Tia V16 Keyboard

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Using the keyboard in the program editor

Using the keyboard in the program editor

Navigating in the editor

Function Shortcut key

Open "Instructions" task card <Ctrl+Shift+C>

Open "Testing" task card <Ctrl+Shift+O>
Add new block <Ctrl+N>
Open block/PLC data type <F7>
Expand all networks <Alt+F11>
Collapse all networks <Alt+F12>
Navigate to the next point of use of the selected block or
Navigate to the previous point of use of the selected
block or operand
Navigate to the next read/write access <Alt+F8>
Navigate to the previous read/write access <Alt+F9>
Navigate to the definition of the selected block or oper-

Navigating in the program code (LAD/FBD)

Function Selected object Shortcut key

Object in the net-

Navigating between objects in the network Arrow keys
Object in the net-
Navigate to the first element of the network <Home>
Object in the net-
Navigate to the last element of the network <End>
Object in the net-
Navigate to the next element of the network <Tab>
Navigate to the previous element of the net- Object in the net-
work work
Insert network Any <Ctrl+R>

Navigating in the program code (STL/SCL)

Function Position of the cursor Shortcut key

Navigating in the program code Line Arrow keys

One word to the right/left Line <Ctrl+arrow keys>
Cursor to start of line Line <Home>
Cursor to end of line Line <End>
Cursor to start of code section Line <Ctrl+Home>

Using the keyboard in the program editor

Cursor to end of code section Line <Ctrl+End>

To the next network (STL only) Network title <Down arrow>
Repeat the shortcut
To the next network (STL only) Line keys until the insertion
point is in the next net-
To the previous network (STL only) Network title <Up arrow>
Repeat the shortcut
To the previous network (STL only) Line keys until the insertion
point is in the previous
Insert network Any <Ctrl+R>

Inserting instructions (LAD)

Function Selected object Shortcut key

Insert normally open contact Rung <Shift+F2>

Insert normally closed contact Rung <Shift+F3>
Insert empty box Rung <Shift+F5>
Insert assignment Rung <Shift+F7>
Insert "Open branch" Rung <Shift+F8>
Insert "Close branch" Rung <Shift+F9>

Inserting instructions (FBD)

Function Selected object Shortcut key

Network, input or
Insert AND logic operation <Shift+F2>
Network, input or
Insert OR logic operation <Shift+F3>
Insert empty box Network <Shift+F5>
Network, input or
Insert assignment <Shift+F7>
Connection line
Insert "Open branch" between two box- <Shift+F8>
Network, input or
Invert RLO <Ctrl+Shift+4>
Network, input or
Insert input <Ctrl+Shift+3>

Entering operands (LAD/FBD/GRAPH)

Using the keyboard in the program editor

Function Selected object Shortcut key

<Any letters/numbers>
Activate the input field for the first operand
Instruction An empty input field
of the instruction
opens on <Return>, any
letters or numbers will
be entered in the input
Activate input field for the operand Operand <F2>
Delete operand Operand <Del>
Define tag Operand <Ctrl+Shift+I>
Rewire tag Operand <Ctrl+Shift+P>
Rename tag Operand <Ctrl+Shift+T>
Input field for op-
Entering operands <Any letters/numbers>
Input field for op-
Confirm entry of the operand <Return>
Open autocompletion Input field for op-
Input field for op- The input field is deacti-
Discard current change
erands vated and the previous
contents restored.

Process instructions (STL/SCL)

Function Selected object Shortcut key

<Tab> or
Indent line (SCL only) Line
<Shift+Tab> or
Outdent line (SCL only) Line
Automatically formatting selected text
(SCL only)
Cursor after block
Open "Call options" dialog <Return>
Define tag Operand <Ctrl+Shift+I>
Rewire tag Operand <CtrlShift+P>
Rename tag Operand <Ctrl+Shift+T>
Expand/collapse parameter list (SCL only) Operand <Ctrl+Shift+Space>
Insertion mark <Ctrl+Shift+Num+>
Expand/collapse code section within the code
section <Ctrl+Shift+Num->

Using the keyboard in the program editor

Expand/collapse all code sections Any
Open autocompletion <Ctrl+I> or <Ctrl+Space-
Set/delete bookmarks <Ctrl+Shift+M>
To the next bookmark <Ctrl+Shift+6>
To the previous bookmark <Ctrl+Shift+5>
Comment out selection Line <Ctrl+Shift+Y>
Remove comment Line <Ctrl+Shift+U>

Programming window of GRAPH

Function Block Shortcut key

Navigation view,
single step view, <Page Up>/
Page Up/Down sequence view,
permanent instruc- <Page Down>
<Up arrow>
Navigate in the navigation view Navigation view
<Down arrow>
<+> or <Right arrow>
Expand/collapse object Navigation view
<-> or <Left arrow>
Switch between single step view and se-
quence view when a step or a transition is Navigation view <Return>
Navigation view,
single step view,
Switch between navigation view and work
sequence view, <ALT+F6>
permanent instruc-
Go to first element in a network Single step view <Home>
Go to last element in a network Single step view <End>
Switch to interlock Single step view <Ctrl+Home>
Switch to transition Single step view <Ctrl+End>
Navigate in the structure Sequence view Arrow keys
<Home> or <Ctrl
Go to first step Sequence view
Go to last step Sequence view <End> or <Ctrl+End>
Open branch Sequence view <Shift+F8>
Close branch Sequence view <Shift+F9>
Insert sequence end Sequence view <Shift+F7>
Insert jump Sequence view <Shift+F12>
Insert step and transition Sequence view <Shift+F5>

Using the keyboard in the program editor

Delete element Sequence view <Del>

Permanent instruc-
Go to first editable element <Home>
Permanent instruc-
Go to next editable element <Tab>
Permanent instruc-
Go to last editable element <End>
Permanent instruc-
Go to previous editable element <Shift+Tab>
Jump to the start of the "Action" cell Actions <Home>
Jump to the end of the "Action" cell Actions <End>
Insert new action Actions <Return>

Programming window of SCL

Function Block Shortcut key

Block overview,
Expand block block in the pro- <Ctrl+Shift+Num+>
gramming window
Block overview,
Collapse block block in the pro- <Ctrl+Shift+Num->
gramming window
Block overview,
Expand all blocks programming win- <Ctrl+Shift+Num*>
Block overview,
Collapse all blocks programming win- <Ctrl+Shift+Num/>

Monitor program

Function Shortcut key

Set/remove breakpoint (STL, SCL) <Ctrl+Shift+F9>

Step over breakpoint (STL, SCL) <Ctrl+Shift+F10>
Jump to lower-level block (STL, SCL) <Ctrl+Shift+F11>
Return to calling block (STL, SCL) <Ctrl+Shift+F12>
Run program up to marker (cursor position) (STL, SCL) <Ctrl+F3>
Show program status (STL, SCL, PLC tag table, watch
table and data block)
Enable all breakpoints (STL, SCL) <Ctrl+Shift+F2>
Disable all breakpoints (STL, SCL) <Ctrl+Shift+F3>
Modify to 0 (LAD, FBD) <Ctrl+Shift+9>
Modify to 1 (LAD, FBD) <Ctrl+Shift+1>
Modify operand (LAD, FBD) <Ctrl+Shift+2>

Using the keyboard in the program editor

See also
Keyboard operation in the TIA Portal
Using project-related functions
Arranging windows
Editing tables
Text editing


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