Alternate Sponsorships
Alternate Sponsorships
Alternate Sponsorships
These are unofficial fan-made rules for sponsors in your Gaslands campaigns, expanding on the article the December
2017 issue (#416) of Miniature Wargames. I strongly recommend grabbing that issue because it contains excellent rules
for running seasons of Gaslands as campaigns with your gaming group.
Cancelling Sponsorships
A team may only have one sponsor at a time.
Team Colors: Burgundy with white accents. Upgrade. This vehicle’s Max Gear gains +1, to a maximum of 6.
Signing Requirements: To qualify for this sponsorship, Only Cars may add this upgrade.
you must have a Team Rating of 40+ and just finished 2 High Performance Suspension 2
a Televised Event, and must be tested for psychic
Upgrade. Limit 1. When making a skid check, this vehicle may
potential — you must roll a 6 on 1D6 to pass the test roll 1 additional die but must discard 1 of their dice results before
and become eligible for sponsorship. resolving any others. This ability may not be used when using Push
Perks: Precision. It. Only Cars and Performance Cars may add this upgrade.
Terms: Your team must consist of 2 or more vehicles,
3 Spoiler And Airdam 1
and all must be of the same type.
Danger Sense: When you activate a vehicle within Upgrade. Limit 1. When making a skid check in gear 4 or higher,
Double range of another of your vehicles that has this vehicle may cancel 1 Spin or Slide result. Only Cars and
already activated, you may transfer 1 hazard token Performance Cars may add this upgrade.
from one of those vehicles to the other. 4 Tracer Rounds 1
Mind Link: Instead of discarding 1 Shift result during a
Upgrade. Limit 1. Ammo 3. When this vehicle attacks with a
skid check, you may bank it for use by your vehicles
Machine Gun or Heavy Machine Gun, it may reroll 1 attack die.
that activate later in that gear phase. You may only
have 1 Shift result banked for your team at a time. 5 Metal Tires 1
At the start of the next gear phase, you must discard Upgrade. Limit 1. This vehicle gains +2 Hull points and loses -1
your banked Shift result. from its Handling (to a minumum of 1). Only Cars may add this
6 Off-Road Tires 1
Upgrade. This vehicle ignores the effects of road surfaces and
rough surfaces, and treats treacherous surfaces as rough instead.
Only Bikes, Buggies, and Cars may add this upgrade.
Castle Corporation was one of the most advanced tech research Team Colors: Apple green.
firms before the war, becoming a key player in the rebuilding Signing Requirements: To qualify for this sponsorship,
of eastern Asia before relocating to a new headquarters on you must have a Team Rating of 40+, and must have
Deimos. Churning out sophisticated robots of increasing just participated in a Televised event in which you
complexity and miniaturization, Castle has just this past wrecked at least 1 of your own vehicles during its own
year produced a robot capable of mimicking most human activation as a direct consequence of an attack that
functions — the Series 18 Android. Gaslands teams sponsored vehicle made on an enemy vehicle.
by Castle put androids behind the wheel as a highly visible
demonstration of their technology. WARDEN
Team Colors: Orange.
Team Colors: Silver with neon red accents. Signing Requirements: To qualify for this sponsorship,
Signing Requirements: To qualify for this sponsorship, you must have a Team Rating of 40+, and must have
you must have have a Team Rating of 40+ and just just participated in a Televised Event in which you
finished in 3rd place or better in a Televised Event. wrecked all of the vehicles on another player’s team
Perks: Aggression. before any of your own were wrecked.
Calculating Mind: Once per scenario, after you place
a maneuver template for an active vehicle, you may
remove 1 hazard token from that vehicle, and then IDRIS
you may remove the template and choose a different Team Colors: Crimson.
one instead. Signing Requirements: To qualify for this sponsorship,
Fusion Battery: When this vehicle makes an explosion you must have a Team Rating of 50+, and must have
check, add the number of crewmembers in this just participated in a Televised Event in which you
vehicle to your D6 roll. used Nitro Boosters 3 or more times without wiping
Nerves Of Steel: When making a skid check, this vehicle out during those activations.
may suffer any number of hits to shift up that number Terms: You may not purchase Gyrocopters.
of gears without receiving any hazard tokens for
doing so. MISHKIN
Team Colors: Midnight blue with neon blue accents.
Signing Requirements: To qualify for this sponsorship,
you must have a Team Rating of 50+, and must have
just participated in a Televised Event in which you
fielded a combined 10 or more weapons and upgrades
on your vehicles.
Team Colors: Camouflage and drabs.
Signing Requirements: To qualify for this sponsorship,
you must have a Team Rating of 50+, and must have
wrecked 5 or more enemy vehicles with 125mm
Cannon, Flamethrowers, Grenades, Mortars, or
Rockets, across any number of Televised Events.
Terms: Your team may not include Lightweight vehicles.
Team Colors: Cobalt blue with white accents.
Signing Requirements: To qualify for this sponsorship,
you must have a Team Rating of 50+, and must have
just participated in a Televised Event in which you
resolved an uncancelled Spin and Slide result with a
Light- or Mediumweight vehicle in gear phase 5 or
higher without using Push It and without wiping out
in that activation.
Terms: Your team may not include Pickup Trucks,
Buses, Large Trucks, or War Rigs.