As-2 SD City Ret. Wall
As-2 SD City Ret. Wall
As-2 SD City Ret. Wall
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR Page of 6 City of San Diego • Information Bulletin 221 August 2009 August 2009 City of San Diego • Information Bulletin 221 Page of 6
Retaining Wall/Level Backfill BULLETIN
construction shall conform to ASTM C 270 and VII. SOIL DESIGN CRITERIA
CITY OF SAN DIEGO Development Services
1222 FIRST AVENUE, MS 301 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101-4153 221 shall conform to the proportion specifications
of Table 2103.8(1) or the property specifica-
This information bulletin is to be used only when
the soils to be retained are not expansive (i.e.
Table A / Requirements for Various Wall Heights 1,2,3,4,5
Call (619) 446-5300 for appointments and (619) 446-5000 for information August 2009 tions of Table 2103.8(2) of the CBC. sandy soils). The design of this information bul-
letin is based on the following criteria:
Construction of retaining walls, except those less than C. GROUT 1. Soil type: granular, non-cohesive soil backfill.
three feet high, measured from the top of the footing Documents Referenced in this Grout must have a compressive strength equal 2. Active earth pressure with an equivalent fluid
to the top of the wall and not supporting surcharge, Information Bulletin to 2,000 psi minimum. Grout shall conform to weight of 30 pounds per cubic foot.
requires a permit and is regulated by City of San Diego Table 2103.12 or to ASTM C 476. When grout 3. Passive earth pressure with an equivalent Wall Type I II III
• 2007 California Building Code, (CBC) conforms to ASTM C 476, the grout shall be fluid weight of 150 pounds per cubic.
Municipal Code. Wall Height (H)6 3’ - 4” 4’ -0” 4’ - 8” 5’ - 4” 6’ - 0”
Information Bulletin 221 outlines the city’s require- • San Diego Municipal Code, (SDMC) specified by proportion requirements or prop- 4. Allowable bearing value of 1,500 psf.
ments for retaining walls with level backfill. Informa- • Information Bulletin 220, How to Obtain a Per- erty requirements (CBC 2103.12) 5. Soil friction factor 0.25. Exposed Wall Height (E)7 2’ - 4” 3’ - 0” 3’ - 8” 4’ - 4” 5’ - 0”
tion Bulletin 222 describes retaining walls with slop- mit for a Retaining Wall/Fence Stem Block Thickness 6” 8” 8” 8” 8” / 12”
ing backfill. These bulletins are intended to provide a • Information Bulletin 222, Minimum Require- E. REINFORCING STEEL If existing soil conditions do not meet these
simple alternative to designing minor retaining walls, ments for Retaining Wall/Sloping Backfill Reinforcing steel must be deformed and com- design criteria or the conditions are unknown, Heel Dimension (L) 1’ - 3” 1’ - 7” 1’ - 4” 1’ - 4” 1’ - 9”
but should be used only where appropriate soil condi- ply with ASTM A 615 (CBC 2103.13.1), Grade walls should be designed by a State of California
Toe Dimension (T) 6” 6” 11” 1’ - 6” 1’ - 4”
tion at the site. See Section VII. SOIL. 60. When one continuous bar cannot be used, licensed civil engineer or architect. A soil report
For information on how to obtain a permit for a retain- IiI. Cal/osha permit/waiver a lap or splice of 40-bar diameters is required. may be required. Vert Bars (A) #4 @ 24” #4 @ 24” #4 @ 24” #4 @ 16” #4 @ 16”
ing wall, see Information Bulletin 220. A CAL/OSHA construction activity permit is re- All bars shall be clean of loose flaky rust, Vert Bars (B) #4 @ 24” #4 @ 24” #4 @ 24” #4 @ 16” #4 @ 16”
quired for construction of trenches or excavations grease or other materials likely to impair bond. Note: Soil lateral pressure due to earthquake
(ACI 318-05 section 5.7) motion is not included. Footing Width (W) 1’ - 9” 2’ - 1” 2’ - 3” 2’ - 10” 3’ - 1”
I. Zoning regulations which are five feet or deeper and into which a
Retaining walls heights are also regulated by person is required to descend. For more informa- Reinforcement in concrete shall be protected Footing Bars (C) none none none #4 @ 24” #4 @ 24”
the zoning laws of the city as follows: The height tion please contact: from corrosion and exposure to chlorides. (ACI viIi. INSPECTIONS
318-05 Section 7.7.6). Concrete protection for Inspections must be performed during several Key Distance from Toe none none 6” 12” 12”
of a retaining wall is measured from grade on
the lower side of the retaining wall to the top of Cal/OSHA Enforcement Unit district office reinforcement shall be at least 3” to earth phases of construction. Please call for inspections Key (W x D) none none 6” x 8” 8” x 9” 8” x 12”
the retaining wall (Exposed height E), (SDMC 7575 Metropolitan Drive, Ste. 207 when the concrete is poured against the earth. at the following times:
113.0270(b)(2)). San Diego 92108 (ACI 318-05 Section 7.7.1).
(619) 767-2280 One #4 reinforcing bar must be placed longitu- A. A footing inspection is needed when the
San Diego Municipal Code Chapter 14, Article 2 , Fax (619) 767-2299 dinally within the wall in a bond beam block excavation for a footing has been dug with
Division 3 regulates the location and the height of every 16 inches as the blocks are laid up. See the steel tied securely in its final position,
the retaining walls in the required setbacks and IV. MASONRY BLOCKS Figure 2. and the site is ready for the concrete to be
in the visibility area as follows: Concrete masonry units shall be of sizes shown placed.
1. Retaining walls in visibility areas shall not on drawings and conform to ASTM C90 (CBC F. mortar key
exceed 3 feet in height. (SDMC 142.0340(b)). 2103.1) Medium Weight Units with maximum To insure proper bonding between the footing B. A masonry pregrout inspection is required FOOTNOTES:
2. Two retaining walls with a maximum height linear shrinkage of 0.06%, F’m=1,500 psi grouted and the first course of block, a mortar key must when the block has been laid and the steel 1
Tables A makes the following assumptions:
of 3 feet each are permitted in the required solid reinforced cells. be formed by embedding a flat 2x4 flush with is in place, but before the grout has been f’y= 600000psi
front and street side yard if the two retaining and at the top of the freshly placed footing. placed.
Fs= 24000
walls are separated by a minimum horizontal All head and bed joints shall be 3/8” thick. Bed It should be removed after the concrete has 1. If cleanout holes are used, block may be
started to harden (about 1 hour). A mortar laid to the full height at the grout pour Solid grouting
distance equal to the height of the upper wall. joints of the starting course over the concrete
(SDMC 142.0340(c)(1)) key may be omitted if the first course of block before calling for the pregrout inspec- Using half f ’m stress
foundation may be between 1/4” and 3/4”. (ACI 2
Walls not shown in Table A must be designed specifically for the actual conditions.
3. Two retaining walls with a maximum height of 530.1-05 section 3.3B) is set into the fresh concrete and a good bond tion. Grout shall be placed in a continu-
6 feet each are permitted in the required side is obtained. ous pour in grout lifts not exceeding 6 3
All construction must comply with the specifications shown in this information bulletin.
and rear yard if the two retaining walls are No special inspection is required for retain- feet. 4
When Wall Type III is required, the first 32 inches of block must be 12-inch wide masonry units.
separated by a minimum horizontal distance ing walls up to 6 feet in height. Vi. Wall drains 2. If cleanout holes are not used, a masonry I=6” Block
equal to the height of the upper wall. (SDMC Wall drains must be placed at 6-foot intervals pregrout inspection is required prior to II=8” Block
142.0340(d)(1)). V. SPECIFICATIONS along the length of the wall and located just above each grout pour. Block cannot be laid III=12” Block
the level of the soil or paving on the front face of higher than the grout pour. Note that 5
Footing depth shall be 24 inches below finish grade and 12 inches of compacted soil is required on top of foot-
Note: Retaining walls higher than 5 feet may A. CONCRETE the wall. The drains may be formed by placing cleanouts are required for all grout pours
ing to stabilize the wall.
require a grading permit. Concrete for footings must have a minimum a block on its side at 6-foot intervals, by leaving over 5 feet in height.
out the mortar in the vertical spaces between
For the purpose of the structural design, wall height shall be measured from the top of the footing to the top
compressive strength of 2,500 psi at 28 days. of the wall.
II. WALL HEIGHT (CBC 1805.4.2.1). Cement shall conform to all the blocks in the first course above the soil or C. After grouting is completed and rock or rub-
For the purpose of designing the wall in this in- paving (head joint) on the front face of the wall, ble wall drains are in place, but before earth
For zoning requirements fence height shall be measured from finish grade.
ASTM-C150 (ACI 318-05 section 3.2).
formation bulletin, wall height is measured from by installing 4-inch diameter drain line behind backfill is placed, call for a backfill/drainage
the top of the footing to the top of the wall. Note: Plastic (Stucco) cement ASTM C 1328 the wall, or by any other acceptable equivalent inspection.
Walls not shown in Tables A on page 3 must be method. Backfill behind wall drains or open head
is not permitted in retaining walls located in
designed specifically for the existing conditions. Seismic Design Category D. joints must be loose rubble or gravel at least 12 D. When all work has been completed, call for a
The walls shown here are designed to retain only inches wide and extending from the top of the final inspection.
level backfill. No building foundation, retaining B. MORTAR wall to the top of the footing.
wall, driveway, parking, fence, or other potential The mortar mix must have a compressive
source of loading on the upper level is allowed strength equal to 1,800 psi minimum (CBC
within a distance equal to the height of the wall. Table 2105. Mortar for use in masonry
Figure 1 / Surcharge and Slope Setbacks DS-5221 (08-09) Figure 3 / Typical I or II Retaining Wall with Level Backfill Figure 4 / Type III Retaining Wall with Level Backfill
9921 CARMEL MTN RD. #189
Figure 2 / Typical Control Joints