Seamless and Welded Copper-Nickel Tubes For Water Desalting Plants
Seamless and Welded Copper-Nickel Tubes For Water Desalting Plants
Seamless and Welded Copper-Nickel Tubes For Water Desalting Plants
B 552
6.1.1 The material of manufacture shall be cast billets of cold-worked) temper, as specified in the ordering information.
Copper Alloys UNS Nos. C70600, C71500, C71640, and 8.1.2 Welded Tube—The product shall be furnished in either
C72200 as specified in the ordering information, and shall be the WO61 (welded and annealed) or the WC55 (welded and
of such quality and soundness as to be suitable for processing light cold worked) temper as specified in the ordering infor-
into finished lengths or coils of tube to meet the properties mation.
prescribed herein. 8.2 Tubes shall conform to the tensile requirements shown
6.2 Manufacture: in Table 2.
6.2.1 Seamless Tube— The product shall be manufactured
by such hot extrusion or piercing, and subsequent cold working 9. Mechanical Property Requirements
and annealing as to produce a uniform, seamless wrought 9.1 Tensile Strength:
structure in the finished product. 9.1.1 The product shall conform with the tensile strength
6.2.2 Welded Tube— The product shall be manufactured requirements prescribed in Table 2 for the temper, alloy and
from cold rolled strip which is subsequently formed and type specified in the ordering information when tested in
welded by an automatic welding process. accordance with Test Methods E 8. As-welded tubes are permitted to have further pro-
cessing when agreement is established between the manufac- 10. Performance Requirements
turer or supplier and purchaser. 10.1 Expansion Test Requirements:
6.2.3 The product shall be cold worked and annealed as 10.1.1 Tube specimens selected for test shall withstand the
necessary to meet properties of the temper specified. expansion shown in Table 3 at one end when tested in
7. Chemical Composition accordance with Test Method B 153. The expanded tube shall
show no cracking or rupture visible to the unaided eye.
7.1 The product shall conform to the chemical composition 10.2 Flattening Test Requirements:
requirements specified in Table 1 for the Copper Alloy UNS 10.2.1 Tube specimens approximately 4 ft (1.22 m) long
number designation specified in the ordering information. shall be tested in the annealed condition by flattening on
7.2 These composition limits do not preclude the presence different elements throughout the length. Each element shall be
of other elements. When required, limits for unnamed elements flattened by one stroke of a press. The term “flattened” shall be
shall be established and analysis required by agreement be- interpreted as follows: a micrometer set at three times the wall
tween the manufacture or supplier and purchaser. thickness shall pass over the tube freely throughout the
7.2.1 For copper alloys in which copper is specified as the flattened part except as the points where the change in element
remainder, copper may be taken as the difference between the of flattening takes place.
sum of all the elements analyzed and 100 %. For seamless tube the flattened elements shall not When all the elements in Table 1 are analyzed, their show cracking or rupture visible to the unaided eye. Superficial
sum shall be as shown in the following table: ruptures resulting from surface imperfections shall not be cause
Copper Alloy UNS No. Copper Plus Named Elements, % min for rejection.
C70600 99.5 For seam-welded tube, the weld shall be placed in
C71500 99.5 a position of maximum bend for at least one fourth of the
C71640 99.5 flattened elements. The flattened elements shall not show
C72200 99.8
cracking or rupture visible to the unaided eye. If the tube has
8. Temper been further processed after welding and the weld cannot be
8.1 Tempers within this specification are as defined in located, the test shall be performed in accordance with 10.2.1.
Practice B 601. 10.3 Weld Quality Test Requirements:
8.1.1 Seamless Tube—The product shall be furnished in
either the O61 (annealed), or the H55 (light drawn, light TABLE 2 Tensile Requirements
Copper Alloy Temper Tensile Strength,
TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements
UNS No. Standard Former min, ksi (MPa)
Composition, %
C70600 O61 annealed 40 (275)
Element Copper Alloy UNS No.
W061 welded and annealed 40 (275)
C70600 C71500 C71640 C72200 H55 light drawn, light cold worked 45 (310)
WC55 welded and light cold worked 45 (310)
Copper (incl silver) remainder remainder remainder remainder
C71500 O61 annealed 52 (360)
Lead, max 0.05A 0.05A 0.05A 0.05A
WO61 welded and annealed 52 (360)
Iron 1.0–1.8 0.40–1.0 1.7–2.3 0.5–1.0
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 54 (370)
Zinc, max 1.0A 1.0A 1.0A 1.0A
WC55 welded and light cold worked 54 (370)
Nickel (incl cobalt) 9.0–11.0 29.0–33.0 29.0–32.0 15.0–18.0
C71640 O61 annealed 63 (435)
Manganese 1.0 max 1.0 max 1.5–2.5 1.0
WO61 welded and annealed 63 (435)
Chromium ... ... ... 0.30–0.70
A A A A H55 light drawn, light cold worked 75 (515)
Other named elements
WC55 welded and light cold worked 75 (515)
Copper + elements with specific ... ... ... 99.5 min
C72200 O61 annealed 45 (310)
WO61 welded and annealed 45 (310)
When the product is for subsequent welding applications and so specified by H55 light drawn, light cold worked 50 (345)
the purchaser, zinc shall be 0.50 % max, lead 0.02 % max, phosphorus 0.02 % WC55 welded and light cold worked 50 (345)
max, sulfur 0.02 max, and carbon 0.05 % max.
B 552
TABLE 3 Expansion Test Requirements where:
Temper Expansion of P 5 hydrostatic pressure, psi (MPa);
Copper Alloy
Tube Outside t 5 wall thickness of the material, in. (mm);
Diameter, % of
Original Outside D 5 outside diameter of the material, in. (mm); and
Standard Former
Diameter S 5 allowable stress of the material, psi (MPa).
C70600 O61 annealed 30 11.3 Pneumatic Test:
W061 welded and annealed 30 11.3.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order,
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 15
WC55 welded and light cold worked 15
each tube shall be subjected to a minimum internal air pressure
C71500 O61 annealed 30 of 60 psig (415 kPa) for 5 s without showing evidence of
WO61 welded and annealed 30 leakage.
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 15
WC55 welded and light cold worked 15 12. Dimensions, Mass, and Permissible Variations
C71640 O61 annealed 30
WO61 welded and annealed 30 12.1 Diameter—Tubes to be furnished shall range in outside
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 15 diameter, as specified, from 5⁄8 to 11⁄4 in. (15.9 to 31.8 mm)
WC55 welded and light cold worked 15
C72200 O61 annealed 30
inclusive. The diameter of the tubes shall not vary from that
WO61 welded and annealed 30 specified by more than the following amount as measured by
H55 light drawn, light cold worked 15 “go” and “no go” gages:
WC55 welded and light cold worked 15
Specified Diameter, Tolerance, Plus and Minus
in. (mm) in. (mm)
B 552
13. Workmanship, Finish and Appearance analysis shall be taken from a 3-in. (76.2-mm) long section of
13.1 The product shall be clean and free from defects, but tube selected in accordance with 14.1.2.
blemishes of a nature that do not interfere with the intended
15. Specimen Preparation
application are acceptable. Annealed temper tubes may have a
dull iridescent film on both the inside and outside surface, and 15.1 Chemical Analysis:
drawn temper tubes may have a superficial film of drawing 15.1.1 Sample preparation shall be in accordance with
lubricant on the surfaces. Practice E 255.
13.2 Minor dents having a rounded contour that does not 15.1.2 Analytical specimen preparation shall be the respon-
exceed 0.030 in. (0.76 mm) in depth and permit passage of the sibility of the reporting laboratory.
tube at the dented point in a “go” gage are acceptable. Ends
shall be smooth and free of burrs. 16. Test Methods
13.3 Welded Tube—The weld seam shall show complete 16.1 Chemical Analysis:
fusion and penetration with no undercutting. The bead rein- 16.1.1 Composition shall be determined, in case of dis-
forcements that remain on the outside and inside of the tube agreement, as follows:
after welding shall be removed by cutting. After removal, the Element Test Method
weld shall show no sign of any crevice, crack, or porosity upon Carbon E 76
visual inspection. Chromium E 118
Copper E 478
14. Sampling Iron E 478
Lead E 478; atomic absorption
14.1 The lot size, portion size, and sample size of the Manganese E 62
Nickel E 478; photometric
finished product shall be as follows: Phosphorus E 62
14.1.1 Lot Size—An inspection lot shall be 300 tubes or Sulfur E 76
30 000 lbs (13 600 kg) or fraction thereof, subject to inspection Zinc E 478; titrimetric
at one time, whichever is the greater weight. 16.1.2 Test methods for the determination of element(s)
14.1.2 Portion Size—Portion size shall be sample pieces required by contractual or purchase order agreement shall be as
from two individual lengths of each lot. agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser.
14.2 Chemical Analysis—Samples for chemical analysis 16.2 Other Tests:
shall be taken in accordance with Practice E 255. Drillings, 16.2.1 Tensile Strength shall be determined in accordance
millings, and so forth shall be taken in approximately equal with Test Methods E 8.
weight from each of the sample pieces selected in accordance Whenever test results are obtained from both full-
with 14.1.2 and combined into one composite sample. The size and machined specimens and they differ, the test results
minimum weight of the composite sample that is to be divided from the full-size specimens shall prevail.
into three equal parts shall be 150 g. 16.2.2 Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Test—Testing shall
14.2.1 Instead of sampling in accordance with Practice follow the procedures in Practice E 243 except for the deter-
E 255, the manufacturer shall have the option of determining mination of “end-effect.”
conformance to chemical composition as follows: Conform- Notch-depth standards shall be rounded to the
ance shall be determined by the manufacturer by analyzing nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm). The notch depth tolerance shall
samples taken at the time the castings are poured or samples be 60.0005 in. (0.013 mm).
taken from the semifinished product. If the manufacturer Drilled hole standards shall be rounded to the
determines the chemical composition of the material during the nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm). The drilled hole tolerance shall
course of manufacture, he shall not be required to sample and be 60.0005 in. (0.013 mm).
analyze the finished product. The number of samples taken for Alternatively, at the option of the manufacturer,
determination of chemical composition shall be as follows: using speed-insensitive eddy current units that are equipped so When samples are taken at the time the castings are that a fraction of the maximum imbalance signal can be
poured, at least one sample shall be taken for each group of selected, a maximum imbalance signal of 0.3 % shall be used.
castings poured simultaneously from the same source of Tubes that do not activate the signaling device of
molten metal. the eddy current tester shall be considered as conforming to the When samples are taken from the semifinished requirements of this test. Tubes with discontinuities indicated
product, a sample shall be taken to represent each 10 000 lbs by the testing unit are permitted, at the option of the manufac-
(4550 kg) or fraction thereof, except that not more than one turer, to be reexamined or retested to determine whether the
sample shall be required per piece. discontinuity is cause for rejection. Signals that are found to Because of the discontinuous nature of the process- have been caused by minor mechanical damage, soil, or
ing of castings into wrought products, it is not practical to moisture, shall not be cause for rejection of the tubes provided
identify specific casting analysis with a specific quantity of the tube dimensions are still within prescribed limits, and the
finished material. tube is suitable for its intended application. In the event that heat identification or traceability is 16.2.3 Hydrostatic Test—The test method used shall permit
required, the purchaser shall specify the details desired. easy visual detection of any leakage or by pressure differential.
14.3 Spectrographic Analysis—Samples for spectrographic Any evidence of leakage shall be cause for rejection.
B 552
16.2.4 Pneumatic Test—The test method used shall permit 19.1.1 Product that fails to conform to the requirements of
easy visual detection of any leakage or by pressure differential. this specification when tested by the purchaser or purchaser’s
Any evidence of leakage shall be cause for rejection. agent, shall be subject to rejection.
19.1.2 Rejection shall be reported to the manufacturer, or
17. Number of Tests and Retests supplier, promptly, and in writing.
17.1 Tests: 19.1.3 In case of dissatisfaction with results of the test upon
17.1.1 Chemical Analysis—Chemical composition shall be which rejection is based, the manufacturer, or supplier, may
determined as the per element mean of results from at least two make claim for a rehearing.
replicate analyses of the sample(s) and the results of each 19.2 Rehearing:
replication must meet the requirements of this specification. 19.2.1 As a result of product rejection, the manufacturer, or
17.1.2 Other Tests—The results of each specimen tested supplier, is permitted to make claim for a retest to be conducted
must meet the requirements of this specification. by the manufacturer, or supplier, and the purchaser. Samples of
17.2 Retests: the rejected product shall be taken in accordance with the
17.2.1 When requested by the manufacturer or supplier, a product specification and subjected to test by both parties using
retest shall be permitted when test results obtained by the the test method(s) specified in the product specification, or,
purchaser fail to conform to product specification require- alternately, upon agreement of both parties, an independent
ment(s). laboratory may be selected for the test(s) using the test
17.2.2 Retesting shall be conducted using twice the number method(s) specified in the product specification.
of tests specimens normally required for test. Test results for
20. Certification
specimens shall conform to the product specification require-
ment(s) in retest and failure to conform to the requirements 20.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, the
shall be cause for rejection of the entire lot. purchaser shall be furnished certification that samples repre-
senting each lot have been either tested or inspected as directed
18. Inspection in this specification and requirements have been met.
18.1 The manufacturer, or supplier, shall inspect and make 21. Test Report
tests necessary to verify the product furnished conforms to
21.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, a
specification requirements.
report of test results shall be furnished.
18.2 Source inspection of the product by the purchaser may
be agreed upon between the manufacturer, or supplier, and the 22. Packaging and Package Marking
purchaser as part of the purchase order. In such case, the nature 22.1 The material shall be separated by size, composition,
of the facilities needed to satisfy the inspector representing the and temper, and prepared for shipment in such a manner as to
purchaser that the product is being furnished in accordance ensure acceptance by common carrier for transportation and to
with the specification shall be included in the agreement. All afford protection from the normal hazards of transportation.
tests and the inspection shall be conducted so as not to interfere 22.2 Each shipping unit shall be legibly marked with the
unnecessarily with the operation of the works. purchase order number, alloy designation, temper, size, shape,
18.3 The manufacturer, or supplier, and the purchaser may total length or piece count or both, and name of supplier. The
conduct the final inspection simultaneously by mutual agree- specification number shall be shown, when specified.
23. Keywords
19. Rejection and Rehearing 23.1 copper-nickel; desalting; heat exchangers; seamless
19.1 Rejection: tube; tube; water desalting; welded tube
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 The SI unit for strength properties now shown is in SI unit for pressure or stress is the newton per square metre
accordance with the International System of Units (SI). The (N/m2), which has been named the pascal (Pa) by the General
derived SI unit for force is the newton (N), which is defined as Conference Weights and Measures. Since 1 ksi 5 6 894 757
that force which when applied to a body having a mass of 1 kg Pa, metric equivalents are expressed as megapascal (MPa),
gives it an acceleration of 1 m/s2 (N 5 kg·m/s 2). The derived which is the same as MN/m2 and N/mm2.
B 552
This section identifies the changes that have been incorporated since the printing of B 552–92 as follows:
(1) A five-year review was conducted. Editorial revisions to (3) Tensile strength requirements for Copper Alloys UNS Nos.
most sections were made to incorporate current form and style C70600 and C71500 were changed to match those of analo-
practice. gous tempers in Specifications B 111 and B 543.
(2) A greatly expanded and updated section on nondestructive
testing was added.
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above address or at
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