Fiber Orientation Effect
Fiber Orientation Effect
Fiber Orientation Effect
Abstract— The use of composite materials has increased numerical studies, in order to improve their aerodynamic
significantly, especially in the manufacture of wind turbine performance, their structural design, and their manufacturing
blades. Therefore the mechanical behaviors of these materials process [2].
have to be evaluated. In this work four composite materials were
investigated (Carbon fiber, Kevlar49 fiber, E-glass fibers and S-
Currently, wind turbine blades are now so large that gravity
glass fibers). A developed model under Ansys Composite Prepost and inertia loads have started to dominate more than
(ACP) has been used to assess the mechanical strength and aerodynamic loads. Therefore, major importance is assigned to
stiffness of the composite blade to determine the optimal decrease their weight throughout the miscellaneous studies
configuration. In this context, parametric studies were carried [3].
out, in order to evaluate the fiber orientation and material Research studies performed at the Department of Wind
properties effect on the mechanical behavior of multilayered
blade. The results show that the configurations (Carbon fiber, ±
Energy at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU Wind
35), (Kevlar49 fiber, ± 35) and (Kevlar49 fiber, ± 45) are the most Energy) [4] on wind turbine blades have shown that classical
efficient configurations in terms of resistance to mechanical failure mechanisms such as buckling, material failure, etc., are
stress. Besides, the orientation configuration 90/0 support more not enough to determine the design of the blades [5].Besides,
than the other suggested configurations to flexural displacement other failure mechanisms need to be taken into account to
with approximately 34.14 mm for the Carbon ± 55 configuration. design with accuracy the turbine’s blade [6].
Keywords- Blade composite structures; Fiber orientation;Fiber In the meantime, the scientific research field in composite
materials; Computational structures; ACP. materials behavior has become very topical right now [7]. For
instance, a relevant study was conducted to assess the blade
Shear stress
Nomenclature τ
(MPa) composite materials performance [8]. It should be noted that
the performance and the lifespan of the turbine’s blades
Young’s modulus
E (GPa)
ν Poisson’s ratio depend on several properties, since there are various elements
that characterize these blades: the length, the width, the airfoil
Shear modulus
G (GPa) Abbreviations profile and also the materials that go into their constitution [9].
In fact, these elements are determined through calculation
Ansys hypothesis and assumptions or at the base of specific criteria
Greek symbols ACP composite
prepost such as the cost, the resistance to weather conditions etc. [10].
Recently, Cardenas et al. [11] assessed the progression of
Finite element
ɛ Deformation FEM
analysis aeroelastic damage in wind turbine blades using one-
dimensional model known as thin-wall beam model. This
σ Normal stress (MPa) HAWTB axis wind
method allows the reconstruction of a three-dimensional stress
turbine blade field of a volume given by the blade. The calculated stress
field helps to assess the damage. Hence, to predict local
amendments that must be assigned to the structural properties
to support the carried loads.
Wind turbines have grown substantially in dimension over In this paper, numerical studies have been carried out to
the past years, since they were introduced in 1980 [1]. Hence, investigate the fiber orientation effect and the fiber materials
the first techno-economical investigations on wind turbines effect on the structure of the multilayered wind blade designed
technologies (horizontal/vertical) have begun and the blade by Kam et al. [12]. In fact, a numerical model has been
manufacturers carried out the necessary experimental and
developed under ACP code to assess the mechanical strength
and the stiffness of the blade to conclude on the optimal
configuration. Therefore, valid results have been found,
evaluating the effect of fiber materials and fiber orientations.
W xy 2G12H xy
C. Compatibility equations
Compatibility equations are demonstrated in equations Eq.3
w 2H 11 w 2H 23 w 2H 13 w 2 H 12
wx 2 wx3 wx12 wx1wx 2 wx1wx3
w 2H 22 w 2H 13 w 2H 23 w 2H 12
wx1wx3 wx 22 wx1wx 2 wx 2 wx3
w 2H 33 w 2H 12 w 2H 13 w 2H 23
wx1wx 2 wx32 wx1wx3 wx1wx3
w H 11 w H 33
2 2
w H 13
wx32 wx12 wx1wx3
w 2H 22 w 2H 33 w 2H 23
wx32 wx22 wx2 wx3
w 2H 11 w 2H 22 w 2H 12
wx22 wx12 wx1wx2
Figure 4: (a) The considered path (1-2) used during the numerical calculation
phase. (b) Applied charges on the blade structure P1 and P2.
Figure 5: Total displacements obtained from the path (1-2) presented the two
The mechanical properties of the fiber materials considered parametric studies for different fiber orientations.
in these studies are presented in the table II.
Low displacement values have been observed for Kevlar49
in all fiber orientation considered due to his stiffness and
Glass Kevlar
E S 49 resistance compared to other materials [24]. The table III
Volume exposes the maximal values according to our blade structure.
0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
fraction Vf
1545 2042 2010 1375
Longitudinal Fiber Maximal value of
Fiber orientation
Young’s material Displacements (mm)
161 45 51 85 ±35 163.44
Properties modulus EL
measured on (GPa) ±45 118.09
unidirectional Transverse ±55 211.17
Epoxy matrix Young’s 90/0 34.14
14.3 11 13.65 5.6
composite modulus ET ±35 120.49
(GPa) ±45 108.27
Longitudinal E-glass
±55 86.90
shear modulus 4.8 4.6 4.7 2.1 90/0 74.78
±35 88.49
0.32 0.31 0.31 0.34 ±45 80.92
coefficient νLT Kevlar49
±55 92.09
A. Total displacements results 90/0 31.46
±35 127.26
The total displacement results measured through the path ±45 111.03
(1-2) are presented in this section. In fact, as presented in S-glass
±55 83.91
Fig.5, the mechanical displacements for the carbon fibers are 90/0 70.71
important especially for ±35, ±45 and ±55. However, for 90/0
fiber configuration the blade was strengthened. Fig.4-d shows E and S glass fibers present the same behavior with little
that the Carbon is a rigid material that can support loads in difference in terms of the mechanical displacement. In fact,
tension and compression. Thus, the Carbon fiber supports Fig.5-a shows that the glass fibers have a lower displacement
more in specific fiber directions [23]. compared to the Carbon fibers and higher compared to the
Kevlar49. On the other hand, the displacement of the blade
constructed with Kevlar49 fibers is lower compared to other
materials. Fig.5-c shows that the glass fibers follow the same
behavior of kevlar49. Thus, high level of displacements
occurred for the blade with Carbon fiber. Fig.5-d, the blade
created with kevlar49 fibers behaves in the same way as the
Carbon fiber, and has less displacement compared to both
types of glass fiber. Instead of the high displacements results TABLE IV: MAXIMAL VALUES OF STRESS.
of Carbon fiber, the configuration of the fibers orientation Maximal value of
Fiber orientation Fiber material
90/0 gives the minimum displacements about 34.14 mm lower stress (MPa)
than others. ±35 73.3
±45 91.77
B. Stress results ±55 277.9
The mechanical behavior of composite blade needs to be 90/0 120.4
±35 178.5
strongly investigated. Fortunately, it was evaluated using the
±45 167.7
achieved results in terms of stress over the skin and spar web ±55
areas. In fact, the mechanical stresses have been assessed, as 90/0 105.5
shown in Fig.6 and table IV, the effect of the two loads ±35 60.5
converted from the wind loads. The stress results achieved ±45
from the numerical simulations under ACP have been detailed ±55 121.0
in table IV, which presents the maximum values supported by 90/0 132.4
±35 96.3
each blade configuration in terms of fiber orientation and fiber
±45 100.11
materials. In addition, Fig.6 shows the distribution of stresses ±55
over the skin and spar for the following configurations: 90/0 110.1
(Carbon fiber, ± 35), (Kevlar49 fiber, ± 35) and (Kevlar49
fiber, ± 45) which support less stresses as shown in the table VI. CONCLUSION
In this paper, good attentions have been paid to the effect of
the blade fiber’s material, which is subjected to severe wind
loads, besides to the effect of fiber’s orientation. Essentially,
the materials of the blade are investigated using a finite
element analysis under ACP code. In this context, two
parametric studies have been carried out. The total
displacements and mechanical stress have been assessed to
evaluate the strength of the multilayered composite blade
structure. As a result, it has been found that the configurations
(Carbon fiber, ± 35), (Kevlar49 fiber, ± 35) and (Kevlar49
fiber, ± 45) are the most efficient configurations in terms of
resistance to the mechanical stress. Furthermore, the
orientation configuration 90/0 support more than other
suggested configurations to flexural displacement of the
composite with approximately 34.14 mm as minimum value
recorded for the Carbon, also for E-glass and S-glass fibers
with ± 55.
The authors are grateful for the funding support provided
by EMISys Research Team, Engineering 3S Research Center,
Mohammadia School of Engineers at University Mohammed
V in Rabat, Morocco.
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