My Home RR 22.12

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TAX Invoice Number: 9922123652080805 Date: 22-12-2022 22-12-2022 22-42-2022 Pc T 797.2 Gosc GODAVARI KHANINO 1 COLLIERY, Type: PAID Local Form: COM.G. 23 Invoice Number: 14 Invoi FiNote Number: 251.001 FrNote Date Zone: sc Traffic Type: Wagons: 57 Weight Unit: Clas: 1454 Rate: Charged VIA: © POPL-WL-DKJ-MTMI Invoiced At: = GOSG Weighed at: Punitive Charge for Overloading: Class: - cl Re - Ra From Station / Siding: RAMGUNDAM, To Station / Siding: INDUSTRIES BR Consignor’s Name: Address: Consignee's Name: Address: Description of Goods Distance (in KM): Handled MIS MY HOME INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED LIMITED 36-TELANGANA MS SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY THE SCCL BHADRADRI KOTHAGUDEM TELANGANA, 36-TELANGANA MIS MY HOME INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED. MELLACHERUVU, 36-TELANGANA Weighment Particulars 314 > 3942.8 OR T Code: GOSG . 09528673 Code: MMHM 09528653 Code: SCCL GSTIN: 36AAACT8873F121 CODE: MHIL GSTIN: 36AABCM948001Z6 Commodity Code: 2991127 Sender Welk 9 No of Articles: 0 Actual Weight: 3939.8 Packaging Code: 1 Chargeable Weight at 3942.8 Normal Rate: Private Mark: - ‘Over Weight Chargeable at 0 Punitive Freight: Rs 3143200.16/- Other Charges Rebates Paid on Charges Under Charges ‘Over Charges: Code | Amount | Code | Amount | Code | Amount | Code | Amount | Code | Amount “GST 157161 Total Freight: Rs 3300362/- For RMC Traffic: Allocation and Other Details ‘Account Head: a Department to be Debited: - A. Officer: : Commodity Descripti RUN OF MINES (ROM) COAL (C) (RAKE DEMAND ) * GST Particulars: DISCLAIMER: This iso systom general document and copy ofthe same may be pind forthe purpose of ecard and lor any os pose Document prepared by: APASHA/MDANWARPASHA on IP address: ‘at 22-12-2038 08:28 from GODAVAR! KHAN! NO 4 COLLIERY, RAMGUNDAM Page tof 4 GSTIN OF SUPPLIER: V.K.YAD/ ae GSTIN OF Senta SCYADAV #4 35AAAGMO289C12K FOR 36-TELANGAN Sn ; S6AABCM9480C12G FOR 36-TELANGANA. AMOUNTRS.157161([email protected]%=R5,76580,03+SGST@? 5°4-RS.78580,03) CXEhiBRANSPORTATION OF GOODS BY RAIL, HSN CODE-986512 EXEMPTION : RC 19 OF 2017 DT: 30.06.2017 QUIDBMIRK: TRAIN LOAD CONDITIONS COMPLIED WITH #LOADING DONE IN SIDING, NOT SUPERVISED BY RAILWAY STAFF ## PACKAGING CONDITION OUTER NOT COMPLIANT: P/2( @}#PARTY(S) SUPPLIED 57 UNITS OF BOXNHSM1,BOXNM 1, BOXNHAM BOXNR, BOXNHL,BOXNHL2ST, TILOAD RATE Pt ON ADMIN A/C. AUTHORITY NO: 49, AUTHORITY DATE: 22-12-2022, AUTHORISED BY: SR DOMSCDEFAULIAOOAL GRADE: (Cii# SALES TAX NOT APPLICABLE. # Payment Mode: (recited to FA & CAOITISC under Bank trxnid :IKD3888454 on : 22-12-2022 08:30; Prty- MHIL; LC A/C- 9403198G0000042, LC valid from- 02-01-2021, LC valid 1o- 14-01-2023,STATE BANK OF INDIA,O9103; Rly: (00000030349000828,STATE BANK OF INDIA,00S48, Amount:Rs.3300360/-- Additional Information: : LC Details: : Bank Details: : Customer Details: - Net Zero by 2030: Rail Green Points indicate by how much you have reduced your it and reduced carbon intensity of the ‘carbon Geonomy by choosing IR over Road, As per Government of India’s Biennial Update Report-3, transport contributed 13% of emissions form ne energy sector wil GU% near se Wansport, cM aviation 896 ane railways 3%. ‘Disclaimer: heres no link between carbon crecit and Railway Green Point. The carbon saving in the form of Rail Green Points shown here is indicative in nelure estimated based on .carbon emission per km per tonne for rail and road as per he mot ‘mentioned on Freight Business Development FBO) Portal. The carson core reo oe ‘customer for any claim/eompensation or beneft at present or In future. DISCLAIMER: This isa system genarated document and copy ofthe same may be prinied far the purpose of record and not or any other purpose. Document prepared by: APASHA/MDANWARPASHA on IP address: Page 2of 4 at 22-12-2022 08:28 from GODAVARI KHANI NO 1 COLLIERY, RAMGUNDAM Wagon details of the Railway Receipt BR nme Tne BBY SREY Sy Bane et Bet, ry a 2 we some eum 1 eo ary emg e 2 we scent fio ao omni mg ae + oH sogeus isos 7 a8 mr esa oe ea 5 so monet nme wae omer ng eT sm sours Ztis 0 mas 0 ain ae ome we Tee womek sy 7 au omer mee gm tka 8 eco eowek Hua me ower msg oem om fm we 212 0 aur mse) wt v0 se eon mo se m8 0 ar me) wa was 11 £6 sooWsM jem 6 m0 amar mn gms ka i ce ee ee eR wom row «ema 8 so me ws 4 cm acm home co ms © aim kw wee vs om women new 208 0 swim ow me Ws feo sowek wor m m8 0 soni) som oo eee ee ee 8 ek sonwow mn ional ws ow sone Glo mame er mkt Mme sown Zine w me © a eno we 1 to som Seton oo m2 9 semi msg ry 2 22 nonin fame oe 2500 ar mass = 28 2 0 as 4M oom Bio m me oT oem £00 soma fiara mane osname om mwah 4 so sows Hea rw a0s 0 arto om mm th 7 9 soxwon icone oo 2250 0 seme me wt ww fee ee 0 NE BoneienH ssgd0610 6 2253 0 2001127 90.61 o 68.08 68 0808 o 68.08 | eco sonvieu! feta oe ma 9 amir ee 8am mm wee so nomena Hows oo moma me wt = toon mw ase mn we oom 8 oe sown FiO mse oT we 0 seo owen umn vo m8 0 wai w?kwom No sowwtast frien vo m8 0 mote wt? ms mm ee ee ee ee DISCLAMER: Tis sa sytem genertod document and copy ofthe same may be printed for he purpose of record and nol or ny aber porpore Document prepared by: APASHA/MDANWARPASHA on IP address: (0.194,189.10 ‘at 22-12-2022 08:29 from GODAVARI KHANI NO 1 COLLIERY, RAMGUNDAM Page3of 4 lectronically Transmitted Rallwa\ iBt18 RR Ds BoXNKL — ZzyeNzs TO aS Go aBBTTZ oom oma 70 3 0 702 40 ECO soxn —22121581 70 206 © zeott27 soa © 02 70 20002 41 SEC som — z2toesy 70 206 © 2o01t27 ood © 2 7 mm 0 08 42 S€ pow — Zzurtet 70 ze 0 aenttz? soe 0 92 70 me @ 0 7 49 Se wows JaoTose ss 22530 anmttz7 oso 0 6306 Ge 8 0 at ‘4S some — zzorat10 70 20s 0 asettz7 sone © 708 7 8 07008 45 SE soma zagrati0 70 ms 0 aaattz7 —so8 © 7008 70 m 8 0 7008 48 SR BORN _Z5OESN60 69 212 0 amttz7 sos o «8 @ 3 3 0 oss 47 EC BoMNISMY YZI00018 68 22530 amttz7 —eng0 0 sat8 68 a8 48 0 cate 48 £C pom —zzsoraz 70 20s 0 zest? woes 0° 024 70 a 4 0 mH 49 8 sons 30000082 68 2253 0 zso17 9075 0 a2 8 2 2 0 an 0 WR BORN —fopsense es 2253 0 asaiter soar 0 cae os MoM 0 ee St SE BowmmsMi j20r0r2a en 22530 amitz7 —ga77 0 ea24 oe m0 eae S2 SE BomesMY 32070251 68 22530 eo1t27 ones 0 ess2 8 M2 420 ase SSE Bowne zsoveeea 89 212 0 zoottz sos 0 sat2 @ 0 we 4 NW Box — Zattoo7e 70 208 0 zeottz7 saa 0 e912 70 Oe es al SSE Box —soors7et 68 22530 aeaiter snao 0 e816 68 oe | ms 88 SC Box! Yopomss: eo 2253.0 zee1t27 2081 © e808 63 08 0 et ST SE Born —so07ereo es 2283.0 zsoit27 009 0 68as 68 40 ats Tovar ° ge 9 30088 ws8R00 870 000 304270 DISCLAIMER: This sa system generated document and copy ofthe same may be printed forthe purpose of ecard and net or any other purpose, Document prepared by: APASHA/MDANWARPASHA on IP address: 10.194, 189.10 Page 4 of 4 at 22-12-2022 08:29 from GODAVARI KHANI NO 1 COLLIERY, RAMGUNDAM ORIG INAL FOR BUYER DUPLICATE FOR TRANSPORTER TRIPLICATE FOR SUPPLIER THE SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT COMPANY ) Collieries, Bhadradri Kothagudem(Dist), TelanganaState PIN:607101 TAX INVOICE By i i HYDERABAD OFFICE : FINANCE & ACCOUNTS DEPT x stan no: a6naactes7ariza 7 tate code 236 + Seisou7a15, Invotce Noy Date 9105886161/22.12 2022 Dospetch Mode; Rel, LMC No.Veh Reg No. emia WaybliNe:111872886349LFVRR No -461005118 RR Date 22.12.2022 ‘SO Noi211120214 Despatch Point: lane of the Commodity ; Bituminous coal/other coal Fsw code : 27011200 uyer/Consigne: Y HOME INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED TIN No:36070149519 IELLACHERUVUGH) GOTIN enABCMEKO0CIZ6 | eoKt e=P(Rai), Ramagundam lace of suply:Telangene Area tLoading Pont : WOT: WE ELLACHERUVU 508248, State Code 6 0007 a000 -GONDA Telangana CustCode: 8594 Transporters Name: fa: ‘Unload Pt : MELLACHERUVU. won: MELLACHERUVU Telangana POAL GRADE:GS.CRR Net Quantity (nM): 3,939,820 Rate/ MT. Re) Value (Rs) E-Auction Linkage Price 5456.63 21498155.77 Ralway Charges 50.00 196991.00 Land Adjustment 61.00 240329.02 Fuel Sur Charge 686,00 2702716.52 Explosive Cost Adjustment 148.40 884669.29 ‘Surface Transport Chigs 360257.14 PWB Charges 60.00 296389.20 “Royalty 763.93 3009741.81 District Mineral Foundation Cess (30% On Royalty) 902922.54 National Mineral Exploration Trust Fund(2% On Royelty ) 60194.84 Forest Permit Fee 10.00 39398.20 Corpus of CMPS 1898 (Pension fund) 10.00 39398,20 Taxable Value 2987 1163.53, [email protected]% 746779.09 sosT@2s0% 746779.09 GST Compensation Ces 400.00 1875928.00 Invoice Value 32940849.71 SO: 211120214 Bal: 210.180 DesTime: 22 / 12 / 2022 6 10: 12: 10 otal amount of invoice in Words ( THREE CRORE TWENTY NINE LAKH FORTY THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED FORTY NINE Rupees SEVENTY INE Palse onty) CERTIFIED THAT THE PARTICULARS GIVEN ABOVE ARE TRUE AND CORRECT AND THE AMOUNT INDICATED REPRESENTS THE PRICE ACTUALLY CHARGED AND THAT THERE IS NO FLOW OF ADDITIONALCONSIDERATION DIRECTLY FROM THE BUYER For THE SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY LIMITED ‘CUSTOMER SIGNATURE [AUTHORISED SIGNATORY Note: 1) Our terms being F.O.R colleries, once RRiDelivery Challan is issued company responsibilty ceases, company does not accept retum of RI Delivery challans. We are not responsible for non delivery, short delivery and pifeages, 2) No deductions are permissible from invcices except prime-facie Arthmetical mistakes noticed, if any. 3) Sale is subject to jurisdiction of courts In TELANGANA. 4) Unless otherwise stated,tax on this invoice is not payable under reverse charge 5) Prices/Levies are applicable from the date of Notification and as per date of RRIChalan. * Royalty (@14%% on ROM price, premium Add price Cost plus price, etc. E&OE 22.12.2022 THE SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY LIMITED (A GOVERNMENT COMPANY ) . HYDERABAD OFFICE : FINANCE & ACCOUNTS DEPT TAX INVOICE ANNEXURE-1 OF COAL BILL : 9105886161 COAL BILL DATE :22.12,2022 POF SURFACE TRANSPORT CHARGES Distance from MINE (KM) Rate / Tonne Quantity Amount, Transported Rs Ps 070 <3 45.0 204.983 9,224.69 3 10 < 10 90.04 3, 436.550 309,289.50 10 TO < 20 140, 04 299,276 41,758.64 Surface Transport Charges 3,.939.819) 360,272.03 MINEWISE BREAKUP OF SURFACE TRANSPORT CHARGES Mine Code & Name Rate / tonne] _ Quantity “Amount Dist to CHP (a Transported | RS PS. 101, RG-t UG GOK 163 Incline,0 10 <3 45.0 108.434 4879.44 2102,RG-I UG GDK 262A Incline,0 TO < 3 ss.0d 96.563] 4345.29 110, RG-I OC RG OCP-V,3 70 < 10 30.0 3239.34i[ _291540.6 2204,RG-II UG GDK 9 Incline,10 TO < 20 140.04, 298.274 41758. 64) 2207, RG-II OC RGOC-IIT Extn PhaseII,3 TO < 10 90.0% 197.209 1748.83] Total 3.939.819 | 360,272.83, STC Cost per Ton ‘i 360,272.83 / 3,939.820 91.4440 STC. Cost per Ton rounded off = = 91.44 Surface Transport Charges = 3,939,820 * 91,44 - 360,257.14 e-Way Bill par WAY otk Bette fey aNo: 2215 7208 5349 Genet One 22/2/2022 10:1 AM Gveratedy:IGAMA CTORT 3F3Z1. Va Upto: 24naz022 Mode RAL opr Diane 3094 ‘ype: OUTWARD - SUPPLY Document Deas: TAX INVOICE - s2OSBR6iBx - 22/12/2022 ‘rg Whe commularion ora InN: Sogha790193"4e10201804bbbbAtsbses7ee4atscadboeaL7BDOderoecaiee Address Details, zg = ‘GSN: SEAAACTRBTSFAZ SINGAREM COLUERIES LTD. ‘TELANGANA patch Fram gt es? abel csp TELANGANA TELANGANA - 505209 ‘Goi sgaamewarsocize ‘My HOME INDUSTRIES PRIVATE UMITED ‘ELANGANA she To MEWACHERUVUN) VMELLACHERUVU TELANGANA.- 505246, Goods Detats Please Refer IRM Print te View Gootts Detats, at Tx 201 Sram “Tota avable Ant: € 2g47an6a.s9 COST Amt S657 Ame: cess amet ae IsTAnt: € 0.00 (CESS Non Advl Art € 0.00 (ther Am: ¥ 0.00 Totalny Amt: € 32040649.72, ‘transportation Details ‘Tronsporter 10 & Name 6 Tronsporter Doc. No, & Date: 461005120 & 22/12/2022 S.Vehiele Detats Mode Vehicle /Trans Doe No & Dt. From Entered Date Entered By CEWS Ne. (If any) Mui Vento (i any) Rel As10051286 227120022 ___TELANGANA *22AIAON 10 AM D6AAACTBRTAFAZA ~ 1nSBBESN

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