410361-King-Koil Warranty Mattress 5yr 0318
410361-King-Koil Warranty Mattress 5yr 0318
410361-King-Koil Warranty Mattress 5yr 0318
Have a question?
Please contact us at
(800) 525-8331.
5 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY to be expected and is part of the performance of your mattress. Our representative or
designated agent shall make the final determination regarding repair or replacement. We
do not warrant our product as a remedy for any specific medical condition and do not
warrant against any complications resulting from the use or inability to use this product.
King Koil warrants your Mattress, for a period of five (5) years from the date of purchase We do not warrant individual comfort preferences, sheet fit or height issues resulting from
against defects in workmanship and materials. During this warranty period, if the product purchaser’s bed frame size or headboard style. Should this warranty be exercised and your
is deemed to be defective, our responsibility for the defective product is limited to repair or product replaced and/or repaired, the duration of the warranty will not be extended or
replacement as stated below. All transportation costs are the responsibility of the purchaser restarted.
during the entire warranty period. Your mattress will be replaced or repaired, at our option,
should it be found defective because of faulty workmanship or structural defects subject
to specific limitations contained herein. It is understood that this does not include normal WE LIMIT THE DURATION AND REMEDIES OF ALL IMPLIED
increase of softness in the foam which can occur during normal breaking in, or in the case WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE WARRANTIES OF
of visco-elastic memory foam, a lessening of the gradual recovery aspect of the foam, of MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE TO THE
which such lessening, should it occur, does not reduce the continual pressure reducing and DURATION OF THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY. SOME STATES DO NOT
pressure relief properties of the mattress. ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS,
Substitution or use of improper foundations, platforms or other bases upon which the OUR ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR ANY BREACH OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY.
mattress is placed, may result in damage to the product. Should an improper base be OUR LIABILITY SHALL UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES EXCEED THE ACTUAL
utilized by the consumer, causing the product to default, the warranty may be voided. It is AMOUNT PAID BY YOU FOR THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT, NOR SHALL WE
incumbent on the consumer to maintain the foundation and provide appropriate support UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL,
for the mattress. We recommend the purchase of a foundation at the time of mattress INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OR LOSSES, WHETHER
purchase. This limited warranty does not include any deterioration of the foam, with an DIRECT OR INDIRECT. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION
indentation of less than 3/4 inches on the 7” models and not associated with a sag in the OR LIMITATION OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE
foundation, box spring, platform or frame. If such a defect appears during the five (5) years ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
of this warranty, we will, at our option, either repair or replace the mattress at a handling
cost to be paid by the purchaser. This warranty does not include handles, as handles are
to be used only for adjustment purposes and are not intended to be used to lift, turn or WARRANTY CLAIMS PROCEDURE: In the event you have to make a warranty
transport the product. If a model has been discontinued we will replace it with a mattress claim start by contacting the retailer from whom you purchased your King Koil sleep set.
of equal or better value at our option. The zippered cover on the mattress is warranted for If your retailer is unavailable visit www.kingkoil.com to fill out our express warranty claim
five (5) years for defects in material or workmanship. Removable covers are available and submission form or call (800) 525-8331. If identical materials are not available at the time
can be spot cleaned only - do not wash. This warranty is void if the product is found to of product service, King Koil reserves the right to substitute material equal or higher value,
have been tampered with or misused by the purchaser beyond reasonable wear, and shall or, at our option, provide a refund. The original purchaser will be responsible for shipping,
not apply if the product has been physically damaged intentionally or due to accident and/ handling and processing fees. No monetary refunds and/or credits will be issued. Please
or neglect; including burns, cuts, water damage, mold, stains, or is otherwise abnormally retain this warranty and your original invoice for five (5) years.
soiled or unsanitary. Do not use a heating pad or electric blanket with this mattress as it
will void this warranty. It is recommended that the consumer protects the mattress with a
stain resistant mattress protector.
This warranty is valid only to the original purchaser of the product as indicated on the
original sales invoice and it does not extend to any subsequent owner or other transferee
of the product. The law tag must not be removed from original product as this identifies
the product. The original invoice is required and is the only acceptable proof of purchase.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights that vary
from state to state. In order to provide the optimum sleeping surface this premium product
contains only the finest quality materials. As with all premium sleep products certain body
conformity adaptations will take place as your mattress adapts to your particular body
shape and type and any peculiarities in your spinal alignment or bone structure. This is