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WEF Bridging The Gap in European Scale Up Funding 2020

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Community Paper

Bridging the Gap in European

Scale-up Funding:
The Green Imperative in an
Unprecedented Time
In collaboration with KPMG
June 2020

Preface 3

Executive Summary 4

The Crisis: Europe wants to go digital and go green, but 6

struggles to scale

The Challenge: Surviving the “valley of death” to 9

contribute on sustainability

The Ideas: Four ways to grow Europe’s sustainable 12


1. Streamline access to public funding for 12


2. Apply blended finance to scale Europe’s 15

industrial transformation

3. Create public and private procurement 18


4. Give European growth companies a voice on 19

policy and standards

Concluding Remarks 21

Acknowledgements 22

Endnotes 25

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In 2019, European innovation looked primed for unprecedented growth. Startup Genome found that
14 of the world’s top 30 innovation ecosystems were European, while Sifted and Dealroom credited
the region’s start-ups for creating over 2 million jobs and 10% of job growth. Factors across the board
indicated that Europe was finally closing that gap in company valuation, the number of unicorns and
even the amount of capital, while political support for both the digital and green agenda had taken
priority with the European Commission. But just as new companies were forming at an unprecedented
rate, raising 38% of global seed-stage funding, COVID-19 brought unprecedented upheaval. In the
Børge Brende, first months of 2020, most start-ups have seen fundraising efforts stall and many have had to release
President, World full-time staff.
Economic Forum
One of the main challenges both before and in the wake of COVID-19 has been Europe’s ability
to develop technological innovation in global companies, which requires complex and long-term
investments. This is particularly poignant now, as the European Green Deal launched a race towards
climate neutrality, but reaching its ambitions relies in large part on new technologies that are just
coming out of the lab. These growth companies (or “scale-ups”) should have a strategic advantage
given Europe’s legacy of industrial excellence but are in danger of succumbing to the funding “valley
of death” as they navigate towards commercialization in what promises to be a very difficult economic
environment. Digital Europe’s Innovate Europe report identified innovation funding for such companies
as one of the greatest challenges facing European ecosystems and this report builds on that assertion.
Martina Larkin,
Head of Regional
In this paper, we address the triple challenge facing European innovation just as it seemed that
governments, founders and investors were finally getting aligned – access to growth-stage funding,
Europe and
the ability to channel such funding towards building technology that works toward climate goals, and
Eurasia; Member
doing so during the pandemic and economic disruption. We propose four ideas: treating innovators
of the Executive
as customers; using new methods of funding; redesigning procurement; and giving founders a voice
on regulation. We would like to thank the Digital Leaders community and its board for their invaluable
World Economic
contributions and insights into this report, and KPMG for its thought leadership and enthusiasm in
developing these proposals.

The World Economic Forum, as the International Organization for Public-Private Collaboration,
is committed to improving the state of the world by providing the platform for multistakeholder
engagement and impactful action that shapes global agendas for a sustainable and responsible future.
Digital Europe, as part of the Forum’s work, brings together a community of innovators, policy-makers,
corporate leaders and academics to promote a pan-European approach to innovation, one that will
stand ready to overcome today’s challenges and embrace the opportunity for a global reset that can
rebuild for a better and greener tomorrow.

Executive summary

Before COVID-19 put the global economy on 2. Apply blended finance to scale Europe’s
hold, the European innovation ecosystem had industrial transformation. Start-ups working
made remarkable gains, with European tech on cutting-edge technology characterized
IPO returns even surpassing those in the United by a long R&D phase (deep-tech) need
States. European companies still, however, trail long-term funding and in many cases have
their American counterparts in their ability to large capex needs to finance production
scale. This is especially true for those involved in lines or computing power. European Venture
developing the new technologies needed to meet funds alone do not have the size to provide
Europe’s ambitious sustainability goals. adequate funding amounts and in some
cases can’t provide funding for the time
Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic will also periods needed for development. Smarter
pose economic challenges. However, Europe has financing structures are needed to address
strong fundamentals, from high-quality education this mismatch. Blended finance approaches
systems to engaged regulators, and the – using a sophisticated mix of public and
COVID crisis has reinforced political ambition to private investment – remain niche in Europe
accelerate the twin transitions towards digitization but are a promising solution to address the
and decarbonization. funding gap.

The challenge now is to catalyse the policies 3. Create public and private procurement
and programmes needed to lift the European opportunities. Procurement processes in
innovation ecosystem to the next level. Building both the public and private sectors in Europe
on the Innovate Europe report, this paper looks at favour established corporations, making it
systemic and structural issues and proposes four difficult for young companies to sell products
ways to more effectively fund growth-stage start- and services – especially novel technologies.
ups (scale-ups), reaching beyond the common If integrated into COVID-19 support
panacea of “more funds”: packages, these can have greater impact
than direct funding alone and promote closer,
1. Streamline access to public funding ongoing collaboration.
for innovation. Governments want public
money to attract the smartest entrepreneurs, 4. Give European growth companies a
but heavy bureaucracy sends the opposite voice on policy and standards. European
message. Start-ups must invest significant technology companies need to participate
resources to understand the different more actively in shaping their political and
offers of diverse European and national regulatory environments if they are to evolve
institutions that provide innovation funding. into world leaders. Investment in industry
Their accessibility and efficiency must be associations for scale-ups can build alliances
streamlined. among companies and help decision-
makers to understand the potential of new

Although this report is based on interviews and
workshops with founders, corporate executives,
investors and policy makers, it is not a research
paper. It is intended as a guide for decision-
makers in the public sector and an inspiration for
corporate and start-up leaders.

The report does not aim to list all barriers to VC

investment in Europe; it proposes solutions to the
overarching themes that recurred in interviews,
workshops and literature. Its aim is not to propose
short-term regulatory changes or programmes
but to build knowledge and long-term capacities
in the European innovation ecosystem.

The Crisis: Europe wants to
go digital and go green, but
struggles to scale

Before COVID-19 put the global economy on Commission’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan
hold, investment in European tech companies is set to transform the financial sector, while the
was growing. According to the State of Green Deal aims to decarbonize the European
European Tech 2019 report, capital invested in economy by 2050 through decisions taken in the
Europe had more than doubled in five years to next five years.10
€32 billion. European start-ups achieved greater
deal sizes and higher valuations: 53 raised more
than €92 million and more than six – including
GetYourGuide, Northvolt, Greensill, Deliveroo, The twin transitions to tackle climate change and
UiPath and Checkout.com – raised over €462 adapt to a digital future can offer companies of all
million. These successes are usually known as sizes the chance to become more productive and
scale-ups or growth-stage companies. While competitive. It’s also one where the waves of new
there is no universal definition, scale-ups are start- technology will come ever faster – so our ability to
ups that have demonstrated a product-market innovate will make the difference between taking the
fit and are on an accelerated growth pathway, lead and falling behind. The great task that we face
seeing revenues rise in double digits over several today is to […] help get European industry ready to
years, and growing increasingly through profits grasp those opportunities.11
rather than solely via funding rounds.1,2 In 2019,
the number of European scale-ups or “unicorns” Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a
– valued at $1 billion – rose to 99, hailing from 20 Europe Fit for the Digital Age, European Commission
countries, and was set to double in the next few
years.3,4,5 While London, Paris and Berlin led the
way, unicorns from Lithuania to Spain attracted Political will to foster the green transition has
€100 million+ rounds as well.6 In the past six been enhanced by COVID-19. Politicians across
years, Europe produced more tech IPOs than Europe are calling for a Marshall Plan aligned
the US; and while their market valuations were with the Green Deal.12 The original Marshall
smaller, they delivered better returns.7 In the UK, Plan removed trade and regulatory barriers,
the tech sector has been growing six times faster encouraged the adoption of modern business
than the rest of the economy.8 Across Europe, procedures and designated funds to purchase
start-ups provided 2 million jobs.9 goods and services to foster production. A
Green Deal could be as comprehensive and the
Despite the current crisis, Europe has all the foundations for both transformations have been
fundamentals for innovation, growth and laid. Five of the world’s top 10 engineering and
prosperity. European policy-makers have proven technology programmes are European, including
capable of forward thinking and innovation. For ETH Zurich, University of Cambridge, Imperial
example, the General Data Protection Regulation College London, University of Oxford, and École
(GDPR) is being adopted globally. The European polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne.13 Relatively

low tuition costs at most European universities been more willing to engage in VC: US pension
enable students from diverse backgrounds funds have just 2.7x more assets under
to receive an excellent education as the next management than European institutional investors
generation of innovators and tech workers. but make 11x the commitments to VC.17
Across Europe, R&D and seed funding have
created a pipeline of innovative start-ups that are Europe’s natural market fragmentation still
hungry to scale. hinders growth18 and the VC ecosystems differ
in maturity; about a quarter of capital comes
from the mature London ecosystem while other
regions are less developed.19 At the moment,
foreign investors provide access to capital,
Achieving a climate-neutral and circular economy
networks, expertise and markets that local VCs
requires the full mobilization of industry. It takes
cannot20 – especially in smaller hubs such as
25 years – a generation – to transform an industrial
Tallinn and Bucharest.21 But dependence on
sector and all the value chains. To be ready in 2050,
primary foreign investors can lead to relocation
decisions and actions need to be taken in the next
and they can prove to be less committed when
five years.
times get hard.22 Due to the distribution of their
network, foreign investors also make an exit to
European Green Deal a foreign buyer more likely. The best-performing
companies have a mix of foreign and domestic
investors.23 Therefore, Europe needs to mobilize
However, European start-ups still trail their domestic investors to participate more actively in
American counterparts in ability to scale and the European VC market.
exit. Start-up investment in the US remains 3.4x
the level in Europe.14 Only one in eight European Deep-tech’s need for higher levels of
companies scale compared to one in four in the investment over a longer period has made
US.15 The greater liquidity offered by the New foreign funding inevitable. The “valley of
York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ death” between development of promising
means the US has seen 2.8x more billion dollar new technologies and its application at scale is
tech IPOs than Europe since 2015.16 This is also particularly dangerous for deep-tech innovation
due to the strong participation of US institutional and many technologies relevant to achieving
investors in the sector, which have traditionally Europe’s Green Deal ambitions are precisely

Deep Green:
Companies using cutting edge technology to address
environmental challenges
( .g. green battery
(e r manufac
f turin
r g, elec
l tr
tric aircra
i f

“Deep tech” “Green tech”

companies building on companies offer
scientific discovery in products,
engineering, technologies, or
mathematics, physics, services that
and medicine. contribute to
Characterized by long environmental goals,
R&D cycles and which could be using
untested business new (e.g. En
E ergrgy-
models (e.g. vivirtual effi
fficie rials) or
i nt materi
r lity
rea t gaming, AI existing (ex
ex. online
powered sp s eech r sale
re l pla
l tfo r )
f rms
r ognitition)
rec technologies

these – that is, they build on scientific discovery Start-ups and scale-ups have less political power
in engineering, mathematics, physics and than established companies – which today
medicine.24 These companies need more time can access billion-euro loans to stave off mass
and capital to reach market maturity, which layoffs – but they are precisely the industries that
makes them a poorer fit for the business model could employ a majority of tomorrow’s workers.
of traditional European VC funds.25 American VCs European Commission President Ursula von der
reach larger fund sizes and have more experience Leyen has called for recovery to involve more
funding deep-tech companies and their assets, investment in digital technologies, infrastructure
financing successes such as Tesla, Beyond Meat, and innovation to build “a more modern and
and Impossible Foods. Funding and experience circular economy that [….] will make us less
make them an attractive partner for European dependent and boost our resilience”.31
deep-tech start-up founders as well.
Some European countries are supporting start-
The COVID-19 pandemic makes it more ups and scale-ups in their stimulus packages.
urgent to support Europe’s advanced Germany, for example, includes a €2 billion
technologies focused on sustainability. allocation for VC and start-ups, deferred taxes
Companies’ plans to launch or scale products and social security payments, and the state
have been thrown off-track. Supply chains paying up to 60% of salaries when employees
have been disrupted. Curtailed travel is limiting are not working.32 Another potentially very
fundraising and sales activities26 making fast- effective programme is the UK’s Future Fund
growing companies especially vulnerable:27 Their that will provide convertible loans to scale-
costs are largely locked in, while new sales and ups.33 However, even more support might be
funding opportunities are constrained.28,29 Over needed. After the 2008-2009 financial crisis, VC
a third of growth-stage start-ups have less than investments in late-stage ventures declined by
six months’ worth of cash and are running out of almost 50% and took another 10 years to reach
time if they don’t get adequate support to outlive pre-crisis levels across Europe;34 and there are
the crisis.30 concerns that the support provided is, in some
cases, not tailored appropriately to the needs
of scale-ups.35 European countries without the
fiscal power of Germany, the UK, or France may
also require greater cross-European solidarity to
secure the survival of their innovation ecosystems
and to return quickly to a pre-crisis trajectory.

The Challenge: Surviving
the “valley of death” to
contribute on sustainability

Digital deep-tech is critical to achieving the green

transition. For example, virtual and augmented
Companies that offer products, technologies, or
reality can reduce business and leisure travel,
services that contribute to environmental goals are
blockchain can help track carbon emissions, and
green-tech companies.
robotics is a requirement for vertical indoor farms
that help us adapt to climate change.39
German Startup Monitor
Deep-tech companies, in general, are more difficult
to scale than traditional start-ups. Their need for
“Green-tech” companies exist across a range
more time and capital makes them a poor fit for
of sectors, including energy, electricity, raw
VC investors, who typically seek exit after three
materials, transport, agriculture, textiles,
to five years. Most start-ups go to market at the
chemistry and pharmaceuticals,36 offering
seed stage and use series A, B, C and D to grow
products, technologies or services that
sales, market share, or product range (see Figure
contribute to environmental goals.37 The EU
2). Deep-tech start-ups often still develop their
Taxonomy on Sustainable Finance defines six
technology through series A funding and use series
environmental objectives (see Figure 1). Sustainable
B, C and D to build “pilot plants” – first-of-their
products, services or infrastructure investments
kind factories to manufacture new and innovative
need to contribute to at least one of these
products or factories that use innovative machines
objectives and must not significantly harm others.38

Figure 1: Six objectives of the EU taxonomy defining sustainable economic activities and focus sectors defined by the
European Commission

Manufacturing Food,
sewerage, Transport and
and circular agriculture Buildings ICT
waste and smart cities
economy and forestry

Source: European Commission

Figure 2: Comparing the pathway to maturity of traditional start-ups and deep-tech start-ups

Start-up Growth Pathway

Focus of this work

Growth or scale-up stage Late-stage growth or IPO

Pre-seed stage / Seed stage Early-growth /
Series A / Series B & C scale-up / Series D

Traditional start-up Product idea & first First product launch; Commercialized Increasing market share Building on B & C
focused on digital prototype ready further developing product with consistent and expanding to new
services and product-market-fit revenue flow markets, returning a profit

Deep-tech start-ups Product idea & first Second prototype & Third prototype & Pilot plant, early test First commercial stage
that provide B2B prototype ready further research demonstration lab, customers plant, first commercial
and B2C digital and consumer testing customers
non-digital services
and products Investor: Investor: Investor: Investor: Investor:
- Accelerators - VC - Late-stage VC
- Founder - Friends and family
- Angels - Angels - Late -stage VCs - Private equity
- Friends and
family - Early-stage VCs - VCs
- Angels - Crowdfunding - Government
- Government - Government

Amounts: Amounts: Amounts: Amounts: Amounts:

<€50,000 €50,000-€3 million €5 million-€15 million € 30 million -€50 million ~€100 million

Revenue Time

Figure 3: Example for financing sources of a company and its pilot plant

Start-up Growth Pathway

Deep-tech companies rely on public (concessional) debt
longer than companies that do not make large capex
investments before achieving significant revenue

Pre-seed stage / Seed stage Early-growth / Growth or scale- Late-stage Post

bootstrapping Series A up stage / Series growth or IPO
B&C scale-up / Deep-tech
Commercial debt from private banks Series D
Venture debt/ concessional or commercial debt from public banks Traditional
In-kind support (access to labs, advisory services, etc.)
Traditional start-up
Deep-tech start-up


Revenue Time

or procedures to produce existing products. While a start-up and its pilot plant. Start-ups innovating
these companies take longer to achieve their first on business model rather than technology are
revenue than B2C start-ups or those that rely on less complex to finance as they do not have
existing technologies, they can ultimately disrupt to raise the financing for their pilot production
established markets and are more competitive due lines, while deep-tech start-ups usually need a
to their underlying IP or non-replicable technology. consortium of investors to cover this.

Deep-tech start-ups depend on a more European deep-tech scale-ups face

diverse set of funding sources. Deep-tech different regulatory and sales barriers than
start-ups typically need to make large capex traditional start-ups. Businesses can sell to
investments before scaling their revenue as they retail customers (B2C), other businesses (B2B),
invest in physical production lines before moving or through intermediaries (B2B2C). Table 1
from the “lab” to economies of scale. These provides examples for traditional tech and deep-
“pilot plants” for new technologies usually cannot tech companies, and an overview of the most
access commercial debt because banks are important challenges for deep-tech start-ups in
unfamiliar with the technology’s risk structure and each category.40 B2B and B2B2C scale-ups in
do not yet allow for balance sheet financing. Thus, Europe, for example, struggle with public and
these companies need additional venture debt corporate procurement processes that can take
or debt from public banks at commercial rates. up to 18 months, when most start-ups have a
Public banks such as the EIB, KFW and Bpifance runway of only three to six. While regulation can
provide loans for such factories or infrastructure be a barrier or opportunity for any company, it is
projects if they are seen as strategic by the local fundamental to B2B2C businesses, which often
government. Figure 3 shows the funding flows for operate in the medical tech space, for example.

Table 1: Examples of traditional and deep-tech start-ups in B2C, B2B and B2B2C41,42

Type of start-ups B2C B2B B2B2C

Traditional/existing Online commerce, food Customer service software, Al- Companies, predominantly in
technology (business delivery, carsharing, based advertising, data-mining health tech, providing, for example,
model innovation) streaming, etc. solutions telemedicine services

Alternatives to animal- Cybersecurity, alternative energy, Companies, predominantly in health

based foods, VR electric batteries, vertical (indoor) tech, providing new medical treatments
Deep technology
solutions, consumer AI farming, robotics, sensors (e.g. based on AI, VR, new drugs, etc.
(scientific innovation)
(e.g. speech recognition water efficiency)
and automated translation)

Capex investments in large Capex investments in large production

production facilities that are not facilities that are not usually financed by
Challenges for deep- Capex investments in
usually financed by VC investors VC investors
tech companies large production facilities
that need to be that are not usually
Lack of sales to/procurement Lack of sales to/procurement from
addressed financed by VC investors
from corporates and the public corporates and the public sector in
sector in Europe European regulations (e.g. standards)

Europe has a potential strategic advantage entrepreneurial culture, which prizes cash efficiency
at the intersection of “deep-tech” and “green over aggressive expansion. Silicon Valley investors
tech”. Europe has fallen behind in information are used to fast-paced high returns,44 while
technologies and digital platform companies.43 Even Europe’s investor base is more familiar with big
in the overall green tech space, from 2014 to 2019 industrial investments and highly trained engineers.
investment in the US was four times higher than in Although this strategic opportunity has not yet been
Europe. However, the current crisis can potentially pursued, deep tech could offer a better strategic fit
play to a strategic European strength – its frugal for Europe than digital platform investments.

The Ideas: Four ways to
grow Europe’s sustainable
technology scale-ups

Digital Europe’s 2019 Innovate Europe report 1. Streamline access to public funding
describes 10 fundamental building blocks for innovation
for the competitiveness of the European
innovation ecosystem. Among others, it Governments providing public money hope it will
highlights the need for increased innovation attract the smartest and quickest entrepreneurs,
funding, more corporate-start-up collaboration, yet heavily bureaucratic methods and overlapping
harmonized legislation and standards, and programmes send precisely the opposite
enabled government and public institutions. message. A diverse set of European and national
The report also defines four catalysts to achieve institutions provide innovation funding to start-
scale: (1) leverage industrial assets, funding ups – but to find the right offer, start-ups need
digital platforms and technologies for strategic specialized skills such as grant-writing, and time
European industries; (2) change data dynamics, to put into interacting with multiple agencies
leading on governance for data access and to understand their criteria. It is a tough choice
trust; (3) boost talent, competing with digital for founders to dedicate staff to understanding
skills and diversity; and (4) create demand at processes instead of building technology.
scale, leveraging public-sector leadership in
procurement and standardization.45 These ideas Europe aims to make its economy carbon-
build on those recommendations to discuss neutral by 2050, but green start-ups have
four viable proposals for more effectively funding no clear pathway from early-stage funding
scale-ups whose technological innovation is to growth-stage investment. Europe has
critical to achieving environmental sustainability in pledged to reach carbon neutrality while creating
Europe. sustained economic growth and high-quality
jobs. This requires support for innovative
They aim to accelerate top start-ups and increase green technologies at the scale-up stage, but
connectedness within Europe: not simply to consistency and continuity among various
increase the number of transactions, but to funding mechanisms are still missing.
foster greater expertise and sophistication in the
continent’s entrepreneurial ecosystem with each In the past, the European Innovation Council
round of funding.46 Successful mechanisms will (EIC), for example, supported potential scale-ups
need to be strategic, supporting the objectives through access to high-profile mentors such as
of the Green Deal in how they mobilize private Jim Hagemann Snabe, Chairman of Siemens,
investment for scale-ups. They need to promote and Ingmar Hoerr, Chief Executive Officer of
a pan-European approach and business CureVac, a company currently developing
expansion to increase the effectiveness of public a coronavirus vaccine.48,49 The European
funding. They are also in line with the EC’s Commission designated at least €300 million for
new SME strategy for a sustainable and digital breakthrough Green Deal innovations under the
Europe.47 EIC.50

Meanwhile, the European Institute of Innovation & The EIB is the largest of these institutions.
Technology (EIT) nurtures companies that address Beyond loans, it provides venture debt, invests
societal challenges.51 It accelerates seed-stage in private equity funds, and provides guarantees
start-ups by organizing events such as roadshows to improve the costs of financing for strategic
in the US and Israel52,53 and knowledge and projects or sectors. Direct funding from the
innovation communities (KICs) that help start-ups EIF and EIB into companies usually provides
within strategic areas such as climate, food and ticket sizes of €50 million and under, but tickets
energy. The EIT often lays the groundwork for over €100 million are needed for scaling. The
proof-of-concept in deep-tech companies, getting conditions of these instruments may also be
them ready to raise funding from the European more restrictive than typical VC funding.
Investment Fund (EIF), EIB and private investors.54
The European Commission recently launched
The EIF invests in European VC funds, provides the successor to its popular Horizon 2020
venture debt directly to start-ups and connects programme that focused mostly on innovation
investors with start-ups.55 The Venture Centre and early-stage start-ups with Horizon Europe
of Excellence (VCoE) is a new initiative driven by (2021-2027), which will specifically address scale-
EIF and EIT-Health to foster networking between up funding. As part of the new Horizon Europe
corporates and start-ups in the life sciences concept, the EIC will become a one-stop shop to
sector. Corporates that want to participate in the help innovators create markets, leverage private
programme need to participate in a life-sciences finance and scale-up their companies. Some
VC fund managed by the EIF and get the 70% of the budget is earmarked for SMEs. While
opportunity to work directly with promising start- some of their offerings overlap, these institutions
ups. Start-ups, on the other hand, receive access are designed to complement each other across
to the value chains of corporates and benefit the start-up’s life-cycle (see Figure 4).
from their experience in navigating the regulatory
requirements in life-sciences.56

Figure 4: European public funding providers for innovation funding and how they fit into the start-up lifecycle (Illustrative)

EIB: Support for large-
scale investments

EIF: Equity & venture debt starting at Round


EIC & EIT: Advice, networks, smaller funding amounts

Funding (grants), Funding (grants and equity), Manages debt and Provides loans, venture
advice and advice, networking, equity instruments, debt, equity investments,
networking roadshows, communities (e.g. provides guarantees guarantees
opportunities food, energy)

European public funding institutions have Public funders have diverse requirements
shown they can lead green innovation and start-ups must spend valuable resources
excellence. The EIC, EIT, EIF and EIB have navigating the system. European public-funding
proved they can effectively support the deep- institutions provide a broad range of services
tech development that Europe needs to achieve and types of financing to start-ups – which may
its sustainability goals. EIT’s Climate Knowledge also have different options for support from
and Innovation Community (Climate-KIC), for national institutions such as KfW in Germany and
example, supported the proof of concept of Lilium, Bpifrance. Navigating this wide array of options
a company that develops electric airplanes57 (see is resource-intensive. Application processes for
Box 158,59,60). EIB provided a €350 million loan to each institution can take six or more months.
Northvolt to finance Europe’s first green battery Requirements vary and application materials
plant (see Box 261). However, European public cannot easily be reused – especially for deep-
funding for commercialization of new technologies tech start-ups concerned with IP where technical
and scale-ups still lags behind the US.62 The descriptions are vital. Founders spend valuable
US Department of Energy Loan Program Office resources on specialized staff or consultants to
provided Tesla with a €430 million ($465 million) seek public funding instead of growing sales.
loan to build its EV car manufacturing plant in 2010 Another complication is that public institutions
– before the company had ever made a profit.63 In regularly replace reviewers. Although intended
2019, the Defense Advanced Research Projects to ensure neutrality, this makes adapting
Agency (DARPA) alone had a budget of $3.427 rejected applications based on a committee’s
billion to fund technology research and scale-ups recommendations difficult as the new group may
at all stages.64 No European institution provides also have new preferences. These inefficiencies
tech funding at that scale. Investing public money are especially critical for start-ups in the green
in growing private sector companies is still space, with business models that rely on public
controversial in Europe, with electorates preferring funding for longer periods, as they cannot be
to support traditional enterprises and existing commercialized as quickly.
jobs. However, to achieve Green Deal ambitions,
Europe needs to finance hundreds of Liliums and
Northvolts across all phases of development.

Box 1: European green deep-tech success stories: Lilium

Lilium built the world’s first electric vertical take-off and landing jet, laying the groundwork for emissions-free aviation.
Founded in 2015 by former TU Munich students, the company closed a €224 million funding round in March 2020.
Private air travel is growing due to COVID-19 fears, creating an opportunity as the company initially targets high-income
individuals and business travellers. Climate-KIC helped the company to demonstrate the viability of its technology.

Box 2: European green deep-tech success stories: Northvolt

Northvolt is a Swedish green battery company founded in 2016 by two former Tesla engineers. The company is building
the first European commercial-scale battery plant in Sweden and raised €1.2 billion in financing in June 2019. EIT
supported the company to put together a consortium of investors and access EIB funding: the €350 million loan from
EIB is accompanied by €886 million from VW, BMW, Goldman Sachs, AMF, Folksam Group and IMAS Foundation. After
the first plant in Sweden, Northvolt plans a joint venture with VW to build a battery plant in Germany. The EIB loan was
critical to ensure the participation of the private investors, according to Northvolt co-founder Peter Carlsson.

tech for high capex and long investment cycles. In
Box 3: Definitions
Europe, however, it remains niche. Mainstreaming
blended finance tools is critical to funding deep-
Public investment: Investment provided
tech companies that provide green technologies.
by government and through public-funding
institutions such as EIB, KfW, Bpi, EIF, etc.
Deep-tech start-ups face a financing “valley
of death”. Defined by a need for higher
Private investment: Investment by all types of
amounts of capital and longer time periods
private investors such as institutional investors
to commercialization, they are not naturally
(pension funds, insurance), banks, VCs,
aligned with the traditional VC model.66 While
corporates, angel investors, etc.
such companies may be prime candidates for
public investment in initial R&D, their funding
Green start-ups need a clear public funding opportunities at the scale-up stage from public
pathway from early-stage innovation funding and private investors are more rare in Europe due
to growth-stage investment. European to smaller VC fund sizes and less experience with
public funding institutions would benefit from the sector than in the US.
a common platform through which start-ups
can access their offerings. They – and possibly Rather than direct grants or subsidies, deep
also national institutions – should be able to tech needs blended finance – but expertise
place their offerings on one website with one in structuring deep-tech deals is scarce
application portal for start-ups to apply to several in Europe. Blended finance is a structuring
programmes by providing the same financial approach which uses public funding to de-risk
documents and other information. The European private funding and, by doing so, acclimatize
Commission’s website for funding and tender private investors with a new technology, sector,
opportunities is a step in the right direction region or asset class. The objective is to create
but needs to become more user-friendly.65 a financial track record for the new investment
Effectiveness in public funding could also be area, enabling private investors to assess their
improved by collecting growth data on start-ups. risk more accurately and increasingly invest
Verified private investors or banks could then without public support. Convergence, the
view these numbers with greater confidence in global network for blended finance, outlines four
their legitimacy, potentially mobilizing additional common structures:67
private investment.
1. Public or philanthropic investors
Overall, clear communication is needed to provide funds on below-market terms
create greater access to growth-stage funding. as protection to private investors. For
European public funding institutions could work example, a government might provide a €10
together to streamline a pathway for companies million junior equity investment that is used
similar to Northvolt and Lilium, preparing as the first-loss tranche in a €100 million
companies vetted at early stages to receive fund. Private investors lose their investment
scale-up funding from EIB and private investors only if the €10 million first-loss is used up.
when the time comes. However, if the venture is successful, the
government tranche can be the first repaid or
2. Apply blended finance to scale even repaid at a premium.
Europe’s industrial transformation

Smart financing structures are needed to address

the mismatch of the VC model and deep-tech
investment. Blended finance uses a mix of public
and private investment to meet the needs of deep

2. Public or philanthropic investors provide Blended finance structures could also
credit enhancement through guarantees incentivize patient capital from the private
or insurance on below-market terms. For sector. While patient capital has a high tolerance
example, a government might provide a for risk, a longer time horizon than traditional risk
guarantee for a pilot plant when a start-up capital, and is more flexible to meet the needs of
does not have collateral and banks do not entrepreneurs, it is still return-oriented.68 Patient
know how to assess the plant’s value. The capital from the private sector has been primarily
guarantee ensures debt payments to the used in development funding, where social private
bank in case of failure. No public money is investors such as church pension funds and
used in case of success. foundations will take lower returns in blended
structures to crowd in commercial investors.69
3. A grant-funded technical assistance The public sector could incentivize foundations
facility strengthens commercial viability or other private investors with social missions to
and development impact. Such a facility participate in deep-tech funds as patient investors.
could provide in-kind support for legal In this case, the funds can be more impact and
services, product testing, access to research mission focused, seeking a triple bottom line of
facilities, or adapting the business model for financial, environmental and social return. Such
underserved communities. scale-up impact funds aligned with the Green Deal
could be incentivized by the public sector through
4. Grants fund transaction design or tax incentives on the returns for the patient share
preparation. For example, the government classes in these blended impact vehicles.
funds legal costs to structure the first bond
of a start-up, aiming to reduce its long-term Blended finance is scarcely used in Europe,
cost of finance. but it is a highly effective tool to mobilize
private investment. Public financing has typically
Figure 5 provides an overview of typical blended been used to save struggling corporates or has
finance mechanisms and structures. been focused in R&D and early-stage financing

Figure 5: European public funding providers for innovation funding and how they fit into the start-up lifecycle (Illustrative)

Example structures
ket rate
Private equity or debt funds with concessional public Structure senior debt or equity
or philanthropic funding attracting institutional First-loss debt or equity
Private investment

Bond or note issuances, oft

f en for infrastructure Structure
Mobilizing projects, with guarantees orr insurance from public or Debt
Blended philanthropic funders
structures Structure
(public &
Grant funding from public or philanthropic funders to
philanthropic build capacity off investments to achieve expected Debt
TA facility
financial and social return Equity


Grant funding from public or philanthropic funders to tructure

design or structure projects to attract institutional Debt

investment Grant Equity

Source: Convergence

Box 4: European green deep-tech success stories: Ÿnsect

The French company Ÿnsect farms mealworms to produce ingredients for crop fertilizers and animal feed, a market
worth €462 billion. Founded in 2011, it raised €115.5 million in its series C funding in 2019. Ÿnsect is using these funds
to move from a pilot production facility to build the largest insect farm in the world. The company is funded by a mix of
public and private investors, including Bpifrance.

Box 5: Testbeds to accelerate product uptake

“Testbeds” are facilities used to test new machinery or services, especially in the medical sector. An Ontario hospital
set up a 34-bed innovation unit to test novel technologies, such as smart beds and video communication stations.
The solutions that work are rolled out to the rest of the hospital and potentially other facilities. The Nordic Test Beds
(NoTeB) project developed guidelines for testing solutions in hospitals. Nordic university hospitals often replicate hospital
premises for healthcare device-testing purposes.

where public funding can be spread across a Some public initiatives are testing the water
large number of innovative companies. Now, for blended finance. Germany is creating the
larger investments are needed in a smaller €10 billion Zukunftsfonds (“future fund”) with
number of growth companies. While there Allianz Global Investors and KfW. It will invest in
are successful examples of public-private co- VC funds and could co-invest directly in start-
financing (see Boxes 1, 2 and 470), there is ups. In discussion is a vehicle where the German
not yet any systematic effort to pursue such government takes on the “first loss” position,73
opportunities. At least €260 billion of additional inspired by similar funds in Denmark and
annual investment is needed through 2030 to Belgium. President Emmanuel Macron has also
achieve the goals of the Green Deal and the announced that French institutional investors will
Paris Agreement71 and blended finance can create a late-stage €5.5 billion VC fund,74 though
be much more effective in mobilizing private it is not yet clear if and how it will use blending
finance than traditional public investment. The tools. The UK’s start-up stimulus package
Green Investment Fund, for example, reached includes a £500 million fund for high-growth
a leverage ratio of €0.6 to every €1 invested companies, made up of funding from government
through regular public investment, while the and the private sector.75 This first generation of
leverage on blended projects was €6.30.72 blended finance funds provide an opportunity
Blended finance structures are better than to increase familiarity with these type of funding
subsidies or grants in that the public investment vehicles in Europe.
is not automatically lost. If the project is
successful, the public investor either does not The EIC Accelerator Pilot and Fast Track to
have to mobilize any funding at all (guarantee) or Innovation also provides blended finance.
recovers full funding from the return (first loss). However, the funding amounts for the 2018-
The public provider only “loses” the investment if 2020 period were small at about €3 million and
the project or company fails – and, even then, it scaling Europe’s deep-tech companies will require
may recover up to half of the investment through substantially higher amounts.76 Proposals also
tax revenue, while generating valuable institutional exist for a European sovereign wealth fund, which
learning within the new sector or technology. would anchor funds managed by the private sector
focused on energy, transport, agriculture, food

tech and water. Such a fund would have enough France’s Arianespace as the global leader for
resources to create downstream investment of the satellite launches. DARPA also supports deep-tech
size needed for green deep-tech companies to start-ups to win procurement opportunities across a
scale77 and could employ blended finance. wide range of public institutions.81

3. Create public and private procurement The European Commission has laid out a new
opportunities framework for public procurement that can
be a first step into the right direction. Among
Start-ups need a market for their technologies to other recommendations, the new procurement
reach scale. However, in Europe it can be very framework recommends that governments divide
difficult for technology companies in the B2B and larger contracts into smaller lots, expand strategic
B2B2C space to sell their products and services. procurement, leave intellectual property rights with
Procurement opportunities for deep-tech start- SMEs so they can commercialize it, and digitize
ups are especially rare due to the novelty of their procurement processes.82 The Commission is
products but could be even more valuable than also launching new initiatives to facilitate private
direct funding. procurement for sustainable products as part
of the new SME strategy: the Big Buyers and
In Europe, start-ups struggle to work with the Networks Initiative will collaborate with the private
public sector and corporates. Sales cycles are sector to stimulate private procurement, while an
long and public procurement frameworks often “SME-friendly” label aims to spread adoption of
expect to see several years of historical income new procurement-relevant standards.83
statements. For start-ups, slow processes and
low success rates make applying for government Post-COVID stimulus can create procurement
contracts a risky investment, even if they have a opportunities for sustainable technologies as
superior product. There are successes, such as well as promote the pan-European approach
Estonia’s e-governance initiative, that set the goal to innovation. The crisis has highlighted
to digitize 99% of public services,78 but they are insufficient digitalization in the public and private
rare. European corporates are also less likely than sector, creating pressure on outdated systems
their US peers to try new products and services and risk-averse managers to adopt new
or even to rotate suppliers, but they are making technologies. It has also created opportunities
improvements: 62% of European scale-ups in for start-ups to prove they can play a key role
PitchBook’s 2019 Tech Tour identified as B2B in response. For example, healthtech start-ups
companies, up from just 24% in 2015.79,80 across Europe are providing critical support to
government actions, like British unicorn Babylon
Public and corporate procurement opportunities Health’s symptom-tracking app and Swedish
can foster long-term growth in strategic Kry’s free web-based platform for healthcare
sectors. Contracts with established entities such as professionals to keep in touch with patients.84
governments and corporations can create security Even without a pandemic, European governments
for investors and credibility for the start-up. It also would have to ramp up public spending to
creates growth through revenues and provides achieve Green Deal ambitions. The COVID
opportunity for start-ups to refine and tailor their support packages, if applied to procurement of
products. Such contracts can drive down costs green solutions, can contribute to job growth and
as economies of scale are reached more quickly – technology adaptation in sustainable sectors.
especially important with deep-tech applications. In Furthermore, if applied at a pan-European level,
the US, government agencies such as DARPA and public procurement can serve as a way to
NASA provide opportunities for public procurement, build up the Digital Single Market, supporting
while learnings trickle down to the private sector. innovation across Europe.85
For example, in 2008, NASA signed a $1.6 billion
contract with SpaceX, which has since replaced

4. Give European growth companies a entire industries include the taxation of employee
voice on policy and standards shares in start-ups (Box 687,88,89,90,91), which poses
an ongoing challenge to attracting and retaining
European technology companies need to niche technical talent.92
understand and participate in shaping the
political and regulatory environment in which they SMEs and growth-stage start-ups
operate if they are to evolve into world leaders rarely participate in policy-making and
of their industries. The use of funding to form standardization processes. Other obstacles
industry associations can have a multiplier effect for SMEs when operating in the Single Market
for building alliances and fostering competition are complex administrative procedures, different
within evolving industries. Companies can national rules and lack of access to information
work together on common objectives, develop on policies. These barriers deter cross-border
new markets and agree on common operating business and scaling.93 The Commission’s
standards. This tried and tested format could SME Strategy launched in March 2020, for
help sustainable sectors in Europe to grow. example, provides an opportunity for start-ups
to participate in addressing these issues and
European companies face industry- creating a regulatory framework that works
specific barriers related to regulation and for them.94 However, even growth companies
standardization. The right regulatory framework do not usually see participation as a priority.95
can be an industry’s foundation for success. Although these are powerful tools for corporates
For example, Europe boasts a highly cohesive to improve their competitiveness, it is time-
regulatory framework for the financial sector. consuming and requires expertise that start-
Fintech companies in Europe need only one ups, even during growth stage, may lack. This
licence for the EU market, while in the US, they challenge is particularly significant for deep-
need a licence for every state.86 This has helped tech companies in highly regulated sectors
fintech companies raise more funding than any such as energy, health, food and transport. VC
other sector in Europe. investors do not generally finance participation in
regulatory processes and policy-makers can find
The European Commission’s 2019 Rolling Plan conversations with consolidated industry players
for ICT Standardization also defines a roadmap to be more efficient.96
for setting quality standards and minimum
requirements which would allow consumers
to compare products, with many of the listed
priorities relevant for deep-tech and green-tech
companies. Other policy efforts pertinent to

Box 6: Policy challenges

The European Commission’s Rolling Plan for ICT Standardization defines priority areas including environmental
impact, advanced manufacturing, smart cities, smart grids, robotics and autonomous systems, and water management
digitization. Developing standards will increase private and public demand for these technologies by setting quality
benchmarks for what buyers can expect.

Taxation of employee stock options comes up when the European talent pool is discussed. Talent with deep-tech
scaling experience is especially hard to attract and retain. Index Ventures highlights Estonia, Israel and Canada as best-
practice examples of fostering the use of stock options by start-ups for employee compensation at all stages of growth.

Box 7: Start-up industry associations and network organizations: IPIFF

The International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) is an EU non-profit organization, with 64 members,
which represents the insect production sector. IPIFF promotes insects as an alternative source of protein for human
consumption and animal feed. In 2017, it successfully worked with EU legislators to open the market for aquaculture
feed to insect producers, creating an extraordinary opportunity for growth.

Box 8: Start-up industry associations and network organizations: Innovation Superclusters Initiative

The Canadian government is investing $950 million over five years into five “innovation superclusters” – digital
technology, protein industries, next-generation manufacturing, AI and oceans. Located in areas of Canada where there is
already a cluster of companies, they aim to foster cooperation and exchange. Over 10 years, they are expected to grow
regional economies by more than $50 billion and create 50,000 jobs.

Industry associations are a powerful tool Public funding for industry associations
for start-ups to participate in regulation, could prove excellent value for money. Even
effectively open markets and create network relatively small funding – up to €500,000 – could
effects. Industry associations traditionally significantly support competition by enabling
participate in policy-making processes on behalf start-ups with similar interests to connect with
of SMEs and corporations,97 thereby lowering the policy and standardization authorities, countering
barriers to entry for smaller companies as they the bias towards incumbents. Building decision-
share costs and capacities. However, current makers’ capacity to understand deep-tech
industry associations often do not adequately sectors could create long-term sustainable
represent the interests of very innovative change. To create the ICT Roadmap for Europe,
companies or smaller, newer members because the EU funded the participation of 239 individuals
they are dominated by incumbents. For example, across the EU, who were able to build capacities
dairy industry associations lobbied for a 2017 in cybersecurity, big data, IoT, and other themes
EU judgement that the plant milk industry ban essential to Europe’s competitiveness.104
the words “milk”, “cream”, “butter”, “cheese”, Individuals working at start-ups that are able
or “yoghurt”.98 Scale-ups powering the green to participate through public funding will also
transition are likely to face similar legal and develop new skills and be able to provide
regulatory battles and need to work together to ongoing value for the European innovation
have their voices heard. Industry associations ecosystem as a whole. Some best practices for
can also help regulators understand the benefits innovative industry associations could include: (1)
and challenges of emerging technologies, as limiting membership to growth-stage, not early-
well as why and how to support certain sectors99 stage, companies already active in the market; (2)
(Box 7100,101,102). Beyond engagement on policy, setting criteria for technical excellence, to assure
industry associations can help start-ups connect engagement from the best-in-class companies;
with skilled people, technology centres and (3) aligning interests and common objectives
organizations to accelerate knowledge diffusion that are specific to the particular industry; and
and integrate value chains.103 Canada’s support (4) ensuring member companies are represented
for the Innovation Superclusters Initiative (Box 8) directly by their founders for a real-world
is one attempt to achieve this. understanding of business needs.

Concluding Remarks

Europe has the opportunity to create a strong This report has identified four possibilities:
and sustainable post-COVID recovery by streamlining access to public funding for
prioritizing green technologies. This means innovative start-ups; applying blended finance
finding better ways to support scale-ups through models; making it easier for new companies
sophisticated funding – an area in which Europe to partake in public and private procurement;
continues to lag behind the US. Investors, and improving the voice of European growth
entrepreneurs and policy-makers must all work companies in policy-making and standardization.
together in exploring innovations in finance, Europe’s ambition to decarbonize by 2050
procurement and regulations that assure vital depends on it.
technologies are able to develop and reach scale.


Digital Europe Board

Alain Roumilhac, President, ManpowerGroup
Alexander De Croo, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and of Development Cooperation,
Ministry of Finance of Belgium
Bas Beekman, Director StartupAmsterdam, Government of Amsterdam
Brent Hoberman, Executive Chairman, Founders Factory
Diana Biggs, Global Head of Innovation, Private Bank, HSBC Holdings Plc
Dorothee Bär, State Minister for Digital Affairs, Federal Chancellery of Germany
Elena Alfaro Martínez, Global Head, Data Strategy and Data Science Innovation, BBVA SA
Eva Kaili, Member of the European Parliament
Eva Maydell, Member of the European Parliament
Felix Staeritz, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, FoundersLane
Gerard Grech, Chief Executive Officer, Tech Nation
Gillian Tans, Chairwoman, Booking.com BV
Gisbert Rühl, Chief Executive Officer, Klöckner & Co SE
Henk Siebren de Jong, Chief, International Markets; Executive Vice-President; Member of the Executive
Committee, Royal Philips
Iliyana Tsanova, Deputy Managing Director, European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI)
Jonathan Lavender, Global Head, KPMG Private Enterprise, KPMG International
Jüri Ratas, Prime Minister of Estonia
Klaus Hommels, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Lakestar Advisors GmbH
Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, European
Michael Altendorf, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Adtelligence GmbH
Nicolas Colin, Co-Founder and Partner, The Family
Serpil Timuray, Chief Commercial Operations and Strategy Officer, Vodafone Group Plc
Taavet Hinrikus, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, TransferWise
Tom Wehmeier, Partner and Head of Research, Atomico

Digital Leaders of Europe Community

Adela Zabrazna, Home Affairs Officer, Slovak Republic Government
Ali Parsa, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, babylon
Ana Trbovich, Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder, Grid Singularity GmbH
Anat Bar-Gera, Chairperson, Cyverse AG
Andreas Kunze, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, KONUX Inc.
Andy Shannon, Partner and Head of Global Operations, Startupbootcamp
Anjali Ramachandran, Co-Founder, Ada’s List
Anya Navidski, Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Voulez Capital
Ashleigh Ainsley, Co-Founder, Colorintech

Bindi Karia, Member of the High-Level Group, European Innovation Council
Bogdan Ceobanu, Policy Officer, Communication Networks, Content & Technology (DG CNECT)
Brigitte Baumann, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Go Beyond
Carmen Bermejo, International Affairs, Asociación Española de Start-ups
Christoph Bornschein, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, TLGG
Claus Moseholm, Executive Chairman, Spiri & Drivr
Cristina Fonseca, Global Shaper, Lisbon Hub
Daniel Sachs, Chief Executive Officer, Proventus AB
Diana Paredes, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Suade
Eurico Neves, President, Inova
Felix Haas, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, IDnow
Ferdinand Grapperhaus, Chief Executive Officer, PHYSEE
Florian Leibert, Chief Cloud Officer, Mesosphere
Florian Nöll, Chairman of the Board, Bundesverband Deutsche Start-ups e.V.
Gianluca Dettori, Executive Chairman, Primomiglio SGR
Haley Murphy, Network Development, Index Ventures SA
Harry Briggs, Managing Director, OMERS Ventures
Husayn Kassai, Chief Executive Officer, Onfido Ltd
Igor Tasic, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Startup Europe Week
Julie Ranty, Managing Director, Vivatech
Kristina Lagerstedt, Chief Executive Officer, Founder, 1928 diagnostics AB
Luca Verre, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Prophesee SA
Michael Stephanblome, Founding Partner, FoundersLane
Nicole Büttner-Thiel, Founder, Merantix
Patrick Gruhn, Co-Founder, Replex
Pip Jamieson, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, The Dots Global Ltd
Raghu Movva, Managing Director of SEI, CDI & Fondazione Agnelli
Ramona Liberoff, Independent Angel Investor
Ray Walshe, Assistant Professor, Dublin City University
Rob Leslie, Chief Executive Officer, Sedicii Innovations Limited
Robin Wauters, Founding Editor, Tech.eu
Roxanne Varza, Director, Station F
Ruben Nieuwenhuis, Director, Government of Amsterdam
Stavriana Kofteros, Co-Founder, Startup Cyprus
Stephan Morais, Managing General Partner, Indico Capital Partners SCR
Sunnie Groeneveld, Global Shaper, Zurich Hub,
Tabitha Goldstaub, Co-Founder, CognitionX
Tanya Suarez, Founder, IoT Tribe
Till Ohrmann, Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, PIRATE.global
Wolfgang Gründinger, Cyber Innovation Hub, German Armed Forces
Jan Goetz, Founder, IQM Quantum Computers

Digital Europe would also like to thank the following contributors for sharing their ideas and experience:

Hubert Cottogni, Director & Head of Mandate Management, European Investment Fund (EIF)
Guenia Gawendo, Managing Director, Telefonica Innovation Ventures
Thomas Hellmann, DP World Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Saïd Business School,
University of Oxford
Martin Kern, Director, European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
Jörg Sievert, Independant Board Member

Strategic Direction
Martina Larkin, Head of Regional Strategies – Europe and Eurasia, Member of the Executive Committee,
World Economic Forum
Jonathan Lavender, Global Head, KPMG Private Enterprise, KPMG International
Maren Schmitz, Partner, Head of Asset Management, Financial Services, KPMG AG

Project Team
Karoline Hallmeyer, Assistant Manager, KPMG Germany (lead author)
Julie Ziskind, Project Lead, Digital Europe, Centre for Regional and Geopolitical Affairs, World Economic Forum


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94. European Commission, An SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe, 10 March 2020, https://
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