2021 Answer

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I lllltill ilil lilt ililt fiil lil ilt

sG - 674 c
vt sE M ESTE R B.A./B.SC/E.e.A./B.S.W./B.SC. (FAD)
{[]' (D
version code E{lM!ryATrON, SEPrEilffiH/OCTOBER 2021 o
(CBCS) (Fresh + Repeaters) (2016-17 and Onwards) {idt
:( I



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4. This Question Booklet contains,S5 questions, Paft A contains 40 questions of one mark
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illlill illl llll lllll lllll llil llll
-2- r

sG - 674
Answer all the questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
1. what is the default file extension for all word documents ?
b) .word c) .dots d).doc
a) .txt
2. NIST stands for
a) National lnstitute of Social Trust
Oi trtational lnstitute of Standards and Technology
.i Nutional lnstitute of Science and Technology
oi ttational lnstitute of science and Transition
3. Which is a tYPe of DBMS Software ?
a) MS Word b) MS Power Point
c) MS Access d) None of them
4. which are the following is a correct format of E-mail address

a)name@website@infob)[email protected]
c) www.name of website.com d) name'website'com

5. Virus is
a) Programme b) Warm c) Obiect d) lnterruPt

6. LandscaPe is
a).I Font stYfe b) Paper size
c) Page laYout d) Paper orientation

7. HTML tag for the largest heading is

a) <head> b) <h6> c) <heading> d) <h1>'

8. Hacking refers to ,

a) Data access without Permission b) Data updation without permission

c) Data dpietion without permissiort d) All of the above

9. URL stands for

a) Unique Reference Label b) Uniform Reference Label
c) Uniform Resource Locator d) Unique Resource Locator


lllllllllllilllllllllllllllilllil -s. sc - 074
10. Which is offline payment mode ?
a) Cash on delivery b) Cash before delivery

11. Queries in MS Access can be used as

a) View, Change, Analyse data in different ways
b) A source of records for forms and reports
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
12. ln MS Word, Shortcut key used to save a word document is
a)Ctrl +S b)Ctrl +C c)Ctrl +V d)Ctrl +Z
13. Null is
a) Same as zero for integer b) Same as blank for character
c) Both a) and b) d) Not a value
14. Full form of WWW in web address is
a) World Wide World b) World Wide Wood
c) World Wide Web d) All of the above
15. Full form of SQL is
a) Standard Query Language b) Sequential Query Language
c) Structured Qdery Language d) Server side Query Language
16. The term "Data" refprs to
a) The electronic representation of the information (or data)
b) Basic information
c) Row Facts and figures ,

d) Both a) and c)

17. What is the pro@ss of making d copy of the information stored on computer ?
a) Backup b) Antivirus c) Firewal! d) Biometrics
18. ln MS Excel, if a text cannot fitlin a cell, then
a) lt will be hidden b) lt will be deleted
c) lt cannot be entered d) None of the above

sG - 674 Illilil!ilililtililtltil ilil ilt
19. Computer security can be increased by using
a) Firewall b) Anti-virus
c) Password d) Ail of the above
2A. A value used in a forn,r"rla that iiees nat change is called
a) Constant b) Cell address
c) Variable d) Static
21. What is the function cf E-Ci:mr"erie i
a) Marketing b) Advertising
c) Warehousing d) All of the above
22. Most individuals are familiar with which form of E-commerce ?
a) B2B b) B2C c) CZB d) czc
23. MS Excel formula starts with
a)= b) + c)% d)-
24. We can activate a cell by
a) Pressing the tab key b) Clicking the cell
c) Pressing an arrow key d) All of the above
25. ln an E-R diagram an entity is represented by
a) Rectangle b) Ellipse
c) Diamond pox d) Circte
26. What is B2B in E-commerce ?
a) Business to Business b) Business to tsoard
c) Bass to Bass d) Business to Basket
27. What are the columns in ilIicr*scft aceess iable called ?
a) Reports b) Hcws r; Fields d) Records
28. Which is known as plastic mcr:ey ?
a) Credit card b) Paner cash c) Paytm d) All of the above
29. ERP stands for
a) Enterprlge Resolution Plan b) Enterprise Reverse Plan
c) EnterpriEe Resource Planning d) None of these

lllIIilI -5- sG - 674
3O. Microsoft Access is a
a) RDBMS b) ooDBMS
c) ORDBMS d) Network Database Model
31. To design web pages we need to use
a) Server b) xML c) Browser d) HTML
32. ln a ER model is described by storing attributes.
a) Entity b) Attribute c) Relationship d) Notation
33. ln MS Word borders can be applied to
a) Cells b) Paragraph
c) Text d) All of the above
34. Which area in an MS Excel allows entering values and formulas ?
a) Title bar b) Menu bar
c) Formula bar d) Standard Toolbar
35. A table can have only one
a) Secondary key b) Alternative key
c) Unique key d) Primary key
36. The file extension for an Access database is
a) EXE b) DOC c) EXC d) MDB
37. DFD stands for
a) Data Flow Diagl'am b) Data Flow Document
c) Data File Diagram. d) None of the above
38. The study of Encryption is called
a) Decryption i b) Cryptography
c) Firewall d) None of the above
39. Processed data is,balled
a) Raw data *t

b) lnformation
c) Useful data d) Source
40. E-banking is known as
a) ATMs b) Net banking
c) Traditional banking , d) None of these

sG - 674 _6. ll!|llilllilI||lllilllilllffl
ARswer aHl question. ffia*h er:estion earries Z marks r (f Sx2=B(
4"f . What is OTP ?
ai C.ne Tirr:e Fassw*rd b) One Time pineode
c) ocd ri'ansaetion Passwerd d) hlone of the aborre
42. whieh of the followir"rg is not vaiid versiorr of MS cffice ?
a) Offiee XP bi Office Vista
c) Office 2$16 d) ${r:ne of the above
43. From which menL,! you een inscrt header and footer ?
a) lnsert meRU b) View menu
ei Fcrmat nr*nu d) Tools menu
44. DiEita! signaturB *iesci"s,f;s
a) Authenticity b) integr.ity
ei Berth a) a.nd bi d) None r:f the above
45" \rerificaiior-r is pr*eess r:f
.\ a) Aeeess h) Login
c) Logout : d) Authentieation
46. Which of the foliowing is not a type cf page margin ?
a) Left b) Right
c] eenter di Top
47" What is FTP ?
a) Fiie Trairiing FretureoE 1 b) File Transfer protoeol
c) File Trarqsit Pl,otoco! d) File Tracking protocol
48. Wl'rat eioes TPS stanri fon ?
ai rransactlon ProcessinE system b) Total product strategy
c) Totai PackaginE system d) Transaction payment system

Itililfl ilillillililttiltilil ilil -7- sG - 674
49. Which section of lT Act deals with Cyber Terrorism ?
a) Section 66C b) Section 668
c) Section 66F d) Section 66A
50. Which of the following is not layer of TCP lP Network ?

a) Physical Layer b) Link l-ayer

c) Network Layer d) Transport L"ayer

51. FTP uses the services of

a) UDP b) rP

c) TCP d) None of the above

52. is the incoming e-mail server.
a) POP b) SMTP
c) SMIP d) PPD

53. Maximum zoom allowed in MS-Word is

a) 100 b) 450
c) 500 {,
d) 250
54. Which of the following is not the example of Business to Consumer (B to C)
e-commerce ? c

a) Amazon.com b) E-Bay.com

c) , d) Defend
55. Expert systems are p'art of i

a) First generation lbnguages

b) Second generatioh languages
c) Third generation languages
d) Fifth generation languages t


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