Gradnorm: Gradient Normalization For Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks
Gradnorm: Gradient Normalization For Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks
Gradnorm: Gradient Normalization For Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks
work produces multiple predictive outputs, can one model shares weights across multiple tasks and makes
offer better speed and performance than their multiple inferences in one forward pass. Such networks
single-task counterparts but are challenging to are not only scalable, but the shared features within these
train properly. We present a gradient normaliza- networks can induce more robust regularization and boost
tion (GradNorm) algorithm that automatically bal- performance as a result. In the ideal limit, we can thus
ances training in deep multitask models by dynam- have the best of both worlds with multitask networks: more
ically tuning gradient magnitudes. We show that efficiency and higher performance.
for various network architectures, for both regres- In general, multitask networks are difficult to train; different
sion and classification tasks, and on both synthetic tasks need to be properly balanced so network parameters
and real datasets, GradNorm improves accuracy converge to robust shared features that are useful across all
and reduces overfitting across multiple tasks when tasks. Methods in multitask learning thus far have largely
compared to single-task networks, static baselines, tried to find this balance by manipulating the forward pass
and other adaptive multitask loss balancing tech- of the network (e.g. through constructing explicit statisti-
niques. GradNorm also matches or surpasses the cal relationships between features (Long & Wang, 2015)
performance of exhaustive grid search methods, or optimizing multitask network architectures (Misra et al.,
despite only involving a single asymmetry hy- 2016), etc.), but such methods ignore a key insight: task
perparameter α. Thus, what was once a tedious imbalances impede proper training because they manifest
search process that incurred exponentially more as imbalances between backpropagated gradients. A task
compute for each task added can now be accom- that is too dominant during training, for example, will neces-
plished within a few training runs, irrespective of sarily express that dominance by inducing gradients which
the number of tasks. Ultimately, we will demon- have relatively large magnitudes. We aim to mitigate such is-
strate that gradient manipulation affords us great sues at their root by directly modifying gradient magnitudes
control over the training dynamics of multitask through tuning of the multitask loss function.
networks and may be one of the keys to unlocking
the potential of multitask learning. In practice, the multitask loss function is often
P assumed to
be linear in the single task losses Li , L = i wi Li , where
the sum runs over all T tasks. In our case, we propose an
adaptive method, and so wi can vary at each training step
1. Introduction
t: wi = wi (t). This linear form of the loss function is
Single-task learning in computer vision has enjoyed much convenient for implementing gradient balancing, as wi very
success in deep learning, with many single-task models now directly and linearly couples to the backpropagated gradient
performing at or beyond human accuracies for a wide array magnitudes from each task. The challenge is then to find the
of tasks. However, an ultimate visual system for full scene best value for each wi at each training step t that balances
understanding must be able to perform many diverse percep- the contribution of each task for optimal model training.
tual tasks simultaneously and efficiently, especially within To optimize the weights wi (t) for gradient balancing, we
the limited compute environments of embedded systems propose a simple algorithm that penalizes the network when
backpropagated gradients from any task are too large or too
Magic Leap, Inc. Correspondence to: Zhao Chen small. The correct balance is struck when tasks are train-
ing at similar rates; if task i is training relatively quickly,
Proceedings of the 35 th International Conference on Machine then its weight wi (t) should decrease relative to other task
Learning, Stockholm, Sweden, PMLR 80, 2018. Copyright 2018 weights wj (t)|j6=i to allow other tasks more influence on
by the author(s).
GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks
training. Our algorithm is similar to batch normalization give deep networks the capacity to search for meaningful
(Ioffe & Szegedy, 2015) with two main differences: (1) we relationships between tasks and to learn which features to
normalize across tasks instead of across data batches, and share between them. Work in (Warde-Farley et al., 2014)
(2) we use rate balancing as a desired objective to inform and (Lu et al., 2016) use groupings amongst labels to search
our normalization. We will show that such gradient normal- through possible architectures for learning. Perhaps the
ization (hereafter referred to as GradNorm) boosts network most relevant to the current work, (Kendall et al., 2017) uses
performance while significantly curtailing overfitting. a joint likelihood formulation to derive task weights based
on the intrinsic uncertainty in each task.
Our main contributions to multitask learning are as follows:
Figure 1. Gradient Normalization. Imbalanced gradient norms across tasks (left) result in suboptimal training within a multitask network.
We implement GradNorm through computing a novel gradient loss Lgrad (right) which tunes the loss weights wi to fix such imbalances in
gradient norms. We illustrate here a simplified case where such balancing results in equalized gradient norms, but in general there may be
tasks that require relatively high or low gradient magnitudes for optimal training (discussed further in Section 3).
training rates of different tasks. The common scale for gra- norms towards this target for each task. GradNorm is then
dients is most naturally the average gradient norm, GW (t), implemented as an L1 loss function Lgrad between the actual
which establishes a baseline at each timestep t by which we and target gradient norms at each timestep for each task,
can determine relative gradient sizes. The relative inverse summed over all tasks:
training rate of task i, ri (t), can be used to rate balance X (i)
our gradients. Concretely, the higher the value of ri (t), the Lgrad (t; wi (t)) = GW (t) − GW (t) × [ri (t)] (2)
higher the gradient magnitudes should be for task i in order i 1
to encourage the task to train more quickly. Therefore, our where the summation runs through all T tasks. When dif-
desired gradient norm for each task i is simply: ferentiating this loss Lgrad , we treat the target gradient norm
GW (t) × [ri (t)]α as a fixed constant to prevent loss weights
GW (t) 7→ GW (t) × [ri (t)]α , (1) wi (t) from spuriously drifting towards zero. Lgrad is then
differentiated only with respect to the wi , as the wi (t) di-
rectly control gradient magnitudes per task. The computed
where α is an additional hyperparameter. α sets the strength
gradients ∇wi Lgrad are then applied via standard update
of the restoring force which pulls tasks back to a common
rules to update each wi (as shown in Figure 1). The full
training rate. In cases where tasks are very different in
GradNorm algorithm is summarized in Algorithm 1. Note
their complexity, leading to dramatically different learning
that after everyPupdate step, we also renormalize the weights
dynamics between tasks, a higher value of α should be used
wi (t) so that i wi (t) = T in order to decouple gradient
to enforce stronger training rate balancing. When tasks are
normalization from the global learning rate.
more symmetric (e.g. the synthetic examples in Section 4),
a lower value of α is appropriate. Note that α = 0 will
always try to pin the norms of backpropagated gradients 4. A Toy Example
from each task to be equal at W . See Section 5.4 for more
To illustrate GradNorm on a simple, interpretable system,
details on the effects of tuning α.
we construct a common scenario for multitask networks:
Equation 1 gives a target for each task i’s gradient norms, training tasks which have similar loss functions but different
and we update our loss weights wi (t) to move gradient loss scales. In such situations, if we naı̈vely pick wi (t) = 1
GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks
Algorithm 1 Training with GradNorm In these toy problems, we measure the task-normalized test-
Initialize wi (0) = 1 ∀i time loss to judge test-time performance,
P which is the sum
Initialize network weights W of the test loss ratios for each task, i Li (t)/Li (0). We do
Pick value for α > 0 and pick the weights W (usually the this because a simple sum of losses is an inadequate per-
final layer of weights which are shared between tasks) formance metric for multitask networks when different loss
for t = 0 to max train steps do scales exist; higher loss scale tasks will factor dispropor-
Input batchP xi to compute Li (t) ∀i and tionately highly in the loss. There unfortunately exists no
L(t) = i wi (t)Li (t) [standard forward pass] general single scalar which gives a meaningful measure of
(i) multitask performance in all scenarios, but our toy problem
Compute GW (t) and ri (t) ∀i
(i) was specifically designed with tasks which are statistically
Compute GW (t) by averaging the GW (t) identical except for their loss scales σi . There is therefore
P (i)
Compute Lgrad = i |GW (t) − GW (t) × [ri (t)]α |1 a clear measure of overall network performance, which is
Compute GradNorm gradients ∇wi Lgrad , keeping the sum of losses normalized by each task’s variance σi2 -
targets GW (t) × [ri (t)]α constant equivalent (up to a scaling factor) to the sum of loss ratios.
Compute standard gradients ∇W L(t)
Update wi (t) 7→ wi (t + 1) using ∇wi Lgrad For T = 2, we choose the values (σ0 , σ1 ) = (1.0, 100.0)
Update W(t) 7→ W(t + 1) using ∇W L(t) [standard and show the results of training in the top panels of Figure 2.
backward pass] If we train with equal weights wi = 1, task 1 suppresses task
Renormalize wi (t + 1) so that i wi (t + 1) = T 0 from learning due to task 1’s higher loss scale. However,
end for gradient normalization increases w0 (t) to counteract the
larger gradients coming from T1 , and the improved task
balance results in better test-time performance.
for all loss weights wi (t), the network training will be dom- The possible benefits of gradient normalization become even
inated by tasks with larger loss scales that backpropagate clearer when the number of tasks increases. For T = 10,
larger gradients. We will demonstrate that GradNorm over- we sample the σi from a wide normal distribution and plot
comes this issue. the results in the bottom panels of Figure 2. GradNorm
Consider T regression tasks trained using standard squared significantly improves test time performance over naı̈vely
loss onto the functions weighting each task the same. Similarly to the T = 2 case,
for T = 10 the wi (t) grow larger for smaller σi tasks.
fi (x) = σi tanh((B + i )x), (3)
For both T = 2 and T = 10, GradNorm is more stable
where tanh(·) acts element-wise. Inputs are dimension 250 and outperforms the uncertainty weighting proposed by
and outputs dimension 100, while B and i are constant (Kendall et al., 2017). Uncertainty weighting, which en-
matrices with their elements generated IID from N (0, 10) forces that wi (t) ∼ 1/Li (t), tends to grow the weights
and N (0, 3.5), respectively. Each task therefore shares in- wi (t) too large and too quickly as the loss for each task
formation in B but also contains task-specific information drops. Although such networks train quickly at the onset,
i . The σi are the key parameters within this problem; the training soon deteriorates. This issue is largely caused by
they are fixed scalars which set the scales of the outputs the fact that uncertainty weighting allows wi (t) to change
fi . A higher scale for fi induces a higher expected value without
P constraint (compared to GradNorm which ensures
of squared loss for that task. Such tasks are harder to learn wi (t) = T always), which pushes the global learning
due to the higher variances in their response values, but they rate up rapidly as the network trains.
also backpropagate larger gradients. This scenario generally The traces for each wi (t) during a single GradNorm run are
leads to suboptimal training dynamics when the higher σi observed to be stable and convergent. In Section 5.3 we will
tasks dominate the training across all tasks. see how the time-averaged weights Et [wi (t)] lie close to the
To train our toy models, we use a 4-layer fully-connected optimal static weights, suggesting GradNorm can greatly
ReLU-activated network with 100 neurons per layer as a simplify the tedious grid search procedure.
common trunk. A final affine transformation layer gives T
final predictions (corresponding to T different tasks). To 5. Application to a Large Real-World Dataset
ensure valid analysis, we only compare models initialized
to the same random values and fed data generated from the We use two variants of NYUv2 (Nathan Silberman & Fer-
same fixed random seed. The asymmetry α is set low to 0.12 gus, 2012) as our main datasets. Please refer to the Supple-
for these experiments, as the output functions fi are all of mentary Materials for additional results on a 9-task facial
the same functional form and thus we expect the asymmetry landmark dataset found in (Zhang et al., 2014). The standard
between tasks to be minimal. NYUv2 dataset carries depth, surface normals, and semantic
GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks
Figure 2. Gradient Normalization on a toy 2-task (top) and 10-task (bottom) system. Diagrams of the network structure with loss
scales are on the left, traces of wi (t) during training in the middle, and task-normalized test loss curves on the right. α = 0.12 for all runs.
segmentation labels (clustered into 13 distinct classes) for a and (2) an FCN (Long et al., 2015) network with a modified
variety of indoor scenes in different room types (bathrooms, ResNet-50 (He et al., 2016) encoder and shallow ResNet de-
living rooms, studies, etc.). NYUv2 is relatively small (795 coder. The VGG SegNet reuses maxpool indices to perform
training, 654 test images), but contains both regression and upsampling, while the ResNet FCN learns all upsampling
classification labels, making it a good choice to test the filters. The ResNet architecture is further thinned (both in
robustness of GradNorm across various tasks. its filters and activations) to contrast with the heavier, more
complex VGG SegNet: stride-2 layers are moved earlier
We augment the standard NYUv2 depth dataset with flips
and all 2048-filter layers are replaced by 1024-filter layers.
and additional frames from each video, resulting in 90,000
Ultimately, the VGG SegNet has 29M parameters versus
images complete with pixel-wise depth, surface normals,
15M for the thin ResNet. All model parameters are shared
and room keypoint labels (segmentation labels are, unfortu-
amongst all tasks until the final layer. Although we will
nately, not available for these additional frames). Keypoint
focus on the VGG SegNet in our more in-depth analysis,
labels are professionally annotated by humans, while sur-
by designing and testing on two extremely different net-
face normals are generated algorithmically. The full dataset
work topologies we will further demonstrate GradNorm’s
is then split by scene for a 90/10 train/test split. See Figure
robustness to the choice of base architecture.
6 for examples. We will generally refer to these two datasets
as NYUv2+seg and NYUv2+kpts, respectively. We use standard pixel-wise loss functions for each task:
cross entropy for segmentation, squared loss for depth, and
All inputs are downsampled to 320 x 320 pixels and outputs
cosine similarity for normals. As in (Lee et al., 2017), for
to 80 x 80 pixels. We use these resolutions following (Lee
room layout we generate Gaussian heatmaps for each of
et al., 2017), which represents the state-of-the-art in room
48 room keypoint types and predict these heatmaps with
keypoint prediction and from which we also derive our
a pixel-wise squared loss. Note that all regression tasks
VGG-style model architecture. These resolutions also allow
are quadratic losses (our surface normal prediction uses a
us to keep models relatively slim while not compromising
cosine loss which is quadratic to leading order), allowing us
semantic complexity in the ground truth output maps.
to use ri (t) for each task i as a direct proxy for each task’s
relative inverse training rate.
5.1. Model and General Training Characteristics
All runs are trained at a batch size of 24 across 4 Titan
We try two different models: (1) a SegNet (Badrinarayanan X GTX 12GB GPUs and run at 30fps on a single GPU at
et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2017) network with a symmetric inference. All NYUv2 runs begin with a learning rate of 2e-
VGG16 (Simonyan & Zisserman, 2014) encoder/decoder, 5. NYUv2+kpts runs last 80000 steps with a learning rate
GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks
Figure 6. Visualizations at inference time. NYUv2+kpts outputs are shown on the left, while NYUv2+seg outputs are shown on the
right. Visualizations shown were generated from random test set images. Some improvements are incremental, but red frames are drawn
around predictions that are visually more clearly improved by GradNorm. For NYUv2+kpts outputs GradNorm shows improvement
over the equal weights network in normals prediction and over single networks in keypoint prediction. For NYUv2+seg there is an
improvement over single networks in depth and segmentation accuracy. These are consistent with the numbers reported in Tables 1 and 2.
improvements are incremental, but GradNorm produces perior performance over state-of-the-art multitask adaptive
superior visual results in tasks for which there are significant weighting methods and can match or surpass the perfor-
quantitative improvements in Tables 1 and 2. mance of exhaustive grid search while being significantly
less time-intensive.
6. Conclusions Looking ahead, algorithms such as GradNorm may have
applications beyond multitask learning. We hope to extend
We introduced GradNorm, an efficient algorithm for tun-
the GradNorm approach to work with class-balancing and
ing loss weights in a multi-task learning setting based on
sequence-to-sequence models, all situations where problems
balancing the training rates of different tasks. We demon-
with conflicting gradient signals can degrade model perfor-
strated on both synthetic and real datasets that GradNorm
mance. We thus believe that our work not only provides a
improves multitask test-time performance in a variety of
robust new algorithm for multitask learning, but also rein-
scenarios, and can accommodate various levels of asymme-
forces the powerful idea that gradient tuning is fundamental
try amongst the different tasks through the hyperparameter
for training large, effective models on complex tasks.
α. Our empirical results indicate that GradNorm offers su-
GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks
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GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks
7. GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for ResNet architecture seems more robust to α than the VGG
Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask architecture, although both architectures offer a similar level
Networks: Supplementary Materials of gains with the proper setting of α. Most importantly, the
consistently positive performance gains across all values of
7.1. Performance Gains Versus α α suggest that any kind of gradient balancing (even in sub-
optimal regimes) is healthy for multitask network training.
The α asymmetry hyperparameter, we argued, allows us to
accommodate for various different priors on the symmetry
between tasks. A low value of α results in gradient norms 7.2. Additional Experiments on a Multitask Facial
which are of similar magnitude across tasks, ensuring that Landmark Dataset
each task has approximately equal impact on the training dy- We perform additional experiments on the Multitask Facial
namics throughout training. A high value of α will penalize Landmark (MTFL) dataset (Zhang et al., 2014). This dataset
tasks whose losses drop too quickly, instead placing more contains approximately 13k images of faces, split into a
weight on tasks whose losses are dropping more slowly. training set of 10k and a test set of 3k. Images are each
For our NYUv2 experiments, we chose α = 1.5 as our labeled with (x, y) coordinates of five facial landmarks (left
optimal value for α, and in Section 5.4 we touched upon eye, right eye, nose, left lip, and right lip), along with four
how increasing α pushes the task weights wi (t) farther apart. class labels (gender, smiling, glasses, and pose). Examples
It is interesting to note, however, that we achieve overall of images and labels from the dataset are given in Figure 8.
gains in performance for almost all positive values of α for
which GradNorm is numerically stable3 . These results are
summarized in Figure 7.
Table 3. Test error on the Multi-Task Facial Landmark (MTFL) dataset for GradNorm and various baselines. Lower values are
better and best performance for each task is bolded. Experiments are performed for two different input resolutions, 40x40 and 160x160. In
all cases, GradNorm shows superior performance, especially on gender and smiles classification. GradNorm also matches the performance
of (Zhang et al., 2014) on keypoint prediction at 40x40 resolution, even though the latter only tries to optimize keypoint accuracy
(sacrificing classification accuracy in the process).
Input Keypoint Failure. Gender Smiles Glasses Pose
Method Resolution Err. (%) Rate. (%) Err. (%) Err. (%) Err. (%) Err. (%)
Equal Weights 40x40 8.3 27.4 20.3 19.2 8.1 38.9
(Zhang et al., 2014) 40x40 8.2 25.0 - - - -
(Kendall et al., 2017) 40x40 8.3 27.2 20.7 18.5 8.1 38.9
GradNorm α = 0.3 40x40 8.0 25.0 17.3 16.9 8.1 38.9
Equal Weights 160x160 6.8 15.2 18.6 17.4 8.1 38.9
(Kendall et al., 2017) 160x160 7.2 18.3 38.1 18.4 8.1 38.9
GradNorm α = 0.2 160x160 6.5 14.3 14.4 15.4 8.1 38.9
and pose prediction, both of which always quickly converge placing more relative focus on keypoint regression, and of-
to the majority classifier and refuse to train further). Grad- ten performs quite poorly on classification (especially for
Norm also matches the performance of (Zhang et al., 2014) higher resolution inputs). These experiments thus highlight
on keypoints, even though the latter did not try to optimize GradNorm’s ability to identify and benefit tasks which re-
for classifier performance and only stressed keypoint accu- quire more attention during training.
racy. It should be noted that the keypoint prediction and
failure rate improvements are likely within error bars; a 1%
absolute improvement in keypoint error represents a very
fine sub-pixel improvement, and thus may not represent a
statistically significant gain. Ultimately, we interpret these
results as showing that GradNorm significantly improves
classification accuracy on gender and smiles, while at least
matching all other methods on all other tasks.
We reiterate that both glasses and pose classification always
converge to the majority classifier. Such tasks which be-
come “stuck” during training pose a problem for GradNorm,
as the GradNorm algorithm would tend to continuously in-
crease the loss weights for these tasks. For future work,
we are looking into ways to alleviate this issue, by detect-
ing pathological tasks online and removing them from the
GradNorm update equation.
Despite such obstacles, GradNorm still provides superior
performance on this dataset and it is instructive to examine
why. After all loss weights are initialized to wi (0) = 1,
we find that (Kendall et al., 2017) tends to increase the
loss weight for keypoints relative to that of the classifier
losses, while GradNorm aggressively decreases the relative
keypoint loss weights. For GradNorm training runs, we
often find that wkpt (t) converges to a value ≤ 0.01, showing
that even with gradients that are smaller by two orders of
magnitude compared to (Kendall et al., 2017) or the equal
weights method, the keypoint task trains properly with no
attenuation of accuracy.
To summarize, GradNorm is the only method that correctly
identifies that the classification tasks in the MTFL dataset
are relatively undertrained and need to be boosted. In con-
trast, (Kendall et al., 2017) makes the inverse decision by