Botany Syllabus
Botany Syllabus
Botany Syllabus
(Bachelor of Science Examination)
Course Structure of U.G. Botany Honours
Semester Course Course Name Credit Total
AECC-I 4 100
C-1 (Theory) Microbiology and 4 75
C-1 (Practical) Microbiology and 2 25
C-2 (Theory) Biomolecules and Cell 4 75
Semester-I Biology
C-2 (Practical) Biomolecules and Cell 2 25
Biodiversity (Microbes,
GE -1A (Theory) Algae, Fungi & 4 75
Biodiversity (Microbes,
GE -1A(Practical) Algae, Fungi & 2 25
AECC-II 4 100
C-3 (Theory) Mycology and 4 75
C-3 (Practical) Mycology and 2 25
Semester-II C-4 (Theory) Archegoniate 4 75
C-4 (Practical) Archegoniate 2 25
GE -2A (Theory) Plant Physiology 4 75
GE -2A(Practical) Plant Physiology 2 25
C-5 (Theory) Anatomy of 4 75
C-5 (Practical) Anatomy of 2 25
C-6 (Theory) Economic Botany 4 75
C-6 (Practical) Economic Botany 2 25
III C-7 (Theory) Genetics 4 75
C-7 (Practical) Genetics 2 25
SEC-1 4 100
GE -1B (Theory) Plant Ecology & 4 75
GE -1B (Practical) Plant Ecology & 2 25
C-8 (Theory) Molecular Biology 4 75
C-8 (Practical) Molecular Biology 2 25
Plant Ecology & 4 75
C-9 (Theory) Phytogeography
2 25
C-9 (Practical) Plant Ecology &
C-10 (Theory) Plant Systematics 4 75
SEC II 4 100
Plant Anatomy ,
GE-2B (Theory) Embryology & 4 75
Plant Anatomy ,
GE-2B(Practical) Embryology & 2 25
C-11 (Theory) Reproductive Biology of 4 75
C-11 (Practical) Reproductive Biology of 2 25
C-12 (Theory) Plant Physiology 4 75
C-12 (Practical) Plant Physiology 2 25
Semester-V Analytical Techniques in
DSE - 1 (Theory) Plants Sciences 4 75
DSE - 1 (Practical) Analytical Techniques in
Plants Sciences 2 25
Natural Resource
DSE - 2 (Theory) 4 75
Natural Resource
DSE - 2 (Practical) 2 25
C-13 (Theory) Plant Metabolism 4 75
C-13 (Practical) Plant Metabolism 2 25
C-14 (Theory) Plant Biotechnology 4 75
C-14 (Practical) Plant Biotechnology 2 25
Semester- Horticulture Practices &
VI DSE - 3 (Theory) Post Harvest 4 75
Horticulture Practices &
DSE-3 (Practical) 2 25
Post Harvest Technology
Industrial &
DSE – 4 Environmental
(Theory+Practical) Microbiology /Project 6 100
/Project work** Work**
Total 148 2600
Core course – 14 papers
Discipline Specific Elective – 4 papers
Generic Elective for Non Botany students – 4 papers. Incase University offers 2 subjects as
GE, then papers 1 and 2 will be the GE paper.
Marks per paper - Midterm: 15 marks, End term: 60 marks (Theory) + 25 marks (Practical),
Total – 100 marks
Credit per paper – 6
Teaching hours per paper – 40 hours (theory) + 10 hours (practical)
Core Paper I
(i) Bacteria: - Discovery, general characteristics, types- archaebacteria, eubacteria,
wall-less forms (mycoplasma and spheroplasts), cell structure, nutritional types,
reproduction-vegetative, asexual and recombination (conjugation,
transformation and transduction). Economic importance of bacteria with
reference to their role in agriculture and industry (fermentation and medicine).
(i) Algae:- General characteristics; Ecology and distribution; range of thallus
organization; Cell structure and components; cell wall, pigment system, reserve
food (of only groups represented in the syllabus), flagella; and methods of
reproduction, classification; criteria, system of Fritsch, and evolutionary
classification of Lee (only upto groups); Role of algae in the environment,
agriculture, biotechnology and industry.
(i) Charophyta:- General characteristics; occurrence, morphology, cell structure and
life-cycle of Chara; evolutionary significance.
(ii) Xanthophyta:- General characteristics; Occurrence, morphology and life- cycle of
(iii)Phaeophyta:-Characteristics, occurrence, cell structure and reproduction.
Morphology and life-cycles of Ectocarpus and Fucus.
(iv)Rhodophyta:-General characteristics, occurrence, cell structure and
(v) reproduction. Morphology and life-cycle of Polysiphonia.
(i) Electron micrographs/Models of viruses – T-Phage and TMV, Line drawings/
Photographs of Lytic and Lysogenic Cycle.
(ii) Types of Bacteria to be observed from temporary/permanent slides/photographs.
(iii)Examination of bacteria from natural habitat(curd) by simple staining
(iv) Electron micrographs of bacteria, binary fission, endospore, conjugation, root
Nodule (live materials and photographs).
(v) Gram staining.
Study of vegetative and reproductive structures of Nostoc, Chlamydomonas (electron
micrographs), Volvox, Oedogonium,Coleochaete, Chara, Vaucheria, Ectocarpus, Fucus
and Polysiphonia,Procholoron, Diatoms through electron micrographs, temporary
preparations and permanent slides (based on availability of materials).
Text Books:
1. Singh, Pandey and Jain (2017). Microbiology and Phycology, Rastogi Publication,
Reference Books:
1. Lee, R.E. (2008). Phycology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 4th edition.
2. Prescott, L.M., Harley J.P., Klein D. A. (2010). Microbiology, McGraw-Hill, India.
8th edition.
3. Kumar, H.D. (1999). Introductory Phycology. Affiliated East-West Press, Delhi.
4. Campbell, N.A., Reece J.B., Urry L.A., Cain M.L., Wasserman S.A. Minorsky P.V.,
Jackson R.B. (2008). Biology, Pearson Benjamin Cummings, USA. 8th edition.
5. Pelczar et al. (2011) Microbiology, 8th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Co, New Delhi.
6. Willey, Sherwood and Christopher. Laboratory exercises in Microbiology. McGraw-
Hill, India. 9th edition.
7. P. R. Vasista (2017) Botany for Degree student, Algae, S. Chand Publication, New
8. B. K. Mishra (2018)Microbiology and Phycology, Kalynai Publishers, New Delhi.
Core Paper II
Unit –II
(i) Lipids: Definition and major classes of storage and structural lipids. Fatty acids
structure and functions. Essential fatty acids. Triacyl glycerols structure, functions and
(ii) Proteins: Structure of amino acids; Peptide bonds; Levels of protein structure-primary,
secondary, tertiary and quarternary; Isoelectric point; Protein denaturation and
biological roles of proteins.
(iii)Nucleic acids: Structure of nitrogenous bases; Structure and function of nucleotides;
Types of nucleic acids; Structure of A, B, Z types of DNA; Types of RNA; Structure
of tRNA.
Unit –III
(i) The cell: Cell as a unit of structure and function; Characteristics of prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells; Origin of eukaryotic cell (Endosymbiotic theory).
(ii) Cell division: Eukaryotic cell cycle, different stages of mitosis and meiosis. Cell
cycle, Regulation of cell cycle.
(iii)Cell wall and plasma membrane: Chemistry, structure and function of Plant Cell Wall.
Overview of membrane function; fluid mosaic model; Chemical composition of
membranes; Membrane transport – Passive, active and facilitated transport,
endocytosis and exocytosis.
(i) Cell organelles: Nucleus; Structure-nuclear envelope, nuclear pore complex,
nuclear lamina, molecular organization of chromatin; nucleolus.
(ii) Cytoskeleton: Role and structure of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediary
(iii)Chloroplast, mitochondria and peroxisomes: Structural organization; Function;
Semiautonomous nature of mitochondria and chloroplast. Endoplasmic Reticulum,
Golgi Apparatus, Lysosomes,
(i) Qualitative tests for carbohydrates, reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, lipids
and proteins.
(ii) Study of plant cell structure with the help of epidermal peel mount of Onion/Rhoeo
(iii)Demonstration of the phenomenon of protoplasmic streaming in Hydrilla leaf.
(iv) Counting the cells per unit volume with the help of haemocytometer. (Yeast/pollen
(v) Study the phenomenon of plasmolysis and deplasmolysis.
(vi) Study different stages of mitosis and meiosis using aceto carmine and aceto orcine
Text Books:
1. V. B. Rastogi (2016). Introductory Cytology, KedarNath & RamNath, Meerut
2. P. K. Gupta (2017). Biomolecules and Cell Biology, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
Reference Books:
1. K. Sahoo (2017)Biomolecules and Cell Biology, Kalynai Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Tymoczko JL, Berg JM and Stryer L (2012) Biochemistry: A short course, 2nd ed.,
3. Nelson DL and Cox MM (2008) Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 5th Edition.,
W.H. Freeman and Company.
4. Cooper, G.M. and Hausman, R.E. 2009 The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 5th edition.
ASM Press & Sunderland, Washington, D.C.; Sinauer Associates, MA.
5. Becker, W.M., Kleinsmith, L.J., Hardin. J. and Bertoni, G. P. 2009 The World of the
Cell. 7th edition. Pearson Benjamin Cummings Publishing, San Francisco
Page 7 of 50
(i) Allied Fungi: General characteristics; Status of Slime molds, Classification;
Occurrence; Types of plasmodia; Types of fruiting bodies.
(ii) Oomycota: General characteristic; Ecology; Life cycle and classification with
reference to Phytophthora, and Albugo.
(iii)Symbiotic associations: Lichen – Occurrence; General characteristics; Growth forms
and range of thallus organization; Nature of associations of algal and fungal partners;
Reproduction. Mycorrhiza-Ectomycorrhiza, Endomycorrhiza and their significance.
Applied Mycology: Role of fungi in biotechnology, Mushroom cultivation,
Application of fungi in food industry (Flavour & texture, Fermentation, Baking,
Organic acids, Enzymes, Mycoproteins); Secondary metabolites (Pharmaceutical
preparations); Agriculture (Biofertilizers); Mycotoxins; Biological control
(Mycofungicides, Mycoherbicides, Mycoinsecticides, Myconematicides); Medical
Phytopathology: Terms and concepts; General symptoms; Geographical distribution
of diseases; etiology; symptomology; Host- Pathogen relationships;disease cycle and
environmental relation; prevention and control of plant diseases, and role of
quarantine. Bacterial diseases – Citrus canker and angular leaf spot disease of Cotton.
Viral diseases – Tobacco Mosaic viruses, vein clearing. Fungal diseases – Early blight
of potato, Loose and covered smut.
(i) Introduction to the world of fungi (Unicellular, coenocytic/septate mycelium,
asocarps & basidiocarps).
(ii) Rhizopus: study of asexual stage from temporary mounts and sexual structures
through permanent slides.
(iii)Aspergillus and Penicillium: study of asexual stage from temporary mounts.
Study of Sexual stage from permanent slides/photographs.
(iv) Agaricus: Specimens of button stage and full grown mushroom; sectioning of
gills of Agaricus, and fairy rings are to be shown.
(v) Albugo: Study of symptoms of plants infected with Albugo; asexual phase study
throughsection/ temporary mounts and sexual structures through permanent slides.
(vi) Phytopathology: Herbarium specimens of bacterial diseases; Citrus Canker; Viral
diseases: Mosaic disease of ladies finger, papaya, cucurbits, moong, black gram,
Fungal diseases: Blast of rice, Tikka disease of ground nut, powdery mildew of
locally available plants and White rust of crucifers.
Text Books:
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Reference Books:
Core Paper IV
(i) Introduction: Unifying features of archegoniates; Transition to land habit;
Alternation of generations. General characteristics; Origin of land plants and
Adaptations to land habit;
Pteridophytes: General characteristics, classification. Classification (up to family),
morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Psilotum, Selaginella, Equisetum and
Pteris. Apogamy, and apospory, heterospory and seed habit, telome theory, stellar
evolution and economic importance.
Gymnosperms: General characteristics, classification (up to family), morphology,
anatomy and reproduction of Cycas, Pinus, Ginkgoand Gnetum.(Developmental
details not to be included).Ecological and economic importance.
Palaeobotany: Geological time scale,fossilsand fossilization process. Morphology,
anatomy and affinities of Rhynia, Calamites, Lepidodendron, Lyginopteris,
Cycadeoidea and Williamsonnia.
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(temporary slides), longitudinal section of strobilus (permanent slide).
(iv) Equisetum- Morphology, transverse section of internode, longitudinal section of
strobilus, transverse section of strobilus, whole mount of sporangiophore, whole mount of
spores (wet and dry) (temporary slide), transverse section of rhizome (permanent slide).
(v) Study from permanent slides of Ophioglossum (L.S. of spike), Marselia (L.S. of
sporocarp) and Lycopodium (L.S. of strobilus).
(vi) Pteris- Morphology, transverse section of rachis, vertical section of sporophyll, whole
mount of sporangium, whole mount of spores (temporary slides), transverse section of
rhizome, whole mount of prothallus with sex organs and young sporophyte (permanent
(vii) Cycas- Morphology (coralloid roots, bulbil, leaf), whole mount of microsporophyll
and meghaspore, T.S root, leaflet
(viii) Pinus- Morphology (long and dwarf shoots, whole mount of dwarf shoot, male and
femalecones), T.S. Needle, stem, L.S. male cone, whole mount of microsporophyll, whole
mount of Microspores (temporary slides), L.S.of female cone
(ix) Gnetum- Morphology (stem, male & female cones), transverse section of stem,
vertical section of ovule (permanent slide)
(x) Study of some fossil slides / photographs as per theory.
(xi) Botanical excursion/study tour.
Text Books:
1. P. R. Vasista (2017) Botany for Degree student, Bryophyta, S. Chand Publication, New
2. Singh, Pandey and Jain (2017). Archegoniate, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
Reference Books:
1. B. S. Acharya (2017), Archegoniate, Kalynai Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Vashistha, P.C., Sinha, A.K., Kumar, A. (2010). Pteridophyta. S. Chand. New Delhi,
3. Bhatnagar, S.P. & Moitra, A. (1996). Gymnosperms. New Age International (P) Ltd
Publishers,New Delhi, India.
4. Raven, P.H., Johnson, G.B., Losos, J.B., Singer, S.R. (2005). Biology. Tata McGraw
Hill, Delhi.
Core Paper V
(i) Introduction and scope of Plant Anatomy: Applications in systematics, forensics and
(ii) Tissues: Classification of tissues; Simple and complex tissues (no phylogeny); cyto-
differentiation of tracheary elements and sieve elements; Pits and plasmodesmata;
Cell wall ingrowths and transfer cells, adcrustation and incrustation, Ergastic
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(i) Stem: Organization of shoot apex (Apical cell theory, Histogen theory, Tunica Corpus
theory, continuing meristematic residue, cyto-histological zonation); Types of
vascular bundles; Anatomy of dicot and monocot stem. Vascular Cambium:
Structure, function and seasonal activity of cambium; secondary growth in stem
(normal and anomalous).
(i) Root: Organization of root apex (Apical cell theory, Histogen theory, Korper-Kappe
theory); Quiescentcentre; Root cap; Anatomy of dicot and monocot root; Endodermis,
exodermis and origin of lateral root. Secondary growth in roots.
(ii) Wood: Axially and radially oriented elements; Types of rays and axial parenchyma;
Cyclic aspects and reaction wood; Sapwood and heartwood; Ring and diffuse
porous wood; Early and late wood, tyloses; Dendrochronology.
Unit –IV
(i) Adaptive and Protective Systems Epidermal tissue system, cuticle, epicuticular
waxes, trichomes (uni-and multicellular, glandular and nonglandular: two examples
of each), stomata (classification); Anatomical adaptations of xerophytes and
(ii) Secretory System: Hydathodes, cavities, lithocysts and laticifers.
1. Study of distribution and types of parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma,
Xylem: Tracheary elements-tracheids, vessel elements; thickenings; perforation
plates; xylem fibres, Phloem: Sieve tubes-sieve plates; companion cells; phloem
2. Wood: ring porous; diffuse porous; tyloses; heart- and sapwood.
3. Epidermal system: cell types, stomata types; trichomes: non-glandular and glandular.
4. Root: monocot, dicot, secondary growth.
5. Stem: monocot, dicot - primary and secondary growth; periderm; lenticels.
6. Leaf: isobilateral, dorsiventral, C4 leaves (Kranz anatomy).
Text Books:
1. Singh, Pandey and Jain (2017). Anatomy of Angiosperms, Rastogi Publication,
Reference Books:
1. Eames and Mc Daniels ( ). An introduction to plant anatomy, Tata Mc Grow Hills,
New Delhi
2. Esau, K. (1977). Anatomy of Seed Plants. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Delhi.
3. M. S. Tayal (2012) Rajpal and Sons, New Delhi
4. B. K. Mishra (2017). Anatomy of Angiosperms, Kalynai Publishers, New Delhi.
5. B. P. Pandey (2017) Plant Anatomy, S. Chand Publication, New Delhi.
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Core Paper VI
(i) Origin of Cultivated Plants: Concept of Centres of Origin, their importance with
reference to Vavilov’s work. Examples of major plant introductions; Crop
domestication and loss of genetic diversity; evolution of newcrops/varieties,
importance of germplasm diversity.
(ii) Cereals: Brief account of Wheat, Rice and millets.
(iii)Legumes: General account, importance to man and ecosystem.
(iv) Sugars & Starches: Morphology and processing of sugarcane, products and by-
products of sugarcane industry. Potato – morphology, propagation & uses.
(i) Spices: Listing of important spices, their family and part used, economic importance
with special reference to fennel, saffron, clove and black pepper Beverages: Tea,
Coffee (morphology, processing & uses)
(ii) Drug-yielding plants: Therapeutic and habit-forming drugs with special reference to
Cinchona, Digitalis, Papaver and Cannabis.
(iii)Tobacco: Tobacco (Morphology, processing, uses and health hazards)
(i) Oils & Fats: General description, classification, extraction, their uses and health
implications groundnut, coconut, linseed and Brassica (Botanical name, family &
(ii) Essential Oils: General account, extraction methods, comparison with fatty oils &
their uses.
(i) Natural Rubber: Para-rubber: tapping, processing and uses.
(ii) Timber plants: General account with special reference to teak and pine. Fibers:
Classification based on the origin of fibers, Cotton and Jute (morphology, extraction
and uses).
(i) Cereals: Rice (habit sketch, study of paddy and grain, starch grains).
(ii) Legumes: Soya bean/moong bean/black gram, Groundnut, (habit, fruit, seed
structure, micro-chemical tests).
(iii) Sugars & Starches: Sugarcane (habit sketch; cane juice- micro-chemical tests),
Potato (habit sketch, tuber morphology, T.S. tuber to show localization of starch
grains, starch grains, micro-chemical tests).
(iv) Spice and Beverages: clove, black pepper ,Tea (plant specimen, tea leaves), Coffee
(plant specimen, beans).
(v) Oils & Fats: Groundnut, Mustard–plant specimen, seeds; tests for fats in
(vi) Drug-yielding plants: Specimens of Digitalis, Papaver and Cannabis.
(vii) Woods: Tectona, Pinus/Sal: Specimen, Section of young stem.
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(viii)Fiber-yielding plants: Cotton (specimen, whole mount of seed to show lint and
fuzz; whole mount of fiber and test for cellulose), Jute (specimen, transverse section
of stem, test for lignin on transverse section of stem and fiber).
Text Books:
1. B. P. Pandey (2017) Economic Botany. S. Chand Publication, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Kochhar, S.L. (2012). Economic Botany in Tropics, MacMillan & Co. New Delhi,
2. Samba Murty and Subrahmanyam (2011). Text Book of Modern Economic Botany,
CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
3. Hill, Albert F. Economic Botany, Tata Mc Grow Hill Publishing Company, Ltd. New
4. Wickens, G.E. (2001). Economic Botany: Principles & Practices. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, The Netherlands.
5. Singh, Pandey and Jain (2017). Economic Botany, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
6. B. Baruah (2017). Economic Botany, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
(i) Mendelian genetics and its extension Mendelism: History; Principles of inheritance;
Chromosome theory of inheritance; Autosomes and sex chromosomes; Incomplete
dominance and codominance; Multiple alleles, Lethal alleles, Epistasis, Pleiotropy,
Recessive and Dominanttraits, Polygenic inheritance.
(ii) Extrachromosomal Inheritance:Chloroplast mutation: Variegation in Four o’clock
plant; Mitochondrial mutations in yeast; Maternal effects-shell coiling in snail;
Infective heredity- Kappa particles in Paramecium.
Linkage, crossing over and chromosome mapping: Linkage and crossing over-
Cytological basis of crossing over; Recombination frequency, two factor and three
factor crosses; Interference and coincidence; Numericals based on gene mapping;
Sex Linkage.
(i) Variation in chromosome number and structure: Deletion, Duplication, Inversion,
Translocation, Position effect, Euploidy and Aneuploidy
(ii) Gene mutations: Types of mutations; Molecular basis of Mutations; Mutagens –
physical and chemical (Base analogs, deaminating, alkylating and intercalating
agents); Detection of mutations: CIB method. Role of Transposons in mutation. DNA
repair mechanisms.
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(i) Fine structure of gene: Classical vs. molecular concepts of gene; Cis-Trans
complementation test for functional allelism; Structure of Phage T4, rII Locus.
(ii) Population and Evolutionary Genetics: Gene pool, Allele frequencies, Genotype
frequencies, Hardy-Weinberg Law, role of natural selection, mutation, genetic drift.
Genetic variation and Speciation.
Text Books:
1. B. D. Singh (2017). Fundamental of Genetics, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
2. P. K. Gupta (2017). Genetics, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
Reference Books:
1. Gardner, E.J., Simmons, M.J., Snustad, D.P. (1991). Principles of Genetics, John
Wiley & Sons,India. 8th edition.
2. Sinnot, Dunn and Dobzhansky (1985) Principles of Genetics, Tata Mc Grow Hill,
New Delhi
3. Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., Spencer, C.A. (2012). Concepts of Genetics.
BenjaminCummings, U.S.A. 10th edition.
4. Griffiths, A.J.F., Wessler, S.R., Carroll, S.B., Doebley, J. (2010). Introduction to
GeneticAnalysis. W.H. Freeman and Co., U.S.A. 10th edition.
5. Strickberger, Monroe, W. Genetics, Pearson Publishers, 3rd Edition
6. V. B. Rastogi (2017). Genetics, KedarNath & RamNath, Meerut
Nucleic acids : Carriers of genetic information: Historical perspective; DNA as the
carrier of genetic information (Griffith’s, Hershey & Chase, Avery, McLeod &
McCarty), Types of genetic material, denaturation and renaturation, cot curves.
Organization of DNA and structure of RNA- Prokaryotes, Viruses, Eukaryotes,
Fraenkel-Conrat’s experiment. Organelle DNA - mitochondria and chloroplast DNA.
The Nucleosome -Chromatin structure- Euchromatin, Heterochromatin- Constitutive
and Facultative heterochromatin.
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(i) The replication of DNA: Chemistry of DNA synthesis (Kornberg’s discovery);
General principles – bidirectional, semi-conservative and semi discontinuous
replication, RNA priming; Various models of DNA replication, including rolling
circle, θ (theta) mode of replication, replication of linear ds-DNA, replication of the
5′ end of linear chromosome; Enzymes involved in DNA replication.
(ii) Central dogma and genetic code: Key experiments establishing-The Central Dogma
(Adaptor hypothesis and discovery of mRNA template), Genetic code (deciphering
& salient features)
(iii)Processing and modification of RNA: Split genes-concept of introns and exons,
removal of introns, spliceosome machinery, splicing pathways, group I & group II
intron splicing, alternative splicing eukaryotic mRNA processing (5′ cap, 3′ polyA
tail); Ribozymes, exon shuffling; RNA editing and mRNA transport.
Mechanism of Transcription: Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes;
Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: Principles of transcriptional
regulation; Prokaryotes: Operon concept- Regulation of lactose metabolism and
tryptophan synthesis in E.coli. Eukaryotes: transcription factors, heat shock proteins,
steroids and peptide hormones; Gene silencing
Translation (Prokaryotes and eukaryotes): Ribosome structure and assembly;
Charging of tRNA, aminoacyl tRNA synthetases; Various steps in protein synthesis,
proteins involved in initiation, elongation and termination of polypeptides; Fidelity of
translation; Inhibitors of protein synthesis; Post-translational modifications of
1. Preparation of LB medium and raising E. coli.
2. Isolation of genomic DNA from E. coli./onion roots
3. RNA estimation by orcinol method.
4. DNA estimation by diphenylamine reagent/UV Spectrophotometry.
5. Photographs establishing nucleic acid as genetic material (Messelson and Stahl’s,
Avery et al, Griffith’s, Hershey & Chase’s and Fraenkel & Conrat’s experiments)
6. Study of Barr body from buccal smear preparation.
Text Books:
1. P. K. Gupta (2017). Molecular Biology, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
Reference Books:
1. Watson J.D., Baker, T.A., Bell, S.P., Gann, A., Levine, M., Losick, R. (2007).
MolecularBiology of the Gene, Pearson Benjamin Cummings, CSHL Press,
New York, U.S.A. 6th edition.
2. Snustad, D.P. and Simmons, M.J. (2010). Principles of Genetics. John Wiley
and Sons Inc.,U.S.A. 5th edition.
3. Klug, W.S., Cummings, M.R., Spencer, C.A. (2009). Concepts of Genetics.
BenjaminCummings.U.S.A. 9th edition.
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4. Sheelar and Bianchi (2009) Molecular Biology of the Cell, Willey Publisher,
New Delhi
5. Griffiths, A.J.F., Wessler, S.R., Carroll, S.B., Doebley, J. (2010). Introduction
to GeneticAnalysis. W.H. Freeman and Co., U.S.A. 10th edition.
6. Bruce Alberts et al. 2014. Molecular Biology of the cell Garland Science. 6 th
7. C. B. Power (2017) Cell Biology, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
8. AC. Sahu (2017). Essentials of Molecular Biology, Kalynai Publishers, New
Core Paper IX
(i) Soil: Formation; Composition; Physical; Chemical and Biological components; Soil
profile; Role of climate in soil development.
(ii) Water: Importance: States of water in the environment; Atmospheric moisture;
Precipitation types (rain, fog, snow, hail, dew); Hydrological Cycle; Water in soil;
Water table.
Biotic interactions and Population ecology: Characteristics and Dynamics.
Plant communities: Concept of ecological amplitude; Habitat and niche; Characters:
analytical and synthetic; Ecotone and edge effect; Dynamics: succession – processes, types;
climax concepts.
(i) Ecosystems: Structure; Processes; Trophic organisation; Food chains and Food
webs; Ecological pyramids.
(ii) Functional aspects of ecosystem: Principles and models of energy flow; Production
and productivity; Ecological efficiencies; Biogeochemical cycles; Cycling of
Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus.
(iii)Phytogeography: Principles; Continental drift; Theory of tolerance; Endemism;
Phytogeographical division of India; Local Vegetation.
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Text Books:
1. Sharma, P.D. (2017). Fundamentals of Ecology. Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India.
Reference Books:
1. Odum, E.P. (2005). Fundamentals of ecology. Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi. 5thedition.
2. Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P., Gupta, S. (2006). Ecology Environment and Resource
Conservation.Anamaya Publications, New Delhi, India.
3. Wilkinson, D.M. (2007). Fundamental Processes in Ecology: An Earth Systems
Approach.Oxford University Press. U.S.A.
4. Kormondy, E.J. (1996). Concepts of ecology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, India.
4th edition.
5. Santra, S. C. (2015) Environmental Science. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
6. M. C. Das and S. P. Das (2009). Fundamental of Ecology.Tata MGrow Hill, New
7. Shukla and Chandel (2016). A text book of Plant Ecology. S Chand Publication, New
Core Paper X
Plant identification, Classification, Nomenclature; Biosystematics. Identification: Field
inventory; Functions of Herbarium; Important herbaria and botanical gardens of the world
and India; Virtual herbarium; E-flora; Documentation: Flora, Monographs, Journals; Keys:
Single access and Multi-access
Taxonomic hierarchy: Concept of taxa (family, genus, species); Categories and taxonomic
hierarchy; Species concept (taxonomic, biological, evolutionary).
Page 17 of 50
Botanical nomenclature: Principles and rules (ICN); Ranks and names; Typification, author
citation, valid publication, rejection of names, principle of priority and its limitations; Names
of hybrids.
(i) Systematics- an interdisciplinary science: Evidence from palynology, cytology,
phytochemistry and molecular data.
(ii) Systems of classification: Major contributions of Theophrastus, Bauhin, Tournefort,
Linnaeus, Adanson, de Candolle, Bessey, Hutchinson, Takhtajan and Cronquist;
Classification systems of Bentham and Hooker (up to series) and Hutchinson (up to
series); Brief reference of Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG III) classification.
Phylogeny of Angiosperms: Terms and concepts (primitive and advanced, homology and
analogy, parallelism and convergence, monophyly, Paraphyly, polyphyly and clades).
Origin& evolution of angiosperms; co- evolution of angiosperms and animals; methods of
illustrating evolutionary relationship (phylogenetic tree, cladogram).
Families of Angiosperms : Descriptive studies of Magnoliaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiacae,
Liliaceae, Poaceae, and Orchidaceae
(i) Study of vegetative and floral characters of available materials of the following
families (Description, V.S. flower, section of ovary, floral diagram/s, floral
formula/e and systematic position according to Bentham & Hooker’s system of
classification): Magnoliaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiacae, Liliaceae, Poaceae, and
Orchidaceae as per theory syllabus.
(ii) Field visit, plant collection and herbarium preparation and submission. Mounting of
a properly dried and pressed specimen of any wild plant with herbarium label (to be
submitted in the record book)
Text Books:
1. O. P. Sharma (2009) Plant Taxonomy, Tata Mc Grow Hill, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Singh, G. (2012). Plant Systematics: Theory and Practice. Oxford & IBH Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.3rdedition.
2. Jeffrey, C. (1982). An Introduction to Plant Taxonomy. Cambridge University Press,
3. Judd, W.S., Campbell, C.S., Kellogg, E.A., Stevens, P.F. (2002). Plant Systematics-
APhylogenetic Approach. Sinauer Associates Inc., U.S.A. 2nd edition.
4. Saxena, H. O. and Brahman, M..The Flora of Orissa, CSIR Publication.
5. T. K. Bose (2009). Trees of the World, Regional Plant Resource Centre,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
6. Radford, A.E. (1986). Fundamentals of Plant Systematics. Harper and Row, New
7. Hanes, H. H. (2009). Botany of Bihar and Orissa,
Page 18 of 50
8. C. R. Mohanty (2017). Text Book of Plant Systematics, Kalynai Publisher, New
9. M. S. Subrahmainayam (2011) Modern Plant Taxonomy, Vikash Publishing House,
New Delhi
10. B. P. Pandey (2017). Taxonomy of Angiosperm. S. Chand Publication.
Core Paper XI
(i) Introduction: History and scope.
(ii) Anther: Anther wall: Structure and functions, micro-sporogenesis, callose
deposition and its significance.
(iii)Pollen biology: Micro-gametogenesis; Pollen wall structure, MGU (male germ unit)
structure, NPC system; Palynology and scope (a brief account); Pollen wall proteins;
Pollen viability, storage and germination; Abnormal features: Pseudomonads,
polyads, massulae, pollinia.
Ovule: Structure; Types; Special structures–endothelium, obturator, aril, caruncle and
hypostase; Female gametophyte– mega-sporogenesis and mega-gametogenesis; Types and
ultra structure of mature embryo sac (Details of Polygonum type).
(i) Pollination and fertilization: Pollination types and significance; adaptations;
structure of stigma and style; path of pollen tube in pistil; double fertilization.
(ii) Self incompatibility: Basic concepts; Methods to overcome self- incompatibility:
mixed pollination, bud pollination, stub pollination; Intraovarian and in vitro
pollination; Modification of stigma surface.
(i) Endosperm: development, structure and functions
(ii) Embryo: Types of embryogeny; General pattern of development of dicot and
monocot embryo; Suspensor: structure and functions; Embryo- endosperm
relationship; Nutrition of embryo; Embryo development in Paeonia.
(iii)Seed: Structure, importance and dispersal mechanisms
(iv) Polyembryony and apomixes: Introduction; Classification; Causes and applications.
(i) Anther: Wall and its ontogeny; Tapetum (amoeboid and glandular); MMC,
spore tetrads, uninucleate, bicelled and dehisced anther stages through
slides/micrographs, male germ unit (MGU) through photographs and schematic
(ii) Pollen grains: Fresh and acetolyzed showing ornamentation and aperture,
psuedomonads, polyads, pollinia (slides/photographs,fresh material),
ultrastructure of pollen wall (micrograph); Pollen viability: Tetrazolium test,
Germination: Calculation of percentage germination in different media using
hanging drop method.
Page 19 of 50
(iii) Ovule:Types-anatropous, orthotropous, amphitropous/campylotropous,
circinotropous, unitegmic, bitegmic; Tenuinucellate and crassinucellate; Special
structures: Endothelium, obturator, hypostase, caruncle and aril (permanent
slides/specimens/photographs). Female gametophyte through permanent slides/
photographs: Types, ultrastructure of mature egg apparatus.
Text Books:
1. Singh, Pandy and Jain (2017). Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms, Rastogi
Publications, Meerut
Reference Books:
1. P Maheswari (2009). Embryology of Angiosperms.
2. Shivanna, K.R. (2003). Pollen Biology and Biotechnology. Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co. Pvt.Ltd. Delhi.
3. Raghavan, V. (2000). Developmental Biology of Flowering plants, Springer,
4. Johri, B.M. l (1984). Embryology of Angiosperms, Springer-Verlag, Netherlands.
5. Bhojwani, S.S. and Bhatnagar, S.P. (2011). The Embryology of Angiosperms, Vikas
Publishing House. Delhi. 5th edition.
6. B. K. Mishra (2017). Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms Kalynai Publishers, New
Core Paper XII
(i) Plant water relationship: Water Potential and its components, water absorption by
roots, aquaporins, pathway of water movement, symplast, apoplast, trans-membrane
pathways, root pressure, guttation. Ascent of sap– cohesion-tension theory.
Transpiration and factors affecting transpiration, anti-transpirants, mechanism of
stomatal movement.
(ii) Translocation in the phloem: Experimental evidence in support of phloem as the site
of sugar translocation. Pressure–Flow Model; Phloem loading and unloading; Source–
sink relationship.
(i) Mineral nutrition: Essential and beneficial elements, macro and micronutrients,
methods of study and use of nutrient solutions, criteria for essentiality, mineral
deficiency symptoms, roles of essential elements, chelating agents.
(ii) Nutrient Uptake: Soil as a nutrient reservoir, transport of ions across cell membrane,
passive absorption, electrochemical gradient, facilitated diffusion, active absorption,
role of ATP, carrier systems,proton ATPase pump and ion flux, uniport, co-transport,
symport, and antiport.
Page 20 of 50
Plant growth regulators: Discovery, chemical nature (basic structure), bioassay and
physiological roles of Auxin, Gibberellins, Cytokinin, Abscisic acid, Ethylene.
Brassinosteroids and Jasmonic acid.
(i) Physiology of flowering: Photoperiodism, flowering stimulus, florigen concept,
vernalization, seed dormancy.
(ii) Phytochrome: Discovery, chemical nature, role of phytochrome in photo-
morphogenesis, low energy responses (LER) and high irradiance responses (HIR),
mode of action.
Page 21 of 50
Core Paper XIII
(i) Carbon Oxidation: Glycolysis, fate of pyruvate, regulation of glycolysis, oxidative
pentose phosphate pathway, oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate, regulation of
PDH, NADH shuttle; TCA cycle,amphibolic role, anaplerotic reactions, regulation
of the cycle, mitochondrial electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation, cyanide-
resistant respiration, factors affecting respiration.
(ii) ATP-Synthesis: Mechanism of ATP synthesis, substrate level phosphorylation,
chemiosmotic mechanism (oxidative and photo- phosphorylation), ATP synthase,
Boyers conformational model, Racker’s experiment, Jagendorf’s experiment; role of
(i) Lipid metabolism: Synthesis and breakdown of triglycerides, β-oxidation, glyoxylate
cycle, gluco-neogenesis and its role in mobilisation of lipids during seed germination,
α oxidation.
(ii) Nitrogen metabolism: Nitrate assimilation, biological nitrogen fixation (examples of
legumes and non-legumes); Physiology and biochemistry of nitrogen fixation;
Ammonia assimilation and trans-amination.
1. Isolation and quantitization of photosynthetic pigments.
2. Experimental demonstration of Hill’s reaction.
3. To study the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.
4. Effect of carbon dioxide on the rate of photosynthesis.
5. To compare the rate of respiration in different parts of a plant.
6. Demonstration of absorption spectrum of photosynthetic pigments.
Text Books:
1. S, K. Gupta (2017). Plant Metabolism, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
Reference Books:
1. Hopkins, W.G. and Huner, A. (2008). Introduction to Plant Physiology. John Wiley
Plant Tissue Culture: Historical perspective; Aseptic tissue culture techniques, Composition
of media; Nutrient and hormone requirements (role of vitamins and hormones). Totipotency;
Organogenesis; Embryogenesis (somatic and zygotic); Protoplast isolation, culture and
fusion; Tissue culture applications (micropropagation, androgenesis, virus elimination,
secondary metabolite production, haploids, triploids and hybrids; Cryopreservation;
Germplasm Conservation).
Recombinant DNA technology-I: Restriction Endonucleases (History, Types I-IV, biological
role and application); Restriction Mapping (Linear and Circular); Cloning Vectors:
Prokaryotic (pUC 18 and pUC19, pBR322, Ti plasmid, BAC); Lambda phage, M13
phagemid, Cosmid, Shuttle vector; Eukaryotic Vectors (YAC and briefly PAC, MAC,
HAC).Gene Cloning (Recombinant DNA, Bacterial Transformation and selection of
recombinant clones, PCR-mediated gene cloning).
Recombinant DNA technology-II: Gene Construct; construction of genomic and cDNA
libraries, screening DNA libraries to obtain gene of interest by genetic selection;
complementation, colony hybridization; Probes-oligonucleotide, heterologous, Methods of
gene transfer- Agrobacterium-mediated, Direct gene transfer by Electroporation,
Microinjection, Microprojectile bombardment; Selection of transgenics– selectable marker
and reporter genes (Luciferase, GUS, GFP).
Applications of Biotechnology: Pest resistant (Bt-cotton); herbicide resistant plants
(RoundUp Ready soybean); Transgenic crops with improved quality traits (Flavr Savr
tomato, Golden rice); Improved horticultural varieties (Moondust carnations); Role of
transgenics in bioremediation (Superbug); edible vaccines; Industrial enzymes (Aspergillase,
Protease, Lipase); Gentically Engineered Products–Human Growth Hormone; Humulin;
Biosafety concerns.
Text Books:
1. H. S. Chawla (2010). Introduction to Plant Biotechnology.Oxford & IBH
Publishing Co.Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Bhojwani, S.S. and Razdan, M.K., (1996). Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and
Practice. Elsevier Science Amsterdam. The Netherlands.
2. Glick, B.R., Pasternak, J.J. (2003). Molecular Biotechnology- Principles and
Applications of recombinant DNA. ASM Press, Washington.
3. Stewart, C.N. Jr. (2008). Plant Biotechnology & Genetics: Principles, Techniques
and Applications. John Wiley & Sons Inc. U.S.A.
4. Y. P. S. Bajaj Series, Springer Verlag
5. B. D. Singh (2018). Plant Biotechnology Kalynai Publishers, New Delhi.
6. P. K. Gupta (2017). Plant Biotechnology, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
7. R. C. Dubey (2017). Advanced Biotechnology, S, Chand Publication, New Delhi
Cell fractionation: Centrifugation: Differential and density gradient centrifugation,
sucrosedensity gradient, CsCl2gradient, analytical centrifugation, ultracentrifugation.
Radioisotopes: Use in biological research, auto-radiography, pulse chase experiment.
Spectrophotometry: Principle and its application in biological research.
Chromatography: Principle; Paper chromatography; Column chromatography,
TLC, GLC, HPLC, Ion-exchange chromatography; Molecular sieve chromatography;
Affinity chromatography. Characterization of proteins and nucleic acids: Mass spectrometry;
X-ray diffraction; X-ray crystallography; Characterization
of proteins and nucleic acids;
Electrophoresis: AGE, PAGE, SDS-PAGE
Biostatistics: Statistics, data, population, samples, parameters; Representation of Data:
Tabular, Graphical; Measures of central tendency: Arithmetic mean, mode, median; Measures
of dispersion: Range, mean deviation, variation, standard deviation; Chi-square test for
goodness of fit. T-Test and correlation.
Text Books:
1. C. S. Patil (2017). Advanced Analytical Techniques, ABE Books, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Plummer, D.T. (1996). An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry. Tata McGraw-
(i) Natural resources: Definition and types.
(ii) Sustainable utilization :Concept, approaches (economic, ecological and socio-
(iii) Land: Utilization (agricultural, horticultural, silvicultural); Soil degradation
and management.
(iv) Water: Fresh water (rivers, lakes, groundwater, water harvesting technology, rain
water storage and utilization.
Biological Resources: Biodiversity-definition and types; Significance; Threats; Management
strategies; Bioprospecting; IPR; CBD; National Biodiversity Action Plan).
Forests: Definition, Cover and its significance (with special reference to India); Major and
minor forest products; Depletion; Management.
(i) Energy: Renewable and non-renewable sources of energy-solar, wind, tidal,
geothermal and bioenergy resources.
(ii) Contemporary practices in resource management: EIA, GIS,
Participatory Resource Appraisal, Ecological Footprint with emphasis on carbon
Resource Accounting; Waste management. National and international efforts in resource
management and conservation
(i) Estimation of solid waste generated by a domestic system (biodegradable and non-
biodegradable) and its impact on land degradation.
(ii) Collections of data on forest cover of specific area.
(iii) Measurement of dominance of woody species by DBH (diameter at breast height)
(iv) Calculation and analysis of ecological footprint.
(v) Ecological modeling.
Text Books:
1. B. W. Pandey. 2005. Natural Resource Management. Mittal Publication, New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Vasudevan, N. (2006). Essentials of Environmental Science. Narosa Publishing
House,New Delhi.
2. Singh, J. S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S. (2006). Ecology, Environment and
ResourceConservation. Anamaya Publications, New Delhi.
3. Rogers, P.P., Jalal, K.F. and Boyd, J.A. (2008). An Introduction to Sustainable
Development. Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi.
Discipline Specific Elective Paper-1II
(i) Introduction: Scope and importance, Branches of horticulture; Role in rural
economy and employment generation; Importance in food and nutritional security;
Urban horticulture and ecotourism.
(ii) Ornamental plants: Types, classification (annuals, perennials, climbers and trees);
Identification and salient features of some ornamental plants [rose, marigold,
gladiolus, carnations, orchids, poppies, gerberas, tuberose, sages, cacti and succulents
(Opuntia, Agave and spurges)]
(i) Fruit and vegetable crops: Production, origin and distribution; Description of plants
and their economic products; Management and marketing of vegetable and fruit crops.
(ii) Horticultural techniques: Application of manure, fertilizers, nutrients and PGRs;
Weed control; Biofertilizers, biopesticides; Irrigation methods (drip irrigation, surface
irrigation, furrow and border irrigation); Hydroponics; Propagation Methods: asexual
(grafting, cutting, layering, budding), sexual (seed propagation), Scope and
(iii)Landscaping and garden design :Planning and layout (parks and avenues); gardening
traditions - Ancient Indian, European, Mughal and Japanese Gardens; Urban forestry;
policies and practices.
(i) Post-harvest technology: Importance of post harvest technology in horticultural crops;
Evaluation of quality traits; Harvesting and handling of fruits, vegetables and cut
flowers; Principles, methods of preservation and processing; Methods of minimizing
loses during storage and transportation;
(ii) Disease control and management: Field and post-harvest diseases; Identification of
deficiency symptoms; remedial measures and nutritional management practices; Crop
sanitation; IPM strategies (genetic, biological and chemical methods for pest control);
Quarantine practices;
(i) Post-harvest technology: Importance of post harvest technology in horticultural crops;
Evaluation of quality traits; Harvesting and handling of fruits, vegetables and cut
flowers; Principles, methods of preservation and processing; Methods of minimizing
loses during storage and transportation;
(ii) Disease control and management : Field and post-harvest diseases; Identification of
deficiency symptoms; remedial measures and nutritional management practices; Crop
sanitation; IPM strategies (genetic, biological and chemical methods for pest control);
Quarantine practices;
Horticultural crops - conservation and management: Documentation and conservation of
germplasm; Role of micropropagation and tissue culture techniques; Varieties and cultivars
of various horticultural crops; IPR issues; National, international and professional societies
and sources of information on horticulture.
Practical related to theory
Text Books:
1. K. V. Peter. (2009). Basics of Horticulture, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Singh, D. & Manivannan, S. (2009). Genetic Resources of Horticultural Crops. Ridhi
International, Delhi, India.
2. Swaminathan, M.S. and Kochhar, S.L. (2007). Groves of Beauty and Plenty: An Atlas
of Major Flowering Trees in India. Macmillan Publishers, India.
5. Capon, B. (2010). Botany for Gardeners. 3rd Edition. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon.
(i) Scope of microbes in industry and environment: Bioreactors/Fermenters and
fermentation processes: Solid-state and liquid-state (stationary and submerged)
fermentations; Batch and continuous fermentations. Components of a typical
bioreactor, Types of bioreactors- laboratory.
Microbial enzymes of industrial interest and enzyme immobilization: Microorganisms for
industrial applications and hands on screening microorganisms for casein hydrolysis; starch
hydrolysis; cellulose hydrolysis. Methods of immobilization, advantages and applications of
immobilization, large scale applications of immobilized enzymes (glucose isomerase and
penicillin acylase).
Microbes and quality of environment: Distribution of microbes in air; Isolation of
microorganisms from soil, air and water.
Microbial flora of water: Water pollution, role of microbes in sewage and domestic waste
water treatment systems. Determination of BOD, COD, TDS and TOC of water samples;
Microorganisms as indicators of water quality.
Microbes in agriculture and remediation of contaminated soils: Biological fixation;
Mycorrhizae; Bioremediation of contaminated soils. Isolation of root nodulating bacteria,
arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in plant roots.
1.Principles and functioning of instruments in microbiology laboratory
2.Hands on sterilization techniques and preparation of culture media
3. Screening microorganisms for industrial use.
4. Mycorrhiza, arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization in plant roots
5. Determination of BOD, COD, TDS and TOC of water samples;
6.Microorganisms as indicators of water quality
Text Books:
1. P. D. Sharma. (2017) Environmental Microbiology. Rastogi Publications, Meerut.
Suggested Readings
1. Pelzar, M.J. Jr., Chen E.C. S., Krieg, N.R. (2010). Microbiology: An application
based approach. Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
2. Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R., Case. C.L. (2007). Microbiology. Pearson Benjamin
Cummings, San Francisco, U.S.A. 9th edition.
3.Pradipta K. Mohapatra (2008). Text Book of Environmental Microbiology, I. K.
International Publishing House, New Delhi
4. A. K. Rath (2018). Industrial and Environmental Microbiology, Kalyani Publishers,
New Delhi.
Microbes :Viruses – Discovery, general structure, replication (general account), DNA virus
(T-phage); Lytic and lysogenic cycle, RNA virus (TMV); Economic importance; Bacteria –
Discovery, General characteristics and cell structure; Reproduction – vegetative, asexual and
recombination (conjugation, transformation and transduction); Economic importance.
(i) Algae: General characteristics; Ecology and distribution; Range of thallus organization
and reproduction; Morphology and life- cycles of the following: Chlamydomonas,
Oedogonium, Nostoc and Fucus, Vaucheria, Polysiphonia, Economic importance of
(ii) Fungi : Introduction- General characteristics, ecology and significance, range of thallus
organization, cell wall composition , nutrition, reproduction and classification; True
Fungi- General characteristics, ecology and significance, life cycle of Rhizopus
(Zygomycota) Penicillium (Ascomycota), Agaricus Basidiomycota); Symbiotic
(i) Bryophytes :General characteristics, adaptations to land habit, Classification, Range of
thallus organization, Classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and
reproduction of Marchantia and Funaria (Developmental details not to be
included).Ecology and economic importance of bryophytes.
(ii) Pteridophytes : General characteristics, classification, Early land plants (Cooksonia
and Rhynia). Classification (up to family), morphology, anatomy and reproduction of
Selaginella, Equisetum and Pteris (Developmental details not to be
included).Heterospory and seed habit, stellar evolution. Ecological and economical
importance of Pteridophytes.
Gymnosperms: General characteristics, classification.Classification (up to family),
morphology, anatomy and reproduction of Cycas, Pinus and Gnetum. (Developmental details
not to be included).Ecological and economical importance.
1. Gram staining
2. Study of vegetative and reproductive structures of Nostoc, Chlamydomonas
(electron micrographs), Oedogonium, Vaucheria, and Polysiphonia through
temporary preparations and permanent slides.
3. Rhizopus and Penicillium: Asexual stage from temporary ounts and sexual
structuresthrough permanent slides.
4. Agaricus: Specimens of button stage and full grown mushroom; Sectioning of gills of
5. Marchantia- morphology of thallus, w.m. rhizoids and scales, v.s. thallus through
gemma cup, w.m. gemmae (all 30temporary slides), v.s. antheridiophore,
archegoniophore, l.s. sporophyte (all permanent slides).
6. Selaginella- morphology, w.m. leaf with ligule, t.s. stem, w.m. strobilus,
w.m.microsporophyll and megasporophyll (temporary slides), l.s. strobilus
(permanent slide).
8. Cycas- morphology (coralloid roots, bulbil, leaf), t.s. coralloid root, t.s. rachis, v.s.
leaflet,v.s. microsporophyll, w.m. spores (temporary slides), l.s. ovule, t.s. root
(permanent slide).
9. Pinus- morphology (long and dwarf shoots, w.m. dwarf shoot, male and female),
w.m.dwarf shoot, t.s. needle, t.s. stem, , l.s./t.s. male cone, w.m. microsporophyll,
w.m. microspores (temporary slides), l.s. female cone, t.l.s. &r.l.s. stem (permanent
Text Books:
1. Mitra, Mitra and Choudhury. Studies in Botany Volume 1. Moulik Publisher, Kolkata.
Ninth Revised Edition
Reference Books:
1. Kumar, H.D. (1999). Introductory Phycology. Affiliated East-West. Press Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi.2nd edition.
2. Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R., Case, C.L. (2010). Microbiology: An Introduction, Pearson
Benjamin Cummings, U.S.A. 10th edition.
3. Sethi, I.K. and Walia, S.K. (2011). Text book of Fungi & Their Allies, Mac Millan
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
4. Alexopoulos, C.J., Mims, C.W., Blackwell, M. (1996). Introductory Mycology,
JohnWiley and Sons (Asia), Singapore. 4th edition.
5. Raven, P.H., Johnson, G.B., Losos, J.B., Singer, S.R., (2005). Biology. Tata McGraw
Hill, Delhi, India.
6. Vashishta, P.C., Sinha, A.K., Kumar, A., (2010). Pteridophyta, S. Chand. Delhi, India.
7. Bhatnagar, S.P. and Moitra, A. (1996). Gymnosperms. New Age International (P)
LtdPublishers, New Delhi, India.
8. Parihar, N.S. (1991). An introduction to Embryophyta. Vol. I. Bryophyta. Central Book
Depot, Allahabad.
9. B. P. Pandey (2017), Botany for degree studies (as per CBCS). S.Chand
10. B. S. Acharya and B. K. Mishra (2018). Plant Biodiversity, Kalyani Publishers, New
Generic Elective Paper II
(i) Ecological factors: Soil: Origin, formation, composition, soil profile. Water: States of
water in the environment, precipitation types. Light and temperature: Variation
Optimal and limiting factors; Shelford law of tolerance. Adaptation of hydrophytes
and xerophytes
(ii) Plant communities : Characters; Ecotone and edge effect; Succession; Processes and
(i) Ecosystem : Structure; Biotic and abiotic components, energy flow trophic
organisation; Food chains and food webs, Ecological pyramids production and
productivity; Biogeochemical cycling; Cycling of carbon, nitrogen and Phosphorous
(ii) Phytogeography: Principle biogeographical zones; Endemism
(i) Introduction to plant taxonomy: Identification, Classification,
(ii) Identification : Functions of Herbarium, important herbaria and botanical gardens of
the world and India; Documentation: Flora, Keys: single access and multi-access
Text Books:
1. Sharma, P.D. (2017). Fundamentals of Ecology. Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India.
Reference Books:
1. Kormondy, E.J. (1996). Concepts of Ecology. Prentice Hall, U.S.A. 4th edition.
2. Sharma, P.D. (2010) Ecology and Environment. Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India. 8
3. Simpson, M.G. (2006). Plant Systematics. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA,
4. Singh, G. (2012). Plant Systematics: Theory and Practice. Oxford & IBH Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi. 3rd edition.
5. A. C. Sahu (2017). Plant Ecology and Phytogeography, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
6. M. C. Das and S. P. Das (2009). Fundamental of Ecology.Tata MGrow Hill, New Delhi.
7. Shukla and Chandel (2016). A text book of Plant Ecology. S Chand Publication, New
8. C. R. Mohanty (2017). Text Book of Plant Systematics, Kalynai Publisher, New Delhi.
(i) Plant-water relations: Importance of water, water potential and its components;
Transpiration and its significance; Factors affecting transpiration; Root pressure and
(ii) Mineral nutrition: Essential elements, macro and micronutrients; Criteria of
essentiality of elements; Role of essential elements; Transport of ions across cell
membrane, active and passive transport, carriers, channels and pumps.
(iii)Translocation in phloem.: Composition of phloem sap, girdling experiment; Pressure
flow model; Phloem loading and unloading
(i) Photosynthesis: Photosynthetic Pigments (Chl a, b, xanthophylls, carotene);
Photosystem I and II, reaction center, antenna molecules; Electron transport and
mechanism of ATP synthesis; C3, C4 and CAM pathways of carbon fixation.
(ii) Respiration: Glycolysis, anaerobic respiration, TCA cycle; Oxidative
(i) Enzymes: Structure and properties; Mechanism of enzyme catalysis and enzyme
(ii) Nitrogen metabolism :Biological nitrogen fixation; Nitrate and ammonia assimilation.
(i) Plant growth regulators :Discovery and physiological roles of auxins, gibberellins,
cytokinins, ABA, ethylene.
(ii) Plant response to light and temperature: Photoperiodism (SDP, LDP, Day neutral
plants); Phytochrome (discovery and structure), red and far red light responses on
Text Books:
1. A. C. Sahu (2018). Plant Physiology and Metabolism. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., MØller, I.M. and Murphy, A (2015). Plant Physiology and
Development. Sinauer Associates Inc. USA. 6th edition.
2. Hopkins, W.G., Huner, N.P., (2009). Introduction to Plant Physiology. John Wiley &
Sons, U.S.A. 4th Edition.
3. Bajracharya, D., (1999). Experiments in Plant Physiology- A Laboratory Manual.
Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
4. H. S. Srivatava. Plant Physiology, Rastogi Publications, New Delhi
Generic Elective Paper IV
(i) Meristematic and permanent tissues : Root and shoot apical meristems; Simple and
complex tissues
(ii) Organs :Anatomy of dicot and monocot root stem and leaf.
(i) Secondary Growth :Vascular cambium – structure and function, seasonal activity.
Secondary growth in and stem, Wood (heartwood and sapwood)
(ii) Adaptive and protective systems: Epidermis, cuticle, stomata; General account of
adaptations in xerophytes and hydrophytes.
(i) Structural organization of flower :Structure of anther and pollen; Structure and types
of ovules; Types of embryo sacs,organization and ultrastructure of mature embryo
(ii) Pollination and fertilization : Pollination mechanisms and adaptations; Double
(i) Endosperm :Endosperm types, structure and functions.
(ii) Embryo :Dicot and monocot embryo; Structure and development, Embryo
endosperm relationship.
(iii)Seed-structure and development, appendages anddispersal mechanisms.
1. Study of meristems through permanent slides and photographs.
2. Tissues (parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma); Macerated xylary elements,
Phloem (Permanent slides, photographs)
3. Stem: Monocot: Zea mays; Dicot: Helianthus; Secondary: Helianthus (only Permanent
4. Root: Monocot: Zea mays; Dicot: Helianthus; Secondary: Helianthus (only Permanent
5. Leaf: Dicot and Monocot leaf (only Permanent slides).
6. Adaptive anatomy: Xerophyte (Nerium leaf); Hydrophyte (Hydrilla stem).
7. Structure of anther (young and mature), tapetum (amoeboid and secretory) (Permanent
8. Types of ovules: anatropous, orthotropous, circinotropous, amphitropous/ campylotropous.
Text Books:
1. Singh, Pandey and Jain (2017). Anatomy of Angiosperms, Rastogi Publication,
Reference Books:
1. Bhojwani, S.S. & Bhatnagar, S.P. (2011). Embryology of Angiosperms. Vikas
Publication House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 5th edition.
2. Mauseth, J.D. (1988). Plant Anatomy. The Benjamin/Cummings Publisher, USA.
3. C. R. Mohanty (2018). Plant Anatomy35and Embryology. Kalyani Publishers, New
BOTANY Papers for PASS students
Marks per paper - Midterm: 15 marks, End term: 60 marks, Practical: 25 marks,
Total – 100 marks
Discipline Specific Core Paper I
Unit 1: Microbes:
Viruses – Discovery, general structure, replication (general account), DNA virus (T-phage);
Lytic and lysogenic cycle, RNA virus (TMV); Economic importance; Bacteria – Discovery,
General characteristics and cell structure; Reproduction – vegetative, asexual and
recombination, Economic importance. Algae :General characteristics; Ecology and
distribution; Range of thallus organization and reproduction; Classification of algae;
Morphology and life-cycles of the following: Nostoc, Chlamydomonas, Oedogonium, Fucus.
Economic importance of algae.
Unit 2: Fungi
General characteristics of fungi, ecology and significance, range of thallus organization, cell
wall composition, nutrition, reproduction and classification; True Fungi- General
characteristics, ecology and significance, life cycle of Rhizopus (Zygomycota) Penicillium,
Alternaria (Ascomycota), Puccinia, Agaricus (Basidiomycota); Symbiotic Associations-
Lichens: General account, reproduction and significance; Mycorrhiza: ectomycorrhiza and
endomycorrhiza and their significance.
Text Books
1. Singh, Pandey and Jain (2017). Microbiology and Phycology, Rastogi Publication,
2. B. K. Mishra (2017), Mycology and Phytopathology, Kalynai Publishers, New Delhi.
3. Singh, Pandey and Jain (2017). Archegoniate, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
Suggested Readings
1. Kumar, H.D. (1999). Introductory Phycology. Affiliated East-West. Press Pvt. Ltd.
Delhi. 2nd edition.
2. Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R., Case, C.L. (2010). Microbiology: An Introduction, Pearson
Benjamin Cummings, U.S.A. 10th edition.
3. Sethi, I.K. and Walia, S.K. (2011). Text book of Fungi & Their Allies, MacMillan
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Delhi.
4. Alexopoulos, C.J., Mims, C.W., Blackwell, M. (1996). Introductory Mycology, John
Wiley and Sons (Asia), Singapore. 4th edition.
5. Raven, P.H., Johnson, G.B., Losos, J.B., Singer, S.R., (2005). Biology. Tata McGraw
Hill, Delhi, India.
6. Vashishta, P.C., Sinha, A.K., Kumar, A., (2010). Pteridophyta, S. Chand. Delhi, India.
7. Bhatnagar, S.P. and Moitra, A. (1996). Gymnosperms. New Age International (P) Ltd
Publishers, New Delhi, India.
8. Parihar, N.S. (1991). An introduction to Embryophyta. Vol. I. Bryophyta. Central
Book Depot, Allahabad.
Discipline Specific Core Paper II
1. Study of instruments used to measure microclimatic variables: Soil thermometer,
maximum and minimum thermometer, anemometer, psychrometer/hygrometer, rain gauge
and lux meter.
2. Determination of pH, and analysis of two soil samples for carbonates, chlorides, nitrates,
sulphates, organic matter and base deficiency by rapid field test.
3. (a) Study of morphological adaptations of hydrophytes and xerophytes (four each).
(b)Study of biotic interactions of the following: Stem parasite (Cuscuta), Root parasite
(Orobanche), Epiphytes, Predation (Insectivorous plants)
4. Determination of minimal quadrat size for the study of herbaceous vegetation in the
college campus by species area curve method. (species to be listed)
5. Quantitative analysis of herbaceous vegetation in the college campus for frequency and
comparison with Raunkiaer’s frequency distribution law
6. Study of vegetative and floral characters of the following families (Description, V.S.
flower, section of ovary, floral diagram/s, floral formula/e and systematic position
according to Bentham & Hooker’s system of classification): Brassicaceae, Asteraceae,
Solanaceae, Lamiaceae, Liliaceae
7. Mounting of a properly dried and pressed specimen of any wild plant with herbarium label
(to be submitted in the record book).
Text Books
1. Sharma, P.D. (2017). Fundamentals of Ecology. Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India.
2. O. P. Sharma (2009) Plant Taxonomy, Tata MGrow Hill, New Delhi
Suggested Readings
1. Kormondy, E.J. (1996). Concepts of Ecology. Prentice Hall, U.S.A. 4th edition.
2. Sharma, P.D. (2010) Ecology and Environment. Rastogi Publications, Meerut, India. 8th
3. Simpson, M.G. (2006). Plant Systematics. Elsevier Academic Press, San Diego, CA,
4. Singh, G. (2012). Plant Systematics: Theory and Practice. Oxford & IBH Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi. 3rd edition.
Text Books
1. Singh, Pandey and Jain (2017). Anatomy of Angiosperms, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
2. Singh, Pandy and Jain (2017). Reproductive Biology of Angiosperms, Rastogi
Suggested Readings
1. Bhojwani, S.S. & Bhatnagar, S.P. (2011). Embryology of Angiosperms. Vikas Publication
House Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 5th edition.
2. Mauseth, J.D. (1988). Plant Anatomy. The Benjamin/Cummings Publisher, USA.
Unit 1: Plant-water relations and nitrogen metabolism
Importance of water, water potential and its components; Transpiration and its significance;
Factors affecting transpiration; Root pressure and guttation. Biological nitrogen fixation;
Nitrate and ammonia assimilation.
1. Determination of osmotic potential of plant cell sap by plasmolytic method.
2. To study the effect of two environmental factors (light and wind) on transpiration by
excised twig.
3. Calculation of stomatal index and stomatal frequency of a mesophyte and a xerophyte.
4. Demonstration of Hill reaction.
5. To study the effect of light intensity and bicarbonate concentration on O2 evolution in
41 parts of a plant.
7. Comparison of the rate of respiration in any two
8. Suction due to transpiration.
Text Books
1. R. K. Sinha, (2015). Modern Plant Physiology, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
2. S, K. Gupta (2017). Plant Metabolism, Rastogi Publication, Meerut.
Suggested Readings
1. Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., (2010). Plant Physiology. Sinauer Associates Inc., U.S.A. 5th Edition.
2. Hopkins, W.G., Huner, N.P., (2009). Introduction to Plant Physiology. John Wiley & Sons,
U.S.A. 4th Edition.
3. Bajracharya, D., (1999). Experiments in Plant Physiology- A Laboratory Manual. Narosa
Publishing House, New Delhi.
1. Study of economically important plants: Wheat, Gram, Soybean, Black pepper, Clove Tea,
Cotton, Groundnut through specimens, sections and microchemical tests
2. Familiarization with basic equipments in tissue culture.
3. Study through photographs: Anther culture, somatic embryogenesis, endosperm and
embryo culture; micropropagation.
4. Study of molecular techniques: PCR, Blotting techniques, AGE and PAGE.
Text Books:
1. B. P. Pandey (2017) Economic Botany. S. Chand Publication, New Delhi.
2. H. S. Chawla (2010). Introduction to Plant Biotechnology.Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co.Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 42
Suggested Readings
1. Kochhar, S.L. (2011). Economic Botany in the Tropics, MacMillan Publishers India Ltd.,
New Delhi. 4th edition.
2. Bhojwani, S.S. and Razdan, M.K., (1996). Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice.
Elsevier Science Amsterdam. The Netherlands.
3. Glick, B.R., Pasternak, J.J. (2003). Molecular Biotechnology- Principles and Applications
of recombinant DNA. ASM Press, Washington.
1. To study prokaryotic cells (bacteria), viruses, eukaryotic cells with the help of light
and electron micrographs.
2. Study of the photomicrographs of cell organelles
3. To study the structure of plant cell through temporary mounts.
4. To study the structure of animal cells by temporary mounts-squamous epithelial cell
and nerve cell.
5. Preparation of temporary mounts of striated muscle fiber
6. Study of mitosis and meiosis (temporary mounts and permanent slides).
7. Study of plasmolysis and deplasmolysis on Rhoeo leaf.
8. Measure the cell size (either length or breadth/diameter) by micrometry.
9. Study the structure of nuclear pore complex by photograph (from Gerald Karp)
10. Study of special chromosomes (polytene & lampbrush) either by slides or
11. Study DNA packaging by micrographs.
12. Preparation of the karyotype and ideogram from given photograph of somatic
metaphase chromosome.
Text Books
1. B. D. Singh (2017). Fundamental of Genetics, Kalynai Publishers, New Delhi.
2. H. S. Chawla (2010). Introduction to Plant Biotechnology. Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co.Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Suggested Readings
1. Karp, G. 2010. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. 6th Edition. John
Wiley & Sons. Inc.
2. De Robertis, E.D.P. and De Robertis, E.M.F. 2006. Cell and Molecular Biology. 8th
edition. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia.
3. Cooper, G.M. and Hausman, R.E. 2009. The Cell: A Molecular Approach. 5th edition.
ASM Press & Sunderland, Washington, D.C.; Sinauer Associates, MA.
4. Becker, W.M., Kleinsmith, L.J., Hardin. J. and Bertoni, G. P. 2009. The World of the Cell.
7th edition. Pearson Benjamin Cummings Publishing, San Francisco.
General account about the microbes used as biofertilizer – Rhizobium – isolation,
identification, mass multiplication, carrier based inoculants, Actinorrhizal symbiosis.
Azospirillum: isolation and mass multiplication, Azotobacter: classification, characteristics
– crop response to Azotobacter inoculums, maintenance and mass multiplication.
Cyanobacteria (blue green algae), Azolla and Anabaena azollae association, nitrogen fixation,
factors affecting growth, blue green algae and Azolla in rice cultivation.
Mycorrhizal association, types of mycorrhizal association, taxonomy, occurrence and
distribution, phosphorus nutrition, growth and yield – colonization of VAM – isolation and
inoculum production of VAM, and its influence on growth and yield of crop plants.
Organic farming – Green manuring and organic fertilizers, Recycling of biodegradable
municipal, agricultural and Industrial wastes – biocompost making methods, types and
method of vermicomposting – field Application.
Text Books:
1. Mahendra Rai, (2006). Hand book of Microbial Biofertilizers. CRC Press.
Reference Books:
1. Dubey, R.C., 2005 A Text book of Biotechnology S.Chand & Co, New Delhi.
2. Kumaresan, V. 2005, Biotechnology, Saras Publications, New Delhi.
3. John Jothi Prakash, E. 2004. Outlines of Plant Biotechnology. Emkay _Publication,
New Delhi.
4. Sathe, T.V. 2004 Vermiculture and Organic Farming. Daya publishers.
5. Subha Rao, N.S. 2000, Soil Microbiology, Oxford & IBH Publishers, New -Delhi.
6. Vayas,S.C, Vayas, S. and Modi, H.A. 1998 Bio-fertilizers and organic. Farming Akta
Prakashan, Nadiad
7. Pravin Chandra Dwivedi.(2008). Biofertilizers. Pointer Publishers.
Nursery: definition, objectives and scope and building up of infrastructure for nursery,
planning and seasonal activities - Planting - direct seeding and transplants.
Seed: Structure and types - Seed dormancy; causes 45 and methods of breaking dormancy -
Seed storage: Seed banks, factors affecting seed viability, genetic erosion – Seed
production technology - seed testing and certification.
Vegetative propagation: air-layering, cutting, selection of cutting, collecting season, treatment
of cutting, rooting medium and planting of cuttings - Hardening of plants – green house - mist
chamber, shed root, shade house and glass house.
Gardening: definition, objectives and scope - different types of gardening – landscape and
home gardening - parks and its components - plant materials and design – computer
applications in landscaping - Gardening operations: soil laying, manuring, watering,
management of pests and diseases and harvesting.
Sowing/raising of seeds and seedlings - Transplanting of seedlings - Study of cultivation of
different vegetables: cabbage, brinjal, lady’s finger, onion, garlic, tomatoes, and carrots -
Storage and marketing procedures.
Text Books:
1. Saidaiah Pidigam, Sindhuja S., Geetha Amarapalli. (2018)Text Book of Nursery,
Gardening and Floriculture, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Bose T.K. & Mukherjee, D., 1972, Gardening in India, Oxford & IBH Publishing
Co.,New Delhi.
2. Sandhu, M.K., 1989, Plant Propagation, Wile Eastern Ltd., Bangalore, Madras.
3. Kumar, N., 1997, Introduction to Horticulture, Rajalakshmi Publications, Nagercoil.
4. Edmond Musser & Andres, Fundamentals of Horticulture, McGraw Hill Book Co.,New
5. Agrawal, P.K. 1993, Hand Book of Seed Technology, Dept. of Agriculture and
Cooperation, National - Seed Corporation Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Janick Jules. 1979. Horticultural Science. (3rd Ed.), W.H. Freeman and Co., San
Francisco, USA.
(i) Introduction, concept, scope and objectives; Ethnobotany as an interdisciplinary
science. The relevance of ethnobotany in the present context; Major and minor
ethnic groups or Tribals of India, and their life styles. Plants used by the tribals: a)
Food plants b) intoxicants and beverages c) Resins and oils and miscellaneous uses.
Role of ethnobotany in modern Medicine Medico-ethnobotanical sources in
India;Significance of the following plants in ethno botanicalpractices (along with their habitat
and morphology) a) Azadiractha indica b) Ocimum sanctumc) Vitex negundo. d) Gloriosa
superba e) Tribulus terrestris f) Pongamia pinnata g) Cassia auriculata h) Indigofera tinctoria.
Role of ethnobotany in modern medicine with special example Rauvolfia sepentina,
Trichopus zeylanicus, Artemisia,Withania.
Role of ethnic groups in conservation of plant genetic resources. Endangered taxa and forest
management (participatory forest management).
Ethnobotany and legal aspects Ethnobotany as a tool to protect interests of ethnic groups.
Sharing of wealth concept with few examples from India. Biopiracy, Intellectual Property
Rights and Traditional Knowledge.
Text Books:
1. Faulks, P.J. 1958.An introduction to Ethnobotany, Moredale pub. Ltd
Reference Books:
1. S.K. Jain, Manual of Ethnobotany, Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, 1995.
2. S.K. Jain (ed.) Glimpses of Indian. Ethnobotny, Oxford and I B H, New Delhi – 1981
3. Lone et al,. Palaeoethnobotany
4. S.K. Jain (ed.) 1989. Methods and approaches in Ethnobotany. Society of
Ethnobotanists, Lucknow, India.
5. S.K. Jain, 1990. Contributions of Indian ethnobotny.Scientific publishers, Jodhpur.
6. Colton C.M. 1997. Ethnobotany – Principles and applications. John Wiley and sons –
7. Rama Ro, N and A.N. Henry (1996). The Ethnobotany of Eastern Ghats in
AndhraPradesh, India.Botanical Survey of India. Howrah.
8. Rajiv K. Sinha – Ethnobotany The Renaissance of Traditional Herbal Medicine – INA
–SHREE Publishers, Jaipur-1996
9. Rath, A. K. and Mishra, S. R. (2017). Ethnobotany, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi..
Introduction, history. Nutritional and medicinal value of edible mushrooms; Poisonous
mushrooms.Types of edible mushrooms available in India - Volvariella volvacea, Pleurotus
citrinopileatus, Agaricus bisporus. Cultivation Technology : Infrastructure: substrates (locally
available) Polythene bag, vessels, Inoculation hook, inoculation loop, low cost stove, sieves,
culture rack, mushroom unit (Thatched house) water sprayer, tray, small polythene bag.
Pure culture: Medium, sterilization, preparation of spawn, multiplication. Mushroom bed
preparation - paddy straw, sugarcane trash, maize straw, banana leaves. Factors affecting the
mushroom bed preparation - Low cost technology, Composting technology in mushroom
Storage and nutrition : Short-term storage (Refrigeration - upto 24 hours) Long term Storage
(canning, pickles, papads), drying, storage in salt solutions. Nutrition - Proteins - amino acids,
mineral elements nutrition - Carbohydrates, Crude fiber content - Vitamins.
Food Preparation: Types of foods prepared from mushroom. Research Centers - National
level and Regional level. Cost benefit ratio - Marketing in India and abroad, Export Value.
Text Books:
1. B. C. Suman and V. P. Sharma. (2007). Mushroom Cultivation in India. Daya
Publishing House, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
1. Marimuthu, T. Krishnamoorthy, A.S. Sivaprakasam, K. and Jayarajan. R (1991)
Oyster Mushrooms, Department of Plant Pathology, Tamil Nadu
AgriculturalUniversity, Coimbatore.
2. Swaminathan, M. (1990) Food and Nutrition. Bappco, The Bangalore Printing and
Publishing Co. Ltd., No. 88, Mysore Road, Bangalore - 560018.
3. Tewari, Pankaj Kapoor, S.C., (1988). Mushroom cultivation, Mittal
4. Nita Bahl (1984-1988) Hand book of Mushrooms, II Edition, Vol. I & Vol. II.
5. 5.Anon. (2010).The Cultivation of Mushrooms - An Outline of Mushroom Culture,
Read Book Design, New Delhi
Following modules have been proposed for training of faculties:
• Techniques of Chromatography
• PCR techniques
• Chromosome techniques
List of Equipments Quantity
01 Dissecting Microscope (Indian Make) 2 no.
Compound Microscope (Indian Make) with
02 2 no.
photographic attachment
Occular and Stage Micrometer (Indian
03 1 no.
04 Uv Spectrophotometer (Indian Make) 1 no.
05 Cold Centrifuge (Indian Make) 1 no.
06 Refrigerator (Indian Make) 1 no.
07 Soil Thermometer (Indian Make) 1 no.
08 Anemometer (Indian Make) 1 no.
09 Psychrometer (Indian Make) 1 no.
10 Rain gauge (Indian Make) 1 no.
11 pH meter (Indian Make) 1 no.
12 Herbarium Press (Indian Make) 1 set
13 Hot air Oven (Indian Make) 1 no.
14 Electronic Balance (Indian Make) 1no.
Gel Electrophoresis (Indian Make) Vertical
15 1 no.
and submarine
16. Power Pack for electrophoresis 1 no.
17 Blood Testing Kit (Indian Make) 1 no.
18 Laminar Flow (Indian Make) 1 no.
19 BOD Incubator (Indian Make) 1 no.
20 Autoclave (Indian Make) 1 no.