Timbron International Webcast/Onsite Auction Brochure
Timbron International Webcast/Onsite Auction Brochure
Timbron International Webcast/Onsite Auction Brochure
stockton, Ca
L i q u i d a t o r s
From saCramento InternatIonaL aIrPort (52 mILes / 45 mIn.): traveL west on aIrPort bLvd to LIndbergH dr, straIgHt to stay on aIrPort bLvd, sLIgHt rIgHt to stay on aIrPort bLvd, take tHe ramP onto I-5 s, exIt 476 For marCH Ln, LeFt at w marCH Ln, rIgHt at venezIa bLvd, rIgHt on grand CanaL bLvd.
FurtHer InFormatIon
an 18% buyer's PremIum wILL be CHarged on aLL assets. tHe buyers PremIum wILL be reduCed to 16% For Payments made by CasH, ComPany CHeCk or wIre transFer. auCtIon wILL be ConduCted In engLIsH, aCCePtIng u.s. CurrenCy onLy. Removal deadline is august 31st witH HouRs of Removal between 8am to 4pm monday tHRougH fRiday. afteR tHe noted deadline at 4pm, all macHineRy & equipment will be deemed abandoned and no Refunds will be issued. no eXceptions. For FurtHer InFormatIon on maCHInery & equIPment, PLease ContaCt JoHn magnuson at 847.504.3204 or emaIL [email protected] For Payments PLease ContaCt LesIa JosePH at 616.732.1800 x19 or emaIL [email protected] or HILCo aCCounts reCeIvabLe at [email protected] For Customer servICe, PLease ContaCt sandI neeLy at 248.254.9999 x16 or emaIL [email protected]
PrevIew date
tuesday, august 23rd 9am to 4Pm or by aPPoIntment
For eArlier inSPeCtion, PleASe ContACt John MAgnuSon At 847.504.3204 or eMAil [email protected]
PrevIew LoCatIon
4331 Pock Lane , stockton, Ca
auCtIon LoCatIon
Hilton stockton 2323 grand Canal blvd, stockton, Ca
ReCyCling lines
1 DAVIS STANDARD MODEL 60IN60TPIH 6 EXTRUDER, S/N V7562, (1999), 34/1 L/D RATIO, 700-HP Max. Capacity Gear Box, 11.29:1 Gearbox Ratio, 45 Degree Ram Feed Assembly, Vented Barrel, 7 Zone Closed Loop Water System For Barrel, 14 Zone Dig, Eurotherm 2208 Temp Controls, (A) Shredder Surge Bin, With Agitation Including Horizontal Auger Discharge To The Extruder, (B) Beringer 8" Hydraulic Screen Changer, Model U81005, (1999), 2-HP Hydraulic Power Unit, (C) Beringer Water Ring Pelletizer, Model WRP 35, S/N 35P/27 (1998) 1 DAVIS STANDARD MODEL 60IN60TPIH 6" EXTRUDER, S/N 01671, (1999), 34/1 L/D Ratio, 700-HP Max. Capacity Gearbox, 13.4:1 Gearbox Ratio, 400-HP DC Main Drive Motor, Eurotherm 590 SCR Controller, 45 Degree Ram Feed Assembly, 7 Zone Water Cooled Barrel, Vented, 14 Zone Eurotherm 2208 Temp Control Panel, (Machine Not In Service Parts Removed), (A) Barron Surge Hopper With Motorized Agitator and Horizontal Auger Conveyor To Extruder, (B) Beringer 8" Slide Plate Screen Changer, S/N U81004 (1999), (Hydraulic Power Unit Not Complete), (C) Beringer Water Ring Pelletizer, Model WRP35, S/N 35P136, (Not Complete)
ProFILe LInes
Atlanta Birmingham Birmingham (UK) Boston Charlotte Chicago Connecticut Dallas Detroit Grand Rapids Guadalajara (MX) Hong Kong (Greater China) Irapuato (MX) Leeds(UK) London (UK) Los Angeles Mexico City (MX) Monterrey (MX) New York San Francisco Singapore Thailand Toronto Villahermosa (MX)
Detroit, Mich. Permit No. 100
Headquarters 31555 W. Fourteen Mile Road, Suite 207 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Ph: 877-37-HILCO(44526) Fx: 248.254.9995 www.hilcoind.com
An 18% buyer's premium will be charged on all assets. The buyers premium will be reduced to 16% for payments made by cash, company check or wire transfer. Everything will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, in accordance with the Auctioneers customary Terms of Sale, copies of which will be posted on the premises of the sale and subject to additional terms announced the day of sale. All items will be sold as is, where-is without any warranties, expressed or implied. Although obtained from sources deemed reliable, the Auctioneer makes no warranty or guarantee to the accuracy of the information herein contained. Bidders are encouraged to thoroughly inspect the items on which they intend to bid prior to sale. Absolutely no items will be removed until the day after the conclusion of the sale and payment is made in full. Subject to additions, deletions and prior sale.
terms of sale
payment: ALL PURCHASES MUST BE PAID IN FULL ON THE DAY OF THE AUCTION. If you intend to pay by wire transfer, we will accept payment the day after the sale ONLY IF a deposit of 25% of total purchases is made on the day of the sale. Contact our office for wire transfer instructions. Only cash, wire transfer or certified check, payable to Hilco Industrial, LLC will be accepted. Company checks payable to Hilco Industrial, LLC will be accepted only if accompanied by a bank letter of guarantee, (see sample letter below). All sales are subject to sales tax. Purchasers claiming exemptions from taxes must provide proof satisfactory to the Auctioneer of their entitlement to claim such exemptions.
(Bank Name) unconditionally guarantees payment to Hilco Industrial, LLC from (Company Name). This guarantee will be valid for purchases made at the Auction of Timbron International on August 24, 2011.
stoCkton, Ca
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HILCo Industrial, LLC is a division of Hilco trading, LLC Headquarters 5 revere drive, ste. 206 northbrook, IL 60062 all rights reserved Printed in usa tImbron IL License #444.000215 Please visit our website at www.hilcoind.com to review our complete terms and conditions.