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Introduction to Initial Professional Training
 Objectives
 Themes
DAY 01 Teachers’ role as a Facilitator and teaching as profession
DAY 02 Reflection Practice and Teaching Portfolio
DAY 03 Teacher’s personal philosophy of teaching and Job Description
of PSTs
DAY 04 Students’ Role as Active Learners
DAY 05 The 21st Century Learning Framework and Skills

The SE&LD, Government of Sindh has been emphasizing quality of
education at all levels. It is a fact that the enhancement of student
learning outcomes highly depends on the quality of teachers.
However, the quality of teaching and learning requires professional
capacity building of teachers. The need for professional capacity
building of teachers has been recognized at the policy level. The Goal
3: Programme 4 of the Sindh Education Sector Plan & Roadmap
(SESPR) 2019-24 has also emphasized the need for both the induction
training/initial professional development and continuous professional
development of teachers to improve quality of education in the

In this initial training, Everything is well-planned

Time Management
 Activities
 Active learning
These above bullets suggests that Initial training is smooth and brief.
In this introduction of training, we learned that teachers should
involve students in the each and every subjects. Student should he
made to participate and interact during class. The sole teachings is
useless in which teacher only lectures and students listen: that is
totally useless. In this training, we learned how to manage timings
during the class activity. Hence it helps to manage each and every
thing well.

During this training, we have learned how to be well-dress. This code
in training encourages teachers to bring dress code among students
so that every student remain in discipline. In the dress code, for
teachers, Government suggests traditional salwar kamiz and plan
shoes. This dressing code makes sense that when we all teachers go
back to the schools, we adopt the dress code for students.

In the introduction of the class, after studying all the teaching

objectives superficially, I expect to achieve at the end of the induction
training. These are the following Objectives:
 Job description
 Teachers’ role as facilitator
 Reflective Practitioners
 To know curriculum; syllabus, scheme of studies and textbooks
 To asses the knowledge by hands-on activities to teach student
 To familiarize with government policies and rules and
 21st century learning skills: creative and critical thinking
 Pedagogical learning styles
 Multi-grade teaching etc.
 Formative and Summative assessment
 Cross-cutting themes such as career counciling, physical
punishment, and education in emergencies like flood tent
 Child development
 Test development
 Class room management
 Lesson planning
 Micro teaching/ teaching practicum

Before reaching the center, I expected lectured training, but getting
registered, I have found that everything is based on participatory
approaches.. There will be no lecture form a trainer. He only
facilitates PSTs with appendix and make us involve in active learning
sessions. Collaboration, co-operation, group work, role play and
reflection are involved.

Professional Rules
 Be punctual
 No bullying
 Eating anything is not allowed
 Maintain code of conduct
 Cleanliness
 No leave except emergency
 No disturbance from outsiders
 Pre&post test to observe levels

This training is of 24 days classroom participants and rest days of

the month will be on visiting classes of different schools
Reflection of Day 01

As a facilitator, the teacher’s job is to support every student to do their best
thinking and practice. As a facilitator, the teacher encourages the full
participation of students, promotes mutual understanding, and cultivates
shared responsibility among students..

As a facilitator, teachers also require a good understanding of processes, how

to enable group decision making, structuring agendas for appropriate results,
problem-solving, etc.


 Teaching is considered as a noble profession which prepares

students for their future life. Teachers do not only impart
knowledge and prepare students for annual examination but
inspire, educate, and prepare them for their practical life. There
are many teachers with passion who have dedicated their life to
prepare their students and make them successful human beings
in their practical life. These teachers are the role models for their
fellow teachers. Teaching profession demands teachers to
continue acquiring the desired professional knowledge, skills, and
attitude to teach students effectively. The following 7 are
strategies to the subject.

 Organized body of professional knowledge

 Social and moral purpose of teaching :

 Acquired professional qualification

 Capacity to make professional decisions

 Contribute to society

 Members of professional associations

Transformation of Teaching Profession

There is a general held opinion among t he majority of teachers
and others that teaching profession still doesn’t enjoy high
status in the society like medical doctors, engineers and others.
Read the followings:

 Civil society needs to value teaching profession.

 Revisit national professional standards for teachers.
 Attract the brightest graduates to teaching profession with
passion for learning and excellence along with their professional
 Transform teacher education including practicum/clinical
 Create opportunities for internship in educat ion institutions like
other professions.
This day was amazing: we learned teacher as supporter of others
and provide all needy things for the class sessions.
Reflection Of DAY 02
Reflection Practice and teaching Portfolio
Here in class, I learn to know our defects of previous through
past reflections what I utilized in past teaching. When I
participate in this training sessions, I come to know how to
reflect our teaching process during our tenure of teachings. First
we all read hand out and Made charts to represents all
questions mentioned in given hands out. The follwings were the

1)What is Reflective Practice?

2) How to reflect?
3) Why to Reflect?
4) How to use reflective Practice
5) Reflective Journals as Tool for Reflective Practice
6) Guidelines for Maintaining Reflective Journal

For discussions and performance, We in group seven made charts and

displayed on the wall. These activities were indeed interesting. We
really learn how and why to keep reflective journals of personal and
professionals. We studies different cases of teacher ; some were rude
and ego-centered who themselves consider only the best teacher
though students don’t get anything he teaches. In second case, a new
teacher by chance got job and started teaching without knowing this
profession. On third, We discuss a well-planned teacher who used to
keep reflective journals.
Definition o f Teaching Portfolio
A teaching portfolio is a record of the teachers’ professional
development. It illustrates teachers’ philosophy of teaching and the
overall approach to teaching and professional development. It is a
collection of materials that document Format of Teaching Portfolio
documents teaching performance.
teaching portfolio (or dossier) is a coherent set of material that represents
your teaching practice as related to student learning. “Teaching practice”
in its broadest sense extends beyond the obvious activities that go into
teaching a course to include all activities that enrich student.
In the session, MT divides us into different groups and the strategy of
dividing into groups that 1111 sit together, 2222 sit together 3333 sit
together and 4444 sit together . Hence, we read hands out/subject topic,
we critically made discussion interesting and then paint a chart on which
we write main points to present the other groups. And other groups do the
same and so on…….. through this strategy we all learn so many topics
consuming less time.
Reflection of DAY 03
Teachers’ Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Job Description
My teaching philosophy
it is to guide students through the learning process on the basis of
innovative technology. I want to help them find the best educational
websites, YouTube channels and others so that students instead of
consuming a lot of money on tuitions, they pay to internet and have
the best guidance, and teachings in which they are interested or want
to study to build their career.

In the class, we all trainee have different teaching philosophies:

 Reason to study(society)
 Through interesting story
 According to level of students
 By rewarding students
 Teaching moral and ethical values
 Punctuality of teacher and students matter a lot
 Need based work in class
 Learning things easy to difficult
 Individually learning
 Sometime passive learning
 Utilizing book reading
 Progress by doing
Job Description

On this day of reflection, we in groups discussed job description in

detail by making chart and presenting them in class.
Reflection of Day 04
Active learning

Active learning is participation of all the candidates in the class. It

brings everyone equal opportunity to polish their skills and improve
together. It covers weighty syllabus consuming less time, because in
group we divide topics. Everyone present different sub-topics of the
subject. One does not need to study all topics. This is also called think
pair and share activity. Hence whole syllabus is covered


During the session, we have discussed 21st century learning skills that
 Critical thinking
 Creativity
 Communication
 Collaboration
In this session, we have represented essential themes:
Global awareness: To know the education process, social norms,
business around the world and then try to adapt some flexible models
to develop in favor.
CIVIC LITERACY; learning to be a good citizen and a civilized person
who really cares rights and duties of everyone around.
HEALTH LITERACY: To make aware ourselves and others of cleanliness
and healthy diets. Mentally and physically fitness help is learn more
and easy.
ENVORONMENT LITERACY: learn to live in and generate supportive
environment so we and others feel comfort that is always caring and
sharing to one an other and surroundings.
development in ways of learning easily through gadgets and others
technological items.
LEADERSHIP AND RESPONSIBILITY: We all have hidden skills just need
to be polished to be a good leader and accountable of actions we do.
We should learn how to initiate innovative methods of leadership
what others need for their benefits .

All these skills can be learned and taught with support system we
should bring to ourselves and others.

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