(i) Please answer the questions in your own words not the words in the book or other
sources. You need to paraphrase. You will be penalized for using wording directly
from the book or other sources.
(ii) You are not allowed to use laptop or mobile phone during the exam.
(iii) You may use the textbook and/or paper copies of Power point slides from class sessions
or other handouts
(iv) Please write clearly or type in the space provided under each question.
(v) You must answer all the questions.
Test and assessment are used interchangeably, but they do mean something different. A test is a “product”
that measures a particular behavior or set of objectives. Meanwhile assessment is seen as a procedure in-
stead of a product. Assessment is used during and after the instruction has taken place.
2. Define five different types and purposes of language tests. Which ones do you apply in your class
and why? Give relevant examples. 10
There are five main types of language assessments — aptitude, diagnostic, placement, achievement, and
proficiency tests. I mostly use achievement tests, because an achievement test evaluates a student's lan-
guage knowledge to show how their learning has progressed.
3. What are the principles of assessment? Explain why it is important to follow them. 10
Validity, reliability, practicality, Authenticity. Each of the qualifications focuses on a particular process
of assessment. However, all four of the qualifications require a learner to show their knowledge and un-
derstanding of the functions, principles and key concepts of assessment. This blog outlines the main
points a learner should know about assessment.
4. Define Summative and formative assessment and give your examples. Provide examples from your
own experience as a teacher or as a learner? 10
Formative assessment refers to tools that identify misconceptions, struggles, and learning gaps along the
way and assess how to close those gaps. It can include students assessing themselves, peers, or even the
instructor, through writing, quizzes, conversation, and more. Summative assessments evaluate student
learning, knowledge, proficiency, or success at the conclusion of an instructional period, like a unit,
course, or program. Summative assessment can be used to great effect in conjunction and alignment with
formative assessment, and instructors can consider a variety of ways to combine these approaches.
6. What are the stages of designing listening and reading tests. What kind of tasks do you use in each
stage of designing them? 5
The listening process involves four stages: receiving, understanding, evaluating, and responding
7. Define holistic and analytic scales for assessing productive skills. Discuss advantages and disadvan-
tages of each scale.
5 points
Analytic assessment involves assessing different aspects of student performance, such as mechanics,
grammar, style, organisation, and voice in student writing. Alternatively, holistic assessment means mak-
ing an overall assessment, considering all criteria simultaneously. Advantages : Emphasis on what the
learner is able to demonstrate, rather than what s/he cannot do. Saves time by minimizing the num-
ber of decisions raters make. Can be applied consistently by trained raters increasing reliability. The main
disadvantage of a holistic rubric is that it doesn't provide targeted feedback to students, which means
they're unlikely to learn much from the assignment.
8. Discuss types of feedback you learned in the classroom. Which ones do you use in your class? Give
relevant examples from your experience.
Feedback can take many forms such as oral, written, informal, formal, descriptive, evaluative, peer
and self-assessed feedback. I use in my class mostly oral, informal, formal feedback.
9. The following writing task was given to year 1 business students at a university.
These days many people prefer to online dating to traditional face-to-face one. What’s your view?
Which one do you prefer?
Write an essay.
I think even the most diehard online dating enthusiast would much rather
just meet a lovely stranger, have an instant connection face to face and go
off into the sunset. I know I would. But a lot of that relies on chance, whilst
the appeal of apps is control, choice and convenience. Online dating can be
better if you are not confident enough and it is difficult for you to directly
approach a person and get to know each other. Or you don’t have much
time to meet people out of work.
If you do decide going online is a good route there are some options. On-
line dating in some ways takes away some fear and can allow you to meet a
lot more people.
I don't think either is better. You can't claim one couples relationship is
more valid or meaningful than another's based on how they met. I think
most of us would prefer an organic, unengineered, spontaneous meeting of
hearts, but it just hasn't been happening for us thus far so we're enjoying
the use of apps instead whilst still keeping an eye out for in person chem-
10. A foreign translation company has entered the Kazakhstani market. They would like to hire 10 em-
ployees. They have asked you, as a language expert, to help them with examining their candidates’ Eng-
lish languages skills.
Explain what sort of assessment tasks (Type of test) you would set to assess candidates’ English language
skills. Provide examples of the tasks.
Diagnostic Tests can include Progress, Achievement and Proficiency tests, enabling teachers to identify
specific weaknesses/difficulties so that an appropriate remedial programme can be planned. Diagnostic
Tests are primarily designed to assess students' knowledge & skills in particular areas before a course of
study is begun. Reference back to class-work. Motivation. Remedial work.
25 points