Betelvine (Piper Betle L.) - A Comprehensive Insight Into Its Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemistry, and Pharmacological, Biomedical and Therapeutic Attributes

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Received: 6 January 2022   Revised: 28 February 2022   Accepted: 24 March 2022

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DOI: 10.1111/jcmm.17323


Betelvine (Piper betle L.): A comprehensive insight into its

ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry, and pharmacological,
biomedical and therapeutic attributes

Protha Biswas1 | Uttpal Anand2 | Suchismita Chatterjee Saha3 | Nishi Kant4 | Tulika
Mishra5 | Harison Masih6 | Ananya Bar7 | Devendra Kumar Pandey8 | Niraj Kumar Jha9
| Madhumita Majumder10 | Neela Das11 |
Vijaykumar Shivaji Gadekar12 | Mahipal S. Shekhawat13 | Manoj Kumar14 | Radha15 |
Jarosław Proćków16 | José M. Pérez de la Lastra17 | Abhijit Dey1
Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Department of Life Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel
Department of Zoology, Nabadwip Vidyasagar College (Affiliated to the University of Kalyani), Nabadwip, West Bengal, India
Department of Biotechnology, School of Health and Allied Science, ARKA Jain University, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
Department of Botany, Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Industrial Microbiology, Jacob Institute of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and
Sciences, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Zoology, Wilson College (Affiliated to University of Mumbai), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Department of Biotechnology, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India
Department of Biotechnology, School of Engineering & Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Botany, Raidighi College (Affiliated to University of Calcutta), Raidighi, West Bengal, India
Department of Botany, Rishi Bankim Chandra College (Affiliated to the West Bengal State University), Naihati, West Bengal, India 12Zoology
Department, Sangola College (Affiliated to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University), Solapur, Maharashtra, India 13Plant Biotechnology Unit,
Kanchi Mamunivar Government Institute for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Puducherry, India 14Chemical and Biochemical Processing Division,
ICAR - Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India 15School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Shoolini
University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India 16Department of Plant Biology, Institute of Environmental
Biology, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocław, Poland 17Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología (IPNA), Consejo
Superior de Investigaciones científicas (CSIS), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
economically and medici nally important cash crop, belongs to
the family Piperaceae, often known as the green gold. The plant
Jarosław Proćków, Department of Plant Biology, Institute of Environmental can be found all over the world and is cultivatedprimarily in
Biology, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Kożuchowska South East Asian countries for its beautiful glossy heart-shaped
5b, 51-631 Wrocław, Poland.
Email: [email protected] leaves, which are chewed or consumed as betelquidand widely
José M. Pérez de la Lastra, Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología used in Chinese and Indian folk medicine, as carminative,
(IPNA), Consejo Superior de stimulant,astringent, against parasitic worms, conjunctivitis,
Investigaciones científicas (CSIS), Santa
Abstract rheumatism,

Piper betle L. (synonym: Piper betel Blanco), or betel vine, an

Protha Biswas and Uttpal Anand contributed equally to this study and are the first authors.

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine published by Foundation for Cellular and Molecular Medicine and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
J Cell Mol Med. 2022;26:3083–3119. | 3083
3084     BISWAS et al.

Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.

Email: [email protected]

Abhijit Dey, Department of Life Sciences, Presidency University, 86/1 College

Street, Kolkata 700073, West Bengal, India.
Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]

Funding information
This research was funded by projects APOGEO (Cooperation Program
INTERREG-MAC 2014–2020,
with European Funds for Regional Development-FEDER, ‘Agencia Canaria de
Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (ACIISI) del Gobierno de
Canarias’ (project ProID2020010134), and CajaCanarias (project 2019SP43).

wound, etc., andis also used for religious purposes.
Hydroxychavicol is the most im portant bioactive compound
among the wide range of phytoconstituents found in es sential oil
and extracts. The pharmacological attributes of P. betle are The use of P. betle is found in many traditional medicinal sys
antiproliferation, anticancer, neuropharmacological, analgesic, tems, such as the Indian Ayurvedic medicinal system, traditional

antioxidant, antiulcerogenic, hepatopro tective, antifertility, Piper betle L. (synonym: Piper betel Blanco) (Piperaceae) is a widely
known perennial creeping plant belonging to the genus Piperaceae
antibacterial, antifungal and many more. Immense attention has
and originates from central and eastern Peninsular Malaysia and is
been paid to nanoformulations and their applications. The
distributed to East Africa and tropical countries of Asia.1 It is a com
application of P. betle did not show cytotoxicity in preclinical
mercial cash crop cultivated mainly in India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
experiments, suggesting that it could serve as a promising
Thailand, Taiwan, Malaysia and few other Southeast Asian coun tries.2,3
therapeutic candidate for different diseases. The present review The betelvine is called the ‘green gold of India’ because al most 20
compre hensively summarizes the botanical description, million people depend on this plant to derive their source of income
geographical distribution, economic value and cultivation, from the production, transportation, handling, process ing and
ethnobotanical uses, preclinical pharmacological properties with preparation of betel leaves. The betel vine is usually an asexually
propagated plant that has various cultivars and bears both male and
insights of toxicological, clinical efficacy, and safety of P. betle.
female plants. About a hundred varieties of betel plants are found
The findings sug gest that P. betle represents an orally active and
across the world, among them 40 varieties are found only in India and
safe natural agent that exhibits great therapeutic potential for
of which 30 are recorded from West Bengal and Bangladesh.6 The
managing various human medical conditions. However, fur ther most common varieties of betel are Magadhi, Salem, Mysore, Bangla,
research is needed to elucidate its underlying molecular Kauri, Venmony, Meetha, Kapoori, Sanchi, Banarasi, Desavari, Kasi,
mechanisms of action, clinical aspects, structure–activity Ghanagete and Bagerhati, which are mainly based upon their colour,

relationships, bioavailability and synergistic inter actions with aroma, taste and size.1P. betle is known by various names in different
countries around used globe, though ‘Paan’ is the most used in India,
other drugs.
Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh.7 The betel leaf and areca nuts play a
KEYWORDS central role in Hindu culture as they are used in a variety of social,
Betelvine (Piper betle L.), ethnobotany, hydroxychavicol, nanoparticles, cultural and religious ceremo nies.1 Betel quid is a common practice in
pharmacology, phytochemicals many countries because it acts as a natural tonic and mouth refresher
to prevent oral malodour. The International Agency for Research on
Cancer surveyed and es timated that there are 200–600 million users
present globally (Refs ; IARC).
Chinese medicine, and also in the folklore medicinal system of the oils, perfumes and hallucinogens.10
West Indies and Latin America. In the Ayurvedic medicine system, P. Pharmacological properties of medicinal plants are primarily at
betle plants are used as preparation varieties for the treatment of tributed to a variety of bioactive phytochemicals with biomedical and
many diseases, known as Lokantha Rasa, Puspadhava Rasa, Laghu pharmaceutical significance.11-18 Plants are known to house a number
sutaseknara Rasa, Lanha, Brhat sarwajwarahara and Brhat visamaj of different classes of phytoconstituents19-21 such as alkaloids, glyco
warantaka Rasa. The juice prepared from the betle leaf is generally sides, tannins, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, terpenes and oligosac
used as an adjuvant in many herbal combinations with different other
charides.22-24 Such phytochemicals have also been reported against an
medicinal plants for better results in Ayurveda.8 Traditionally, the plant
array of human ailments.20,21,25 The strong pungent aroma comes from
is used to cure many ailments such as cold, bronchial asthma, cough,
the leaves of betel because the essential oil contains a good quantity of
stomachalgia and rheumatism, and it is used for the treatment of other
terpenes and phenols. 26-28 The essential oil from betel leaf is to some
diseases such as boils, bad breath, constipation, conjunctivitis, gum
extent a greasy, slippery and viscous liquid at room temperature. A
swelling, abscesses, injuries and cuts, which are communicable or
wide diversity of bioactive compounds is present in the leaves of betel,
noncommunicable.9 The use of this plant is also found in other this difference is based on the environment, soil types, the location of
purposes, such as in fish poisoning, fish bait, insecti cides, ornaments,
BISWAS et al.   3085

growing and types of landraces.7 The wide range of phytochemicals

present in the betel plants was identified as chavicol, chavibetol, hy
droxychavicol, eugenol, estragole, methyl eugenol, hydroxycatechol,
α-pinene, caryophyllene, β-pinene, 1,8-cineol and others.29 In a recent
report, combining herbs (P. betle leaves) and herbo-minerals (Swarna
bhasma) in a dosage-dependent manner was used to treat Corona pa
tients by enhancing their prophylactic and therapeutic effects.30
Various extraction methods are used for the extraction of vol
atile oils from the leaves of betel, including hydrodistillation, steam
distillation, solvent extraction and supercritical fluid extraction that
were characterized by GC-MS, NMR.1 Huge numbers of studies
have revealed the efficacy of the bioactive compounds present in
essential oil as antioxidants to prevent cancer, inflammation, neuro
degenerative disorders, and also as antimutagenic, antifertility, an
tilipidaemic, antiglycaemic, cardioprotective, etc.31,32 The essential
oil of betel leaves can also combat bacterial, protozoan and fungal
infections and insect attacks. Class: Magnoliopsida
This review comprehensively summarizes the botanical de Order: Piperales
scription, economic status, pharmacological properties, nanofor Family: Piperaceae
mulations and their applications taking into account the safety and Genus: Piper
toxicity. In addition, the underlying molecular basis of the action of Species: Piper betle L.33
plant extracts or phytochemicals are also discussed. Considering the
immense potential of this underexploited medicinal plant, the present
review comprehensively describes the present state of the art 3  |  BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION
research on this plant with an interdisciplinary approach that includes
the pharmacology, nanotechnology, preclinical and clini cal studies and
The plant (Figure 1) is a dioecious root climber, and the shoots reach
also potential toxicological considerations of using P. betle
any height from 3 to 10 m according to available facilities for climb ing.
preparations. However, more studies are needed to enumer ate the
The plant bears lateral branches along its entire length that grow a
structure–activity relationships behind the pharmacolog ical activity
couple of feet from the ground. The stems are swollen and articulate,
of plant constituents. Detailed clinicalstudies are also needed, and the
with dichotomous branching and rooting at the nodes.
pharmacokinetic properties and druggability ofsuch preparations
need to be elucidated. FIGURE 1 Piper betle L.: Habit sketch

The stems are stout, almost terete, slightly flattened; when young,
they are light green and marked by short, raised, whitish streaks and
2  |  TAXONOMY with pinkish stripes along the node. The internodes generally attain a
length of about 12 cm. and a diameter of 1.2 cm. Leaves are
Taxonomical classification characterized as a simple blade, alternate, spiral and ex-stipulate;
Kingdom: Plantae petioles are 2–5 mm long, pubescent and channelled. Leaf blades are
Division: Magnoliophyta glabrous, coriaceous, fleshy, greenish to yellowish, shining, broadly
ovate, width 7–8.5 cm, length 9–11 cm; base cordate; apex acumi
nate; margin is entire, narrowly recurved; venation reticulate, 7–9 Vernacular names in Indian languages
veins in two or three pairs coming from the midrib, one pair elevat ing Sanskrit: Tambool, Mukhbhushan, Nagavalli, Varnalata,
from base. The inflorescence is an axillary spike up to 5.5 cm long. The Nagavallari
male inflorescence forms a cylindrical pendulous catkin of 10 cm in
Hindi, Bengali, Urdu: Paan
length and 2 cm in diameter. Female spikes are also cylin drical,
Telugu: Nagballi, Tamalapaku
pendulous; length 2.5–4 cm and diameter 0.5 cm. Individual flowers
Tamil: Vetrilai
are very minute and unisexual, reduced, consisting of a cou ple of
Gujarati: Nagarbael
stamens and stigmas inserted into the axil of each bract. The bracts
Marathi: Vidyache pan
are orbicular, peltate, arranged in a thickly crowded spiral se ries. The
Malayalam: Vettilakkoti, Vettila
mature inflorescence is strongly aromatic. Fruiting spikes are 3–5 cm
in length, orange and drupping, entrenched on the rachis of the Kannada: Veeleya, Veeleyada yele, Vilya, Villayadel
Konkani: Phodi paan
mature inflorescence.34,35

3086     BISWAS et al.

Other Asian languages

English: Betle, Betle pepper, Betle-vine
Vietnamese: Tråu
Khmer: Maluu
Mon: Plu
Thai: Plue, Pelu
Persian: Burg-e-Tanbol
Chamorro: Papulu
Javanese: Suruh, Sirih, Bodeh
Arabic: Tanbol
Sakai: Jerak
Semang: Seresa, Be, Cabe
Sinhalese: Bulath
Jakun: Kerekap, Kenayek Banarasi, Kapoori, Kasi, Sanchi, Mysore, Desavari, Ghanagete and
Malay: Daun sirih, Sirih hudang, Sirih Carang, Sirih melayu Bagerhati according to their size, colour and aroma.44 Piper betle is
Kapampangan: Bulung samat36,37 generally propagated asexually by cutting stems rather than
germinating seeds.45 It needs a compatible tree or long support for its
creeping habit. Betel vine cultivation is a very typical type of farming.
5  | DISTRIBUTION AND CULTIVATION For betel cultivation, the best choices are highlands and especially
fertile sandy or sandy clay or sandy loam soil with a well drainage
The betel vine is believed to have originated in Malaysia.38 The plant is system and a pH range of 5.6–8.2, thus, saline and alkali soils where
widely grown in forests that are generally damp and also in hot and water logging are a problem is not suitable; about 2250–4750 mm
moist climatic conditions of India and many other countries in South rainfall, relative humidity 40–80% and temperature range 15–40°C
and South East Asia, viz. China and Vietnam. Piper betle is believed to are considered suitable. In Bangladesh, farmers pre pare a special
have first emerged in tropical Asia and then spread to East Africa and garden called ‘barouj’ which is fenced with bamboo sticks and coconut
Madagascar. Betel is widely grown in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, leaves and on top of the fench is covered with paddy leaves to grow
Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Kampuchea, betel. The farming land is well dug into fur rows of approximately
Philippine Islands, Burma, Malaysia, Taiwan, Malay Peninsula and 10–15 m long, 75 cm wide and 75 cm deep. The furrows are
many countries in Southeast Asia and is known to have a long his tory, thoroughly manured with cow dung, rotten farm yard manure, oil
mentioning the presence of the betel plant over 2000 years. Figure 2 cakes, leaves and wood ash. After proper dress ing, the cuttings are
presents the worldwide distribution of the species. In India, the plant planted at the beginning of the monsoon, in the months of May to
is found in Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttar June. Then, the plants are parallelly arranged in rows with a distance
40-42 of two feet between each plant and are bound with a string around
Pradesh and Tamilnadu. About a hundred betel plant varieties are
found all over the world,among them, 40 are grown in India, along with upright sticks of split bamboo or short plants for support. Proper
30 are grown in Bangladesh and West Bengal. Various types of Piper shade and frequent irrigation are necessary in areas where rainfall is
lower about 1500–1700 mm; regular watering is required in summer
betle are found across the world, for instance, Magadhi, Kauri, Meetha,
and watering every 3–4 days is sufficient in winter, and a proper
Salem, Venmony, Bangla,
drainage system is mandatory at the time of rainy season for the Piper betle L. throughout the world
successful cultivation of this crop. After 1 year of planting, the leaves
of the plant turn out to be ready for plucking, and the production of
betel leaf from the barouj lasts for more than a few years from the
time of planting.41,43,46


In the Indian climate, the female plants of Piper betle rarely produce
flowers or fruit. Betel vines are cultivated and harvested mainly for
their heart-shaped green leaves.41 This crop has a vast economic
potentiality which can be effectively recognized by the piece of

FIGURE 2 Geographical distribution of

BISWAS et al.   3087
combination of other plants or medicines for better thera
peutic effects is mentioned in the Ayurvedic literature, which was
evidence that more or less 15–20 million of people in India have the
almost 1400 BC ago. 54Atharved, the ancient Vedic literature, men
habit of using betel leaves regularly47 not only that, there are more
than 2 billion people from many other countries who are recognized as tioned the usefulness of the betel plant against numerous diseases at
regular users of betel leaves from all over the world. Most im about 3000–2500 BC before.55 Saptasira, the Vedic name of the

portantly, the economic status of betel leaves is dependent on the leaves of betel, is mentioned in the Kamasutra of Vatsyayan as hav ing

physical character of the end products in the worldwide market. The aphrodisiac properties.44 In the ayurvedic and Unani system of
betel leaf and products produced in different forms such as pow der, medicine, the betel plant is used as an anthelmintic, appetite stimu
capsules, liquid and various types of value-added products are lant, vermifuge, astringent, diarrhoea, aphrodisiac, breath freshener,
available on a broad spectrum in the market as beverages, in oral care, carminative, cardiac tonic, dentifrice, in the prevention of diuretic
pharmaceutical products and cosmetics. 41
The annual turnover emmenagogues, induction and increase of menstrual flow, laxative,

national income is Rs 7000–10,000 million, and from this, the state, strengthen gums, nerve tonic and also in the treatment of urinary

West Bengal, gains an income of 800–1000 million rupees per year. disorders. Betel leaves are mostly chewed by about 200 million peo ple

The leaves were exported to various countries around the world on a regular basis throughout the south Asia and western part of the

where the plant is not grown naturally or the local supply could not Pacific basin in a special shape of packets known as ‘Betel quid’, which

meet the requirements. Betel leaves are generally exported to Hong is prepared from Piper betle leaves brushed with burnt lime and

Kong, Pakistan, Italy, Bahrain, Canada, Great Britain, Kuwait, Saudi contain few pieces of areca nut, flavours, often cardamom or cloves,

Arab, Nepal and several other countries in Europe. 47,49 are added with or without tobacco according to choice.56 Chaveerach
et al. stated that the betel leaf is a most important ma terial in Thai
ceremonies. Elderly people chew betel leaves to pre pare quid. In
weddings, the family members of the bridegroom place money along
with the betle leaves in a bowl, which together is known as khun maak.
The ethnic group Kui, from the southern division of North East
Thailand, uses betel leaf (locally, raam phi taan) in the ‘Spirit dancing’
Traditional medicine has played a crucial role in the health care of the
ceremony to chase away evil spirits or fend off bad luck from the
rural and urban people.246-248 Ethno-medico-botanicals have been
patients from the family or the village. They use betel leaves as
used across almost all the cultures worldwide against an array of
stimulant, exhilarant, antiseptic and antioxidant, to treat
human medical conditions.50-53 The use of betel leaf alone and with a
kidney inflammation and thirst resulting from diabetes, strength to active. Compound concentrations depend on the dif ferent varieties of
stomach, as expectorant for asthma, coughs and bronchitis, and an the plant, season, climate and may geographi cal location and also
tiflatulent element.34 Decoction of P. betle leaves used to prevent body might be influenced by various factors such as soil, humidity,
odour and treat diarrhoea, sore throat, skin allergies and fluor albus, agronomic practices, rainfall, season and type of plant.65 The main
57 phytochemical constituents of the essential oil of the betel leaf are
leaves are cooked and added to vegetable soup. In Southeast Asia,
Betel chewing with its associated discoloration of the teeth is the mainly phenols and terpenes.66 The phenol con tent varies by gender,
ascriptions of the teeth blackening practice related to sexual total phenols are three times higher in male plants, and the
maturation and becoming a full member of society in Masticans.58 In thiocyanate content is two times higher compared to female plans.
the Laleng community, people use betel leaf to chew and at the Leaf quality is basically dependent on the phenol content; more
sociocultural festival. They oil the leaf with mustard oil and place it on phenol content comes with better leaf quality.67 The typical pungent
59 aroma of the betel leaves is the result of the phenols present in them.
the naval area to relieve liver pain. The Rabha community of
Mataikhar forest, Assam, the Torajanese, the Bugis community and Preliminary photochemical studies of aqueous and methanol extracts
Lakshadweep people also use betel leaf for chewing and in religious of betel leaves revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins,
People in Parsa district, Nepal, chew betel leaf or mix sterols, phenols, glycosides, saponins and ter penoids.68 Syahidah et al.
leaf juice with hot water, honey or milk mild stimulant, cure worm, also identified alkaloids, phenols, flavo noids, saponins, steroids,
remedy for bad breath and provides mouth refreshment, improve tannins, terpenoids and glycosides from qualitative analysis of the
digestion, strengthen teeth and gums, palate cleaner, treatment of methanolic extract of the betel leaves.175 Leaves also contain bitter
nervous pains and exhaustion, ease of urination, analgesic, reduce compounds (0.7–2.6%).2 Terpenoids and their acetates, including
cough and cold. The ethno-medicinal uses of P. betle in the area and cadinene, 1,8-cineole, chavicol, chavibetol, safrole, camphene,
community are listed in Table 1. limonene, caryophyllene, pinene, carvacrol, al lylpyrocatechol and
eugenol, are present in P. betle as the main phe nols.2,69 A recent work
with the leaves was found to contain starch, diastases, sugars (0.8 to
8  |  PHYTOCHEMICAL PROFILE 1.8%) and an essential oil in an amount of 4.2%.70 The presence of
tannins and steroidal components was re vealed by phytochemical
Piper betle is one of the extensively investigated plants for its vari ous investigation on leaves.71 The main com ponents of betel leaf oil are
phytochemical constituents present in it, and the study revealed that safrole (48.7%), chavibetol acetate
the plant contains a wide range of phytochemicals that are biologically
3088     BISWAS et al.
| TABLE 1 Ethnomedicinal uses of P. betle

Local name Community/tribe and region Part used and preparation Medicinal property/used against Reference
leaf infusion abdominal pain 267
Paan Dibru-Saikhowa Biosphere Reserve of Northeast India
range cough, scabies, boils, nosebleed 239
leaf tea taken orally, paste applied topically
Daing Kadazandusun communities around Crocker

– Thailand leaves stimulant, exhilarant, antiseptic and antioxidant, kidney inflammation and
thirst resulting from diabetes, strength to
stomach, expectorant effect for coughs,
asthma and bronchitis, antiflatulent

paan Assam crushed leaf juice pediculosis 269 Tamalapaku Andhra Pradesh, India leaves asthma 271

Paan Garo tribal community, paste of leaf and petiole singly or in against bronchitis, indigestion, and as antidote to poison
Netrakona district, Bangladesh combination an antidote to poison against
bronchitis, indigestion, and as
fresh leaves chewed or immersed with sesame oil, applied for headaches and lactogogue
then warmed with flame
for digestive, stimulative, carminative, aphrodisiac,
Vettrilai Villupuram district of Tamil Nadu, India
and oedema 250

Eman Bulu and inland Kaulong of Papua New Guinea Paan Rabha community of Mataikhar reserve forest, Kamrup district,
Assam, India
Vertrilai Kalrayan Hills, Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu 61
leaf castor oil is smeared on leaves, warmed and applied to affected areas for
paan tribal and native people of Madhupur forest area, Bangladesh
arthritis, cold,
pulped leaves used topically to cure swollen limbs leaves digestive
cough and headache

problem 255 decoction of leaves, leaf juice nerve pain. for joint pain, cough,

Base, sirih, Bali, Indonesia decoction of leave body odour, and for treating diarrhoea, sore throat, skin allergies, fluor albus
patiwa Chungtia village, Nagaland, India leaf paste used topically or chewed mild stimulant, cure worm, remedy for bad breath and provides mouth
with lime, areca refreshment, improve digestion, strengthen teeth and gums, palate cleaner,
nut and tobacco treatment of nervous pains and nervous exhaustion, ease
cure cuts and wounds, to treat dental caries 253 urination, analgesic, reduce cough and cold
Ikmo Sambal-Bolinao of Pangasinan, Philippines
leaves heat with oil and salt rub on the body the body of jaundice patient 249
pan Parsa district, Nepal leaf chewing, leaf juice mixed with hot water, honey
or milk
Lolobata National Park Area orally
leaves boil with water and taken postpartum pain
betle Tobelo Dalam tribe in Aketajawe
essential oil.73 Phytochemical analysis of two varieties
Sirih/ betle Southern slope of Mount Merapi, Yogyakarta, Indonesia of betel leaves, Kamarvetrilai and Kumbakonamvetrilai,
leaf relative cough 257 confirmed cardiac glycosides, acids and steroids along with
tannins, saponins and flavonoids.74 In another experiment, four
cultivars of P. betle— Banarasi, Calcutta, Kammar and
(12.5%) allylpyrocate choldiacetate (34.0%), along with Kumbakonam—showed positive re sults in tannin, flavonoid and
ρ–cymene, 4-terpinol, eugenol, β-caryophyllene.72 There are two terpenoid tests,plobatannins found in the Banarasi cultivar,
sesquiterpe nes, cadinene and caryophyllene and safrole (52.7%), Banarasi and Kammar gave positive results for saponins,cardiac
eugenyl ac etate (5.8%), allylpyrocatecholdiacetate (15.4%) and glycosides found in the Banarasi and Kumbakonam cultivars.75
eugenol (6.4%) are also reported as the main elements of the Pipercerebrosides A and B are two new sphingolip ids isolated
essential oil of the P. betle leaf from Sri Lanka.67 The leaves were and identified by NMR (Nuclear magnetic resonance)
also found to produce an alkaloid, namely arakene, which spectroscopy of betel leaf extract.76 GC-MS (Gas
possesses properties similar to those of cocaine. The chemical chromatography– mass spectrometry) studies identified all
compositions of essential oil differ in different parts: leaf, stem, compounds that can be
stalk and root contain safrole, while fruits contain β
-phellandrene. Younger leaves of betel contain more amount of
BISWAS et al.   3089
   | TABLE 2 Phytochemical constituents of P. betle

Plant part/Extract/
Essential oil Techniques Chemical compounds References
Aqueous extract of leaves
hexadecanoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, hydroxychavicol, myristic acid,
GC/MS 2,3-bis(hydroxy)propyl ester, 2-monopalmitin, α-hydroxy, alpha octadecanoic acid, octadecanoic acid
hydroxyphenyl, benzeneacetic acid, benzeneacetic acid,
Essential oil from leaves GC/MS 4-allyl-1,2-diacetoxybenzene, acetyleugenol, bicyclo(4.1.0)hept-3-en camphene, chavicol,
cis-ocimene, cyclohexene,4-methyl-decanal,
eugenol, germacrene B, germacrene D, globulol, ledene, linalyl acetate,
l-limonene, methyl-eugenol, phenyl acetylaldehyde, t-caryophyllene,
t-ocimene, undecanal, α –humulene, α-pinene, β-elemene, β-myrcene,
γ-cadinene, γ-ionene, γ-muurolene
Leaf extract DART-MS chavicol, allylpyrocatechol, chavibetol, phenyl alanine, chavicol acetate, allylpyrocatechol acetate, chavibetol
acetate, allylpyrocatechol, diacetate
fractions of leaf GC/ MS pipercerebroside B
Acetone extract and different
UV/VIS/NIR, NMR, HR-ESI-MS, Sphingolipids - pipercerebroside A 76

Volatile oil from leaves GC/MS β- caryophyllene, α-farnesene, α-humulene, germacrene b, germacrene d 260
Hexane extract of leaves GC/MS 2,3-dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6-methyl-4h-pyran-4-one, phellandrene, α terpinene, p-cymene,
sabinene, ɣ-terpinene, o-guaiacol, linalool, tujene,
terpine-1-ol, terpine-4-ol, α-terpineol, safrole, eugenol, isoeugenol, α
copaene, β –bourbonene, methyleugenol, β –caryophyllene, β –cubebene,
ɣ-cadinene, α-humulene, β-selinene, α-selinene, caryophyllene oxide,
camphene, germacrene b, longifolene, phytol
Ethanol extract of leaves GC/MS heptafluorobutyrate, ethyl diazoacetate, 4-(2-propenyl)phenol, 3-fluoro-2- propynenitrite, eugenol,
Aqueous and ethanol extracts of leaves
259 palmitic acid derivatives
GC/MS amino acid: alanine, valine, isoleucine, proline sterols: cholesterol, cholesterol derivatives, stigmasterol, β -sitosterol
fatty acids: palmitic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, oleic acid, stearic
Ethanol extract of leaves GC/MS 1-phenylpropene-3,3-diol diacetate, eugenol, 4-chromanol, 4-allyl-1,2- diacetoxybenzene,
hydroxychavicol (1-allyl-3, 4-dihydroxybenzene)
and HR-ESI-MS desmethylenesqualenyl
Chloroform extract of leaves 243
1D NMR, 2D NMR, ESI-MS, FT-IR s 1-n-dodecanyloxy resorcinol (H1) and
GC/MS hydroxychavicol, eugenol, isoeugenol, and
4-allyl-1,2-diacetoxybenzene 240,241
Ultrasound-assisted extract of leaves
3-hydroxycinnamic acid, 4-hydroxycinnamic acid,
Leaf aqueous extract of varieties
methoxybenzoic acid, 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol,
bangla, bagerhati, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)
manikdanga, meetha, kalibangla, chhaanchi, phenol (tyrosol), 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic
ghanagete and haldi acid(synonym: hydro
GC/MS amino acids: l-glutamic acid (dehydrated), p-coumaric acid), piceatannol, shikimic acid, quinic
l-pyroglutamic acid, l-tryptophan, organic acids: acid, terpenoid,
citric acid, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, fumaric loganin other organic compounds: adenosine,
acid, (-)-epinephrine, indole-3-
gluconic acid, gluconic acid lactone, glyceric acid, acetamide, porphine
glycolic acid,
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid,
4-hydroxyphenylacetic acid, isocitric
acid, l-(+) lactic acid, maleic acid, malic acid,
malonic acid, nicotinic acid,
oxalic acid, 3-phenyllactic acid, ribonic
acid-gamma-lactone, succinic acid,
sugars: methyl-β-d-galactopyranoside,
thiogalactopyranoside, phenyl-β-glucopyranoside,
sucrose, raffinose,
sugar alcohols: arabitol, galactinol, glycerol, (Continues)
d-mannitol, d-sorbitol
fatty acids: lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid,
stearic acid,
phenols: o-acetylsalicylic acid, p-anisic acid,
benzene-1,2,4-triol, caffeic
acid, chlorogenic acid, chrysin, cinnamic acid,
coniferyl alcohol
3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid, ferulic acid, gentisic
acid, hydroquinone,
2-hydroxyacetophenone, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid,
3090     BISWAS et al.

TABLE 2 (Continued)

Plant part/Extract/
Essential oil Techniques Chemical compounds References
-bisabolol, β -caryophyllene, β -cyclocitral, β -elemene, benzaldehyde,
Leaves volatile
benzyl acetate, β -pinene, β -selinene, β -spathulenol, cadalene,
compound from five varieties (bangla, cadin-4-
khasia, misti, sanchi, bari) en-10-ol, cadina-1(6),4-diene, c-amorphene, camphene, caryophyllene
SDE- GC/MS (E)-2-hexenyl acetate, (E)-cadina-1,4-diene, (E)-cadinol, oxide, ɣ-elemene, chavicol, ɣ -muurolene, ɣ -terpinene, cubebol, δ
(E)-calamenene, (E)- ocimene, (E)-Verbenol, (Z)22-pentenyl acetate, cadinene, decanal, dehydrocineole, dimethylallyl acetate, epicubenol,
(Z)-3-hexenyl-1-acetate, eremophilene, estragole, eugenol, eugenyl acetate, farnesyl acetate,
farnesyl acetone, furfuraldehyde, guaiac acetate, hexanal, humulene
(Z)-a- bergamotene, (Z)-a-bisabilene, (Z)-aabinene hydrate,
4-d-carene, epoxide ii, isogermacrene d, isophytol, limonene, linalool, linalool oxide
1-hexanol, 1-H-indol, 1-nor-bourbonanonee c, 2,3-butanediyl acetate, methyl heptenone, methyl salicylate, methyleugenol, n-butyl
diacetate, benzene, n-decyl acetate, n-dodecanal, n-hexyl acetate, nonanal,
2-ethylfuran, 2-hexen-1-ol, 2-hexenal, 2-penten-1-ol, 2-pentylfuran, octadecanol acetate, oxophorone, p-cymen-8-ol, p-cymene, phenyl
2-phenylethyl acetate, 3-hexen-1-ol, 3-hexenal, 4-allylphenyl acetate, acetaldehyde, phenylethyl alcohol, phytone, pogostol, salvial-4(14)-
4-vinyl guaiacol, 9-epi-b-caryophyllene, α-amorphene, α -curcumene, en-1-one, sesquisabinene, terpinen-4-ol, tetradecanal,
α -guaiene, α -humulene, α -muurolene, α -muurolol, α -nerolidola c, α undecan-2-one,
-pinene, aromadendrene, α -terpineol, α -thujene, β-(z)-bergamotene, valencene
and HR-ESI-MS acid/1-n-decanoyl phenol and 3-butylphenol
P. betle var. haldia and maghai 242
1-n-decanoyl hydroxybenzoic
(2S)-4'-hydroxy- 2,3-dihydrofl avonone-7-O-β-D-glucoside and
β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside-6'-O-palmitate.78-81 Gas chroma
tography mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis of fresh and cured
leaves of the essential oil of P. betle var Bangla fresh and cured leaves
divided as monoterpene (α-thujene, α-pinene, camphene, sabinene,
revealed a total of thirty-three phytochemicals and a total of thirty
myrcene, β-phellandrene, α-terpinene, (e)-β-ocimene, 1,8-cineole/
volatile components, respectively, with high abundance of estragole,
eucalyptol, γ-terpinene, terpinolene, linalool, terpinen-4-ol, α
terpineol), sesquiterpenes (δ-elemene, α-copaene, β-copaene, eugenol, linalool, anethole, α-copaene, chavicol and caryophyllene.1

β-elemene, e-β-caryophyllene, γ-elemene, β-selinene, aromaden Very recently, Islam et al. studied volatile oils from five varieties of
drene, α-humulene, germacrene d, α-selinene, γ-muurolene, bicy betel such as Bangla, Misti, Khasi, Sanchi and Bari and found a total of
clogermacrene, α-muurolene, cis-β guaiene, δ-cadinene, palustrol, 101 volatile oil compounds, which are much higher in number than
spathulenol, caryophyllene oxide, globulol, viridiflorol, cubenol, α previous reports with 50 compounds identified for the first time.82
cadinol), and phenylpropane (estragole/methyl chavicol, chavicol, Table 2 represents the phytochemical constituents of P. betle. Figure 3
anethole/isoestragole, safrole, chavicol, acetate, eugenol, methyl represents the chemical structures of some phytochemicals reported
eugenol, eugenol acetate).77 Betel vine also contains dotriacontanoic from the species.
acid, stearic acid, piperlonguminine, hentriacontane, n-triacontanol,
pentatriacontane, triotnacontane, isoeugenol, allylpyrocatecho
ldiacetate, α-pinene, β-sitosteryl palmitate, 1, 8-cineol, ursolic acid, 9  |  PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES
β-sitosterol, β-pinene, sitosterol, ursolic acid 3β-acetate and
stigmasterol. Betel roots possess ursonic acid, piperlonguminine, The following section summarizes the various pharmacological at
stearic acid, β-sitosteryl palmitate, β-sitosterol, 3β-acetyl urso lic acid, tributes of P. betle (Table 3).
4-allyl resorcinol, aristololactam A II and stigmast-4-en-3, 6-dione.
The betel stems were found to have stigmast-4-en-3, piperine,
piperlonguminine, piperdardine, dehydropipernonaline, guineensine, 9.1  |  Antitumour/anticancer/
6-dione, aristololactam A-II, pellitorine, 4-allyl resor cinol, antiproliferative activity
syringaresinol-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, N-isobutyl-2E,4E
dodecadienamide, pinoresinol, piperolein-B, cepharadione A, One of the promising therapeutic strategy to inhibit cancer cell
dotriacontanoic acid, β-daucosterol, tritriacontane, β-sitosterol, α proliferation is to facilitate apoptosis. In cancer research, finding
ethyl glucoside (2E,4E)-N-isobutyl-7-(3’,4'-methylenedioxyphenyl)- apoptosis-inducing agents derived from plant sources has become
2,4-heptadienamide, 23-hydroxyursan-12-en-28-oic acid,
BISWAS et al.   3091

FIGURE 3 Chemical structures of

some phytochemicals reported from the
which are derived from chemical substances, often fail to com bat
cancer development and progression.83 In addition to the destruction
of rapidly proliferating cancer cells, many anticancer
compounds also kill normal cells in the body. Cancer can be treated
with chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, but both can cause nu
merous adverse health effects, and in many instances, cancer cells
develop resistance to anticancer medications. However, of

popular due to the fact that existing anti-apoptotic drugs, many of

3092     BISWAS et al.
| TABLE 3 Pharmacological activities of P. betle

Activity Part used (compound) Design Model Effects Reference

activity tumours in hamster expressed complete or partial
Anticancer/Anti tumour/Anti aqueous extract of leaves tumour buccal pouches suppression of tumour
proliferative inhibition assay benzo(a)pyrene-induced both short-term and long-term studies, 232
tumour inhibition assay dimethylbenz[a] tumorigenesis in mice
anthracene (DMBA)-
higher doses of the extract
induced mammary
inhibited the emergence of
carcinogenesis in
aqueous extract of the leaves tumours
Holtzman rats

anticarcinogenicity studies
benzo[a]pyrene-induced foestomach neoplasia 92
in male Swiss mice decreased number of papillomas per animal (by
alcoholic extract (eugenol, hydroxychavicol, β-carotene
β-carotene and and α –tocopherol)
tumour suppression assay
4-(N-nitrosomethylamino)- 1-(3-pyridyl)-1-
leaf extract butanone induced
reduced the tumorigenic effects by 25%
(hydroxychavicol) mutagenesis and
α-tocopherol) or combined with anthracene-induced rodent
turmeric mammary
tumour inhibition assay methyl tumours
leaf extract (beta-carotene, (acetoxymethyl)
Raji cells induced by 12-O
alpha-tocopherol, nitrosamine-induced hexadecanoylphorbol 13-acetate
eugenol and hamster oral
ethanol extract of leaves reduced tumour incidence by 75%,
hydroxychavicol) carcinogenesis
inhibition of tumour incidence, morphological studies, MMTV-RT tumour burden by >90%
tumour inhibition assay by topical
reduction of tumour assay
administration and intraperitoneal
7,12-dimethylbenz(a) anthracene
burden, extension of the tumour antitumour activity in terms of
(DMBA) induced skin tumours in
latency period, and regression of cancer chemoprevention
mice 95 96
72 established, frank tumours
inhibition of tumour formation by 94

83–94%; eugenol showed minimal methanol extract inhibitory assay of

protection Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) activation
mammary tumour
leaf extract (β-carotene and virus-induced and
leaf aqueous extract in vitroneutral red cytotoxicity assay µg/ml, no effect
towards HeLa cell line
KB and HeLa cell line cytotoxicity on the KB cell line 29.5 ± 0.3
leaf ethanol extract in vitroMTS assay breast cancer cell line T47D inhibit cell proliferation with IC50 55.2 µg/ml
MCF-7 dependent inhibitory effects with IC50 values of
water, methanol, ethyl acetate and hexane 99
extracts of leaves the ethyl acetate and hexane extracts showed
and 163.30 μg/ml
in vitroMTT assay breast cancer cell line, dose
in vivotumour growth and MTT assay implanted in male tumour growth inhibition
methanol extract of leaves 100
bioluminescent imaging, prostate cancer PC-3 cells BALB/c nude mice
oral feeding effective in
human ductal breast epithelial tumour cell 9.45%
reduce 2.8% cell proliferation, induce apoptosis
aqueous extract of root in vitroMTS assay T47D
cervical cancer cells HeLa growth inhibition with IC50
value 7.13 µg/ml,
apoptotic activity with
ethanol extract of leaves inhibiting proliferation cells and by IC50 value 12.5 µg/ml
SubG1 flow cytometry (95.87%)
BISWAS et al.   3093
   | TABLE 3 (Continued)

Activity Part used (compound) Design Model Effects Reference

immunohistochemical analysis nude mice y injected with PC-3-luc growth and proliferation via ROS
leaf extract androgen-independent human cells generation and caspase dependant
(hydroxychavicol) prostate cancer cells, PC-3, 9 pathway in P-3
in vitroMTT assay, in vivo sensitivity was 22Rv1> C4-2>
DU145, C4- 2, and 22Rv1; BALB/c cells
histopathologic and PC-3> DU14; inhibits
leaf acetone extract in vitroMTT assay lung cancer cell line (A549) cell toxicity- 88.7%, cell death 11.4%
in tumour size determination, a dose of 25 µg/ ml, developed a
petroleum ether, ethyl acetate,
SRB wound healing assays, transdermal patch containing
aqueous, and ethanol extract of
evaluation of transdermal 0.03% of the extract
leaves 105
in vivotumour growth study B16F10 patches
human breast cancer MCF-7 cells
melanoma in C57BL/6 Mice
ethyl acetate extract showed the crude ethanol extract cytotoxicity cytotoxicity with an IC50 of 114.3
highest dose dependant reduction and suppression of cell migration µg/ml, suppressed cell migration at
(hydroxychavicol) migration and invasion epithelial-mesenchymal
colony formation assay, assays transition, migration and
Annexin-V/PI assay, cell MIA PaCa-2, PANC-1, L929, invasion of cells, induces
cycle and cell death INT407, NIH-3T3, Vero and DNA damage, mitotic
analysis, comet assay, HEK293 cells catastrophe and apoptosis
scratch assay, Transwell inhibits proliferation and
leaf extract
inflammatory, mediated via
antinocepective opioid mechanisms
hot and cold water extract of leaves
tail flick, hot plate, and formalin tests
cross bred albino mice hot plate and
Analgesic, anti formalin tests were most effective
activity regulation nitric oxide lipoxygenase (LOX) inhibition assay
ethanol extract of leaves Freund’s adjuvant-induced 112
water, ethanol, ethyl acetate and hexane extract of in vitroassay all extracts showed significant inhibition
model of arthritis
leaves activity
hyaluronidase (HYA), xanthine oxidase (XOD), and
rat anti-inflammatory and anti arthritic effect by down
carrageenan-induced hind paw Swiss albino mice and Wistar rats number of lickings in dose
oedema model, hot plate, inhibit paw oedema, also reduced dependant manner
ethanol extract of leaves writhing, and formalin tests writhing and

ethanol extract of leaves acetic acid induced writhing test Swiss Albino mice reduced writhing response via modulation of the
arachidonic acid pathway
Mice and rats significant analgesic activity, dose-dependent
aqueous extract of leaves eddy hot plate and heat
increase in
conduction method
latency period
varieties) five varieties showed anti 116
methanol extract of leaves (9
- LPS induced RAW 264.7 cell line inflammatory activity
Gelatin Zymography
In vitroassay 85% anti-inflammatory activity 117
Betle leaf essential oil detection of MMP-2 and MMP9 using
Swiss albino mice reduction in the duration of immobility
compared to
Antidepressant ethanol extract of leaves forced swim test and tail suspension test
Swiss albino mice reduced the immobility time 122
hydroalcoholic extract forced swim test and tail
suspension test

volatile oil forced swim method albino mice reduced immobility than standard fluoxetine

Anti axiety hydroalcoholic extract light/dark exploration

test and elevated plus maze test
Swiss albino mice gradual increase in the dose of extract
improvement of anxiety

3094     BISWAS et al.
| TABLE 3 (Continued)

Activity Part used (compound) Design Model Effects Reference

Anti stress ethanol extract of leaves melatonin estimation, gene zebrafish larvae to the positive control
behavioural study, luciferase reporter expression study improved behavioural and gene melatonin
gene assay, dexamethasone (DEX) induced stress in expression level similar
methanol extract ml and 45.55 ± 1.89 μg/ml,
(hydroxychavicol and chlorogenic acid) respectively
bio-autographic method - AChE and BChE inhibition
(IC50) are 21.23 ± 0.33 μg/
Anticholinesterase activity
2,5-diphenyltetrazolium leakage activity against both AChE at
aqueous and ethanol
bromide reduction and human neuroblastoma cells and BChE, cytotoxic to concentrations higher than
extract, hydroxychavicol
lactate dehydrogenase (SH-SY5Y) human neuroblastoma cells 500 μg/ml
3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)- 125
leaves Morris water maze test and improved retention of spatial memory
Passive avoidance test 127

aluminium chloride (AlCl3) induced

Alzheimer’s disease in Wistar rats
reduced mean escape latency period,
Alzheimer’s disease aqueous extract of
Nootropic effect hydroalcoholic extract visual observation Swiss male albino mice increase in discrimination index 128
aqueous extract of leaves Y-maze Test reversal effect against amnesia with a a major decrease in inflexion ratio
Scopolamine induced amnesia in albino rats momentous decrease in retention latency, and 129
scavenging assay
in vitroassay free radical scavenging with 50% inhibitory

Antioxidant activity inflorescence extract H2O2, superoxide, hydroxyl radical

aqueous extract of
riboflavin/light/NBT system, hydroxyl radical
leaves of Kauri
scavenging activity and inhibition of
variety, Ghanagete,
lipid peroxidation induced by FeSO4 in egg yolk
Bagerhati (chevibetol, allylpyrocatechol)
DPPH free radical scavenging assay
in vitroassay free radical scavenging effects
cold ethanol extract, hot water extract of decreased in the order Cold
leaves and essential oil DPPH assay, TBARS assay, hydroxyl radical ethanol extract >essential
scavenging assay oil >hot water extract
ethyl acetate, methanol, water, petroleum in vitroassay antioxidant capacity in order of in vitroassay significant antioxidant activity by
ether extract of leaves Kauri>Ghanagete>Bagerhati all extracts
DPPH, superoxide radical scavenging activity in

aqueous extract of leaves DPPH radical scavenging assay T47D human

ductal breast epithelial tumour cell ethanol extract of leaves superoxide dismutase activity assay
line 102
HeLa cell line scavenged more than 50% free radical
83% antioxidant activity 98
and photochemiluminescence
methanol, ethanol, acetone, ethyl acetate, and
photochemiluminescence assay assay for the Calcutta
distilled water extract of leaves (Banarasi,
safeda, Calcutta, Cuttack, variety showed the highest
in vitroassay FRAP and ABTS assay of the
Desibagla, Maharashtra and Sofia varieties) antioxidant activity
Banarasi and
DPPH, ABTS radical scavenging activity FRAP, safeda varieties and the
DPPH radical scavenging assay human breast cancer MCF-7 cells 30.0 ± 0.1 µg/ml
crude ethanol extract of leaves 105
antioxidant activity with (IC50) of
DPPH scavenging assay, reducing power in vitroassay all extracts showed good
activity, hydrogen antioxidant properties in
ethanol, ethyl acetate, hexane +petroleum peroxide scavenging assay all assays in concentration
ether and aqueous extract of leaves 135
dependant manner
ethanol extract of leaves oxygen radical absorbance capacity in vitroassay potential free radical scavenging activity
(ORAC) Assay 137
in vitroassay fewer antioxidant activity compared to
leaf methanol extract nitric oxide, hydroxyl radical and reducing
power assay, ferric
ion RPA method
BISWAS et al.   3095
   | TABLE 3 (Continued)

Activity Part used (compound) Design Model Effects Reference

and aminotransferase (AST), hydroperoxides; improved non-enzymatic
Hepatoprotective activity oxidative damage in antioxidants and free radical detoxifying
alanine aminotransferase (ALT),
aqueous extract or leaf biochemical Wistar rat thiobarbituric acid enzymes
estimation ethanol-induced hepatotoxic decreased aspartate 138
reactive substances (TBARS), and lipid
and histopathological study dismutase TIMP2 level
Wistar rats liver fibrosis induced (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities;
with carbon attenuated
tetrachloride (CCl4) and corn oil liver fibrosis, decreased
inhibited AST and ALT expression of α-smooth
muscle actin (α-SMA),
activities; attenuated total induced expression of active matrix
glutathione S-transferase activity metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2), and
(GST); enhanced superoxide inhibited
aqueous extract of leaf biochemical
intoxication in Wistar
improved antioxidants –lipid hydroperoxidase,
SOD, GSH peroxidise, vitamin C, vitamin E,
GSH; decreased TBARS, hydroperoxidase and
liver marker enzymes AST, ALT, alkaline
phosphate (ALP), gamma
glutamyltranspeptidase (GGTP)

leaf extract - oxidative stress-induced

assay liver dienes, reduced SOD, CAT, GST
liver damage in Wistar rats induced altered elevated level of serum AST, vitamin C and vitamin E in the liver
141 142
with CCl4 serum ALT, ALP,

ethanol extract of leaves acute

cadmium chloride-induced liver
toxicity, serum hepatic enzyme
dysfunction in
level and antioxidant
Wister rat
enzyme level study
reduced serum glutamate
oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT),
lactate dehydrogenase
serum glutamate pyruvate
(LDH), gamma-glutamyl
transpeptidase (GGTP),
(SGPT), (ALP), acid
bilirubin; oxidative stress markers
phosphatase, lipid
TBARS, lipid
peroxidation; improved
hydroperoxide (LOOH),
ethanol extract of leaves catalase, SOD, glutathione (GSH) in
protein carbonyl, conjugated
Biochemical and histopathological
reduced central vein
dilatation, leukocyte
infiltration, normalized
hepatocellular architecture,
reduced LPO, increased
ethanol extract of betle leaves
depleted GSH level and
biochemical and histochemical
SOD, CAT, and GPx
studies 143

hepatotoxicity in
Sprague-Dawley rats
reduced ALT, AST, ALP level;
3096     BISWAS et al.
| TABLE 3 (Continued)

Activity Part used (compound) Design Model Effects Reference

Anti ulcer activity ethanolic extract of radical scavenging activity against gastric lesions, damaged protein and peroxidized lipid
leaves assay of MDA, oxidatively indomethacin-induced gastric lesion in increased SOD and CAT activity, level, increased free radical
damaged protein, SOD, CAT, Sprague-Dawley rats increased mucus, hexosamine and total scavenging action
hexosamine, mucus, and free Significant protection thiol group content, reduced oxidative
investigation NSAID-induced ulcer in Charles
Foster rats
increased antioxidative factors, mucus, and
total gastric tissue sulfhydryl group

ethanol extract of leaves histochemical

leaves index study

leaf ethanol extract (isolated

hot and cold aqueous extract effects on mucus content of
of leaves the gastric mucosa, total and
histological and biochemical free acidity, volume and pH
hydroalcoholic extract of investigation acute toxicity test and ulcer of the gastric juice study
indomethacin-induced albino mice 146,147 31
decreased ulcer index,
stomach ulceration in increased gastric pH, and
Sprague-Dawley rats decreased gastric fluid
crossbreed albino rats
reduced the ulcer index by volume
93.4%, accelerated ulcer
healing, improved the
increased the mucus content
mucin content of gastric
adhering to the wall of the
tissues, showed normal
gastric mucosa and inhibited
HCl-ethanol, acute stress, malondialdehyde (MDA) and
the volume of gastric acid
and pylorus ligation models protein level, increased the
in Wistar rats and Swiss SOD and CAT

Antihyperglycaemic activity haemoglobin, streptozotocin diabetic albino glycosylated haemoglobin, bisphosphatase, increased liver
leaf suspension plasma levels of activities of liver hexokinase Wistar rats decreased activities of liver hexokinase in a dose dependant
glucose and glycosylated and gluconeogenic enzymes reduction in blood glucose and glucose-6-phosphatase and manner
assay fructose-1,6- 149

biochemical study, spectroscopic study

in vitroBSA-glucose model inhibit
glucose-induced glycation, thiol group
modification and carbonyl

methanol extract of leaf (Bangla variety)

ethanol extract of leaves aldose reductase assay in vitroassay inhibition of human recombinant aldose reductase (HRAR)
ethanol administered Wistar co-administration resulted in reduction of VLDL and low level of enzymatic and non
Antihyperlipidaemic activity
rats lipid levels (free fatty acids, cholesterol, enzymatic antioxidants
151 152
and phospholipids) and lipid
peroxidation markers
methanol extract of leaves fat diet depletion in total cholesterol (TC),
induced hyperlipidemia in triglycerides (TG),
Wistar rat low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) and very low-density
(VLDL) activity levels in 153
ethanol extract of leaves - Triton ameliorated
Anti- atherogenic activity
WR-1339-induced hypercholesterolemia hypercholesterolemia
aqueous extract of leaves - brain of
in Wistar rat induced high level of TC, TG, LDL and
BISWAS et al.   3097
   | TABLE 3 (Continued)

Activity Part used (compound) Design Model Effects Reference

Biochemical and enzyme profile, detection systolic, diastolic, mean
histopathological study of apoptosis with annexin arterial pressure (SAP, DAP,
V-PI and MAP) and ventricular
Atherogenic diet fed function parameters
Wister rat contractility (+LVdP/dt),
and relaxation (-LVdP/dt),
heart rate (HR), restored
SOD, CAT, GSH, and GPx,
reduced leakage of the
CK-MB isoenzyme and
rat heart cell line H9c2 LDH, decreased lipid
peroxidation in the heart
incubated with H2O2
lower levels of TC, TG, LDL cytoprotective effect
hydroalcoholic extract of surgery for haemodynamic, and VLDL cholesterol in against H2O2 induced
Cardioprotective activity leaves
measurement of left
ethanol extract of leaves serum and liver tissue; low oxidative
ventricular function aspartate stress, decreased
measurement, biochemical rat with isoproterenol aminotransferase, alanine intracellular ROS and
study (ISP)- induced myocardial aminotransferase, alkaline apoptosis
infarction phosphatase,
lactate dehydrogenase,
and lipid-metabolizing
enzymes in serum; low
enzymatic antioxidant;
higher malondialdehyde in
haemolysate and hepatic
ethyl acetate extract of intracellular ROS levels
modulated haemodynamic
leaves (eugenol) assay, cellular antioxidant
154 155 156

Antifertility Stalk alcoholic extract - adult male and property recorded, mild regressive phase
female rats and rabbits progestational activity in immature oestrogen-primed
number of pups reduced, anti-oestrogenic rabbits with some follicle depressant type in their
sperm motility and count, fertility, biochemical cholesterol in testes
male Swiss albino mice reduced fertility to 0%,
suppressed sperm mobility
and cauda epididymal
sperm count, reduced
fructose content in the
ethyl alcohol extract of leaf stalk seminal vesicle, increased
reduction in reproductive organ activity, non-utilization of
ethanol extract of petiole oestrus
weights, oestrogen level, fertility, cholesterol and mobilization of
cycle, fertility, litters per rat and
litter number, serum glucose ascorbic acid, irregular oestrus
concentration, acid phosphatase, cycle, no change in haematological
concentration, haematology
SGOT and parameters
and serum biochemistry study
SGPT activity, increased 159
female albino Wistar rats (Rattus
cholesterol and ascorbic acid
of leaves
Fertility study, effect on
oestrous cycle
vaginal smear of female albino
Wistar rat
irregular and prolonged
oestrous cycle which result in
infertility (Continues)

aqueous and methanol extract

3098     BISWAS et al.
| TABLE 3 (Continued)

Activity Part used (compound) Design Model Effects Reference

progesterone receptor, (LH), progesterone,
root extract (Piperolactam A)
the binding site has more anti-oestrogenic activity,
hydrogen binding with irregular oestrous cycle
antifertility, reproductive outcome, adult female Wistar rat significant
anti-implantation, abortifacient, antifertility, anti-implantation and
hormonal study abortifacient activity,
petroleum ether, ethanol, and water
in silicostudy potential contraceptive reduced level of follicle
extract of whole plant activity with high binding affinity stimulating hormone
molecular docking, ligand binding to the oestrogen and (FSH), luteinizing hormone
affinity, molecular dynamics study 161,162

inhibited platelet aggregation with IC50

207 and 335 µg/ ml, inhibited AA-,
in vitroassay arachidonic acid (AA) collagen, and thrombin-induced
aqueous extract of induced and collagen thromboxane B2 (TXB2)
inflorescence induced rabbit platelet production by >90%
212 213
in vitrostudy arachidonic acid, platelet aggregation
activation factor ursonic acid, 3B-acetyl ursolic acid, and
(PAF), and adenosine B-sitosterol have decreasing potency for
Antiplatelet n butanol extract and diphosphate (ADP)- arachidonic acid-induced PA inhibition;
fractions of roots induced human platelet ursonic acid and B-sitosterol inhibited

(isolated ursonic acid, aggregation (PA) PAF-induced PA, B-sitosterol inhibited

ADP- induced PA
3B-acetyl ursolic acid
and B-sitosterol)
Anti-halitosis methanol extract and fractions of leaves and allylpyrocatechol (APC)
isolated compound
MIC, Biofilm, methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulphide production by oral anaerobic also prevented periodontal
volatile sulphur compound (VSC) assay bacteria due to the infection
214 antimicrobial activity of APC
in vitrosaliva chip model the reduction in the VSC
Antiallergic activity ethanol extract of leaves histamine and granulocyte 215
macrophage colony in vitroassay decreased histamine and GM-CSF production and
stimulating factor (GM-CSF); inhibited eotaxin and
eotaxin and IL-8 production IL-8 secretion
of 100 mg/kg and 200 mg/kg body
weight, prolonged the latent period of
Anti-asthmatic effect
Anti-hematolytic activity
ethanol extract of leaves broth dilution, very effective antifungal activity with IC50water, methanol, ethyl acetate, and
disc diffusion assay against selected values ranging petroleum ether extracts of leaves
zoonotic dermatophytic fungi, from 110.44 to 119.00 µg/ml
Anti dermatophytic activity 216 217 - in vitroH2O2 treated human
viz. Microsporum
ethanol extract calculation of erythrocytes model
canis, Microsporum 32
proconvulsive time histamine aerosol reduced haemolysis without any toxicity
gypseum, Trichophyton
induced asthma in guinea pig
mentagrophyte and
Candida albicans
significant anti-asthmatic effect at doses
Swiss albino male mice higher doses decreased T3 and increased T4 concentrations,
the lowest dose increased T3
Thyroid function leaf aqueous extract triiodothyronine T3 and thyroxine
and decreased T4
BISWAS et al.   3099
   | TABLE 3 (Continued)

Activity Part used (compound) Design Model Effects Reference

reaction, determination of peripheral blood lymphocyte
Immunomodulatory activity immunosuppressive effect
antibody titre proliferation, decreased
on cellular and humoral
methanol extract of leaves lymphocyte in vitroassay and in vivo assay in Swiss
response by dose antibody titre, increased
proliferation assay, delayed type albino mice immunized with sheep red
dependent suppression of inflammation suppression
hypersensitivity blood cells
immune response, cellular infected with humoral and cell-mediated cells, produced type 1 and
crude methanol and n
immune response, flow the human lymphatic filarial immune responses, type 2 cytokine responses
hexane fraction of plant
cytometry parasite Brugia malayi increased 204
assessment of humoral
in vivoassay in Balb/c mice enhancement of both population of T cells and B
ethanol extract of leaves lipid as two model strand breaks, improved
peroxidation, DNA strand break, hydroxyl and superoxide
prevented ɣ-ray induced lipid
2-deoxyribose, radical scavenging
peroxidation (thiobarbituric
superoxide scavenging, and property along with
acid reactive substrates,
lymphoproliferation assay its lymphoproliferative
lipid hydroperoxide and
in vitro ɣ-irradiated rat liver activity in a concentration
Radioprotective activity conjugated diene), DNA
mitochondria and pBR322 plasmid DNA dependent manner
extract minimum inhibitory bacteria Staphylococcus Propionibacterium acnes MIC value of 4.5% and
Activity against acne
disc diffusion method, concentration aureus and antibacterial activity with a 4.0%
cream dose of ethanol 219
Franz diffusion cell Propionibacterium acnes inhibition of bacteria 221

noisome gel containing leaf essential oil

ethanol extract cream disc diffusion method Propionibacterium acnes 15% cream-containing extract showed highest inhibition
evaluated. When leaf extract was administered orally at higher doses,
it showed the inhibitory result on tumour emergence.91 Bhide et al.

late few compounds obtained from natural sources, which can not investigated the result of the alcoholic extract of betel leaves and its
even be synthesized in the most advanced chemical syn thesis few constituents (hydroxychavicol, α-tocopherol, eugenol and
laboratories, have shown great promise in the cancer β-carotene) against benzo[a]pyrene-induced neoplasia in the
forestomach of Swiss male mice. The leaf extract of betel and the
constituents present in it were able to decrease the number of pap
The first report of antitumour activity of P. betle came from Rao.
illoma, and the highest protection was shown by α-tocopherol and
He studied the activity of the aqueous extract prepared from leaves in
β-carotene.92 A study of the effect of leaf extracts on the carcino genic
benzo(a)pyrene-induced tumours in buccal pouches of hamsters. The
and mutagenic actions of nitrosamines, 4-(N-nitrosomethylam
result revealed that the betel leaf extract was very effective in
ino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), which is one of the most potent
inhibiting preneoplastic and neoplastic changes; partial and complete
chemicals specific to tobacco, was carried out in mice. The result
tumour suppression was also observed in both short-term (10 days)
showed that leaf extract and hydroxychavicol were able to reduce the
and long-term (6 months) treatment.90 Again, the effect of the aque
tumour-forming efficacy of NNK by approximately 25%, and in
ous extract of leaves on dimethyl benz (a) anthracene (DMBA)- in
hibited the decrease in vitamin A levels by the induction activity of
duced carcinogenesis in the mammary grand of Holtzman rats was
NNK in plasma and liver.93 Azuie et al. studied the tumour inhibition
activity of the betel leaf and its constituents in 7,12-dimethylbenz(a) incidence of virus-induced and 7–12-dimethylbenz (a)
anthracene (DMBA) induced skin tumours in mice and found inhi anthracene-induced rodent mammary gland tumours can be re duced
bition of tumour formation by 83–84%.72 They also investigated oral by 75% and tumour burden by >90% by the administration of the
carcinogenesis induced by methyl (acetoxymethyl) nitrosamine in ethanol extract of the leaves.95 The methanol extract prepared from
hamster, extract treatment resulted in inhibition of tumour inci dence, the leaves was able to exhibit antitumour activity in terms of cancer
reduction of tumour burden, extension of tumour latency period, and chemoprevention in Raji cells induced by 12-O-hexadecan
regression of established and honest tumours, suggest ing that betel oylphorbol-13-acetate.96 The aqueous extract of leaves and the
can be used to develop a potential chemopreventive agent for human ethanol extract of leaves in KB cell line (human epithelial carcinoma
oral cancer.94 In another experiment, Bhide et al. showed that the
3100     BISWAS et al.

cells)97 and the ethanol extract in the breast cancer T47D cell line98 The term ‘inflammation’ refers to the complex pharmacological
process of the tissues in response to harmful stimuli viz. damaged
exhibited cytotoxic and antiproliferative activity with IC50 values of
cells, pathogens or irritants, which is characterized by swelling,
29.5 ± 0.3 and 55.2 µg/ml, respectively. Abrahim et al. evaluated the
anticancer activity of extracts of water, methanol, ethyl acetate and warmth, redness and pain.107 There has been a growing interest in
hexane from leaves in the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. Ethyl acetate developing safe and effective drugs for pain and inflammation from
and hexane extracts showed a dose-dependent inhibitory effect with both academia and the pharmaceutical industry.108 By dif
IC50 values of 65.00 and 163.30 μg/ml, respectively.99 ferent types of inflammatory model tests, researchers found that
The anticancer benefits of betel leaves and bioguided fractionation food supplements could be considered as safe natural analgesics
were evaluated for prostate cancer management and found that which act as adjuvant for various clinical pain and inflammation by
hydroxychavicol is the most potent component to inhibit tumour modulation of TRPM8/TRPA1 channels and endogenous opioids
formation in the PC 3 cell line.100
In another experiment, Widowati et signalling pathways.109 The antinociceptive activity of P. betle was
al. found that the aqueous extract of P. betle root can effectively investigated using hot and cold-water extracts of various concen
reduce cell proliferation by 2.8% and induce apoptosis by 9.45% in the trations in tail flick test, hot plate test and formalin test models of
T47D cell line (human ductal breast epithelial tumour) 101,
ethan cross-bred albino mice. The cold extract showed higher antino

olic extract of leaves can inhibit the growth of HeLa cervical cancer ciceptive activity than the hot extract via the opioid-mediated

cells with an IC50 value of 7.13 µg/ml and exhibit apoptotic activity pathway.110 The anti-inflammatory efficacy of the betel leaf etha nol
extract was studied in arthritic rats with a complete Freund
with an IC50 value of 12.5 µg/ml (95.87%).102 The in vitro anticancer
adjuvant-induced model. Ethanol extract was found to reveal
efficacy of hydroxychavicol-containing leaf extract showed sensitiv ity
to androgen-independent human prostate cancer cells (22Rv1> C4-2> anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity by down-regulating nitric
PC-3> DU14) and the activity of P. betle in BALB/c nude mice y oxide generation in a dose-dependent manner compared to positive
injected with PC-3-luc cells by inhibiting growth and proliferation control dexamethasone.111 Pin et al. investigated the
through ROS (Reactive oxygen species) generation and caspase anti-inflammatory activity of P. betle leaves using various sol vents
dependent pathway.9 An experiment with the MTT assay, 88.7% cell (ethanol, ethyl acetate, water and hexane) by in vitro in hibition assay
toxicity and 11.4% cell death were observed in the lung cancer cell of hyaluronidase (HYA), xanthine oxidase (XOD) and lipoxygenase
line (A549) applying acetone extract of betel leaves.103 Shah et al. (LOX). The extracts did not show a good inhibi tory effect in the HYA
studied the tumour inhibition assay of B16F10 melanoma in mice assay, but showed a greater inhibition of more than 70% in the XOD
(C57BL/6) with leaves ethyl acetate, petroleum ether, aqueous and and LOX assay. The order of increas ing inhibitory activity of the
ethanol extracts. The result revealed that the ethyl acetate extract extracts was aqueous < ethyl ac etate < ethanol < hexane.112 In
showed the highest dose-dependent reduction in tumour size. another experiment, betel leaves methanol extract was used to study
Recently, Boontha et al. used a crude ethanolic extract of betel leaf to anti-inflammatory activity with the carrageenan-induced hind paw
assess anticancer activity in human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) and oedema model and anal gesic activity was studied using hot plate,
found that the extract showed cytotoxicity with an IC50 value of 114.3 formalin test and writh ing test. Administration of the extract
µg/ml, suppressed cell migration at a dose of 25 µg/ml and de veloped significantly (p < 0.05) reduced carrageenan-induced paw oedema and
a transdermal patch containing 0.03% extract.105 Another in vitro reduced the num ber of acetic acid-induced writhing and
experiment with leaf extract containing hydroxychavicol in pancreatic formalin-induced licks in a dose-dependent manner.113 De et al. also
cancer cell lines, viz. MIA PaCa-2, PANC-1, L929, INT407, NIH-3T3,
observed a reduced writhing response through modulation of the
Vero and HEK293 cells exhibited inhibition of cell prolifer ation and
arachidonic acid pathway in the acetic acid-induced writhing test on
epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in cell lines, invasion and
Swiss Albino mice using ethanolic extract of leaves.114 The analgesic
migration of cells through generalized gene repression, induced DNA
damage, and also resulted in mitotic catastrophe and apoptosis effect of the betel leaf was evaluated using the heat conduction

through the JNK pathway and the caspase-mediated pathway. 106 process and the hot plate method of the eddy in mice and rat models.
Dose-dependent analgesic effect was observed by increasing the
latency period.115The in vitro anti-inflammatory effects of several

9.2  |  Analgesic/anti-inflammatory/ varieties of P. betle leaf methanolic extracts were evaluated in the cell
line (RAW 264.7) induced by E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Five
antinociceptive activity
varieties among the nine varieties showed significant anti
inflammatory activity.116 Another experiment was carried out in which Numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders such as Alzheimer's
leaf essential oil was used to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity disease and Parkinson's disease as well as epilepsy, migraine and
of P. betle using the detection of MMP-2 (metalloprotein ase-2) and essential tremors have caused severe human mor bidity and
MMP-9 (metalloproteinase-9) using the gelatin zymog raphy method mortality.118-120 Depression, anxiety disorders and
in vitro. An effective anti-inflammatory activity with 85% inhibition
was observed.117

9.3  |  Neuropharmacological property

BISWAS et al.   3101

cognitive impairment are the most common comorbid diagnoses in The effect of P. betle was evaluated to understand its potential role in
neurological diseases. Treatment options include medications, stress-mediated sleep disruption mediated by early exposure to life.
cognitive-behavioural therapy, somatic interventions or electro For this study, betel leaf ethanol extract was administered under
convulsive therapy. Although oral antidepressants have some post-fertilization stress induced by dexamethasone (DEX) in zebrafish
advantages, they also present few limitations like side effects, in larvae. The results showed improved levels of melatonin
teraction with other medications, incompatibility and inefficiency. To related behavioural gene expression (MT1, MT2, aanat1 and aanat2)
find a better and safer alternative treatment of neurological and stress-related gene expression (NF-kB) similar to positive con trol
conditions, natural compounds of plant origin such as terpenes, melatonin.124
alkaloids, flavonoids, lipids and phenolic acids are being studies 9.3.4  |  Anticholinesterase activity and against
extensively.87 Alzheimer's disease

The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is cleaved by acetylcho linesterase

9.3.1  |  Antidepressant activity (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BchE); therefore, inhibition of
AchE and BchE is important to enhance brain activ ity. Alzheimer’s
The antidepressant activity of the ethanol extract of betel leaves was disease, which is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes dementia,
evaluated in Swiss albino mice using the forced swim test and the tail impaired memory and impaired cognitive function in elderly people,
suspension test. Oral administration of leaf extract showed notable can be managed by the application of cholinesterase inhibitor drugs.
antidepressant activity by reducing the duration of immobility The in vitro anticholinesterase ac tivity of P. betle was investigated in
compared to imipramine-treated control mice.121 human neuroblastoma cells (SH-SY5Y) by studying viability by
reducing the leakage of 3-(4,
Gulhane et al. in their experiment also found that the hydroalco holic
5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide and lac tate
extract from betel leaves is capable of controlling depres sion by
dehydrogenase. Both the aqueous extract and the ethanol extract
reducing immobility time in the tail suspension test and forced swim
exhibited strong inhibitory activity on AchE and BchE.125 Dalai et al.
test, when imipramine was used as standard drug.122 The volatile oil
also evaluated the inhibitory efficacy of standardized betel leaf
obtained from the P. betle fruit also showed a significant
methanol extract, containing hydroxychavicol and chlo rogenic acid
antidepressant effect in albino mice using the forced swim method
against AchE and BchE. Hydroxychavicol was found to have a more
compared to the standard antidepressant drug fluoxetine.252
potent cholinergic effect than chlorogenic acid, but a combination of
both (1:1) showed the highest inhibitory activ
ity with an IC50 of 21.23  ±  0.33 μg/ml and 45.55 ±  1.89 μg/ml against
9.3.2  |  Anti-anxiety activity AchE and BchE, respectively.126
The effects of P. betle leaf extract on memory and learning abil ity
Anxiety is characterized as being an unpleasant emotional state for
were evaluated in Wistar rats with aluminium chloride-induced (AlCl3)
which the cause cannot be identified or perceived as uncontrollable,
Alzheimer’s disease. Two tests, the passive avoidance test and the
which impairs efficiency and induces insomnia, as well as resulting in a
Morris water maze test, showed that the administration of the
wide range of medically unexplained symptoms.123 The hydroal aqueous extract of leaves reduced the mean escape latency period
coholic extract of P. betle leaves was used to assess antianxiety ac tivity and improved spatial memory retention in the same way as in
in Swiss albino mice. A gradual dose-dependent improvement was rivastigmine-treated mice.127 These investigations suggest that P.
observed using the light/dark exploration test and an increase in plus betle could be an excellent anticholinergic agent with potential in the
compared to the control group receiving diazepam as standard in the therapeutic management of Alzheimer's disease.
antianxiety model.122

9.4  |  Nootropic effect

9.3.3  |  Antistress activity
The hydroalcoholic extract of P. betle leaves was shown to have
nootropic effect by the experiment in which the extract was ad
ministered to Swiss albino mice and the result showed an increase in
discrimination index in the object recognition test.128 In another 9.5  |  Antioxidant activity
experiment, the nootropic effect of P. betle in scopolamine-induced
amnesia in albino rats was evaluated using the Y-maze test and it was Formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is one of the major
found that the aqueous extract of leaves can reverse the effect against markers in any disease pathology. An antioxidant acts as a protec tive
amnesia with a significant decrease in retention latency, a major barrier against ROS, which causes chronic and degenerative dis
decrease in the inflection ratio. eases.130 The main health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular
3102     BISWAS et al.

diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and other neu

rodegenerative disorders may be caused by the formation of free 9.6  |  Hepatoprotective property
radicals. Antioxidants are very beneficial because they scavenge these
free radicals and help prevent these kinds of disorders be cause they The hepatoprotective activity of P. betle was investigated using a
reduce the oxidative injury of cell proteins, carbohy drates and model of ethanol-intoxicated hepatotoxic injury in the Wistar rat. Oral
lipids.131 The extract of the inflorescence of P. betle was found to administration of betel leaf ethanolic extract at a dose of 300 mg/kg
2 2
scavenge free radical (H O , superoxide, hydroxyl radi cal) with a 50% bw was found to show the highest activity, namely
inhibitory concentration using an in vitro assay. decreased AST (aspartate aminotransferase), TBARS (thiobarbitu ric
2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), superoxide and hydroxyl acid reactive substances), ALT (alanine aminotransferase) and lipid
radical scavenging activity was calculated in a riboflavin/light/NBT (9 hydroperoxides; improved non-enzymatic antioxidants such as
nitro blue tetrazolium) system and inhibition of lipid peroxidation reduced GSH (glutathione), vitamin E and vitamin C, and free radi cal
induced by FeSO4 using the aqueous extract of leaves of three varie detoxifying enzymes such as CAT (Catalase), SOD (Superoxide
ties of betel in egg yolk (Kauri, Ghanagete, Bagerhati). The antioxi dant dismutase) and GSH peroxidase in kidney and liver of rats.138
capacity was observed in the order of Bagerhati < Ghanagete < Treatment with betel leaf extract improved D-galactosamine intoxi
Kauri.132 Arambewela et al., in the DPPH free radical scavenging assay, cation induced by oxidative stress in Wistar rats. The extract at a dose
found that the free radical scavenging effects decreased in the order of 200 mg/kg bw improved antioxidant levels such as lipid hy
of cold ethanolic extract > essential oil > hot water extract of droperoxidase (LOOH), SOD, GSH, GSH peroxidise, vitamin E and
leaves.133 Significant antioxidant efficacy of betel leaves metha nol, vitamin C,decreased TBARS, hydroperoxidase and liver marker en
water, petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extracts observed using the zymes such as ALT, AST, alkaline phosphate (ALP) and gamma glu tamyl
in vitro DPPH assay and the TBARS (Thiobarbituric acid reactive transpeptidase (GGTP).139 To evaluate the hepatoprotective activity
substance assay), hydroxyl radical scavenging assay. The leaf of P. betle, Young et al. induced liver fibrosis with carbon tetrachloride
aqueous extract in DPPH, free radical scavenging assay showed 83% (CCl4) and corn oil in Wistar rats. The leaf aqueous extract was found
antioxidant activity in the human ductal breast epithelial tu mour
to attenuate liver fibrosis by inhibiting AST and ALT activities,
(T47D) cell line98 and the ethanolic extract of leaves scavenged more attenuating total glutathione S-transferase activity (GST) and
than 50% free radical in the HeLa cell line using the superoxide decreasing the expression of a-smooth muscle actin (α SMA). The
dismutase activity assay.102 Jaiswal et al. performed an antioxidant extract also enhanced the expression of active matrix
assay using methanol, ethanol, acetone, ethyl acetate and distilled metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2) induced by SOD and CAT activities and
water extract from betel leaves (Banarasi, safeda, Calcutta, Cuttack, inhibited the level of TIMP2 (Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases
Desibagla, Maharashtra and Sofia varieties). The highest antioxidant
2).140 Manigauha et al. also studied the effect of ethanolic extract from
activity was observed in the FRAP assay (Ferric reducing antioxidant
power) and the ABTS (2,2′-Azinobis-(3-Ethylbenzthiazolin-6-Sulfon ic betel leaves against CCl4 induced liver damage in Wistar rats.
Acid) assay of Banarasi safeda and photochemiluminescence assay for Administration of leaf extract significantly reduced serum gluta mate

the Calcutta variety.134 The DPPH radical scavenging assay in human oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), serum glutamate pyruvate

breast cancer MCF-7 cells using crude ethanolic extract of leaves transaminase (SGPT), (ALP), acid phosphatase and lipid peroxidation,

showed antioxidant activity with (IC50) of 30.0 ± 0.1 µg/ml. 105

used it also improved CAT, SOD, GSH in the liver of rats.141 Altered lev els of
different solvent extracts of leaves (ethanol, ethyl acetate, hexane elevated serum AST, ALT, ALP, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), GGTP,
+petroleum ether and aqueous extract of leaves) and found potential bilirubin,TBARS, LOOH, protein carbonyl, conjugated dienes, reduced
antioxidant properties of all extracts in all assays (DPPH, reducing SOD, CAT, GST, vitamin C and vitamin E were observed when liver
power activity and hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay) in a dysfunction induced with cadmium chloride in Wister rats treated
concentration-dependent manner Ethanolic extract from leaves with ethanol extract of betel leaves.142 Ethanol extract prepared from
136 betel leaves was also found to mitigate methotrexate induced
using the in vitro ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) assay
and methanol extract of leaves using in vitro nitric oxide, hydroxyl hepatotoxicity in rats (Sprague-Dawley) by reducing ALT, AST and ALP
radical and reducing power assay, ferric ion RPA (Robotic Process levels. Histological studies showed that the extract reduced central
137 vein dilation, leukocyte infiltration and normaliza tion of the
Automation) method showed potential antioxidant activ ity through
free radical scavenging. hepatocellular architecture,the extract also reduced LPO levels and
increased the depleted GSH level and SOD, CAT and GPx (glutathione
peroxidase) by methotrexate.143 evaluated the antiulcerogenic efficacy of P. betle
against gastric injury induced by indomethacin in Sprague-Dawley
rats. Oral administration of ethanol leaf extract at 200 mg / kg bw of
9.7  |  Antiulcerogenic property dose for ten days showed noteworthy protection against gastric
lesions, increase in SOD and CAT activity, amplification of mucus
The prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) quantity, increase in hexosamine and total thiol group quan
is one of the main causes of peptic ulcer, and there are other factors tity, but reduced the amount of damaged oxidative protein and
such as alcohol abuse and acute/chronic stress. Majumder et al.
BISWAS et al.   3103
identified by haemoglobin-δ-gluconolactone, middle stage or the
formation of the oxidative cleavage product was identified by BSA
peroxidized lipid level, increased free radical proving the antiul
methylglyoxal, and the last stage or the production of advanced
cerogenic potential of betel by antioxidant mechanism.144 The au thors
glycation ends (AGE) was identified by BSA-glucose.150 Fatmawati and
in another experiment also found that the ethanolic extract of betel
Shimizu, by in vitro aldose reductase assay, identified that the
leaves can protect NSAID-induced ulcer in Charles Foster rats by
ethanolic extract of betel leaves can inhibit human recombinant al
increasing the antioxidative factors, mucus and the total gastric tissue
dose reductase (HRAR), which is the key compound in the polyol
sulfhydryl group.145 The ethanol extract of betel leaves and the
signalling pathway in converting glucose to sorbitol,therefore, long
isolated compound allylpyrocatechol were found to have excellent
term diabetic complications develop contradictory with the value of
healing properties against indomethacin-induced stomach ulceration
IC50 18.8 μg/ml.136
in rats (Sprague-Dawley). The extract reduced the ulcer index by
93.4%, accelerated ulcer healing, improved the mucin content of
gastric tissues, showed normal levels of malondi aldehyde (MDA) and
9.9  |  Antihyperlipidaemic activity
protein, and also increased levels of SOD and CAT levels.146,147 The
antiulcer activity of P. betle was also inves tigated in HCl-ethanol, acute The Wistar rat brain when treated with ethanol showed that lipid
stress and pylorus ligation models in Wistar rats and Swiss albino mice peroxidation, lipids and turbulence in antioxidant protection are in
using the hydroalcoholic extract of leaves. The results showed a creased. Different doses of administration of the aqueous extract of
decrease in ulcer index, gastric fluid volume, and an increase in gastric the P. betle leaf showed improvement in toxicity symptoms. Co
pH. An experiment was carried out using HAE (hot aqueous extract) administration of the aqueous extract at the 300 mg/kg dose rate
and CEE (cold etha nolic extract) of betel leaves to assess showed the highest activity and appreciably abridged the levels of li
gastroprotective efficacy in gastric ulcer induced by ethanol in pids such as phospholipids, free fatty acids and cholesterol, and also
crossbreed albino rats. When HAE and CEE were administered orally, reduced markers for lipid peroxidation such as TBARS and hydrop
they showed remarkable protection against gastric damage induced eroxides, and increased antioxidants, such as SOD, reduced GSH,
by absolute ethyl alco hol in a dose-dependent manner by increasing
vitamin E, vitamin C, CAT and GSH peroxidase.151 The hypolipidae mic
the adhesion of the mucus content to the wall of the gastric mucosa
activity of betel leaf was evaluated in hyperlipidaemic rats fed a
and inhibiting the volume of gastric acid.31 All these experiments
high-fat diet. The leaf methanolic extract showed depletion in TC
proved the tradi tional claim that P. betle could be an excellent (total cholesterol), TG (triglycerides), LDL (low-density lipoprotein)
gastroprotective and antiulcerogenic agent in therapeutics. and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol) activities in

9.8  |  Antihyperglycaemic activity

9.10  |  Anti-atherogenic activity
The antihyperglycaemic efficacy of P. betle was investigated in
streptozotocin-diabetic albino Wistar rats. Leaf suspension was ad
Atherosclerosis is a major health problem, which subsequently leads
ministered orally at a dose of 75 and 150 mg/kg body weight, for 30
to cardiovascular disease caused by hypercholesterolemia.
days and the glucose level in plasma and glycosylated haemo globin,
Venkadeswaran et al. studied the anti-atherogenic potential of the P.
liver hexokinase and gluconeogenic enzyme activities were tested.
betle plant and the active constituents present in it in the Triton
The result showed a decrease in blood glucose level from 205.00
WR-1339-induced hypercholesterolaemic Wistar rat. The betel leaf
mg/dl to 151.30 mg/dl, reduced glycosylated haemoglobin level,
ethanol extract at a dose of 500 mg/kg w and its constituent euge
decreased liver fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and glucose-6-
nol at a dose of 5 mg/kg wt for 7 days of administration amelio rated
phosphatase activity and also increased liver hexokinase in a dose
hypercholesterolemia-induced high levels of TC, TG, LDL and VLDL
dependent mode.149 The effect of betel leaf methanolic extract on in
and low levels of enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants as
vitro protein glycation was investigated using a BSA (Bovine Seram
standard lipid lowering drug, lovastatin.153 In another experiment, the
Albumin)-glucose model. The methanol extract inhibited glucose
authors fed Wistar rats an atherogenic diet and biochemical and
induced protein glycation in different stages and also inhibited the
histopathological experiments exhibited that the ethanolic leaf ex
dose-dependent modification of the thiol group and carbonyl for
tract and the active constituent eugenol are capable of lowering the
mation. The early stage or the formation of amadori products was
amount of TG, TC, LDL-cholesterol and VLDL-cholesterol in serum and
liver tissue. The extract and eugenol also reduced AST, alkaline
phosphatase, ALT, enzymes for lipid metabolization and lactate de The effectiveness of P. betle in cardioprotection was evaluated in rats
hydrogenase in serum, decreased the antioxidant enzyme, and in with isoproterenol (ISP)-induced myocardial infarction. Oral
duces malondialdehyde in liver tissue and hemolysate.154 administration of betel leaf hydroalcoholic extract significantly
modulated the haemodynamic of systolic pressure, diastolic pres
sure, mean arterial pressure (DAP, MAP and SAP) and parameters for
9.11  |  Cardioprotective activity
3104     BISWAS et al.
binding site showed more hydrogen binding to the receptor than
Rohitukine and OrgC.160 Shah and Jhade studied the antifertility effect
ventricular function such as contractility (+LVdP/dt) and relaxation
(LVdP/dt), heart rate (HR); the extract restored the level of catalase of the betel plant on adult female Wistar rats using the water,
(CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), GSH and SOD, decreased leak age petroleum ether and ethanol extract of the whole plant. The results
of creatine phosphokinase-MB (CK-MB) isoenzyme of and LDH, showed significant antifertility potential with anti-implantation and
reduced lipid peroxidation in the heart showing a protection effect abortifacient
155 activity, reduced level of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), lute
against ISP-induced myocardial infarction. Piper betle was found to
prevent oxidative cardiac cell injury through an in vitro study using the inizing hormone (LH), progesterone, anti-oestrogenic activity and
rat heart cell line H9c2 incubated with H2O2. The leaf extracted using irregular oestrous cycle.161,162
ethyl acetate and the isolated bioactive component eugenol protected
against oxidative stress induced by H2O2, decreased intra
cellular ROS and apoptosis and improved the cellular defence system 10  | ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITIES
at a dose of 10 μg/ml.
The following section presents the antibacterial and antifungal
properties of the plant (Table 4).
9.12  |  Antifertility activity

The first report on the antifertility potential of P. betle was prob ably 10.1  |  Antibacterial activity
from Tewari et al., who found that the alcoholic extract of the betel
stalk can reduce the number of pups; anti-oestrogenic property The global epidemic of infectious diseases caused by microbes has a
recorded in adult male, female rats and rabbits. Gentle progestational high mortality rate, resulting in a high global health bur den.
action was also found in oestrogen-primed im mature rabbits with few Antimicrobial resistance and the lack of novel vaccines make
types of follicle depressant in their re gressive phase.157 To evaluate infectious diseases one of the greatest threats to human health
the antifertility efficacy of P. betle, alcoholic extract of leaf stalks is globally. Various factors are contributing to the rise in antibiotic
administered orally to male Swiss albino mice at a dose of 500 mg resistance among human invasive organisms.163,164 The antimi crobial
initially for 30 days and after that a dose of 1000 mg/kg body weight efficiency of the P. betle leaf stalk was studied against the human
for another 30 days per ani mal per day. After 60 days of treatment, pathogenic bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio cholerae Ogawa,
fertility was reduced to 0%. The extract suppressed sperm mobility Klebsiella aerogenes and Diplococcus pneumoniae. Among the extracts,
and cauda epididymal sperm count, reduced fructose content in the the ethyl acetate and ethanol extracts exhibited remarkable activity,
seminal vesicles and weights of reproductive organs, and also the hexane and benzene extracts exhibited moderate activity towards
increased cholesterol in the testes. The altered parameters were the majority of the bacteria.165 Nair and Chanda tested the
found to recover after discontinuation of the extract, suggesting P. antibacterial effect of betel leaf against several gram +ve and gram-ve
betle as a contracep tive agent without altering hormonal balance.158 bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. tes tosteroni, P. pseudoalcaligenes,
The antifertil ity efficacy of betel petiole extract was studied in female Staphylococcus aureus, S. epider midis, S. subflava, Proteus mirabilis, P.
albino Wistar rats. Petiole ethyl alcohol extract at a dose of 100 mg/ vulgaris, P. morganii, B. cereus, B. subtilis, B. megaterium, Citrobacter
day/rat for 30 days showed a reduction in fertility, reproductive organ freundii, Micrococcus flavus, Alcaligenes faecalis, Enterobacter aerogenes,
weights, oestrogen level, litter number, serum glucose con centration, Salmonella typhimu rium, Klebsiella pneumoniae, E. coli, Streptococcus
acid phosphatase, SGOT and SGPT activity,increased cholesterol and faecalis, St. cre moris and St. agalactiae and found that methanol extract
ascorbic acid activity. The extract revealed that cholesterol was not is more potent than aqueous extract in comparison with the standard
used and there was no mobilization of ascorbic acid, irregular oestrus drug Piperacillin and gentamicin.166 Essential oil of betel leaves of the
cycle and no change in haematological pa rameters. The application Vellaikodi, Bangladeshi and Deshwari varieties showed potential
of methanol and the aqueous extract of betel leaf extract on the antibacterial activity against S. aureus, St. mutans, Lactobacillus
female Wistar rat revealed an irregular and prolonged oestrous cycle, acidophilus, St. epidermidis, K. pneumoniaee.167-169 Antibacterial ac tivity
which results in infertility. In silico study of the antifertility effect of P. was found with a MIC range of 25–40 µg against S. aureus,
betle root extract contain ing piperolactam A exhibited potential Pseudomonas aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae, P. vulgaris using leaf
contraceptive activity with high binding affinity to the oestrogen and ethanol extract.170 Kaveti et al. evaluated the antibacterial effi cacy of
progesterone receptor (8.9 and 9.0 Kcal/mol, respectively), the leaf ethanol and aqueous betel extracts against S. aureus, Micrococcus
luteus, B. subtilis, P. aeruginosa and E. coli and found that ethanol leaf hydrophila, K. pneu moniae, Vibrio cholerae, V. alginolyticus, S. simulans, S.
extract is more potent in efficacy than aqueous extract, while water chromoge nes, S. mitis, St. dysgalactiae, St. agalactiae, St. uberis, St.
extract showed no efficacy against E. coli and P. aeruginosa.171 The sanguinis, K. pneumoniaee, Proteus sp., S. aureus and St. faecalis in
methanol, water, petroleum ether and ethyl acetate extracts of leaves different experiments.32,172,173,174,175. Lubis and Marlisa collected S.
found to restrict the growth of St. pyogenes, S. aureus, P. vulgaris, E. coli, aureus
P. aeruginosa, Bacillus sp., Enterococcus faecalis, St. agalactiae, Aeromonas
BISWAS et al.   3105
   | TABLE 4 Antimicrobial activities of P. betle

Effect Extract (isolates) Active against Result Reference

Vibrio cholerae Ogawa, pseudoalcaligenes, typhimurium, K. pneumoniae,
Antibacterial activity methanol extract is more
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus aureus, S. Escherichia. coli, Streptococcus
stalk ethyl acetate ethanol, potent than aqueous extract
Diplococcus pneumoniae, and epidermidis, S. subflava, Proteus fecalis, St. cremoris, St. 165 166
hexane, benzene extract mirabilis, Pr. vulgaris, Pr. agalactiae
Klebsiella aerogenes
morganii, B. cereus, B. subtilis, B. ethyl acetate, ethanol extract
megaterium, Citrobacter showed significant activity,
Methanolic and aqueous freundii, Micrococcus flavus, hexane, and benzene extract
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P.
extract of leaves Alcaligenes fecalis, Enterobacter showed moderate activity
testosteroni, P. aerogenes, Salmonella

essential oil S. aureus potential antibacterial activity 167

Pr. vulgaris of 25 µg to 40 µg
ethanol extract of leaves S. aureus,
potent antibacterial activity with MIC range 170
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and K. pneumoniae,
S. aureus, St. mutans, Lactobacillus acidophilus potential antibacterial
activity 169
essential oil from leaves of vellaikodi variety
leaves ethanol extract is more potent against E. coli and P. aeruginosa
B. subtilis, S. aureus, Micrococcus than aqueous extract. The water
ethanol and aqueous extract of
luteus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa extract did not show activity
P. aeruginosa, S. aureus and E. coli all varieties in all solvents are
effective against all bacteria;
Bangladeshi and Jaleswar,
water, methanol, ethyl acetate and petroleum ether the varieties in Ethanol,
extracts of leaves Ethyl Acetate, and Methanol
cold aqueous, ethanol, solvents were most effective
methanol, and ethyl essential oil from leaves of two varieties Bangladeshi and
acetate extracts of Deshwari
leaves (Desawari, Desi, Bangladeshi and Jaleswar varieties) S. aureus, St. epidermidis, K. pneumoniae potential antibacterial
32 activity 168
St. pyogenes, S. aureus, Pr. vulgaris and E. coli all extracts showed
antibacterial activity against all tested
(eugenol, hydroxychavicol) aureus, St. agalactiae, Aeromonas dependant antibacterial
E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Proteus sp., hydrophila, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, activity
P. aeruginosa, Vibrio cholerae, S. P. aeruginosa, V. alginolyticus 174 175
crude aqueous extract diluted in
aureus, St. faecalis most bacteria were found to be
susceptible with the highest
bactericidal activity towards E.
coli, P. aeruginosa and S. aureus
Bacillussp., Enterococcus faecalis, S.
methanol extract of leaves
promising concentration
ethanol extract from leaves S. aureus from conjunctivitis patient potential antibacterial activity 254
essential oil exhibited higher antimicrobial activity
essential oil from fresh and cured leaves
towards M. smegmatis
Mycobacterium smegmatis, S. aureus and P. aeruginosa cured leaf
ethanol extract of leaves S. simulans, S.
showed MIC 2.12–8.5 mg/ml
chromogenes, S. mitis, St. dysgalactiae, St. 176
agalactiae, St. uberis, St. sanguinis acetone and ethanol extract of leaves
antibacterial effect at MIC 12.5 mg/ml (Barguna and Moheshkhali) varieties
173 St. agalactiae and E. coli both extracts showed
antibacterial activity; 30% extract of young
leaf showed the highest
crude water extract of young and mature
activity against S. agalactiae
B. cereus, S. aureus and E. coli Barguna
showed MIC of 2.12 to 4.25 mg/ml and
3106     BISWAS et al.
| TABLE 4 (Continued)

Effect Extract (isolates) Active against Result Reference

methanolic extract Candida tropicalis potential antifungal activity 166
activity Candida albicansand Malassezia pachydermatis potential antifungal activity 167
essential oil, methanol and aqueous extract
C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. krusei, C. floccosum, M. canis, M. gypsium, T. fungi and inhibited biofilm of C.
parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. mentagrophytes, T. rubrum albicans
leaf aqueous extract, chloroform 186
neoformans, Aspergillus flavus, A. concentration-dependent
fraction (hydroxychavicol)
fumigatus, A. niger, A. parasiticus, E. antifungal activity against all

essential oil from leaves C. albicans, C. rugosa, Saccharomyces

cerevisiae, A. flavus
Leaf extract by hydrodistillation
C. albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae potential antifungal activity potential antifungal activity
(hydroxychavicol) Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium
A. flavus, C. albicans, Microsporum oxysporum f. sp. cubense,
plant extract and methanol fungicidal and fungistatic
canis, Trichophyton Sphaceloma ampelinum, C. capsici
fraction activity
mentagrophytes and T. rubrum antifungal activity against all 187 188
fungi with maximum activity
leaves crude extract and against A. flavus
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides,
chloroform fraction
leaf essential oil C. albicans moderate antifungal activity with MIC 0.4%
ethanol extract of leaves C. albicans good anticandidal activity with MIC values 125 μg/ml
ethanol extract of leaves A. flavus complete inhibition of fungal mycelia
leaf extract C. albicans good antifungal activity 182
inhibits fish pathogens such as Aeromonas hy drophila, Vibrio
alginolyticus and Edwardsiella tarda, demonstrating the application of
from patients with swab of the conjunctivitis patients and ob served
betel extract in fish preservation.180,181
that the ethanol extract of the leaves effectively inhibited bacteria.254
10.2  |  Antifungal activity
Essential oils from fresh and cured leaves were used to investigate the
bactericidal activity of P. betle. The results showed that the cured leaf
Various preclinical studies proved the antifungal potential of P. betle
essential oil exhibited higher antimicrobial ac tivity towards M.
against a number of fungi by different solvent extracts. Essential oils
smegmatis.1 Surjowardojo et al. tested the crude water extract of
and ethanolic extract from leaves showed potential antifungal activity
young and mature leaves in St. agalactiae and E. coli and found that
against Candida albicans.182-184 Complete in
both extracts showed antibacterial activity, while 30% of the young
hibition of Aspergillus flavus fungal mycelia185 by ethanol extract and
leaf extract showed the highest activity against S. agalactiae.176 A
recent experiment compared antibacte rial efficacy between acetone inhibition of Candida tropicalis166 were also observed in two different

extract and ethanol extract from leaves (Barguna and Moheshkhali) experiments. Essential oil, methanolic and aqueous leaf extracts of
betel against Candida albicans and Malassezia pachyder
against the varieties of S. au reus, E. coli and B. cereus. The Barguna
showed a MIC (minimum inhibition concentration) value of about 2.12 matis167 and leaf extract by hydrodistillation against Saccharomyces

to 4.25 mg/ml, and the Moheshkhali variety showed a MIC of 2.12 to cerevisiae and Candida albicans169 exhibited significant antifungal
8.5 mg/ml.177 The ethanol extract of betel leaves also showed activity. Ali et al., tested leaf aqueous extract and chloroform fraction
antibacterial ef ficacy against foodborne bacteria such as E. coli, (isolated compound hydroxychavicol) against C. albicans, C. glabrata, C.
Shigella dysente riae, Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio cholera with MIC krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. tropicalis, C. neoformans, A. flavus, A. fumigatus,

values in the range of 0.625–0.75% (w/v). 178

The inhibition activity of A. niger, A. parasiticus, M. canis, M. gypsium, T. mentagrophytes, T. rubrum

food and waterborne pathogens from betel leaf was evaluated for mul and E. floccosum. The result showed concentration-dependent

tidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, P. aerugi nosa, B. antifungal activity against all fungi, and inhibition of the C. albicans

cereus, E. coli and B. subtilis. Different solvent extracts, viz. methanol, biofilm was also observed.186 The po tential antifungal efficacy of the
ethanol and water showed significant antibacterial po tency against all essential oil and the methanol extract of betel leaves was found in C.
bacteria tested. 179
The antibacterial experiment of P. betle showed rugosa, C. albicans, A. flavus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Microsporum
that betel leaf extract in n-hexane and ethyl acetate promisingly canis, Trichophyton menta
grophytes and T. rubrum.168,187 In another experiment, crude leaf oxysporum f. sp. cubense, Sphaceloma ampelinum and C. capsici and the
extract and chloroform fraction containing hydroxychavicol ap plied result showed concentration-dependent fungicidal and fungistatic
on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium activity.188 The ethanol extract of P. betle, when tested
BISWAS et al.   3107
   | TABLE 5 Antiparasitic activities of P. betle

Anthelmintic property compared albendazole

leaf extract Pheretima posthuma required less time for paralysis and death
stem extract Pheretima posthuma caused death 192 leaf extract Eisenia fetida less time for paralysis and death 194 essential oil
from leaves Ascaridia galli significant anthelmintic activity 195

Anti-protozoan activity ethanol extract of leaves Leishmania donovani inhibited promastigotes and
196 amastigotes by apoptosis and morphological changes, mitochondrial
chloroform leaf extract Giardia intestinalis anti-giardial activity with MIC membrane potential loss, DNA fragmentation, and
250 (μg/ml) and IC50 value 51.57 (μg/ml) cell-cycle arrest at G0/G1 phase
Leishmania donovani inhibited promastigotes and amastigotes,
methanol extract of leaf extract (Bangla Mahoba variety)
accelerated apoptosis, generated ROS targeting mitochondria
leaves ethanol extract Leishmania donovani inhibited promastigotes at a concentration of 8.42 ± 2.03 mg/ml and 50.2 ±
13.75 mg/ml after 24 h and
48 h, respectively
root extract Leishmania donovani Inhibited axenic and intracellular amastigotes 198
methanol extract of leaves Plasmodium berghei significant (p < 0.05) schizonticidal activity at a dose of 50–400 mg/kg in
ICR mice
leaf extract Toxoplasma gondii 25 µg/ml inhibited parasite invasion into host human foreskin fibroblast cells, reduced
parasite burden in
the brains of BALB/c mice
leaf extract Neospora caninum inhibit parasite growth in human foreskin fibroblast cells, increased survival of
C57BL/6 mice
204 female worms, increased
Antifilarial activity Brugia malayi suppressed microfilaraemia,
crude methanol extract, n hexane, and chloroformpotential macrofilaricidal efficacy, sterilized antifilarial IgG antibody
posthuma. The results showed that the time required to cause
paralysis and death is less in ethanol extract and aqueous

against foodborne fungi Aspergillus niger, A. oryzae and Penicillium ssp. extract than in the standard drug albendazole.192 Akter et al. also
in agar diffusion assay, exhibited complete fungal inhibition at a observed the same activity when using leaf methanol extract in stead

concentration of >1.50% (v/v). 189

The addition of betel essential oil at of stem extract.193 The anthelmintic efficacy of the crude aqueous leaf

a safe concentration to apple juice and tomato paste was also found to extract of P. betle was also evaluated in adult earth worm Eisenia fetida.
The result expressed anthelmintic activity in terms of less time for
improve antioxidant capacity and inhibit microbial growth, such as
Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium expansum, en paralysis and death of the earthworm.194 The anti-helmintic activity of
the essential oil of P. betle from leaves was also found to inhibit the
hancing shelf life under refrigerator conditions.190,191
burden of Ascaridia galli in poultry birds.195

10.3  |  Antiparasitic activities

10.3.2  |  Anti-protozoan activity
The following section presents the antiparasitic (anthelmintic, anti
protozoan and antifilarial) activities of P. betle (Table 5). Giardiasis is the most common protozoan parasitic infection of the
human intestine. Anti-giardial activity was observed using chlo roform
extract of P. betle leaves against trophozoites of Giardia intestinalis
with MIC 250 (μg/ml) and IC50 value 51.57 (μg/ml).196 Leishmaniasis is
10.3.1  |  Anthelmintic property
also a protozoan parasitic infection caused by Leishmania that results
in a broad spectrum of clinical represen tation with significant
Helminths produce substances, which have substantial toxicity morbidity and also mortality throughout the world. Ethanolic betel
towards humans, that are found in foods acquired from livestock, leaf extract showed antileishmanial potency towards both
causing a serious hazard to human health, including lymphatic fila promastigotes with IC50 value of 9.8 and against amastigotes with IC50
riasis or elephantiasis, onchocerciasis, and schistosomiasis. The value 5.45 μg/ml of Leishmania donovani, mediated by apoptosis and
anthelmintic activity of P. betle was studied using aqueous and ethanol morphological changes, loss of mitochondrial membrane potential,
extracts of the stem against the adult Indian earthworm Pheretima DNA fragmentation
3108     BISWAS et al.

and cell cycle arrest in the sub-G0/G1 phase.197 Antileishmanial

activity was also reported in which the use of leaf ethanol ex tract and
10.4  |  Insecticidal activities
root extract inhibited promastigotes and amastigotes of Leishmania
donovani.198,199 Inhibition of promastigotes and amas tigotes, The insecticidal activity of P. betle was evaluated using an aged grain
acceleration in apoptosis, and ROS generation target ing Leishmania assay against bean weevil (Sitophilus zeamais), lesser grain borer
mitochondria was also observed using methanol extract of betel (Rhyzopertha dominica) and cowpea weevil cowpea weevil
leaves of Bangla Mahoba variety. 200
Plasmodium berghei, the causal (Callosobruchus maculatus). The 30% volatile oil dust formulation ex
agent for human malaria, is parasitic proto zoa of mosquito. The betel hibited toxicity against adult insects, prevented the survival of adult C.
leaf extract showed notable schizon ticidal activity (p < 0.05) and an maculatus, and up to 52% protected corn against S. zeamais and R.
antiplasmodial effect at a dose of 50–400 mg/kg in ICR mice.201 dominica; also inhibited living and emerging progeny.205 Nair and
Leesombun et al. described that the betel leaf extract is capable of Kavrekar found that the methanol extract of betel leaves can exhibit
inhibiting the invasion of the Toxoplasma gondii parasite into human good insecticidal activity against insects such as Bruchus pisorum,
foreskin fibroblast cells at a dose of 25 µg/ml dose and reduced Tribolium castaneum and Sitophilus oryzae.206 The following section
parasite burden in the brains of BALB/c mice. The authors also presents the insecticidal activities of P. betle (Table 6).
found that betel leaf extract can inhibit the growth of Neospora
caninum parasites in human foreskin fibroblast cells and increase the
survival of C57BL/6 mice.203 10.5  |  Larvicidal property

The mosquito larvicidal activity of P. betle against Aedes aegypti was

10.3.3  |  Antifilarial activity evaluated using methanol extract and essential oil of the leaves. For
essential oil, the LD50 values were found to be 86 and 48 ppm at 2 and
In vivoantifilarial activity of P. betle was evaluated using crude 24 h; for the methanol extract, the LD50 values at 2 and 24 h are
methanolic extract, chloroform, and n-hexane extracts were ad
ministered at different doses to Balb/c mice. All extracts showed
antigen-specific immune response, increased antifilarial IgG
Insecticidal activity essential oil Sitophilus zeamais motschulsky, Rhizopertha
TABLE 6 Insecticidal, larvicidal and adulticidal activities of P. betle Callosobruchus maculatus
antibody and also suppressed microfilaraemia, showed poten tial inhibition of living and emerging progenies 205

macrofilaricidal efficacy, and induced sterilization of female worms.204

Bruchus pisorum, Tribolium castaneum,
Sitophilus oryzae
good insecticidal activity 206
methanol extract of leaves
Aedes aegypti for essential oil at 2 h and 24 h LD50 value of 86 and 48 ppm;
for methanol extract
Larvicidal activity essential oil and methanol extract of leaves
at 2 h and 24 h LD50 value of 153 and
125 ppm, respectively
methanol extracts of Aedes aegypti LC50 values 313.58 and 122.99 ppm, respectively after 24
leaves and 48 h

essential oil Aedes aegypti 24 h exposed, LC50 = 13, l ppm – For the 48-h exposed, LC50: 1l,2 ppm
essential oil Aedes aegypti for larvicide activity, the LC50 values at 1 h, 24 h and 48 h are 183, 92.7 and 59.8 ppm
larvae in 3.5 h
essential oil from betle leaf

essential oil from betle leaf

methanol extract of leaves
Chrysomya bezziana 4% essential oil killed all first instar larvae
in 2 h while killing second instar larvae
Drosophila melanogaster dose-dependent larvicidal activity
in 4 h
with a reducing effect on the nucleic acid and
protein content
Chrysomya megacephala 3 and 4% essential oil killed 100%
mortality in adult mosquitoes within
Mosquito adulticidal activity
210 15–30 min
essential oil Aedes aegypti concentration of 2.5 μl/ml, caused 100%
BISWAS et al.   3109
APC also potentially reduced methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sul
167 phide and prevented periodontal infection.214
153 and 125 ppm, respectively. Tennyson et al. observed larvi
cidal activity with LC50 values 313.58 and 122.99 ppm, respectively,
after 24 and 48 h using leaves methanol extract.207 The essential
oil of the betel leaves can also inhibit the larval growth of Aedes
11.3  |  Antiallergic activity
aegypti. When the third instar larvae were exposed for 24 h, the
To know about the antiallergic activity of the ethanol extract of P. betle
LC50 value found l3, l ppm, and for the 48-h exposure, the LC50 value is
leaf on the synthesis of GM-CSF (granulocyte macrophage
1l, 2 ppm.208 Essential oil from obtained betel leaf was also treated
colony-stimulating factor) and histamine by BMMC (murine bone
on Chrysomya bezziana larvae, and the result showed that 4% es sential
marrow mast cells) and also the activity on the human lung epithelial
oil killed all first instar larvae in 2 h while killing the second instar
cell line, BEAS-2B mediated the secretion of eotaxin and IL-8 was
larvae in 4 h.209 Larvicidal activity using P. betle essential oil was also
evaluated in vitro. Treatment with extract markedly reduced hista
observed with LC50 183 ppm 92.7 ppm and 59.8 ppm and LC90 637
ppm 525 ppm and 434.7 ppm, after 1, 24 and 48 h after treatment, mine and IgE-mediated hypersensitive reaction-mediated GM-CSF
respectively. 210
Another experiment showed that 3 and production; it also inhibited eotaxin and IL-8 secretion produced by an
4% essential oils are also capable of killing 100% Chrysomya mega allergic reaction induced by TNF-α and IL-4. This experiment suggests

cephala larvae in 3.5 h. 211

Drosophila melanogaster larvae were also that P. betle controls allergic diseases by inhibiting the pro

found to be killed with the administration of methanol extract of the duction of allergic mediators and can be used as a therapeutic antial
leaves in a dose-dependent manner by reducing the effect on the lergic agent.215
nucleic acid and protein content.206

11.4  |  Anti-asthmatic activity

The anti-asthmatic activity of P. betle against 0.2% histamine induced
11.1  |  Antiplatelet activity bronchospasm in guinea pigs was evaluated using ethanol extract.
Treatment of the extract, with a dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg bw,
exhibited a prominent anti-asthmatic effect with a prolonged la tent
Three compounds (B-sitosterol, ursonic acid and 3B-acetyl ursolic
period of convulsions compared to the standard antihistaminic drug,
acid) from betel root extract were isolated and identified to evaluate
the antiplatelet activity of P. betle arachidonic acid (AA), platelet
activation factor (PAF) and Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) induced
human plate
let aggregation (PA). An in vitro study showed that all three compounds 11.5  |  Dermatological activities
have potency in inhibiting PA. The order of inhibition of AA-induced
PA inhibition is B-sitosterol < 3B-acetyl ursolic acid < ursonic acid. To evaluate the dermatological activity of P. betle, the crude etha nolic
Only B-sitosterol and ursonic acid have inhibitory activity towards PAF extract of the leaves and the formulated cream were tested for certain
and inducing activity to PA, whereas B-sitosterol only showed inhibi zoonotic dermatophytic fungi, that is Trichophyton menta grophyte,
Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum canis and Candida albi cans. The
tory activity against ADP-induced PA.212 The antiplatelet activity of
broth dilution and disc diffusion assay revealed significant antifungal
the aqueous extract of the inflorescence of P. betle was investigated in
activity with a range of IC50 values 110.44–119.00 µg/ml. The result
collagen-induced and AA-induced rabbit PA. In vitro treatment of the
suggests that P. betle has notable therapeutic importance for the
extract inhibited platelet aggregation induced by collagen and AA-
treatment of dermatophytosis comparable to the ketocona zole drug,
with IC50 values of 207 and 335 µg/ml, respectively, inhibited the
proving the traditional claim.217
production of AA, collagen and thrombin-induced thromboxane B2
(TXB2), induced by >90%, indicating that the extract of P. betle con
tains compounds that can inhibit platelet aggregation by ROS elimina
tion or inhibition of TXB2 production (Table 3).213 11.6  |  Antihemolytic activity

The antihemolytic efficacy of the betel plant was investigated in an in

11.2  |  Anti-halitosis activity vitro H2O2-treated human erythrocyte model. Different solvent
extracts, such as water, ethyl acetate, petroleum ether and methanol
extracts from leaves, were used in the study, and the result showed
Halitosis is the degradation of proteins and amino acids present in
reduced haemolysis without any toxicity as compared to ascorbic acid,
saliva, gingival cervical fluid or food retained in the teeth that causes
taken as a positive control. Further lipid peroxidation was tested in
bad breath or oral malodour due to microbial activity. The methanol
terms of malonaldehyde production, showing reduced peroxidation in
extract and fractions of leaves (isolated compound
H2O2-induced RBC (Red blood cell) cells by the effect of leaf
allylpyrocatechol—APC) showed antibacterial activity against oral
bacteria and reduced the production of volatile sulphur compound
(VSC) by oral anaerobic bacteria using an in vitro saliva chip model.
3110     BISWAS et al.
11.10  |  Anti-acne activity
11.7  |  Role in thyroid function
Acne, an inflammatory skin disease, caused by Propionibacterium acnes

Panda and Kar in an experiment found that P. betle leaf extract showed and Staphylococcus aureus due to blocking of polysebase. To evaluate

a dual role on thyroid function in rats. The leaf aqueous extract was the efficacy of P. betle against acne, a cream dose of betel leaf ethanol

administered to Swiss albino male mice and changes in the concen extract was prepared and applied to P. acnes and S. aureus

trations of thyroid hormone, LPO (lipid peroxidation), SOD and CAT using a disc diffusion process and the MIC was calculated. The result
activity were investigated. Higher doses increased LPO concentration showed antibacterial efficacy with MIC values of 4.5% and 4.0%.219
and decreased SOD and CAT activities. Higher doses decreased trii Meinisasti et al. also showed that the cream formulation prepared

odothyronine (T3) and increased thyroxine (T4) concentrations, while from ethanol extract is effective against P. acnes.220 In another ex
the lowest dose increased T3 and decreased T4 concentrations.218 periment, noisome gel containing essential oil from betel leaves was
prepared which also inhibited P. acnes in Franz diffusion cell.221

11.8  |  Immunomodulatory effect

Many in vivo and in vivo experiments were performed to prove P. betle
as a novel immunomodulatory plant. The methanol extract of betel An acute and chronic preclinical toxicity study was performed using
leaves in an in vitro study showed that the proliferation of peripheral the alcoholic extract of P. betle leaf stalk in different doses in mice and
blood lymphocytes was significantly induced by the suppression of rats. Hematological, biochemical and chemical evaluations indicated
phytohaemagglutinin in a dose-dependent man that the alcoholic extract is devoid of any toxicity at the dose level of
ner. Furthermore, the activity of P. betle was studied in mice that were 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg bodyweight for 60 days and also interestingly
immunized with sheep red blood cells using the extract at different 3200 mg/kg bw did not show any toxicity.222 An acute toxicity study in
dose levels to observe the cellular and humoral immune responses. guinea pigs was studied by administering betel leaf extract that did
The extract showed dose-dependent suppression of T not show death within 24 h of a dose of 100 and 200 mg/kg but at a
cell, B-cell and immune response mediated by antibody, decrease in dose, more than 300 mg/kg was found to exhibit 50% mortality, sug
antibody titre, increase in inflammation suppression; delayed gesting that doses of 100–200 mg/kg are safe.223 Venkateswarlu and
T-cell-mediated hypersensitivity reaction. The methanol extract
Devanna reported that the leaf aqueous extract of P. betle up to the
prepared from betel leaves at a dose of 500 mg/kg showed im
dose of 1000 mg/kg (po) body weight is safe when administered to
munosuppression that was in correlation with cyclophosphamide, an
Albino rats.115 Doses of up to 2000 mg/ kg were also found to be
immunosuppressive drug (2 mg/kg) suggesting P. betle as a po tent
without toxicity in mice administered with hydroalcoholic betel leaf
therapeutic agent for the treatment of various autoimmune disorders
extract. No occurrence of death, no abnormal general symptoms, no
and immune disorders.71 The crude n-hexane and metha nol extracts of
effect of necropsy and histopathological lesions observed for 14 days
P. betle showed immunomodulatory effectiveness in Balb/c mice after the methanol extract of betel leaf administered to ICR mice at a
infected with Brugia malayi, a parasite of human lymphatic filaria. In
dose of up to 5000 mg/kg.201 De et al. also found that the ethanol ex
vivo experiment showed enhancement in both humoral immune
tract of betel leaves is safe up to 2000 mg/kg bw without any toxicity
responses by increasing plaque-forming cells and hemagglutination
or morbidity during the 14-day observation period in Sprague-Dawley
titre,enhanced cell-mediated immune responses such as
rats.143 All of these studies suggest that P. betle is safe at higher doses
lymphoproliferation, delayed type of immune responses for
and can be used as a therapeutic agent to treat various maladies.
hypersensitivity, macrophage activation; increased population of B
cells (CD19 +) and T cells (CD4 +, CD8 +) and produced type-1 and
type-2 cytokine responses.204

Nanotechnology aims to synthesize materials with unique proper ties

11.9  |  Radioprotective activity
such as at least in one-dimension, small size, surface charge, high
surface energy, porosity and a large surface area/volume ratio,
Mitochondria from rat liver and plasmid DNA (pBR322), the two
proving advantageous for catalysis and interacting with other mol
models were used to evaluate the radioactive property of the P. betle
ecules. Scientists have developed green chemistry methods with the
plant. Treatment of ethanol extract of leaves on in vitro ir radiated
synthesis of nanomaterials using different biological sources which
mitochondria of rat liver and plasmid DNA (pBR322) pre vented
are more sustainable, cleaner and eco-friendly, non-toxic,
ray-induced lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric acid—TBA, reactive
energy-efficient, that eliminates the need for high energy, pres sure,
substrates of TBA, conjugated diene and LOOH) and DNA strand
temperature, and needs no stabilizing, reducing and capping agents
breaks; the extract also improved HO and SOD radical scav enging
from outside.50,51,224. The petiole extract of P. betle leaf was used to
activity together with the lymphoproliferative property in a
synthesize stable silver nanoparticles with or without CTAB
concentration-dependent method.55
BISWAS et al.   3111
brassicae in a dose-dependent
method.237,238 The Betel leaf extract was used to synthesize a silver
(cetyltrimethylammonium bromide) and SDS (sodium dodecyl sul
gold nanocomposite (Ag-Au NCPs) through the reduction of silver
phate). The polyphenolic groups contained in the leaf extract 225are
nitrate and gold chloride by the biological reduction method and was
the main agents responsible for the reduction of n Ag+ions into me
confirmed by XTD, SEM, FTIR and EDX. This bimetallic composite
tallic Ag0 and also for stabilizing and capping. The morphology and
nanoformulation significantly inhibited B. subtilis and K. Planticola with
crystalline phase were characterized by selected area electron dif
higher antibacterial activity against B. subtilis.228 Green synthe sized
fraction (SAED) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM).226,227.
CaO calcium oxide nanoparticles from betel leaf extract, which are
Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from betel leaf extract was
also able to inhibit E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus and St. mutans with the
also confirmed and characterized by energy-dispersive X-ray analy sis
highest activity against E. coli and St. mutans. CaO nanopar ticles also
(EDX), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron micrograph (SEM)
exhibited anticancer efficacy against the A549 cell line using an MTT
and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) studies.228 The etha nolic leaf
assay with an IC50 value of 92.08 mg/ml.
extract of P. betle was also used for the successful syn thesis of AuNPs
(gold nanoparticles), which were characterized by TEM, Fourier
transform infrared (FT-IR), EDX and XRD. These na noparticles were
tested non-toxic to MCF-7 and HeLa (cancer) cell lines.229
Gadolinium-doped titanium dioxide nanoparticles (GdT NPs) were
also synthesized from the leaf of P. betle using the hydro thermal
Piper betle is a world-known herbal cash crop of tremendous, social,
method. GdT NP showed high antibacterial activity against S. aureus, E.
economic and therapeutic importance and known as ‘green gold’. The
coli and C. albicans at 25µg/ml and also showed promis ing antioxidant
mention of betel leaf is found in various ancient medicinal litera tures,
activity in the DPPH radical scavenging method.230 The extract of the
and the plant is still used in traditional and folklore medicinal systems.
leaf of P. betle was also used in the synthesis of titanium dioxide
Traditional knowledge and preclinical studies revealed the use of P.
nanoparticles (TiO2NP). TiO2 nanoparticles were characterized by betle which has potential multitherapeutic efficacy in vari ous diseases
TEM, XRD and FTIR, and antioxidant activity was evaluated using the such as cancer, inflammation, neurodegenerative dis orders, asthma,
DPPH assay, which showed promising antioxi dant activity with the dental and oral infections, allergy, thyroid, diabetes and skin diseases.
lowest IC50 value.231 The leaf of P. betle helps stabilize and capping in Essential oils and extracts showed great results in antifertility,
the phytofabrication of zinc oxide nanopar ticles (PZnO). These PZnO cardioprotection, hepatoprotection and antiplatelet. Various
exhibited antibacterial activity towards pathogens related to dental researchers have reported remarkable inhibition efficacy against
infections such as Lactobacillus acido philus and St. mutans in the well insects, larvae, and improvement in microbial infections, parasitic
diffusion test at low concentrations of 3.25 μg/ml and also infections. The plant contains a treasure of bioactive phy tochemicals
demonstrated a high antioxidant efficacy of approximately 70% at a belonging to different classes such as phenol, tannin, terpenoid,
concentration of 200 μg/ml concentra tion in the DPPH assay.232 An alkaloids and flavonoids, which are responsible for heal ing of various
experiment showed that Piper betle leaf extract-mediated silver diseases. The beautiful and pungent aroma of the plant is due to its
protein (core-shell) nanoparticles (Ag NP) showed less toxicity against phenolic and terpenoid compounds, which made betel an eminent
Daphnia magna than chemically synthesized AgNPs. Copper oxide flavouring agent. In addition to that, betel has a notably nutritional
nanoparticles (CuONPs) syn thesized using P. betle leaf extract value and is considered GRAS (generally recognized as safe) for
efficiently inhibited the growth of phytopathogens such as consumption.
Xanthomonas axonopodis and Ralstonia solanacearum and also exhibited Piper betle is found in many varieties and cultivars, and there is a
a cytotoxic effect on rat spleno cytes by decreasing cell viability to 94% problem in synonym and proper authentication; therefore, proper
at 300 μg/ml.234 Silver na noparticles coated with polyaniline (AgNP) taxonomic identification of landraces is the most important criterion
synthesis from P. betle leaf extracts were evaluated for antimicrobial in research. Genetic and molecular markers must be used to differ
potency. The result exhibited 32.78 ± 0.64 mm inhibition zone for S. entiate the different varieties of betel. Different landraces contain
aureus, a maximum 29.55 ± 0.45 mm inhibition zone against S. typhi, different amounts and combinations of chemical constituents;
21.95 ± 0.45 mm for P. aeruginosa and 27.12 ± 0.38 mm for E. coli therefore, efforts must be made to identify phytochemicals using
compared to the standard drug norfloxacin. 235
Silver modern extraction and detection techniques. Standardization and
nanobioconjugates synthe sized from the leaf extract of betel and its validation of chemical constituents for quantitative and qualitative
chief compound eugenol showed potent anticancer activity in lung evaluations must also be taken care of. As the quality and quantity of
adenocarcinoma (A549 cell line) with low viability and nuclear the chemical constituents vary with soil and environmental fac
fragmentation in the MTT - (3 -[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5 diphenyl tors, therefore, the optimization of the highest-yielding soil quality
tetrazolium bromide) assay and techniques for staining with orange and factor must be studied for large-scale commercial cultivation
acridine or ethidium bro mide, also showed no toxicity against purposes. Although there are many reports available on preclini cal
non-cancerous human periph eral blood lymphocytes. 236
Another treatment using P. betle in various diseases, the mechanism of the
experiment showed that silver nanoparticles synthesized using P. betle reaction is not mentioned in most reports. A computer-aided drug
showed antifungal potency against Fusarium solani and Alternaria discovery program can be used since it clarifies the molecular
3112     BISWAS et al.
curation (supporting); writing, review, editing (supporting).
Jarosław Proćków: Data curation (supporting); formal analysis
mechanisms, correlates the pharmacological responses with exper
(supporting); funding acquisition (lead); investigation (supporting);
imental data, and has a crucial role in boosting medical and phar
project administration (lead); resources (lead); supervision (lead);
maceutical innovation. The docking analysis performed in this
validation (supporting); visualization (supporting); writing, review,
research provided valuable insights into the bindings of bioactive
editing (supporting). José M. Pérez de la Lastra: Conceptualization
isolates towards many protein targets, including those involved in
(supporting); funding acquisition (lead); project administration (lead);
antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and thrombolytic cascades.237,238
resources (supporting); supervision (supporting); writing, review,
Broad-spectrum clinical studies are also a major lacuna, which is in
editing (supporting). Abhijit Dey: Conceptualization (lead); formal
complete in the pharmacological study. Therefore, more attention
analysis (lead); project administration (lead); resources (lead); super
must be paid to the mechanism of action in different disease man
vision (lead); validation (supporting); visualization (supporting); writ
agement in clinical studies that may open up an innovative avenue in
ing, review, editing (supporting).
therapeutics. Unexplored landraces must be further studied, and new
varieties with a high number of bioactive compounds can be
developed by the use of biotechnological methods. Furthermore,
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were gen
proper attention must be paid to the management of pests and dis
erated or analysed during the current study.
eases of betel plants and long-term storage of leaves and extracts for
commercial use.
The present review encompasses the traditional uses, preclin ical and
Uttpal Anand Niraj
clinical aspects of P. betle with notes on its toxicological attributes and
Kumar Jha Jarosław
safety considerations. However, further studies are needed to explore
Proćków José M. Pérez
its efficacy via proper elucidation of its underlying molecular
de la Lastra
mechanisms of action against various disease pathology,
structure–activity relationships, bioavailability and synergism. In ad
Abhijit Dey
dition, well-designed clinical studies involving statistically significant
number of human patients are needed to assess the clinical signifi
cance of the plant preparations and the derived compounds. Lastly, its REFERENCES

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