MODULE 11 Chem Lab Alcohol&phenols

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Name: Course/Year/Section: BSMLS 1-F Score:

Instructor: Group# 7                        Member# 5 Date: December 2, 2022


Test Conducted Reagents Used Chemical Equations Results and Discussion

(if applicable)
1. Sodium Metal Anhydrous Calcium Alcohols reacts with active
Test Sulfate & Sodium metals like sodium to
Metal produce effervescence due
to the liberation of
hydrogen gas.
2. Ester Test Mixture of Glacial Alcohol reacts with
Acetic Acid & carboxylic acid in presence
Concentrated of concentrated Sulfuric
Sulphuric Acid Acid to form a fruity
smelling compound called
3. Ceric Ceric Ammonium Alcohol reacts with Ceric
Ammonium Nitrate Reagent Ammonium Nitrate to give
Nitrate Test a red coloration due to
formation of alkoxy cerium
(IV) complex.
4. Acetyl Chloride Calcium Sulphate, Alcohol reacts with acetyl
Test Acetyl Chloride, and chloride to form esters and
Ammonium give out hydrogen chloride
Hydroxide gas that gives white fumes
of ammonium chloride with
ammonium hydroxide.
5. Iodoform Test 1% Iodine Solution A pale-yellow precipitate of
and Diluted Sodium iodoform or triiodomethane
Hydroxide is formed when the organic
compound reacts with
iodine and the diluted
sodium hydroxide. The
formation of the pale-
yellow precipitate of
iodoform indicates the
presence of a secondary
alcohol or the primary
alcohol (only ethanol).
6. Lucas Test Lucas Reagent Tertiary alcohols react
immediately with Lucas’
reagent to form alkyl
chloride that results to the
cloudiness of the solution.
Secondary alcohols react
with Lucas’ reagent in
about 1 to 5 minutes to
form alkyl chloride that
also results to the
cloudiness of the solution.
Primary alcohols react with
Lucas’ reagent to form
alkyl chloride only when
heated. The Lucas test is
used to differentiate the
classification between
primary, secondary, and
tertiary alcohols.


Test Conducted Reagents Used Chemical Equations Results and Discussion

(if applicable)
Oxidation of Alcohol Potassium When alcohols undergo the
Dichromate oxidation process, their carbons
undergo oxidation and the
oxidizing agent is reduced.
Reactions and the subsequent
product depend on the conditions
of the reaction and the type of
alcohol used (primary, secondary,
tertiary). For instance, ethyl and
isopropyl alcohols, as primary and
secondary alcohols used, react
with an oxidizing agent called
potassium dichromate, where the
color changes from bright orange
to dark green. Tertbutyl alcohol as
tertiary alcohol has been refluxed
although no reactions have
developed and the color remains
the same.
Based on the results, what conclusion can you make with regards to the physical and chemical properties
of alcohols?
- Alcohols are organic molecules in which the hydrogen atom of an aliphatic carbon is
changed to a hydroxyl group, or OH. Alcohols' chemical and physical properties are due to
the presence of the hydroxyl group. Alcohols have a high boiling point because there is
strong intermolecular hydrogen bonding between their hydroxyl groups. The boiling point
rises as the number of carbon atom chains does. In terms of solubility, alcohols are soluble
in water. This is due to the hydroxyl group in alcohol's ability to form hydrogen bonds with
water molecules. Alcohols, on the other hand, have a weak acidity. Alcohols can be oxidized
to form aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids, which are all related to the chemical
characteristics of alcohols. Alcohols dehydrate after being treated with protic acids, which
results in the production of alkenes.


Write your observation for the following:

Test Conducted Reagents Used Chemical Equations Results and Discussion

(if applicable)

1. Litmus Test Unknown Phenol None The phenol reaction of

Sample unknown sample produces a
reaction on the blue litmus
paper that turns it into red,
meaning that the Unknown
Sample is an acid.

2. Ferric Neutral Ferric Phenol on reaction with

Chloride Test Chloride Solution neutral ferric chloride gives
a violet color due to the
formation of a complex.

3. Liebermann’s The phenol reaction with the

Sodium Nitrate and Sodium nitrate 2NaNO3 + H2S04 Sulfuric sodium nitrate produces a
Test Concentrated Acid deep blue or green colored
Sulphuric Acid product in the presence of
concentrated sulphuric acid.
Nitrous acid 2HNO2 + Na2SO4 Sodium
4. Phthalein Phthalic Anhydride The phenol reacts with
Dye Test and Concentrated phthalic anhydride in the
Sulphuric Acid presence of sulphuric acid
to produce phenolphthalein,
which is colorless, when
heated. And with an alkali
such as NaOH,
Phenolphthalein gives pink

Based on the results, what conclusion can you make with regards to the physical and chemical properties
of phenols?
- Based on our findings, phenols can be found as colorless liquids or as colored solids.
Crystalline crystals can be exceedingly toxic and caustic even at room temperature. Based
on the chemical equations we discovered, we conclude that phenols are organic molecules
containing a benzene ring connected to a hydroxyl group. Phenols have a higher boiling
point than other hydrocarbons with comparable molecular weights. Hydrogen connections
between the molecules of water and phenol enable phenol to dissolve in water. Phenols are
acidic because they react with active metals like salt and potassium.


Sodium Metal Test
Ester Test

Ceric Ammonium Nitrate Test

Acetyl Chloride Test

Iodoform Test

Lucas Test

Litmus Test
Ferric Chloride Test

Liebermann’s Test

Phthalein Dye Test

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