Surety Bond
Surety Bond
Surety Bond
2.The employee further agrees and undertakes that he will not on any account and of his own
accord, discontinues, give up or abandon the services of the Bank before the said period of 5
(five) years.
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3. The employee further undertakes and binds himself to compensate the Bank in the event he, of
his own accord or without the Bank discharging him or terminating his services, discontinues,
give up or abandons his services to and employment of the Bank before the expiry of the said
period of 5 (five) years and to forthwith make good and pay to the bank cost and expenses of
training courses incurred by the bank during the period of his service in the bank.
4.The sureties in consideration of the Bank offering employment and employing the employee
undertake and bind themselves in the event of employee discontinuing, giving up or abandoning
his services to and employment of the Bank before the expiry of the said period of 5 (five) years
and without the Bank discharging, dismiss him to terminating his services irrespective of
whether a demand has been made on the employee or not, on demand by the Bank to make good
to the Bank the cost and expenses of training courses incurred by the Bank during the period of
his services in the Bank.
5. It is agreed that for the purpose of this document including services of the employee on
deputation with the approval of the Bank and that the payment which the executants of this deed
are by those, presents bound to make its penalty and shall not be interpreted as such but is it and
shall be interpreted only as payment of the cost and expenses incurred by the Bank of the
6.The condition of this bond is that on completion of 5 (five) years of service of the employee
without discontinuing, giving up or abandoning it as aforesaid it shall become void and be of no
effect but until that time it shall remain in full force.
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In witness whereof the employee and the sureties have affixed their signature on this deed in the
presence of the following witness on the date mentioned above.
Full Name:
1. Signature:
Full Name:
2. Signature:
Full Name:
1. Signature:
Full Name:
2. Signature:
Full Name: