Leaky Recharge Dam - KAHLOWN & Abdullah
Leaky Recharge Dam - KAHLOWN & Abdullah
Leaky Recharge Dam - KAHLOWN & Abdullah
INTRODUCTION Groundwater is the only reliable source of freshwater in Balochistan. Its use has increased many folds due to expansion of agriculture, rapid growth of population and industrialization during the last two decades. Consequently, the excessive withdrawal from aquifers as compared with recharge has resulted in drying up of many dug wells, springs, and karezes (Kahlown and Hamilton, 1994). The situation has been further aggravated by the recent extended drought (1998-2002) in the province. The winter and summer rainfall during this drought has declined by about 73 and 55% respectively of average precipitation (Chaudhri et al., 2002). The scarce rainfall caused a drastic reduction of the surface
Chairman, Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources, Khayaban-e-Johar, Adjacent Edhi Home, H-8/1, Islamabad. Ph: 92-51-9258959, Fax: 92-51-9258963, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 2 Director, PCRWR, Water Resources Research Centre (WRRC), Quetta, Pakistan.
drinking water resources, such as springs and karezes and resulted in greater withdrawal by tubewells. This caused falling water tables in most of the valleys. Consequently, the persistent drought has imposed hardships on livestock and human settlements, and has reduced vegetative cover (Chaudhri and Hanjra, 2002). WRECA (2000) indicates that the severest overdrafts of groundwater extraction are occurring in the Pishin-Lora, the Gaj, the Zhob, the Nari, and the Dasht river basins. These basins need immediate recharge measures to reverse the catastrophic situation. The Pishin-Lora, the Zhob and the Nari basins fall in upland Balochistan which is the major fruit growing belt of the province. The Pishin-Lora basins consisting of the districts of Quetta, Killa Abdullah, Pishin, Mastung and part of Kalat, form the main deficit area where groundwater abstraction far exceeds the recharge. WAPDA (1992) indicated the per annum water table decline rates in the basin were from 0.23 to 1.17 m. Abdullah et al., (1999)
reported that the recharge in the Pishin-Lora basin was 5.80 m3/sec and abstraction was 7.25 m3/sec which indicates an overdraft of about 1.45 m3/sec from the aquifer. Sub-basin wise, Quetta and Pishin sub-basins are the areas where groundwater abstraction rates are alarmingly high. These sub-basins show a large deficit in groundwater balance, as indicated by receding water tables. The Zhob basin consists of Zhob and Qila Saifullah districts. The Killa Saifullah sub-basin has previously been considered to be in the groundwater surplus area, but due to the drought and recent unprecedented construction of tubewells, this sub basin has also become a deficit area. The main argument for conserving water in underground aquifers rather than in surface reservoirs is that underground storage is not subject to the huge evaporation losses. There are a number of options available for increasing the groundwater recharge (Todd, 1980). In Balochistan and other parts of the world, the recharge techniques applied are delay action dams; small, and mini check dams; ponds and depressions; dugwell, inverted, and injection wells; spurs and dikes; ridge-furrows, ditchfurrows, terraces, contour strips; diversions and zig-zag channels; surface spreading, ploughing, organic mulching and watershed management in catchment areas by growing diversified and versatile plant species (Perkins and Birch, 1999). Williamson (1987) reported that a storm of 80 mm rain that fell on a catchment with vegetative cover produced a lower peak runoff rate than that of a 20 mm storm on a similar catchment with no vegetative cover. He also predicted that watershed vegetation measures could add an average 33% more to the groundwater recharge. Khan and Chaudhry (1967) have proposed that for effective watershed management, the plantation must be coupled with appropriate mechanical structures for maximum recharge and minimum soil erosion. In addition to above recharge measures, leaky dams are becoming popular as a sustainable recharge technique to rejuvenate the depleting aquifers of other areas resembling upland Balochistan topographic hydro-geological conditions.
OBJECTIVES (i) To construct, operate and evaluate leaky dams for rejuvenation of depleting aquifer and its social acceptability; (ii) To design and evaluate the field hydrological monitoring network; and (iii) To conduct benefit/cost ratio of leaky dams and to demonstrate the potential of leaky dams for propagation and large scale adoption in the areas where the technique is socially, economically and technically viable. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE CONCEPT Delay Action Dam The Irrigation & Power Department, Government of Balochistan, is constructing Delay Action Dams particularly in the hilly and mountainous steep uplands of Balochistan since 1960 with the aim to enhance the groundwater recharge for rejuvenation of depleted aquifers and rehabilitation of downstream karezes, springs, dug wells. The Department has constructed more than 200 delay action dams in Balochistan. In delay action dam groundwater recharge occurs from the dam reservoir. These dams typically have high initial recharge rates, which fall off dramatically with time due to clogging of permeable capillary pores of the reservoir beds. Only 2 cm. silt layer can clog infiltration of water. In some cases the bed of delay action dams have sealed-up within one year of their construction. Later on most of the stored water losts through evaporation, without contributing to the aquifer. Leaky Dam The construction of leaky dam in Balochistan is a new concept introduced by Mr. Ayadurai Somesan, WRECA Consultant of Developing Countries. Mr. Somesan had introduced the concept of leaky dam by delivering a number of presentations in the 3-days workshop titled Strategy Workshop on Water Resources Management (Groundwater Depletion & Recharge) Quetta, Balochistan (July 13-15, 2000), organized jointly by PCRWR, IUCN, Irrigation & Power Department and Geological Survey of Pakistan.
The concept of Leaky Dam is to accelerate recharge by releasing the water into down stream channels of rivers and streams as soon as possible after the silt has been settled in the reservoir. The design and construction of leaky dam are on principles of leaky embankments and release of the silt free water to downstream areas for infiltration, because the river & stream bed usually remains porous due to possessing variable deep layers of mixed, boulders, cobbles, gravel, sand, silt and clay. Once, the runoff water is made part of shallow to deep aquifer, it becomes immune to evaporation losses and conserved for future use. MATERIALS AND METHODS Site Selection A number of sites for construction of leaky dam were visited and surveyed around 50 km of Quetta valley and the Margat site 35 km from Quetta was found suitable. Because, the Margat village is located 1 km away from the dam site, which has been connected with carpeted road, public transport, telephone and electricity. The population (about 500 number) mostly belongs to farming community and in spite of living under tribal system are docile and cooperative for facilitating to launch Research & Development (R&D) activities without any interference and monetary demands (common practice in Balochistan). The annual rainfall is in the range of 150 to 200 mm under normal conditions. The agricultural crops and orchards are grown through practicing the Khushkaba system (rainwater harvesting & conservation) and no farmer has installed any tubewell. There is only 1 spring (discharge less than 4 lps) located 3 km away from the village and 1 dugwell (6 m deep); water is being used only for drinking and domestic purposes. There are a number of seasonal streams and tributaries flowing in rainy season and feeding the main Degari stream flowing parallel to Quetta-Degari road and ultimately fall in Nari river near Sibi. The Irrigation Department, Government of Balochistan did not build any delay action dam for groundwater recharge in this area. Hence, the site after conducting, the survey was found appropriate and suitable for the construction of leaky dam due to narrow width (26 m) and gentle slope of the Margat stream.
Construction of Leaky Dams The construction of the dam was initiated in April 2002 and completed in October, 2002. Boulders and G.I wire SWG-8 were used as the principal construction material. The construction of dam body was completed in three phases: (i) excavation of foundation; (ii) weaving of G.I. wire into netting; and (iii) filling of boulders within the nets for building four steps of the dam. Upstream and downstream aprons were made after completion of main body of dam. Parallel piping system on top of the 2nd and the 4th steps was provided to discharge surplus water from the reservoir. The stone pitching of stream banks and construction of cutoff as well as toe walls were made to save the main dam body from erosion process. Top of the dam acts as spillway. General features of the dam are highlighted in leaky dam upstream and downstream Table 1 and Figure 1 (a & b).
Table 1: Salient Features of the Leaky Dam Project Features Catchment area (km ) Storage capacity (m3) Height of dam above surface level (NSL) (m) Steps of dam body (No.) Cost (Rs. million) natural
Establishment of Groundwater Monitoring Network In order to assess the effectiveness of leaky dam in recharging the aquifer, a groundwater monitoring network was established which consists of 7 observation wells. An observation well is a simple tube or pipe inserted in the soil and used for measuring static groundwater level. The characteristics of the peizometers are indicated in Table 2. A typical cross-section of a observation well is shown in Figure 2. PVC pipes having diameter of 50 mm and divided into blind and filter were inserted vertically into the borehole to the 1 m below depth of water table.
The observation wells were installed from upstream to downstream direction. The top of the dam was used as the reference level for measurements of the elevations of the ground level at each observation well. Water-table depths in the observation wells were measured with water level indicator and subtracted from the ground levels to obtain watertable depths with reference to the top of the leaky dam.
Distance from Dam (m) 335 457 610 762 945 945 1067 Elevation at Ground Surface (m) 42.80 37.41 37.96 33.54 34.48 31.68 24.83
Aquifer Formation Characteristics While drilling holes for installation of observation wells, lithologic samples were collected and plotted to the depth of each observation well. It was noted, at most observation well locations, that the upper 3 m of the profile was a highly permeable conglomerate formation comprised gravel, sand, clay, pebbles, cobbles and therefore, was considered favourable recharging lithology. The layer from 3 to 4.5 m was generally a mixture of coarse to fine texture materials in all observation wells except at PZ-6 where it is a semi recharging formation. Hence, the recharging aquifer is shallow which provide free horizontal and vertical groundwater transport system. The underlying strata generally below 4.5 m (and below 7.6 m at PZ-6) is mostly shale which is an impermeable formation and allows practically negligible recharge of water and consequently tends to confine water in the more permeable layers (Table 3). These shale materials are unable to transmit significant quantities of groundwater to the nearby wells, springs, karezes etc., under ordinary hydraulic gradients.
low organic matter, fall under over grazed and eroded degraded arid lands. Topographically, the Margat area is classified into three categories i.e. (i) the mountains and hills characterized by steep slopes, bare rocks and no soil cover subject to water erosion; (ii) the piedmonts have deep well drained homogeneous, silty to fine silty loamy soils and gravelly fans and terraces excellent for infiltration but possessing dense clay pans and shale below 15 to 20 m depth; (iii) the stream bed and valley are alluvial deposits consisting of layers of clay, gravel, silt, sand or an admixture of these materials, well drained, medium to coarse textured, have excellent potential for recharge and good for growing plants under watershed management, but possessing dense clay pans and shale below 4 to 5 m depth. Slope The Margat leaky dam site and its catchment area comprise mountain ranges, piedmont plains and alluvial fans occupying gentle to steep slopes. The rainfall events in this area are torrential type, on runoff converted into high velocity flash floods; the consequent run-off may be either lost unutilized through the main drainage system or a part may be percolated in the alluvial fans or piedmont plains and ultimately reaching the main or perched aquifers. However, the alluvial fans having gentle slopes lie immediately next to the foot of the mountains and comprised coarse material deposited by the hill torrents during floods, act as good recharge zones for aquifers. Whereas, the piedmont plains are present next to the alluvial fans and aprons consisting of relatively finer to coarse materials brought by the torrents. The infiltration rates are slightly lower than the alluvial fans to recharge the aquifers.
Watershed Characteristics and Management Practices After completion of the construction process of leaky dam, the watershed management practices were initiated primarily through selection and transplantation of xerophytic forage shrubs and making of check dams in the catchment area. The overall conditions of the catchment area before transplantation of plant species are described: Soils The soils of leaky dam area are calcareous and derived from limestone, sandstones and sedimentary rocks. These soils have a homogeneous, porous and coarse texture, have Rocks and Earth Material Gravel Sand Clay, Pebbles & Cobbles Admixture Shale (grayish/weathered material) Limestone Shazij Shale (Boulder, Mixed Clays, Shale, with Pebbles etc. Total PZ-1 0-3.0 3-4.5 4.5-15 15 PZ-2 0-3.0 3-4.5 4.5-15 15
Table 3: Depths of Materials in the Aquifer with Significant Water Transmissibility (m) PZ-3 0-3.0 3-4.5 4.5-6 6-30 30 PZ-4 0-3.0 3-4.5 4.5-10.7 15 PZ-5 0-3.0 3-4.5 4.5-30 30 PZ-6 0-4.5 4.5-7.5 7.5-15 15 PZ-7 0-3.0 3-4.5 4.5-15 15
Vegetation The Margat Leaky Dam catchment, tributaries and stream bed and valley have native plant species possessing xerophytic characteristics with growth habit of seasonal and perennial nature. The conditions of low precipitation and even six years consistent past drought, extreme low temperatures, high wind and evaporation, low humidity and degraded lands were remained very difficult for survival of plant life, when there were uncontrolled and over grazing, cutting and uprooting by the local communities. The persistent drought had caused irreparable losses to land, water, vegetative cover as well as livestock and caused extensive damage to the range and feed resources which were providing up to 70% of the total feed requirement of 85% livestock (small ruminants) numbering about 159 heads before construction of leaky dam. Uprooting of the range bushes, grasses and trees for fuel wood and chopping of drought surviving plants species for livestock feeding has further aggravated the situation. In the area the native species were identified viz. trees: Mulberry, Quetta Pine, Prosopis cineraria, P. juliflora, Tamarix articulata, T.aphylla, Ziziphus mauritiana; Shrubs: a number of species belonging to Chenopodiaceae family, wild Tulip, Alfalfa & Roses, Atriplex halimus, Suaeda fruticosa, S.maritime, Haloxylon recurvum and Hermal (local name); Grasses: Sacchrum Munja, Agropyron cristatum, Cynodon dactylon, Elymus juncus, Panicum antidotale. After the construction of leaky dam, the perennial forage xerophytic shrubs like Atriplex lentiformis, A.canescens and Salsola vermiculta L. have been transplanted under the watershed programme. The native plant species were preserved by controlling grazing and exotic species were introduced in the watershed management. Due to frequent and prolonged droughts in Balochistan, the propagation of drought tolerant species is essential because it is not possible to irrigate the plantation regularly for their lifetime period in the catchment area. Three shrub species possessing the xerophytic and perennial characteristic were selected and planted in the catchment of the leaky dams during April 2003 (Figure 3 a & b).
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Immediately after the construction of leaky dam, monitoring of groundwater levels downstream of dam, effect of catchment improvement practices, sedimentation in the reservoir and the retention time of water in the reservoir after each runoff event was initiated. The results of this monitoring are discussed in detail as under: Effectiveness of Leaky Dams Leaky dams for recharging groundwater are a new concept in Balochistan. These dams are designed and constructed to increase groundwater recharge by holding water until most of the sediment has settled and allowing water with little sediment to flow through the dams slowly. The introduction of such dams is economically and technically viable in areas
where construction material is easily available and seasonal streams are usually sufficiently permeable for transmitting surface water to the aquifer. In this way, the leaky dam could be a good substitute for traditionally used Delay Action Dams which are facing problems of deposition of silt and high evaporation. Leaky dams enable more recharge to the aquifer where the water is not subject to evaporation losses. Structural Stability of Leaky Dams The structural stability of dam body was found stable and durable because the whole structure was combed by making underground foundation and above surface 5 steps with increasing width towards foundation. The steps were constructed by netting the quality and compact boulders and stones, having size of more than 200 mm diameter, divided into crates and then assembled together into a network through steel wires. The constructing 1.5 m deep RCC cutoff and 2 m toe walls on upstream and downstream aprons, respectively ensured the stability. Moreover, to release the unpredicted flood events, the discharging pipes of 6 inches dia and top of the dam body acted as spillway have and ensured the stability against any damage (Table 4). Operational Performance The leaky dam was constructed 1st of its kind in Balochistan, under the concept of leaky
embankments for allowing more rainwater recharge in the main stream bed instead of dam reservoir opposite to conventional storage type delay action dams (DAD), previously built more than 180 by the Irrigation Department, Government of Balochistan. The overall performance was found satisfactory in respect of increase in groundwater levels due to recharge as evident from the record of the groundwater levels in 7 observation wells installed downstream of the leaky dam (Figure 4) as well as its direct and indirect affects on overall improvement of crops, orchards, livestock and ultimate economic benefits to the nearby village community. Leaky and Check Dams After construction of leaky dam, a series of 200 small size check dams in the catchment tributaries feeding the main Margat stream were made to reduce the runoff velocity and silt load. Four large size check dams were made across the Margat stream to create maximum retention time for water to recharge (Figure 4). The immediate downstream locations were used for already installed injection wells. The effectiveness of such cheap and easily made check dams would be visible after a few normal rainy years and better establishment of transplanted plant species under watershed management practices.
Table 4: Structural Measurements of Leaky Dam Steps Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) (m) Foundation 25.9 x 5.8 x 1.2 Step 1 30.5 x 4.9 x 1.7 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 33.6 x 4.1 x 0.9 36.6 x 3.3 x 0.9 39.7 x 2.6 x 0.9 42.7 x 1.8 x 0.9 Crates (No.) 5 8 7 7 8 8 Crates (No.) 17 26 Discharge Pipes (No.) 3 (15.24 cm dia GI with valve) 4 (15.24 cm dia GI with valve) Cutoff/Toe Wall Dimension (Length x Depth x Width) (m) Cutoff Wall 25.9 x 1.5 x 0.3 Toe Wall 25.9x 1.9 x 0.3
Apron Dimension (Length x Width x Height) (m) Upstream 25.9 x 5.1 x 0.4 Downstream 25.9 x 6.1 x 0.4
Figure 4: Layout Plan of Leaky Dams and Groundwater Monitoring Network at Margat, Quetta-Pakistan
Pakistan Journal of Water Resources, Vol.8(2) July-December 2004/ 36
Sedimentation and Rainwater Retention The sedimentation is considered the most vital factor in reducing the overall utility and life of dams and others structures through decreasing storage capacity as well as recharging potential of the reservoirs. The unconsolidated rocks and earth particles of catchment area i.e. loose conglomerate, sandstone, limestone, boulder, pebble, cobble, gravel, sand, silt, clay, and broken stone alongwith vegetative matter and animal
manures once moved from the place of origin to a new place under the force of gravity, runoff water and wind is called sedimentation. The Margat leaky dam catchment was in degraded condition, due to lack of watershed management measures, over grazing, cutting and uprooting of trees, shrubs and grasses for fuel and forages and frequent droughts. After each runoff event, the water retention time and sedimentation data was recorded (Table 5).
1 5
30 38
1.50 5.50
February-04*** Total
* **
26.70 246.10
10 -
30 -
3.00 31.50
Retention time of water in the leaky dam reservoir after each runoff event. Sedimentation in the leaky dam reservoir after each runoff event. *** No rainfall recorded from March to October, 2004. Pakistan Journal of Water Resources, Vol.8(2) July-December 2004/ 37
Changes in Water-Table Depth After completion of the leaky dam, the water-table data was recorded. The first readings were recorded in October, 2002 which was considered as baseline. The data recorded during the months reflected the water-table depth due to the drought period. The first rainfall of 23.5 mm was received in November, 2002. Subsequent rainfall events during the year 2002-03 were so few and similar that they did not produce groundwater recharge due to the confined nature of this shallow aquifer. The movement of water was restricted and small variations in water-table fluctuations that have been demonstrated specifically in PZ-1 and PZ-2 may be due to their proximity to the leaky dam and the water ponded in front of it. Similar, but smaller increases in height of the water table were recorded in observation wells installed farther downstream from the leaky dam i.e. PZ-3 to PZ-7. The overall picture indicates rises of water table at observation wells PZ-1 & PZ-2 followed by, PZ-5, PZ-6, PZ-7, PZ-4 and PZ-3 respectively; ranging from 6.3 m near the dam to more than 2.0 m at greater distance. These increases generally reflect the effectiveness of the leaky dam in groundwater recharge. Additional detail of this rise in the water table due to recharge in the area is shown in Figure 5. A more complete assessment of leaky dam and other recharge measures will be possible after collection of data for at least five years, including at least two years of normal rainfall. Role of Plantation in Watershed A major feature of watershed management practices is the planting of appropriate plant species within the catchment, stream, tributaries and along reservoir in addition to preserving the native vegetation through controlled grazing. The plantation foliage reduces the rate and velocity of runoff by trapping and delaying the water, associated reduction in the level of silt carried in the flood flow, increases vegetative land cover and organic matter as well as provides forage, fuel wood and other usable materials. The roots play dominant role in enhancing recharge by increasing infiltration through flocculation of earth and rock particles, opening the land by penetrating the hard layers of consolidated rocks,
clayey hard pans and impermeable shale to form new arteries and channels for transmitting the rain and surface water to the groundwater aquifer. Williamson (1987) reported that a storm of 80 mm rain that fell on a catchment with vegetative cover produced a lower peak runoff rate than that of a 20 mm storm on a similar catchment with no vegetative cover. He also predicted that watershed vegetation measures could add an average 33% more to the groundwater recharge. Khan and Chaudhry (1967) have proposed that for effective watershed management, the plantation must be coupled with appropriate mechanical structures for maximum recharge and minimum soil erosion. The native plant species in the leaky dam catchment area are mostly seasonal possessing low foliage and less canopy cover, hence, three shrub species possessing the xerophytic, perennial, good foliage and deep rooting characteristics were selected and transplanted in the catchment of the leaky dam during April 2003 (Table 6). The propagation of drought tolerant species was essential because it was not possible to irrigate the plantation regularly for their lifetime period. Table 6: Drought Tolerant Species Planted in the Catchment of Leaky Dam Plant Species Atriplex lentiformis (Quailbrush) Atriplex canescens (Fourwing saltbush) Salsola vermiculta L. Height of Plant (cm) 79.57 Seedlings (No.) 250
78.74 29.61
300 50
The survival and growth of shrubs was found satisfactory after one year however, the impact on checking of soil erosion, reducing runoff velocity and enhancing recharge was not noticeable at initial stages of growth due to little bush volume with less vegetative cover.
RL = 37.41 m
RL = 42.80 m
Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Mar- May- Jul- Aug- Sep- Nov- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May02 02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 0 23.5 32.2 23.2 11.1 16 23 0 0 26 64.4 26.7 0 0 0
33 32 31 30 29 28
37 36 35 34 33
Nov- Dec- Jan- Mar- May- Jul- Aug- Sep- Nov- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May02 02 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 23.5 32.2 23.2 11.1 16 23 0 0 26 64.4 26.7 0 0 0
RL = 37.96 m
36 35 34 33
Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Mar- May- Jul- Aug- Sep- Nov- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May03 03 03 03 03 03 04 04 04 04 04 02 02 02 03 0 0 0 0 23.5 32.2 23.2 11.1 16 23 0 0 26 64.4 26.7
RL = 33.54 m
RL = 31.68 m
RL = 34.48 m
29 28 27 26 25 24 23
Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Mar- May- Jul- Aug- Sep- Nov- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 0 0 0 26 64.4 26.7 0 0 23 23.5 32.2 23.2 11.1 16 0
Observation Well No.7 22.0 21.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 11.0 10.0
Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Mar- May- Jul- Aug- Sep- Nov- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May04 04 04 04 04 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 02 02 02 0 0 0 26 64.4 26.7 0 0 23 0 23.5 32.2 23.2 11.1 16
RL = 24.83 m
ECONOMIC ANALYSIS The construction of Leaky Dam was started in April 2002 and completed in October 2002. After selection of site, a proforma was prepared for survey of leaky dam downstream area. The total numbers of 16 families of local inhabitants comprising farmers, tenants and livestock owners were interviewed before and after 1 year of the completion of Leaky Dam. The information regarding cultivated area, crops and orchards grown, livestock and total estimated income were collected and precise summary is given in Table 7. After 6 years continuous drought, the first event of rainfall was received in November 2002 followed by December 2002, January, March, May, July, November 2003 and subsequent more rainfall 64.4 mm during January 2004 followed by 26.7 mm in February of the same year. But no rainfall was recorded during the 8 months period from March to October 2004 and again the signals of drought in Balochistan have been reported in electronic and print media by the Meteorological Department. The improvements in rangelands, orchards and crops have resulted in overall increase in crop and orchard area as well as yields alongwith increase in livestock heads and their productivity. Consequently, 16 families living downstream area have been benefited economically due to construction of leaky dam and enhancement of groundwater recharge. Large scale adoption of such groundwater recharge techniques in all streams and tributaries can sustain and enhance the agriculture economy of the area and boost the living standards of the people. Table 7: Economic Analysis of Leaky Dam at Margat, Quetta Before After (2003) Parameters (2002) Cultivated Area (ha) 22 35 Orchard area (ha) Crop Area (ha) Livestock (heads) Rise in Water Table (m) Net Income (Rs.) 12 12 159 17 18 183 5 137,000
EXPERIENCE/LESSON LEARNT FOR FUTURE GUIDANCE The experiences and lessons learnt for future guidelines are discussed below: The innovative leaky dams have potential to enhance groundwater recharge. The leaky dam is acting as a barrier reducing the velocity of water runoff and retaining water for sufficient time to allow its sediments to settle so they do not clog the macro pores in the downstream bed. The integrated approach to apply groundwater recharge technologies with minor and major changes and improvements should be tested in one river basin for demonstration. The construction of low cost leaky dams and check dams with leaky embankments made with boulders, cobbles, stones and large size gravels available within and around the streams and rivers for providing more area of recharge may be propagated in other river basins of Balochistan. The newly established Balochistan Water Resources Management Authority should act as regulatory authority with strict control over surface and groundwater resources management and groundwater recharge measures in the Province. The high tech recharge technologies like injection wells, vertical recharging wells and recharging galleries may be tested and operated during winter season near the potential Delay Action Dams and karezes. The stored water in the delay action dams should be pumped out in the downstream area after settlement of sediments in the reservoir bed to recharge the depleted aquifers and to save it from evaporation losses. The strict protection and complete control of grazing along with extensive watershed management in the catchments should be launched for reducing the sedimentation load in the reservoirs and enhancing the natural recharge of precipitation.
CONCLUSIONS The innovative leaky dams have potential to enhance groundwater recharge. The leaky dam is acting as a barrier reducing the velocity of runoff and retaining water for sufficient time to allow its sediments to settle so they do not clog the macro pores in the downstream bed. This increases rainwater movement into the aquifer. In this way more rainwater may be conserved below the ground surface for future use and saved from high evaporation losses which are high in upland Balochistan. However, the integration of leaky dam, check dams, injection and gravity wells, groundwater monitoring network, controlled grazing and xerophytic plants species propagation in catchments has been appreciated, acknowledged and asked for adaptation by the policy and decision makers. The end users and other stakeholders are also convinced after demonstration to adopt these low cost groundwater recharge enhancement measures for rejuvenation of depleted aquifers in Balochistan and other similar areas. REFERENCES Asian Development Bank (ADB) (1995). Balochistan Groundwater Resources Reassessment: Report, T.A No.2125-Pak, Halcrow Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd.
Chaudhri, M.Y. and S.H. Hanjra (2002). Impact and need assessment for areas affected by drought and Afghan Refugees in Balochistan. FAO Draft Report. Chaudhri, M.Y., S.H. Hanjra and F.R. Khan (2002). Crop and food assessment for drought affected areas in Balochistan and Sindh. FAO/WFP Report.
Hussain, S.D., A.Majeed, M.I.Sajjad, M.Ahmad, M.A.Tasneem and W.Akram (1999). Study of Artificial Recharge by Delay Action Dam at Pechi Using Isotopic and Chemical Techniques. In: Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on: Artificial Groundwater Recharge, held at WRRC, PCRWR, Quetta, Pakistan, 10-14 June, 1996. pp. 121-124. Kahlown, M.A. and J.R. Hamilton (1994). Status and Prospects of Karez irrigation. Water Resources Bulletin of American Water Resources Association, 30(1): 125-134. Khan, A.R. and M.A.H. Chaudhry (1967). Farming erodable lands in West Pakistan, Bureau Agric. Inform., W. Pak. Lahore (Pub.). 1st ed. 180p. Perkins, M. and D.R. Birch (1999). Groundwater recharge in the Quetta valley and surrounding areas: Prospective techniques and their potential for mitigation of the decline in water table levels. In: Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Artificial Groundwater Recharge, held at WRRC, PCRWR, Quetta, 10-14 June, 1996,. pp.14-20. Todd, D.K. (1980). Groundwater storage and artificial recharge. UN Department of Economics and Social Affairs. Natural Resources/Water Series. No.2. WAPDA (1992). Uncontrolled Mining of Groundwater in Balochistan and Possible Remedial Measures. Hydrogeology Project, Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), Quetta, Pakistan. Williamson, R. (1987). Impact of watershed works on hydrology near Quetta. Final report for contract: Design of works and monitoring program for Balochistan Watershed Management SubProject. Sheddon Pacific TTY. Ltd. WRECA (2000). Water Resources Engineering Consultant Associates. Mission Report for FAO.