Fluvial Design Guide - Chapter 1.sflb
Fluvial Design Guide - Chapter 1.sflb
Fluvial Design Guide - Chapter 1.sflb
So in the context of this guide, ‘design’ activities address the management of the asset throughout its
whole lifecycle. The term design therefore encompasses:
New design – often the easiest design activity and one for which the designer starts with a clean
Design for refurbishment or change of performance – design for the adaptation, upgrading,
rehabilitation or decommissioning of assets within existing fluvial systems, following an
assessment of their condition and performance. The constraints imposed by the existing system
and its wider environment will have a strong influence on the achievement of the design
objectives. This is the more common context for fluvial design.
Design for operation and maintenance – for example, to address cracking in a masonry wall.
All these design activities may require the design of temporary works (for example, cofferdams and
stream diversions) as part of the construction process.
The outputs from design activities can be wide-ranging and may include:
design notes;
calculations (including computer analyses);
output from a mathematical model;
operation and maintenance (O&M) guidance and manuals.
All these are needed in different proportions to define the design concepts and to convey them to those
carrying out the physical works on the site during the construction period and throughout the
functional life of the asset.
It is essential that designers of works in fluvial systems appreciate the extent to which the works can
impact on the wider environment and thereby affect other users of the system. Consideration of these
impacts is an essential part of producing sustainable designs – and in identifying opportunities for
enhancements to the environment – as well as recognising the constraints they impose.
In the particular context of flood risk management, recent developments have led to the adoption of
the ‘source–pathway–receptor’ conceptual model to improve the understanding of flooding
mechanisms. These terms are defined in the glossary and the concept is illustrated in Figure 1.4. This
fluvial design guide deals principally with the source and pathway elements. It does not address the
design of local measures to protect individual properties against flooding.
1.3.1 Overview
The fluvial design process is objective-led. The need for design is usually identified from an
inadequate standard of performance, operational inefficiency or an asset reaching the end of its life.
The design process commences by:
understanding and defining the performance objectives of the asset;
identifying an optimum solution for achieving these objectives;
presenting these in such a way that the asset can be built and managed over its design life (see
Section 1.4.4).
Once the design objectives are clearly defined, the nest step is to assess the current and expected future
performance of the system in the light of these objectives. This may involve surveys, investigations
and assessment of historic records. If the need for intervention to achieve a new performance standard
is identified, options for achieving this are then developed and assessed to identify the preferred
solution. The preferred option is then designed in sufficient detail to enable its implementation.
Although the design process finishes before the implementation, it must provide information to:
allow the asset to be constructed;
guide its operation, maintenance, future upgrading and decommissioning.
Designing in the fluvial environment involves interaction with many people who have varied interests
concerning the natural, managed and built environments. Understanding their needs and incorporating
these into the process is crucial to achieving solutions that are appropriate and acceptable. The
supporting consultation, risk and data management processes are discussed further in Section 1.3.3.
Performance objectives
Once the need for intervention is identified, it is important to capture this in a set of performance
objectives (if they do not exist already) that set the higher level focus of the design decisions and
outputs, and the benchmark against which the implemented solutions will be evaluated. Examples of
these for a new sluice structure could include the ability to pass a particular flow for a given head and
the facility to allow migration of particular fish species.
those with operational responsibilities or powers to manage or carry out works to maintain the
functional performance of the fluvial systems;
those that regulate aspects of the systems;
those that are directly affected by management activities.
The main organisations relevant to fluvial design works in England and Wales include:
Natural England, Countryside Council for Wales, English Heritage and Cadw (the historic
environment service of the Welsh Assembly Government) – in relation to the regulation and
protection of the natural and historic environment;
regulatory functions of the Environment Agency – for issues affecting fisheries, ecology,
recreation, pollution prevention, waste, water resources and flood risk management;
local planning authorities – in relation to requirements for planning or other consents;
navigation authorities such as British Waterways and the Environment Agency;
landowners, occupiers and local population potentially affected by the design works, including
by access to works;
managers or regulators of other utilities or major infrastructure networks such as county
councils (highways and public rights of way), Network Rail (railway infrastructure), Transco
(gas pipelines) and the relevant electricity and telecommunications companies;
local conservation and recreation interests such as wildlife trusts, angling and boating clubs.
The success of the consultation process relies on:
having a clear consultation plan;
ensuring adequate records are kept;
making genuine efforts to take on board feedback while maintaining the primary objective of
the design.
Advice on appropriate consultation approaches is available in Sustainable flood and coastal erosion
risk management (Wade et al, 2007).
The starting point of any intervention within the fluvial environment is ensuring a clear understanding
of the higher level policies, strategies and plans that relate to the associated system. It is then
important to develop appropriate management solutions in line with the wider strategic approach.
System interactions
The hydraulic behaviour of a fluvial system is interactive, with the conditions or characteristics of one
part of the system having effects on the flows and levels within other parts. For example, a constricted
part of the system reduces the conveyance through it, thereby affecting the water levels upstream.
These changes may also affect the transport of sediments and debris within the system. Such changes
could lead to sediment deposition and associated loss of conveyance in some areas and sediment
starvation or riverbank scour in others.
The effect of constrictions becomes marked at larger flows and even more significant if the
constriction is surcharged or restricted by blockage. The extent of the impact on upstream levels
depends on the backwater effect, while its significance depends on the effect of the raised water levels
on the potential pathways into the receptor area. These effects can range from the direct effect of water
level and waves leading to overtopping of the riverbank or flood embankment, to increased water
forces leading to piping, structural damage or a breach of the defences (see Section 1.4.3).
The interactive nature of a fluvial system demands the assessment of the performance interventions
and management interventions applied to it at a system scale, with the extent of the system or
subsystem being determined by the relevant area of hydraulic or other influence. See Chapter 7 for
more detailed information about hydraulic analysis.
Aspects of performance requirement during extreme events may include a serviceability requirement
(such as limiting overtopping of some footpath or road to a maximum rate of overtopping for a
specified probability of occurrence) or a requirement for safe overtopping up to some higher flow.
The continued performance and reliability of assets and their associated systems are affected by
uncertainties and deterioration over time. These aspects and how they can be managed or accounted
for in design are discussed below.
Every design process has to deal with uncertainty. It can be helpful to distinguish different types of
uncertainty, as this determines the best way to handle it:
Uncertainty in nature – caused by the huge complexity of interaction inherent to natural
systems. An example of this is climate change and its likely impact on flood risk.
Knowledge uncertainty – resulting from limitations in our knowledge of the state of a physical
system, and our ability to measure and model it. Two types of knowledge uncertainty can be
Statistical uncertainty – for example, the uncertainty in determining the severity of an
extreme discharge resulting from the extrapolation of a limited dataset and from the
selection of the probability distribution.
Process model uncertainty – for example, the uncertainty caused by the fact that numerical
models are not perfect, including the uncertainty about climate change.
More detailed guidance on types of uncertainty is provided in Risk, performance and uncertainty in
flood and coastal defence – A review (Sayers et al, 2003).
The best way to analyse uncertainty in fluvial design depends on the type of uncertainty under
consideration. In a general sense, it is important to make uncertainty explicit: it is good practice to go
through the design process using the best estimate of each parameter, while keeping track of all the
uncertainties that are encountered along the way. It is also important that the uncertainties are clearly
communicated as part of the design outputs.
Where uncertainties are explicitly allowed for (for example, by the inclusion of freeboard in a defence
height), the assumptions made should be clearly recorded. This will enable future design and
operational decisions to be based on a full understanding of the original design. For example, how the
information on uncertainty is used in designing trigger levels for evacuation during a flood warning
may differ from how uncertainty is used when determining the design crest level for a flood defence.
A specific way to understand the effect of uncertainty on the robustness of the design solution is by
using sensitivity or scenario analyses – as is typically used to take into account the process model
uncertainty related to climate change. The end result of this analysis should be, for each relevant
design input parameter, a best estimate plus an understanding of the uncertainty.
There are two principal approaches to dealing with uncertainty during fluvial design:
the precautionary approach (conservative design);
the managed/adaptive approach (flexible design).
The approach in conservative design is to increase the certainty of performance. A typical simple
example is to design a defence with a higher crest than the design water level through the addition of a
freeboard. This approach is generally suitable for managing uncertainty in nature (natural variability).
The other approach is flexible design. For uncertainties with time components such as climate change,
this means ensuring the designs can easily be adapted over time as circumstances change or
knowledge improves. Examples include accommodating future raisings of crest level by designing a
floodwall with stronger foundations, or a flood embankment with a wider crest than currently required.
Where uncertainties can directly impact on performance (such as statistical uncertainty about extreme
discharges), flexible design can involve resilience measures such as crest and landward slope
protection with a view to reducing the risk of catastrophic failure.
Staged design and construction can also be used where the analyses of the sensitivities or future
scenarios show that different solutions or parts of solutions are appropriate for each one. This allows
aspects of work to be carried out now that meet the current need, but without preventing the
implementation of future approaches when trends become clearer. With such an approach, it is
important to understand the points in time at which the next design decisions have to be made in order
to allow enough time for scheme development and implementation. These approaches are particularly
appropriate for managing knowledge uncertainty.
In reality, the optimum solution is usually a combination of these different methods; a certain level of
freeboard to take account of statistical uncertainty, with resilient designs and provisions to make later
improvements practicable. The decision about this balance should be based on whole-life
considerations, including the feasibility and costs of major improvement.
Design has to take account of the whole life of the assets, including how they deteriorate.
Deterioration includes any physical process that the asset undergoes and which impairs its
Deterioration of an asset’s flood risk reduction function is directly related to its failure modes. For
example, lowering of the defence crest through settlement can cause overtopping at lower water levels
than intended, resulting in larger overtopping flows than expected and perhaps causing a breach.
Animal infestation can increase the probability of piping, which can again lead to a breach. Similarly,
siltation of a watercourse or blockage of a culvert can reduce conveyance capacity, leading to higher
water levels than expected for a given flow.
The consideration of deterioration in design typically leads to two types of design criteria:
minimising deterioration by the choice of materials and structure types;
taking deterioration into account by considering the expected design life and the need for (and
ease of) inspection and repair.
An example of the choice of materials would be the use of imported high quality rock for a revetment
rather than locally available poor quality stone that would break down quickly under hydraulic forces.
An example of allowing for deterioration would be increasing the thickness of steel in a sheetpile wall
to allow for corrosion over the life of the structure (30 to 50 years). Both of these have cost
implications, but the savings in future costs and disruption make the extra initial investment
more detail in Chapters 3 to 5. The Water Framework Directive sets out important legislation with
respect to the ecological status of water bodies, and places strict limits on what are the acceptable
impacts of river works. Fluvial design works should always aim to enhance the overall ecological
status of the affected watercourses.
Wider impacts such as climate change and energy use should also be considered. It is already clear
that anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions are leading to climate change. The management options
we choose, and how they are designed, have a significant impact on the carbon footprint associated
with their implementation and whole-life management.
The role of the options appraisal and the design process in reducing such impacts cannot be
overemphasised. Subsequent stages, in which the chosen design solutions are being implemented,
generally afford less scope for reduction. A good example of this is given in Chapter 9, where the use
of compressed tyre bales in a flood embankment reduced the need for imported earth fill and avoided
thousands of tyres going to landfill.
Design can be used to:
reduce energy use;
make operation and maintenance activities more efficient;
make better use of materials (including minimising the use of primary materials and aggregates,
and the waste generated);
facilitate eventual decommissioning.
The planning and design process needs to include an understanding of the local availability of
materials and sustainable construction and operational processes, and to design around them as much
as practicable. Approaches to realising environmental opportunities, reducing environmental impacts
and improving the sustainability of flood risk management, including case studies, can be found in
Sustainable flood and coastal erosion risk management (Wade et al, 2007).
1 Fluvial design must be sustainable. It must aim to work with natural processes and meet the
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. Consequently, all fluvial design work must aim to:
avoid negative impacts to the river system and users of it;
be efficient in its use of resources;
maximise opportunities for win–win scenarios.
2 Fluvial design must consider all stages in the lifecycle of the intervention – not only its primary
role during its operational life, but also the construction stage at the beginning, its operational and
maintenance requirements, and the decommissioning stage at the end.
3 Fluvial design must include engagement with all stakeholders from the early stages of a project.
This allows early identification of project opportunities and risks. It also helps to ensure that
nothing is overlooked, reduces the risk of conflicts arising, and promotes ‘ownership’ of the
project, which may be important once when the scheme is in operation.
4 Fluvial design must adopt a systems approach. It has to look at the complete river system
insofar is it can be affected by, or may have an impact on, the proposed interventions. This
includes potential interaction with surface drainage systems.
5 Fluvial design must be performance-based. It has to take account of the mechanisms that can
cause failure of the assets to perform as intended. This is relevant for defence assets and their
function to defend against flooding, but also for watercourses and their function to convey water.
It is also relevant for other functions such as facilitating navigation or improving aquatic habitat.
6 Fluvial design must consider the full range of loading conditions that the asset is likely to meet
in its design life. Traditionally the practice has been to adopt a design condition such as the 1%
annual probability flood and to focus exclusively on this. Such an approach is no longer
acceptable and the designer must examine both lower flow conditions (which are much more
likely to occur) and extreme floods beyond the design event, in order to reduce the risk of
catastrophic failure and other adverse impacts.
7 Fluvial design must be flexible and adaptable. We cannot accurately predict the future,
particularly in terms of global climatic change. Designs should therefore be flexible and adaptable
so that changes can be made readily at a later date, if necessary, rather than fully designing now
in an attempt to meet an uncertain future requirement.
8 Fluvial design must take account of the inherent uncertainty associated with natural events and
our understanding of them. Designs should be robust and resilient, so that they provide the
required level of service now and in the future.
Key references
Health and Safety Executive (2007). Managing health and safety in construction. Construction
(Design and Management) Regulations 2007. Approved code of practice. HSE.
This approved code of practice provides practical advice on how to comply with the duties set out in the CDM
Regulations, including that of a designer. Advice within the code can help ensure health and safety is integrated
into the whole life management of fluvial design from the start, and not an afterthought or bolt-on extra. This
enables early identification of hazards, so they can be eliminated or reduced at the planning and design stages.
Robinson, A, Ogunyoye, F, Guthrie, G, Burgess, T, Brown, C, Chatterton, J and Rickard, C (2007).
Improving data and knowledge management for effective integrated flood and coastal erosion risk
management - A guide to good practice. Defra/Environment Agency R&D Technical Report
Other references
Buijs, F, Simm, J, Wallis, M and Sayers, P (2007). Performance and reliability of flood and coastal
defences, Joint Defra/Environment Agency Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Research &
Development Programme, R&D Technical Report FD2318/TR1. Defra. Available from:
Communities and Local Government (2006). Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and flood
risk. The Stationery Office. Available from:
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (2005). Making space for water. Taking forward
a new Government strategy for flood and coastal erosion risk management in England. First
Government response to the autumn 2004 ‘Making space for water’ exercise. Defra. Available from:
Institution of Civil Engineers (1996). Land drainage and flood defence responsibilities, 3rd edition.
Thomas Telford.
Woods-Ballard, B, Kellagher, R, Martin, P, Jefferies, C, Bray, R and Shaffer, P (2007). The SUDS
manual, Report C697. CIRIA.