SB Aislelabs
SB Aislelabs
SB Aislelabs
AisleLabs Flow:
Insights dashboard for understanding
customer behavior across and within stores
Customer engagement
AisleLabs Engage:
Cloud infrastructure to deliver personalized, through mobile marketing
hyper-local mobile marketing experiences
AisleLabs Pass:
and analytics
Enterprise mobile wallet marketing platform Introduction
AisleLabs Navigate: Retail competition is hotter than ever, as brick-and-mortar stores fight to not only
compete against online retailers, but also to integrate their online and in-store
Accurate indoor navigation based on WiFi
and Bluetooth activities to increase average basket size. Savvy retailers are looking to enhance
the in-store experience via new amenities and targeted offers and advice, while
AisleLabs SocialWiFi: also delivering improved in-store service.
Monetization platform for guest WiFi via Ruckus Wireless has partnered with AisleLabs to provide retailers and malls
social authentication with powerful new capabilities to understand in-store shopper behavior and
demographics, and to offer highly targeted messaging and promotions on
an opt-in basis. Deployed on top of Ruckus Smart WiFi infrastructure, which
provides best in class wireless connectivity with higher range and throughput
to handle high density usage, retailers can offer highly differentiated customer
experiences that improve the bottom line.
solution brief
AisleLabs works with Ruckus Smart Positioning AisleLabs Engage is the in-store marketing
Technology (SPoT ) to locate any WiFi enabled
automation platform. It includes an intuitive
devices within range of the indoor or outdoor WiFi template-based dashboard where marketing staff,
network. SPoT can deliver highly accurate locations either in-store or centrally located, can define
for millions of devices, and is easily activated via segments and marketing campaigns. Engage
a Ruckus ZoneDirector or SmartZone controller. can create segments based on anonymous
AisleLabs offers a suite of products that utilize SPoT observed behavior in the venue, such as number
location data with additional customer, location and of recent visits, amount of time spent in a certain
transactional data, to create rich analytics and allow department, or, if shopper identity is available, the
highly targeted customer interactions. ability to leverage demographic data. Coupled with
AisleLabs Flow provides the core set of location Ruckus SPoT or beacon technology, Engage allows
and customer analytics. It delivers analytics based enterprises to target customers while they are in
on both location and customer demographic data the store or in a specific department or location,
to help stores and malls understand customer enabling sophisticated real time targeting. Engage
behavior and measure the success of marketing can also drive ongoing customer engagement via
activities. Flow can provide standard conversion email, SMS, or existing loyalty applications.
ratios at the store or zone level, and conversion AisleLabs SocialWiFi is a cloud-based WiFi
rates for custom designed customer segments access management solution that asks visitors to
such as ‘women 25 and under’, or ‘shoppers that authenticate using their social media credentials.
have been in the mall >5 times in the last 20 days.’ In addition to providing a simple, intuitive logon
Flow can also integrate additional data such as procedure, this captures key demographic
PoS data or local weather conditions to add further attributes from guest users so that your WiFi
insight. network becomes part of a powerful marketing
platform. Once users authenticate with AisleLabs
Other unique capabilities of AisleLabs Flow include SocialWiFi, venues can collect email addresses,
the ability to measure the flow of customers through and can market to consumers via either email or
a venue. For instance, it can tell mall tenants where social media.
customers were before entering the store, and
where they went after leaving their store. AisleLabs AisleLabs Navigate is an easy-to-use application
can also compare performance across locations. SDK that allows mobile app developers to add
The ability to provide deep analytics integrating the complete, interactive navigation to new or existing
widest range of data sources is a key AisleLabs applications. This can greatly increase the value
advantage. and usage of current applications and provide a
differentiated service to shoppers.
page 2
solution brief
Copyright © 2015, Ruckus Wireless, Inc. All rights reserved. Ruckus Wireless and Ruckus Wireless design
are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Ruckus Wireless, the Ruckus Wireless logo, BeamFlex,
Ruckus Wireless, Inc.
ZoneFlex, MediaFlex, FlexMaster, ZoneDirector, SpeedFlex, SmartCast, SmartCell, ChannelFly and Dynamic PSK
350 West Java Drive
are trademarks of Ruckus Wireless, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks mentioned Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA
in this document or website are the property of their respective owners. Revised June 2015. (650) 265-4200 Ph \ (408) 738-2065 Fx