Modern Dispatch 018 - Superhero Arcana

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The document describes several magic-oriented character classes from d20 Modern Roleplaying Game and provides additional powers and feats for those classes.

Several magic-oriented classes are described such as Mage, Archmage, Artificer, etc. For each class, their core class powers are listed.

The document expands the Blood and Vigilance supplement into the realm of the magical, providing new powers and feats for those wishing to create a master of the mystic arts.


By Paul King

Blood & vigilance: Superhero Arcana

Chuck here, this article is by NPC guru Paul (who Archaic Weapons Master
has been a contributor in such works as Legends of Absorption (Physical, melee), Armor, Aura (Physical),
Excalibur, Inside Vossburgh and the second edition of Danger Sense, Ensnaring Attack, Stunning Attack,
Prometheus Rising). Dispatch subscribers should also Superhuman Dexterity, Superhuman Strength
be familiar with Paul’s work from the Oddballs issue.
This supplement expands Blood and Vigilance into
#18 the realm of the magical, providing new powers and
feats for those wishing to create a master of the mystic
arts. Class power lists are provided for the magic-
Blast (Energy), Control (pick one), Magic (Improved
Arcane Spell Failure), Magic (Increased Spells/Day),
Magic (Spell Resistance), Superhuman Constitution,
oriented classes from the core rules as well as a host
Superhuman Intelligence, pick any 2 more powers as
Content Manager: of new feats and powers designed so that a magician’s
class powers
powers could enhance his control over his magic.
Charles Rice and Chris Davis
Chris Davis Classes
Proofreading: The classes listed below come from the core MSRD
Donald Kiesling, Chris Davis and the Arcana add-on. The powers besides each class
are their class powers.
Empathic Healing, Healing Touch, Magic (Improved
Turning Level), Magic (Improved Turning Power),
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Magic (Increased Spells/Day), Magic (Spell
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Resistance), Superhuman Charisma, Superhuman
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the Arcane Arranger
United States and other countries and are used Danger Sense, Enhanced Senses, Photographic
with permission Reflexes, Postcognition, Precognition, Probability
Manipulation (choose one), Superhuman Charisma,
‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are Superhuman Intelligence
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System
License version 6.0. A copy of this License can
be found at

Superhero�arcana Page 1
Artificer Mage Swashbuckler
Control (pick one), Enhanced Senses, Magic Blast (Energy), Control (pick any 2), Magic Absorption (Physical, melee), Damage Touch
(Improved Arcane Spell Failure), Magic (Increased (Improved Arcane Spell Failure), Magic (Increased (Physical), Enhanced Senses, Ensnaring Attack,
Spells/Day), Magic (Spell Resistance), Power Spells/Day), Magic (Spell Resistance), Superhuman Probability Manipulation (Good Luck), Super Leap,
Detection, Superhuman Intelligence, pick any 2 more Constitution, Superhuman Intelligence Superhuman Dexterity, Superhuman Strength
powers as class powers
Mystic Techno Mage
Battlemind Empathic Healing, Healing Touch, Magic (Improved Control Electricity, Control Light, Damage Touch
Armor, Aura (Psychic), Blast (Psychic), Damage Turning Level), Magic (Improved Turning Power), (Energy), Magic (Improved Arcane Spell Failure),
Touch (Psychic), Superhuman Dexterity, Superhuman Magic (Increased Spells/Day), Magic (Spell Magic (Increased Spells/Day), Magic (Spell
Strength, Telekinesis, Telepathy Resistance), Superhuman Charisma, Superhuman Resistance), Superhuman Constitution, Superhuman
Intelligence Intelligence
Magic (Improved Turning Level), Magic (Improved Shadow Hunter Telepath
Turning Power), Magic (Increased Spells/Day), Absorption (pick one), Armor, Danger Sense, Aura (Psychic), Blast (Psychic), Damage Touch
Magic (Spell Resistance), Superhuman Charisma, Invisibility, Precognition, Super Running, (Psychic), Mind Control, Superhuman Charisma,
Superhuman Intelligence, Superhuman Wisdom, pick Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Wisdom Superhuman Wisdom, Telekinesis, Telepathy
any 2 more powers as class powers
Shadow Slayer Thrasher
Glamourist Ability Drain (any two), Armor, Danger Sense, Absorption (Physical), Absorption (Physical,
Aura (Psychic), Blast (Psychic), Damage Touch Deflection (choose one), Enhanced Senses, melee), Armor, Claws, Damage Touch (pick one),
(Psychic), Mimic, Mind Control, Probability Regeneration, Superhuman Charisma Superhuman Constitution, Superhuman Wisdom,
Manipulation (choose one), Superhuman Charisma, one movement power (Flight, Super Burrowing,
Superhuman Intelligence Shadowjack Super Climbing, Super Leap, Super Running, Super
Control Electricity, Control Light, Deflection Swimming)
Holy/Unholy Knight (Energy), Enhanced Senses, Photographic Reflexes,
Armor, Magic (Improved Turning Level), Magic Superhuman Charisma, Superhuman Intelligence, Wildlord
(Improved Turning Power), Magic (Increased Telepathy Animal Empathy, Beast Form, Claws, Magic
Spells/Day), Magic (Spell Resistance), Superhuman (Improved Turning Level), Magic (Improved Turning
Charisma, Superhuman Strength, pick any 2 powers Speed Demon (Arcana) Power), Super Climbing, Superhuman Charisma,
as class powers Control Electricity, Flight, Super Leap, Super Superhuman Wisdom
Running, Super Swimming, Superhuman Dexterity,
Danger Sense, Enhanced Senses, Magic (Spell
Superhuman Intelligence, Teleport Feats
Resistance), Postcognition, Power Detection, Street Warrior This section details feats that allow characters to
Superhuman Charisma, Superhuman Intelligence, Armor, Claws, Damage Touch (Physical), Danger increase their class’s talents without having to advance
Superhuman Wisdom Sense, Growth, Life Support, Superhuman further in that class.
Constitution, Superhuman Strength

Superhero�arcana Page 2
must meet all the prerequisites of a talent to select
Acrobat Plus it. Concentrated Energy 2, Concentrated Energy 3,
Mentor Plus
Advancements in science coupled with your drive to Advancements in science coupled with your drive to
Concentrated Energy 4, Energy Resistance 2, Energy
excel enable you to progress faster towards becoming excel enable you to progress faster towards becoming
Resistance 3, Energy Surge 2, Energy Surge 3, Energy
a true acrobat. a true mentor.
Surge 4
Benefit: You gain two talents from the Acrobat’s Benefit: You gain two talents from the Mentor’s
Special: You may select this feat multiple times.
talent trees. The talents must be selected from the talent trees. The talents must be selected from the
Each time you select this feat, you must choose a
following list, you cannot select more than one talent following list, you cannot select more than one talent
different pair of talents.
from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the
prerequisites of a talent to select it. Cat’s Feet, Evasive prerequisites of a talent to select it. Coordination,
Dodge, Hard Wired, Hot Wired, Improved Evasion, Gangster Plus Force of Personality, Hone Body, Hone Mind,
Nine Lives, Repartee, Wit Advancements in science coupled with your drive to Instruction (feat), Instruction (skill), To Me My
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. excel enable you to progress faster towards becoming Students
Each time you select this feat, you must choose a a true gangster. Special: You may select this feat multiple times.
different pair of talents. Benefit: You gain two talents from the Gangster’s Each time you select this feat, you must choose a
talent trees. The talents must be selected from the different pair of talents.
following list, you cannot select more than one talent
Brick Plus from a single talent tree, and you must meet all
Advancements in science coupled with your drive to
the prerequisites of a talent to select it. High Level
Psychic Plus
excel enable you to progress faster towards becoming Advancements in science coupled with your drive to
Contact, Medium Level Contact, Reciprocity 2,
a true brick. excel enable you to progress faster towards becoming
Reciprocity 3, Reciprocity 4, Vendetta
Benefit: You gain two talents from the Brick’s a true psychic.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times.
talent trees. The talents must be selected from the Benefit: You gain two talents from the Psychic’s
Each time you select this feat, you must choose a
following list, you cannot select more than one talent talent trees. The talents must be selected from the
different pair of talents.
from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the following list, you cannot select more than one talent
prerequisites of a talent to select it. Behemoth, Ham from a single talent tree, and you must meet all the
Handed 2, Ham Handed 3, Improved Second Wind, Mastermind Plus prerequisites of a talent to select it. Improved Mental
Never Say Die, Never Surrender Advancements in science coupled with your drive to Evasion, Mental Armor, Mental Evasion, Personality
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. excel enable you to progress faster towards becoming Reinforcement, Psychic Surge 2, Psychic Surge 3,
Each time you select this feat, you must choose a a true mastermind. Psychic Surge 4
different pair of talents. Benefit: You gain two talents from the Special: You may select this feat multiple times.
Mastermind’s talent trees. The talents must be selected Each time you select this feat, you must choose a
from the following list, you cannot select more than
Energy Projector Plus one talent from a single talent tree, and you must meet
different pair of talents.
Advancements in science coupled with your drive to
all the prerequisites of a talent to select it. Cult of
excel enable you to progress faster towards becoming
Personality, Dark Revenge, Death Trap, Escape Plan,
Speed Demon Plus
a true energy projector. Advancements in science coupled with your drive to
Force of Personality, Right Hand Man
Benefit: You gain two talents from the Energy excel enable you to progress faster towards becoming
Special: You may select this feat multiple times.
Projector’s talent trees. The talents must be selected a true speed demon.
Each time you select this feat, you must choose a
from the following list, you cannot select more Benefit: You gain two talents from the Speed
different pair of talents.
than one talent from a single talent tree, and you Demon’s talent trees. The talents must be selected

Superhero�arcana Page 3
from the following list, you cannot select more than Prerequisite: 6 power points in Control Electricity, Effect: You can use your Invisibility power to cause
one talent from a single talent tree, and you must meet Electrical Empathy power stunt, Short Circuit power people and objects within 10’ per power point of you
all the prerequisites of a talent to select it. Hard Wired, stunt to also appear invisible.
Hot Wired, Human Tornado, Poetry in Motion Effect: You gain a +1 bonus to Computer Use per
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. power point in Control Electricity, a +1 bonus to Craft Magic
Each time you select this feat, you must choose a (Electronic) per 2 power points in Control Electricity Your magical abilities are enhanced by your powers
different pair of talents. and a +1 bonus to Research when using computers per Improved Arcane Spell Failure (Permanent;
power point in Control Electricity Free; Personal; Exclusive): For every 2 Power
Power Descriptions Enhanced Senses
Points, you reduce your arcane spell failure by 1.
Increased Spells/Day (Permanent; Free;
Below are powers primarily focused on introducing Personal; Exclusive): For every 2 Power Points
magic into a Blood and Vigilance game. Power Feats times the spell level, you gain an additional spell
slot of the chosen level. This increase occurs before
Blindsight modifications due to high ability scores or other
Absorption alterations. For example, a spellcaster could gain an
Magical Absorption (Permanent; Free; Personal; You are able to “see” invisible and concealed
creatures additional 2nd level spell slot for 4 power points, then
Exclusive): When you are struck by an area effect
Prerequisite: 8 power points in Enhanced Senses, later gain an additional 3rd level spell slot for 6 power
magical attack, if you succeed at your normal saving
Enhanced Hearing power stunt, Enhanced Touch points. You may not use this power to cast a spell of a
throw (dependent upon the spell), you reduce the base
power stunt level you could not normally cast due to level or class
damage by one die per 2 Power Points in absorption.
Effect: You have blindsight at a range of 2’ per type (so a 1st level character could not spend 18 power
You then take ½ of the damage from the remaining
Enhanced Senses Power Point. points to gain a 9th level spell slot, nor could an arcane
dice. If you fail your normal saving throw, you
caster spend power points to gain divine spells).
reduce the damage by one die per 4 power points
Prerequisite: One spellcasting class
in absorption, then take full damage of the dice that Low-Light Vision Special: This power may be chosen more than once.
remain as normal. Absorbed dice are dissipated You have the ability to see further than most people in Its effects stack
harmlessly. dim light Spell Resistance (Permanent; Free; Personal;
Magical Absorption, Touch (Permanent; Free; Prerequisite: 4 power points in Enhanced Senses, Exclusive): You gain spell resistance of +1 for every 2
Personal; Exclusive): When you are struck by a Enhanced Vision power stunt Power Points in this power.
magical touch attack, if you succeed at your normal Effect: Your vision in dim light doubles for every 4 Improved Turning Level (Permanent; Free;
saving throw (dependent upon the spell), you reduce Enhanced Senses Power Points. Personal; Exclusive): You increase your turning level
the damage by 1 point for each 2 Power Points
by +1 for every 2 Power Points in this power
invested in this power. If you fail the saving throw, Invisibility Improved Turning Power (Permanent; Free;
you suffer the full damage from the attack.
Personal; Exclusive): You increase the number of
Power Feats HD you can effect with your turning checks by +1 for
Control Electricity every 2 Power Points in this power
Area Invisibility
Power Feats You can cause people and objects surrounding your to Postcognition
appear invisible You have the ability to receive glimpses into the past.
Computer Control Prerequisite: 8 power points in Invisibility, Postcognition (Instantaneous; Full-Round
You are able to control computers by thought alone Invisibility power stunt (AoO); Personal; General): You can see into the past

Superhero�arcana Page 4
anytime you concentrate. The further into the past
you attempt to see, the cloudier the vision becomes, General Power Feats
as you are reaching into the depths of time seeking
knowledge. To correctly discern what you see, you Dimensional Channeling
must make a Wisdom check, modified by your power You can call on dimensional power sources to power
points in postcognition. The DC of this check is 15 your spells rather than your personal power
plus a modifier as shown in the table below: Prerequisite: Increased Spells/Day 6 power points
Age of event DC modifier Effect: If you have bought an extra spell slot of a
Yesterday +2 given spell level, you may use an action point to cast
Within the past week +5 that spell spontaneously and without spending a spell
Within the past month +10 slot by calling on a “dimensional source” to power
Within the past year +15 the spell. You must know the spell (it must be on your
Within the past decade +20 spells known table) and must have been bought at
Within the past century +25 least one extra spell slot of the spell’s level through
Every century thereafter +5 the Increased Spells/Day power.
You gain a +1 to the applicable skill (typically a
Investigate or Knowledge (History)) for every point Wall Crawling
over the DC. You can walk on walls.
Prerequisite: Superhuman Dexterity 6 points
Effect: You may walk on walls at a speed equal to
Super Burrowing your ground movement. Sheer surfaces may not be
You can burrow underground with great ability walked on with this power and require a Climb check
Super Burrowing (Instantaneous; Move; to avoid falling. Glass requires a Climb check DC of
Personal; General): Your burrow speed is 10’ per 20 while completely frictionless surfaces require a
power point Climb check DC of 30.

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Open game license 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker,
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