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Academic Year: 2022-2023



Program: Electrical Engg.

Course : ECA Course Code : 22525

Name of Guide: Prof. O. S. Chavhan Sir


This is to certify that Mr./Ms. Roll No. CHITKALWAR ATHARV
Semester of Diploma in Electrical Engineering of Institute, GOVERNMENT
POLYTECHNIC, NANDED has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in
Subject- ECA (22525) for the academic year 2022-23 as prescribed in the

Place : Nanded Roll No : 1430, 1435, 1454 ,1459

Date : 03/12/2022



Subject Teacher Head of the Department


Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year : 2022 - 23. Name of the Faculty: Prof.
O.S.Chavhan Sir
Course: ECA Course Code: 22525
Semester: 5th
Title of the Project: “ REPORT ON STUDY OF MOTOR SURVEY ”
Cos address by Micro Project:
A: Formulate grammatically correct sentences.
B: Give presentation by using audio visual aids.
C: communication skillfully.
D: write reports using correct guidelines.

Major learning outcomes achieved by the students by doing the project.

(A) Practical outcome:

1) Deliver presentation (seminar) effective.

(B) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain.

1) Prepare the points for computer presentation.

2) Make seminar presentation.

(C) Outcomes in affective domain:
1) Function as team member.
2) Follow Ethics.
3) Make
proper use of computer and Internet.
Comment /suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal
communication (if any)

Roll No. Student Name Marks out of 6 for Marks out of 4 for Total
performance in group performance in out of
activity oral/presentation 10
(D5 Col.8) (D5 Col.9)

(Signature of Faculty)





1st Discussion and finalization of Topic
2ND Discussion and finalization of Topic
3RD Preparation and submission of Abstract
4TH Literature Review
5TH Collection of Date
6TH Collection of Date
7TH Collection of Date
8TH Collection of Date
9TH Discussion and Outline of Content
10TH Formulation of Content
11TH Editing and 1st proof Reading of Content
12TH Editing and 2nd Reading of Content
13TH Compilation of Report and Presentation
14TH Seminar
15TH Viva-voce
16TH Final submission of Micro project

Sign of the Students Sign of the Faculty





Sr. Chapter/Title Page No.

2. Basic Principles
3. Magnetic forces on moving
4. Motors and Generators
5. Methodol Energy Conservation
Techniques to be Adopted to
Reduce Losses in the Induction

6. This will definitely save the

energy in induction motor Other
factors are

In the United States, motors consume almost 70 percent of the

electricity used by industry which translates to more than $30 billion
annually .Therefore, implementing even small improvements in motor
efficiency can significantly impact energy savings and motor operating
costs. An industrial facility may have hundreds or thousands of motors
in use. Typically, most of these motors are never inventoried, and little
is known about their operating costs. Motors normally receive attention
when they fail, which often requires stopping an entire operation and
can be costly. This is why decisions to repair or replace motors are
usually made quickly and with little consideration of economic
justification. Sound motor management identifies the critical motors in
your operation and helps to determine the repair or replace decision
before they fail. Other key policies to a solid motor management
program include:
• Developing a facility-wide horsepower breakpoint
• Following a written motor purchase specification
• Following a written motor repair specification
• Incorporating preventive and predictive maintenance
• Preparing for special cases (drives)
Advanced Energy’s Motor Survey can help you actively manage your
motors, identify your current motor inventory and formulate a Motor
Action Plan. A Motor Action Plan creates a tracking system leading to
better motor management decisions and continuous improvement.
This guide will help you collect the proper motor information to make
sound economic decisions more easily and accurately.
Basic Principles :

Specific research objectives are to:

• profile the characteristics of those businesses which continued
to trade (survivors) in comparison with those that had ceased
trading (failures) within the first three years;
• identify common characteristics of the failure sub-sample;
• investigate small business founders’ motivations for business
• determine the characteristics of small businesses and their
founders associated with business success (survival and growth);
• examine the problems encountered in operating a small business
in the first three years following start-up.
A motor makes use of these principles by using the forces
between magnets to drive the motion, and by making at least one
of those magnets an electromagnet in order to control and direct
the forces. The first principle is the best known. Magnets come
with two types of poles, called "north" and "south". In a typical
bar magnet, one end is the north pole (often painted red) and the
other end is the south pole (often painted silver or white). If we
bring two poles of two separate magnets together, they will try to
push each other apart if they are the same type of pole (two north
poles or two south poles), and they will try to pull each other
together if they are different types (one north and one south).
These forces between magnets have been recognized since
ancient times. Naturally occurring magnets known as lodestones
were familiar to ancient philosophers, and were used as
compasses for navigation in 12th century China.1 The second
principle was discovered in April 1820 when the Danish scientist
Hans Christien Orsted observed that an electric current in a wire
caused a nearby magnetic compass needle to deflect, thereby
showing that the current-carrying wire acted like a magnet. This
is the principle behind the electromagnet (see the lesson on Basic
Electromagnets). In the same year, the French scientist André-
Marie Ampère observed and characterized the magnetic forces
between two current-carrying wires. In a general sense, forces
between magnets are what drives a motor.
Magnetic forces on moving charges :
The approach taken in this paper is primarily empirical.
That is, a large number of personal, business and environmental
characteristics of businesses are measured at start-up and related
to eventual outcomes (failure, survival, growth). While there is a
mass of literature concerning small businesses and
entrepreneurship there is no generally agreed theoretical
framework for carrying out research in this field. In order to
facilitate our own research and understanding of a vast literature
on business formation we developed a research framework based
on the extant literature. The framework has been designed
specifically to aid research relating to very small or micro
businesses and may not be considered useful where larger
businesses are being investigated. The research framework is
shown in diagrammatic form in Figure.

In the early 1800's, the English scientist Michael Faraday

introduced the concept of "magnetic lines of force", which led to
the modern concept of magnetic field lines. Faraday noticed that
if we scatter iron filings around a magnet, the filings line up to
form chains along certain directions. Each iron filing is shaped
like a miniature needle, long and thin, and all the filings within a
small region tend to point in the same direction. Faraday
explained this behavior in terms of the forces on the ends of the
iron filings. He knew that a piece of iron becomes magnetic when
brought near another strong magnet, and so an iron filing in a
magnetic field becomes a tiny bar magnet. (An example of
magnetizing iron can be found in A Floating Compass, where we
use a strong magnet to magnetize a steel needle.) He correctly
realized that the reason the iron filings pivot to point in a
particular direction must be because there is a magnetic force
pulling the north pole of the filing in one direction and the south
pole in the opposite direction (see Iron Filings and Magnets for
more details). Faraday characterized these forces by "force field
lines", which showed the direction of those forces. At any point
in space, the field line through that point shows the direction the
force would be on a north magnetic pole located at that point (and
opposite the direction on a south magnetic pole). By scattering
iron filings around a magnet, he could map out the direction of
magnetic forces all around the magnet (Fig. 2). Check out Iron
and Magnets for our own experiment with some further questions
to ponder.
Motors and Generators :
Another insight into the behavior of motors involves their
similarity to electric generators.
In 1820, Orsted and Ampere described how an electric current can
produce a magnetic field: a key principle in the operation of
motors known as Ampere's law.3 In 1831, Michael Faraday
discovered a closely related principle. He discovered that a
changing magnetic field can induce an electric current. This
principle is the fundamental principle behind the electric
generator, and is known as Faraday's law . By spinning a coil of
wire inside a magnetic field, or by spinning a magnet inside a coil
of wire, a generator can produce a current in the wire, thereby
providing electric power. In a very real sense, Faraday's law and
Ampere's law are converses of each other. A current produces a
magnetic field (Ampere), while a [changing] magnetic field
produces a current (Faraday). This relation also reflects the
connection between a motor and a generator. By sending an
electric current through a motor, electrical energy is transformed
into the energy of movement. By turning a crank on a generator,
the energy of motion of the crank is transformed into the electrical
energy of the current in the wire. In fact, an electric motor and an
electric generator are the same device. A generator is just a motor
used in reverse. As the marvelous video below shows, a motor
can be turned by hand to generate electric power, which can then
be used to turn another motor.
Energy Conservation Techniques to be
Adopted to Reduce Losses in the Induction
Motor :

 Improving Power Quality :

Motor performance can be increased by maintaining the voltage
level within in BIS standards i.e. within the tolerance limit of ±
6 % and keeping the frequency within the tolerance of ± 3 %. This
is achieved by avoiding voltage unbalance, maintaining voltage
and frequency values and avoiding harmonic distortion.
 Voltage Unbalance :
3-phase motors are designed to operate on balanced supply.
Unbalance voltage causes excessive heating and vibrations. This
leads to increase I2R losses. Remedy on this is to distribute
single-phase loads on 3-phases. Harmonic filters are used to
reduce harmonics in the system, maintaining frequency as
 Motor Survey :
Motor survey is important aspect in energy conservation.
Conducting a motor survey is the best way to correctly size a
replacement motor.
A motor survey should begin by reviewing and cataloging the
nameplate information on the existing motor to obtain the
parameters such as rating of motor, rated speed, efficiency, full-
load current, etc.
The motor nameplate is the first step of a motor survey. It gives
available information, such as speed and full-load current, which
is helpful while selecting the right size motor.
Motors operate most efficiently near full load, so determining
load requirements accurately is important.
The highest efficiency is achieved above 80 percent of full load
torque, below that efficiency starts to drop dramatically.
 Matching Motor with Loading :
The characteristics of motors vary widely with their load and the
type of duty they are expected to perform.
For example, the applications like constant speed, constant
torque, variable speed, steep/ sudden start, continuous/
intermittent duty, frequent start/ stops, etc. should be taken into
consideration carefully when deciding for the type of a motor for
that specific application.
Proper selection of the range of the motor according to load
requirements will reduce the power consumption.
The efficiency of motors operating at loads below 40% is likely
to be poor and energy savings are possible by replacing these with
properly sized motors, new or interchanging with another load.
An incorrect selection of motor always leads to various problems
such as premature failure of the motor causing severe production
 Minimizing the Idle and Redundant Running of Motor:
By minimizing the idle and redundant running of motors,
prolonged idle running of machine tools, conveyors, exhaust fan,
lights etc. can be avoided. Idle running of auxiliaries like cooling
towers, air compressors, pumps etc. during prolonged stoppage of
production machines can be avoided.
 Operating in Star Mode :
In loads operating at less than 30 % of the full load, i.e. at light
loads, operation of "Delta' connected motor in "Star' connection
can save energy. If a motor is over sized and continuously loaded
below 30 % of its rated shaft load , energy can be saved by
permanently connecting the motor in Star.
In many cases, the load is below 30 % most of the time, but
sometimes the load exceeds 50 % in this condition automatic Star-
Delta changeover switches can be installed.
This can save upto 5 to 15 % of the existing power consumption.

 Rewinding of Motor :
Rewinding of electric motors when they fail can be a cost-
effective option in man ways.
While the rewinding process is expected to be extensive and
capable of bringing the motor back to a like-new condition, most
rewinders do not follow every step or the precision needed to be
followed in every step of rewinding.
This has major impact on the efficiency of a rewound motor.
Rewinding will decrease the efficiency by 2-5% in most of the
New technologies are available which help reduce the losses in a
rewound motor, rare cases have shown that a motor's efficiency
increased after being rewound.
A common problem occurs when heat is applied to strip old
windings : the insulation between lamination's can be damaged,
thereby increasing eddy current losses.
A change in the air gap may affect power factor and output torque.
Efficiency an be improved by changing the winding design
though the power factor could be affected in process.
Using wires of large cross section would reduce stator losses
thereby increasing efficiency.
 Energy Efficient Motor :
An EEM generates the same shaft output power, but uses less
input power than a standard efficiency motor.
Energy efficient motors apply less electricity and last longer than
standard motors of the same size.
Energy-efficient motors are defined as the motor in which design
improvements are incorporated specifically to increase efficiency
of motors.
Design improvements focus on reducing intrinsic motor losses.
Improvements include the use of lower-loss silicon steel, a longer
core to increase active material), thicker wires (to reduce
resistance), thinner laminations, smaller air gap between stator
and rotor, copper instead of aluminium bars in the rotor, superior
bearings and a smaller fan, etc.
Energy-efficient motors now available in India operate with
efficiencies that are typically 3 to 4 percentage points higher than
standard motors.
 Periodic Maintenance :
 Machine cleaning : To ensure that ventilation and motor
cooling is proper.
 Machine set up and Alignment : To ensure that the belt
drives and couplings are set up properly.
 Bearing lubrication : Verify that they are lubricated and
sealed properly
 Condition assessment : Vibration, unusual temperature rise
etc. indicate problems.
 Performance assessment: Regularly measure supply
voltage variations. Voltage imbalance leads to high losses.
 Maintenance of electrical connections in the starter and
motor terminal box: The loose connections unsafe and
source of heat losses.
This will definitely save the energy in
induction motor Other factors are:

 By phase balancing.

 Matching the motor in star-mode.

 Use high quality bearings to reduce friction losses.

 Use small cooling fan to reduce fan load.

 Lower air gap reduces magnetic losses.

Slip ring Induction motor :

Capacity : 5 HP
Rated Voltage : 230V
Rated current : 1.7A
Full Load Current : 7.5A
Speed : 1440 rpm
Connection : Delta
Insulation Class : Class A
DC Shunt motor :

Capacity : 5 KW
Rated Voltage : 230 V DC
Rated current : 2.5 A
Full Load Current : 8.0 A
Speed : 1500 rpm
Insulation Class : Class A
Squrial Cage Induction Motor :

Capacity : 5 HP
Rated Voltage : 230
Rated current : 0.5A
Full Load Current : 4.7 A
Speed : 1440 rpm
Insulation Class : Class A
DC Compound Motor :

Capacity : 7.5 HP
Rated Voltage : 230V
Rated current : 2.1A
Full Load Current : 14A
Speed : 1500 rpm
Insulation Class : Class B
Single Phase Capacitor Start Inducation Motor :

Capacity : 1HP
Rated Voltage : 230 V
Rated current : 4 A
Full Load Current : 9.0 A
Speed : 1440 rpm
Insulation Class : Class A
Syncronous Induction Motor :

Capacity : 3HP
Rated Voltage : 440V
Rated current : 4.4 A
Speed : 1500 rpm
Insulation Class : Class A

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