Installation Sequence

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Classification: External
Title: Installation sequence description Doc.ID:
Revision: 2
Author: Pekka Piispa Status: Approved
Approved by: Pekka Piispa / June 23, 2020 Pages: 1 (15)
Project: P/19004- BMPP 60MW Kolaka 1
Description: Installation sequence of phase 1
Type: Description

Installation sequence description, BMPP Kolaka 1


Installation sequence description, BMPP Kolaka 1 ..................................................................... 1 
1  LIST OF CONTENT ................................................................................................................ 1 
2  INSTALLATION SEQUENCE ................................................................................................. 2 
2.1  Modules and units bellow main deck .............................................................................. 2 
2.2  Modules and units on main deck –Engine hall ................................................................ 4 
2.3  Modules and units on main deck – Utility block .............................................................. 9 
2.4  Mechanical utility area and 150 kV substation .............................................................. 11 
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 2(15)


2.1 Modules and units bellow main deck

To assure a steady and fluent construction process and minimizing the possibility of damaging the
modules and units during construction, therefore, a timely installation schedule is essential.
The modules, all possible piping, cable trays and ducting should be installed in early-stage to the

By avoiding cutting a large opening to the main deck for lifting modules to the tank top, the
following units are lifted and secured in place already at the point of joining the pontoon blocks

Table 1. Modules and units bellow main deck

Item Pcs. Code (first) Description Weight Measurements Mounting

No: [kg] (L*W*H) level
107 1 PBE/901 LFO separator unit 3000 4450*200*2150 -6.500
113 1 PBF/901 LFO Feeder pump unit 1466 - -6.500
137 1 PCE/900/B001 LFO automatic filter 785 - -6.500
150 1 QAA/901 Lube oil unloading pump 264 - -6.500
154 1 QAE/901 LO transfer pump unit 665 2020*943*1500 -6.500
502 2 DAD/901 Oily water transfer pump 151 992*450*1135 -5.530
508 1 DDD/901 Sludge transfer pump unit 97 978*450*711 -6.394
510 1 DBB/901 Oily water treatment unit 11500 5750*2300*2461 -6.500
551a 1 VBB/901 Raw water pre-treatment unit - 5863*2285*2400 -6.500
551b 1 VBB/902 Reverse osmosis unit - 7825*1250*2175 -6.500
559 (or 1 VBB/903 Drain collection tank 3100 - -6.500
562 1 VBB/900/D001 Sea water (priming) pump 45 - -6.500
607 1 - Fire water pump (electrical) - - -6.500
608 1 - Fire water pump (diesel) - - -6.500
609 1 - Jockey pump - - -6.500
612 1 - Foam bladder tank - - -6.500
- - - Ballast water treatment unit – Yard - - -6.500
- - - Bilge pump(s) – Yard supply - - -6.500
705 - - Sewage tank and accessories - - -6.500
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 3(15)

Figure 1. Location of modules and unit on the 10X blocks

Once the blocks 103P, 103C, 103S, 104P, 104C and 104S between frames 39 to 79 are welded
together the units and modules are ready to be lifted on the place to the tank top (1400 above
baseline, -6.500 from the main deck).

Due to ongoing erection work on the inner bottom, the protection of the modules and units to be
reinforced with necessary material such a steel sheets or fireproof blankets.
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 4(15)

For minimizing time-consuming hauling of material via service hatch or possible bigger opening in
desired location on main deck, all possible equipment and material such prefabricated, pressure
tested and treated piping sections and piping supports, platform frames and stairs should place on
blocks 10X prior to continuing erecting of blocks 20X.

For instance, the piping located in the corridor between LFO Service tanks could be fabricated,
pickled, flushed and pressure tested in advance in order to install the section of the piping to the
final location with supports and brackets before continuing with following 20X blocks.

All loose materials located in the blocks 20X such piping sections, air ducting, ventilation fans and
silencers under the main deck should be positioned and secured before blocks 20X are installed
on top of blocks 10X.
This would minimize the time-consuming hauling of material through the service hatch to the below

If this is not possible and cutting of a temporary opening on the main deck will be necessary, the
following concerns shall be considered:

I. When closing the opening, necessary scaffolding below the main deck must be arranged. This
costs time, money and takes up workspace from other activities.
II. All materials such as modules, units, cables, and panels to be well protected prior to closing
the opening
III. Welding of the opening might deform shape of the main deck and change the alignment of the
engine base plates.
IV. The opening reduces the necessary free deck surface area from other uses.
V. The installation of ducting, piping or cabling under the deck cannot be completed on the
location of the opening.

2.2 Modules and units on main deck –Engine hall

To ensure a smooth and efficient erection, it is necessary to schedule tasks according to the
overall need for building project and not just the scope of the individual department. All tasks
require good coordination and time management between different sub-departments.

Table 2. Modules and units on main deck – Engine hall

Item Pcs. Code (first) Description Weight Measurements Mounting

No: [kg] level
1 6 SQA/011 Engine generator set W20V34DF 143510 12922*3367*4384 +0.045
5 6 MOD/011 Engine Auxiliary module (EAM) 3857 5130*1936*3005 +0.045
6 6 MOD/012 Cooling appendix 488 1604*832*285 +0.855
7 6 MOD/012 Engine fuel booster (LFO) 3677 5117*2777*3250 +0.045
124 6 ZAC/011 Compact gas ramp unit 627 2279*612*1958 +0.000
156 6 QBB Lube oil separator unit 1175 +1.195
157 6 QBF Oil mist separator unit 354 +4.680
201 1 TCB/901 Instrument air bottle - +0.000
202 2 TSA/901 Starting air unit 850 +0.000
203 2 TSB/901 Starting air bottle 2023 +0.000
250 1 VBA/901 Maintenance water tank 7400 2111*2114*2932 +0.000
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 5(15)

350 6 NHA/011 Exhaust gas module 6348 5880*2280*2485 +4.615

355 6 NHA Exhaust gas ventilation unit 200 -
559 1 VAA/901 Water pressure vessel 120L - +0.106
561 1 VBB/904 Priming tank 200 +4.676
653 6 BAN Neutral point cubicle 350 +0.500
668 12 CFE Local control panel 70 -
681 6 BAG Surge arrester 310 +1.175
713 12 - Ventilation louvre (aux. area) 1850 2250*2200*1300 +1.100
714 12 - Ventilation louvre (engine hall) 2750 2400*3600*1500 +1.200
- - - Lighting of engine hall - - -
- - - Gas and fire detection system - - -
- - - Fire protection system piping - - -
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 6(15)

Figure 2. Location of modules and unit on the 20X blocks – Engine hall
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 7(15)

All welding work on the main deck such welding of the structural steels of the engine hall and utility
block, welding of baseplates for the EG sets, foundation frames for the units and modules to be
fully completed prior surface preparation and coating of the tanks below the main deck. This is
important to avoid damaging the finished coating on the tank.
These construction phases can be timed so that once the welding work on the main deck has been
completed in a certain area, the surface treatment of the tanks can be continued simultaneously
with the erection of the structural steel and the wall panels elsewhere.

A special attention to be made for the flatness of the main deck. Welding instruction to be strictly
followed when welding the blocks (20X) together in order to minimize deck straightening work prior
aligning base plates for the EG sets.

The following installation sequence can be used for timely progressing work:

1. Steel structure of engine hall, utility block and mechanical utility area
o The steel structure of engine hall should start in auxiliary area of EG set #6 and
continue systematically towards utility block and EG set #1. By doing so, the
construction of the utility block and engine auxiliary area can be conducted
o The erection of the steel structure above the main deck can be continued keeping
in mind the installation order of the auxiliary and exhaust modules with the
associated air and exhaust ducts.
o As soon as practically possible, the installation of wall panels of auxiliary area and
utility block can be started.
o The rafters of the roof can be installed by leaving openings large enough to lift
auxiliary equipment and EG sets. The installation of the roof panels should be
postponed until all EG sets have been lifted onto engine foundation to steel

2. Engine foundation
o Simultaneously with erection of steel structure of engine hall, the steel baseplates
of the engine foundation to be positioned, aligned, shimmed/machined and fully
welded by following the welding instructions.
o A special attention to be paid for the parallel orientation of the baseplates of
individual steel spring packages. Tolerance for surface level difference between
any two points of foundation baseplates of the engine is ≤ 4 mm.

3. Piping
o The installation of piping fabricated at site, such cooling water piping between
modules and the radiators to be started.
o Installation of sprinkler and fire protection related piping to be started where

4. Auxiliary modules
o Auxiliary modules EAM, CBU and LO separator modules to be slide into position by
using opening in auxiliary area steel structure. For example, modules of the EG set
#1, 2 and 3 could be slide in from the opening of EG set #4 (frame 36-45). The rest
of the auxiliary modules of EG sets #4, 5 and 6 could be slid to position from
landing area A, B – 8, 9 (frame 63-72).
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 8(15)

5. Overhead crane
o The overhead crane of the engine hall can be lifted into position as soon as the
steel structure of engine hall allows. The crane can be utilized during construction

6. Maintenance water tank

o Tank to be lifted and welded on final location.

7. Foundations of the units

o All remaining foundations, foundation plates and building steel structures to be
welded on main deck prior surface preparation and coating of hull structure tanks.

8. Compressed air units

o Starting air and instrument air bottles lifted on place.
o Starting air compressor units lifted on place.

9. EG sets
o Lifting of EG sets on its foundation.

10. Compact gas ramp unit

o Lifted to final location.

11. Service platforms and stairs

o Pre-assembled engine platforms lifted between engines.
o Ventilation unit access platform to generator side.

12. Panels and cubicles

o Surge arresters lifted next to generator
o Local control panels
o Neutral point cubicles lifted on place

13. Charge air ducting

o Charge air ducting to be lifted into position. The final alignment and welding will be
done after installation of exhaust gas module.

14. Ventilation louvre

Ventilation louvres for engine hall and auxiliary area can be lifted into position.

15. Modules on level +4.165

o Exhaust gas module
o Exhaust gas ventilation unit
o Oil mist separator units to be lifted on place.
o 1200mm exhaust gas ducting from exhaust gas module to silencer to be lifted into

16. Panels and cubicles

o Surge arresters lifted next to generator
o Local control panels
o Neutral point cubicles lifted on place
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 9(15)

17. Cabling
o The installation of cable trays and pulling the cable to be started.

18. Engine hall roof

o Engine hall roof can be closed.

19. Roof top lighting, fire and gas detection system

o Lighting, fire and gas detection system attached to the rafters of the roof can be
installed by utilising temporary service platform installed on top of overhead crane.

2.3 Modules and units on main deck – Utility block

The construction work in utility block continues simultaneously with the work in engine hall.
Installation, wiring of cubicles, and testing of the systems in switchgear room and control room
require a lot of man-hours, therefore the construction of those parts of utility block is critical
and to be completed in a timely manner.

Table 3. Modules and units on main deck – Utility block

Item Pcs. Code (first) Description Weight Measurements Mounting

No: [kg] level
200 2 TCA Instrument and working air unit 1100 - +0.000
650 6 AEE Substation control panel 250 - +6.500
652 1 BAC MV Switchgear - - +2.000
655 3 BEY DC panel 370 - +6.500
656 2 BFA LV Switchgear - - +2.000
661 1 BLI Lighting panel - - +2.000
664 1 BLN Fire detection panel - - +6.500
666 1 CFA Control panel, common 250 - +6.500
667 6 CFC Control panel, engine wise 200 - +6.500
670 6 BLP Frequency converter for radiator - - +2.000
678 1 BLZ Gas detection panel - - +6.500
679 2 - Office IT equipment - - +6.500
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 10(15)

Figure 3. Location of modules and unit on the 20X blocks – Utility block - +0.000 to +2.000

Figure 4. Location of modules and unit on the 20X blocks – Utility block +6.500
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 11(15)

The following installation sequence can be used for timely progressing work:

1. Foundations of the units

o All remaining foundations, foundation plates and building steel structures to be
welded on main deck prior surface preparation and coating of hull structure tanks.

2. Utility block
o As soon as practically possible, the installation of wall panels and flooring of utility
block can be started.

3. Compressed air system

o Instrument and working air unit lifted on place

4. Switch gear room

o The installation of cubicles in the switchgear room to be completed as soon as
possible in order to start with time-consuming cable pulling and termination phase
1) MV Switchgear
2) LV Switchgear
3) Lighting panel
4) Frequency converter for the radiator

5. Control room
o The installation of cubicles in the control room to be completed as soon as possible
in order to start with time-consuming cable pulling and termination phase.
1) Substation control panels
2) DC panel
3) Control panel, common
4) Control panel, engine wise
5) Fire detection panel
6) Frequency converter for radiator
7) Gas detection panel

2.4 Mechanical utility area and 150 kV substation

The hot work on mechanical utility area on Main Deck (+0.000 or 7.900 A.BL) to be completed in a
timely manner in order to finalize surface preparation and coating of all hull structure tanks.
This is important to avoid damaging the finished coating on the tank.

Table 4. Mechanical utility area – Outside of engine hall and utility block

Item Pcs. Code (first) Description Weight Measurements Mounting

No: [kg] level
251 12 VCA Cooling radiator 6195 13185*2550*1550 +14.037
252 6 VEA Expansion vessel 895 1588*1050 +15.027
300 6 NGA Intake air filter 954 - +1.000
351 6 NHA/010/B003 Exhaust gas silencer 4970 8607*2702 +4.805
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 12(15)

356 6 - Rupture disc - - -

416 1 YMB/901 Continuous emission monitoring - - +14.037
651 2 AET Step-up transformer 71000 - +0.500
663 1 BLM Black start unit 10000 - +0.000
659 1 BFB Station transformer 4195 +0.000
- 1 - SBB PASS Module, 150 kV - - +8.230
- 1 - DBB PASS Module, 150 kV - - +8.230
680 6 - Frequency converter for roof fan - - +15.027
684 6 - Radiator control panel - - +15.027
703 6 EAB Ventilation unit (roof top unit) 2060 +11.160,
- 6 - Exhaust gas pipe – stack 2488 DN200
- 2 - Exhaust hoods, penetration 1, 2 - - +0.000
- 5 - Fresh air louvres, penetration 3, 4, - - +0.000
5, 6 and 7
- - - Main busbar I with all insulators and - - -
- - - Main busbar II with all insulators - - -
and cabling
- - - Sprinkler fire protection system - - -

Figure 5. Mechanical utility area – Main deck- Outside of engine hall and utility block
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 13(15)

Figure 6. Mechanical utility area – +24.000- Outside of engine hall and utility block

Figure 7. Mechanical utility area - Outside of engine hall and utility block
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 14(15)

The following installation sequence can be used for timely progressing work:

1. Foundations of the units

o All remaining foundations, foundation plates and building steel structures to be
welded on main deck prior surface preparation and coating of hull structure tanks.
o Once the foundations for the step-up transformers are installed and welded, the
area of step-up transformers can be utilized as temporary landing area for building
steel and wall panel materials.

2. Station transformers
o Station transformers could be installed to the foundation in order to complete the wall
panelling and roofing around.

3. Fire wall between step up transformers

4. Step-up transformers
o Once the fire walls and steel structures of substation and utility block are erected, the
step-up transformers can be installed.

5. Sprinkler fire protection system

o Sprinkler fire protection piping system around step-up transformers to be installed.

6. SBB and DBB PASS Modules, 150 kV

o After installation of HV-modules, the insulators, main busbar I and II, and all
relevant cabling can be installed.
Doc. Classification: External
DocID: Revision: - 15(15)

Figure 8. 150kV Substation

7. Intake air filter

o Air intake filters to be lifted in the position
o Installation of charge air ducting can be started.

8. Exhaust hoods, penetration 1 and 2.

o Exhaust hoods with penetration pipes 1 and 2 to be installed to main deck and
connect to the ducting bellow main deck.

8. Fresh air louvres – penetration 3,4,5,6 and 7

o Fresh air louvres with penetration pipes 1 and 2 to be installed to main deck and
connect to the ducting bellow main deck.

9. Exhaust gas silencers and rupture disk

o After installation of exhaust gas silencer stacks, the installation of exhaust gas
ducting between exhaust gas module and silencer can be started.

10. Ventilation unit (roof top unit)

o Axial fan with silencer, steel duct and stack cap can be installed.

11. Black starting unit

12. Cooling radiator

o After completion of the installation of rooftop panels, the radiators can be lifted on
the place.
o Last sections of cooling water piping to be fabricated, tested, treated, and
connected to the radiators.

13. Cabling
o Installation of cable trays and cable pulling for the units above roof can be started.

14. Expansion vessel

15. Continuous emission monitoring system

16. Frequency converter for roof fan

17. Radiator control panel

18. Exhaust gas pipe – stack

a. Pre-assembled and insulated stacks can be lifted.

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