Feature Based Underwater Fish Recognition Using SVM Classifier
Feature Based Underwater Fish Recognition Using SVM Classifier
Feature Based Underwater Fish Recognition Using SVM Classifier
Abstract: An approach for underwater fish recognition A new video surveillance object recognition algorithm is
based on wavelet transform is presented in this paper. presented in [7], in which improved invariant moments
This approach decomposes the input image into sub- and length-width ratio of object are extracted as shape
bands by using the multi resolutional analysis known as feature. Bayesian approach of dynamically selecting
Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). As each sub-band camera parameters to distinguish a given object from a
in the decomposed image contains useful information finite set of object classes is proposed in [8]. The
about the image, the mean values of every sub-band are Gaussian process regression is applied to learn the
assumed as features. This approach is tested on likelihood of image features given the object classes and
Underwater Photography - A Fish Database. The camera parameters.
database contains 7953 pictures of 1458 different species.
The database is considered for the classification based on II. PROPOSED SYSTEM
Support Vector machine (SVM) classifier. The result
shows that maximum recognition accuracy of 90.74% is The method for underwater fish recognition system is
achieved by the wavelet features. built based on extraction of DWT features in the first
step. These features are tested by the classifier where the
Keywords: Underwater fish recognition, wavelet output is obtained as the second step. These two steps are
transform, Haar wavelet, SVM Classifier. done for both the training and the testing input images.
The framework of our underwater fish recognition
I. INTRODUCTION system is as shown fig 1.