Engineering Services Contract (C 2)
Engineering Services Contract (C 2)
Engineering Services Contract (C 2)
To supervise the project execution of:
The Department:
Tender Number:
Table of contents
Table of Contents 2
Contract agreement 4
Article (23) – Discharge Statement 17
Appendix of the contract no. (3) Consultant remuneration fees during the 22
supervision stage
Appendix of the contract no. (3/A) Consultant remuneration fees during the 23
supervision stage
Schedule No. (4) Analysis of the monthly remuneration fees of the cadre 30
Schedule No. (5) Analysis of the remuneration fees of the office support 31
Form of
Contract Agreement of Engineering Services for
Project: ____________________________________________________________________
Represented by …………………….........…....................………………
Represented by …………...........................…………………………
accepted, the offer submitted to him by the second party, it was agreed
between the two parties on the followings:
1. The words and phrases mentioned in this contract shall have the
same meanings set forth in the unified Contract Agreement
Book for the construction projects in addition to the definitions
provided in article (1) of the general conditions of this contract .
In the event of any dispute, the definitions of this contract shall
2. The documents listed here-in-below are an integral part of this
contract, and as a whole, they shall be considered an integrated
unit and the order of priority of the documents shall be
according to the following sequence:
A. The Letter of Acceptance containing the decision of award.
B. Tender's offer
C. Instructions for the participants in the tender, Tender Invitation
and appendixes that are issued prior to the signing of contract.
D. The special conditions of the contract.
E. Bases of reference
F. General conditions.
3. A. The accepted value of the contract in figures: ( )
In writing: ( ) Dinars.
In writing: ( ) days
specified in Appendix no. (3), hereto for the provision of the
Engineering Services required by the second party under this
According to what has been stated here-in-above, this contract was
signed in the above mentioned date.
Employer Consultant
Profession----------------------------------------- Profession--------------
Profession----------------------------------------- Profession--------------
Article (1)
- Definitions:
of Jordan.
with what has been specified in this contract,
appendices and special conditions hereto.
Duration of the contract: The duration specified in the contract for each
specialization stated in Appendix No (3/A) of
this contract by the employer.
Documents : The documents that are contained in this
contract, which shall be considered an
integrated part thereto.
any of their employees, agents or
representatives, with respect to the invitation
to submit offers for the execution of this
contract or the Bidding/ Auctioning process
itself or award to the consultant or the
negotiations in progress in order to conclude
the contract for its actual execution.
Article (2)
Supervising the execution of the project through out the support of the
main office and/or permanent supervision as provided later on in this
Article (3)
1. Parties to the contract are subject to all laws, by- laws and
instructions in force in the Kingdom with respect to taxes and fees
unless the context of the contract provides otherwise.
2. The consultant shall pay the Revenue Stamps fees and fees of the
University prior to the signing of the contract in accordance with
the applicable laws, by- laws and instructions.
Article (5)
- Performance Guarantee:
Prior to the signing of the contract and after receiving the decision of
award, the consultant shall provide the employer with a performance
guarantee to ensure the execution of the engineering services and fulfill
the obligations set forth under the contract for a period three months
subsequent to the duration of the contract. The guarantee shall be by
10% of the accepted value of the contract issued by a bank or financial
institution formally authorized and according to the Guarantee Form
contained in the appendix no. (2). In the event that it was necessary to
extend the duration of the guarantee, the employer shall have the right
to do so at the expense of consultant for three months, subject to
renewal for similar periods as the exigencies of the work. The employer
shall release guarantee as soon as he approves the final discharge
submitted by the consultant.
Article (6)
- Level of performance:
into account the observations required or guided by the
employer or his representative in all matters related to the
implementation of the engineering services the subject of this
- Duties of Consultant:
The consultant shall perform the duties provided for in Appendix no. (1),
attached to this contract.
Article (9):
informed and call the consultant who performed the site survey
investigations for explanation, if necessary, and follow up the
required modifications on the drawings with the employer,
designer and the contractor.
Article (11):
3. Failed to replace any of his employees contrary to the
instructions specified in article (6) of this contract.
4. If he has entrusted internally any part of the duties
entrusted to him without the consent of the employer.
5. If did not adhere to the submission of a work that meets the
basic requirements of the project.
6. If he became bankrupt, not financially solvent, or made a
discharge for the benefit of his creditors.
The employer shall, in any of the cases provided for in
paragraph (12 / A) above, have the right to terminate the
contract under the following procedures:
The consultant shall get paid for what he has
completed of services up to the date of contract
completion and deduct thereof any differences in
remuneration fees and the cost incurred by the
employer for the remaining period within the stated
period in the remuneration fees and any extensions
issued prior to finalizing the contract by consent of
both parties. These differences shall be calculated by
the Committee mentioned in paragraph (12/B) of this
over that of the tender's value of execution, this would be
considered a default by the consultant and his staff, then
the employer shall address the Minister of Public Works
and Housing demonstrating the failure of the consultant
and requesting to form a technical committee to
determine his responsibility comprising of some
experienced and competent members as follows:
1. The Director General of the Government Tenders
Department or whoever representing him in writing –
Chairman of the Committee.
2. An engineer representing the Ministry of Public Works and
3. An engineer representing the Jordanian Engineers
4. An engineer representing the engineering offices panel in
the Jordanian Engineers Association.
5. An engineer from the Audit Bureau.
This committee would examine all the dimensions of the problem and
make communication and coordination with the concerned authorities
and submits its recommendations to the Minister of Public Works and
housing stating the responsibility of the consultant. If the decision of the
committee was adopted, in a majority or unanimously, holding the
consultant responsible for the errors and defects, the Minister
accordingly shall issue a decision binding the consultant to correct the
failure and also holding him responsible for all the financial
consequences thereof.
(12/C) : The special and emergency cases set forth in paragraph
(12 / A / IV) shall be specified in the following:
(These items were left blank to be filled out by the employer, if needed
and according to the nature of the project).
Article (13):
The employer may, at any time, terminate the contract for reasons other
than those contained in article (12/A). In this case, he would notify the
consultant and giving him period of (30) days to suspend the work of the
contract and after suspention, the two parties may agree on the
calculation method to compensate for the actual costs and losses
incurred by consultant as a result of the contract termination.
Article (14):
Accordingly, the consultant shall request the employer to issue an order
of commencement or fulfill the due payment within ten days of the
expiration of the period specified in paragraph (A) or paragraph (B)
above. If the employer did not issue an order of commencement and
direct due payment to the consultant during the ten days or bankrupted
pursuant to paragraph (C) above, the consultant shall have the right to
terminate the contract and ask the employer for an adequate
compensation as a result of the breach of the contract by the employer
and the reactivation of this contract shall be subject to the consent of
the two parties.
Article (15):
work site and these office should be furnished and
supplied with a computer set, printer, document copying
machine, water, electricity, sewerage and with air-
condition and heat system, if required, as well as the
required service, maintenance and operation thereof for
the duration of the work unless the tender's documents
otherwise state.
7. Handover of the project site with its full boundaries to
the consultant in a manner enabling him to start his
Article (16):
- Duration of work:
Article (17)
– Remuneration fees:
B. If circumstances had occurred during the lifetime of this
contract and led to an amendment in the wages and/or costs of
the technical personnel identical to the staff required according
to this contract, the Minister of Public Works and Housing shall
form a technical committee to determine the proportion of the
amendment to the wages and the remuneration fees of the
technical staff, specified in Appendix no. (3/A), shall be amended
by a resolution from the Minister of Public Works and Housing.
Article (18):
Article (19)
- Amicable settlement:
B. The amicable settlement proceedings shall begin when the other
party agrees to accept the invitation to amicable settlement.
C. If the other party refused the amicable settlement, or if he did
not send any reply to the sender of the notice during the period
of (14) days set forth in item (A) of this paragraph, the request
for an amicable settlement shall be considered as if it does not
exist. In this case, both parties may start the arbitration
D. The amicable settlement could be handled by one conciliator or
more having an experience in the same field of work of this
contract and in accordance with what the two parties agreed
upon. In the case that the two parties did not come to an
agreement on the name of the conciliator(s), they may agree
that a person or an institution appoints the conciliator(s).
E. The conciliator may, in all stages of the amicable settlement,
request from any of the two parties to provide the necessary
information, facts, causes, records, documents, or any other
evidences, and the conciliator shall assist the two parties to
reach amicable settlement for their dispute in a manner of an
independent, impartial, and should be guided by the principles
of objectivity, honesty and justice.
F. The two parties and the conciliator shall maintain the
confidentiality with respect to the amicable settlement
procedures, including the settlement agreement, unless
publishing it is necessary for the purposes of implementation
and application.
G. If two parties reached an agreement to settle the dispute
amicably, they shall prepare and sign the agreement, and the
amicable settlement agreement shall become binding to both
them after signing it.
H. The procedures of the amicable settlement shall come to an end
upon signing of the agreement by the two parties, or passing
(30) days on the date of acceptance of the parties to the
proceedings of the amicable settlement without having a
consensus on the conciliator, or passing (60) days from the date
of the agreement on the conciliator, or the date of his
appointment without reaching a settlement agreement, or a
written notice issued by the conciliator, indicating that there
was nothing to justify the continuity in efforts of the amicable
settlement, a written notice issued by the two parties or either
one of them to the other and to the conciliator asking to end
the amicable settlement procedures. In all cases, the conciliator
shall submit a report containing all the facts and evidences on
the dispute subject during his work as a conciliator and hand it
over to the two parties along with the minutes of the sessions of
the conciliation.
I. The two parties may not, during the amicable settlement
procedures, to proceed to any arbitral or judicial proceedings.
- Arbitration
Article (20):
- Amendment of Legislations:
- Notarial notifications:
Article (22):
- General provisions:
D. The consultant shall abide by the adoption of local materials and
industrial products provided for in the execution tender
E. The headings: -the Headings stated in this contract shall not
form an integral part of the contract, and they shall not be taken
into account when interpreting the provisions of the contract or
their content.
F. Singular and plural: - The singular could be referred to the plural
and vice versa in accordance with the (Presumption)
appropriate context.
G. Sales tax: The price offered shall include the General Sales Tax
and no separate item will be allocated for the tax.
H. The consultant shall, upon the submission of his offer, fully
comply with the minimum of the monthly salaries of the
engineers involved in this contract, which is determined by the
Jordanian Engineers Association in addition to expenses and
profits, and any consultant does not comply with this or set the
salaries of these engineers to less than that, his offer shall be
I. The local consultant is requested to fill out the attached tables
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) concerning to the volume of commitment,
institutional status, heads of specialization, analysis of the
monthly remuneration fees of the technical cadre and the office
J. The conditions of qualification and technical evaluation of this
project shall be defined by the special conditions ( if requested )
K. The employer shall have right to verify by the manner he deems
appropriate, the authenticity and the accuracy of the
information and documents provided by the consultant.
L. The consultant shall comply with instructions issued by the
Jordanian Engineers Association with respect to the structural,
architectural, electrical, mechanical works and otherwise.
M. The civil and legal responsibility of the designing and/or
supervising engineer shall be in accordance with what stated in
the articles (788), (789), (790) of the Jordanian Civil Law No (43),
for the year 1976 regardless to what is contained in this contract
in this regard.
N. The employer may replace the supervisors with new graduate
engineers in the different specializations of engineering in the
fields of specializations required.
O. The consultant shall study the preparation of the required
resident numbers and provide the employer with a list
containing the numbers needed along with the program of work
execution by the contractor. The staff members shall be
appointed according to the actual need by increasing or
decreasing it with the consent of the employer. The number of
the staff shall be reconsidered whenever needed by increasing
or decreasing it subject to the mutual approval of the two
parties and in the event that the project needs more resident
supervision staff and the employer has approved it, the
recruitment would be made and the remuneration fees shall be
paid pursuant to what has been specified in appendix no. (3/A)
P. Other Payments:
intended to be paid directly or indirectly by him, on his
behalf, by sub-consultants or on their behalf or any of
their staff, agents or representatives in connection with
the Invitation to submit the offers for the execution of this
Contract, the Bidding/Auctioning process itself, the award
to the consultant, the negotiations to sign the Contract or
for its actual execution. The consultant also undertakes to
promptly give the first party a written permit in case if
there are other payments for example but not limited to,
a detailed description explaining the reasons of these
other payments on the date of payment or on the date of
his commitment to pay such payments whichever earlier.
2. In case of any violation or breach of the provisions of
paragraph (P/1) of this article, the first party at his own
option and discretion may take all or any of the following
A. Terminate this contract taking into consideration the
provisions of article (12/A) of this Contract.
B. Deduct from the moneys due to the consultant under this
contract, an amount equals to (two times) the amount of
the prohibited payments.
C. The consultant shall be demanded to pay promptly to the
first party an amount equal to (two times) the amount of the
other payments and the Consultant declares in accordance
with this Clause that he irrevocably agrees to promptly
respond to such claim taking into consideration paragraph
(P/4) below, the two parties declare that the total amounts
to which the First Party is entitled to receive under this
paragraph (P/2), shall not exceed (two times) the sum of all
other payments.
3. The consultant agrees that he ensures all agreements he
makes with the sub-consultants or suppliers relating to
this contract and such contracts shall contain articles
similar to those provided for in paragraphs (P/1) and (P/2)
hereinabove, (provided that these article not to be less
intensity than the two articles referred to) and on
condition that these provisions shall clearly indicate to the
right of the first party in the application of the provisions
of these articles directly against any of those sub-
consultants or suppliers. The consultant further
undertakes to promptly provide the first party with true
and complete copies of such agreements directly upon
signing such agreements and to present what approves
that such agreements are included such articles.
4. No one may allege that the text of the here-in-above
mentioned article legalizes any of the other payments if
such payments are prohibited by the applicable laws and
regulations, and the rights of the first party stated under
the article hereinabove are in addition to any other rights
may be the duties of first party toward the consultant or
any other party under the applicable laws and regulations
in the Kingdom.
5. The text of the abovementioned article and all its
paragraphs shall be valid and operable even after the
termination of this contract.
Q. Prohibited payments:
1. The consultant fully declared and undertaken to the first
party in appendix no. (5) that he did not pay or promised to
pay any of the Prohibited Payments directly or indirectly
regardless whether paid by the Consultant or on his behalf
or by his sub-consultants or on their behalf or any of their
staff, agents or representatives to the First Party, this
includes without limitation any "Employee" regardless
whether he is acting in an official capacity or not, in
connection with the Invitation to submit the offers for the
execution of this Contract, the Bidding/Auctioning process
itself, the award to the Contractor, the negotiations to sign
the Contract or for its actual execution. The consultant also
undertakes not to give or promise to give such prohibited
payments directly or indirectly whether made by the
contractor or his sub-consultants or their staff, agents or
representatives to any "Employee" in connection with the
amendment, renewal, extension or execution of this
2. In case of any violation or breach of the provisions of
paragraph (Q/1) the first party at his own option and
discretion may take all or any of the following actions:
A. Terminate this contract taking into consideration the
provisions of article (12/A) of this Contract.
B. Deduct, from the moneys due to the consultant under this
contract, an amount equals to (two times) the amount of
the prohibited payments.
C. The consultant shall be demanded to pay promptly to the
first party an amount equal to (two times) the amount of
the prohibited payments and the Consultant declares in
accordance with this Clause that he irrevocably agrees to
promptly respond to such claim. Taking into consideration
paragraph (Q/4) below, the two parties declare that the
total amounts to which the First Party is entitled to receive
under this paragraph (Q/2), shall not exceed (two times) the
sum amount of the prohibited payments.
3. The consultant agrees that he ensures all agreements he
makes with the sub-consultants or suppliers relating to this
contract and such contracts shall contain articles similar to
those provided for in paragraphs (Q/1) and (Q/2)
hereinabove, (provided that these article not to be less
intensity than the two article referred to) and on condition
that these provisions shall clearly indicate to the right of the
first party in the application of the provisions of these
articles directly against any of those sub-consultants or
suppliers. The consultant further agrees to promptly
provide the first party with true and complete copies of
such agreements directly upon signing such agreements.
4. No one may allege that the text of the here-in-above
mentioned article legalizes any of the prohibited payments
if such payment are prohibited by the applicable laws and
regulations, and the rights of the first party stated under
the article hereinabove are in addition to any other rights
may be the duties of first party toward the consultant or
any other party under the applicable laws and regulations in
the Kingdom.
5. The text of the abovementioned article and all its
paragraphs shall be valid and operable even after the
termination of this contract.
Article (23):
- Discharge Statement:
Upon the submission of the final payment, the consultant shall give
the employer a Discharge Statement proves that the statement of
the final payment is considered as a full and final settlement of all
amounts due under the contract. The discharge statement is
required not to take effect only after receipt of the amounts
payable to him under this installment.
Article (24)
- Notifications:
address: ..............................................................................................
address: ..............................................................................................
Appendix no (1)
1. Staff of Supervision:
The consultant shall provide a technical staff to supervise the
project works in accordance with the qualifications and conditions
contained in appendix no (3/A). This appendix specifies the
cadres, numbers, years of experiences required for the permanent
resident staff, supporting staff and the non-residents as well as
the head office support.
2. Transportation:
The consultant shall provide the transportation means required
for the resident, non-resident staff and the office personnel and
he shall incur all costs, fees, custom fees, permits, insurance,
drivers, fuel and maintenance thereof unless the tender's
document stated otherwise.
4. Reviewing the drawings and the tender's document submitted by
the designer to the employer and to express an opinion with
respect to comprehensiveness and the practicability of same prior
to and during the execution process. If some errors and shortage
were found, he shall inform the employer in writing in order to
rectify such deficiencies and errors.
5. Supervising the execution of the project according to the
engineering and technical requirements, according to the Unified
Contract Agreement for construction projects and pursuant to the
directions of the employer and in cooperation with the designer
through the employer before making any major amendments to
the designs and reject any works contravene the tender's
document of execution.
6. Review the execution drawings submitted by the contractor and
approved thereof and command the contractor to complete the
detailed drawings necessary to execute the works.
7. Checking the accuracy of the dimensions of the site.
8. Supervising the lab tests needed for the gravel, Asphalt, Concrete
and any other materials and ascertain their conformity with the
relevant specifications in order to maintain the standard of works
and inform the contractor of any defects need to be handled, as
well as to confirm the accuracy of the tests of the site survey in
accordance with Article (10) of this contract.
9. The consultant shall discuss matters relating to work with the
employer during the course of action and keep him aware of the
progress of the work.
10.Study the technical suggestions submitted by the contractor and
provide the employer with the technical advice and the
appropriate recommendations in respect to the materials and
samples stated in the specifications and bill of quantities.
11.Supervision and scrutiny of the procedures of measurement of the
completed works in coordination with the employer and
recommend to accept or reject any part of the accomplished
12.Check the periodic and final statements of payment of the
contractor and ratification of same for payment after ensure their
conformity with the technical specifications and contractual
13.Discuss and negotiate with the contractor the prices of the new
works that may arise during the execution and which are not
included in the tender as well as study and analysis same, as
required, in accordance with Chapter no (13) of the Unified
Contract Agreement Book for the construction projects.
14.Study and preparation of the variation orders and make the
required and necessary amendments to the original drawings and
documents to suit the nature of the new work in accordance with
Chapter (13) of the Unified Contract Agreement Book for the
construction projects and in coordination with the employer.
15.Provide a technical opinion on any disagreement that may occur
between the employer and the contractor and give advice to the
employer to demonstrate the correct position and to enable him
to follow up the subject. If these services provided after the
expiration of the work, an agreement between the two parties
should be made on the fees that may ensue thereof, including
allowances for the visits paid in excess of what is contained in
paragraph (18) of this appendix.
16.Make a report of the deficiencies of work performed and the
recommendation in terms of acceptance or rejection of any part
of the work performed.
17.Checking the final designs of the project (As Built Drawings) that
were prepared by the contractor and to be submitted to the
18.Inspect the works before the expiration of the notice to repair
defects without the need for extension of the Performance
Guarantee and to inform the contractor of the works that may
need to be repaired, then to prepare the certificate of
performance after the completion of repairs, as well as to oversee
any works required by the projects during the period of the notice
to repair the defects of any kind or nature free of charge and shall
not take more than three visits.
19.Maintain records of the daily and periodic reports indicating the
status of the weather, staff members of the contractor,
equipments, quantities of materials supplied to the site,
laboratory tests and any other works and to furnishes five copies
of periodic reports and the reports of the meetings in order to be
submitted to the employer.
20.Prepare and submit (3) copies of the monthly reports include the
- Photographs entrusted to be taken by the contractor.
- A brief report on the weather conditions to serve the purposes
of the project
- The accomplished works up to date in details in terms of
percentages and values.
- To comment on the progress of work and compare what is
actually happening with that the approved program of work.
- The variation orders issued up to date.
- The problems, deficiencies, constraints and the means of repair.
- A list of equipments used and materials prepared.
- Number of skilled and ordinary workers and their work
- Payments received by the contractor up to date.
- A list of laboratory examinations, comment on thereof and the
actions taken in terms of the materials contrary to the
- Number of the working engineers and technicians (Residents).
21.Participate in any committees relating to the supervision of the
Appendix of the contract no (2)
Form of good performance guarantee
To Messrs: ………………...…………………………………
We are pleased to inform you that our bank…… has agreed to give a
Financial Guarantee to the consultant: …………………
In respect of Tender no. .………………………………………..............
Date: --------------------------------------------------------------------
Appendix of the contract no. (3)
Total value of office support
The consultant shall carry out any works relating to the project
he is supervising after the receipt of works and until the
expiration of the notice period to repair the defects, which
shall not exceeds three visits * without having the right to
claim any costs for that. The costs of such works are included in
the prices of the engineering services tender for supervision.
Appendix no (3/A)
words: ....................................................................
similar table covering all specializations required for the
2. The monthly remuneration fees should be written down in
JD. In figures and words.
NAME: ..................................................................................................................................................................
ADDRESS: ....................................................................................................................................................................................
Appendix no (3/B)
Address: ..........................................................................................................................................................................
Telephone: ............................................................. Fax: ...................................................P.BOX: ..............................
Declaration for Other Payments
I, the undersigned and fixing my seal below -----------------------------------
We, the undersigned and fixing our seals below -------------------------------
We declare that we are aware of the provisions under article (22-P) of the General
provisions of the Contract Agreement of the Engineering Services (T2) and in
compliance with this article; we enclose a properly signed declaration disclosing all
direct or indirect commissions, consulting fees, agent fees or others and anything of
a financial value paid or agreed to be paid to “others” we also attach a detailed
description of this Other Payments and to whom they were paid to and the basis
thereof whether made or to be made directly or indirectly by us or on our behalf or
by our Sub-Consultants or on their behalf or by their staff, agents or representatives
in connection with the Invitation to submit offers for the execution of this Contract
or the Bidding / Auctioning itself or the award to the Consultant or the negotiations
to sign the Contract or for its actual execution.
We also undertake to promptly present a written declaration to the First Party of the
existence of any Other Payments including, for example, a detailed description of the
reason thereof, on the date of paying or forced to pay, whichever occurs first. We
also agree that the First Party to take the procedures mentioned under the
aforementioned article at the event of any violation or breach by us of the provisions
of article (1) thereof, and we abide ourselves to all what provided for in this article.
The Consultant shall submit the Declaration for Other Payments. In the event that he
did not pay any commissions, fees or any of the matters stated in article (22-P) he
shall mention so in the submitted Declaration. Any one does not submit such
Declaration, his offer will be rejected. Consultant shall put the declaration in a
separate sealed envelop.
Appendix of contract no (5)
We declare that are aware of the provisions under article (22-Q) of the
General provisions of the Contract Agreement of the Engineering
Services (T2) and in compliance with this article; we enclose a properly
signed declaration disclosing that we did not pay any direct or indirect
commissions, consulting fees, agent fees or others and anything of a
financial value or give promises or pledges to pay or offer such things
whether directly or in directly regardless whether this was made by us or
on our behalf or by our Sub-Consultants or on their behalf or by their
staff, agents or representatives to the First Party including without
limitation any "employee" whether or not acting in an official capacity, in
connection with the Invitation to submit offers for the execution of this
Contract or the Bidding / Auctioning itself or the award to the Consultant
or the negotiations to sign the contract or for its actual execution.
Accordingly, we sign on: ---------------------------------------------------------
Consultant’s name: -----------------------------------------------------------------
Name of authorized person to sign ---------------------------------------------
Signature of authorized person to sign ---------------------------------------
Seal -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The Consultant shall submit the Declaration for Prohibited Payments. In the event
that he did not pay any commissions, fees or any of the matters stated in article (22-Q)
he shall mention so in the submitted Declaration. Any one do not submit such
Declaration, his offer will be rejected. Consultant shall put the declaration in a
separate sealed envelope.