BPS Cse3a
BPS Cse3a
BPS Cse3a
Course Objective:
To study the architecture of the microprocessor 8085 and micro controller 8051
Learning Outcome :
Memory Interface (Basics) – memory mapped I/O & I/O mapped I/O- Generating Control
Signals – Interfacing 2KX8 EPROM – 2KX8 RAM -Interfacing I/O ports to 8085-Hand shake
signals-Functional block diagram and working of PPI-8255-Interfacing 8255 to 8085-LED
Interrupts in 8085- Generation of RST codes-Hardware, software interrupts and their function-
Interrupts pulse width and Triggering levels-Interrupt priority-Vector interrupt model -SIM and
RIM instructions-Simple polled and Interrupt controlled data transfer-Introduction to
Microcontroller –Comparison of Microprocessor and Microcontroller.