Types of Formwork
Types of Formwork
Types of Formwork
SUBMITTED BY: CE05 Diksha Suryawanshi.
1) Rationale :
Micro projects for engineering students gives an edge over the race of recruitment
to work hard to ensure a good career. The importance of making micro-projects
cannot be over stressed, experts say. In spite of employment practices in recent
times, students are progressively taking up micro-projects to pad up their skill-set,
they add where students have been placed at good companies. By doing DSR’s
micro projects, students can gain practical knowledge about this subject. In spite of
theory concept you acquire, various industries also need to know your capacity to
complete projects using your specific initiative. So it is recommend that student
should do micro projects in their three years of diploma and try to present as many
white papers as possible in the engineering third year. This Micro-project of DSR
contains information of various types of formwork used for RCC structures. It helps
in gaining more information about this particular topic.
3) Literature Review:
There are different types of formwork available for different purposes. Generally,
the formworks for vertical concreting are called wall forms and those for horizontal
concreting are called slab or floor forms. The various types of formwork available
today in the market are discussed in detail.
4) Proposed Methodology
Micro–Project Report
1. Rationale
By doing DSR’s micro projects, students can gain practical knowledge about this
subject. In spite of theory concept you acquire, various industries also need to know
your capacity to complete projects using your specific initiative. So it is recommend
that the student should do micro projects in their three years of diploma and try to
present as many white papers as possible in the engineering third year. This Micro-
project of DSR contains information about the details of various types of the
formwork used for RCC structures at site. It helps in gaining more information about
this particular topic.
3. Literature Review
Formwork is molds into which concrete or similar materials are either precast or
cast-in-place. In the context of concrete construction, the falsework supports the
shuttering molds. In specialty applications formwork may be permanently
incorporated into the final structure, adding insulation or helping reinforce the
finished structure.
Formwork is a temporary mold to provide support to fresh concrete places in
structural member until the concrete has set. This helps the structural member to
gain sufficient strength to carry its self-load and load from other members.
4. Actual Methodology Followed
i. In this micro project firstly we went though the format of microproject.
ii. Then we collected the information about the microproject,the information was
collected by Diksha Suryawanshi.
iii. The information was collected by referring books,notes,internet and
iv. In this micro project I collected the information about various types of the
formwork used for RCC structures at site and it was done by me itself.After
this I added the report of my microproject.
v. At the end of this microproject we added a teacher’s evalution sheet.
Climbing Formwork
• Method of casting walls consists of a climbing formwork, the climbing of which
may be manual or crane assisted.
• It employs a common set of forms used in a repetitive manner for casting
walls in set vertical lifts.
• After each casting the forms are removed and raised to form the next lift until
the required height has been reached.
• These forms are widely used in the construction of industrial chimneys, silos,
high rise towers & building cores, bridge piers & pylons, airport control towers,
telecommunication, towers etc.
Tunnel Form
The tunnel formwork is a room sized structural steel fabricated form which is used to cast
the RCC walls and floor slabs of a building as a monolithic structure in a continuous pour.
The forms are then heated using hot air blowers for accelerated curing of the concrete.
This system is most economical when the structure consists of large number of identical
a) The teacher needs to fill the first 3rd columns of only one copy of this teacher evaluation sheet for
these criteria for each group of students as per the above rubrics and criteria.
b) After giving marks in the 3 columns, make multiple copies of this filled teacher evaluation sheet
according to the number of students in that group.
c) Then the teacher can give marks in the out of 4 marks for after the presentation/viva of each student
in the 4th column of each sheet.
d) Then add up the total marks to get the total marks.