Constitutional Development of India and Historical Underpinnings
Constitutional Development of India and Historical Underpinnings
Constitutional Development of India and Historical Underpinnings
1600 1764
Battle of Plassey
Diwani Nizamat
Governor of Bengal
A supreme court
was made the
was set up at
Governor General
of Bengal.
Warren Hastings
PITTS To increase the
control of British
INDIA parliament over the
affairs of the
ACT company.
1784 It made clear between
the commercial and
political functions of
the company.
Court of
Board of
CHARTER Extended the monopoly of trade of East India
ACT OF company for another 20 years
First war of Indian Independence
1st Nov 1858:
Beginning of “Benevolent
The company’s rule was terminated
Associating Indians
with legislative
It started restoring
legislative powers
to provincial
Portfolio system.
COUNCIL Members could ask
ACT OF questions on domestic
matters, discuss budget
1892 without right to vote
Separate communal
electorate for Muslims
Question the executive over
entire aspect of
Administration including
annual budget.
Provincial autonomy
Establishment of RBI
1) Federal scheme
2) Office of Governor
3) Emergency provisions
5) RBI
6) Administrative details
7) Judiciary
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen a dramatic decline in famines in the last 50
years. Unfortunately there are still some cases of conflict that have plunged millions into
poverty and hunger, making people even more vulnerable to the coronavirus. Civil war in
South Sudan and Yemen has displaced families and cut off food supplies, as well as people’s
access to aid. Conflict and a lengthy, serious drought in Somalia and other parts of the Horn
of Africa has killed off most of the crops and livestock, the main assets for many families. The
situation in the Horn is compounded by climate change and now an upsurge in desert locusts
across East Africa.
Entitlement Failure :Understanding Famine
In the late 20th century the work of the Indian economist Amartya Sen led to a major
reorientation in the study of famines. In works such as Poverty and Famines (1981), Sen
challenged the prevailing “FAD hypothesis,” the assumption that total food-availability
decline (FAD) is the central cause of all famines. Sen argued that the more proximate cause
is so-called “entitlement failure,” which can occur even when there is no decline in aggregate
food production.
According to Sen, in every society each person can be thought of as having an “entitlement”
to all possible combinations of the goods and services to which he has access. An entitlement
is a collection of alternative bundles of goods and services from which the person in question
is free to choose. A resident of a homeless shelter, for example, may have an entitlement
consisting of exactly one bundle: a tray of food and a ration of clothes. But a cotton farmer,
who grows sack-loads of cotton each year, can keep the cotton or sell it and buy various
combinations of other goods. All these options constitute his particular entitlement.
A person’s entitlement can change for a number of reasons—for example, variations in the
prices of goods and services, the implementation of new rationing rules, infestations of a
farmer’s crops by pests, or the disruption of food-distribution channels by war. These
examples demonstrate how some segments of the population can perish because of hunger
despite there being no overall shortfall in food production. If, because of an international
glut, the price of cotton collapses in a given year, a village of cotton growers can suddenly
find that their entitlements of food have failed, and they can face starvation.
Contemporary research has shown that famines are best prevented and controlled when
markets are allowed to function but when governments also intervene in appropriate ways.
Private traders should be permitted to move food into affected regions; at the same time,
governments should shore up the buying power of the poor through direct relief or
employment-relief (food-for-work or cash-for-work) programs.
There is continuing debate about whether relief is better provided in the form of food or
cash. The answer is not obvious. Some have argued that if equivalent amounts of food and
cash are being compared, then from the point of view of survival it does not matter which is
given. In most cases, however, the answer depends on how well the relief system works or
on how broadly it covers the population it is supposed to help. A cash-based program makes
sense only if steps are taken to ensure that all those affected by the food shortage obtain
relief. This is especially important in view of the fact that the wide distribution of cash will be
likely to cause food prices in the affected region to rise. In the most acute situations of
famine, therefore, it is usually far more effective to give relief in the form of food.
In his study on famines, Nobel laureate Amartya Sen described two distinct kinds of famine.
The first, what he called FAD (food availability decline), was till then the usual conception of
a famine: starvation caused by disruptions arising from war, repeated rainfall failure, or
pestilence, such as disease, locust infestations, etc. Humans need a certain minimum caloric
intake to survive. If food supply dipped below this point, starvation would ensue.
Sen also drew attention to a second type of famine, which he called FEE (failure of exchange
entitlements), that challenged the common notion of famines as caused by insufficient food
supply. An FEE famine implied starvation even in the midst of plenty. Access to food is class
selective. Even in the worst of famines, the better off usually had access to food. It was the
poor and disadvantaged who starved because there was what Sen called a failure of
exchange entitlements. Unless you produced food directly, access was determined by your
ability to exchange earnings or assets for food. During severe disruptions, demand for labour
collapsed, prices rose, and foodgrain stocks dwindled. The labouring poor were unable to
exchange their labour for food and hence starved and/or migrated.
Most famines in history were a combination of FAD and FEE, with one of the two
predominant in each case. Sen’s study was based primarily on relatively poor agrarian
societies with primitive division of labour. Poor communications and transport constrained
long-distance bulk movements of goods; most of the harvest was produced and consumed
locally with minimal processing. The world changed greatly after the passing of agrarian
empires in the wake of the Industrial Revolution and the associated political revolutions that
spawned the welfare state. Modern technology, all-weather roads, railways and motorized
transport enabled the bulk movement of goods from surplus to deficit areas. This made the
great famines of the past a distant memory—despite rapid urbanization, with over 500 cities
housing over a million people each and over 30 megacities of over 10 million living far away
from food sources. The rise of the democratic welfare state also ensured that exchange-
entitlement losses were made good through interventions like employment insurance, food
stamps, etc. Nowadays, one associates famines only with failing agrarian states or
authoritarian setups impervious to pressures from civil society.
Today, the public policy response to the covid-19 pandemic raises the spectre of a third type
of famine, namely a failure of supply chains (FSC) famine, peculiar to post-industrial societies
based on intricate divisions of labour and complex, dispersed supply chains. Dense urban
conglomerations consume a large variety and quantity of processed packaged food that is
grown, aggregated and processed at multiple locations far from their place of final re-
aggregation and consumption. Just think of the amount of food that needs to get into a big
city each day, and what were to happen if these supply chains were disrupted.
Administrative lockdowns of cities, regions and indeed whole countries are a big leap into
the dark. As a result of India’s lockdown, several grocery items went out of stock in retail
outlets, although unprocessed food like cereals, dairy supplies, fruit and veggies are still
available. Anything in need of processing is fast vanishing, as supply chains for processed
foods are frictional.
On the other hand, demand for and the prices of unprocessed foodstuff, like veggies, fruits,
food grain and dairy products, are going down in their places of origin because of broken
supply chains on one hand, and the loss of exchange entitlements on the other. The fiscal
and administrative capacities of poor countries like India to cushion the failure of these
exchange entitlements on a large enough scale, even in normal times, are limited.
Modern societies are too complex to shut down. It is impossible to gauge all the linkages and
knock-on effects of such a shutdown. In a world characterized by intricate divisions of labour
and complex supply networks, it is dangerous for the State to cherry-pick
economic/industrial/services through administrative orders based on end-use. This is a
function of the market. If the State fails to mimic its complexity, which is likely, supply
arrangements will collapse.
Consider what making an essential good like a packet of biscuits entails: sowing, harvesting
and transportation of grain and cane; processing into flour and sugar; movement of flour
and sugar to biscuit factories. Likewise for preservatives, salt, colouring agents, and essence;
and also the paper, ink, adhesives, etc., needed for packaging biscuits. A disruption at any
stage of their production, maintenance, processing or movement can bring the entire
process to a standstill. Will all these associated activities be placed within the ambit of
essential services?
In today’s world, more than ever before, a battle can be lost for want of a nail—or biscuits
for the want of adhesives and ink.
It would be far more prudent if general guidelines were issued on how social distancing and
hygiene could be enforced in different economic activities, and how the safe movement of
passengers and goods can be done in various economic activities, rather than exempting and
allowing particular activities. We have been there before. The State fared disastrously in its
effort to direct economic activity as it saw fit.
Alok Sheel is RBI chair professor at ICRIER