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Copper-based Graphene Nanoplatelet Composites as

Interconnect for Power Electronics Pacakging

Jing Wang Zhaoxia Zhou Wen-Feng Lin
Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical, Loughborough Materials Department of Chemical Engineering
Manufacutring Engineering Characterisation Centre (LMCC) Loughborough University
Loughborough University Department of Materials Loughborough, UK
Loughborough, UK Loughborough University [email protected]
[email protected] Loughborough, UK
[email protected]
Changqing Liu* Lee Empringham
Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical, Behzad Ahmadi School of Electrical and Electronic
Manufacutring Engineering School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Loughborough University Engineering University of Nottingham
Loughborough, UK University of Nottingham Nottingham, UK
* Corresponding author: Nottingham, UK [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—The present investigation demonstrates a single- packaging densities and operational temperatures. For the
step electrodeposition route for the fabrication of compact integration of inhomogeneous and dissimilar materials, as the
copper-based graphene nanoplatelets (GnPs) nanocomposite amount of ‘free-space’ is minimised, the differences in the
coatings, with dispersed GnP co-deposition. The effect of cathodic properties of these materials become ever increasingly
current density on the surface morphology of the deposits was significant. In particular, the thermal expansion mismatches
examined. With increasing deposition current densities from 10 between adjacent dissimilar materials (e.g. semiconductor
to 40 mA/cm2, there seemed to be a gradual increase in the lateral devices/copper metallisations, copper metallisations/ceramic
size of co-deposited GnPs and a decrease in their distribution substrates) could cause excessive thermo-mechanical stresses at
density, along with a progressive decrease in the deposit surface
different operational temperatures of the devices, leading to
feature. The chemical state of GnP from the sub-surface region of
composite coatings was assessed using XPS in conjunction with
various failure mechanisms, such as brittle cracking and fatigue
Ar ion sputtering and found comparable to that of pristine GnPs. crack propagation of brittle materials (e.g. semiconductors, thin
The Cu-GnP composite coatings exhibited slightly higher insulating layers and ceramic substrate) [1], and void/porosity-
electrical sheet resistance, compared to that of the untreated Cu facilitated fatigue of soldered/sintered interconnects [2]. In
and pure Cu deposited counterparts. attempts to lower the mean thermal expansion coefficient (CTE)
of Cu (~ 17 ppm/°C) relative to ceramic-based devices and
Keywords— power electronic systems packaging, heterogeneous substrates (e.g. SiC: 2.8 ppm/°C, AlN: 5.3 ppm/°C), this paper
integration, composite electrodeposition, Cu electroplating constitutes part of a systematic study for the development of
cost-effective wet chemistry solutions to prepare CTE-
controlled interconnects based on nanocarbon (NC)-reinforced
copper matrix composite. Exfoliated graphene nanoplatelets
I. INTRODUCTION (xGnPs) were investigated in this work due to their excellent
Hetergeneous integration, which addresses integrating intrinsic thermal and electrical conductivities, high current
different components and functionalities into a single, multi- carrying capabilities (i.e. ampacity) [3], peculiar negative
featured package or functional block, has emerged as a thermal expansion characteristics [4], large surface area as a 2D
promising solution for next generation power electronics nano-filler providing enhanced interfacial interaction to
converters. In this approach, components are used in more capitalise the reinforcement effect, and low physical density.
optimum conditions by focusing on package layout and The cupro-phobic nature and poor dispersion of nano-carbon
interconnection between components. By integrating materials, nonetheless, have necessitated judicious designs over
functionalities such as thermal interface, filtering components, their synthesis chemistry and processing conditions. Therefore,
switching devices and high current interconnects in the same surfactants and other additives [5, 6] need to be incorporated
package, converters can be designed to operate at higher into the electrolytes as such to promote universal co-deposition
switching frequency and therefore higher power densities can of GnPs. Electrolytic deposition is selected for the synthesis of
be achieved. The heterogeneous integration of wide-band gap composites due to its low processing temperature and the
(WBG) power electronics, nevertheless, necessitates a capability to fine-tune the coating microstructure. This
paradigm shift in the selection of packaging materials and the investigation is hence set to understand the fundamental aspects
design of physical dispositions, as the conventional monolithic of the electrodeposition process to the development of the Cu-
approach becomes restrictive in thermal and electromagnetic GnP composite materials. This will lead to the development of
interference (EMI) management with ever increasing an interconnect material with sound dimensional stability and
This work is supported by UK EPSRC Underpinning Power Electronics
2017: Heterogeneous Integration (EP/R004501/1).

thermomechanical fatigue resistance, without necessarily B. Materials Characterisation
compromising electrical and thermal performance. Field emission gun – scanning electron microscopy
(FEGSEM) and Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)
II. EXPERIMETAL characterisation were conducted utilising a Carl Zeiss Leo 1530
FEGSEM system, which is equipped with an Oxford
A. Bath Formulation & Electrodeposition Instruments X-max 80 mm2 EDX detector. X-ray photoelectron
All chemicals were utilised as received from Sigma-Aldrich spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was performed utilising a Thermo
without further purification, unless specified otherwise. Scientific K-α X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer with an Al
Representative morphology of graphene nanoplatelets (nominal source. A pristine GnP precursor control sample was analysed
in-plane size: 5 μm, surface area 50-80 m2/g, Sigma-Aldrich) is as such to ascertain the chemical state of carbon (C 1s) in the
presented in Fig. 1. Table I lists the bath formulations for both deposited Cu-C specimens. Compositional depth profiling was
GnP-free and GnP-loaded Cu electrodeposition. A undertaken via argon ion beam sputtering to obtain in-depth
conventional, two-electrode glass cell configuration was distribution of deposit composition and chemistry. The
adopted in the present investigation. Electrodeposition was sputtering raster size was set as 2 mm. The sputter rate was
conducted utilising pure polycrystalline copper substrates estimated as 0.23 nm/s with reference to that of Ta2O5. The
(99.9%, 125 μm thickness, Advent Research Materials) as the electrical resistance of the electrodeposited samples (i.e. sheet
cathode, each with an exposed electrochemically active area of resistance, in mΩ/square) was assessed by a four-point probe
2 × 2 cm2 defined by chemically inert tape (3M). The Cu method utilising a Keithley 2440 5A Source meter.
substrate pretreatments involved ultrasonic cleaning for 3 min
in acetone, pickling for 35 s in a 25% v/v/ aqueous solution of
H2SO4 (specific gravity: 1.83) at 20ºC, and rinsing with
deionised water. The anode was a larger platinised titanium III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mesh electrode. Direct current galvanostatic deposition was The effect of cathodic current density on the surface
performed utilising a QPX 1200S DC power source (Thurlby morphology of pure copper and copper-GnP electrodeposits is
Thandar Instruments) at 20ºC with magnetically stirred demonstrated in Fig. 2. For pure Cu obtained from Bath I, with
agitation at 300 r.p.m.. Current densities were applied with increasing galvanostatic current density from 10 to 40 mA/cm2
equivalent electric charge passed at 12 C/cm2. (Fig. 2a-d), the deposited surface morphology exhibited a
progressive refinement of the surface feature, decreasing from
the micron-sized down to submicron scales. This implies an
increasing tendency for new crystallite nucleation over
development of existing grains, which was imposed by
increasing overpotential upon electro-crystallisation. For Cu-
GnP derived from Bath II, a current density of 10 mA/cm2 (Fig.
2e) produced deposit surface features generally smaller than
those derived from Bath I, even at high current density of 40
mA/cm2 (Fig. 2d). These suggest GnP co-deposition tends to
inhibit electrochemical reduction of Cu2+ ions. No significant
co-deposition of 2D GnPs was observed at 10 mA/cm2.
However, as demonstrated from Fig. 2e, the deposit surface at
lower current density of 10 mA/cm2 showed distribution of
nano-sized particulates, indicative of potential co-deposition of
0D GnP debris. With increasing current density to 20, 30 and
Fig. 1 – SEM image illustrating the representative morphology of graphene
nanoplatelets (GnPs) further to 40 mA/cm2 (Fig. 2f-h), deposit surfaces possessed
predominant and dispersed distribution of 2D GnPs, which was
accompanied by deposit surface feature refinement. These
TABLE I. BATH FORMULATIONS FOR PURE CU & CU-GNP GnPs were generally found to increase in size and decrease in
ELECTRODEPOSITION distribution density with increasing current density. This
Pure copper baseline Copper-GnP composite indicates, by changing the deposition current density, the
formulation (Bath I) formulation (Bath II) electrodeposition process exhibits a clear selectivity towards
CuSO4 ·5H2O 200 g/L
the co-deposited nanoplatelets on their lateral sizes and
distributions, which could be exploited as a ‘sieving and
H2SO4 4 mL/L tuning’ tool to control GnP co-deposition. It is noteworthy that,
Additive A 100 mL/L
the exposed GnP structures exhibited certain curling, which
differed from that of the pristine state, as shown in Fig. 1. The
Additive B 3.2 g/L co-deposition of GnPs in the bulk structure of the deposits was
GnPs 0 0.8 g/L
treated in the next from XPS compositional depth profiling.
The surface morphology of Cu-GnP deposits was generally
found to be compact and crack-free from low magnification
SEM observations. At higher magnifications (e.g. as shown in
Fig. 3) hemi-spherical, nodular formations, with sizes of up to a
few microns and GnPs co-deposited, were typically observed. largely eliminated upon removal of surface contamination,
The presence of such nodules may be attributed to localised exposing the GnP C 1s component. With increasing sputter
elevated current densities during electrodeposition. time beyond this level, the GnP C 1s peak maintained
throughout sputtering until the sputter analysis was terminated
XPS compositional depth profiling was conducted to at 330 s, roughly equivalent of 76 nm thick deposit material
understand the in-depth distribution of C in the bulk structure removed off (sputter rates estimated with reference to that of
of the deposits. A sampling area of 400 μm × 400 μm was Ta2O5). Fig. 4b presents the narrow spectrum of C 1s at the
utilised to average out the fluctuations across the in-plane sputter time of 330 s after deconvolution, which showed sp2
compositions. As shown in Fig. 4a acquired from a Cu-GnP carbon at 284.4 eV and sp3 carbon at 285.0 eV with a broad,
sample deposited at 20 mA/cm2 from Bath II, the initial, un- asymmetric tail towards higher binding energy. These are
sputtered surface (sputter time: 0 sec) demonstrated a C 1s comparable with those obtained from the pristine GnP
singlet peak with the highest intensity, which can be attributed, precursors utilised in the present investigation, which exhibited
primarily to adventitious carbon (binding energy: ~ 284.8 eV) sp2 carbon at 284.5 eV and sp3 carbon at 285.1 eV with similar
from sample surface contamination, and secondarily to shake-up feature, as shown in Fig. 4c. An in-depth examination
potential presence of graphene nanoplatelets at the surface. of the distribution of GnP within the coatings’ bulk structure is
After the first level of compucentric Ar ion monomer sputter
ongoing at Loughborough University.
(sputter time: 30 s), the adventitious carbon component was

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Figure 2 – Secondary electron images illustrating the representative surface morphology of a-d) pure Cu electrodeposits derived from Bath I and e-h) Cu-GnP
electrodeposits from Bath II: a, e) 10 mA/cm2, b, f) 20 mA/cm2, c, g) 30 mA/cm2, d, h) 40 mA/cm2

(a) (b)

Figure 3 – Secondary electron images showing the morphology of nodular formation on Cu-GnP electrodeposits acquired from Bath II at a) 20 mA/cm2 & b) 30
C/cm2, the sheet resistance became slightly increased
(a) (differences: ~ 1 mΩ/square) compared to that of untreated Cu
sheet substrates, presumably due to a reduction in the average
grain size of sample surface regions [7]. In the case of Cu-
graphene nanoplatelets deposited samples (as shown in Fig. 5),
the sheet resistance saw approximately 2 mΩ/square increases
compared to that of the untreated Cu and seemed to be not
Photoemission intesnity (Arbitrary units)

330 significantly affected by deposition current densities. The

270 increases in sheet resistance may be induced by the grain
refinement effect arising from GnP co-deposition and possibly
120 affected by the chemical state/distribution of co-deposited
30 Sputter time (Sec) GnPs as well. Such small magnitudes of reduction in the
0 electrical conductivity can be tolerated for practical
296 294 292 290 288 286 284 282 280 278 276 applications.
Binding Energy (eV)

Pure Cu deposited samples

Sheet resistance (m:/square)

30 Cu-GnP deposited samples
Untreated Cu substrates
sp2 bonding
(b) 28

sp3 bonding



0 10 20 30 40

296 294 292 290 288 286 284 282 280 Cathodic current density (mA/cm2)
Binding Energy (eV)
Figure 5 – A plot showing the sheet resistance of untreated and deposited
samples as a function of bath formulation and deposition current densities
(c) sp2 bonding

Direct current electrodeposition and characterisation of Cu-
GnP composite layers have been performed to examine the
sp3 bonding
fundamental aspects of the wet chemistry processing route to
the development of an interconnect material for power
electronics packaging. The composite coating surface generally
demonstrated universal and certain dispersed incorporation of
GnPs observed on the surface of the coatings. With increasing
deposition current densities from 10 to 40 mA/cm2, there was a
296 294 292 290 288 286 284 282 280 gradual increase in the lateral size of co-deposited GnPs and a
Binding energy (eV) decrease in their distribution density, along with a progressive
decrease in the deposit surface feature. The electrodeposition
process itself is evidenced to serve as a sieving and fine-tuning
Figure 4 – a) XPS compositional depth profiling of a Cu-GnP sample tool to control the GnP co-deposition, as such to facilitate
electrodeposited at 20 mA/cm2 from Bath II showing the evolution of C 1s microstructure and property optimisation of the composite
narrow spectra with increasing Ar ion monomer sputtering time, b) the
corresponding C 1s spectrum taken at a sputter time of 330 s, c) C 1s spectrum coatings. The chemical state of GnP from the sub-surface
taken from the pristine graphene nanoplatelet precusor (control sample). region of composite coatings was assessed using XPS in
conjunction with Ar ion sputtering and found comparable to
that of pristine GnPs. The Cu-GnP composite coatings
To examine the effect of GnP co-deposition on the electrical exhibited slightly higher electrical sheet resistance, compared
conductivity of copper thin films, the sheet resistance of pure to that of the untreated Cu and pure Cu deposited counterparts.
Cu and Cu-GnP plated specimens was assessed and plotted in
Fig. 5. It was found that, by depositing pure Cu onto Cu
substrate from Bath I with an equivalent charge passage of 12
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electronics packging”, J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 161, pp. D395-404,
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