Health Advantage Brochure
Health Advantage Brochure
Health Advantage Brochure
health partner
At home or abroad
Worldwide Cover^#
Hospitalization expenses
incurred abroad shall be paid
up to sum insured. This benefit
is available for Sum Insured of
25 Lakhs and above.
Tele consultations and recommendations for Medical Expenses incurred due to Illness up to 60
common health issues by a qualified Medical days period immediately before and 180 days
Practitioner or health care professional. immediately after an Insured Person's admission
to a Hospital.
Medical expenses for day care treatment Expenses incurred on air ambulance services
undertaken as in-patient in a Hospital for which are offered by a healthcare or an air
continuous period of less than 24 hours. ambulance service provider up to sum insured.
Ambulance Homecare
Service Treatment^
Expenses incurred on surface ambulance services Covers treatment cost in case customer opts to get
will be covered. Coverage limit under this shall be treated at home instead of getting hospitalized
1% of the SI up to a maximum of ₹10,000. provided doctor has recommended the treatment.
Claim Protector^ SI Protector^
IRDAI list of non-payable items shall become The SI will be increased at renewal on the basis
payable in case of a claim. of inflation rate of previous year.
Vaccine Discount
Other Value-
added Services
The insured will have a choice to avail various wellness benefits / services through the network of
specialists / service providers.
Avail wellness benefits through our network of specialists and service providers.
Adult - 65 yrs.
Entry age - Maximum Dependent Child - 25 yrs. and does not have his/her independent
source of income.
Adult - Life-long
Exit age Dependent Child - 25 yrs.
Sum Insured (SI)# 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50,
On annual basis (in ₹) 75, 100, 150, 200, 300 (in Lakhs)
AYUSH treatment Up to SI
For lower sum insured, kindly visit our nearest branch.
Waiting Periods
Reduction in pre-exsisting
2 yrs.
diseases waiting period
Overall Sum Insured (SI) Rupees
75/100/150/200/300 Lakhs
Pre and post hospitalization expenses Pre - 60 days Post - 180 days
Other Benefits
Restore Benefit 100% of the base SI shall be made available even in case of
partial utilization of SI for hospitalization due to any illness for
same person
Health Check-up Annual; Starting from the 1st year/ up to 0.5% of SI or up to max
of ₹10,000 on cashless basis
Domestic Air Ambulance Upto SI (over and above base Sum Insured)
New Born Baby Cover Twice the maternity cover limit per newly born child over and
above the maternity limit
Vaccinations for new born baby in the 1% of base SI per newly born child, max upto ₹10,000
first year
Personal Accident (Death + PTD+PPD) Lumpsum equal to base SI for AD/ For PTD and PPD - payout
according to PPD and PTD grid subject to a maximum of 50 lakhs
Zone 1: NCR (Delhi and the following districts: The policy will be issued for a period
Faridabad, Gurugram, Nuh, Rohtak, Sonepat, Rewari, of 1 year, 2 years and 3 years as per
Jhajjhar, Gurugram, Panipat, Palwal, Bhiwani, Charkhi the customer’s requirement.
Dadri, Mahendragarh, Jind, Karnal, Meerut,
Ghaziabad, Noida/ Gautam Budh Nagar, Bulandshahr,
Baghpat, Hapur, Shamli, Muzaffarnagar, Alwar,
Bharatpur, Whole of NCT Delhi), Mumbai, Thane
District, Navi Mumbai, Gujarat, Kolkata.
Zone 2: Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Chhattisgarh,
Madhya Pradesh, Daman & Diu, Dadar & Nagar
Haveli, Goa, Maharashtra (excluding Mumbai, Thane
Maximum Age
District, Navi Mumbai).
Zone 3: Rest of India.
Grace Period
The Free-Look Period shall be applicable on new
individual health insurance policies and not on
renewals or at the time of porting / migrating the
A Grace Period of 30 days for annual
premium and 15 days for other than
The insured person shall be allowed Free-Look period annual mode for renewing the policy
of fifteen days from the date of receipt of the policy is provided under this policy.
document to review the terms and conditions of the However, there is no coverage
policy, and to return the same if not acceptable. provided during the break-in period.
Terms of
Renewal Premium - The premium for renewal will be applicable as per the premium chart based on
age, Sum Insured and Geography and the company will not load the premium for any adverse claims
experience of particular insured. The Company may change the renewal premium and/or benefits
payable subject to approval from regulator (IRDAI) and inform the same to the insured at least 3
months prior to the date of revision and/or modification or renewal. In the likelihood of this policy
being withdrawn in future, the Company will inform the same to the insured at least 3 months prior
to expiry of the policy. The insured will have the option to migrate to other plan under similar health
insurance policy at the time of renewal, provided the policy is maintained without a break.
The premium under The premium under family Premium rates can be
individual coverage will be floater coverage will be revised subject to approval
charged on the completed charged on the completed from the IRDAI.
age of the individual age of the eldest insured
insured member. member.
Policyholder has a period of 15 days from the date of receipt of the Policy document to review the terms and
conditions of this policy. If the policyholder has any objections to any of the terms and conditions, he / she
have the option of cancelling the policy stating the reasons for cancellation and in such a case, the company
will refund premium subject to:
a) A deduction of the expenses incurred on any medical check-up, stamp duty charges, if the risk has not
b) A deduction of the expenses incurred on any medical check-up, stamp duty charges and proportionate risk
premium for period on cover, if the risk has commenced.
c) A deduction of pro-rata risk premium in proportion to the risk covered during such period, where only a
part of risk has commenced.
The policy can be cancelled only if insured person(s) has not made any claims under the policy. Free-Look
provision is not applicable and /or available at the time of renewal of the policy.
The policyholder may cancel this policy by giving 15 days’ written notice and in such an event, the company
shall refund premium for the unexpired policy period as detailed below:
1 year policy
2 years policy
0-3 15%
3-6 25.0%
6-9 50.0%
9-12 65.0%
12-15 75.0%
3 years policy
0-3 15%
3-6 25.0%
6-9 35.0%
9-12 50.0%
12-15 60.0%
15-18 70.0%
18-24 80.0%
YEARS 24-27 85.0%
27-30 90.0%
31-36 100.0%
Exclusions for first 2 years
Hospitalization expenses incurred on treatment of certain diseases or illness or procedures / surgeries within
the first two years (continuously renewed without any break) from the inception of initial/first this policy.
In the event that the listed illness / diseases arise on account of a pre-existing condition, they shall be covered
under this policy only upon completion of pre-existing tenure as per the plan opted of continuous coverage.
Permanent exclusions
Routine medical, eye and ear examinations, cost of spectacles, dental treatment, circumcision, sex change or
treatment, birth control procedures, hormone replacement therapy, caesarean section##, fertility or conception
Pre-existing Diseases
The benefits will not be available for any condition(s) as defined in the policy, until only 24 months (depends
on plan opted) of continuous coverage have elapsed, since inception of the first policy with the company.
Please refer to the policy wordings for complete list of detailed Benefits, Coverages and Exclusions available
at our branches or contact our Toll-free number: 1800-2666.
Reimbursement Basis
Below are the places from where you can download the claim form.
IL TakeCare App
ICICI Lombard Website
ICICI Lombard customer support helpline - 18002666
Original bills, receipts and Original bills from chemists Original investigation test reports
discharge certificate/card from supported by proper prescription. and payment receipts.
the Hospital/Medical Practitioner.
Indoor case papers. Medical Practitioner’s referral Any other document as required
letter advising Hospitalisation in by us or our In-house claim
non-Accident cases. processing team to investigate
the Claim or our obligation to
make payment for it.
Prohibition of Rebates – Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938. 1) No person shall allow or offer to allow either directly or indirectly as an
inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India any
rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or
renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectus or
tables of the insurer. 2) If any person shall fail to comply with sub regulation (1) above, he shall be liable to payment of fine which may extend
to rupees ten lakhs. ^Add on cover is available on payment of additional premium. #Hospitalization expenses incurred abroad shall be paid
with a co-pay of 10%. The advertisement contains only an indication of cover offered. For more details on risk factors, terms, conditions and
exclusions, please read the sales brochure / policy wordings carefully before concluding a sale. ICICI trade logo displayed above belongs to
ICICI Bank and is used by ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd. Under license and Lombard logo belongs to ICICI Lombard GIC Ltd. ICICI Lombard General
Insurance Company Limited, ICICI Lombard House, 414, Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400025. Toll Free No. 1800 2666. Fax
No. 02261961323. IRDA Reg. No. 115. Health AdvantEdge UIN: ICIHLIP23075V032223. CIN L67200MH2000PLC129408. Website: ADV/15477