Pptia C 5263
Pptia C 5263
Pptia C 5263
1. Innovation Details
Soundless Horn
Noise pollution one of the major cause of pollution has seen a rapid increase in the levels of
pollution due to the increase in use of vehicles all over the world and is tending to be a one of
the major concern that needs to be controlled by the human being apart from other polluting
factors. Noise pollution created by vehicles can lead to various disorders in human beings
and it could also harm human health drastically. Horn in vehicles are just used for alerting
neighbouring drivers and pedestrians so a different approach was drastically needed to
minimize the level of pollution created by the use horns all over the world. The use of
soundless horn can be implemented in all vehicles in order to reduce the increasing levels of
sound pollutions created by the increasing vehicles day by day.Soundless horns would make
use of RF and V2X technology to transmit data packets from one vehicle to other while
driving through road or highways. Using this technology a little or no sound pollution would
be created. The technology used makes use of cluster based routing protocol that is used to
make stable topology of unsteady vehicular networks.
1.1 Introduction
Generally, In today world along with other pollution the noise pollution is also a major cause
in decreasing the quality of life on earth which cause several problems to environment along
with effect on human.
In order to tackle such adverse effect of noise pollution we are trying to develop our idea
practically which will help us to live peacefully on earth.
Hence we are trying to reduce noise pollution by making soundless horn for vehicles that
produce no sound because we all know vehicles are one of major cause of noise pollution.
In this case our main aim is to make the vehicles soundless horn. For this general horn will be
replace horn with transmitter and receiver somewhere we will also use transceivers.
Generally we will try to generate RF signal of nearby vehicles inside the car that helps the
driver to receive sound as horn in term of signal produced by nearby vehicles.
1.2 Methodology
In our project we will try to reach our aim with the help of microcontrollers and RF
In this we will try to make our horn (soundless horn) as same as possible like traditional horn
so that it can be used efficiently.
In this we can also use atmaga328, AT-Mega 328P and AT-Mega 2560 microcontroller like
AVR based architecture microcontrollers for controlling the RF signal transmission and
And for communication in several vehicles we will use RF transceivers so that the
communication between them must be efficiently done. Since RF are available in various
range but we will select according to our needs based on the range required.
We will use receive for receiving RF wave signal so that transmitted signal may be received
by vehicle. We will also use transmitter so that a driver can generated RF wave with the help
of transmitter i.e. interfaced like traditional horn.
Generally we will use a transmitter and a receive in an individual of an vehicle can transmit
and receive signals. We also merge this technology with traditional horn by which initially
both the technology will run in market for research purpose. Because other vehicle also
contains the similar technology for implementation.
We will try to generate radio frequency and these RF signal will be generated by the
transmitting vehicles (output) and as input it will be receive by the nearby vehicles with the
help of receiver. RF signal that generated with horizontal polarization i.e. we are using
horizontal polarized antenna for RF transmission and reception then it can be converted into
omni-directional antennas for increasing range and orientation.
1.3 Novelty
Soundless horn is a novel idea that is still not be implemented in the past. In this project we
are trying to reduce noise pollution.
Along with that we have also seen that In some accident cause due to noise created by
traditional sound is that main reason, because in heavy traffic areas place a driver of any
individual vehicles may get confused and this leads to an accident.
In addition noise pollution is one of the major cause of many diseases and problems. In our
India so many adult become deaf at early age which is not a good sign for any country we all
know that youth is the most essential part of any country where it helps in development of a
This project will also add on to the dream of our Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi in
terms of making India digital. So we can say that this project a step towards digital India.
1.4 Contributions
The individual contribution of various members of the team in achieving this milestone needs
to be mentioned using Table 1.
Table 1 Individual Contributions
Participant Full Name Contributions to this work
1 Dharamraj singh parihar Coding
2 Gaurav shastri Coding
3 Rahul sharma Research & paper Work
4 Ashwin rathod Marketing
5 Prateek jaiswal. Hardware
For receiver:
1. RF signal received at the transceiver
2. Microcontroller detect and analyse the received the signal
3. Buzzer logic turn on
1.6.2 Flow Chart: For transmitter
Transceiver Signal
Sent to Driver
RF Signal Sent
Polarization and
frequency check
Buzzer ON
1.7 Prototype
Under development stage.
1.8 Business Model
Our target customers are automobile industry that implements this concept for the novel
cause to reduce the noise pollution.
We also target to the government agencies to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to get
some support for implementation of this project in vehicles.
1.9 Cost Estimate
Approximately 5000/- INR (Indian Rupee)
2. Team Details
Participan Full Class/Departme Email ID PhoneNo.
t No Name nt
1 Gaurav III/EC [email protected] 7828093002
2 Ashwin III/EC [email protected] 8357905770
3 Dharamraj III/EC [email protected] 9340232628
4 Rahul III/EC [email protected] 7015394784
5 Prateek III/EC [email protected] 8269824321
3. Mentor Details
(The faculty/staff supervisor who helped you achieve this. Only one name may be indicated)
Full name with title Designation Department Employee Id of the
Mr. Atul Singh Kushwah Assistant Electronics & 1099
Professor Communication
4. Institution Details
Name of the Affiliation to Place District State Country Pin code
institution Board/University if not in
Indore RGPV Bhopal Indore Indore M.P 453331
Institute of