Introduction to Initial Professional Training
DAY 01 Teachers’ role as a Facilitator and teaching as profession
DAY 02 Reflection Practice and Teaching Portfolio
DAY 03 Teacher’s personal philosophy of teaching and Job Description
of PSTs
DAY 04 Students’ Role as Active Learners
DAY 05 The 21st Century Learning Framework and Skills
The SE&LD, Government of Sindh has been emphasizing quality of
education at all levels. It is a fact that the enhancement of student
learning outcomes highly depends on the quality of teachers.
However, the quality of teaching and learning requires professional
capacity building of teachers. The need for professional capacity
building of teachers has been recognized at the policy level. The Goal
3: Programme 4 of the Sindh Education Sector Plan & Roadmap
(SESPR) 2019-24 has also emphasized the need for both the induction
training/initial professional development and continuous professional
development of teachers to improve quality of education in the
In this initial training, Everything is well-planned
Time Management
Active learning
These above bullets suggests that Initial training is smooth and brief.
In this introduction of training, we learned that teachers should
involve students in the each and every subjects. Student should he
made to participate and interact during class. The sole teachings is
useless in which teacher only lectures and students listen: that is
totally useless. In this training, we learned how to manage timings
during the class activity. Hence it helps to manage each and every
thing well.
During this training, we have learned how to be well-dress. This code
in training encourages teachers to bring dress code among students
so that every student remain in discipline. In the dress code, for
teachers, Government suggests traditional salwar kamiz and plan
shoes. This dressing code makes sense that when we all teachers go
back to the schools, we adopt the dress code for students.
Before reaching the center, I expected lectured training, but getting
registered, I have found that everything is based on participatory
approaches.. There will be no lecture form a trainer. He only
facilitates PSTs with appendix and make us involve in active learning
sessions. Collaboration, co-operation, group work, role play and
reflection are involved.
Professional Rules
Be punctual
No bullying
Eating anything is not allowed
Maintain code of conduct
No leave except emergency
No disturbance from outsiders
Pre&post test to observe levels
As a facilitator, the teacher’s job is to support every student to do their best
thinking and practice. As a facilitator, the teacher encourages the full
participation of students, promotes mutual understanding, and cultivates
shared responsibility among students..
Contribute to society
All these skills can be learned and taught with support system we
should bring to ourselves and others.