Tutorial 5
Tutorial 5
Tutorial 5
Tutorial 5
(Minor losses, piping systems and pump selection)
1) Calculate the pressure at the location shown in the diagram, needed to maintain the flow rate of
0.08 m3/s of water in a 6 cm diameter horizontal pipe leading to a nozzle, if the loss coefficient, KL
is 0.2 (based on velocity, v1) between the pressure gage and the exit.
5) A 3-m-diameter tank is initially filled with water 2 m above the centre of a sharp-edge 10-cm-
diameter orifice. The tank water surface is open to the atmosphere, and the orifice drains to the
atmosphere through a 100-m-long pipe. The friction coefficient of the pipe is taken to be 0.015
and the effect of the kinetic energy correction factor can be neglected. Determine:
a) the initial velocity from the tank.
b) the time required to empty the tank.