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Mounir’s Teaching in Style Collection

Teaching Worksheets

1st Year of Secondary Education


Index ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Teaching Framework ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Units and their distribution ............................................................................................................................. 3
Guidelines and principles: .................................................................................................................................. 3
Teaching approach: ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Teaching practices: ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Structure of the book: ......................................................................................................................................... 3
How units work .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Presentation: ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

By REFFAS Mounir, Teacher of English Page 1|6

Officially, teachers are required to present their teaching worksheets following an inspector’s or an
administrator’s visit. Teachers are also required to follow their teaching practices and content of their lessons
according to the worksheet they are employing.
The following are the worksheets for 3rd year secondary education, all streams. It is based on the
teaching framework established by the official authorities and mentioned in Forward of 3rd year Official
Coursebook: New Prospects.
Some of the worksheets are specific to a certain stream. When it is the case, the detail will be included
in the title of the lesson between brackets.
Each unit, sequence, or lesson adds to the vocabulary repertoire and adds up to the body of knowledge
of each learner. Such teaching practices, themes, types of activities / questions, and list of words employed in
each of them are not to be mentioned in the teaching worksheets as they are separately organized in the
Teacher’s Copybook; which is part of this collection.
Finally, to know more about the style followed in this collection, there is a document named 001 Start
here, which describes each component / document of the collection.

By REFFAS Mounir, Teacher of English Page 2|6

Teaching Framework
Teachers are required to follow a specific framework of guidelines and principles. These are mentioned
in Forward in the Official Coursebook of English for 3rd year secondary education: New Prospects. As well as
in Teacher’s book: Key features of the coursebook p.8.
Units and their distribution
The book comprises 6 units. Each unit is assigned to one or more streams. The following table describes
the streams, the units, and the assigned units for each stream.
Unit Stream
Title Scientific Literary
1 Getting Through Intercultural Exchanges 1 1
2 Once upon a time … Famous people X 5
3 Our findings show … Communication: The Press 2 2
4 Eureka! Innovation and Technology 4 4
5 Back to nature Environment / Pollution / the world of Animals 3 3
Total……. 4 5

Guidelines and principles:

According to the official coursebook for 1st year secondary education, it is assumed that learners have
completed the four years of English provided by the new Middle School E.F.L. syllabus, and therefore should
be already familiar with the competency-based teaching and the learner-centred approach on which this book is
based. The general aim of the book is to consolidate and extend the competencies acquired at the Middle
School level.

Teaching approach:
Competency-based, learner-centred, and project-geared.
It has to be observed that the notion of competency in the SE1 syllabus is viewed as an on-going process
extending from MS1 (Middle School: Year One) all through to SE1 (Secondary Education: Year One).

Teaching practices:
In general, teaching will follow these guidelines:
1. Learners are given the rules of grammar straightaway.
2. Teacher and learning occur in the form of units, each with a specific theme and set of grammatical rules
to be taught.
3. At the Crossroads is meant to be 'taught from' rather than `taught'.
4. The teacher plays the role of facilitator and guide.
5. Learners should interact orally in English, interpret oral and written texts, and produce oral and written

Structure of the book:

The book is comprised of five (5) units distributed on the basis of 20 hours each. Each unit comprises four
sequences (Sq) and include in addition three sections (Sc), structured as follow:
Sequence / Section
Description Aims
Designation Sub-
Sq Listening Both “Listening and speaking”, and “Reading
1 and and writing” aim to encourage learners to
speaking anticipate before listening and reading, check
out their predictions, communicate with the
proper pronunciation, stress, and intonation and
practise language functions before producing a
reasonable stretch of oral or written discourse.
Anticipate In this rubric, learners are invited to look at The aim is to familiarise learners with the
pictures and answer questions. spoken text they will hear shortly afterwards.
Listen and In this rubric, learners listen to the teacher Improve listening comprehension and ability to
check reading a listening script, and check the recognize the sounds of English.
answers they have made.

By REFFAS Mounir, Teacher of English Page 3|6

Say it clear In this rubric, learners train to pronounce
correctly, mark stress and use the intonation
appropriate to the context.
It’s your In this rubric, learners will respond orally Re-using what you have learnt so far.
turn and in writing to life-like situations.
Sq Reading and See aims for listening and speaking above.
2 writing Anticipate In this rubric, learners are given hints about
the general idea of the text they will read
presently. They are also encouraged to
predict what is likely to happen next in the
text they have just started to read.
Read and In this rubric, learners check their answers
check and learn how to read the text.
Discover In this rubric, learners find how language
the works and practice the language structures
language they have come across in the text.
Write it In this Reuse what have been learnt in the sequence.
Sq Developing This sequence helps learners to further Get learners to “perform with a purpose”, i.e. to
3 skills develop the listening, speaking, reading and combine the four basic skills with attitudinal
writing skills at the same time as it improves patterns in problem-solving situations.
their ability to communicate in and outside
Sc Stop and A series of guidelines for the realisation of Acquire automatisms in language use.
consider the project.
Provides a training in the use of English
based on the implementation of rules (of
grammar, syntax, phonology) that illuminate
aspects of the language which learners have
come across either in the unit under study or
even in the Middle-School curriculum.
Sq Consolidati In this sequence, learners combine Elaborate and expand on the functions,
4 on and knowledge and know-how to reach language and social skills acquired earlier so as
extension objectives conducive to a competency. to flesh out, in writing, learners’ communicative
Write it consolidate and extend learners’ writing skill.
Work it gives learners the opportunity to solve problems
out related to the sounds of English as well as
finding the way out of problem-solving
Sc Project Assigns to learners - working as a group, in Projects where they are expected to re-invest, in
workshop pairs or individually. an integrative way, the functions and skills
Provides learners with a sample project and acquired earlier.
with suggestions and guidelines on how to
materialise it.
Sc Check your Evaluation section. Learners must assess Provides the students with the opportunity to
progress what they have really learnt to understand, to assess their attainments through a series of
say, to write, to do. exercises generally devised around a master-text
that encompasses the thematic and didactic
components of the unit as a whole.

By REFFAS Mounir, Teacher of English Page 4|6

How units work
Component Description Aims Practice
Unit Each unit of the textbook turns The emphasis in all five These topics are made to be thought-
around a broad topic selected for units falls on skills since the provoking through the treatment of related
its general interest and for the statement of outcomes in teenage issues like sports, food, health, the
functional language it generates: the syllabus is formulated in Internet and leisure. Learners explore these
Unit 1: communication terms of what the learners issues in relation to skills, functions, and
Unit 2: arts (literature) can do with the language. related strategies and language forms that fit
Unit 3: journalism (reporting) in with the topic of each unit.
Unit 4: science and technology
Unit 5: the environment.
Sequence 1: All in all, learners speak to: The following listening To build these skills, strategies selected are:
listening and - express their opinion skills are systematically - focusing attention on the topic
speaking - express agreement and covered: - dealing with unfamiliar vocabulary
disagreement ❑ Listening for specific - brainstorming
- describe a place, a person information - warming-up
- express likes, dislikes and ❑ Understanding and - predicting.
preferences sequencing main ideas (not to develop in a strict order)
- ask for and give directions Preparation for the listening tasks in the
❑ Interpreting attitude,
- locate a place ANTICIPATE rubric, in doing the listening
point of view
- express condition and result, tasks in LISTEN AND CHECK, and in
- give instructions, etc…. ❑ Identifying and practicing the intonation and stress patterns,
interpreting context, topic, and deciphering The hidden messages in the
function, information … SAY IT CLEAR.
Anticipate Strategies coming in bold relief.
Listen and - hypothesis testing
check - inferring
- checking understanding
Say it clear focusing attention on:
- intonation
- stress patterns
- sound and spelling relation
It is your turn represent the culminating point in Give the learners the Open-ended tasks offering freer speaking
the building of the speaking skill opportunity to integrate practice.
functions and language learners do them in pairs, in groups, or
forms previously introduced individually
to their oral performance
repertoire through the
application of the speaking
skill in carefully selected
communication areas.
Sequence 2: reading skills and strategies are Learners are asked to draw Learners are always asked to write with a
Reading and focused on: upon their discoveries over purpose.
writing - reading for global information functions of written Learners are guided through numerous
- reading for specific information language through reading to reading strategies:
- reading for main ideas produce limited but - predicting the subject of articles (texts) from
- analyzing style and tone so as to meaningful piece of headlines and illustrations
identify the author’s implied writing. - brainstorming the topic
attitude - brushing up vocabulary in the
- analyzing overall structure of Writing tasks emphasize the ANTICIPATE rubric to hypothesis testing
texts product as much as the and reading comprehension tasks in READ
- determining the meaning of process. AND CHECK, and to the analysis of
words through the context in sentence and paragraph structure, such as if-
which they are used clauses, the use of connectors that contrast
- interpreting texts ideas, and other such sentence-and paragraph-
- making inferences, etc... level features in DISCOVER THE
Sequence 3: concerned with the building / Inviting learners for Learners are encouraged to apply the basic
Developing development of ‘social’ skills participating spontaneously skills of listening, speaking, reading and
skills in the give-and-take of writing together with the functions and
spoken interaction language forms they have learned in the
involving either transaction previous sequences in various social
or mere social interaction. situations.

By REFFAS Mounir, Teacher of English Page 5|6

Stop and Is a grammar review. Learners consider aspects of language, with
consider which they have come across earlier in the
Learners are not given rules and structures,
they work them out for themselves.
Learners are now invited to look at rules
supplied in Reminders, and apply those rules
in various exercises.
Sequence 4:
and extension
Write it out expand on and consolidate
all four skills and
particularly the writing skill
Work it out places the learners in problem - expand on and consolidate
situations related to learning social skills.
English (e.g., problem consonants) - make learners aware of
and everyday life. problem areas in
pronunciation and stress
that might eventually
impede communication in
Project This section assigns the learners It supplies a layout of the project as well as a
workshop the project which they have to checklist of instructions to observe for its
carry out. realisation.
Check your It comprises a series of assessment Its aim is to give learners to be completed by the learners on the basis
progress tasks built around a master text as and teachers alike the of their level of performance in the tasks.
well as a checklist. opportunity to monitor
progress and decide
whether remedial work is
needed before moving on to
the next unit.

Each unit is presented in a single file named as follow:
104 Unit ONE_Getting Through
105 Unit TWO_Once upon a time …
106 Unit THREE_Our findings show…
107 Unit FOUR_Eureka
108 Unit FIVE_Back to nature

By REFFAS Mounir, Teacher of English Page 6|6

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