motion
between the crane and load
gross overloadlovermoment protection (GOP)
device or system safeguarding a crane and its
primary load-carrying elements against failure, in
conditions where uncontrolled loading of the hoist
line may occur (e.g. if the load becomes snagged on
the supply vessel)
inspection • • sidelnd 11191.
visual check of a crane for defects, and operation of
S • offl.ld Ingle
the controls and limiting and indicating devices
without loading
NOTE An inspection does not nonnally require dismantling of
any part of the crane.
excursion envelope
a) fixed or mobile unit, primarily operating in an Figure 1 - Offiead and sidelead angles
open sea environment, used to develop, explore
and recover natural hydrocarbons in subsea
NOTE Typically, installations include platfonns fixed to the
sea bed, semi-submersible vessels, mono-hull vessels, pennant
tension-leg platfonns, guyed towers and jackup platfonns.
single part-line of wire rope or chain suspended from
b) specialized crane vessel that can be used to the crane hook, permitting safe connection of the
deploy equipment for constructing or modifying hook to the load
units in a) offshore
installation manager rated capacity
competent person appointed by the operator or load(s) a crane is designed to lift for a given
owner to manage the installation and personnel operating condition (configuration, sea state, wind
speed, radius)
condition where the load line, under tension,
deviates outwardly from the crane (see Figure 1)

2 © BSI 1998
BS 7121-11:1998

a) Strut boom crane b) Cantilevered boom crane

=. 22

c) Centre post crane

1 Boom head section 14 Boom back stops
2 Boom mid-section 15 Suspension bridle/live mast
3 Boom foot section 16 Boom pendant rope
4 Cabin 17 Load hoist rope
5 Boom foot pin 18 Boom hoist rope(s)
6 Slew bearinglhook roller assembly 19 Boom head sheaves
7 Pedestal mounting 20 Boom head extension
8 Machinery house 21 Multi-fall hook block
9 Counterweight (if fitted) 22 Hook and overhauling weight
10 Load hoist winch1) 23 Boom hoist ram
11 Boom hoist winch 24 Telescoping boom
12 A-frame or mast sheaves 25 Centre postImast
13 A-frame or mast
Figure 2 - Examples of offshore cranes

1) Some cranes are fitted with two load hoist winches.

© BSI 1998 3
BS 7121-11:1998

3.2.14 e) adequate supervision by suitably trained and

rated capacity indicator competent personnel;
device that continuously indicates, within specified 1) assurance that all necessary test certificates and
tolerance limits, as the rated capacity is approached, other documents are available;
and continuously indicates, in another manner, if the g) assurance that all other statutory requirements
rated capacity is exceeded are in place;
NOTE The specified tolerance limits for rated capacity include a h) identification of all hazardous and restricted
higher wind speed than permitted for the in-service conditions. areas;
3.2.15 /'. i) emergency procedures in case of damage or
Sidelead~!~~>. . ~ ,"~. '., impairment to the crane during operation, and for
safe recovery of the crane to a holding location on
conditio ~.'"e.re ~~ I.~. ~T:line, under tension, the installation;
deviates '~\Vays ft9J;q" e crane (see Figure 1)
\ ~.- , . . ". _. __._'" ,';'.". I j) means of preventing unauthorized movement or
3.2.16 '., ..'. \" '2<./
'. _.... use at all times;
static rated load k) completion of any preparatory work at the
maximum pennissible load that can be lifted from, location of the lifting operation;
or lowered onto, the installation supporting a crane I) an English language communication system;
3.2.17 m) assurance of safety of personnel not involved
structure in the lifting operation;
steelwork to which a crane is affIXed n) assurance that an adverse weather policy is in
3.2.18 NOTE The Beaufort scale of wind forces and related sea
test states is given in annex A
specific operation of a crane, with or without a 0) provision of an effective system for storage and
defmed load, to establish whether it may be used use of spare parts.
3.2.19 4.2 Control of the lifting operation
thorough examination To ensure effective implementation of the safe
verification that a crane can safely continue in system of work, an appointed person should take
service, including a functional test of all safety control of the lifting operation and ensure
devices (e.g. limiting and indicating equipment, compliance with 4.1.
brakes, clutches) The appointed person should also be responsible for:
NOTE A thorough examination is not an inspection (see 3.2.7), a) assessment of the lifting operation and
and can involve non~estructive examination or testing techniques, provision of lifting gear, equipment, instruction
dnd including dismantling. and supervision for the task to be undertaken
4 Crane management NOTE This should include consultation with other responsible
bodies as necessary, and ensuring that if different organizations
4.1 Safe system of work are involved, they collaborate effectively.
A safe system of work should be established for b) provision of an effective procedure for
each lifting operation, whether an individual special reporting defects and incidents, and for taking
lift or a group of repetitive or routine operations. remedial action as appropriate;
The sensitivities and limitations of the crane, its c) authorization of any work permits that may be
permissible duties and operational perfonnance necessary;
should be understood. d) provision and availabilities of personal
The safe system of work should include at least the protective equipment appropriate for the
following: operational location, such as helmets, safety
a) planning of the operation; spectacles, safety boots and clothing, ear
b) crane selection; defenders, life jackets and emergency escape
c) maintenance, examination and, if necessary,
testing of the crane and equipment; e) ensuring that personnel are instructed in the
correct use of the appropriate personal protective
d) provision of suitably trained and competent equipment;
personnel who are aware of their relevant
responsibilities regarding the Health and Safety at 1) checking the crane and any associated
"'ork etc. Act 1974 and any other current statutory equipment before and after use, and maintaining
offshore regulations; good working order and replacing if appropriate;

4 © BSI 1998
BS 7121-11:1998

g) maintaining records of checks through i) environmental conditions that may occur at the
examinations and repairs as appropriate; site of operation necessitating interrupting the
h) ensuring that the person directing crane operation, and procedures for safe abandonment;
movements (the signaller) is readily identifiable to j) distribution and any variance of the forces
the crane operator (e.g. by wearing high visibility within the lifting attachment arising from the
clothing or distinguishing markings); lifting operation;
i) ensuring that a clear and effective radio .".k) use of tested and certified lifting attachments;

mvolved WIth the lifting operation, mcluding th"

~ommunic~tionss~st~m is av~able. to all. parties .... f:; ,'~yision of competent and trained personnel to
c ~te use of tuggerltag lines'
crane operator, signaller, and if applicable, the : B:ll~'.!1'\ l>~.dvis '.. , f 'tabl f ilit"r, ult' I
master and deck crew of the attendant vessel; ~ RIiMIiftinb'. r (if Ion li~ sbUIl ). e ac les or m Ip e
. . ~ g app ca e,
J) ensunng that the crane operator has a copy 0 ~/..., i " f addit' nal I . f t if lifts
the shipping manifest accurately showing the OVlSIOn 0 10 P ~~g ac ors
weight and description of each individual piece of are to b~ undertaken by specialized crane ve~els
cargo, and if appropriate, clearly drawing attention (e.g. e~VIro~ent:al conductors, water ballasting,
to any cargo deemed heavy or hazardous' dynamIC posltionmg, deployme~t of anchors, .
, abandonment procedures and tie back operatIOns).
k) ensuring that the workplace is provided with
adequate lighting. 4.4 Selection of personnel and allocation of
If lifting operations have been identified as routine, duties
the appointed person may delegate duties, but not 4.4.1 General
responsibilities, to a fully trained and competent Selection of personnel and allocation of duties
person (usually the signaller) to take control of the should be determined by the installation manager or

.-=.. lifting operation. appointed person.

The appointed person should make known to all key
personnel the details of any duties delegated and the 4.4.2 Suitability ofpersonnel
person charged with their undertaking. The installation manager or appointed person should
ensure that all personnel involved with lifting
4.3 Planning of the lifting operation operations or maintenance of lifting equipment are
All lifting operations should be planned to ensure medically fit and trained to approved levels
that they are carried out safely and that all appropriate to their tasks and responsibilities.
foreseeable risks have been taken into account. Records of training and experience specifically
Planning should be carried out by personnel with identifying the tasks and type of crane or lifting
appropriate expertise. equipment in use should be provided and used as an
NOTE In cases of repetitive or routine operations, planning may aid for personnel selection. Personnel under training
only be necessary in the first instance, with periodic reviews to should only undertake duties in keeping with their
ensure that no factors have changed current level of assessment by the appointed person
Planning should include, if appropriate, and then only under the supervision of a suitably
consideration of the following: qualified person.
a) verification of the weight of the load, its centre 4.4.3 Duties and responsibilities
of gravity and the method of lifting;
b) maintenance of adequate clearance between the Crane operator
load and the crane structure and any other The crane operator should be responsible for correct
obstruction in the vicinity of the lifting operation; operation of the crane in accordance with the
c) inclusion of the weight of any ancillary lifting manufacturer's instructions and the safe system of
equipment in assessing the total load; work (see 4.1), and should at any time respond to
the signaller's signals. The crane operator should
d) clear identification of proximity hazards and also undertake other duties (including routine crane
restricted areas; lubrication, daily and periodic maintenance checks
e) procedures for effective release of sea of the crane) and should assist with the change out
fastenings; of ropes and hook blocks and procedures
f) requirement of any work permits for special recommended by the crane manufacturer and
lifting operations; operating company, and authorized by the appointed
g) space availability and deck loading ability on person.
the installation or attendant vessel; All crane operators (including fully qualified) should
h) configuration of the crane; be assessed every 2 years through practical and
theoretical examinations by suitably trained and
qualified assessors.

CC> BSI 1998 5

BS 7121-11:1998

i£C: S' ....o~Ue1:~ .~' \ 4.4.4 Formal requirements ofpersonnel
The sign . e.'r.' shdttld be.;; '. sponsible for relaying Crane operator
signals frd(.,1:(~ slin~. ~ 0 the crane operator and for
A crane operator should be:
initiation a.it1;({firecti . of safe movement of the
crane and hooK'load.-

a) medically fit to the UKOOA standard;

NOTE 1 The signaller may also be the stinger (see b) trained for the type of crane operated, with full
The signaller should remain in contact with the knowledge of the crane and its safety systems.
crane operator at all times, and with the slinger
during the initial and fmal phases of the lift as Sig~
appropriate. The signaller should only use hand A signaller should be:
signals when in full view of the crane operator or a) capable of giving precise and clear instructions
slinger. by radio and hand signalling techniques, to initiate
NOTE 2 Recommended signaller's hand signals are given in and safely direct movement of the crane and its
hook load;
If, during the lifting operation, responsibility for
directing the crane and load is transferred, the b) capable of judging distances, heights and
signaller should clearly indicate to the slinger(s) and clearances;
crane operator, the identity of the new person c) fully conversant with the duties of the crane
responsible. The new person should indicate operator and slinger(s);
acceptance of the transfer of responsibility, which d) trained in inspection, safe use and storage of
should be acknowledged by the slinger(s) and crane lifting equipment, including containers, and
operator. reporting any defects that could render such
The signaller should be trained in inspection, safe equipment unfit for safe use;
use and storage of lifting equipment and signalling
e) familiar with procedures for handling dangerous
systems (visual and radio communications) and
loads such as acids and caustic substances,
should be assessed through practical and theoretical
explosives, pressurized substances, etc.;
examination by suitably trained and qualified
assessors. f) trained to use personnel carriers and conversant
with the relevant procedures established in the ~i~er
The slinger should be responsible for attaching and
detaching slings to and from the load and informing g) conversant with marine terminology.
the signaller (if appropriate) when ready. Slinger
NOTE The stinger may also be the signaller.
A slinger should be:
Slingers can operate from the deck of the attendant
vessel or from the installation. Slingers should be a) physically capable of handling lifting gear and
trained in inspection, safe use and storage of lifting equipment;
equipment and signalling systems (visual and radio b) trained in slinging techniques;
communications), and should be assessed through c) capable of selecting lifting gear and equipment,
practical and theoretical examination by suitably including containers, and ensuring they are in a
trained and qualified assessors. suitable condition for safe lifting of the load
In the event of loss of visual or radio communication
d) capable of ascertaining weights and balancing
between the crane operator, signaller or slinger, loads, and judging distances, heights and
crane lifting operations should be halted until clearances;
communications are restored.
e) capable of giving precise and clear instructions Maintenance personnel by radio and hand signalling techniques,
Maintenance personnel should be responsible for confIrming that a load is ready to lift and the
maintaining the crane and ensuring conditions for slings are free, and notifying the signaller of any
safe and satisfactory operation. Maintenance should manipulative movements required;
be carried out in accordance with the crane
manufacturer's recommendations and the operating f) familiar with procedures for handling dangerous
company's planned maintenance procedures within loads;
the safe system of work (see 4.1). g) fully conversant with the duties of the crane
Maintenance personnel should be trained in operator and signaller;
operating the crane to a level enabling service tasks h) trained to use personnel carriers and
to be performed safely. conversant with the relevant procedures
If maintenance personnel are required to undertake established in the installation;
the duties of a crane operator, they should be i) conversant with marine terminology.
trained to a level qualifying them to operate the
crane either with or without supervision, as
appropriate (see

6 © BSI 1998
BS 7121-11:1998 Maintenance personnel 4.6.3 Crane duty charts

Maintenance personnel should be: Crane duty charts specifying the duties of the crane
a) competent to maintain the crane in a safe for the permitted operating conditions should be
condition for satisfactory operation; maintained and located conspicuo . e cabin.
~ sOu4'
b) fully knowledgeable of the crane's operating 4.6.4 Manuals J'~~\
functions and safety systems, and, if appropriate, The crane manufacturer's ope ~~Ql).
specially trained to selVice the crane to safe =~al should be readily avail cS:. itti~ept-up to
operating standards; . ,
c) familiar with the operational sensitivities and ..
".;, ~ \'

limitations of the crane;

4.6.5 Instructions and procedures~
d) trained in emergency recovery procedures To ensure that the safe system of work (see 4.1) is
arising from power failure or severe overloading of effectively communicated, written procedures should
the crane; be provided for all crane operations.
e) conversant with procedures and precautions to 4.6.6 Records
render the crane safe before and during routine or Records should be specifically identified with each
major maintenance work; crane. Records should be kept up to date to enable
f) fully conversant with the duties of the crane the condition of the crane to be determined and its
operator, and, if necessary, trained to operate the fitness for operation to be assessed. Records should
crane in order to fulf'll selVicing activities; bear the signature of the appointed person.
g) conversant with procedures and precautions for Records should include:
testing individual drives, braking systems and a) technical information including maintenance
safety systems, and controlled overload testing of and performance data provided by the crane

. 5-
the crane.
4.5 Qualifled training instructors
The installation manager should ensure that all key
manufacturer arising from alterations to the crane;
b) details of significant repairs and modifications
to the crane, including renewal of major parts;
personnel involved with crane operations receive c) details of inspections and examinations carried
training to a level of competence appropriate to out on the crane and wire ropes;
perform tasks safely. d) shift change-over log pre- and post checks,
A programme of training appropriate to each conveying to the incoming crane operator
individual crane discipline should be provided by information necessary for safe continuity of lifting
experienced instructors qualified to provide tuition operations;
in the rudiments of design, performance, e) an events log for detailing occurrences that may
maintenance and safe operation of offshore cranes influence safe lifting operations;
and associated equipment. The system of tuition f) details of non-destructive examinations and
should enable continued and effective measurement repair reports.
of the theoretical and practical performance of crane
personnel, leading to accreditation in the form of a 4.6.7 Cert(ficates
final certificate awarded by the assessor, valid Certificates should be current, valid and specifically
for 2 years. identifiable with the crane and its associated lifting
Certification should be revalidated through equipment.
assessment of personnel on the theoretical and 4.7 Maintenance programme
practical issues of safe use of offshore cranes,
specifically to the particular disciplines of personnel An effective planned maintenance programme should
and crane type(s). be established by the installation manager, allowing
routine and major selVicing to be undertaken safely
4.6 Documentation and to a standard ensuring the crane is safe for use.
4.6.1 General
The appointed person should ensure that all
documentation relevant to the condition of a crane
and its equipment (e.g. test certificates) is kept up to
date and readily available.
All documentation should be written in English.
4.6.2 Regulatory documents
All codes applicable to crane operation should be
available to key personnel.

© B811998 7
BS 7121-11:1998

5 Procedures and precautions

5.1 Rated capacity
The rated capacity of the crane or any item of
equipment in the lifting operation should not be
exceeded, other than for testing purposes.
5.2 Rated capacity indicator and
The rated capacity indicator and ll'lUlIlitJI;-
maintained in working order. The e operat01l
should: .:( . ) ;~
~, .. ~
a) ensure correct selection of du .wr inb "
lifting operations on the installatio~~," ;.
applicable, the correct duties for lifting over the a
sea from supply vessels allied to the prevailing sea
b) ensure correct selection and setting of the sea
state and maintaining the correct sea status
throughout the lifting operation, from continuous
updates provided by the appointed person;
c) ensure correct setting for the number of parts
of rope reeved at the hook block;
d) acknowledge overloads and overmoments and
report any serious overloads and overmovements
e) report all errors or any malfunction of the rated
capacity indicator.
5.3 Operational principles and practices

5.3.1 General
To maintain effective and safe operations, certain
operational principles and practices should be
adhered to, including:
a) operational checks (see 6.2);
b) not using the crane's safety devices as a routine
means of stopping its motions;
c) all personnel standing clear of any load being
lifted (particularly from stacked materials, e.g.
drilling tubulars); c
d) being aware of helicopter movements, having Figure 3 - Possible movements of a
procedures in place to ensure that the crane does supply vessel during hoisting
not inhibit helicopter movements;
e) exercising care when lifting hoses for bulk
materials handling, and directing this activity by a g) the crane operator remaining at the controls when
clear radio communications system; a load is suspended from a crane;
f) the crane operator and signaller remaining on NOTE In no case should a crane be left unattended even for
station if the crane is used in support of critical short periods, unless all loads have been removed and the crane is
in a safe position, the prime mover stopped and all motion braked
activities required for certain diving or drilling effectively.
operations, and responding to instructions from
the appointed person directing the activities; h) exercising care when hoisting from supply
vessels, taking into account the possible movements
of the supply vessel in all directions (see Figure 3).

8 ©BSIl998
BS 7121-11:1998

5.3.2 Supply vessel cargo e) a safety line is fitted from the crane hook to the
The installation manager or appointed person should carrier, in addition to the main lifting equipment;
prepare a set of procedures (see 4.7.5) ensuring that f) the attendant vessel can maintain station
cargo shipped from shore bases arrives in a alongside the installation and that heave, pitch and
condition that enables safe access for the vessel and excursion of the vessel are commensurate with the
installation crews and safe lifting by crane. The set ability of the crane to maintain a plumb load line;
of procedures should include instructions for: g) visual and radio communications are
a) a pennant to be us~d for lif?ng !oads b~tween \\ES6>.aintained throughout operations.
the supply vessel and mstallatlOn, if practicabl ~ ~ These provisions are for safe use of the crane only.
b) cargo to be containerized, if practicable,' ~ SIRI,.1 1 edi'ti'~~rOvi!onsth' such asdaI\personal Pbr~tefictive eq';riprnent,
containers conforming to BS 7072: 1989' « HA,~~n . ons .or .e au:en t v~,j ne ng req~ernents, etc.,
, ~ BER should be contained m the operational safety polIcy for the
C) securing cargo within the container, at a ~o ' ation.
centralized point of balance; ~lvl ~
'i;;o;;;;;;~tr.4 Pennant selection
d) accurately defining and labelling the contents
and total weight of containers, and recording on The appointed person should select the pennant
the shipping manifest; taking the following into account:
e) loading dangerous or hazardous materials a) the single part rope or chain should be of
securely, in containers designed for safe handling sufficient length and rated capacity margin of
and shipment, in accordance with The Control of slack for safe connection to the heaviest load
Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988; identified on the manifest;
f) all cargo to be pre-slung and the slings to be b) the working load limit should not be less than
identified with a current certificate of fitness for the heaviest load identified on the manifest;
purpose; c) the load connector and all terminations should
i iiii
g) bundling drilling tubulars separately according
to size or length;
h) conspicuously marking heavy containers
carrying dangerous or hazardous materials or
be snag-free in operation at all times;
d) the pennant should be suitable for use in a
corrosive saline marine environment;
loads, to enable visual identification by the crane e) the pennant should be load tested and certified
appropriate for the operation;
Ul operator prior to lifting from the supply vessel;
* i) positioning cargo on the supply vessel so as to f) the pennant should be highly visible.
permit lifting onto the installation in a sequential 5.3.5 Access and egress
and disciplined manner; The crane operator should ensure that walkways are
j) providing the crane operator with a copy of the kept free of standing water, ice, oil based fluids, trip
shipping manifest, detailing the cargo, its weight hazards and obstructive items, and that cleaning
and any distinctive markings, before the arrival of materials and equipment are available.
the supply vessel at the installation;
Walkways should not be used as storage areas (e.g.
k) designating cargo laydown areas on the for drummed substances).
installation, in advance of the lifting operation, and
taking care that the areas are adequate to carry Access and egress systems should be illuminated at
the weight of the cargo, and that personnel access all times and supplemented with emergency lighting
ways or emergency escape routes are not maintained to operating standard.
inhibited 5.3.6 Constraints on the installation
5.3.3 Raising and lowering ofpersonnel To minimize the risk of dangerous occurrences, the
Raising or lowering of personnel by offshore cranes areas of the installation over which the crane may
with carriers such as personnel baskets, inspection move should be specified.
carriers and small sea-going craft should be Procedures for crane movements should be provided
performed in accordance with procedures approved by the appointed person, and should include the
by the duty holder. following:
The procedures should ensure, as appropriate, that: a) identification of prohibited, hazardous and
a) the crane operator, signaller and crew of the restricted areas;
attendant vessel are trained in the procedures for b) sensitivities and tolerances of plant and
safe personnel transfer; equipment to swinging loads and/or dropped loads,
b) the crane is approved for such use; and any consequential effects;
c) the environmental conditions are within the c) an assessment of the risks of the type of load;
defined limits for safe operation; d) the proximity of personnel in the work place,
d) the dedicated personnel carrier is inspected, personnel access ways and emergency escape
tested and certified fit for use as lifting equipment; routes;

© BSI 1998 9
BS 7121-11:1998

e) identification of primary and secondary load b) Regular inspections

set-down areas; If cranes are in regular service, the frequency of
f) helicopter movements; inspection depends on the type of crane,
g) movements of other cranes on the installation; components and systems, exposure to
h) well-slot movement of the drilling derrick; environmental effects, wear during operation and
i) environmental conditions; the consequences of failure (for example, cranes
with open friction drives are likely to be less
j) other interfacing activities, including lifeboat
tolerant to environmental factors than cranes with
drills, maintenance work and stowing the crane's
fully enclosed drive systems, and therefore
boom in its rest (see 5.3.7).
inspections should take account of this). Regular
5.3.7 Emergency procedures checks include:
,/ .<~." . ency procedures should be provided by the 1) operational checks (visual checks carried out
/ ~ ~POin ed person for the following situations: by the crane operator prior to starting the crane
s\(\~:a) .. g operations; and during operation);
...:.' ~) W II service operations;
2) frequent checks (checks at daily to monthly
intervals, including operational checks);
;«.~. tallation shutdown and planning;
3) periodic checks (monthly to six-monthly
emergency helicopter operations; checks, including frequent inspection schedules
e) extreme environments (wind, snow, ice, and any statutory requirements).
fog, etc.).
c) Six-monthly thorough examination
All key personnel should be conversant with these
procedures. Six-monthly thorough examinations should involve
routine assessments, by a competent person, of
5.3.8 Crane out of service critical crane elements, scheduled adjustments and
Cranes taken out of operational service should be possible overhaul of equipment, regular inspection
stowed in accordance with ~ manufacturer's or schedules and statutory requirements. Whenever
company recommendations. considered necessary by the competent person,
thorough examinations should be supplemented by
the following:
6 Inspections, examinations, tests and 1) non-destructive testing on the condition of
checks any part of the crane;
6.1 Regular inspections, examinations, tests 2) opening of concealed or encased parts by a
and checks skilled person.
Six-monthly thorough examinations should
6.1.1 Test programme confIrm that all mechanisms function correctly and
Operational safety of the crane and its equipment that the crane is safe for further use. All safety
should be maintained by implementing a planned limit switches should be checked for correct
programme of inspections, examinations and tests operation.
and checks, and an organized approach to corrective d) Four-yearly tests and thorough examinations
action. A test programme should be established by a
Statutory requirements for use of offshore cranes competent person to ensure that each element in
should be adhered to (see annex C). the crane's structural and mechanical primary load
Lifting gear should be tested prior to first use and carrying system is load tested (all new cranes
thoroughly inspected and examined at intervals. should be load tested prior to frrst use). The
Inspections, examinations and tests of specialized competent person should ensure the test
crane vessels should be carried out in accordance programme includes tests given on the original test
with the certifying authority's specifications and the certificate, supplemented if necessary by any
statutory requirements in annex C. testing due to major structural or mechanical
repairs or modification to the crane.
The following inspections, examinations, tests and
checks should be carried out: 6.1.2 Test conditions
a) Initial inspections and tests The competent person should ensure that all test
programmes are carried out in accordance with
Prior to flISt time use on the installation, the crane approved company procedures. Test programmes
should be inspected and load tested by a should include the following:
competent person, in accordance with the relevant
statutory requirements, following procedures a) a pennit to work system, with the test area
specified by the crane manufacturer. clearly enclosed with warning notices preventing
access by unauthorised personnel;
NOTE These inspections and tests are additional to any
inspections and tests perfonned at the crane manufacturer's b) a test area with capacity to support setting
test site. down of test weights;

10 © BSI 1998
BS 7121-11:1998

.. ~

c) a test area that allows all the crane's Overloads should be kept as low to the deck as
mechanical drive and structural elements to be possible (lOO mm to 200 mm) and should not be
subjected to the test loads for all motions of the raised to pass over obstructions. If obstructions
crane (if there are obstructions, the competent exist, alternative tests should be carried out on the
person should consider alternative tests in the crane's performance in that position, or restrictions
obstructed area, and, if these are not possible, should be applied to use of the crane [see 6.1.2c)].
then use of the crane should be restricted to the The test programme should be arranged so that each
tested areas, and this should be endorsed load bearing component is tested once, to save
accordingly on the test certificate, with details of repetition (e.g. to test the hoist mechanism and
the crane's restricted use posted in the operator's brakes, a single overload should be applied on
compartment); maximum line pull).
d) environmental conditions appropriate for Linear dimensions should be measured to ensure
testing the crane throughout the test programme; that loads are applied at the correct position (the
e) the crane and any associated lifting attachment crane instrumentation should not be used for this).
correctly configured, inclusive of the correct With the jib set at maximum working radius (i.e.
counterweight and number of falls of rope as minimum working load), the rated capacity load for
specified by the crane manufacturer, with all the radius should be applied and the crane operated
safety devices and systems of the crane . through all motions at the slowest speed. The load
working order; ~~ should be raised sufficiently to ensure that each
f) a test load conforming to statutory ~ S\\".\w. <!; tooth in the train of gears is subjected to the load,
requirements, with test weights of a c itd",.. p..v.:;" and the load then held in the brake. The load should
accuracy of ±I %; 1$-0 ~....Q>' be increased by 25 % and the procedures repeated.
NOTE If water weights are used, the potential 10 ~ h The jib should be set at minimum working radius


water volumes and consequential hazards to personnel and
flooding of the installation should be considered prior to use.
g) load testing carried out with extreme care, with 6 4
all crane motions tested in isolation at the lowest
and the procedures repeated, at the maximimum
rated capacity and with the overload.
.1. Thorough examination
speed; On completion of the test in 6.1.3, a thorough
examination conforming to 6.1.Ic) should be carried
h) test loads kept as close as possible to the deck out, including:
(lOO mm to 200 mm), without passing over or
interfering with any obstruction on the installation; a) a detailed examination by a competent person
to ensure that the crane is safe for use;
i) measurement of the crane's test radius and test b) if necessaIY, dismantling of parts of the crane
weights by independent means, i.e., without using by a skilled person.
the crane's instrumentation (the crane's
instrumentation should be validated at the same The examination should be carried out with the
time, by the independent means); crane both operating and at rest.
j) during major repairs or change-out of brakes 6.1.5 CertiJication
and clutches, individual function testing to the full If the crane passes the tests in 6.1.2 to 6.1.4, the
load torque capacity without slip for a duration competent person should issue a certificate
specified by the crane manufacturer. confIrming this.
After load testing, the crane should be thoroughly 6.1.6 Inspection of cranes not in regular use
examined by the competent person to assess that the Company and manufacturer's inspection procedures
test loads have not caused any structural or and all statutory requirements should be carried out
mechanical damage, and that the crane is safe on cranes not in regular use.
for use.
6.1.7 DeJiciencies arising from inspections
6.1.3 Test procedures DefIciencies arising from inspections should be
Specialized crane vessels may be tested by lifting a reported to the appointed person. The appointed
prepared barge of known weight. Care should be person should assess whether safe crane
exercised to ensure that the crane vessel is correctly performance is affected. If safe crane performance is
trimmed by coordinated control of water ballast affected, the crane should be removed from
during the lifting operation. For cranes mounted on operational service and caution notices posted in the
barges or pontoons, testing should be carried out in cabin and at key points of access until the defIciency
accordance with annex D. is rectified.
All load bearing components of the crane should be If major repairs or modifIcations are undertaken to
tested at all crane motions. structural or mechanical components, thorough
examinations, followed by function and load testing
and a further examination, should be conducted by
the competent person.

© BSI 1998 11
BS 7121-11:1998

6.1.8 Records 6.3 Post primemover start checks

Records of inspections, repairs, modifications, NDE The following post primemover start checks should
reports, and regular, annual and four-yearly be carried out:
inspections should be signed and dated by a a) crane control functions, communication
competent person. Details of tests arising from systems, annunciator and all safety devices
repairs, modifications or change-out of primary load (particularly rated capacity indicator) and GOP
path components, or because of requirements from systems for correct setting for the crane
certifying bodies should be recorded. configuration;
Records, together with inspection reports and b) oiVfuel pressure and oiVwater temperature
certificates provided by independent inspectors, instrumentation for diesel engines, torque
should be kept available on the installation and at converters, compressors and gearboxes, if
any other agreed location. applicable;
6.2 Operational checks c) hydraulic pipework for leaks, filter indicators
o . nal checks should be made visually by the for condition of their elements, and the
temperature of the hydraulic tank;

.\ le.Qperator. Check lists specific to the crane type

S<..~~d.r.~t§ '..~~r.tional ac~ivities should be. drawn up by

d) boost and main hydraulic circuit pressure for
ilu~;QPP'()m p~rson ID accordance WIth any
...../ :
each drive system of the crane;
'~~~hedul~- d pfocedures prescribed by the e) pumps and motors for undue noise or high
, tnpany/' crane manufacturer. temperatures;
. "'"
'- ' ...-...~...::-~.~.;",.--""

t) hydraulic rams for leaks and the general

condition of rod and anchor bearings;
g) air pressure and condition of air driers and
h) condition of diesel engine air filters, if
i) condition and effectiveness of brakes and
j) hook and blocks condition and function of
safety latch/locking devices;
k) winch drums for rope abrasion and mechanical
I) open gear and chain drive systems for wear and
tear and lubrication;
m) cabinets closed and/or locked.

12 © BSI 1998
BS 7121-11:1998

-- ~

Annex A (informative)
Beaufort scale of wind forces and related
sea states
The Beaufort scale of wind forces and related sea
states are given in Table AI.

Table A.I - Beaufort scale of wind forces and I/- -;;l~V: "a states
Wind force Sea state Wind speed at about 10 m heighta W~~lght'\ r~\ Description
m/s knots f to;~ S\?-\~Q
..._~,",il' ~ ~)J
0 - 0.4 1 -
~~ r~lllL Sea smface glassy or
~O.:iNI .. ~~----r-like; wind not related

1 - 0.5 to 1.4 1to3 -

- to any swell.
Light air. Sea smface rippled
in patches.
2 - 1.5 to 3.2 3to6 0.3 Light breeze. Sea surface
completely rippled,
miniature waves
3 1to2 3.3 to 5.3 6to 11 0.6 to 1 Gentle breeze. Small waves
with beginnings of scattered


, iiiii
4 2to3 5.4 to 8.0 11 to 16 1.5
Moderate breeze. Waves
with numerous whitecaps
spotting the surface.
5 4005 8.1 to 10.7 16 to 21 2.5 Fresh breeze. Waves with
en* prominent white crests;
* spray beginning to blow
from crests.
6 5to6 10.8 to 13.8 21 to 27 3003.5 Strong breeze. Waves with
numerous streaks of spray
blowing from foamy crests.
7 6to7 13.9 to 16.9 27 to 33 5 Moderate gale. Waves with
white foam whipped in the
direction of wind gusts.
8 7to8 17.000 20.6 33 to 40 6to8 Fresh gale. Extremely rough,
violent sea; dense foamy
waves with streaks showing
wind direction.
a For cranes 50 m to 100 m above LAT, the wind speed is approximately 15 % higher than shown.

© BSI 1998 13
BS 7121-11:1998

Annex B (informative)
Recommended s:i.gnaller's hand signals
The signaller should stand in a position clearly visible
to the crane operator, and from which the load can be
seen at all times,








Figure B.1 - Recommended signaller's hand signals

14 © BSI 1998
BS 7121-11:1998


- -



--- --- A


Figure B.l- Recommended signaller's hand signals (continued)


co BSI 1998 15
Annex C (nonnative)
Statutes for inspections, tests and thorough examinations of offshore cranes
Inspections, tests and thorough examinations should be carried out in accordance with the statutes and at the intervals given in Table C.l.

'.I8.ble C.I - Statutes for inspections, tests and thorough examinations of offshore cranes
Statute Interval R
Before erection, Before first ose Weekly Twelve-monthly Fourteen monthly Four-yearly After snbstantial
after adjnsments alterations or
or conditions repairs likely to
affecting affect strength or
anchorage or stability
The Docks Test and Test and Regulation Test and thorough
Regulations thorough thorough 15(1)(a) examination;
1988 SI 1655 examination; examination; Regulations
Regulations Regulations 14(l)(b) and
14(1)(a) 14(1)(a) 15(O(b)
and 15(1)(b) and 15(1)(b)
The Shipbuilding Test and Thorough Test and thorough
and Ship thorough examination; examination;
Repairing examination; Regulation 34(2) Regulation 34(1)
Regulations 1960 Regulation 34(1)
SI 1932 /~

The Factories Test and Thorough
Act 1961 thorough
Section 27(2)
(e,:~ nl)
, ,-" I

Section 27(6) (;;,' "i

';: . .. ;"\-.1.-".-::7

Table C.I - Statutes for inspections, tests and thorough examinations of offshore cranes (continued)
Before erection, Before first use Weekly 'l'tvelve-monWy Fourteen monthly Foor-yearly After substantial
after adjusments alterations or
or conditious repairs likely to
affecting affect strength or
_chorage or stability
The Construction Examination of Test and Inspection; Thorough Test and thorough Test and thorough
(Lifting anchorages thorough Regulation examination; examination; examination;
Operations) and/or ballasting; examination; 10(1)(c) Regulation 28(3) Regulation 28(1) Regulations 28(2)
Regulations Regulations 19(3) Regulation 28(1) and (3)
1961 SI 1581 and (7)b

Test of Test of automatic Inspection of

anchorages and safe load automatic safe
ballasting; indicators; load indicators;
Regulation 19(4)b Regulations 30(1) Regulations 30(1)
and3O(2)b and (2)b
Test automatic
safe working load
Regulations 30(1)
and (2)
The Merchant Thorough Thorough Thorough
Shipping examination and examination and examination and
(Hatches and test; test8(a) test;
Lifting Plant) Regulation 7(1)(a) Regulation 6(1)(b)
Regulation 1988
SI 1639
NOTE Reference should be made to the full text of the act or regulation indicated.
a A thorough examination should be carried out after a period of disuse of more than 2 months.
b For cranes affixed temporarily.
BS 7121-11:1998

Annex D (nonnative) D.I.4 If it is not possible to anchor the vessel to the

shore, the vessel should be anchored to a craft
Inspections, tests and examinations of alongside. Anchorage should be sufficiently free to
cranes mounted on barges or pontoons allow the vessel to take up a natural list in the water.
D.I General D.I.5 The rated capacity indicator of the crane should
be checked to ensure that any reductions and increase
D.I.I Cranes mounted on pontoons or barges should in radius due to listing of the vessel are taken into
be considered as a floating crane. The position of the account.
crane on the pontoon or barge affects the stability of
the combination, and this should be taken into D.I.6 For steam cranes, stability tests should be
account peIfonned with the fuel bunker and water tank empty,
and boiler water mid-way. The water tank should be
D.I.2 Information regarding the amount of list and refilled after the stability tests prior to overload testing.
free board allowed under rated capacity and overload
conditions should be provided by a competent person D.I.7 A thorough examination of the crane should be
or authority experienced in crane design and stability made before applying any loads. The examination
of craft. The manufacturer should be consulted on the should include verification that ties, supports,
effect on the crane's land based ratings whilst on the anchorages, ballast counterweight and load radius
barge or pontoon, so that excessive loads are not configuration confonn to the crane manufacturer's
applied on the structure when any part of the barge or specifications. A functional test should be carried out,
pontoon is at maximum list without load, to ensure correct operation of controls,
switches, contactors and other devices. Correct
D.I.3 The following should be ascertained before a<ljus1ment of brakes and limit switches should be
testing: checked, and tests carried out to ensure they operate
a) the allowable freeboard of the vessel; correctly.
b) the crane manufacturer's allowable rated capacity D.2 Stability margin
whilst working on the pontoon or barge (taking The stability margin for a crane mounted on a pontoon
account information obtained in accordance should be 50 0/0. Stability testing of the combination - ;
with D.I.2); should be carried out if the crane is derated from its
c) the amount and position of any ballast required; land based duties to achieve a stability margin of 50 %.
d) the depth of water below the keel of the vessel Test loads should not exceed 125 % of land based
(so that the vessel does not ground during the tests); duties.
e) the limiting weather and sea state specified by the
crane manufacturer, certifying authority or other Bibliography
competent person.
BS 7121-1:1989, Code of practice for sate use of
cranes - General.
BS 7262:1990, Automatic sate load indicators.

18 © BSI 1998
BS 7121-11:1998 ;:

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