Bavaria 44 - 3-Cabin 2001
Bavaria 44 - 3-Cabin 2001
Bavaria 44 - 3-Cabin 2001
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Introduction page3
Category of design page4
Builder's plate page 5
Warnings page5
Declaration of Conformity page 6
If this is your first yacht or if you are not really familiar with the special characteristics ofa motor yacht
please make sure you get proper training before you put it into operation. Do not hesitate to contact the
dealer or our shipyard for information about further training possibilities.
BAVARIA would like to welcome you to the circle of BA VARJA owners and would like to thank you
for placing your confidence in our productS by acquiring this yacht.
Your contract panner and the management and staff of Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH hope you will enjoy
your new yacht.
BAVARIA YachcbauGmbH
W. Herrmann 3
Sailing Yacht Bavaria 44 - 3 cabins Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH
Categorv of design
Following the European Recr ea tional Craft Directive each boat has to be classified according to a cate-
gory of design.
All sailiJ1g yac hts ofBA VAJUA bel ong to the ca tegory of design A,
designed for extended voyages where conditions may exceed wind force 8 (Beaufort scale) and signifi-
cant wave heights of 4m and above, and vessels largely self-sufficient.
For yachts with a length of more than 12m hull length the EC-Direct ive intends the certification modu le B
(EC type-examination) in combination with module C {Check of the stoc k boat in regard to its conformity
with the specimen).
!MC I (Int ernationa l Marine Certification Institu te) fr om Br uxelles was put into charge as a notified
body (see: Dccl3r3tion of Conformity).
The hull identificatio n was fonncd into the tranSOm on starboard side. This is a unique sequence of digits
and letters. It is
This sequence of digits and letters stands for the following information:
DE Country of production: Germany
BAV Unique code of the manufacturer
S44S7 Unique serial number chosen by tlie manufacturer
F Start of consiruetion in Jun e {A- January, B-Fcbruary a.s.o.)
2 Final digit of the year 2002, in which consiruction began
02 Final digits of the model year 2002
Buil der's plate
Bava ria Yachtbau GmbH
11: 0 - 97232~
The builder's plate on the front wall of the cockpit is a demand of the
Segelyacht "B avaria 44"
Directive because certain information are required which will be
explained in the following.
Entwurfskategorie A
Max. ;, = 10
Explanation s Max . i + • = 1.600 kg
• Max. 'JP
=IO : Maximum number of persons recommended by the manufac turer if the
yacht is siruated in the sea area corresponding to the category of design .
The number of crew can be increased under consideration of the maxi-
mum additional loading capacity if the yacht is on a voyage in non-ocean
+l•l =1600 kg : Maximum additi onal loading including 10 persons, stores, provisions
and personal equipment (excluding tank capacities).
Many chapters of this manual will support a troublefr ee operat ion, maintenance or draw your attention to
signs of dangers. To find them more easily they are especially marked (in boxes or in bold). We advise
you to. study them carefully although the experienced skipper might be quite familiar with many of them.
1~e following chapters contain such warnings/notes or other important information for operating the
jllcbt. .
means that an extreme real hazard which will lead to the death or too irl'eparable injuries
with great probability exists if no adequate precautions are found.
means that a·hazard which can lead to injuries or death exists ifno adequate precautions
are found.
means, that a memory of safety measures or the attention judge s on handling , that can be
unsure or lead to personal injuries or to harm of the vessel or from compo nents.
EC-Declaration of Conformity
corres ponding 10 the EC- Recr eationa l Craft Directive 94/25/EC, Annex Q
Wilh this we declare that lhe design and type of the following characterised yacht as well as the carried
out product that was brought into service by us is conform to lhe essential health and safety requirements
of the European Recreational Craft Directive.
This declaration will lost its validity if anyone carries out changes on board which touch the 'essential
safety requirements' and arc not settled amongst ourselves.
Type: : Keelyacht
Examiningauthority: IMCJ
Address: Rue Abbe O,ypers 3, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
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Declaration of conform'(ty
Applied harmon ised standards or drafts for standard s, respectively,
corresponding to the EC -Recrea tional Craft Directi ve 94/25/EG
1.1.3 Motorization
Diesel engine:
Manufactur~r Volvo Type D 2-55,
· Output 41 kW, Cooling indirect (sea-/fre sh-water),
Reverse-reduction gear Saildrive 120S-D Reduction ratio2.48: !(option: shaft)
Propeller 3-bladed fixed propeller made from an aluminium alloy ( option: folded
12 V DC-system
1 x starter battery 12 V 55 Ah 2 x service battery (option 3 x) 12 V 140 Ah
motor generator (lighting generator) .battery charger (option)
The distribution occurs about switchboard, electric circuits with thermal safety switches, LED display,
_tumbling switches and voltmeters with throw-over switch.
1.1.5Tank capa~ities
I fresh water tank abt 210 I on port side below the aftcabin berth.
I fuel tank abt 210 I on ~larboard side below the aftcabin berth.
I fresh water tank abt 150 I • into the bow.
I holding tank (option) abt 80 I in the locker seat, in the messroom.
I gas cylinder abt 3 kg cylinder (Butane)
1.1.6. Fixing points for cranes, resting-points for slipping and transport
Attention ! The rear webbing will be placed in the area of the sail drive
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1.2 Gener al arrangement
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The valid measuring of the foresail reefing gear are on the enclosure note at
the carton of the Furlex-foresail reefing gear.
1.2.2 Deck arrangement
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E xola nat ions in th e dec k plan:
BAVARIA 44 - 3 Kab incn
Desc ription Besc hreibun g
1 Bow navigation light Zwe ifarb enleuchte 1
2 Bow fitting Bugbe sch lag 2
3 Bow oulpit Bugkorb 3
4 Life lines Relingsdurc hzu2e 4
5 Water inlet Wasserei nflill stutzcn 5
6 Anc hor chain bail Ankerkasten 6
7 Mooring cleats Belegklamoe 7
8 Stanchion Relingsstiltze 8
9 Teak batt en Teak.leiste 9
10 Fore oeak Vorpiek 10
11 Stanc h ion base RelingsfuB 11
12 Soin. boo m \·ang padevc (oprion) Decksauge (Ootion) 12
13 Fuel inlet Die sclcinfl.illstutzen 13
14 Oo. hatch Vor sc hiff sluke 14
15 Hatch Luken 15
16 Soinn aker winch (option) Spinnake rwind e (Ootion) 16
17 Main shrows ~ aft kiwers eek Wantenputting 17
19 Electric windlass Elektrische Ankerwinde 19 -
20 Opening oortli!?ht Portlis?ht 20
21 Deck organizer U mlenkbl ocke 21
22 Genoa track Genuasc hiene 22
23 Genoa track car Genuasc hlitte n 23
24 Mains hcet track Grossschotsch 1itten 24
25 Mainsheet track car Grossschotschiene 25
26 Front endstop (g. track) Schienenendstuck 26
27 Aft endstop (2 . track) Scrucnenendsttick mit Umlenk blocken 27
28 End stops main sheet track Scrnene nendkaoo e 28
29 Winch Genuaw inde 29
30 Stoooe r St0iooer 30
31 Winch Fallwinde 31
32 Venti lator Deckltifter 32
33 Throu2h deck cable fitt ing Kabeldurchfuhnmg 33
34 Slid in!?.hatch Schfebe luke 34
35 Wa shboard Ste,ckschott 35
36 Aft oort pushpit He ckko rb links 36
37 Aft starboard pushpit Heckkorb rechts 37
38 Ba ckstay cba inplatt e Achters ta20tittin2 38
39 Aft pushpit life line Relingszug mit Pelikanhaken 39
40 Boarding ladde r Badeleiter 40
41 Grabrai ls Han drelin2 41
42 Stem li!?.ht Hecklateme 42
43 Hand operater bilge oumo Handlenzoumoe 43
44 Shore oick up 220 V Stcckdose 220 V 44
45 En2ine ventilation inlet Beliiftungsroste 45
46 Pa ssage Rclings durchgang 46
47 Emergency tiller fittin~ Notoinnenbesc hla~ 47
48 Steering wheel Steuerrad 48
49 Shower Cocko itdusche 49
50 Cockpi t portli2ht Coclmit Port)iQht 50
51 En2ine panel Motorin stru mententafel 51 1~
Niedergong / Motorraum
Companion way / Engine compartment
Gas cooker with oven
Vogo table locker
Kuhlbox >
Cooling box Kloidcr schran k I'>
Hanging locker
OoppelbOll Ablage 3
Ooublo berth Shelf
WC Spulo 3
Hoed 0
S!!!15 C.
Rudoranlago Ooppelbett
Steering 088' Ooublo berth "tS
Hli ngeschra nk
Hanging loclcor
Ooublo borth Shigruppo
Hanging loc ker
t of cloth : 240
t of cloth : 240
Furlio Genoa t of cloth: 240
1.3.2 Rigging
LM- Profile, without taper; - I 8 deg. double spreade rs , angular; - 2 halyard s, topping - and boom
tipping line and fittings .
LM-Profile ; - clew outhaul; - 2 reefing lines; - eye for mainsheet; - eye for tipping line.
StandinRri22in2 ( made of 1x 19- lace, materi al 440 l ). consisting of:
forestay with excessive footage (headsail reef system) Ix
intermediate shroud 2x ocnnanent backstay Ix
lower shroud 2x permanentbackstaytackle Ix
upper shroud 2x
Inside the mast: Option:
- Main halyard - Spinnaker halyard (attached)
- Genoa halyard - Spinnaker uphauJ
-Boom lift - Spinnaker downhaul
- 3 additional weighing lines
Additionally we draw you r attention to the enclosed trim instructions of the manufacturer.
Check all wires,ropes and lines, rigging screws and splints . The
latter should be secured with tape or by bending them. Exchange
damaged or deformed bolts .
This yacht is equipped with a inboard diesel engine with a sail-<irivegear (option : shaft) and a fixed pro-
peller (option: folded propeller).
The engine room is separated from living quarters by p lywood-bulkheads covered with sound-insu lating
material. An access is possible through :
a shutter below the companion way,
detachable bulkhead in the aftcabin beside the engine room
Cooling-water supply to the engine is realised via the saildrive-gear (extra drain with shaft).
Engine plant
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2. Installations and circuits
2.1 Tanks and piping - water
2.1.1 Fresh water, drinking water-cold
The yacht has two water tanks with a capacity of altogether abt 360 I. Fresh water is supplied via a water
inlet (with a blue cover) at the transom, port side and on the forecastle near the chain locker. You can take
water from the tank over a hose connection leading to the pressure ,vater-pump. pump , realising the complete cold water circulation, is fitted below~ pantry. An interruption of the
operation of the pressure pump is done by cutting off all ducts. All pipes/ho ses should be checked for
leaks if the pump continuo us working though all ducts were cut off properly .
The pump is protec ted by a filter which should be regularly checked and cleaned if neces sary.
OruckgeflBund OnJckschalter
Einfilllstutzen Aceumulator tanl<and pressureswitch
Oecicplate fne{)
ng Frischwasseqx;mpe
venting Fresh watet pump
\ \
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Bolle< \
Water hea4.eri
Note '-
Suppl y of th e engi ne
The engine is supplied via a sucnon pipe from the upper edge of the tank. Due to the shon distance a fire
proof fuel pipe is used throughout . Ttus is led via a wide-mes hed filter/ wa ter sepa rator, fuel pump and
fine filter to the engine and then back 10 the tank.
Attention ,
A trouble free operation of the engine and hea ting is only possible, if the fuel is clean.
That' s why a regular inspec tion and cleaning of filter/wa ter separator is unavoidable.
The fuel tank should be comple tely emptied and cleaned once a year.
Wa rnin g
When refilling the tank :
Switch off the engine , heating and stove !
Do not smoke or use open lights !
Sailing Yacht Bavaria 44 - 3 cabins Bavaria Yachtbau GmbH
Emergency tiller
The emergency tiller is stored in the starboard locker scaL
In case of emergency remove the steering wheel, the rudder quadrant for
rudder bar and/or the quadrant for the auto pilot (option).
Moreover the rudder bead~vcr has to be removed and the emergency tiller
to be mounted and secured. Comodo(cStcucmdmlt Slt:uc:d(cnc
Comodoro~11cdwilb ch&i11
Please ensure a suitable bearing lubrication of the necessary parts of the
rudder insrallation with water-proof lubricants (or Teflon) .
Bearing clearance has to be avoided and can be adjusted at the top bearing.
1be post must have no clearance but should not need heavy movements.
You can brake or even fix the steering wheels by turning a screw home. Make always sure that this brake
is not drawn especially when sailing with the auto pilot. This would mean an overload for the electric mo-
tor .
The socket of the steering gear is integrated into the deck's form. On the socket there is the casing of the
wheel hub. A chain is laid over a tooth-wheel of the hub. Both chain pulls are running to the rudder gear
which passes the adjusting force by the rudder bar to the rudder quadrant.
Both chains are tightened each with a rope pull. It is highly recommendable to check these rope pulls
from time to time and to retighten if necessary.
Close all sea valves if you leave your yacht for a longer period .
Valves being not clearly visible, like e.g. in the toilet room , shou ld
only be opened before use and closed short after.
Warnin g
1na serious situation, e.g. in case of a heavy inrush of water as a con-
sequence of a collision, the pumping capacity might not be sufficient.
Take measures for damage contro l with collision mats or other suit-
able means.
In case of spherica l valves a transverse lever-direction indicates:
and a longitudinal ones means : OPEN
Maintenance note
'The ughmess of duct s should be inspected regul arly.
Retighten all hose clips and the stuffi ng boxes of valves
You can find all the switche s for the 12 V consumers at the switchboard. By this you can operate diITerent
consumer-groups ,being marked with logos or lettering , separate ly. Some of the switches are designed for
an installation of additional electric devices. There arc only automatic fuses used. So you only have to
press them in case of a breakdown . Jf a fuse blows repeatedly you should spot the cause or consult a spe-
cia list (electrician) .
DC- consumers
The essentia l con sumers are:
navigation lights bilge pump s
engine displays tank di splay
VHF-radio wiring (opt ion) elec tronic device s
devices for comfort
Navigation lights have absolute priori ty. In case of a lack of capacity first all other con sumers have to be
switched off . By a stand-by operatio n of the engine, even when under sail , the batteries can be brought up
rather quickl y. Afte r a while you can switch on the other consumers again .
To a, ·oid freezing also main tena nce-free batt eries have to be re-
charged in winter if their capacity becomes less than 50%.
Once a year all con tacts should be check ed and protected wi th a
special spray.
Familiarise yourself with the e lectric installation in due time to
be ab le to reac t properl y in case of disturbances.
If a devi ce should fail , check first if it is defective.
2.5.S Imp ort ant warn ings on the AC-in ta lla tion
Att ention
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2.6 L.P.G. installat ion
The gas installation for the stove meets the European norm EN 10239. Attached please find the tcst-
The gas pipe leading to the stove from the standard 3 kg-gas cylinder is an 8mm copper pipe. It is placed
into a self-bailing casing moulded into the deck in the rear cockpit area. AJI gas pipes have been installed
according to the German safety regulations. The best-by date for the soft connection hoses between the
gas cylinder and the copper pipe and between copper pipe and stove is printed onto the hoses. They have
to be replaced after the expiry date.
The reducing valve in the gas cylinder casing has a service pressure of 30 mbar. The flow rate is 1 kg/h.
2.6.2 Op er ation
r- ,,; installations require care. That's why you should follow th.issequence:
Atte nti on
Open the stop ,·alve in the gas cylinder casing
Open the valve before the stove
Open a s1ove,-ah·e and lighten the gas
Keep the valve open until the glow timer allows further burning.
Atte ntion
For finishing follow the same (above mentioned) sequence from the
valve in the gas cylinder casing to the stove valve to allow all gas in the
piping to escape and bum.
And h er e is some m or e ad vice on how to pr even t diffi culti es with th e gas installation :
Close all gas valves if the stove is not in use. In a case of emergency you should close the valves im-
The stove valves have to be closed before the gas cylinder valve is opened.
Check the L.P.G. installation for possible leakages regularly. Check all connectjons with soap suds or
the like (for doing so the stove valves have to be closed - all other valves of the installation have to
be open).
If you find any leakages close all valves and have the installation repaired by a specialist before fur-
ther use.
Since the flames consume oxygen a proper airing and deacration is necessary. Do not use the stove
for heating the cabin.
Valves of empty gas cylinders have to be closed and disconnected from the installation. Have the 2 7
cove rs ready.
Do not use the gas cylind er casing for storing other equipment .
Neve r leave your yacht unatt ended if the sto ve is in use.
Check the hose pipes at least once a year . Have them replaced if necessary.
If you install a new stove make sure tha t is has got the same workin g pre ssure .
Check the exha ust gas pipes at least once a year. Replace them if they a defective.
Wh en bu ilding the yacht special aue ntion was payed to avoid the risks of fire. This includes the choice of
materials, the di stance of stov e flames to the surrou nd ing buil t-in furniture and an islan d pos ition of the
engine . The eng ine room has got a lining with fire resistant ins ulating material.
As the owner of the yacht you should keep this state and pay atte ntion to the following ad,,ce:
Atten tion:
Keep the bilge clean and check regu larly if there is a sme ll of fuels or gas.
In flammab le material must no t be stored in the engme room. lf you sto re non - materials in the engine room make sure that they are protected
against falling mto the engin e mstallauon or are in the way.
Furt hennore you and your crew can support fire pro tecti on if you follow the following advice:
If, despite an precautio nary measu res, a fire should break out aboa rd, there are fou r fire ex tinguishers an
board which are fixed at the fo llow ing places:
Nr. I : Powde r extin guisher in the starboard loc ker seat, at leas t fi re ex tin gu ishin g l 0A/ 68B
Nr . 2: Pow der extin guisher in the po rt locker seat, at leas t fire ex tin gu ishin g l 0A/68B
Nr. 3 and 4: Powder extin gui sher at the nav igationa l seat, at least fire ex tin gui sh ing l 0A/68B
Addi tionally you shou ld place in the pantry a light fir e r et a rdin g cloth , wh ich is made of glass cloth and
is very useful in the case of fire caused by over heat fat. 28
It is the yac ht owner 's duty
to have all fire ex tingui shers regularly checked and maintained ;
to have fire extinguis hers replaced after the expiry date. The same goes if the extinguishe rs should
have been used. The new extinguishers should at least have the same capacity as the discussed ones.
Test the fire extin guishe rs regular ly!
Train yourself as regards fire fighting .
Conside r always the seama nlike care duty .
2.8 Anchor
The bower anchor (plough anchor ), abt. 21 kg. hot-galvanised. (is known for its high holding power) . It
lays ready-to-fall in an anchor stowage de\1ce and is secured with a bolt. 1be chain has a length of 50 m
and a nominal thickness of 10 mm. It is weighed and run out by an electric anc hor windla ss (option) op-
erated with a remote control. The remote control is placed in the chain locker before use and its function
is activated at the switch board .
Furthe rmore it is recommendab le to have a stern anchor as well as sufficient mooring- and towing lines
with the necessary strength on board.
E.g .1 stem folding anchor (4-fluke grapne l anchor). 12 kg. hot-galvanised, fixed at the aft guard-rail. 6 m
chain forerunner, thickness 7 mm. 34 m polyami de anchor rope , 18 ~ 3-strand hawser laid. It is stored
in the port transom seat. The rope is cleated aft.
Check and clean the sea wate r filter in regula r intervals, depending on
the water qua lity.
Befo re starting the engine make sure that the cooling water inlet is open.
Have a short look into the engine room for possible leakage.
When the eng ine is runnin g it is highly recommendable to check regu-
larly if cooli ng water is escaping with the exhaust gas.
Atten tion:
A regular inspect ion if saltwater comes out of the exhaust, is urge ntly advisable.
2.11 Ventilation/Airing
We have taken 1~ following measures for a prope r venti lation of all rooms:
Chain lock er
A certain ventilation is realised through the hawser port in the cover of the chain locker and through its
bilge holes.
2 side lights lbull 's eye showings to the cockpit
1 deck ventilators , 6 side lights . 2 folding hatches
Fres h air:
Fresh air is sucke d up through opcrungs in the locker sca t, heated and led through a flexible piping system
to the outlets. The amount can be controlled by individual throttles.
2.12 Board ducts , sea water v_alv es
Openings below the water line are possible weak spots. That is why we pay special attenti on to them.
All bo ard ducts in the underwate r part , with the excep tion of the duct for the transmi tter of the echo
sounder, consist of brass-mad e screwed joi nt s with sph eric al sea valves and hose nipples. All hose con-
nections are secured with two clips each. For the cockpit drain special plastic joints are used .
Close all sea valves if you leave the yacht for a longer time. Valves being
not clearly visib le, like e.g . in the toil et room, should only be opened for
Maintenance note
The tightness of board ducts should be inspect ed regular ly.
Check and retighte n al] hose clips and stuffing boxes of valves if necessary.
In case of spherical valves a transverse lever-direction indicates : CLOSED
And a longitudina l direc tion means : OPEN .
Board ducts:
~ ..-,:
\ Ausgang SpOI~
Au$gang Dusche 1 Ausgang Duschpumpe Sink (fraEn
Show&r ctrain \ El. schower drain pump ~--
j A/\.• t.
\_ , I
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Kur~emlter I
I\. atrainl'!r I
Faka f11a;ntMk (Option)
l\ \ \ Toflet
Ausgar",g WC
Waste wa tM-dra in {o ptlOA} .
EltigangWC l
Toil_efwater drain ll 31
3. Environmental protection
BAVARIA YACHTBAU has already met the legal requirements referring to exhaust gas regulations
with its choice for the inboard diesel installed. An exhaust gas type-examination certificate can be handed
in or sent on later.
For a necessary exchange of oil you should use a suction pump, because you cannot drain it off like with
a car. The oil has to be exchanged at least once a year, even in case of a little operation time of the engine.
A well-maintainedengine should never leak. But in order to prevent even smallest amounts of oil being
discharged overboard with the pumped out bilge water, the engine bed has been designed in fonn of a
closed oil sump. All water from this sump. being possibly mixed with oil, has to be pumped into a sepa-
rate canist~r and has lo be deposited ashore.
In any case there should be oil-binders aboard.
3.2 Waste
For all water sportsmen it goes \\ithou t saying: waste is not thrown overboard. This is also true for biode-
gradable waste. There should be a regular waste bag or -bin in a locker seat.
3.3 Sound
The wet exhaust pipe of the diesel engine reduces the engine soun d considerably. Additionally rubber
bearings, elastic couplings and the engine room insulation minimise sound emissions. Nevertheless you
should not tum up the engine too quickly and, please, reduce the engine speed in waters with dense traf-
3.4 Swell
Natural bank areas are sensitive against swell. Please keep sufficient berth. Formation of waves, caused
by your yacht, is an indicator of where and when you should reduce your speed to avoid unnecessary
swell. Pay attention to relevant signs.
The sails arc made of Dacron. material is very robust and resistant. Thus the sails keep their form for
a very long time.
Inspect aJIyour running and standing rigging carefully for sharp edges, splints, protruding ends of wire
and the like because laminated cloth is especially sensitive against touching them. Those parts of the cloth
that can chafe at spreaders or shrouds should be protected on both sides by sticking self-adhesive cloth to
them. Th e same goes for the foot of the sail if there is the possibility of chafing at the rails.
Note :
Please remember: Damage to the cloth is mainly caused if it is incor-
recdy treated or handled. Especially if you let it shake, expose it to
UV rays constantly or store it improperly.
If there are any questions on the cloths do not hesitate to contact the
manufacturer or your sailmaker.
'ever remove track cars with ball bearings from the tracks carelessly.
Alway s use sheet tracks with endstops.
Please clean your yacht immediately after you have taken it out of the water. High pressure cleaning de-
vices will remove any growth. is followed by an upkecping of the surface of the yacht. All paint
manufacturers provide detailed insrructions for their coating systems.
For ships sailing in salt waters : remains of salt absorb water and can cause a faster corrosion. Where- and
whenever it is possible you should rinse the yacht and parts of it with fresh water.
Stainless stee l
The finnncss of corrosion from all fittings are based on that they will constitute a thin skin together with
the air occident, which will make a positive electrical potential. Specialists call it a er-passive (er is stand-
ing for cbrome).But chrome is in the galvanic contact series negative and a bit less valuable than iron. If
the thin protection skin wilJ be damaged the stainless er will be activ and will be less good than pure
chrome. The corrosion can start.
Who is not disapointed about little brown spots on the fittings ? They are caused by flying rust or particles
of iron, which are flying in the air and in all harbours placed near big towns. As soon as the flying rust
will set down to the protective coat of the stainless steel, il destroys the er-passivity, and this goes very
aggressive and fast.
Stainless steel only stays good looking for a long time, if there's taken good care of it.
Take it to your habit, if you are washing your boat with clear water, clean a]so the rail stanchions, pulpits
and pushpits and alJ stainless fittings thoroughly too. Clear water will wash away the salt, rust and flying
rust, the protective coat will be "ventilated" and it's function is guaranteed again.
Uyou have already brown spots, you can use most of all available metal cleanings to take care of the
stainless steel fittings or you take nonnal polish like you use it for the hull.
Of course·- all the best care can not help, if in the first place the fittings are not made out of the right ma-
terial or the stainless steel has not been treated correct. Before you will buy the fitting, ask f.e. if the fit-
ting has been polished electrical
4.2 Coatings
You may contact your marina or the yard if you have any questions concerning the coatings. Preferably
you should rely on one system of one manufacturer that goes on well together.
lf possible the following objects should be taken from board and stored in a dry and frost-free place:
Ship's papers and other relevant documents
Charts, books and instruments
Mattresses, upholstery, blankets and sleeping bags
Sails and lines/ropes
Gas cylinders
Safety equipment
Liferaft and rubber dinghy
Batteries 34
Advice :
Befor e winterin g you should pay special attenti on to th e following part s an d prote ct th em corre-
spondin gly:
Rinse and clean the transmitters of the speedometer and echo sounder.
Maintain the electrical systems and clean them with suitable materials.
Water pipes can be successfully cleaned with son acids, e.g. white vinegar.
Water valves should be taken to pieces and greased .
The toilet and corresponding pipes arc cleaned with fresh water.
The rudder should be fixed that no movements are possible (e.g. by fixing the tiller or wheel).
Engin e:
Fill the fuel tank completely
Exchange the propeller 's sacrificial anode (if necessary).
Empty all cooling-,vater of the engine and foJlow the instruc tions of the manufacturer .
Slacken all belts (lighting engine and other engine driven devices).
Among the things that are not dealt with are e.g. the personal safety equipment. This solely belongs to the
responsibilities of the skippe r. It goes without saying that there have to be means ofrescuc for all persons
on board . But this also includes the procurement and main tenance of a life raft, of signalling means, a
first-aid- as wcJl as a tool-kit.
Since the European Recreationa l Craft Directive pays ~1>ecialattention to fire protection it shall also be
mentioned, that fire extinguishers have to be maintained in regu lar intervals and that it belongs to the du-
ties of a skipper to introduce his crew into their operation .
Those being prepared for an emergency are normally never involved . But ju st in case: the yacht is prop-
erly equipped for those situation s with suitable means.
rf your yacht should be equipped with any details not being referred to in this manual or in the owner 's
file, your party to the contract will inform you about the correc t operation and maintenance.
Since all yachts, manufacrured by BAVARIA Yacbtbau GmbH, are exclusively so ld by offici al dealers
there is no contrac tual relationship between the yard and the customer /owner .
Thu s BAVARIA Yacbtbau G mbH is not fami liar with details of the contract between the dealer and the
customer. That's why it is not urgently necessary that your party to the contract takes over the full extent
of our warranty condition s.
So, if you have to make a claim it is unavoidable to contact your party to the contract.