Civil QC Assessment Test Questioner (Non-Shrink & Epoxy Grout)

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Encircle the correct answer to the following questions:

1. All grout materials shall be proportioned and prepackaged products in accordance to what
ASTM standard reference?
a. ASTM C109 b. ASTM C1090 c. ASTM C1107 d. ASTM C1181

2. The grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of __ MPa at 7 days as per ASTM
C1107, Sec. 7.2, Table 1?
a. 14 MPa b. 24 MPa c. 30 MPa d. 35 MPa

3. Minimum compressive strength of pre-packaged cement-based grout at 28 days shall be

_____ psi as per ASTM C1107, sec. 7.2, Table 1?
a. 3,000 psi b. 4,000 psi c. 4,500 psi d. 5,000 psi

4. The concrete foundation shall attain the required design strength or has to be cured for a
minimum of __ days before surface preparation & placement of grout?
a. 3 days b. 7 days c. 14 days d. 28 days

5. The concrete area to be grouted should be soaked thoroughly with a potable water for
duration of __ hours prior to placement of non-shrink grout?
a. 12 hours b. 16 hours c. 24 hours d. 36 hours

6. Is re-tempering of grout by adding water after stiffening is allowed/permitted?

a. Yes b. No c. Maybe d. None of the choices

7. Standard temperature of grout mix shall be ________°C when test cubes are cast?
a. 20°C±5°C b. 23°C±2°C c. 23°C±3°C d. 23°C±5°C

8. Non-shrink grout placement shall be within the ___ minutes at 32°C minimum working
time after mixing?
a. 30 minutes b. 40 minutes c. 50 minutes d. 60 minutes

9. The minimum thickness of grout shall be __ mm?

a. 20 mm b. 25 mm c. 30 mm d. 50 mm

10. The minimum thickness of grout between the foundation and base plates shall be __ mm
steel shim and packing’s to be provided?
a. 10 mm b. 15 mm c. 20 mm d. 25 mm

11. Grout shall be given a continuous water cure (covered by wet burlap and 0.15 mm
thickness polyethylene sheet) for a minimum of __ days as per ASTM C309, Sec. 5.1?

a. 1-day b. 3 days c. 5 days d. 7 days


1. The epoxy grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of __ MPa at 7 days when
tested in accordance with ASTM C579?

a. 35 MPa b. 45 MPa c. 60 MPa d. 80 MPa

2. Epoxy grout placement shall be within the ___ minutes at 24°C minimum working time
after mixing?
a. 30 minutes b. 45 minutes c. 60 minutes d. 75 minutes

3. Minimum bond strength of epoxy grout to concrete shall be __ MPa as per ASTM C882?
a. 14 MPa b. 24 MPa c. 30 MPa d. 35 MPa

4. Linear shrinkage of epoxy grout shall be _____% as per ASTM C531?

a. 0.070% b. 0.080% c. 0.090% d. 0.10%

5. Maximum creep of epoxy grout shall be _____ inch as per ASTM C1181 under a 2.8 MPa
constant pressure at a temperature of 60°C?
a. 0.002-inch b. 0.003-inch c. 0.004-inch d. 0.005 inch

6. Epoxy grout shall be stored, mixed, placed and cured in accordance to what?
a. Scope of Work b. Manufacturer’s Recommendation c. IFC Drawings d. None

7. Laitance and oil-soaked or damaged concrete are removed with chipping hammer to
sound fractured aggregate or to a minimum of the top __ in (__ mm) of concrete?
a. 0.5-inch (12.7 mm) b. 0.75-inch (19.05 mm) c. 1-inch (25 mm) d. 1.5 inch (38.1 mm)

8. The minimum grout thickness under any portion of the baseplate / soleplate shall be __

a. 10 mm b. 15 mm c. 20 mm d. 25 mm

9. How many sets of three (3) grout cube samples should be taken during casting in the field
for each day that the grout is mixed and placed?

a. One (1) set b. Two (2) sets c. Three (3) sets d. Four (4) sets

10. Epoxy grout shall be applied only when surrounding temperatures are between __°C and
__°C unless otherwise specified in the manufacturer’s data sheets.

a. 10°C and 27°C b. 12°C and 30°C c. 15°C and 32°C d. 18°C and 35°C

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