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TYPE Original Research

PUBLISHED 09 September 2022

DOI 10.3389/fphar.2022.978814

Chinese herbal medicine is

OPEN ACCESS associated with higher body
Dan Tang,
Guangdong Pharmaceutical University,
weight reduction than liraglutide

among the obese population: A
Zehuai Wen,
Guangdong Provincial Hospital of
Chinese Medicine, China
real-world comparative cohort
Fengmei Lian,
China Academy of Chinese Medical study
Sciences, China

Tsung-Hsien Yang,
Yu-Ning Liao 1†, Hsing-Yu Chen 1,2,3†, Ching-Wei Yang 1,2,
[email protected] Pai-Wei Lee 4, Chiu-Yi Hsu 4, Yu-Tung Huang 4 and

These authors have contributed equally Tsung-Hsien Yang 1,5*
to this work
Division of Chinese Internal Medicine, Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chang Gung
Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, College of Medicine,
This article was submitted to
Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 3Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Sciences, College of
Medicine, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 4Center for Big Data Analytics and Statistics,
a section of the journal
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou Medical Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 5Graduate Institute of
Frontiers in Pharmacology
Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
RECEIVED 26 June 2022
ACCEPTED 17 August 2022
PUBLISHED 09 September 2022 Introduction: In Taiwan, many people receive Chinese herbal medicine (CHM)
CITATION as an alternative choice to help control body weight. However, the clinical
Liao Y-N, Chen H-Y, Yang C-W,
effectiveness of CHM on weight control has not been well studied, while
Lee P-W, Hsu C-Y, Huang Y-T and
Yang T-H (2022), Chinese herbal potential risks and adverse effects are still unknown. The aim of our study is
medicine is associated with higher body to find out a safe and efficient treatment model of CHM for weight control
weight reduction than liraglutide among
the obese population: A real-world
compared to liraglutide in a real-world setting.
comparative cohort study.
Front. Pharmacol. 13:978814. Methods: we retrospectively analyzed obese subjects [body mass index (BMI)S
doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.978814 25 kg/m2] from Chang Gung Research Database (2013–2018). We evaluated the
COPYRIGHT effect on body weight and BMI changes in obese groups receiving CHM or
© 2022 Liao, Chen, Yang, Lee, Hsu, western medicine (WM, represented liraglutide) within 180 days. The proportion
Huang and Yang. This is an open-access
article distributed under the terms of the of subjects who achieved 5 and 10% weight reduction was calculated as well.
Creative Commons Attribution License Furthermore, the potential adverse events were analyzed during the study
(CC BY). The use, distribution or
period. Overlap weighting was used to balance the baseline differences
reproduction in other forums is
permitted, provided the original between CHM and WM groups.
author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are
credited and that the original Results: The full cohort comprised 1,360 participants: 701 in the CHM group
publication in this journal is cited, in and 659 in the WM group. At baseline, the CHM group was younger (42.75 ±
accordance with accepted academic
practice. No use, distribution or 12.12 years old in CHM vs. 52.31 ± 11.7 years old in WM, p-value <0.001) and has
reproduction is permitted which does more female subjects (77.6% in CHM vs. 53.0% in WM, p-value <0.001). On the
not comply with these terms.
other hand, CHM users had lower body weight (79.83 ± 15.66 kg vs. 84.68 ±
17.14 kg, p-value <0.001) and BMI (30.58 ± 5.20 vs. 32.84 ± 6.95,
p-value <0.001). At day 180, CHM users lost more body weight (−4.5 ±
4.07 kg vs. −2.15 ± 4.05 kg, p-value <0.001) and higher reduction in BMI
(−1.77 ± 1.73 vs. −0.9 ± 2.14, p-value <0.001). A total of 53.21% (n = 373)
CHM users lost at least 5% of body weight (22.46% for WM users,
p-value <0.001), and 18.97% (n = 132) lost at least 10% of body weight

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(4.55% for WM users, p-value <0.001). The benefit remained consistent with and
without overlap weighting. For adverse events, 18 cases of hypertension
occurred in 659 subjects in the WM group (2.7%) in comparison to 1 of
701 subjects in the CHM group (0.1%).

Conclusion: CHM led to clinically meaningful weight loss without serious

adverse events in a real-world setting. Further clinical trials are warranted to
validate this result.


traditional Chinese medicine, obesity, overweight, weight loss, body mass index,
liraglutide, weight control

Introduction effects, such as tachycardia, insomnia, constipation, and

agitation. Commonly, phentermine is a short acting
Obesity, a worldwide epidemic issue, causes a global public medication and short-term use is suggested since the
health problem for both individuals and society (Stefan et al., suppression on appetite may wear off in several weeks
2013). According to “2013–2016 Nutrition and Health Survey in (Apovian et al., 2015b). Orlistat, inhibiting pancreatic and
Taiwan”, the prevalence of being overweight and obesity gastric lipases, has adverse effects, including steatorrhea, oily
(BMIS24) in people above 19 years old is 45.4% (Chang spotting, and fecal incontinence, which is poorly tolerated
et al., 2017). Obesity is correlated with the formation of (Apovian et al., 2015a). Topiramate, an anticonvulsant and
hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and other also a centrally acting drug, has been reported with dose-
cardiovascular diseases. More seriously, being overweight and related cognitive side effects, including psychomotor slowing,
obese increases the risk of death from all causes, cardiovascular decreased concentration and attention, memory impairment,
disease, cancer, or other diseases for both men and women in all and an unexpected surge in suicidal thoughts (Shin and
age groups (Calle et al., 1999). For this reason, weight loss is a Gadde 2013). Liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)
crucial pathway to health improvement for patients with obesity- agonist with, presently, the most promising weight-lowering
associated risk factors and comorbidities (Ryan and Yockey, effect, increases incidence of symptomatic gallstones and may
2017). It would be useful for overweight patients who have elevate the risk of pancreatitis apart from gastrointestinal
been unsuccessful with lifestyle modification, diet, and symptoms (Pi-Sunyer et al., 2015). Hence, safety, tolerability,
exercise alone to combine their weight reduction methods and efficacy are three impartible core issues surrounding the
with medications approved for chronic weight management. commencement of weight-loss medications. As the long-term
To date, as we know, the gradual progression of body weight benefits are likely to be outweighed by the risks and costs of
loss is more likely to be maintained over a longer period of time treatment, especially cardiovascular and mental health safety
(Mertens and Van Gaal 2000). Therefore, the novel anti-obesity issues, new medications or even dietary supplements for
strategy has focused on modest weight loss, defined as a weight obesity are still needed (Müller et al., 2022).
loss of 5%–10% of an individual’s baseline weight, which has In accord with this approach, numerous complementary and
been demonstrated to reduce complications related to obesity alternative therapies have been used in the Eastern part of the
and improve quality of life (Mertens and Van Gaal 2000; globe for a long time, however, recently, these unconventional
Warkentin et al., 2014; American College of Cardiology/ therapies are increasingly applied worldwide including Chinese
American Heart Association Task Force on Practice herbal medicine (CHM) (Hasani-Ranjbar et al., 2009). CHM,
Guidelines, Obesity Expert Panel, 2013, 2014). being documented for thousands of years, has been applied as a
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved five form of health promotion and disease treatment throughout the
major weight loss medications available for weight management, world as a result of being a natural compound, which is regarded
which are orlistat, phentermine, phentermine/topiramate as a safer option than synthetic chemical agents (Ignjatovic et al.,
extended-release, naltrexone/bupropion sustained-release, and 2000). In Taiwan, there are many people receiving CHM to help
liraglutide (Müller et al., 2022). These anti-obesity drugs have control body weight. Nevertheless, the evidence base for
been reported to have a statistically average mean weight loss of therapeutic efficacy of CHM has not been widely verified by
3%–7% from the baseline in clinical trials (Srivastava and using international standards yet in spite of their extensive use in
Apovian 2018; Müller et al., 2022). However, the safety or current clinical practices (Sui et al., 2012). Owing to little
significant tolerability issues of the currently available anti- information about the efficacy of CHM on weight control,
obesity medications arise in the long term use (Lee and Dixon potential risks and adverse effects are confirmed. Thus, we
2017). Phentermine, a sympathomimetic agent, poses side investigated one of CHMs which is used as a therapeutic

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TABLE 1 The botanical and mineral drugs contained in Ma-Xing-Gan-Shi-Tang (every 3 g of the water extract are derived from 20 g of the raw

The name of Ratio (%w/W)

botanical and mineral

Ephedra sinica Stapf [Ephedraceae; Ephrdrae herba] 20.0

Prunus armeniaca L. var. ansu Maxim [Rosaceae; Armeniacae semen amarum] 20.0
Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch [Leguminosae; Glycyrrhizae radix et rhizoma] 10.0
Gypsum fibrosum 50.0

option to promote weight loss in our present clinical specialty. in the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (CGMH). The
Ma-Xing-Gan-Shi-Tang (MXGST), a Chinese medicine formula, CGMHs provide CHM and Western medicine (WM) for
has been traditionally used to adjust the lung qi stagnation, clear patient care, comprising eight medical institutes with
the pathological heat, and reduce phlegm. In clinical practice, different hospital levels, and serve as the largest medical
traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) doctors always judge the system in Taiwan (Ku et al., 2021). According to the
clinical symptoms and signs of individuals to adjust the statistics, CGMHs own 10,070 beds and admit more than
prescription to achieve holistic effects. Based on TCM doctor’s 280,000 patients each year, supporting over
clinical experience, MXGST may play a major role in the 8,500,000 outpatient visits and 500,000 emergency
prescription to treat obesity, combating the overweight department visits in 2015 (Shao et al., 2021). The huge
dilemma in several different ways in our clinical observations amount of clinical data has made the CGRD become a
and speculations, such as improving the phlegm-dampness great resource for clinical studies (Shao et al., 2021).
constitution by adjusting the lung qi stagnation. However, it We retrieved the electronic medical records (EMR) from
lacks sufficient evidence-based studies or clinical trials to evaluate eight CGMHs to provide real-world evidence, which involved
the promising weight-reducing effects of MXGST herbal patient information demographics, clinical parameters,
formulation in present research. diagnostic information, prescription information, and other
The aim of this cohort study is to explore the safety and health care facility information (Shao et al., 2021). The
effectiveness of CHM treatment on weight control in comparison selection period for treatment initiation was from 1 January
with liraglutide, and further attestation of its possible therapeutic 2013 to 31 December 2018, with baseline demographic data
values in this overwhelming pandemic of obesity. based on the 6 months period prior to initiation, including
baseline weight, biochemical and physiological profiles, and co-
morbidities. We selected MXGST as the CHM prescription to
Materials and methods help weight-loss in the CHM group and chose liraglutide as the
anti-obesity medication in the WM group. Index date was the
Preparation and composition of MXGST date when MXGST or liraglutide treatment was initiated during
the selection period. The end date of the follow-up was the last
MXGST used in our clinical practice is the dry powder return appointment after a 6 months therapeutic period.
derived from the water extract of a mixture of four botanical Patients were evaluated every month until day 180. All
and mineral drugs, which contains Ephedra sinica Stapf, Prunus patients received standardized counseling on CHM or WM
armeniaca L. var. ansu Maxim, Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch, and weight-loss prescription by a clinical physician on an
Gypsum fibrosum. Every 3 g of the water extract are derived from approximately monthly basis with their weight reduction as
20 g of the raw materials. The ratio of each botanical and mineral well as any documentation of adverse events. To reveal the trend
drugs is according to the authority of TCM in Taiwan and is of body weight reduction in the 6-months follow-up duration,
presented in Table 1 (Ministry of Health and Welfare). the subjects’ body weight changes at day 30, 60, 90, 120, 150,
and 180 after the start of treatment were retrieved for this study.
In this observational real-world study, body weight was
Data source and study protocol compared retrospectively with the measured value at the
start of treatment. The study design and protocol were
The Chang Gung Research Database (CGRD) was used as reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of
the data source of this study. The CGRD was composed of the Chang Gung Memorial Foundation (IRB No:
daily clinical practices, including all procedures and 201801526B0). The need for informed consent was waived
medications of outpatient, inpatient, and emergency visits because the identification number of each subject was well-

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encrypted and therefore it was impossible to recognize the real we used the average value to impute subjects’ body height if not
identity of each subject. recorded; however, to disclose the real-world status, the missing
value of body weight on 30-, 60-, 90-, 120- and 150-days body
weight was not imputed in the final analysis. Besides, we also
Study population and covariates evaluated whether there are potential adverse effects, such as
cerebrovascular disease and cardiovascular system impairment.
The International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, We scrutinized adverse events that occurred during the
Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) and Ninth Revision, 6 months therapeutic period, including the medical records
Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) were used to determine of emergency room or hospitalization with onset on or after
obese population. We included patients who were properly the first day of treatment and no later than 30 days after the last
diagnosed with obesity or metabolic syndrome between 2013/ day of treatment.
01 and 2018/12 from the CGRD (ICD-9-CM codes: 278.0,
278.00, 278.01, 278.03, 649.10–14, 793.91, V85.30–39,
V85.41–45, V85.54, and ICD-10-CM codes: E65, E668, Statistical analysis
E669). The highest body weight around 1 month before or
after the index date and the following body weight check-up For baseline demographic features, descriptive statistics
dates were recognized as the body weight of each time point. with X2 statistics and independent t-tests were used to
Subjects were included in this study if they fulfilled all of the examine the differences between CHM and WM users.
following criteria: 1) subjects were ≥18 years old and ≤75 years Moreover, independent t-tests were used to examine the
old at the index date; 2) they had a body mass index (BMI; the weight changes between two groups, while X2 statistics were
weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in used to examine the differences of the proportion of 5%- and
meters) ≥25 kg/m2 with at least one weight-related disease 10%-weight reduction and adverse events between two groups
such as prediabetes, diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension at the end of study. Also, overlap weighting was used to
(HTN), dyslipidemia, or hepatic steatosis during the minimize the potential confounding bias caused by the
360 days before the index date; 3) they had at least one different baseline features of CHM and WM users. Overlap
prescription for MXGST or liraglutide at the discretion of weighting is a propensity score (PS)-based statistical method
the physician; and 4) they had at least one reported baseline widely used in observational studies to mimic randomized
body weight measurement within 1 month before the index clinical trials, especially when considering case imbalance or
date; and those who continued to visit the clinic after potential biases caused by prominently different initial status
1–2 months were treated with MXGST or liraglutide after (Li, Thomas, and Li 2019; Thomas, Li, and Pencina 2020). In
the index date. The exclusion criteria were listed as follows: this study, age, gender, Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI),
1) missing weight or height record from EMR at baseline and mean arterial pressure (MAP), and body weight were used to
around the end date of follow-up; and 2) taking other anti- generate the PS. PS was assigned as the weight of WM users
obesity medications or a history of bariatric surgery. We while 1-PS was assigned to CHM users before effect estimation.
collected data of people who met the inclusion criteria as On the other hand, we also conducted sensitivity tests by using
afore mentioned at first visit to outpatient department from other PS-related models, including 1:1 propensity score
the CGRD, including the visit date, age, gender, height, weight, matching and Inverse probability of treatment weighting
blood pressure, heart rate, underlying comorbidities, (IPTW) to examine the effect of the CHM treatment. All
information about the use of CHM and WM, laboratory statistical calculations were carried out by SAS and results
data, and examinations. with a p-value <0.05 was considered to be statistically

Outcome assessment
Our retrospective study assessed the weight-loss efficacy of
MXGST in the CHM group and liraglutide in the WM group as Baseline characteristics of study patients
well as anti-obesity therapy-related adverse effects in this cohort
according to the 6 months of treatment of compliance with During 2013 and 2018, there were 701 CHM users and
these prescriptions. The primary outcome was the body weight 659 WM users entering the final analysis stage who completed
change from baseline to the 180th day. The secondary outcome 180 days of treatment (Figure 1). The baseline clinical
was the proportion of subjects who lost at least 5% of their characteristics of subjects with CHM and WM treatment are
baseline body weight, and the proportion of subjects who lost shown in Table 2. Overall, CHM users tended to be younger than
more than 10% of their baseline body weight. To compute BMI, WM users, 42.75 and 52.31 years old, respectively

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TABLE 2 Baseline demographic features of study subjects. p-value <0.001). As to biochemical and physiological profiles,
there were prominent differences in MAP, body weight, BMI,
CHM user WM user p-value
and lipid profiles, which were higher in the WM group (all
p-values <0.05). However, WM users seemed to have a higher
(n = 701) (n = 659)
HbA1C and fasting glucose level than CHM users, 9.82 vs. 6.51%
Demographics for HbA1C and 213.49 ± 73.45 mg/dl vs. 106.1 ± 33.82 mg/dl for
Age—years 42.75 ± 12.12 52.31 ± 11.7 <0.001 fasting glucose level, respectively (p-value <0.001). The use of
Gender—no. (%) overlap weighting properly eliminated the differences in baseline
Male 157 (22.4) 310 (47.0) <0.001 features among CHM and WM users in age, gender, CCI index,
Female 544 (77.6) 349 (53.0) <0.001 MAP, and body weight covariates (Table 3).
Smoker 5 (0.71) 73 (11.08) <0.001
Alcohol drinker 3 (0.43) 39 (5.92) <0.001
Betel nut user 0 (0.00) 17 (2.58) <0.001 Body weight reduction
Comorbidities (%)
Hypertension 82 (11.7) 407 (61.8) <0.001 After 180 days, the use of CHM led to a significantly
Dyslipidemia 64 (9.1) 442 (67.1) <0.001 greater reduction in body weight than WM. CHM users
Ischaemic heart diseases 6 (0.8) 81 (12.3) <0.001 had lost 4.57 ± 4.51 kg of their body weight, whereas WM
Diabetes mellitus 39 (5.6) 510 (77.4) <0.001 users had lost 2.3 ± 5.48 kg of their body weight at the end of
Chronic hepatitis 16 (2.3) 83 (12.6) <0.001 study (Table 4). Weight loss from the baseline during the study
Fatty liver 4 (0.6) 9 (1.4) 0.22 is shown in Figure 2. The trend of estimated mean weight loss
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis 1 (0.1) 12 (1.8) 0.004 in this cohort study was significantly greater with CHM than
CCI 0.3 ± 0.7 2.33 ± 1.59 <0.001 with WM from stem to stern. A greater reduction in the body
Biochemical and physiological profiles (mean ± SD) weight of CHM users than WM users was observed (at day
MAP—mmHg 131.7 ± 15.1 128.8 ± 15.28 0.001 30, −2.9 ± 3.36 kg vs. −1.28 ± 2.71 kg; at day 60, −3.48 ± 3.45 kg
Weight—kg 79.38 ± 15.66 84.68 ± 17.14 <0.001 vs. −1.66 ± 3.45 kg; at day 90, −4.2 ± 3.82 kg vs. −1.63 ±
BMI—kg/m2 30.58 ± 5.2 32.84 ± 6.95 <0.001 3.44 kg; at day 120, −4.46 ± 3.82 kg vs. −1.85 ± 3.61 kg; at day
AST—mg/dL 32.18 ± 15.94 49.44 ± 79.4 0.003 150, −4.64 ± 3.98 kg vs. −2.28 ± 3.96 kg; and at day 180, −4.5 ±
ALT—mg/dL 35.84 ± 32.2 48.46 ± 46.98 <0.001 4.07 kg vs. −2.15 ± 4.05 kg) (Table 5). After overlap weighting,
BUN—mg/dL 13.1 ± 4.79 25.72 ± 19.02 <0.001 the data also revealed the significant weight loss difference
Creatinine—mg/dL 0.71 ± 0.2 1.10 ± 0.98 <0.001 between CHM users and WM users (Table 5). Body weight loss
HbA1C—% 6.51 ± 1.25 9.82 ± 1.7 <0.001 was the most significant within the first month and gradually
Fasting glucose—mg/dL 106.1 ± 33.82 213.49 ± 73.45 <0.001 plateaued since day 150 in the CHM group as well as in the
Lipid profile (mean ± SD) WM group with a smaller slope (Figure 2).
Total cholesterol—mg/dL 196.31 ± 29.78 186.12 ± 44.45 0.004 After the 6-months treatment, 53.21% (n = 373) of the
Triglyceride—mg/dL 152.83 ± 76.84 230.06 ± 222.2 <0.001 subjects in the CHM group lost more than 5% weight from
LDL cholesterol—mg/dL 121.65 ± 28.86 104.83 ± 32.63 <0.001 baseline, which was significantly more than that in the WM
HDL cholesterol—mg/dL 45.34 ± 10.01 40.12 ± 10.1 <0.001 group (22.46%, n = 148, p-value <0.001). The proportion of
people losing more than 10% of their baseline weight was
*Abbreviations: CCI, charlson comorbidity index.
greater with CHM treatment (18.97%, n = 132) than with WM
*Continuous covariates are presented as the median (interquartile range, IQR) while
categorical covariates are presented as a number (percentage). treatment (4.55%, n = 30, p-value <0.001). Furthermore, more
*Body mass index (BMI) is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in individuals (3.57%, n = 25) treated with CHM lost more than
*The p-value was calculated by means of Fisher’s exact test, Pearson’s chi-squared test, 15% of baseline weight than those treated with WM (1.37%,
and Student’s t-test on the basis of the number of participants. n = 9, p-value <0.001) (Figure 3).
Overall, approximately 84.45% of the subjects in the CHM
group vs. 67.37% of the subjects in the WM group lost weight
(p-value <0.001), and a higher proportion of female subjects was after treatment in this trial. The majority of subjects had lost
found among CHM users, 77.6 vs. 53.0% WM users, respectively more than 5%–10% of body weight in the CHM group and the
(p-value <0.001). Additionally, a higher proportion of WM users maximum weight loss didn’t exceed 20% of body weight after
had hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes mellitus (DM) 180 days of treatment. Instead of losing weight, weight gain
(CHM vs. WM users, 11.7 vs. 61.8% for hypertension, wasn’t beyond 5% of body weight in both groups (Figure 4).
p-value <0.001; 9.1 vs. 67.1% for dyslipidemia, p-value <0.001; The CHM group also had a greater reduction than the WM group
and 5.6 vs. 77.4% for DM, respectively, p-value <0.001), and a in mean BMI (1.77 ± 1.73 vs. 0.9 ± 2.14, p-value<0.001) (Table 4).
higher CCI (0.30 for CHM vs. 2.33 for WM users, respectively, Adjusted with overlap weighting, the trend of body weight loss in

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TABLE 3 Baseline characteristics of subjects were balanced by using overlap weighting.

Without overlap weighting With overlap weighting

CHM user WM user SMD CHM user WM user SMD

Age—years 42.75 ± 12.12 52.31 ± 11.7 0.803 47.84 ± 5.53 47.84 ± 5.54 0.000
Gender—no. (%) 0.535 0.000
Male 157 (22.4) 310 (47) 33.3 33.3
Female 544 (77.6) 349 (53) 66.8 66.8
CCI 0.3 ± 0.7 2.33 ± 1.59 1.653 0.97 ± 0.51 0.97 ± 0.31 0.000
Biochemical and physiological profiles
MAP—mmHg 131.7 ± 15.1 128.8 ± 15.28 0.191 132.1 ± 6.81 132.1 ± 7.68 0.000
Weight—kg 79.38 ± 15.66 84.68 ± 17.14 0.323 82.27 ± 16.95 82.77 ± 16.28 0.000

*Abbreviations: CCI, charlson comorbidity index.

*Continuous covariates are presented as the median (interquartile range, IQR) while categorical covariates are presented as a number (percentage).
*The balance of covariates using the standardized mean difference (SMD).
*An SMD ≤0.1 indicates a negligible difference in potential confounders between the two study groups.
*Weighted covariates were age, gender, CCI, index, and body weight.

both groups was similar to the original data (Table 4 and Side effects and adverse events
Figure 2). Several sensitivity analyses confirmed the
superiority of CHM over WM with respect to the primary At the end of study, 18 cases of hypertension occurred in
end point as well. In the IPTW model, CHM users lost more 659 patients in the WM group (2.7%) in comparison to 1 case
body weight than WM users on treatment course Day 30, 60, 90, in 701 patients in the CHM group (0.1%). Furthermore, the
120, 150, and 180 (p-value <0.0001). In the PSM model, CHM incidence of ischaemic heart disease events was higher in WM
users also lost more body weight than WM users on treatment users than in CHM users (2 cases occurred in 659 subjects in
course Day 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 (p-value <0.05). These the WM group (0.3%) in comparison to 0 cases in 701 subjects
two models showed the consistent result that CHM users had in the CHM group, p-value = 0.055), however, there was no
significant weight loss than WM users during the whole statistical difference observed (Table 6). There were also no
treatment course (Supplementary Tables S1, S2 in the reported cases of cerebrovascular disease or brain disease
Supplementary Appendix SA1). occurring in both group treatments. No adverse effects with
The subgroups analyses reveal that both in the groups older respect to hypertensive encephalopathy were observed in both
or younger than the median age, 48 years old, CHM users lost groups by the end of the trial (Table 6). The diagnosis codes
more body weight than WM users on treatment course Day 30, used in the study is presented in Supplementary Table S4 in
60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 (p-value <0.0001). As to comorbidity the Supplementary Appendix SA1.
subgroups, in the subgroup with diabetes mellitus, there is no
significant difference in body weight loss between CHM users
and WM users. In the subgroup without diabetes mellitus, CHM Discussion
users lost more body weight than WM users on treatment course
Day 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 (p-value <0.01). In the subgroup Overall findings
with hypertension, CHM users lost more body weight than WM
users on treatment course Day 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 The main findings of this study are as follows: First, CHM
(p-value <0.05). In the subgroup without hypertension, CHM users led to a significantly greater reduction in body weight
users lost more body weight than WM users on treatment course (primary end point) than WM users. The mean change in body
Day 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 (p-value <0.001). In addition, weight in the CHM group was −5.74% (−4.57 ± 4.51 kg), which
among 25&BMI<30, 30&BMI<35 and 35&BMI subgroups, was shown to be superior to the WM group with respect to the
CHM users also lost more body weight than WM users on primary end point after 180 days of treatment. The treatment
treatment course Day 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 effect was similar across the baseline BMI categories. Second,
(p-value <0.001) (Supplementary Table S3 in the subjects with the CHM only reported an adverse event once,
Supplementary Appendix SA1). which was related to hypertension. Unlike currently prescribed

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TABLE 4 Changes in primary end point between the baseline and at day 180.

Without overlap weighting With overlap weighting

CHM user WM user p-value CHM user WM user p-value

Changes in Body Weight −4.57 ± 4.51 −2.3 ± 5.48 <0.001 −4.34 ± 2.54 −1.93 ± 2.02 <0.001
Kilograms of body weight
% of body weight −5.74 −2.62 <0.001 −5.15 −2.29 <0.001
Loss of >5% body weight—no. (%) 373 (53.21) 148 (22.46) <0.001 45.9 19.51 <0.001
Loss of >10% body weight—no. (%) 132 (18.97) 30 (4.55) <0.001 15.64 4.5 0.001
Changes in BMI −1.77 ± 1.73 −0.9 ± 2.14 <0.001 −1.67 ± 0.98 −0.77 ± 0.94 <0.001

*The p-value was calculated by Pearson’s chi-squared test and Student’s t-test.

A flowchart of the collection of subjects from the CGMH hospital outpatient database from 2013 to 2018 in Taiwan.

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Changes in body weight after 180 days of CHM and WM treatment. (A)Without overlap weighting and (B) with overlap weighting.

anti-obesity drugs, the use of the CHM had the distinct advantage
of significantly reducing adverse events compared with WM use.

The clinical significance of CHM for

weight loss

In terms of results, the CHM group had greater weight loss

than the WM group and it seems that the CHM could afford
substantial help for achieving modest weight loss, a weight loss of
5–10% from the baseline weight, that has been verified to
decrease comorbidities associated with obesity and promote
better quality of life in previous studies (Mertens and Van
The differences in proportion of obese subjects achieving 5,
10, and 15% at day 180 between CHM and WM users. Gaal 2000; Warkentin et al., 2014). As far as we know,
overweight or obesity is associated with higher risk for
mortality and cardiometabolic diseases, and many studies
have demonstrated that a modest 5% of weight loss can
produce clinically meaningful improvement in various risk
factors, comorbid diseases, and mortality that are associated
with obesity (Ryan and Yockey, 2017). It has been reported
that 5% of weight loss is capable of decreasing the plasma
concentration of biomarkers related to cardiometabolic
diseases, improving liver and adipose tissue insulin sensitivity,
and lowering fasting glucose and hemoglobin A1c. (Magkos et al.,
2016). As to risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD), 2%–5%
of weight loss can improve hypertriglyceridemia and systolic
blood pressure, 5% of weight loss can decrease intra-hepatic
triglyceride by 13%, and 5%–10% of weight loss can improve
diastolic blood pressure and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol
level (Magkos et al., 2016). Besides, obesity is one of important
FIGURE 4 risk factors of knee osteoarthritis (Raud et al., 2020). Patients who
The differences in distribution of the percentage of reduced
body weight among obese subjects at day 180 between CHM and achieved more than 5% of weight loss would produce significant
WM users. improvements in knee functionality, speed, walking distance, and
pain (Messier et al., 2004). Research also indicated that each

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TABLE 5 Body weight reduction at day 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 after the start of treatment.

Day CHM user WM user Overlap weighting

Subjects △Body weight Subjects △Body weight CHM user WM user

(n) (kg) (n) (kg) p-value △Body weight (kg) △Body weight (kg) p-value

30 687 −2.9 ± 3.36 478 −1.28 ± 2.71 <0.0001 −2.76 ± 1.81 −1.15 ± 1.03 <0.0001
60 674 −3.48 ± 3.45 476 −1.66 ± 3.45 <0.0001 −3.13 ± 1.81 −1.41 ± 1.4 <0.0001
90 670 −4.2 ± 3.82 552 −1.63 ± 3.44 <0.0001 −3.73 ± 1.88 −1.4 ± 1.46 <0.0001
120 669 −4.46 ± 3.82 434 −1.85 ± 3.61 <0.0001 −3.94 ± 1.82 −1.68 ± 1.67 <0.0001
150 675 −4.64 ± 3.98 505 −2.28 ± 3.96 <0.0001 −4.17 ± 1.87 −2.26 ± 1.89 <0.0001
180 701 −4.5 ± 4.07 659 −2.15 ± 4.05 <0.0001 −4.11 ± 1.93 −1.92 ± 1.97 <0.0001

TABLE 6 Adverse events during the treatment period. CHM group had better weight-loss effects than the WM
group in our cohort study are as following: First, CHM users
CHM user WM user p-value
had a larger proportion of female subjects (77.6 vs. 53.0%
among WM users, p-value <0.001) and their average age was
(n = 701) (n = 659)
younger than WM users (42.75 years old for CHM vs.
52.31 years old for WM users, p-value <0.001). Previous
The Incidence of Adverse Events—no. (%)
studies reported that women and younger participants more
Hypertension 1 (0.1) 18 (2.7) <0.001
easily achieved higher acceptable weight loss percentages due to
Ischaemic heart disease 0 2 (0.3) 0.055
powerful motivation concerning the increasing social
Cerebrovascular disease 0 0 —
desirability of weight loss which is associated with body
Brain disease 0 0 —
image dissatisfaction and awareness of illness prevention
Hypertensive encephalopathy 0 0 —
(Czeglédi 2017; Nguyen et al., 2021). Second, WM users
*The p-value was calculated by Pearson’s chi-squared test and Student’s t-test. consisted of a greater proportion of seniors who may face
challenges complicated by the progressive loss of skeletal
muscle and accumulation of excess adipose tissue, which has
pound of weight loss would result in a 4-fold reduction in the been commonly referred to as sarcopenic obesity (Coker and
load exerted on the knee per step during daily activities (Messier Wolfe 2018). Given the lower level of aerobic fitness, a higher
et al., 2005). Moreover, even a minimal weight loss of only 2%– proportion of lean body mass loss, and a progressively
5% of total body weight can improve ovulatory function by decreasing metabolic rate, sarcopenic obesity may become a
reducing ovarian volume and micro-follicle number, and is more part of clinical conundrum in older individuals with obesity in
likely to result in spontaneous pregnancy (Kiddy et al., 1992; the WM group (Coker and Wolfe 2018). Third, a higher
Crosignani et al., 2003). Our cohort study demonstrated that proportion of WM users had hypertension, dyslipidemia, and
more than half of CHM users could lose >5% of baseline body, DM. Chronic health problems like hypertension, DM, and
although the therapeutic window is only limited to 180 days, endocrine problems may lead to a lower metabolic rate and
which may be too short to confirm the influence of Chinese make it harder to lose weight (Ganguly et al., 2018). The
herbal medicine on diseases for the long term. This result complexity of conditions in patients with more comorbidities
inspired us that targeted health outcome goals may be reached may lead to less body weight loss in participants with metabolic
by an individual with more than 5%–10% weight loss. The anti- syndrome than in those without such comorbidities (Zhou
obesity CHM has the benefits of not only achieving a weight loss et al., 2012).
goal, but also reaching targeted health outcome goals. What is As to weight reduction concepts in TCM, the imbalance of
meaningful about our study is that patients don’t have to reach the physiological state in energy (yang) deficiency, materials
the level of BMI <25 kg/m2 in all instances, and they can be (yin) deficiency, or phlegm-stasis constitution may cause a
healthier at any weight as long as they have a moderate high tendency of obesity (Hou et al., 2021). The TCM doctors’
weight loss. prescriptions should adhere to the philosophy of CHM
When it comes to adverse events in taking medications, the emphasizing on “personalized therapy” and TCM doctors
herbal formulae used in the CHM group showed better would judge the clinical symptoms and signs of individuals
tolerability than in the WM group (). The reasons to why to adjust CHM treatments for different people, being effective

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in reducing the side effects promptly during treatment (Sui various TCM (Yuan et al., 2002; Ikarashi et al., 2013). It has
et al., 2012). It is in contrast to Western medical doctors who been reported that the Shi-gao plays an important role in
conform to the uniform therapeutic guidelines and prescribe promoting urination and draining dampness in Chinese
similar medications to patients with the same clinical indigenous medicine and pharmacology. More recently,
diagnosis. This difference in therapeutic approach may previous research proved that a combined administration
partly explain the higher efficacy and lower incidence of of Ma-huang and Shi-gao would increase urine excretion
adverse effects in the CHM group than in the WM group (Huo et al., 2015). We conclude that Shi-gao may be a
in the real-world (Sui et al., 2012). Given the health burden of useful herbal medicine for changing the distribution of
obesity and metabolic syndrome, complementary use of the body fluid and increasing urine excretion with the highest
CHM is a possible option to address this unmet therapeutic potential to eliminate edema. Xing-ren, of which Amygdalin is
aspect. Ma-Xing-Gan-Shi-Tang (MXGST) is an oriental a significant component (Jaswal et al., 2018), and is rich in oil,
herbal formula that has traditionally been used in patients can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation. It
with phlegmatic asthma and productive cough. MXGST is has been used as a traditional herbal medicine for relieving
composed of Ephedra sinica Stapf (Ma-huang), Glycyrrhiza constipation (Aritomi, Kumori, and Kawasaki 1985; Du et al.,
uralensis Fisch (Gan-cao), Gypsum fibrosum (Shi-gao), and 2005; Chang et al., 2006; Erdogan-Orhan and Kartal 2011).
Prunus armeniaca L. var. ansu Maxim (Xing-ren). The exact We suggest that administering Xing-ren to improve bowel
anti-obesity mechanisms of MXGST have not been validated movements may be helpful for cleaning the accumulation of
yet, so we review experimental and clinical studies to infer the waste and toxins in the body. Based on our knowledge, it
possible mechanisms. To our knowledge, MXGST might solve seems that the anti-obesity mechanisms of MXGST are
the body fat dilemma in several ways. Ma-huang has been remarkably different from liraglutide, which induces weight
applied to treat asthma, common cold, edema, arthralgia, and loss by delaying gastric emptying as well as suppressing
other symptoms in Asia for over 5,000 years (Ding 2009). Ma- appetite and energy intake (van Can et al., 2014; Knudsen
huang is enriched with ephedrine-type alkaloids, of which and Lau 2019). In brief, MXGST has the potential for
ephedrine is the most abundant and active isomer. Ephedrine promoting metabolism, moistening intestines to relieve
is a potential slimming drug that mediates thermogenic constipation, and regulating blood viscosity, making it has
effects, primarily by the enhancement of sympathetic an obvious curative effect for losing weight. Thus, our
neuronal release of norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine retrospective cohort study demonstrates the efficacy and
in both humans and laboratory animals (Bukowiecki, safety of MXGST in the management of obesity. Our
Jahjah, and Follea 1982; Dulloo, Seydoux, and Girardier results suggest that the MXGST treatment has a favorable
1992; Dulloo 1993). Given that brown adipocyte is an benefit-risk ratio in obese groups. Careful observations and
important site of catecholamine-induced thermogenesis in sophisticated surveillance are needed to investigate further the
homeotherms (Bukowiecki, Jahjah, and Follea 1982), safety and long-term effects of this medication.
previous in vitro research revealed that ephedrine mimics
the calorigenic action of norepinephrine by stimulating
brown adipocyte respiration directly via beta-adrenoceptors The differences between real-world
(Ramsey et al., 1998). Gan-cao, has long been used as a settings and RCTs
traditional herbal medicine for stomach-invigorate and
coordinating the drug actions of a prescription. Previous Our cohort study had several differences compared with
animal research had demonstrated that the extract of other randomized controlled trial (RCT) studies. It may
licorice root has beneficial influences on preventing reveal that the weight loss effect of liraglutide in our real-
atherosclerotic lesion development which is associated with world study in Asian populations was significantly less than
inhibition of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation in that reported in RCT studies in Western populations.
hypercholesterolemic rats (El-Beshbishy et al., 2006). Some Liraglutide, a glucagonlike peptide-1 analogue, has been
studies further provided evidence on anti-obesity properties assessed by several randomized controlled trials indicating
of licorice root which can lower total cholesterol (TC) and that it has anti-obesity effects possessing beneficial effects on
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in patients with glycemic control and could lower the risk of cardiovascular
hypercholesterolemia, being effective in reducing abdominal death in obese individuals (Howell, Wright, and Clements
fat deposition and improving lipid profiles (Fuhrman et al., 2019). In our study, there are 22.46% (n = 148) and 4.55% (n =
2002; Bell, Canale, and Bloomer 2011; Mirtaheri et al., 2015). 50) of WM users who showed ≥5 and ≥10% body weight
It seems that supplementation with Gan-cao may efficiently reduction, respectively, and the mean change in body weight
improve the lipid profile in overweight and obese subjects. of WM users was −2.62% (−2.3 ± 5.48 kg) at the end of the
Shi-gao, which is mainly composed of CaSO4, has been used 180-days treatment. Previous research reported that patients
as a treatment for reducing fevers and alleviating thirst in who are overweight or obese in liraglutide group, the mean

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weight loss with liraglutide (administered subcutaneously in including diet control and exercise education. Although RCTs
daily doses: 1.2–3.0 mg daily) was 4.8–7.2 kg in a 20-weeks demonstrate the complete evaluation of drug efficacy and safety,
randomized trial (Astrup et al., 2009). Additionally, in a 56- they cannot completely reflect the real-world while patients in the
weeks trial, patients receiving once-daily subcutaneous real-world actually live in an uncontrolled environment and
injections of liraglutide, 3.0 mg, had lost a mean of 8.4 ± usually have a variety of comorbidities as well as inconsistent
7.3 kg of body weight, and approximately 63.2% of liraglutide adherence to treatment (Park et al., 2021). As stated before, those
users had lost at least 5% of their initial body weight (Pi-Sunyer reasons may have contributed to the relatively low weight loss
et al., 2015). Another 56-weeks liraglutide 3.0 mg randomized trial extent in WM users compared with previous RCTs.
had demonstrated that 81.4% of participants had maintained
above 5% weight loss, and they had lost a mean of 6.2% of
their initial body weight from randomization to the 56th week Limitation
(Wadden et al., 2013). It seems that the body weight reduction
effect of liraglutide observed in our study was slightly lower than Our study had several limitations. First, it is hard to reflect on
that reported in RCTs. The reasons we presumed are as following: patients’ adherence to lifestyle modification and actual
First, the baseline BMI of the subjects enrolled in our cohort study compliance between CHM users and WM users during the
was 32.84 ± 6.95 kg/m2, which was lower than the average course of treatment in our retrospective observational study.
BMI >35 kg/m2 reported in previous studies of mostly Western Second, the prescription of the CHM may combine different
populations (Astrup et al., 2012; Wadden et al., 2013; Davies et al., formulas to achieve more holistic effects and it does not always
2015; Pi-Sunyer et al., 2015). The mean body weight of our subjects exactly follow the consistent dosage or formula as well as WM.
showed a similar situation, which was much lower than the Third, since most subjects were Asian, the generalizability of
average body weight in the majority of previous studies of these results for other ethnicities may be concerned. Forth, there
Western populations (84.68 ± 17.14 kg in our WM group vs. a were some baseline demographic differences between both
body weight >105 kg in previous Western trials) (Pi-Sunyer et al., groups. Despite the baseline differences in weight loss were
2015; Davies et al., 2015; Wadden et al., 2013; le Roux et al., 2017). adjusted in propensity score models, we still need further
A previous study had found that absolute and relative reductions large randomized controlled trials to confirm the real causality
in body weight were dependent on the baseline BMI, which means of anti-obesity prescriptions and to collect comprehensive side
that those populations with higher baseline BMI would lose more effects.
relative body weight than those with a lower baseline BMI
(Ponzani 2013; Chitnis et al., 2014). It is consistent with the
findings of our study that Asian ethnic groups, which do not Conclusion
usually have a very high BMI, are associated with less weight loss
with liraglutide treatment. Second, liraglutide has been prescribed In conclusion, the results of our retrospective cohort study
as a therapeutic agent to provide glycemic control for type demonstrated that the CHM may provide a significant new
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), which would not be applied with dimension in our pursuit of weight control and prevention of
the maximal dose daily for weight control purposes (Nauck et al., metabolic syndrome by means of achieving body weight loss
2009). The retrospective nature of our study showed a higher that was almost on a par with WM users in the real-world.
proportion of T2DM individuals in the WM group under Although the pharmacological mechanism of anti-obesity
submaximal dosage of liraglutide for glycemic control. It may action is still vague and remains to be investigated, it is
infer that the maximal medication benefits of reducing appetite essential to conduct large-scale clinical trials and more
and energy intake were not achieved in the WM longitudinal real-world studies for the potential of CHM in
group. Additionally, there were a wider range of subjects with future in order to deliberate on the effectiveness and benefits of
T2DM comorbidity in the WM group. Some studies found that the CHM in clinical practices along with assessing comorbidities
complexity of conditions in patients with T2DM may lead to less and adverse events during follow-up. It is promising to develop
body weight loss in participants with T2DM than in those without a patient-centered long-term approach to weight management
T2DM (Apovian et al., 2015a; Thomas et al., 2020). Third, chances by providing the combined use of Western principles and
are high that subjects’ motivation would de-escalate as time goes Chinese medications therapeutic strategies.
by, and it probably would result in low adherence after 180 days of
treatment. In view of considerable variability in the general
population and fluctuating compliance to anti-obesity Data availability statement
treatment, the results of RCTs cannot always reflect the
responses in real-world clinical practices (Lin and Schneeweiss The original contributions presented in the study are
2016). The results obtained from RCTs are through precise included in the article/Supplementary Material, further
controls and close monitoring of those specific participants, inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

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Ethics statement Center for Big Data Analytics and Statistics (Grant No.:
CLRPG3D0048) at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital for the
The studies involving human participants were reviewed and study design, monitoring, data analysis, and interpretation.
approved by The Institutional Review Board of the Chang Gung This study is based in part on data from the Chang Gung
Memorial Foundation (IRB No: 201801526B0). Written informed Research Database provided by Chang Gung Memorial
consent for participation was not required for this study in accordance Hospital. The interpretation and conclusions contained herein
with the national legislation and the institutional requirements. do not represent the position of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital.
We also thank Dr. Yi-Hsuan Lin for her valuable opinions about
the CHM treatment for weight control.
Author contributions
The work presented here was carried out in collaboration Conflict of interest
between all of the authors. Y-NL performed the data collection
and manuscript writing. P-WL and C-YH were responsible for The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
the statistical analysis and data interpretation. Y-TH commented absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
on the study design and collected patients. C-WY provided be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
TCM’s viewpoint. H-YC and T-HY designed the methods and
revised the article. All authors approved the final version. Y-NL
and H-YC equally contributed to this work. Publisher’s note
All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the
Funding authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated
organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the
This study was supported by Chang Gung Medical Foundation reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or
(grant No: CMRPG5I0011), the Ministry of Health and Welfare claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or
(M1107092) and the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan endorsed by the publisher.
(grant No: MOST111-2320-B-182-009-MY3).

Supplementary material
The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
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acknowledge the support of the Maintenance Project of the 2022.978814/full#supplementary-material

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