Checklists Students en
Checklists Students en
Checklists Students en
It is recommended that once each section is completed the student uses the appropriate checklist to ensure they are on course.
Criterion B: Analysis
The analysis form has been used. The solution has been identified.
Requirements specification
The proposed product is realistic in terms of time constraints, resources and the students ability to develop it.
Product evaluation
The evaluation refers to the requirement specifications in criterion B and the test plan in criterion D. The evaluation explicitly refers to the feedback obtained from the client.
Cover page
The cover page template has been used. The students details have been added where appropriate. The cover page has been saved in HTM/HTML format.
Final check
The organization of the project prescribed in the guide has been adhered to. The project is no more than 2,000 words. The links within the product and documentation (where appropriate) are relative, allowing portability. The project has been tested in more than one location under different conditions. The correct forms have been used for the cover page, analysis, project schedule and product design. There are no appendices in the project.