F092 OrganicCottonPatternF071Complete

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Ladies Twinset in Naturals Organic Cotton DK

Circle the size you wish to make


To Fit Chest/Bust cm 81-86 92-97 102-107 112-117 122-127 BACK

in 32-34 36-38 40-42 44-46 48-50 Using 4mm needles, cast on

Actual Measurement cm 89.5 100.5 109.5 120.5 129.5 99[111:121:133:143] sts.

in 35¼ 39½ 43¼ 47½ 51 Row 1 (rs): *KB1, p1; rep from * to last
st, KB1.

Full Length cm 62 63 64 64 65
in 24½ 24¾ 25¼ 25¼ 25½ Row 2: *PB1, k1; rep from * to last st,

Sleeve Length cm 47 48 48 49 49 These 2 rows form 1x1 twisted rib.

in 18½ 19 19 19¼ 19¼
Cont in twisted rib until Back measures

4cm, 1½in, ending rs facing for next


Cardigan Work in st-st (k 1 row, p 1 row), starting

Naturals organic Cotton DK 50g balls 11 13 14 15 16 with a k row until Back measures

Colour used Coffee Bean 7190 43[43:43:42:42]cm,

Vest 17[17:17:16½:16½]in, ending rs facing
Naturals Organic Cotton DK 50g balls 7 8 9 9 10 for next row.

Colour used Rosewood 7189

Armhole shaping
Alternative Yarns

Naturals Bamboo Cotton DK. If using an alternative yarn, Cast off 7[8:9:11:12] sts at beg of next
please check the meterage as the number of balls needed 2 rows. 85[95:103:111:119] sts.
may vary. Dec 1 st at each end of next 3[3:3:

1 pair 4mm (UK 8/US 6) knitting needles, 7 buttons, stitch holders 7:11] rows. 79[89:97:97:97] sts.
Dec 1 st at each end of foll 2[2:3: 4:3]

alt rows. 75[85:91:89:91] sts.

ABBREVIATIONS Dec 1 st at each end of 0[1:1:0:0] foll
alt alternate foll following k3tog knit next 3 sts st(s) stitch(es) 4th rows. 75[83:89:89:91] sts.

beg beginning g grammes together st-st stocking stitch Cont straight in st-st until armhole
cm centimetre(s) in inch(es) mm millimetre(s) tbl through back measures 19[20:21:22:23]cm,

cont continue inc increase(ing) p purl loops 7½[7¾:8¼:8¾:9]in, ending rs facing for
dec decrease(ing) k knit patt pattern tog together next row.
k2tog knit next 2 sts rem remain(ing) ws wrong side

together rep repeat yfwd yarn forward

Shoulder shaping
rs right side yo yarn over needle
Cast off 5[6:7:7:7] sts at beg of next 2

SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS Cast off 5[7:7:7:7] sts at beg of next 2

KB1 knit into back of next stitch Cast off 6[7:8:8:8] sts at beg of next 2
PB1 purl into back of next stitch

The yarn amounts stated are based on average requirements and are therefore Cast off rem 43[43:45:45:47] sts.

TENSION 22 sts and 28 rows to 10cm, 4in, over stocking st on 4mm needles or the
Using 4mm needles, cast on
size required to give the correct tension.
23 st lace panel to 9cm, 3½in, on 4mm needles or the size required to give the correct 47[53:59:65:71] sts.

tension. Row 1 (rs): (KB1, p1) 7[10:12:15:18]

times, KB1, (yfwd, k2, k3tog tbl, k2,
It is essential to work to the stated tension to ensure the correct size of garment

yfwd, k1) twice, yfwd, k2, k3tog tbl, k2,

and you should always knit a tension square. yfwd, (KB1, p1) 4[4:5:5:5] times, KB1.
If there are less sts and rows to 10cm, 4in, change to finer needles if there are more sts Row 2: (PB1, k1) 4[4:5:5:5] times,

and rows to 10cm, 4in, change to larger needles. PB1, p23, (PB1, k1) 7[10:12:15:18]
times, PB1.

Instructions are given for the first, smallest size. Larger sizes are given in square These 2 rows form rib and lace patt.
brackets. Where only one figure is given, this applies to all sizes. Where the figure 0 Cont in rib and lace patt until Front
appears, no stitches, times, or rows are worked for this size. measures 4cm, 1½in, ending rs facing

After casting off, one stitch will remain on the right hand needle which is not included in for next row.
the instructions that follow. Row 1 (rs): K15[21:25:31:37], (yfwd,

k2, k3tog tbl, k2, yfwd, k1) twice, yfwd,

Although every effort has been made to ensure that instructions are correct, Stylecraft
cannot accept any liabilities.
k2, k3tog tbl, k2, yfwd, k9[9:11:11:11].
Row 2: Purl.

Stylecraft cannot accept responsibility for the result of using any other yarn. These 2 rows form st-st and lace patt.
Cont in st-st and lace patt until Front

measures 43[43:43:42:42]cm,
17[17:17:16½:16½]in, ending rs facing
for next row.
CM 1
Armhole shaping Armhole shaping Dec 1 st at each end of fol 12[10:8:7:8]

Keeping patt correct, cast off Keeping patt correct, cast off alt rows. 35[47:59: 67:73] sts.
7[8:9:11:12] sts at beg of next row. 7[8:9:11:12] sts at beg of next row. Dec 1 st at each end of every row to
40[45:50:54:59] sts. 40[45:50:54:59] sts. 17[17:17:17:23] sts.
Work 1 row. Dec 1 st at armhole edge of next Cast off rem sts.
Dec 1 st at armhole edge of next 3[3:3:7:11] rows. 37[42:47:47:48] sts.
3[3:3:7:11] rows. 37[42:47:47:48] sts. Dec 1 st at armhole edge of foll FINISHING

Dec 1 st at armhole edge of foll 2[2:3:4:3] alt rows. 35[40:44:43:45] sts. Join shoulder seams. Set in sleeves.
2[2:3:4:3] alt rows. 35[40:44:43:45] sts. Dec 1 st at armhole edge of 0[1:1:0:0] Join sleeve and side seams in one.
Dec 1 st at armhole edge of 0[1:1: 0:0] foll 4th rows. 35[39:43: 43:45] sts.
foll 4th row. 35[39:43:43:45] sts. Cont straight in patt until armhole Button band
Cont straight in patt until armhole measures 7[7:8:8:9]cm, 2¾[2¾: With rs facing, and 4mm needles, pick
measures 7[7:8:8:9]cm, 2¾[2¾: 3¼:3¼:3½]in, ending rs facing for next up and knit 99[99:101:99:101] sts down

3¼:3¼:3½]in, ending ws facing for next row. Left Front.
row. Row 1 (ws): *PB1, k1; rep from * to
Neck shaping last st, PB1.
Neck shaping As you shape the neck, you will need Row 2: *KB1, p1; rep from * to last st,
As you shape the neck, you will need to adjust the lace panel so that you end KB1.
to adjust the lace panel so that you end up with the correct stitch counts. When These 2 rows set twisted rib. Work a

up with the correct stitch counts. When there are insufficient sts to work a further 6 rows in twisted rib.
there are insufficient sts to work a whole repeat of the lace, replace that Cast off in patt on ws.
whole repeat of the lace, replace that repeat with st-st.
repeat with st-st. Cast off 9[9:11:11:13] sts at beg of next Buttonhole band
Cast off 9[9:11:11:13] sts at beg of next row. 26[30:32:32:32] sts. With rs facing, and 4mm needles, pick
row. 26[30:32:32:32] sts. Work 1 row. up and knit 99[99:101:99:101] sts up
Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 5 rows. Dec 1 st at neck edge of next 5 rows. Right Front.

21[25:27:27:27] sts. 21[25:27:27:27] sts. Work 3 rows in twisted rib as set on
Dec 1 st at neck edge of foll 3 alt rows. Dec 1 st at neck edge of foll 3 alt rows. button band.
18[22:24:24:24] sts. 18[22:24:24:24] sts. Next row (rs): (KB1, p1) twice,
Dec 1 st at neck edge of 2 foll 4th rows. Dec 1 st at neck edge of 2 foll 4th rows. *k2tog tbl, yo, (KB1, p1) 7 times; rep
16[20:22:22:22] sts. 16[20:22:22:22] sts. from * to last 15[15:17:15:17] sts,
Cont straight in patt until armhole Cont straight in patt until armhole k2tog tbl, yo, (KB1, p1) 6[6: 7:6:7]

measures same as Back to start of measures same as Back to start of times, KB1.
shoulder shaping, ending rs facing for shoulder shaping, ending ws facing for Work 4 more rows in twisted rib as set.
next row. next row. Cast off in patt on ws.
Work shoulder shaping as for Left
Shoulder shaping Front. Neck trim
Shape shoulder as foll: With rs facing, and 4mm needles, pick

Cast off 5[6:7:7:7] sts at beg of next SLEEVES up and knit 31[33:35:37:39] sts along
row. 11[14:15:15:15] sts. Using 4mm needles, cast on front neck up to shoulder seam, pick up
Work 1 row. 53[55:57:59:61] sts. and knit 43[43:45:45:47] sts along back
Cast off 5[7:7:7:7] sts at beg of next Row 1 (rs): *KB1, p1; rep from * to last neck, pick up and knit 31[33:35:37:39]
row. st, KB1. sts back down to front neck.
Work 1 row. Row 2: *PB1, k1; rep from * to last st, 105[109:115:119:125] sts.

Cast off rem 6[7:8:8:8] sts. PB1. Work 3 rows in twisted rib as set on
These 2 rows form 1x1 twisted rib. button band.
RIGHT FRONT Cont in twisted rib until Sleeve Next row (rs): KB1, p1, k2tog tbl, yo,
Using 4mm needles, cast on measures 4cm, 1½in, ending rs facing *KB1, p1; rep from * to last st, KB1.
47[53:59:65:71] sts. for next row. Work 4 more rows in twisted rib as set.
Row 1 (rs): (KB1, p1) 4[4:5:5:5] times, Cast off in patt on ws.
KB1, (yfwd, k2, k3tog tbl, k2, yfwd, k1) Cont in st-st, inc 1 st at each end of

twice, yfwd, k2, k3tog tbl, k2, yfwd, next and every foll 6th[6th:4th:4th:alt] row Pin out cardigan to measurements
(KB1, p1) 7[10:12:15:18] times, KB1. to 63[89:83:107:73] sts. given. Cover with clean, damp tea
Row 2: (PB1, k1) 7[10:12:15:18] times, Cont in st-st, inc 1 st at each end of towels and leave to dry. See ball band
PB1, p23, (PB1, k1) 4[4:5:5:5] times, every foll 8th[8th:6th:6th:4th] row to for washing and further care
PB1. 83[93:103:113:123] sts. instructions.
These 2 rows form rib and lace patt.

Cont in rib and lace patt until Front Cont straight in st-st until Sleeve VEST
measures 4cm, 1½in, ending rs facing measures 47[48:48:49:49]cm, BACK
for next row. 18½[19:19:19¼:19¼]in, ending rs Using 4mm needles, cast on
Row 1 (rs): K9[9:11:11:11], (yfwd, k2, facing for next row. 99[111:121:133:143] sts.
k3tog tbl, k2, yfwd, k1) twice, yfwd, k2, Row 1 (rs): *KB1, p1; rep from * to last
k3tog tbl, k2, yfwd, k15[21:25:31:37]. Sleevehead shaping st, KB1.

Row 2: Purl. Cont in st-st casting off 7[8:9:11:12] sts Row 2: *PB1, k1; rep from * to last st,
These 2 rows form st-st and lace patt. at beg of next 2 rows. 69[77:85:91:99] PB1.
Cont in st-st and lace patt until Front sts. These 2 rows form 1x1 twisted rib.
measures 43[43:43:42:42]cm, Dec 1 st at each end of foll 5 rows. Cont in twisted rib until Back measures
17[17:17:16½:16½]in, ending ws facing 59[67:75:81:89] sts. 4cm, 1½in, ending rs facing for next
for next row. row.
Row 1 (rs): (KB1, p1) twice, k to last 4 Row 2: (PB1, k1) twice, p to last 4 sts, With ws facing, rejoin yarn to
sts, (p1, KB1) twice. (k1, PB1) twice. 22[26:28:28:28] Left Front sts and work
Row 2: (PB1, k1) twice, p to last 4 sts, These 2 rows form twisted rib, lace to match right side of neck reversing all
(k1, PB1) twice. panel and st-st. Cont as set until Front shapings.
These 2 rows form twisted rib and st st. measures 12cm, 4¾in, ending rs facing
Cont in twisted rib and st-st until Back for next row. FINISHING
measures 12cm, 4¾in, ending rs facing Join right shoulder seam.
for next row. Row 1 (rs): K38[44:49:55:60], (yfwd,
k2, k3tog tbl, k2, yfwd, k1) twice, yfwd, Neck trim
Work in st-st (k 1 row, p 1 row), starting k2, k3tog tbl, k2, yfwd, With rs facing, and 4mm needles, pick
with a k row until Back measures k38[44:49:55:60]. up and knit 17[19:20:22:23] sts down
43[43:43:42:42]cm, Row 2: Purl. left front neck, pick up and knit
17[17:17:16½:16½]in, ending rs facing These 2 rows form st-st and lace 22[22:24:24:26] sts along centre front
for next row. panel. Cont in st-st and lace panel until neck, pick up and knit 17[19:20:22:23]
Armhole shaping Front measures 43[43:43:42: 42]cm, sts up right front neck, pick up and knit
Cont in st-st casting off 8[9:10:13: 14] 17[17:17:16½:16½]in, ending rs facing 43[43:45: 45:47] sts along back neck.
sts at beg of next 2 rows. for next row. 99[103:109:113:119] sts.
83[93:101:107:115] sts.
Dec 1 st at each end of next 5[5:5:9:11] Armhole shaping Work 8 rows in twisted rib as set on
rows. 73[83:91:89:93] sts. Cont in patt and cast off 8[9:10: 13:14] Cardigan button band.
Dec 1 st at each end of foll 2[2:3: 3:4] sts at beg of next 2 rows. Cast off in patt on ws.
alt rows. 69[79:85:83:85] sts. 83[93:101:107:115] sts.
Dec 1 st at each end of 1[2:2:1:1] foll Dec 1 st at each end of next 5[5:5:9:11] Join left shoulder and neck trim seam.
4th rows. 67[75:81:81:83] sts. rows. 73[83:91:89:93] sts.
Dec 1 st at each end of foll 2[2:3: 3:4] Armhole trims (work both alike)
Cont in st-st until armhole measures alt rows. 69[79:85:83:85] sts. With rs facing, and 4mm needles, pick
19[20:21:22:23]cm, 7½[7¾:8¼:8¾:9]in, Dec 1 st at each end of 1[2:2:1:1] foll up and knit 47[49:53:59:63] sts evenly
ending rs facing for next row. 4th rows. 67[75:81:81:83] sts. from underarm to shoulder seam, pick
Work a further 5[1:3:1:1] rows in patt, up and knit 1 st from shoulder seam,
Shoulder shaping ending rs facing for next row. pick up and knit 47[49:53:59:63] sts
Cast off 4[5:6:6:6] sts at beg of next 4 evenly down to underarm.
rows. 51[55:57:57:59] sts. Neck shaping 95[99:107:119:127] sts.
Cast off 4[6:6:6:6] sts at beg of next 2 Next row (rs): K22[26:28:28:28], slip Work 4 rows in twisted rib as set on
rows. these 22[26:28:28:28] sts just worked Cardigan button band.
Cast off rem 43[43:45:45:47] sts. to a holder, cast off 23[23: 25:25:27], k Cast off in patt on ws.
to end. 22[26:28:28:28] Right Front sts
FRONT rem. Join side seams, leaving a 12cm, 4¾in
Using 4mm needles, cast on The remainder of the Front is worked in vent unseamed at each side.
99[111:121:133:143] sts. st-st.
Row 1 (rs): (KB1, p1) 19[22:24:27:30] P 1 row. Pin out vest to measurements given.
times, (KB1) 0[0:1:1:0] times, (yfwd, k2, Cont in st-st decreasing 1 st at neck Cover with clean, damp tea towels and
k3tog tbl, k2, yfwd, k1) twice, yfwd, k2, edge of next 5 rows. 17[21:23:23:23] leave to dry. See ball band for washing
k3tog tbl, k2, yrn[yrn:yfwd:yfwd:yrn], sts. and further care instructions.
(KB1) 0[0:1:1:0] times, (p1, KB1) Dec 1 st at neck edge of foll 3 alt rows.
19[22:24:27:30] times. 14[18:20:20:20] sts.
Row 2: (PB1, k1) 19[22:24:27:30] Dec 1 st at neck edge of 2 foll 4th rows.
times, (PB1) 0[0:1:1:0] times, p23, 12[16:18:18:18] sts.
(PB1) 0[0:1:1:0] times, (k1, PB1) Cont straight in patt until armhole
19[22:24:27:30] times. measures same as Back to start of
These 2 rows form 1x1 twisted rib and shoulder shaping, ending ws facing for
lace panel. Cont in twisted rib and lace next row.
panel until Front measures 4cm, 1½in,
ending rs facing for next row. Shoulder shaping
Cast off 4[5:6:6:6] sts at beg of next
Row 1 (rs): (KB1, p1) twice, and foll alt row. 4[6:6:6:6] sts.
k34[40:45:51:56], (yfwd, k2, k3tog tbl, Work 1 row.
k2, yfwd, k1) twice, yfwd, k2, k3tog tbl, Cast off rem 4[6:6:6:6] sts.
k2, yfwd, k to last 4 sts, (p1, KB1)

Spectrum Yarns, Spa Mill, New Street, Slaithwaite, HD7 5BB

www.stylecraft-yarns.co.uk facebook.com/stylecraftyarn twitter.com/stylecraftyarn

The colour reproduction in this pattern is matched as closely as possible to the yarn but due to photography and printing restrictions some slight variations may occur.
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