Me As A Leader
Me As A Leader
Me As A Leader
1. Are you an effective leader in your respective field? Why do you say so? Share
When we talk about a leader, we mean someone who motivates others, inspires
specific actions, establishes direction, and assists themselves and others in moving
forward. In other words, it is one person's ability to elicit responses from another person
Leadership is the ability to give others focus and vision, clearly identifying goals
Leadership functions at various levels and in various capacities. It is not the same as
leadership of a large or complex organization cannot usually function well unless there
are other leaders at a lower level who are capable of implementing the leader's vision
Because as a farm leader, you are the one who creates the vision and identifies ways to
expand resources to carry out the mission. And, as a leader, the farmer must think long
term by effectively identifying the mission, assessing the needs, and developing a
organizations and institutions all over the world. True leadership is required to
coordinate their activities in order to address both local and global issues. Formal
research centers, and it requires strong and effective leadership to be effective. Within
any given institution, research activities are frequently divided into programs or themes
with leaders (who may be known by other titles such as coordinator, moderator, or
director), and individual projects must have leaders within those subgroupings. It is
important to remember that leadership is essential even at the field level of research.
Leadership of technical or labor service staff has a significant impact on productivity and
efficiency, though the impact of leadership at these levels can be mitigated by efficient
increasingly difficult, especially in today's fast-changing society. And these are the
current challenges that a leaders is facing. The market is overflowing with specialists,
but there is a distinct lack of general management expertise and strategic thinkers who
In my case, I can say that despite being the one in charge of our farm, I am not
yet an effective leader in my field. Because I was not born as a natural leader with
leadership skills, I still need someone to guide me to be a good leader, particularly in
creating a vision and dealing with people. But I'm confident that these can be learned
and that my abilities will improve over time. Even though leadership skills can be
learned and developed, a leader who has acquired these skills (such as myself) through
my career may always have to work a little harder than a natural leader to ensure that
my vision is achieved. And I am still practicing and willing to be a good leader because
when a good leader articulates a vision or an idea, many people will follow that
leadership through a combination of the leader’s charisma, the vision that resounds
personally with the people, respect for the leader, and belief in the goals and the vision.
2. As a leader, what may be those areas you would like to consider for you to
development. There are several core leadership skills that are regarded as important
traits in order to help us become more effective leaders. We must constantly challenge
ourselves to improve our leadership abilities, whether it's taking the initiative, developing
critical thinking skills, or learning how to motivate and empower those around us.
And as I said, there are many different types of leaders, but very few people are
natural, born leaders. Most of us, including me, need to learn, develop, and improve on
the key skills and characteristics that are required to become a successful leader. And
these are the following areas I would like to consider for me to become effective and
efficient leader:
1. Taking Initiative
One of the most important things to do in the agricultural field is to take the initiative. I
should get out of my comfort zone and push myself to be better. I'll keep in mind that the
more work I do, the more I learn. Learning more and taking on more responsibility will
2. Critical Thinking
As an agriculturist, I will need to be a critical thinker. Since, good leaders can foresee
potential problems before they happen. They can also develop ways to prevent
problems from happening. Good leaders are also aware of potential opportunities and
take advantage. In other words, I will be proactive. I will not wait for things to happen;
instead, anticipate them, and help the team be ready in case something goes wrong (for
3. Listening Effectively
Communication skills are critical to being an effective leader, whether it's presenting in
front of the people, creating and writing a strategy to achieve the goal of a farm, or
skills for a leader is listening. Without listening skills, I am not able to get feedback from
others and get a sense of what people like about they work on since feedback is a key. I
will keep in mind that communication is not just about verbal communication. I should
be aware of body language and gestures to determine what people are really saying.
Also, listening to those people of experts will help me understand what can and can't be
4. Motivate Others
A true leader should positively influence people. When people lose their ambitions and
passions, a true leader can energize and motivate them. Sometimes, people lose their
motivation because they are facing difficulties, are tired of doing the same repetitive
tasks, or because of the calamities that give a big impact in the farm.
5. Discipline
Discipline is required in order to execute the goal. Even if you have a vision or a good
idea, it's useless without discipline. If you want to execute effectively, you need
discipline. So, to be a good leader, I need to be self-disciplined, and make sure others
6. Handling Conflicts
Practicing to know how to handle difficult people and resolve conflicts. If people doesn't
work to the best of their ability and brings a negative attitude to work, I should have to
step up and talk to that person in private. I should be honest and straightforward. This
requires a lot of courage. It is not easy to point out a problem or fire someone, so I will
always listen to the people's side of the story before I reach a conclusion and take
7. Be a Follower
recognize the value of team members, learn from them, and encourage other team
members to learn from them. Learn things that I didn't know from a person who
specializes in a particular area. If a person has a new idea, encourage it, and see where
it goes. Be one of their biggest fans. Help them to step out of their comfort zone and by
believing in them; I'll instill confidence. Recognize when one of your people is taking the
type of initiative that you took when you were just starting out, building your skillset, and