Coloured Pencil Worksheet

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Coloured Pencil Techniques

1. Make tiny dots beside each other to fill
the space.
2. Place the dots close together on one
side of the box.
3. As you move to the other side of the box
gradually let the spaces between the dots
get bigger.

1. Make small, scribbly, circular marks
without lifting your pencil.
2. Build up layers of colour in part of the
box to change the value from light to dark.

1. Make separate, parallel lines to fill the
2. Make some of the lines close together
and others farther apart to change the
value from light to dark.

1. Make hatched lines going in one
2. Then make another set of hatched lines
going in a different direction on top of the
first set.
3. Keep adding new sets of hatched lines
to change the values.

1. Place a small piece of paper over the
drawing paper.
2. Draw on it with a ball point pen.
3. Press hard to make indented lines on the
drawing paper under it.
4. Remove the paper.
5. Colour across the impressed lines on
the drawing paper.
Used with permission of
Name Date

1. Change your drawing pressure to
lighten or darken the colour.
2. Start on one side of the box with light
pressure and gradually increase the
pressure to make a slight change in value.
3. Use back and forth strokes to apply
smooth, even layers of colour.

1. Make 3 horizontal layers of 3 different
colours, leaving a space between each
2. Use back and forth strokes to apply
smooth, even layers of colour.
3. Make 3 vertical layers over the
horizontal layers using different colours.


1. Draw a big, imaginary insect in the

box. Make sure it has:
• 3 distinct body parts
• 6 legs
• big eyes
• antennae
• wings

2. Use a different coloured pencil

technique in each rectangle to
colour your bug.

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