USAID GAI Newsletter For Local Governments ENG
USAID GAI Newsletter For Local Governments ENG
USAID GAI Newsletter For Local Governments ENG
August 2021
Dear partners,
This issue of the USAID Government
Accountability Initiative (GAI) Newsletter
for Local Self-Governments presents
activities and results on the development
of single administrative points and
recommendations for improving transparency,
services and citizen participation through
better websites of cities and municipalities.
We have continued working on involving
young people in budget planning through
the systematization of lessons learned and experiences and through the development of manuals for
student parliaments and local governments. We are very pleased to support the initiative of the Local
Anti-Corruption Forum of the city of Kragujevac in organizing an art and literary competition for
students on the topic of corruption and nepotism in education.We have continued to increase the capacity
of local governments through trainings that enhance their accountability and good governance, such as
trainings on the implementation of the Public Procurement Law, the Law on Personal Data Protection and
training on better and more efficient use of social networks. Preparations for activities to strengthening
citizen participation in decision-making, primarily participation in local budget planning, are underway.
We hope that you will find stories and practices, as well as our beneficiaries’ experiences, inspirational
and useful in your work in building sound local governance and improving accountability.
Jacquelyn Williams-Bridgers
Chief of Party
This document is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID). The contents of this document are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect
the views of USAID or the United States Government.
2 / USAID Government Accountability Initiative NEWSLETTER for Local Self-Governments
Single administrative
point - the way to
more efficient local
government services
U SAID Government Accountability Initiative provides technical support for the establishment of a Single
Administrative Point (SAP) to partner local self-governments, as part of activities aimed at improving
the efficiency of services provided by local governments. In cooperation with the city administrations of
Sombor, Kragujevac and Šabac, we have analyzed the possibilities for the establishment of SAPs at the local
level and jointly developed several models.
What are the potentials of SAP? Opportunities depend on the creativity and will
of the institutions that connect to SAP, as well as
SAP potentials are great, having in mind the on their willingness to make additional efforts in
large number of rights and obligations and the communication and information exchange in order
large number of procedures for their realization to provide citizens with a better, more efficient and
carried out by various institutions. SAP reaches its faster service. The development of e-government
full potential for citizens in linking several related gives a special impetus to SAP, because most of the
procedures that involve various institutions, often procedures that are carried out can be completed
physically separated and remote. Some of the online, with already developed electronic data
examples for SAP are e-baby services, e-kindergarten or exchange channels, with minimal or almost no
registration of business entities and entrepreneurs. For additional costs and investments.
local self-governments, some of the SAPs can be:
1) Linking several rights in the field of social SAP Examples
Government Accountability Initiative has provided
2) Linking several rights to financial and other technical support to the cities of Šabac, Kragujevac
support to families with children, and Sombor to analyze and identify the possibilities
3) Linking procedures for changing data in records for the establishment of SAP and to implement
(both in local self-government bodies and in some of those possibilities. We will describe SAP
public utility companies and other local public implemented in Sombor which connects the
institutions), real estate ownership change procedure to the
4) Linking multiple applications that result in updating of the local public companies’ service
a single outcome (for example, submitting user databases.
multiple applications and proving that the
conditions for obtaining a taxi license are met)
and the like.
Who is the “point of Local tax administration (LTA) to which the taxpayer files a tax
contact” in SAP? return when changing ownership of real estate
Consent of the taxpayer enabling the LTA to share data on the change
What is the condition
of ownership with local public and utility companies. Important:
for SAP to function?
compliance with the Law on Personal Data Protection!
What are the Involvement of public notaries, who can file a tax return on behalf
challenges of the client.
and additional
Involvement of the Real Estate Cadastre Service.
opportunities of SAP?
A detailed presentation on SAP and the potentials of this concept can be found on Government Accountability
Initiative website (Presentation – Single Administrative Point (SAP)).
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Impoving transparency,
services and citizen
participation through
better websites of cities
and municipalities
W ebsites of cities and municipalities are one
of the most important tools for improving
transparency, better availability of data, documents,
opportunities for communication with citizens and
enables public participation in decision-making
through online surveys, consultations, virtual
and information of public importance. Websites public hearings and forums for the exchange of
provide fast and timely information to the public ideas, opinions and proposals. Websites allow
about the work of the administration, as well as local government services to be provided online,
about events in the local community. The online significantly increasing the efficiency and quality of
presence of cities and municipalities provides great those services.
Local self-
government Increased public participation in decision
making (online public hearings, surveys,
research, submission of initiatives)
GAI has been working with local self-governments Niš, Novi Pazar and Kragujevac, as well
to improve their websites since 2019. We have as the websites of the municipalities of
created a website template adapted to the Vrnjačka Banja, Inđija and Priboj. These are
structure, organization and needs of local self- also LSGs that are relatively high on the list of
governments.We have developed website quality Transparency Serbia Local Transparency Index
assessment tool, which analyzes and evaluates (LTI). Sombor is the administration that has used
the accessibility of content, structure, graphics, the recommendations to the largest extent and has
language, script, navigation and technologies that significantly improved its website since 2019. On
help people with disabilities to access content. GAI project website you can see the presentation
The tool also provides specific recommendations from the workshop on improving the websites of
for improvement, as well as the ability to track local self-governments, as well as the catalog with
changes. Based on this tool, out of 25 GAI project the recommended structure and contents of a city
counterparts, as of April 2021, the best ranked and municipality website.
websites are those of the cities of Sombor,
6 / USAID Government Accountability Initiative NEWSLETTER for Local Self-Governments
Participation of
secondary schools in
public budget hearings
T he Government Accountability Initiative has
continued to develop an initiative to include
high schools in public budget hearings, following
local self-governments successfully launch the
initiative, as well as to better organize each of
its phases. This Handbook too will be published
excellent results achieved in Sombor, Kragujevac, on GAI’s website in August and sent to all cities
Novi Pazar and Sremska Mitrovica in 2020. and municipalities, so they can plan and organize
We assembled the representatives of student activities accordingly in the fall.
parliaments from high schools who had This year too, Government Accountability Initiative
participated in this initiative and talked to them will continue to provide technical assistance
about the experiences, good practices, problems to all interested local governments to organize
as well as possible improvements in the project processes to include high school students in local
selection process. Based on that, as well as on budget planning. Just like the previous years, the
GAI’s experiences implementing this initiative, support consists of technical support to local
we have prepared the Handbook on Involving self-governments and student parliaments in the
High School Students in Budget Planning, organization of the entire process as well as a
which will be published soon and available on promotional campaign that promotes the initiative
GAI’s website. and motivates students to get involved.
This handbook is intended for the representatives
of high school student parliaments who, in We invite all partner
cooperation with local governments, organize the
process of identifying, selecting and implementing self-governments
projects that students consider a priority to
improve living and working conditions in schools
interested in
(process). The purpose of the handbook is to
help current and future members of the Student
supporting the
Parliaments to properly understand the process, implementation
the importance of involvement in decision-making
and to better organize each phase of this initiative. of this initiative
In a similar way, we have also prepared the to contact us if
Handbook on Organizing and Implementing
an Initiative to Involve High School Students they have not
in Budget Planning. This handbook is intended
for the representatives of local self-governments
done so already.
that organize this initiative in cooperation with
high school student parliaments. The purpose of
the handbook is to help the representatives of
8 / USAID Government Accountability Initiative NEWSLETTER for Local Self-Governments
In addition to students, their teachers and mentors were also awarded. The awarded works were
exhibited at the premises of the Secondary Vocational School. Apart from students from the territory
of the City of Kragujevac, students and teachers from other municipalities of the Šumadija District also
expressed interest in the competition, which will be the reason for the next competition to expand
beyond the territory of the city.
All awarder students’ drawings and essays can be seen at GAI website, link: Prizes Awarded to the Winners
of Student Competition “You Can Buy a Title, but You Cannot Buy Knowledge”
10 / USAID Government Accountability Initiative NEWSLETTER for Local Self-Governments
Training on the
implementation of
the law on personal
data protection
I n cooperation with the Commissioner for
Information of Public Importance and Personal
Data Protection (Commissioner), the Government
What are you most satisfied with
when it comes to this training?
(Responses provided by training
Accountability Initiative has organized training
on the implementation of the Law on Personal
Data Protection for local public companies • “The lecturer. The lecturer is interesting,
representatives. The training was held on June 7, he has real life examples. All pieces of
with the participation of representatives of 50 advice are very applicable. This man is
plus public companies. not a theorist but a practitioner.”
• “The way the lecturer delivered the
presentation is very relatable, pointing
out the key points of the law and the
The training held by Zlatko Petrović, a obligations of the company in relation
representative of the Commissioner, aimed to to it. Also, the readiness to answer all
ensure that currently designated and future data the questions is commendable. The
protection officers acquire new and upgrade organization of the event deserves a
existing knowledge on the right to protection praise.”
of personal data and get more acquainted with • “Answers to the questions that were
the obligations of controllers and processors of posed for a specific area, and that is the
personal data in accordance with the Law. protection of personal data in public
With this, the Commissioner and the Government companies.”
Accountability Initiative continued to cooperate to
improve the implementation of the Law on Personal
Data Protection at the local level, expanding the
trainings held for local self-governments during the
previous year. The training was very well received
and rated by the participants.
USAID Government Accountability Initiative NEWSLETTER for Local Self-Governments / 11
Guidelines for
improving strategic
U SAID Government Accountability Initiative
has provided technical assistance to
the municipalities of Inđija, Sremski Karlovci,
Veliko Gradište, Ljubovija and Krupanj for the
development of Guidelines for Improving
The guidelines are based on the priorities, socio-
economic specifics and potentials of each of the
municipalities and are based on a strategic approach
to communications in order to develop long-term
capacities in this field. They contain the basics of a
strategic approach, which is based on the analysis
of situations in each of the municipalities, defined
Ecosystem of your communications
goals and key target groups, as well as a proposal
of key messages, tactics and activities that make up
the communications plan.
This topic proved to be very important as it refers to improving transparency and strengthening public
participation in the work of local self-governments. The training is intended for representatives of local self-
governments responsible for public and media relations and communication, information and management of
social networks.
USAID Government Accountability Initiative NEWSLETTER for Local Self-Governments / 13
Training on the
implementation of the
public procurement law
C ontinuing to provide technical support
to partner local self-governments, the
USAID Government Accountability Initiative
We consider trainings on public procurement
organized by the GAI as very useful, and
important for our everyday work. I would like
is conducting a series of trainings on the
to emphasize the possibility to ask specific
implementation of the Public Procurement
questions during the training, and to resolve the
Law. The program contains ten half-day issues we are facing with in our daily work. We
online trainings covering more than 20 topics receive a clear and concrete answers from the
related to the implementation of the Law. experts during training, and we can exchange
The topics were determined on the basis of experience with the lecturers and other
surveys of representatives of partner local self- participants. We plan to continue participating
governments in order to ensure that relevant in trainings on public procurement, and we fully
issues are covered, possible doubts are resolved recommend trainings to our colleagues from
and avoid the repetition of information that other local government.
local self-government representatives had
Aleksandra Matic,
the opportunity to receive at trainings in the
Head of Sector for Public Procurement,
previous period.
City of Nis.
The trainings were developed and led by
Saša Varinac and Aleksandra Litričin, project
consultants. Public procurement is a complex and
So far, five trainings have been held, while the demanding area and every opportunity to hear
others will be realized during September and something new, and even to confirm what we
October 2021. You can find out about the already know, is important for us who deal with
dates of the next trainings and participation this topic. So far, I have had the opportunity to
at [email protected] participate in almost all trainings organized by
or contact Miloš Živković at mzivkovic@ the GAI project, and I find them useful because they deal with all important stages of the
procedure, are systematic and comprehensive.
Materials from previous trainings are available I find especially useful the training on the
on the website of Government Accountability implementation of public procurement
Initiative, at the following link: Presentations contracts and amendments to these contracts,
from trainings for the implementation of because that part of the new law is quite
the Public Procurement Law for local self- complex, and we do not have a chance to hear
governments. about it. I hope we will continue to have the
opportunity to be part of the project activities
dealing with public procurement.
Vesna Milanovic,
Head of the General Administration Department
and Public Procurement Officer,
Municipality of Veliko Gradište.
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