Segmentation and Targeting
Segmentation and Targeting
Segmentation and Targeting
1. If customers are monogenous, then thee would be no need to segment the market TRUE
2. Segmentation method for making marketing strategy required analysis of internal
company data. True
3. The target segment can overlap other segment. False
4. Major issues in the market segmentation are The criteria for testing segments as robust
market targets; The strategic segmentation decision itself; The methodology of market
segmentation; The implementation of segmentation strategy in the company
5. Variables used in segmenting consumer markets can be broadly grouped into main classes:
Customer behavior; Customer attitudes; Background customer characteristics
6. Variables used in segmenting business markets can be broadly grouped into main classes:
Background company characteristics; Behavioral characteristics; Attitudinal characteristics
7. What are benefits that can be derived from segmenting a market? It is useful approach for
smaller company, it allows target markets to be matched to company competencies; It helps
to identify gaps in the market; In mature and declining markets it may be possible to identify
specific segments that are still in growth; Segmentation enables the marketer to match the
product more closely to the need of the target market
8. We can always use the same market segmentation for different levels of segmentation:
strategic intent, vision and mission, operational sales, marketing mix. FALSE
9. Implementation problems with segmentation-based strategies are: Corporate culture;
Information and reporting; Organization structure; Internal politics
10. There are………. Type of segmentation approached 2
11. MOSAIC is an example of multiple variables priori segmentation methods TRUE
12. We can find post hoc segmentation method for our market in Google. FalSE
13. Priori segmentation methods are: Gender; Occupation; Age; Income
14. Factors may be considered in evaluating attractiveness of market are: Economics and
technological factors; Environmental factors; Competitive factors; Market factors
15. Market characteristics that influence the assessment of market attractiveness are: Size of
the segment; Segment growth rate; Stage of industry evolution; Predictability
16. Market characteristics that influence the assessment of market attractiveness are:
Bargaining power of customers; Seasonality and cyclicality of demand; Price elasticity and
sensitivity; Segment growth rate
17. Microenvironment factors used for assessment attractiveness of market are: ALL (Barriers
to entry; Bargaining power of suppliers; Competitive factors; Level of technology utilization;
Barriers to exit)
18. Macroenvironment factors used for assessment attractiveness of market are: Social
acceptability and physical environment impact; Exposure to economic fluctuations; Exposure
to political and legal factors; Degree of regulation
19. We choose the market segment based on: Current and potential company strength in
serving the segment; Marketing strengths; Market segment attractiveness; Marketing
20. We should choose the segment that are: The segment attractiveness is average, and the
current and potential company strengths in serving the segment are weak.
21. What is the main advantage of market concentration? Specialization
22. Just because a market segment meets all criteria for viability does not mean the firm
should pursue it. Which of the following is a reason that an attractive segment might be
dropped? There is overwhelming competition in the segment.
23. What is the key to using behavioral segmentation successfully in consumer markets? The
firm must clearly understand the basic needs and benefits sought by different consumer
groups; The firm must determine whether consumers behaviors as being distinct from other
behavioral segments.
24. A deodorant brand markets to wealthy teen girls. What type of segmentation is the
deodorant brand using? lifestyle segmentation
25. The VALS framework, developed by Strategic Business Insights, is one of the most
successful and well-known tools of psychographic segmentation.
26. Which of the following IS NOT a variables used to segment business markets?
organizational culture
27. Why can only the largest firms execute mass market targeting? The largest firms have the
capability to execute mass market targeting; The largest firms has marketing resources to
execute mass market targeting; the largest firms have the desire to execute mass market
28. Which of the following is a type of individualized segmentation? mass customization
29. Which of the following is an extension of one-to-one marketing? mass customization
30. Firms focused on a single market segment use which of the following approaches? market
concentrated approach
31. What must a firm have to use differentiated targeting successfully? Multiple capabilities in
many different product categories; The ability to develop multiple marketing programs to
serve all customers simultaneously
32. Kellogg’s and Nabisco offer seemingly hundreds of brands of breakfast cereals targeted at
specific segments, including children (e.g., Fruity Pebbles, Apple Jacks), health-conscious
adults (e.g., Special K, Shredded Wheat), parents looking for healthier foods for their
children (e.g., Life, Kix), and so on. This is an example of niche marketing. False