Chap 01
Chap 01
Chap 01
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 The Main Components of a Computer 3
1.3 An Example System: Wading through the Jargon 4
1.4 Standards Organizations 10
1.5 Historical Development 12
1.5.1 Generation Zero: Mechanical Calculating Machines (1642–1945) 12
1.5.2 The First Generation: Vacuum Tube Computers (1945–1953) 14
1.5.3 The Second Generation: Transistorized Computers (1954–1965) 19
1.5.4 The Third Generation: Integrated Circuit Computers (1965–1980) 21
1.5.5 The Fourth Generation: VLSI Computers (1980–????) 22
1.5.6 Moore’s Law 24
1.6 The Computer Level Hierarchy 25
1.7 The von Neumann Model 27
1.8 Non-von Neumann Models 29
Chapter Summary 31
• Computer Organization
o We must become familiar with how various circuits and components fit
together to create working computer system.
• Computer Architecture:
o It focuses on the structure and behavior of the computer and refers to the
logical aspects of system implementation as seen by the programmer.
o Computer architecture includes many elements such as instruction sets and
formats, operation code, data types, the number and types of registers,
addressing modes, main memory access methods, and various I/O
• The computer architecture for a given machine is the combination of its hardware
components plus its instruction set architecture (ISA).
• The ISA is the agreed-upon interface between all the software that runs on the
machine and the hardware that executes it. The ISA allows you to talk to the machine.
• Principle of Equivalence of Hardware and Software: Anything that can be done with
software can also be done with hardware, and anything that can be done with
hardware can also be done with software.
FIGURE 1.2 Common Prefixes Associated with Computer Organization and Architecture
• In 1948, three researchers with Bell Laboratories – John Bardeen, Walter Brattain,
and William Shockley – invented the transistor.
• Transistors consume less power than vacuum tubes, are smaller, and work more
o Control Data Corporation (CDC) under the Seymour Cray, built CDC 6600,
the world’s first supercomputer. The $10 million CDC 6600 could perform
10 million instructions per second, used 60-bit words, and had an astounding
128 kilowords of main memory.
• VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration): more than 10,000 components per chip.
• ENIAC-on-a-chip project, 1997
• VLSI allowed Intel, in 1971, to create the world’s first microprocessor, the 4004,
which was a fully functional, 4-bit system that ran at 108KHz.
• Intel also introduced the random access memory (RAM) chip, accommodating 4
kilobits of memory on a single chip.
• Visit
• In 1965, Intel founder Gordon Moore stated, “The density of transistors in an
integrated circuit will double every year.”
• The current version of this prediction is usually conveyed as “the density of silicon
chips doubles very 18 months.”
FIGURE 1.5 The Modified von Neumann Architecture, Adding a System Bus
• Parallel computing
o The first parallel-processing system were built in late 1960s and had only two
o In 1999, IBM announced the construction of a supercomputer called the Blue
Gene. The massively parallel computer contains over 1 million processors,
each with its own dedicated memory.
Chapter Summary 31
• A brief overview of computer organization and computer architecture.
• Principle of Equivalence of Hardware and Software
• Moore’s Law
• The von Neumann architecture is predominate in today’s general-purpose computers.