CE312 Lecture2728 Fall 20-21

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CE312-Fall-20/21 2/7/2021

Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

Ch.4: Water & Wastewater Treatment

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Mixing (rapid mixing) and flocculation

 Mixing or rapid mixing is the process whereby chemicals are
quickly and uniformly dispersed in the water (ideally the
dispersion should be instantaneous).

 During coagulation and softening, the chemical added during

mixing (or rapid mixing) forms precipitates ( Al(OH)3 or
Fe(OH)3 during coagulation, and CaCO3 and Mg(OH)2 during

 After mixing the precipitates that formed should be brought

into contact with one another to form larger particles called
flocs. The process of contacting is called flocculation.

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CE312-Fall-20/21 2/7/2021
Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

Physical process – Mixing (rapid mixing)

 The degree of mixing is measured by the velocity gradient G.
 G = the amount of shear taking place  higher G means more
violent mixing.
 G is a function of power input into a unit volume of water:

G 
Where G= velocity gradient (s-1)
P = power input (W)
V=volume of water in mixing tank (m3)
μ = dynamic viscosity (Pa.s)

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Physical process – Mixing (rapid mixing)

 Suitable G value for a particular application is selected
based on literature, experience, lab work or pilot studies.

 The total number of particle collisions is proportional to

Gθ, where θ is the detention time in the basin as defined in
θ = theoretical detention time (s)
V= volume fluid in reactor or basin (m3)
Q = flow rate into reactor (m3/s)
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CE312-Fall-20/21 2/7/2021
Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

Rapid mixing
 Rapid mixing is the most important physical operation affecting
coagulant dose efficiency.
 Types of rapid mixing devices:
 Tank utilizing a vertical shaft mixer
 A pipe using an in-line blender
 A pipe using a static mixer
 Other types: Parshall flumes, hydraulic jumps, baffled channels, or
mixing by air.

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Rapid mix tanks

 The volume of the rapid mix tank seldom exceeds 8 m3 due to
mixing equipment and geometry constraints.
 Mixing equipment: electric motor, gear-type speed reducer, and
 Types of impellers:
 radial-flow impeller : provides more turbulence and is preferred for
rapid mixing.
 axial-flow impeller
 Chemicals should be added below the impeller because it is the
point of most mixing.
 Tanks should be horizontally and vertically baffled:
 Horizontally baffled into at least two and preferably three
compartment to provide sufficient residence time.
 Vertically baffled to minimize vortexing.

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CE312-Fall-20/21 2/7/2021
Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

Rapid mix tanks

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Rapid mix tanks

 The table provides unitless tank and impeller geometric
ratios for both rapid mixing and flocculation.
 Values in the table can be used to select proper basin
depth, surface area, and impeller diameter.

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CE312-Fall-20/21 2/7/2021
Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

Physical operation - Flocculation

 The objective of flocculation is to bring particles into
contact so that they will collide, stick together grow to a
size that will readily settle.
 Flocculation is the most important factor affecting
particle-removal efficiency, while rapid mix is the most
important factor affecting coagulant efficiency.
 In flocculation G values must be controlled within a
narrow range because:
 Enough mixing should be provided to bring floc into contact
and keep them from settling in the flocculation basin.
 Prevent too much mixing to avoid shearing the floc particles
(produce small floc that is finely dispersed)

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Gθ values for flocculation

 Plant operator should be able to vary G values by a factor of two
or three, because heavier floc (higher suspended solids
concentration) requires higher G.
 G and Gθ values for flocculation are given in the table below. As
can be noticed G values for softening is higher than coagulation
due to the heavier softening floc.
 Detention time θ is temperature dependant. For 20°C water,
modern plants provide 20 min flocculation time. For 15 °C, θ is
decreased by 7% (more decrease at lower temperature).

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CE312-Fall-20/21 2/7/2021
Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

Flocculator types
 Flocculation is normally accomplished using:
 Axial-flow impeller
 A paddle flocculator, or
 A baffled chamber
 Axial-flow impellers are recommended over other types because
they provide nearly constant G throughout the tank.
 The flocculator basin should be divided into at least 3
compartments. The velocity gradient is tapered such that the G
values decrease from the first to the last compartment with
average G equal to the design value selected from table.

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Power requirements for rapid mix & flocculation

 Impeller rapid mix and flocculation: the power imparted to the
liquid in a baffled tank by an impeller for a fully turbulent flow:

P  N P ( n )3  D i  

where, P= power (W)

NP = impeller constant (also called power number)
n = rotational speed (revolutions/s)
Di = impeller diameter (m)
ρ = density of liquid (kg/m3)
 NP for a specific impeller is obtained form manufacturer. For radial-
flow impeller NP = 5.7 and for axial-flow impeller Np = 0.31.
 It is recommended that the tangential velocity (tip speed) in
flocculation be limited to 2.7 m/s.

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CE312-Fall-20/21 2/7/2021
Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

Upflow solids-contact basin

 Mixing, flocculation, and clarification may be conducted
in a single tank called the upflow solids-contact basin.
 The main advantages for this unit is its reduced size
 This unit is best suited for constant quality influent (e.g.
well water softening)

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Ch.4: Water & Wastewater Treatment

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CE312-Fall-20/21 2/7/2021
Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

 A city is planning the installation of a new water treatment plant
to supply a growing population. There will be only one rapid mix
basin and then the flow will be evenly split between two
flocculation basins, each with three basins equal in volume.
 Required water depth in all basins = 4m
 Q = 11.5 x 103 m3/d
 Rapid mix θ = 2 min
 Rapid mix G = 600 s-1
 Total flocculation θ = 30 min
 Flocculators G = 70, 50, 30 s-1
 Water Temp = 5C
 Place impeller at 1/3 the water depth

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 Determine the following:

 Correct basin volumes
 Basin dimensions
 Tank equivalent diameter
 Required input power
 Impeller diameter (choose from table provided):

Impeller type Impeller Power Number

diameter (m) (Np)
Radial 0.8, 1.1, and 1.4 5.7
Axial 0.8, 1.4, and 2.0 0.31

 Impeller rotational speed.

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Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

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Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

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CE312-Fall-20/21 2/7/2021
Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

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Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

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Dr. Alanood Alkhaled

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