The air conditioning & ventilation system (HVAC) shall be executed in accordance and in compliance
with NFPA 90A and NFPA 101. In general the following shall be complied with:-
- HVAC installation and addition to ASHRAE standard, NFPA 90A and NFPA 101.
- Sheet metal duct work shall be in accordance to SMACNA
- motorized dampers, fire and smoke dampers, return air fans, smoke management system components
shall be approved by the Engineer
- (Fans) shall be complied to AMCA certification
- All chillers, refrigerant equipment shall be complied to ARI certification.
This section of the specification covers the installation, connecting up, setting to work, testing and
commissioning of the Air conditioning and Ventilation Engineering services associated with this project.
A. The chiller plant consists of total 2 Nos. water cooled centrifugal type 400V chillers. Each unit shall
produce a nominal capacity of 450 tons, cooling 4400 l/min of water from 12 deg C to 7 deg C when
supplied with 6400 l/min of condenser water at 34 deg C to 39 deg C.
B. The chiller plant shall be located at 4th floor in DEPOT.
C. Chilled water will be distributed to the Air Handling Units / Fan Coil Units in each apartment and to the
Fresh Air Handling Units in Depot / Gateway station as appropriate.
D. Exhaust Air fans and ductwork system shall be provided for kitchens, toilets and other areas such as UPS
rooms, mechanical, electrical rooms.
E. The air-conditioning system shall be controlled by individual equipments.
F. Multi split air conditioning units (VRV system) shall be installed for Atlantis station, Trump Plaza station,
Trump Tower station and essential rooms in Depot / Gateway station.
The engineering services described by this section and deemed to be those necessary for the satisfactory
and reliable operation of the following:-
- Equipment
- Ducting
- Piping
The entire air-conditioning and ventilation installation shall be carried out in accordance with the
following standards and recommendation:
- ASHRAE Standard: ‘American Society of Heating Refrigeration and Air-
conditioning Engineers.
- SMACNA : ‘Sheet Metal and Air-conditioning Contractors National Association Inc.’
Commissioning of all systems shall be in accordance with ASHRAE/ASME/ASTM/NFPA standard and
in line with manufacturer recommendation.
Clearance around the equipment for maintenance purposes shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
The Contractor shall submit Operation and Maintenance Manual with necessary information and
demonstrate for employer’s operators before Taking Over. The system shall be operated and maintained
by Employer.
A. Condensate pipes shall be connected to the nearest dedicated condensate water stack with a running trap.
Section includes design, performance criteria, refrigerants, controls, and installation requirements for water-cooled
centrifugal chillers.
A. Dimensioned plan and elevation view Drawings, including motor starter cabinet, required clearances, and
location of all field piping and electrical connections.
B. Summaries of all auxiliary utility requirements such as: electricity, water, air, etc. Summary shall indicate
quality and quantity of each required utility.
C. Diagram of control system indicating points for field interface and field connection. Diagram shall fully
depict field and factory wiring.
D. Manufacturer’s certified performance data at full load plus IPLV or NPLV.
E. Installation and Operating Manuals.
A. Qualifications: Equipment manufacturer must specialize in the manufacture of the products specified and
have five years experience with the equipment and refrigerant offered.
B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with the codes and standards in Section 1.2.
C. Chiller manufacturer plant shall be ISO Registered.
A. Chillers shall be delivered to the job site completely assembled and charged with refrigerant and oil.
Maintenance of the chillers shall be the responsibility of the owner with the following exceptions:
A. The manufacturer shall provide the first year scheduled oil and filter change if required.
B. The manufacturer shall provide first year purge unit maintenance if required.
Provide and install as shown on the plans a factory assembled, charged, and run-tested water cooled packaged
chiller. Each unit shall be complete with two single-stage hermetic centrifugal compressors each having
independent lubrication and control systems, factory mounted starters, and isolation valves. The evaporator,
condenser, and refrigerant control device of each unit shall be common to the compressors. The chiller unit shall
be capable of running on one compressor with the other compressor or any of its auxiliaries removed.
A. General: Provide a complete water-cooled dual hermetic compressor centrifugal water chiller as specified
herein. Machine shall be provided according to standards, Section 1.2. In general, unit shall consist of two
compressors, refrigerant condenser and evaporator, two lubrication systems, two starters and two control systems.
Note: Chillers shall be charged with a refrigerant such as HFC-134a, not subject to the Montreal Protocol and the
U. S. Clean Air Act.
B. Performance: Refer to schedule on the drawings. The chiller shall be capable of stable operation to five
percent of full load with standard ARI entering condensing water relief without hot gas bypass.
C. Acoustics: Sound pressure for the unit shall not exceed the following specified levels. Provide the
necessary acoustic treatment to chiller as required. Sound data shall be measured according to ARI Standard 575-
87and shall be in dB. Data shall be the highest levels recorded at all load points. Test shall be in accordance with
ARI Standard 575.
Octave Band
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Hz
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ dB A
1. Unit shall have two single-stage hermetic centrifugal compressors. Casing design shall ensure major
wearing parts, main bearings and thrust bearings are accessible for maintenance and replacement. Lubrication
system shall protect machine during coast down resulting from a loss of power.
2. Impeller shall be statically and dynamically balanced. The compressor shall be vibration tested and not
exceed 0.14 IPS.
3. Movable inlet guide vanes actuated by an internal oil pressure driven piston shall accomplish unloading.
Compressors using an unloading system that requires penetrations of the compressor housing or linkages, or both,
that must be lubricated and adjusted are acceptable provided the manufacturer provides a five-year inspection
agreement consisting of semi-annual inspection, lubrication, and annual changeout of compressor seals. A
statement of inclusion must accompany any quotations.
4. If compressors are not equipped with guide vanes for each stage and movable discharge diffusers, then
furnish hot gas bypass and select chillers at 5% lower kW/ton than specified to compensate for bypass inefficiency
at low loads.
B. Lubrication System:
Each compressor shall have an independent lubrication system to provide lubrication to all parts requiring oil.
Provide a heater in the oil sump to maintain oil at sufficient temperature to minimize affinity of refrigerant, and
thermostatically controlled water-cooled oil cooler. Coolers located inside the evaporator or condensers are not
acceptable due to inaccessibility. A positive displacement submerged oil pump shall be powered through the unit
control transformer.
1. Evaporator and condenser shall be of the shell-and-tube type, designed, constructed, tested and tamped
according to the requirements of the ASME Code, Section VIII. Regardless of the operating pressure, the
refrigerant side of each vessel will bear the ASME stamp indicating compliance with the code and indicating a test
pressure of 1.3 times the working pressure but not less than 100 psig. Provide intermediate tube supports at a
maximum of 18 inch spacing.
2. Tubes shall be enhanced for maximum heat transfer, rolled into steel tube sheets and sealed with Locktite
or equal sealer. The tubes shall be individually replaceable and secured to the intermediate supports without
3. Provide sufficient isolation valves and condenser volume to hold full refrigerant charge in the condenser
during servicing or provide a separate pumpout system and storage tank sufficient to hold the charge of the largest
unit being furnished.
4. The water sides shall be designed for a minimum of 150 psig or as specified elsewhere. Vents and drains
shall be provided.
5. Chilled water minimum refrigerant temperature shall be 33°F.
6. An electronic or thermal refrigerant expansion valve shall control refrigerant flow to the evaporator. Fixed
orifice devices or float controls with hot gas bypass are not acceptable because of inefficient control at low load
conditions. The liquid line shall have a moisture indicating sight glass.
7. The evaporator and condenser shall be separate shells. A single shell containing both vessel functions is
not acceptable because of the possibility of internal leaks.
8. Interstage economizers shall be used between each compressor stage for increased efficiency.
9. Reseating type spring loaded pressure relief valves according to ASHRAE-15 safety code shall be
furnished. The evaporator shall be provided with single or multiple valves. The condenser shall be provided with
dual relief valves equipped with a transfer valve so one valve can be removed for testing or replacement without
loss of refrigerant or removal of refrigerant from the vessel. Rupture disks are not acceptable.
10. The evaporator, suction line, and any other component or part of a component subject to condensing
moisture shall be insulated with UL recognized 3/4 inch closed cell insulation. All joints and seams shall be
carefully sealed to form a vapor barrier.
11. Provide water pressure differential switches on each vessel to prevent unit operation with no flow,
furnished, installed and wired by the contractor.
D. Prime Mover:
Squirrel cage induction motor of the hermetic type of sufficient size to efficiently fulfill compressor horsepower
requirements. Motor shall be liquid refrigerant cooled with internal thermal overload protection devices embedded
in the winding of each phase. Motor shall be compatible with the starting method specified hereinafter. If the
Contractor chooses to provided an open drive motor or compressor, verify in the submittal that the scheduled
chiller room ventilation system will accommodate the additional heat and maintain the equipment room at design
indoor temperature based on 95°F outdoor ambient ventilation air available. If additional cooling is required,
manufacturer shall be responsible for the installation, wiring and controls of a cooling system. Chiller selection
shall compensate for tons and efficiency loss to make certain the owner is not penalized.
E. Motor Starters:
Disconnect section and starter section are assembled together and shipped as 1 unit
Cable entry / exit – Top / Bottom
F. Chiller Control:
Base unit/compressor control is done through a 4-by-20-character display to view system parameters, denote
alarms and input setpoints. In conjunction with the standalone base unit controller, the chiller manufacturer shall
supply a redundant, state-of-the-art Operator Workstation, complete with super VGA color touchscreen monitor,
keyboard and USB port. The operator workstation shall be common for both compressors and have inherent trend
logging capabilities, which are transferable to other PC management systems such as an Excel spread sheet via a
USB port. Active trend logging data shall be available for viewing in 20 minute, 2 hour or 8 hour intervals. A full
24 hours of history is downloadable via diskette. The following trended parameters shall be displayed:
• Entering and leaving chilled water temps
• Entering and leaving condenser water temps
• Evaporator saturated refrigerant pressure
• Condenser saturated refrigerant pressure
• Net oil pressure for each compressor
• % rated load amps for entire unit
In addition to the trended items above, other real-time operating parameters are also shown on the touchscreen.
These items can be displayed in two ways: by chiller graphic showing each component or from a color-coded, bar
chart format. At a minimum, the following critical areas must be monitored:
• Oil sump temperature per compressor
• Oil feed line temperature per compressor
• Evaporator saturated refrigerant temperature for unit
• Suction temperature for unit
• Condenser saturated refrigerant temperature for unit
• Discharge temperature for unit
• Liquid line temperature for unit
The unit operating and maintenance instructions shall be viewable on the touchscreen and downloadable via an
onboard USB port. Complete fault history shall be displayed using an easy to decipher, color coded set of
messages that are date and time stamped. The last 20 faults shall be downloadable from the USB port. Automatic
corrective action to reduce unnecessary cycling shall be accomplished through pre-emptive control of low
evaporator or high discharge pressure conditions to keep the unit operating through ancillary transient conditions.
System specific, chiller plant architecture software shall be employed to display the chiller, piping, pumps and
cooling tower. Chiller plant optimization software for up to 4 chillers shall also be included to provide automatic
control of: evaporator and condenser pumps (primary and standby), up to 4 stages of cooling tower fans and a
cooling tower modulating bypass valve or cooling tower variable frequency drives. There shall be five possible
tower control strategies:
Tower fan staging only – up to 4 stages controlled by either the entering condenser water temperature or
lift differential temperature between the condenser and evaporator saturated temperatures.
Tower fan staging plus low limit - controlled as in # 1 plus tower bypass valve set at a minimum entering
condenser water temperature.
Tower staging with staged bypass control – similar to # 2 with additional control of the bypass valve
between fan staging to smooth control and minimize fan staging.
VFD staging only – in this mode, a variable speed drive controls the first fan with up to 3 more fans to be
staged on and off and there is no bypass valve.
VFD and Valve Staging – same as # 4 plus bypass valve control. Factory mounted DDC controllers shall
support operation on a BACnet, Modbus or LONWORKS network via one of the data link / physical layers listed
below as specified by the successful Building Automation System supplier. BACnet MS/TP master (Clause 9)
BACnet IP, (Annex J) BACnet ISO 8802-3, (Ethernet) LONWORKS FTT-10A The information communicated
between the building automation system and the factory mounted unit controllers shall include the reading and
writing of data to allow unit monitoring, control and alarm notification as specified in the unit sequence of
operation and the points list.
The unit shall be equipped with a pumpout system complete with a transfer pump, condensing unit, and storage
vessel constructed according to ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels and shall bear the National Boards
stamp. If the design of the unit allows the charge to be transferred to and isolated in the main condenser, then a
pumpout system is not required either main compressor operation, migration, or gravity flow. Isolation shall be
accomplished with valves located at the inlet and exit of the condenser. The main condenser shall be sized to
contain the refrigerant charge at 90°F according to ANSIASHRAE 15.A.
1. The chiller manufacturer shall provide a separate high efficiency purge system that operates independently
of the unit and can be operated while the unit is off. The system shall consist of an air-cooled condensing unit,
purge condensing tank, pumpout compressor and control system.
2. A dedicated condensing unit shall be provided with the purge system to provide a cooling source whether
or not the chiller is running. The condensing unit shall provide a low purge coil temperature to result in a
maximum loss of 0.1 pounds of refrigerant per pound of purged air.
3. The purge tank shall consist of a cooling coil, filter-drier, water separation tube, sight glass, drain, and air
discharge port. Air and water are separated from the refrigerant vapor and accumulated in the purge tank.
4. The pumpout system shall consist of a small compressor and a restriction device located at the pumpout
compressor suction connection.
5. The purge unit shall be connected to a 100% reclaim device.
Chiller manufacturer shall supply and install a vacuum prevention system for each chiller. The system shall
constantly maintain 0.05 psig inside the vessel during non-operational periods. The system shall consist of a
precision pressure controller, two silicon blanket heaters, a pressure transducer, and solid-state safety circuit.
Chiller manufacturer shall supply and install a refrigerant detection device and alarm capable of monitoring
refrigerant at a level of 10 ppm. Due to the critical nature of this device and possible owner liability, the chiller
manufacturer shall guarantee and maintain the detection monitor for five years after owner acceptance of the
E. Waffle type vibration pads for field mounting under unit feet.
A. Units shall be factory charged with the proper refrigerant and oil.
B. Factory Start-Up Services: Provide for as long a time as is necessary to ensure proper operation of the unit,
but in no case for less than two full working days. During the period of start-up, The Start-up Technician shall
instruct the Owner’s representative in proper care and operation of the unit.
The Cooling Towers shall be of Induced Draft Cross Flow design of 2 cell or more cell construction and shall
be of Low Noise Type as per clause 1.10 below.
The Cooling Tower shall be guaranteed to perform in accordance with the conditions specified without any
modifications. Cooling Towers shall be rectangular in shape having common basin. It shall be suitable for the
space provided in the drawings.
1.1 Construction
The cooling tower shall be low noise type, each supplied complete with basin, casing, fans, motors, filling, drift
eliminator, water distribution basin etc. All cooling tower structure shall be made of stainless steel grade SUS304.
Cooling Towers should be assembled at site or be divided at most to two units-fan unit and tower body unit. This
will prevent too many loose parts from being misplaced or lost besides giving the advantages of prefect
assembling thus maintaining the quality and stability.
The main casing and water basin should be made of FRP, (Fiberglass Reinforced Polyester.) The basin sump shall
be of 12 gauge thick SUS304 stainless steel plate. The basin shall be self-cleaning with drain fittings.
The hot water distribution shall be by means of open gravity type basin. It shall be made of Fiberglass Reinforced
Polyester resin. It shall be lightweight and non-corrosive to maintain stable water sprinkling effect. The hot water
basin shall be fitted with FRP covers to prevent direct sunlight on water.
1.4 Infill
Infill shall be of ultra-violet rays treated polyvinyl chloride. The PVC infill shall be durable and highly efficient
vacuum - formed type with patented intricate design to facilitate a good spread of water over the enhanced surface
area against a cross flow of induced draft of air. The infill shall be incorporated with a ribbed pattern on the
The entire top layer of infill shall be supported with SUS 304 pipes to prevent the weight of the top layer infill
being imposed on the bottom layer. No imitation infill from non-authorized JCI manufacturer is acceptable. The
design shall be such that drift loss does not exceed 0.02% of the circulating water quality.
1.5 Fan
The fan shall be axial flow low noise type with adjustable pitch Aluminum cast alloy blades, driven by gear
reducer. The fans shall be designed to provide the necessary airflow for heat transfer. Fan blades shall be factory
balanced and assembled. Pitch angle should be variable to allow flexibility. SUS 304 fan guard shall also be
provided over the fan cylinder.
The fan motor shall totally enclosed fan cooled weather proof IP55 with Class F Insulation type suitable for 380-
415 volts/3 phase/50 Hz power supply. The motor shall be located out side the discharge air steam through a set of
wedge belt. A belt cover shall be provided to protect the wedge belt and shall be FRP construction.
The wedge-belt shall be with fabric impregnated type designed to B.S. 1400 stand red. Means for adjusting the
belt tension shall be provided. Positive means of locking shall be employed in order to maintain tension during
1.8 Access
An inspection door shall be provided to gain entry into the tower to facilitate inspection and easy maintenance.
Internal partition and FRP inner doors shall be provided. For multicell two accesses ladder shall be installed on the
tower permanently.
The cooling tower shall be of Low Noise type. Cooling towers operating above the minimum acceptable noise
level shall be liable for rejection and be replaced with an acceptable cooling tower at no cost to the Owner. Noise
level for cooling towers should be measured in conformity with JIS (Japan Industrial Std.) B 8609. Background
noises should be corrected to JIS 28731 (Noise level measuring method). Noise Criteria Level as recommended
by Japan Cooling Tower Institute shall be complied with.
The manufacturer shall supply a written guarantee that the cooling tower offered for this project shall be capable
of performing the duties required as stated in the schedule of design and technical requirements.
The tower manufacturer shall submit curves which show leaving water temperature from the tower at the design
water temperature range at the design wet bulb.
Should the towers fail to perform after installation, according to the approved performance curves, the Contractor
shall rectify and make good any defects or inadequacies and to perform a complete tower test at site, at no extra
cost to the client.
1.14 Miscellaneous
The sub-contractor shall supply and install all ancillary fittings including make up water supply pipe from the
make-up tank, quick fill and bleed-off facilities
Water Treatment
(i) All chemical products supplied to the client must be manufactured by ISO 9002 or ISO 14001 registered
(ii) All chemical products must be in containers sealed by the manufacturer.
(iii) Chemical programmes must be submitted to the client for approval before acceptance.
1.1.1 The contractor shall submit recommendations for scale and corrosion based on 4-6 cycles of concentration
depending on the ability of the recommended product to operate effectively.
1.1.2 It is the responsibility of the contractor to determine the quality of the make up water and make treatment
judgements based on experience in the region.
1.1.4 Microbiological control shall be by oxidizing biocide and an effective (separate) biodispersant; to operate
at PHS above 8.Proven effectiveness against Legion Ella is required. Maximum total count shall be 1000
1.1.5 Product Data Sheets and Material Safety Data Sheets must be provided to the client. Any requested
environmental information must also be provided.
1.1.6 Sufficient chemicals should be supplied for one year’s consumption plus a contingency allowance of 20%.
The objective of the water treatment programme for the chilled water system is freedom from corrosion,
deposition and microbiological activity along with plant integrity and operational efficiency. Environmental
considerations are also paramount and preference will be given to companies pursuing operational excellence.
1.2.1 As this is a closed system protection will primarily be required against corrosion. Secondary consideration
will be given to deposit control and microbiological activity.
1.2.2 Corrosion in the chilled water system shall be controlled at 2 mpy maximum.
1.2.3 Allowance should be made in the programme for an occasional (3 monthly) dose of biocide.
1.2.4 Sufficient chemicals should supplied for a one year period based on initial system fill plus 5% losses per
1. Flushing
2. Chemical pre-clean
3. Passivation
4. Maintenance treatment
Systems must be flushed to remove debris which may have entered during construction.
2.1.1 The systems shall be flushed using fresh potable quality water.
2.1.2 On emptying the systems all drain points and dead legs should be open to remove debris.
Systems must be pre-cleaned to remove surface rust, debris and millscale which may have entered during
construction. This phase also prepares the metal surfaces to receive passivation.
2.2.1 Systems shall be pre-cleaned using Balticare PS 300 and Balticare SS.
2.2.2 Pre-cleaning should be carried out over a period of 24 – 48 hours depending on the manufacturer's
2.2.3 All strainers should be removed and cleaned during this process.
2.2.4 During this phase the cooling tower basin should be periodically inspected and any debris removed to
prevent it re-entering the system.
Passivation is necessary to inhibit any active corrosion, building a protective film of inhibitor prior to maintenance
2.3.1 The condenser water system should be passivated by using a higher level of the eventual scale/corrosion
2.3.2 This procedure should take approximately 72 hours depending on the manufactures recommendations.
2.3.3 After passivation of the condenser water system the scale corrosion inhibitor should be allowed to decay
to its operating level.
2.3.4 The system should not be drained at the end of this phase.
2.3.5 Biocides should be used at normal dosages during this phase depending on the manufacturer’s
2.3.6 It is assumed that initial dosing of the chilled water inhibitor will be at its passivation level.
Correct control of the deposit / corrosion inhibitor and biocides will help ensure plant integrity and efficiency of
2.4.1 After 72 hours of condenser and chilled water operation the waters shall be analysed and if found
satisfactory handed over to the client.
2.4.2 If not satisfactory, corrective action must be taken before handing over.
3.4.3 All details of the phases of this procedure should be recorded on a commissioning report and handed to the
Control equipment is a necessary support for the chemical water treatment programme. Where control equipment
is supplied, appropriate manuals must also be supplied.
In order to ensure a continuous and effective treatment programme the following features shall be included.
Conductivity meter, blowdown valve and make up meter are to be connected to a central controller.
3.1.1 Conductivity controlled blowdown (bleed) system. The system should be capable of opening the
blowdown valve at a conductivity of 3000 usiemens/cm and closing it at 2900 usiemens / cm.
3.1.2 Control the dosing of Balticare BG 810 (OR EQUAL) scale/corrosion inhibitor is through the controller
dependent on signals from the make up water meter.
3.1.3 A dosing pump, suitably sized, to dose the appropriate amount of chemical.
3.1.4 A timer controlled dosing system for Balticare 100 (OR EQUAL) and chlorine donor incorporated in the
3.1.5 2 dosing pumps, suitably sized, for alternate biocide and bio-dispersant dosing.
3.1.6 Level alarm on low level float switches for all chemical products.
3.1.7 200 litre dosing tanks for all products constructed in opaque polyethylene. Tanks should be calibrated to
observe inhibitor level and bunded in case of chemical leakage.
3.1.9 A suitably sized ASTM corrosion rack with 4 corrosion coupon holders shall be installed between high
and low pressure points on the flow and return lines.
3.1.10 Spare parts for all control equipment must be available in the UAE.
In order to apply appropriate levels of Balticare CB55 (OR EQUAL) and Biocide ITA a pot doser shall be used.
3.1.12 The pot doser shall be manufactured with welded end caps, air cock and filling funnel. Non return valves
shall be included at its base, inlet, outlet and drain connections. 22mm bronze globe valves shall be used.
3.1.14 As an alternative, a high pressure dosing pump may be used. If so it should be fitted with low level
3.1.15 A suitably sized corrosion rack shall be supplied which has space for 2 corrosion coupons.
In order to control suspended solids in the recirculating water a cyclone separator shall be used. The supplier
should be Puroflux, Lakos or equivalent.
4.1 The cyclone separator should operate on a side stream basis of 10-15% of the recirculating flow.
As part of the total package, the supplier will provide an on site professional service. The following will be
supplied as a minimum.
5.1 To supervise and report on the entire process of flushing, pre-cleaning and passivation as
well as commissioning of all control equipment.
5.2 To provide regular site visits (a minimum of 12 per year). A service plan must be submitted.
5.3 During site visit the following analyses shall be carried out and reported in writing.
(i) pH
(ii) Conductivity
(iii) Calcium/ total hardness
(iv) Chloride
(v) M alkalinity
(vi) Iron
(vii) Calcium balance
(viii) Balticare BG 810 level
(ix) Dip slide total count
Parameters (i) to (VI) shall also be carried out on the make up water.
(i) pH
(ii) Conductivity
(iii) Inhibitor level
(iv) Iron
5.4 Provide test kits for Balticare BG 810 and Balticare CB 55 (OR EQUAL). The client's Personnel are to
be trained in their use.
5.5 4 times yearly tests for Legionella. At the clients discretion an independent laboratory may
be used.
5.6 Corrosion coupon readings for determining corrosion rate will be checked at the following
1.2 The Air Handling Unit (AHU) shall be factory fabricated, tested and of efficient design and construction.
The AHU shall be draw-through type and operate with low noise level. The AHU shall be supplied and installed
with reference to the tender drawings and details as described in the Schedule of Equipment Data. Each AHU
shall consist of but not limited to the following components:
a) Casing made of rigid coated aluminum frame and double wall panel (complete with insulation);
c) Coil section with cooling coil of copper tubes and aluminum fins;
g) Mixing chamber (if shown in drawings) for filtered fresh air and return air;
h) Vibration-isolating bases, vibration isolator and other accessories necessary for operation.
1.3 The AHUs and accessories shall be of compact design and construction and so selected to meet the space
and height constraints.
1.4 The AHU model shall be Eurovent Certified or currently undergoing certification.
2.1 The casing shall have perimeter frames assembled with double wall panels. All panels shall be easily
removed for the inspection and servicing of internal components such as fan assembly and cooling coil.
Removal of panel must not affect the structural integrity of the unit.
2.2 Casing panel (inner and outer) shall be constructed of 0.5mm thick hot dip galvanized sheets fitted to a
profiled aluminum frame. The inside and the outside of panel shall be completely smooth with injected
CFC-free polyurethane foam insulation for a rigid construction. The density of the insulation shall be
50kg/m3. The insulation of the panels shall be injected polyurethane with thermal conductivity (k value)
of no more than 0.02 W/ (m/K).
2.3 Besides the cooling coil and fan assembly, the air passage of the AHU shall be design to ensure smooth
air flow. All exposed sheet metal edges shall be filed or concealed as much as possible. All exposed
insulation material shall meet UL94: Underwriter Laboratories Incorporated, Standard for Safety and
Flammability of plastic material for parts in devices and appliances.
2.4 Casing design must have thermal break on the frame, panel and access doors to prevent casing
condensation under mechanical room ambient temperature.
2.5 There shall be no exposed gaps between panels and frame. Casing shall be designed to meet Eurovent
Class B/Equivalent casing leakage requirement with leakage rate of no more than 0.80 l/s/m2 at 1000Pa.
2.6 Casing strength shall be designed to meet European Standard EN 1886:1998, casing class 2A with the
panel and frame deflection of no more than 4mm.m-1 span.
2.7 The whole unit shall be mounted on a galvanized steel base rail. The base rail shall be used in lieu of
concrete plinth or other additional bases that are used at site.
2.8 The panel shall provide noise reduction characteristic of no less than 25 dB.
3.1 General
The entire fan assembly shall be mounted on a steel structure with vibration isolating base and housed within the
casing of an AHU.
Mechanical power transmission from the motor to the fan shall by means of tapered pulleys and V-belts of
adequate size and number.
Air tight access panel or doors complete with approved gaskets, handles, latches and hinges shall be provided for
easy maintenance and servicing of the fan assembly. Inspection windows shall have minimum size of 150mm x
150mm, double thickness, air insulated, and re-inforced glass panel mounted in gasketed frame. Each access
opening shall have a minimum of 900 mm (height) x 600 mm (width).
3.2 The fan shall be of forward or backward curved types as specified on the Schedule of Equipment
Technical Data. Fan wheels and shafts shall be statically balanced prior to assembly and dynamically balanced to
ISO 1940 as an assembly in the factory at design speed prior to delivery. Test reports shall be provided for
approval prior to shipment. Fan shafts shall be selected to operate well below the first critical speed. Fan wheels
and shafts shall be designed for continuous operation at the maximum rated speed and motor capacity.
Fan bearings shall be self-aligned (concentric) type with adaptor sleeve bearing. Bearing shall be maintenance free
with permanently sealed lubricated ball bearing type. Bearing life shall be at least 300,000 hours based on rating
life of L50.
All fan housings, shafts and impellers (wheels) shall be from the same fan manufacturer. Any mix matching of fan
components or modifications by party other than the fan manufacturer shall be prohibited.
Fan shaft shall be of made of carbon steel (C45) machined and polished to tolerance of standard ISO 286-2 –
Grade G6. Protective coat of anti-rusting shall be applied to all bare surfaces of the shafts.
Fan shall be selected to provide high static efficiency but low sound level and power consumption at specified
airflow rate. Selection of fan shall be as per equipment schedule. The fan performance shall be tested and certified
to ANSI/AMCA 210, ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 51 “Laboratory Method of Testing Fans for Rating” and AMCA
300 “Reverberant Room Method for Sound Testing of Fans”.
The fan motor shall be totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) type with IP54 protection and class F insulation with
class B temperature rise complying with BS2757. The motor shall be of 4 pole with standard 3 phase’s electrical
supply of 380 V and 50 Hz.
4.1 The cooling coil shall be fabricated by the AHU manufacturer. The cooling coil for
the AHU shall be suitable for chilled water application. The coil shall be constructed of copper tubes mechanically
expanded into aluminum fins to enhance heat transfer. Suitable provision shall be made to facilitate adequate
All coil capacities, pressure drops and selection procedure shall be rated in accordance to ARI Standard 410.
The coil shall be fitted with supply and return headers, made of steel pipes, to ensure even distribution of chilled
water throughout the coil.
Coil shall be designed to utilize the full available unit cross section area.
Coil shall be proof tested at 26 bar (375 psig) and leak tested at 17 bar (250 psig); the test reports shall be provided
for approval prior to shipment.
The working pressure for the units shall be at least 13 bar, however subject to the operating head some units will
be identified in the equipment schedules to operate at 21 bar. The responsibility to identify the units and building
levels operating at that pressure shall be up to the installing contractor.
All drain pans shall be double pitched sloping type to enable total condensate removal. Intermediate drain pan
shall be provided in the case of stacked coils. The drain pans shall be corrosion-resistant, insulated to prevent
condensation and being installed right below the cooling coil. Drain pipes shall be of UPVC laid with sufficient
gradient, properly secured to the floor and terminated into the nearest floor trap.
The mixing chambers shall be of adequate sizes to ensure a thorough mixing of filtered fresh air and return air.
The construction, material and finishing of mixing chambers shall be identical to the AHU casing. The fresh air
intake shall be controlled by opposed blade dampers.
7.1 All AHUs and fresh air intakes and where indicated on the tender drawings shall be provided with
primary and secondary air filters of the type as specified herein.
a) Air filters shall comply with the requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 – 1992 Standard or an approved
equivalent standard. Reference shall be made to ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 – 1992 Standard or to relevant
approved equivalent standard for definition of terms employed.
b) Air filters test shall be performed by an independent Testing Laboratory. Test certificates shall be
produced on request.
c) The filters shall be installed complete with all accessories and other minor necessary for their satisfactory
installation and performance whether individually specified or not.
d) Uniform air velocity through the media shall be achieved, if necessary by means of air screens, baffles
and other devices to approval.
b) Both fresh and return air filters shall have pleated extended surface media. The filter shall be throwaway
type. Normal filter depth shall be 50 mm.
c) The filters, with non-woven synthetic fabric media, shall be classified by the Underwriter Laboratory as
Class 2.
c) Average atmospheric dust spot efficiency shall be 85% or above in accordance to ASHRAE 52-1-1992
Test Standard. Filter shall be classified as Underwriter Laboratory Class 2.
The media shall be treated with adhesive and continuously laminated to a supported steel wire grid. The
media shall be sandwiched to maintain the designed space for each pleat to maximize dust collection
capacity and to avoid the possibility of media oscillation and media being pulled away.
b) Enclosing Frame
The enclosing frame shall made of heavy duty, rigid a high wet strength double wall beverage board. The
frame, with two of its largest surfaces being die-cut into mating openings with diagonal supports, shall be
a square box of about 50 mm depth capable of totally encasing the filter media. The filter media shall be
perfectly bonded to the internal periphery of the frame to prevent air leak.
The rear access filter frames shall be in modular form with each module designed to accommodate a
standard size pleated filter. Constructed with galvanized steel, each filter holding frame shall be equipped
with holding clips to hold the filter.
Side access filter section shall be accessible from the side of an AHU. The access panel shall be sealed by
gasket, double wall fastened with latches. Inside the section, standard sized, 50 mm deep pleated filters
shall be held by extruded aluminum track.
Filter assembly shall be designed to meet European Standard EN 1886:1998, filter bypass leakage class
Heat pipes shall be included within the AHU and wrapped around the main cooling coil.
The external fins shall be of aluminum with a minimum thickness of 0.15mm. Fins shall be of the continuous plate
type and louvered type.
Tubes shall be of refrigeration standard seamless copper C106 for heat exchanger use. Tube diameter shall be
12mm with a grooved inner surface and minimum root thickness of the tube shall be 0.35mm.
Casings shall be from galvanized sheet with a minimum thickness of 1.6mm. The casing shall incorporate tube
plates and top and bottom plates around both the pre-cool and reheat pipe blocks.
The working fluid shall be refrigerant type classified as ASHRAE safety group A1. The refrigerant shall be either
R22 or R134A. The heat pipe circuits shall be factory charged and hermetically sealed with the calculated weight
of refrigerant.
There shall be a multitude of loops in the height of the heat pipe and each loop shall be individually charged. Heat
pipes with header assemblies containing a single circuit are not suitable as a single leak will render the entire heat
pipe inoperative.
Heat pipe performance shall be independently type tested and certified in line with the requirements of British
Standards BS 5141 pt1 / European Standards EN 305 & 306 / American Standards ARI 410 for testing and
rating of heat exchangers. All software used to predict the performance of heat pipes shall be based upon the
results of these independent tests.
The heat pipe should have a third party independent test report conducted by a certified laboratory from U.S.A /
The number of rows and fins spacing shall be selected at the commonest ambient conditions i.e. 91.4 O F (DB) &
81.5 OF (WB) to achieve the most optimum performance of heat pipe throughout the year.
1.2.3 Coil section with cooling coil of copper tubes and aluminum fins;
1.2.6 Vibration-isolating bases, vibration isolator and other accessories necessary for operation.
2.1 The casing shall be fabricated with rigid galvanized steel. All components shall be easily accessible for
the inspection and servicing of internal components such as fan assembly and cooling coil.
2.2 The FCU shall be insulated with 108 kg/m3 high density non-flammable 6mm Polyurethane Foam on
the fan board and the coil section. Incase the return plenum of the FCU is ducted, and then it shall also
be internally insulated thermally with the same material.
2.4 Ducted concealed units up to 1400 cfm nominal air flow, shall have full casing enclosing the complete
fan/motor assembly and the coil assembly, with the chilled water coil header and U-bends completely
concealed from sight, within the unit casing.
2.5 Ducted Concealed units shall be provided with a rear return plenum / panel filter combination.
.1 The fan wheel shall be constructed of metal and shall be both statically and dynamically balanced to
ensure comfortable sound levels.
.4 Motors shall have an internal inherent thermal temperature cutout, be permanent split-capacitor, three
speed, tap wound, induction type for maximum efficiency.
.5 Motors shall have a permanently lubricated sealed for life sleeve bearings and all direction, vibration
isolating mountings to ensure vibration free operation and minimum noise.
.6 All motors shall be factory run tested in the assembled FCU prior to shipment.
.7 Motors shall be rated for operation at (230V-50Hz-1ph) and fan performance shall be given at High
.8 The motor capacitor shall be totally enclosed in a metal shield, and attached to the motor.
.9 The shaft shall be supported by the permanently lubricated sealed for life bearings.
.2 The chilled water cooling coil shall be suitable for a 2 pipe system and shall be constructed of 3/8 inch
OD seamless copper tubes, mechanically bonded to Wavy 3B aluminum fin collars.
.3 A manual air vent with drain line to the drain pan shall be facilitated, to avoid any water drips when
.5 The working pressure for the units shall be at least 13 bar, however subject to the operating head some
units will be identified in the equipment schedules to operate at 21 bar. The responsibility to identify
the units and building levels operating at that pressure shall be up to the installing contractor.
5.1 Drain pans shall be 25mm depth, manufactured in 0.8mm thick galvanized steel with epoxy resin coating.
5.2 To ensure maximum leak protection, the drain pan shall be a one-piece stamping, free from any seams or
5.3 The drain pan shall be insulated with 5mm thick 27kg/m3 density PE foam
5.4 The drain pan shall be level able independently of the fan coil unit and shall have a ¾ inch male pipe
thread (JIS Standard: B 0203-1966) connection.
6.1 The FCU shall have a 20mm thick high efficiency throw away panel type filter.
6.2 The filter shall be mounted on the rear return plenum and shall be easily replaceable.
6.3 The filters shall have a rated average dust spot efficiency of not less than 25-30% when tested in
accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 – 1992 Standard atmospheric dust spot method.
1.2 Air conditioning for Atlantis, Trump Plaza, Trump Tower stations and essential room in Depot /
Gateway station
1.3 The Multi Split Air Conditioning Units (VRV Units) shall be factory fabricated, tested and of
efficient design and construction. The VRV shall be blow-through type and operate with
low noise level. The VRV shall be supplied and installed with reference to the tender
drawings and details as described in the Schedule of Equipment Data. Each VRV shall
consist of following components:
i. An Outdoor Unit with 3 compressor system adopting high efficiency scroll compressors without causing
power supply conversion loss (3-10%) like an inverter system. Outdoor unit shall also consist of Heat
exchanger unit;
ii. Indoor Units with High Speed Fan, Heat Exchangers and easy connectivity of the refrigerant pipe with
Outdoor Unit.
iii. Refrigerant flow control system shall be able to supply refrigerant to compressor in an optimum saturated
vapor condition (quality=1) for operating the system always with maximum efficiency. The type of
refrigerant used shall be environmentally friendly;
iv. Refrigerant Piping shall be suitable for long distance not more than 100 meters. The height difference
between outdoor and indoor unit shall not be more than 30 meters.
v. VRV shall have a power balance control technology which realizes highly efficient operation by detecting
low pressure (evaporating temperature) during cooling operation and high pressure (condensing
temperature) during heating operation and precisely controls the optimum refrigerant condition and
refrigerant flow rate ;
VRV shall have high connectivity feature so as to connect maximum no. of Indoor units to an Outdoor unit
depending on the capacity of indoor and outdoor unit;
vii. VRV shall have a DIP Switch setting which can control the noise of the Indoor and Outdoor units
depending upon the outdoor temperature;
1.5 Outdoor Unit shall be operational over an outdoor temperature range of -5 Deg Centigrade
to 48 Deg Centigrade for cooling and -15 Deg Centigrade to 21 Deg Centigrade for heating.
2.1 The Outdoor unit casing shall be Dual casing Bell mouth. All components shall be easily accessible for the
inspection and servicing of internal components such as Propeller fan, Heat exchanger unit, Intelligent
control Circuit, and 3 compressor system.
2.2 Exposed Indoor units shall be lightweight which can be installed from the ceiling or installed at floor or
ceiling installed with a decorative cabinet.
2.3 Ducted concealed Indoor units up to 1400 cfm nominal air flow, shall have full casing enclosing the
complete fan/motor assembly and the coil assembly, with the refrigerant coil header and U-bends
completely concealed from sight, within the unit casing.
2.4 Ducted Concealed Indoor units shall be Ultra slim high static pressure duct type air conditioner for very low
ceilings provided with a rear return plenum / panel filter combination.
3.1 The fan wheel shall be constructed of metal and shall be both statically and dynamically balanced to
ensure comfortable sound levels.
3.2 The fan shall be centrifugal, forward curved, multi-blade, double width, double inlet, and shall be
directly driven by the motors via the shaft.
3.4 Motors shall have an internal inherent thermal temperature cutout, be permanent split-capacitor, three
speeds, tap wound, induction type for maximum efficiency.
3.5 Motors shall have a permanently lubricated sealed for life sleeve bearings and all direction, vibration
isolating mountings to ensure vibration free operation and minimum noise.
3.6 All motors shall be factory run tested in the assembled VRV Indoor Unit prior to shipment.
3.8 The motor capacitor shall be totally enclosed in a metal shield, and attached to the motor.
3.9 The shaft shall be supported by the permanently lubricated sealed for life bearings.
4.1 The VRV manufacturer shall fabricate the cooling coil for the Indoor type unit.
4.2 The Cooling coil shall be suitable for a 2 pipe system and shall be constructed of seamless copper tubes.
5.1 Drain pans shall be 25mm depth, manufactured in 0.8mm thick galvanized steel with epoxy resin
5.2 To ensure maximum leak protection, the drain pan shall be a one-piece stamping, free from any seams
or joints.
5.3 The drain pan shall be level able independently of the VRV Indoor unit and shall have a ¾ inch male
pipe thread (JIS Standard: B 0203-1966) connection.
6.1 The VRV Indoor Unit shall have a thick high efficiency throw away panel type filter.
6.2 Incase of Concealed type Ductable Indoor units the filter shall be mounted on the rear return plenum and
shall be easily replaceable. Incase of Exposed type Indoor units the filter shall be removable and
washable so as to remove mould and dust from the occupied environment.
6.3 The filters shall have a rated average dust spot efficiency of not less than 25-30% when tested in
accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE 52.1 – 1992 Standard atmospheric dust spot method.
Exhaust Fans
The centrifugal blower shall be of the Rota table belt driven/ direct driven type and SWSI/ DWDI. The blower
shall be constructed of steel or aluminum with all seams continuously welded for leak proof assembly. . All
wheels shall be statically and dynamically balanced and shall be keyed to the shafts.
The blower shafts shall be AISI C-1040 or C1045 hot rolled and accurately turned and polished. Close tolerances
shall be maintained where the shaft makes contact with the bearings.
All bearings on the blowers in arrangement 10 shall be grease lubricated, precision anti-friction ball self aligning
pillow block type.
All drives for belt driven fans shall be designed for 165% of rated horsepower capacities. Motor drives shall be
variable thru horsepower. Oil resistant non-static belts shall be provided. In general all type of centrifugal blowers
shall include housing, wheel, fan shaft, bearings and structural support members as a factory assembled unit.
Fan motor shall be TEFC enclosure and class F insulation suitable for ambient temperature of 50 deg C.
Each fan shall bear AMCA licensed rating seal for air & sound performance & shall be UL & CSA listed. Smoke
exhaust fans shall be fire rated(for corridors)
All centrifugal fans, handling more than 1000 CFM. (500 l/s), shall have backward inclined blades, unless shown
Provide access doors on the fan scroll. Doors shall be hinged, in reinforced angle frames and provided with
clamping devices. Minimum size shall be 18" X 14" (450mm X 350mm) or full width of fan scroll, if scroll is less
than 18" (450mm) wide.
Provide drain connections at the low point of fan scroll or where shown. Drains shall be 1" (25mm) pipe size half
coupling welded in to the bottom of the scroll with a square headed, threaded, brass plug.
Utility fans shall conform to the specification for centrifugal fans above with the exception of the drive
arrangement and belt guard. Drive shall be standard utility arrangement and belt guard may be omitted if a hood is
provided over the drive.
The housing shall utilize galvanized steel (aluminum optional some sizes) "corner post" framework and panels.
Units shall be equipped with three removable access panels. Units shall be pre-wired to a junction box on the
exterior and equipped with an electrical disconnect switch. Two support angles shall be provided. The unit should
be with automatic shutter.
Statically & dynamically balanced backward inclined, centrifugal wheels shall be aluminum, spark-resistant, non-
overloading, & matched to deeply spun ventures. Motors shall be continuous duty, ball bearing design,
permanently lubricated, mounted out of the main air stream, & furnished at the specified voltage, phase, &
enclosure. Shafts shall be turned, ground, polished, & rust protected. Pulleys shall be adjustable, cast iron,
machined, keyed, securely attached, & sized for 150% of the horsepower at its rated maximum speed.
Each fan shall bear the AMCA Licensed Ratings Seal for Air and Sound Performance, and shall be UL and CSA
Axial flow fans shall be capable of giving the design flow when tested to B.S. 848
Each fan shall be supplied with gravity lover shutter and a suitably rated contactor/starter/isolator of approved
Fan casings shall be constructed of mild steel plates with angle stiffeners with the casing hot dip galvanized after
manufacture. The inlets and outlets of the axial flow fans shall be flanged for connection to the system.
An access door is to be provided on the casings of all fans. Casings shall cover both impeller and motor so that
fans can be removed without disturbing adjacent ductwork or other components of the system. A flame proof
external terminal box shall be fitted on the casing.
All lubrication points are to be extended to the outside of the casing and in a position that will permit access in
relation to the adjacent plant, services or building structure.
Impellers shall be die cast in aluminum alloy and X-rayed during manufacture. The impellers shall be capable of
running continuously at 20% in excess of the rated speed. The impeller shall be keyed and locked on to the shaft,
which shall be statically dynamically balances and tested at over speed before dispatch from the manufacturer's
Flexible connections shall be supplied and installed at both inlet and outlet of each fan.
The fan bearings shall be of the sleeve type wherever possible. The bearings are to be truly aligned and rigidly
mounted on to the casing.
Graphs of the performance curve of each fan are to be forwarded to the Consultant together with a test report on
the sound level at three diameters in a free field condition prior to the order being confirmed.
Axial flow fans are to be driven by electric motors of commercially silent pattern carrying a maker’s guarantee in
this respect. The motors shall be totally enclosed, fan cooled.
All motors are to be positioned to permit effective ventilation of the motor and all components parts of the fans
and motor are to be suitable to withstand the temperature conditions expected in the fan.
Electrical connections to the motors shall be in a totally enclosed terminal box secured to the exterior of the
casing. Wiring within the axial flow fans shall be suitable for the conditions within the casings.
A suitable steel support is to be provided for each fan, and the frame is to be fabricated from rolled steel channel
with adequate cross members for bolting the fan in to position. The frame shall be of welded construction with ant
vibration mountings
Utility fans shall conform to the specification for centrifugal fans above with the exception of the drive
arrangement and belt guard. Drive shall be standard utility arrangement and belt guard may be omitted if a hood is
provided over the drive.
The fan impeller and motor shall be direct drive with EFF2 high efficiency motors to BS5000 as standard and
shall be foot mounted TENV type with IP55 enclosures and class H insulation in accordance with BS 4999 part 20
(EFFI motors are optional). They shall have sealed for life ball bearings. Motors shall be pre-wired to an external
electrical terminal box through weatherproof flexible conduit to IP55.
The units shall be suitable for operation in ambient temperatures up to 60°C and a one off operation of 300°C for
2 hours to class F300/120 minutes or 400°C for 2 hours to class F400/120 minutes.
The unit shall be certified to EN12101-3. The unit has been independently tested for high temperature operation
by BSRIA and certified by BSI. The unit is suitable for operating in smoke reservoir and non smoke reservoir
A two speed version of the unit to be provided where specified and controlled in accordance with the specification
and manufacturers recommendations.
The unit shall be supplied with all necessary ancillaries as recommended by the manufacturer and in accordance
with the equipment schedule.
The Contractor shall allow for all necessary ductwork transformations to and from the fan unit and any associated
components in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations, DW 144 and general good practice.
The impeller blades shall be of special aero-foil section giving excellent performance and low noise characteristic
manufactured from cast aluminum allow. All units shall be suitable for Internal and external operation and can be
installed any angle.
The units will be provided complete with matching flanges, flexible connections, anti vibration mounts and all
other necessary components to complete the installation and shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
The unit shall be of the High Temperature Twin type and fire rated.
Duct Work
PAL SYSTEM pre-insulated aluminium ductwork made of aluminium / polyicocyanurate sandwich panels,
comprising an expanded polyisocyanurate rigid foam board faced on both sides by aluminium foil.
Thickness of panels 21 Mm 30 mm 30 mm
Both sides of the aluminium foils shall be lacquered with a 3g/m 2 weatherproof and ultraviolet rays protection
polyester lacquer.
All the panels shall have to be embossed with the name of the manufacturer and production date.
Insulating material: Close cell rigid expanded polyisocyanurate foam, CFC free, density 45 to 48 Kg/m 3, material
physiologically and chemically inert and insoluble, vermin proof, fungus proof, non metabolisable.
The aluminium foil covering the panel to be maintained intact after installation to ensure vapour barrier continuity.
The panel shall be tested and comply with the following standards:
NFPA 101 Life Safety Code Class ‘A’
ASTM E84 Class “1”
NFPA 255
UL 723
Temperature Range:
No relevant reduction of insulation, chemical or physical characteristics of the panels to be measurable, when
conveying air in the temperature range of –35oC to +110oC.
Pressure Range:
No relevant modification of insulation, chemical or physical characteristics of the panels to be measurable, when
conveying air upto the pressure of 1,750 Pascal.
Installation shall be supervised & certified by the manufacturer’s representative and 5-years guarantee shall be
Joint System:
The joints between the ducts shall be using tiger connectors for small sizes upto 500mm and for bigger sizes more
than 500mm aluminium invisible flanges and slide-in-channel to be used and to be connected by special cover
corners, having a holding pin, which goes inside the flange and the insulation, to avoid any field connection and to
give the system more strength.
Ductwork shall be installed, using supports, as described in DW144 & according to manufacturer’s requirements.
Maximum distance between supports shall not exceed:
Ductwork and plenums shall be fabricated, using the panels produced by specified manufacturers.
Fire Dampers used for the protection of openings in walls, partitions or floors with fire resistance ratings of 3
hours or more shall have a 3-hour fire protection rating in accordance with UL 555, Standard for safety Fire
Smoke dampers used for the protection of openings in smoke barriers or in engineered smoke-control systems
shall be classified in accordance with UL 555S, Standard for safety smoke dampers.
Fusible links shall have a temperature rating approximately 500F (280C) above the maximum temperature that
normally is encountered when the system is in operation or shutdown, but not less than 1600F (710C).
Motorized fire smoke damper shall be as specified above with the addition of the electrical motor, which shall
operate as per the signal from the Fire Alarm Control Panel.
Supply air diffusers / return air diffusers and exhaust air diffusers shall be anodized extruded aluminum with
power coating. Supply air diffusers shall be provided with key operated opposed blade volume control dampers
and foam rubber sealing gaskets. Neck size for all air outlets shall be to maintain the specified NC.
Linear supply and return air grilles shall be installed as required and shall be of extruded aluminum with
adjustable blades. Linear slot supply and return air diffusers shall be installed as required. The diffuser shall be
extruded aluminum with tow deflectors per slot to provide an adjustable air pattern. Linear grilles and diffusers are
to be provided by hit & miss dampers covering 50% of the areas.
Transfer grilles shall be installed as required. The transfer grilles shall be extruded aluminum and should be non
vision type with fixed frame on one side and sliding frame on the other side. The selection of all types of supply
and return air grilles, diffusers, liner grilles or linear slot diffusers shall be such that the noise level in the area
should not exceed the specified NC.
All types of supply and return grilles, diffusers, linear grilles, linear slot diffusers and transfer grilles shall be
polyester powder coated to match false ceiling color and to Architect’s approval.
Hidden diffusers or the like behind perforated false ceiling shall be finished in black enameled paint to Architect’s
The louver for all grilles and diffusers shall be supported by nylon bushes.
All Plenum boxes should be insulated with 25 mm thick rigid fiberglass having a density of minimum 48 kg/m3
and internally lined with 25 mm fire resistant acoustic liner to engineer approved.
In addition to the valves, cocks and strainers etc., shown on all drawings, the sub-contractors shall include for the
installation of sufficient valves, cocks and strainers to enable the system to operate to the satisfaction of the Client.
Valves accredited to the BSI Kite mark scheme shall be used where available.
Valves for use in Public Water supply systems and domestic situations must not contravene the Water
Regulations. Valves, which are WRAS Approved Products and listed in the Water Fittings and Materials
Directory, will not contravene those Regulations. However, unlined cast iron valves should not be installed in
copper pipe work.
Flanged valves shall have mating flanges manufactured in accordance with BS 4504 or BS EN 1092. Bronze
flanges are flat faced and must be matched with flat face pipe flanges. Composite flanges to BS 4504 should be
used when butterfly or other ‘inside bolt circle’ valves are installed in copper pipe work systems.
Check valves shall be fitted where plant must operate on an automatic changeover basis or where flow reversal
can occur.
Strainers, in addition to where shown on drawings, shall be fitted prior to all major items of plant including all
pumps, air handling units, control valves etc. Screens shall be manufactured from perforated stainless steel sheet.
Where indicated, strainers shall be fitted with dual-purpose pressure / temperature test points and manufacturer's
flow charts shall be available in order that pressure drop readings may be used to identify strainer blockage.
Where this facility is called for, the strainer covers shall also be tapped to accept drain-off valve. Additionally,
strainers shall be provided with magnetic core facility when specified.
When TRVs are specified, the finish of wheel head and lock shield radiator valves shall match that of the TRVs.
Also a seat replacement tool is to be retained on site for maintenance purposes at completion of contract.
3.1 Isolating 15 - 50 PN25 rated ball valve in DZR copper alloy. PTFE seats and seals.
Anti-blow stem. Extension stem. Lever operated. Threaded to BS
21. WRAS Approved Product. British Gas tested and certified to
BS 1552.
65-150 Cast iron semi-lugged, long necked butterfly valve to BS5155 and
Kite marked and BS EN 593. With EPDM bonded liner and
aluminum bronze disc.
Stainless steel shaft.
Lever operated. To suit BS 4504 PN 16 flanges.
200-300 Cast iron semi-lugged, long necked butterfly valve to BS 5155 and
Kite marked and BS EN 593. With EPDM bonded liner and
aluminum bronze disc. Stainless steel shaft. Gear operated. To
suit BS 4504 PN16 flanges.
350-600 Cast iron wafer pattern butterfly valve to BS 5155 and Kite marked
and BS EN593. With EPDM bonded liner and aluminums bronze
disc. Stainless steel shaft. Gear operated. To suit BS 4504 PN16
Double Regulating 15 - 50 Oblique pattern double regulating globe valve with parabolic disc
to BS 5154 and Kite marked. Also to conform to BS 7350 and
Kite marked. Body in DZR copper alloy with DZR stem.
Threaded to BS 21. WRAS approved product.
Double Regulating 65-300 Cast iron double regulating semi-lugged, long necked butterfly
valve to BS 5155 and Kite marked and to BS EN 593. With
EPDM bonded liner and aluminum bronze disc. Stainless steel
shaft. Gear operated with double regulating feature. To suite BS
4504 PN16 flanges.
3.2 350-600 Cast iron double regulating wafer pattern butterfly valve to BS
5155 and kite marked and to BS EN 593. With EPDM bonded
liner and aluminum bronze disc. Stainless steel shaft. Gear
operated with double regulating feature. To suit BS 4504 PN 16
Non Return 15-50 Swing check valve to BS 5154 and Kite marked. Body in bronze.
Valves Threaded to BS 21. WRAS Approved Product.
50-600 Non-slam wafer check valve. Body in cast iron. EPDM seat
vulcanized to body casting. Twin bronze discs, spring loaded.
Stainless steel shaft.
To suit BS 4504 PN16 flanges.
Strainers 15 - 50 ‘Y’ type strainer. Body in bronze. Complete with 2-Fig 631 test
points and drain connection. Fitted with stainless steel perforated
screen. Threaded to BS 21.
WRAS Approved Product.
50 - 350 ‘Y’ type strainer. Body in cast iron. Complete with 2 – Fig 631
test points and drain connection. Fitted with stainless steel
perforated screen. Flanged BS EN 1092-2 PN16.
Pressure Gauge 6 - 15 PN25 rated ball valve in DZR copper alloy. PTFE seats seals.
Isolation Anti-blow stem. Lever operated. Threaded to BS 21. WRAS
Approved Product. British Gas tested and certified to BS 1552.
Ball Float Valves 25 - 150 Equilibrium pattern ball float valve in bronze. Copper float.
Flanged inlet drilled to BS 4504 PN16. WRAS Approved
Relief Valves 15 - 50 Spring relief valve in bronze. Set at system pressure plus 10%.
Threaded to BS 21.
Combined pressure ¼” DZR Copper alloy test point. With EPDM elastomer core to accept
and temperature test proprietary probes. Threaded ¼” BS 21 and fitted with captive
points sealing cap. WRAS Approved Product.
Auto flow Balancing Valve – Externally Adjustable Automatic Balancing valves with forged
Size: 15 – 40mm brass body, Polyoxymethylene cartridge, EPDM O-Rings seals,
Brass alloy ISO or NPT end connections, Externally adjustable to
51 different flow rate settings for each side and control range,
Range of union end connections, pressure/temperature test plugs.
Flow rate range : 0.075 l/s – 1.93 l/s
Pressure/Temp. Rating : 2500 kPa, 360 psi
Autoflow Balancing Valve – Pre-set Automatic Balancing valve with Gray Iron ASTM A126-
Size: 80 – 800mm 61T, ANSI 150lb or 300lb wafer housing, EPDM O-Rings seals,
Cartridge AISI type 304 stainless steel, Multiple removable
stainless steel cartridges, Tamper proof design,
Pressure/temperature test plugs.
Flow rate range : 0.88 l/s – 1072 l/s
Pressure/Temp. Rating : 1400kPa / 120°C
1- Supply and install as shown on the drawings identical pumps centrifugal split coupled vertical inline type,
having duties as shown on the drawings (one as stand by), each pump shall be with a flexible coupled T.E.F.C.
motor having Class “F” insulation. The pump & the motor assembly shall be mounted on an inertia base with
spring isolators under each (detailed calculation of vibration study should be submitted to the Engineer for
approval) and shall have two pressure gauges – one at suction side and one at discharge side along with all
standard fittings as shown on the drawings.
3- The pump head to be calculated by the contractor according to the approved shop drawings to consultant
4- The pumps shall be of horizontal split casing or top discharge type according to the drawings.
6- Each pump shall be with mechanical seal and shall provided with flexible connectors, isolating valve, before
and after each pump. End suction diffuser with permanent stainless steel strainer and multipurpose valve and end
suction diffuser shall be provided by the same manufacturer as the pump. All pumps shall be factory tested prior
to shipment.
7- The Flexible connectors shall be constructed of peroxide cured EPDM covers and liners with Kevlar type
cord fractioning. Any alternative material shall have equal or superior characteristics. Solid steel rings shall be
provided to prevent pull out of the raised rubber flanges.
8- The flexible connectors shall be installed on the equipment side of the isolation valves.
- Expansion vessel including (pressure gauge pressure relief value ,support legs, flanged or
screwed inlet connection)
- Air Separator
3-Pressurization unit shall be of the members type, compressing a welded mild steel cylindrical
4- The pressure vessel shall be manufactured in accordance with B.S 4814 ,suitable for
5- The diaphragm shall be of the removable rubber bag type ,and the internal surface of the vessel
Shall be treated with an epoxy/ polyester coating. Nitrogen shall be used as pressuring gas.
6-Size of vessel to be determined finally by the contractor according to the actual calculated
8. Corrosion risk assessment DIN 1988 / 7 certified, “Material should be nitrite free and can contain
no more than 0.2% of ammonia. Insulating material for stainless steel must contain no more than
0.05% of water soluble chloride ions “.
Corrosion risk assessment values shall be governed by a Third Party Supervisory Control Agreement
which shall be available for attestation of conformity purpose.
9. Noise reduction DIN 4109 up to 32dB (A).
Important Note:
a) Manufacturer should be certified in accordance with ISO 9002 / UNI EN 29002, which
includes production control procedures and systems as a pre – requisite.
b) All tests should be conducted by independent, accredited institutes and the supervisory
(third party) control agreements should be available for attestation of conformity purposes.
At all support points for the pipes, the Contractor shall provide hard wood insulators or approved equal
material subject to Engineer’s approval.
The insulation laggers shall be trained by the manufacturer’s local agents before commencement of
works. The manufacturer’s local agents shall visit the site periodically to inspect the insulation work.
Supply air ducts, extract air ducts, transfer duct etc. within the building and in the return air path (i.e. all
ducts in conditioned areas) to be 13mm thickness with aluminum foil jacket to the Engineer’s approval.
All ducts outside the building or not in return air path (i.e. all ducts in unconditioned areas) to be 25mm
thickness with aluminum foil jacket , protected by aluminum cladding of 0.7 mm thickness to the
Engineer’s approval.
Pipes inside vertical shafts considered indoor do not required aluminum cladding.
A) Material
The material shall be Closed Cell Elastomeric Foam Insulation preformed sections with the following
7. Fire rating:-
BS 476 Part 6 1989 (Fire Propagation): Class O rated
BS 476 Part 7 1987 (Surface spread of flame): Cass 1 rated
(UNI 845 - UNI 9174).
Reaction to Fire Certification shall be available for all commercial insulation thickness up to 50mm
Corrosion risk assessment values shall be governed by a Third Party Supervisory Control Agreement which shall
be available for attestation of conformity purpose.
Important note:-
a) Manufacturer should be certified in accordance with ISO 9002 / UNI EN 29002 which includes production
control procedures and systems as a pre – requisite.
b) All tests should be conducted by independent, accredited institutes and the supervisory (third party) control
agreements should be available for attestation of conformity purposes.
At all support points for the pipes, the Contractor shall provide manufacturer’s recommended pipe support or
approved equal material subject to Engineer’s approval.
The insulation laggers shall be trained by the manufacturer’s local agents before commencement of
works. The manufacturer’s local agents shall visit the site periodically to inspect the insulation work.
Note: - In areas with no U.V. radiation vapour barriers / coatings are not required. Protection against high
U.V. light radiation, e.g. areas exposed to sunlight, U.V. resistant paint coating or cladding with metal can be
Acoustic Study
HVAC Contractor shall provide sound attenuators wherever shown on the drawings and wherever required to
maintain the specified noise level.
The selection of the sound attenuators shall be based on the acoustic study prepared by specialist.
Sound Attenuators
Sound attenuators shall be located at upstream of supply air fan and downstream of fan return air fan module to
ensure effective sound reduction. The media shall be made of 60 kg/m3 rook wool, UL (NFPA 90A) approval
perforated Galvanized sheet on the inner casing on outer wall.
The selection and supply of sound attenuators shall be by specialist acoustic consultant.
All maintenance manuals / catalogues of installed equipment shall be submitted in electronic format on a CD.
Spare Parts
Contractor shall submit list of all spare parts required along with the supplier names.
Isover Intertechno
Interkleme – Greece
Econosto Econosto
Interkleme – Greece
Systemair – Germany
Trox Trox
Unistrut BICC
Isover Intertechno
Nefit Econosto
PPF – Malaysia
Gelbach – Germany
Pillinger Danway
KSB – Germany
32 Valves NIBCO – UK
(Ferrous & Non-Ferrous) Hattersley – UK
Armstrong – Sweden
Nihon Spindle