1. Name of Procuring Agency National Transmission and Despatch Co. Ltd
(NTDCL) 2. Method of Procurement International Competitive Bidding (ICB) 3. Title of Procurement PROCUREMENT OF TRANSMISSION LINE TOWER MATERIAL UNDER NTDC’s OWN RESOURCES. 4. Tender Inquiry No. TLM-12®-2021 5. PPRA Ref No. TS454060E 6. Date & Time of Bid Closing 27/07/2021 02:00 P.M. 7. Date & Time of Bid Opening Technical: 27/07/2021 02:30 P.M. Financial: To be opened 8. No of Bids Received 04 Nos. 9. Criteria for Bid Evaluation Evaluation and Comparison of Bid as per Section-I “Instructions to Bidders” of Bidding Documents 10. Details of Bid(s) Evaluation
Name of the Bidders Marks Technical Remarks
Evaluation Result Technical Financial (If (Responsive/Non- (If Applicable) Responsive) Applicable) M/s. Changshu Fengan Recommended Power Equipment Co. Ltd., NIL NIL Responsive for price bid China opening M/s. Imedexsa, Spain Recommended NIL NIL Responsive for price bid opening M/s. Qingdao Qiangli Steel Recommended Structure Co., Ltd., China NIL NIL Responsive for price bid opening M/s. SA-RA Energy Recommended Construction Trade & NIL NIL Responsive for price bid Industry Co. Inc., Turkey opening
11. Bidders declared technically responsive All of above
12. Any other additional/supporting information, the procuring agency may like to share NIL
Note: The above evaluation results are based on detailed Bid Evaluation Report (BER) and correct to best of our knowledge, however, in case of any discrepancy, the content of original BER shall prevail. Further the information is being published under PPRA Rules Revised June-2021 for information of all stakeholders.