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Nama Sekolah : SMA N 9 PURWOREJO

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas               : XI (Sebelas)
Semester          : 1 (Satu)
Tahun Ajaran   : 2013/2014

No Standar Kompetensi Dasar Soal Indicator Jumlah Bentuk Tingkat

Kompetensi Soal Soal Kesulitan
1. Membaca Merespon makna dan A.     Read the text and choose the
Memahami makna langkah retorika dalam correct answer for every question
teks fungsional esai yang menggunakan below.       Disajikan sebuah bacaan
pendek dan esai ragam bahasa tulis New York (city), the largest
tentang Report text.
sederhana berbentuk secara akurat, lancar, city in the United States, the home of
report, narrative, dan dan berterima dalam the United Nations, and the center of
analytical exposition konteks kehidupan global finance, communications, and
dalam konteks sehari-hari dan untuk business. New York City is unusual
kehidupan sehari- mengakses ilmu, dalam among cities because of its high
hari dan untuk teks berbentuk: report, residential density, its extraordinarily
mengakses ilmu narrative, dan analytical diverse population, its hundreds of tall
pengetahuan exposition. office and apartment buildings, its
thriving central business district, its
extensive public transportation system,
and its more than 400 distinct
neighborhoods. The city’s concert
houses, museums, galleries, and
theaters constitute an ensemble of
cultural richness rivaled by few cities.
In 2000 the population of the city of
New York was 8,008,278; the
population of the metropolitan region
was 21,199,865. New York City
consists of five boroughs they are
Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, The
Bronx, and Manhattan.
There are so many attractive
places in the city. One of its most
popular landmarks is the statue of
liberty. It is a symbol of freedom for
many, was one of the first sights to
welcome immigrants arriving in the
United States.The statue stands 93 m
(305 ft) tall on Liberty Island in New
York Harbor. It was designed by
French sculptor Frédéric-Auguste
Bartholdi and is a gift from France
commemorating the first centennial of
U.S. independence from Britain.
New York’s 250 museums
cater to every specialty and every
taste. It has museums in such fields as
natural history, broadcasting, fire-
fighting, crafts, and ethnic cultures. As
the world’s greatest art center, New
York City has more than 400 galleries
and is a mecca for artists, art dealers,
and collectors. Madison Avenue
between 57th and 86th Streets is the
most important locale for galleries, but
dozens of others are located in SoHo
(south of Houston Street) and
adjoining neighborhoods.
New York also has a famous
botanical garden. It is called Brooklyn
Botanic Garden, 21- hectare (52-acre)
botanic garden, located in the borough
of Brooklyn, in New York City. The
garden includes such attractions as the
Children’s Garden, the first of its kind      Disajikan sebuah
in the world. pertanyaan tentang Report
text. Siswa menjawab 1 Pilihan Mudah
1.      What is the text about? dengan memilih pilihan
a.        Washington D.C. ganda.
b.        The statue of Liberty
c.        New York boroughs
d.       The culture of New York       Disajikan sebuah
e.        New York City pertanyaan tentang Report
2.      The following is New York City’s text. Siswa menjawab 1 Pilihan Mudah
boroughs, except …… dengan memilih pilihan ganda.
a.        Queens ganda.
b.        Brooklyn
c.        Madison Avenue
      Disajikan sebuah
d.       The Bronx
e.        Manhattan. pertanyaan tentang Report
3.      What is the most popular place in text. Siswa menjawab
New York City? dengan memilih pilihan 1 Pilihan Sedang
a.        Liberty Island ganda. ganda.
b.        Brooklyn Botanic Garden
c.        New York City Museums
      Disajikan sebuah
d.       Statue of Liberty
e.        New York Harbor pertanyaan tentang Report
4.      “It is a symbol of freedom for many, text. Siswa menjawab
was one of the first sights to welcome dengan memilih pilihan
immigrants arriving in the United ganda. 1 Pilihan Mudah
States.” It in this sentence refer to….
a.        New York City
b.        Statue of Liberty
c.        Brooklyn Botanic Garden
d.       The Bronx
      Disajikan sebuah
e.        Manhattan. pertanyaan tentang Report
5.      Where did the statue of liberty text. Siswa menjawab
originally come from? dengan memilih pilihan 1 Pilihan Sedang
a.        Britain
ganda. ganda.
b.        Mexico
c.        America
d.       England       Disajikan sebuah
e.        France. pertanyaan tentang Report
6.      What will you see in Brooklyn? text. Siswa menjawab
a.        a famous botanical garden dengan memilih pilihan 1 Pilihan Mudah
b.        a largest city in the United States ganda. ganda.
c.        a locale galleries
d.       a symbol of freedom
e.        a metropolitan region       Disajikan sebuah
7.      The following is true about New pertanyaan tentang Report
York, except .... text. Siswa menjawab
a.        It have a botanical garden. dengan memilih pilihan 1 Pilihan Sedang
b.        It is the home of the statue of ganda. ganda.
c.        It has 250 museums.       Disajikan sebuah
d.       It consists of four boroughs.
e.        It has more than 500 galleries. pertanyaan tentang Report
8.      Where is the statue of liberty located? text. Siswa menjawab
a.        Liberty Island dengan memilih pilihan
b.        Brooklyn ganda. 1 Pilihan Mudah
c.        SoHo ganda.
d.       Manhattan
e.        Queens       Disajikan sebuah
9.      What does the word commemorating
pertanyaan tentang Report
in the second paragraph means?
a.        Acknowledgement text. Siswa menjawab
b.        Ignore dengan memilih pilihan 1 Pilihan
c.        Memorize ganda. ganda. Sulit
d.       celebration
e.        Memorializing
10.  What does the word “it” in the last       Disajikan sebuah
paragraph refers to? pertanyaan tentang Report
a.        New York text. Siswa menjawab
b.        Brooklyn dengan memilih pilihan
c.        Children’s garden 1 Pilihan
d.       Museum ganda. Sedang
e.        Botanical garden

No Standar Kompetensi Dasar Soal Indicator Jumlah Bentuk Tingkat

Kompetensi Soal Soal Kesulitan
2. Menulis Mengungkapkan makna B.     Read the text and answer the
Mengungkapkan dan langkah  retorika questions.
makna teks dalam esai yang
fungsional pendek menggunakan ragam A kangaroo is an animal found only in    Disajikan sebuah bacaan
dan dan esai bahasa tulis secara Australia, although it has a smaller tentang Report text
sederhana berbentuk akurat, lancar, dan relative, called a wallaby, which lives
report, narrative, berterima dalam konteks on the Australian island of Tasmania
dan analytical kehidupan sehari-hari and also in New Guinea.
exposition dalam dan untuk mengakses
konteks kehidupan ilmu, dalam teks Kangaroos eat grass and plants. They
sehari-hari berbentuk: report, have short front legs, but very long
narrative, dan analytical and very strong back legs and a tail.
exposition. These are used for sitting up and for
jumping. Kangaroos have been known
to make forward jumps of over eight
meters, and leap across fences more
than three meters high. They can also
run at speeds of over 45 kilometers per

The largest kangaroos are the Great

Grey Kangaroo and the Red
Kangaroo. Adult grow to a length of
1.60 meters and weigh over 90 kilos.

Kangaroos are marsupials. This means

that the female kangaroo has an
external pouch on the front of her
body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny    Disajikan pertanyaan.
when it is born, and it crawls at once Siswa merespon dengan
into this pouch where it spends its first mengisi jawaban 1 Esay Sedang
five months of life.
   Disajikan pertanyaan.
Siswa merespon dengan
1.      Are kangaroos and wallabies mengisi jawaban 1 Esay Mudah
indigenous animals of Australia?
   Disajikan pertanyaan.
Siswa merespon dengan
mengisi jawaban
   Disajikan pertanyaan. 1 Esay Mudah
2.      What does the word "these" in Siswa merespon dengan
paragraph 2 refer to? mengisi jawaban.
   Disajikan pertanyaan.
Siswa merespon dengan
mengisi jawaban 1 Esay Mudah
3.      What do people call the largest
1 Esay Sulit

4.      Where do you find the pouch of the

female kangaroo?

5.      What does the word "it" in sentence ...

it crawls at once ... refer to?

No Standar Kompetensi Dasar Soal Indicator Jumlah Bentuk Tingkat

Kompetensi Soal Soal Kesulitan
C.     Change the sentences bellow into a
passive form.
   Disajikan sebuah kalimat
1.      They will celebrate Gawai Dayak in aktif. Siswa merubah 1 Esay Sedang
menjadi kalimat passive.

   Disajikan sebuah kalimat

aktif. Siswa merubah 1 Esay Mudah
2.      Dayaks held some ceremonies in menjadi kalimat passive.
thanksgiving festival.
   Disajikan sebuah kalimat
aktif. Siswa merubah
menjadi kalimat passive.
1 Esay Mudah
3.      Dayaks start muai antu rua on the    Disajikan sebuah kalimat
evening of 31st of May. aktif. Siswa merubah
menjadi kalimat passive.

1 Esay Sulit
   Disajikan sebuah kalimat
4.      Canadians have begun the celebration aktif. Siswa merubah
on the second Monday of October. menjadi kalimat passive.

1 Esay Sedang
5.      He is decorating his house for
Thanksgiving festival.

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