7 Crim 2 @3
7 Crim 2 @3
7 Crim 2 @3
women and girls around the world. Violence against women and girls knows no
boundaries of geography or culture but those living in poverty face higher levels
of abuse. It is rooted in the inequality between men and women that women and
It is one of the most widespread violations of human rights and has long-
term devastating effects on the lives of women, their communities and wider
national studies.
Violence locks women and girls into poverty. It limits women’s choices;
their ability to access education, earn a living and participate in political and
public life. Poverty exposes them to further violence and a lack of options when
A close analysis of the data uncovers that violence against women starts
at an early age, nearly a quarter of all girls have faced gender-based violence by
the age of 19, if they’ve been in a partner relationship. Physical and sexual
assaults are now a threat to female well-being to such a degree that it could be
called a pandemic. One of the defining moral challenges of our times will be to
based abuse shelters. Promoting access to feminine care is also critical to the
It is on this aspect that the researchers would like to assess and propose
Theoretical Background
The core concepts in feminist theory are sex, gender, race, discrimination,
equality, difference, and choice. There are systems and structures in place that
context and posit that individuals can learn by observing others’ actions and
aggressive behaviors.
behaviors of others (models). They then evaluate the effect of those behaviors
by observing the positive and negative consequences that follow. Social learning
theorists assert that members of the adolescent's social network who use
substances serve as models for adolescents. If adolescents see role models, such
the likelihood that the adolescent will use substances. Learning not to use
consequences of use expect negative outcomes and are less likely to use
The Women’s desk adheres in the mandate of the State to provide protection for the
women. However, programs must also be implemented that would help the officers and women
to have good harmonious relationship to prevent the Violence against women.
Figure 1
Theoretical Framework
Act No. 9262 “an Act Defining Violence against Women and their Children,
It is hereby declared that the State values the dignity of women and
children and guarantees full respect for human rights. The State also recognizes
the need to protect the family and its members particularly women and children,
Towards this end, the State shall exert efforts to address violence
freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution and the Provisions of the Universal
discrimination Against Women, Convention on the Rights of the Child and other
through any of the following acts: (a) Causing physical harm to the woman or
her child; (b) Threatening to cause the woman or her child physical harm; (c)
Attempting to cause the woman or her child physical harm; (d) Placing the
woman or her child in fear of imminent physical harm; (e) Attempting to compel
or compelling the woman or her child to engage in conduct which the woman or
her child has the right to desist from or desist from conduct which the woman or
her child has the right to engage in, or attempting to restrict or restricting the
This shall include, but not limited to, the following acts committed with
deprive the woman or her children of financial support legally due her or her
legal right; and (4) Preventing the woman in engaging in any legitimate
properties. (f) Inflicting or threatening to inflict physical harm on oneself for the
cause the woman or her child to engage in any sexual activity which does not
intimidation directed against the woman or her child or her/his immediate family
Additionally, the study is based on Republic Act No. 11313 or the Safe
It is the policy of the State to value the dignity of every human person
and guarantee full respect for human rights. It is likewise the policy of the State
equality before the law of women and men. The State also recognizes that both
men and women must have equality, security and safety not only in private, but
also on the streets, public spaces, online, workplaces and educational and
Related Literature
important information that can help gain profound insights into the study.
to live a life free from violence as upheld in international commitments and their
local translation. VAW also affects women and girls’ general well-being, leaving
violence from their husband or partner. Since the onset of COVID-19 quarantine
restrictions in March 2020 to August 2021, a total of 18,945 VAW cases have
Aside from domestic and intimate partner violence, women and girls also
workplaces, schools, and even online. Even men, boys, and members of the
LGBTQIA community are not spared from these forms of abuse which render
A 2016 Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey reported that three in five
women have experienced sexual harassment at least once in their lifetime. The
survey was done as part of the UN Women’s Safe Cities Metro Manila
Programme. Of the 800 respondents from two barangays in Quezon City, one in
seven women experienced sexual harassment at least once every week in the
past year, while one in seven men have admitted to committing an act of sexual
harassment at least daily in the past year. Seventy percent (70%) of these
harassment incidents happen during the day. The survey also revealed that fifty-
eight percent (58%) of sexual harassment are experienced on the streets, major
transport vehicles.
Enacted into law in 2019, the Safe Spaces Act (SSA or Republic Act No.
streets and public spaces, workplace, educational and training institutions, and
online. Its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) was approved on October
28, 2019. PNP data shows that from its effectivity in August 2019, there were
during the current COVID-19 pandemic”. In many countries all over the world a
huge increase has been reported in the number of calls from women subjected
March 2020, when the recommendation for social distancing first issued in many
countries. The World Health Organization reported that, comparing April 2020
with the same month last year, the online inquiries to violence prevention
Violence against women can cause long-term physical and mental health
problems. Violence and abuse affect not just the women involved but also their
of the victim when violated, on the type of consequence on the survivor, on who
the perpetrator is, and on the space where violence takes place. Women are
adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood, and old age.
the individual and the influence of media and pornography. Studies have
relationship between these attitudes and factors such as substance use and
mental, psychological and emotional as well. Violence in its broadest sense has
other problems being bias in job, sexual harassment, domestic violence, marital
(i) Criminal Violence as rape, abduction or murder (ii) Domestic Violence which
elderly women and lastly (iii) Social Violence which includes forcing a wife or
to women in property, forcing a woman to commit Sati, forcing her into marriage
for business interests or family honor or harassing a woman for any other
transport, cinema hall, educational institute or work place. The condition of the
rural women is even worse as in the absence of education and awareness, they
are greater victims of the injustices meted out to them. The government ushered
True, with economic independence women are making their mark in many areas
like sports, literature, science, arts, journalism, politics and business world
Related Studies
The following relevant studies are being presented as basis for the
against Women” noted that majority of the victims were aged 16-20, single, do
not have children, often abused by the offender/abuser, most of them were
unemployed, high school graduate, and the relationship with the offender was
the victims. There is significant relationship between the effects of violence and
the age in the physical and social condition and relationship and frequency of
No. 9262 to protect women and children particularly the young ones and
defenseless through the initiative of barangay officials, DSWD and the Children
and Women’s Desk Section of the PNP. The LGU in coordination with the Women
and Children’s Desk Police Personnel may assist the victims through referral to
recover from trauma suffered by the victims. Local government officials may hold
seminars to teach women and children their rights and protection guaranteed by
the Anti-VAWC Law to prevent abuses and other forms of violence against
women and children. Support the efforts of the Punong Barangay in the
relief to women and children who reported incidence of violence against them.
Abantika Bhattacharya (13:2020). The study revealed the high prevalence of all
medical, etc., are essential to address the various economic and sociocultural
unacceptably high, and women with disabilities may be at higher risk of exposure
a risk factor for exposure to violence is poorly understood, and this scoping
prevalence of VAW, the existing data shows that it affects women of all ages,
socioeconomic status, and all regions of the country. This qualitative study
answers the two main research questions 1) How do UN Women, relevant NGOs,
academics, and government services for GBV in the Philippines perceive gender-
to represent the various stakeholders. The data was then analyzed using a
combination of the Public Health Model and the Integrated Ecological Model.
The country has several laws and services to address VAW and various
GBV issues. However, the poor implementation and high unawareness of laws
and government services, in combination with cultural factors, affect the help-
seeking behavior of VAW victims and can pose as risk factors for VAW rather
than protective factors. Moreover, the VAW data is limited, erratic, and unreliable
because there is no central data bank to consolidate the reports from the
different government services. This makes it difficult to grasp the full extent of
the issue throughout the country. There are numerous aspects of the Philippine
culture that are risk factors, protective factors, and factors that affect reporting
The study also reveals that the different government services not limited
to the PNP and DSWD are uncoordinated and the personnel undertrained, which
affects reporting behavior, leads to a general distrust in the public system, and
hones the persistence of negative stereotypes and risk factors for VAW.
frameworks by working with the local government and civil society, and by
opens up several starting points for future research. This study focused on the
cultural aspects that negatively affect GBV in the Philippines, either as risk
factors or factors that affect reporting behavior. However, it shows how aspects
of the culture can also serve as protective factors. Moreover, this study provides
meant that they were unable for many years to distance themselves from the
violent partner. The strength of this study lies in the fact that it highlights the
considerable violence. However, one of the limits identified is that our population
that the number of immigrant women and women from underprivileged socio
of French origin in order to explore the variations with the population of this first
current conjugal relationship and to enable us to identify its roots in the infantile
history; in particular, the unconscious issues in which the women are trapped,
without realizing it. Our hope is that these elements will serve to orient
struggle can only be effective from the moment when all the issues at stake are
Conceptual Background
public health, protection of juvenile’s rights and social and economic welfare.
shows the flow of the study. The inputs consist of the data of the profile
violence that received from their parents, rank, frequency in handling VAW
responses of the law enforcers and community respondents. The results from
the data gathered were tallied, tabulated and processed for analysis through
The output of the study includes a proposed program for preventive and
safety measures.
* Causes of Violence
Distribution /
Collection of data
A Preventive
Data Analysis
and Safety
Statistical Treatment
Figure 2
Conceptual Framework
This study will be conducted in Tagbilaran City, Bohol during the year 2022 –
a. Age;
b. Civil Status;
c. Educational Attainment;
d. Employment Status;
a. Age;
b. Gender;
c. Rank; and
FREE VAW community and for the safety of every woman in the City of
Null Hypotheses
program designed for their benefits in order to upgrade their patrolling and
investigation skills as well as to maintain the firm relationship with their own
Community Residents. The output of the study would give them self-
against women which they may aware in the future. Hence, they would then
the future researcher’s data in testing the validity of other related findings.
The study covered the Women’s desk of the Philippine National Police
researchers gathered five (5) women law enforcers and forty (40) women
The study has limitations brought about by the nature of the study. The
primary limitation of this study was the concentration and consistency on the
findings and conclusions which would represent the groups as a whole. The
questions. Such constraint was averted by securing the official permit from the
Chief of the Philippine National Police, and the City Mayor of Tagbilaran City,
Research Design
self-made questionnaire as the main data gathering tool to obtain the objectives
of the inquisition. This method is used in order to ascertain the normal condition,
The study covered the Philippine National Police (PNP) Office situated at
Tagbilaran City, Bohol. The subjects were the police patrolwomen and women
community residents. The researchers gathered five (5) women law enforcers
and forty (40) women community residents to respond in their study. A total of
Research Instrument
the assistance of their thesis adviser was used as the main data gathering
and their responses were used for this study. This consists of three parts, Part I
women; and Part IV, Actions conducted by law enforcers to reduce violence
against women.
the City Mayor of Tagbilaran City, Bohol. After securing the needed consent, the
the data desired for the study. The respondents were given enough time to
answer the questionnaire and requested to return the accomplished form on the
agreed date.
Data Analysis
item was divided by the total number of cases and then multiplied by one
cases. The data on the demographic profile was obtained using the mean as
basis of the profile table: M=∑x/n; where ∑x is the summation of all data and N
corresponding equivalents.
3 Experienced (2.51-3.25)
Statistical Treatment
The data gathered through the use of the questionnaire were subjected to
the difference of the responses of the two different group of respondents. It was
t= X1+ X2
S1 +S2
N1+ N2
t= t –test
The following terms used in the study are operationally defined because
partner, or parent.
It refers to belief that women and men should have equal rights and
Physical Violence
Sexual Harassment
woman who is his wife, former wife, or against a woman with whom the person
has or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a common child,
Chapter I. The Problem and Its Scope, contains the introduction, the
rationale, the theoretical background, the theoretical framework, the scope and
limitation of the study, the research methodology which includes the research
design, research environment and subjects, the research instrument, the data
analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in the light of the different
presents summary of the problem, the research methodology, the findings, the
This part of the study analyzes and interprets the data gathered in the
the findings based on the perception of the respondents. The following aspects
of the study were treated: Profile of the respondents which are the women
community residents and women’s desk / women law enforcers and their
Bohol. For sensible presentation of the data, the percentage, weighted mean,
and T-test were used in the study. For continuity of purpose, the interpretation
Distribution of Respondents
total of forty five (45) respondents participated in the study. This consists of
forty (88.88 percent) women community residents and five (11.11 percent)
Table I
Distribution of the Respondents
Respondents Frequency Percentage Rank
Women Community Residents 40 88.88 1
Women Law Enforcers 5 11.11 2
Total 45 100 %
look was taken in the aspects of age, civil status, educational attainment,
employment status, do you have children, relationship with the offender, how
often does your abuser/offender abuse you and for the women community
residents; and age, gender, ranks and frequency in handling VAW Cases.
Age. As shown in the table, twenty sis (65.00 percent) aged 30 years old
and below, ten (25.00 percent) aged 31-40 years old, three (7.50 percent) aged
41-50 years old and one (2.50 percent) aged 51 years old and above. Majority
of the women community residents belonged to age group 30 years old and
Civil Status. As to their civil status, out of forty (40) women community
residents, data reveals fifty (50.00 percent) were single, fifteen (38.00) were
married, three (8.00 percent), and four (5.00 percent). Most of the women
elementary graduate, six (15.00 percent) were high school undergraduate, three
(8.00 percent) were high school graduate, four (10.00 percent) were college
undergraduate and two (5.00 percent) were college graduate. Majority of the
were self employed, twelve (30.00 percent) were unemployed. Majority of the
percent) were yes, ten (25.00 percent) were no. Majority of do you have children
offender, thirty (75.00 percent) were husband, five (12.50 percent) were
mother/father, three (7.50 percent) were brother/sister, two (5.00 percent) were
How often your abuser. As to their how often your abuser, twenty five
(62.50 percent) were often, seven (17.50 percent) were always, five (12.50
percent) were rarely, three (7.50 percent) were never. Majority of the how often
Table II
Profile of the Respondents
Item Women Community Women’s Desk
Residents Officers
(n=40) (n=5)
Age F % R F % R
30 years old and below 26 65.00 1 2 40.00 2
31 – 40 years old 10 25.00 2 3 60.00 1
41 – 50 years old 3 7.50 3 0 ===0.00 3
51 years old and above 1 2.50 4 0 0.00 4
Total 40 100% 5 100%
Civil Status
Single 20 50.00 1 - - -
Married 15 38.00 2 - - -
Widowed 3 8.00 3 - - -
Separated 2 5.00 4 - - -
Total 40 100%
Educational Attainment
Elementary Undergraduate 18 45.00 1 - - -
Elementary Graduate 7 18.00 2 - - -
High School Undergraduate 6 15.00 3 - - -
High School Graduate 3 8.00 5 - - -
College Undergraduate 4 10.00 4 - - -
College Graduate 2 5.00 6 - - -
Total 40 100%
Self Employed 28 70.00 1 - - -
Unemployed 12 30.00 2 - - -
Total 40 100.00
Do you have children
Yes 30 75.00 1 - - -
No 10 25.00 2 - - -
Total 40 100%
Relationship with the
Father/Mother 5 12.50 2 - - -
Husband 30 75.00 1 - - -
Brother/Sister 3 7.50 3 - - -
Adulteries/Concubine 2 5.00 4 - - -
Relatives 0 0.00 5 - - -
Total 40 100%
How often does your
abuser/offender abuse
Always 7 17.50 2 - - -
Often 25 62.50 1 - - -
Rarely 5 12.50 3 - - -
Never 3 7.50 4 - - -
Total 40 100%
Male - - - 0 0.00 2.5
Female - - - 5 100.00 1
LGBTQ - - - 0 0.00 2.5
Total - - - 5 100%
PAT – PSGT - - - 3 60.00 1
PMS - PEMS - - - 2 40.00 2
Total 5 100%
Frequency in handling
VAW Cases
Once a week - - - 3 60.00 1
Twice a week - - - 2 40.00 2
Total - - - 5 100%
Age. With regard to age, three (60.00 percent) aged 31 - 40 years old,
two (40.00 percent) aged 30 years old and below. Majority of the women’s desk
Rank. As to their rank, three (60.00 percent) were PAT - PSGT, two
(40.00 percent) PMS - PEMS. Majority of the rank were PAT - PSGT.
VAW Cases, three (60.00 percent) were once a week, two (40.00 percent) were
twice a week. Majority of the frequency in handling VAW Cases were once a
community residents, the items were presented along with their weighted means
and ranks to wit: 1.5) Unemployment with a mean rating of (4.00); 1.5)
weighted mean of 3.39 or Very Much Experienced. The result implies that the
result that one of the reasons of couples are being of their wives/common law
wives. Specially, nowadays the goods are very expensive and its hard for the
Officer/Women Law Enforcers, the items were presented along with their
resources with a mean rating of (4.00); 4) Gender inequality and norms (4.00);
clearly showed that Women’s Desk Officer/Women Law Enforcers see that
gender and inequality and norms is the primary reason why unemployment is
existing. That, women are not given more opportunities than men. That, unlike
men wherever they applied for work they can be easily hired.
Table III
0 0 1 0 0 0 5
Average Weighted Mean 3.3 Very Much
9 Experienc
Scale Description Symbol Range
4 Very Much Experienced (VME) 3.26-4.00
3 Experienced (E) 2.51-3.25
2 Less Experienced (LE) 1.76-2.50
1 Not Experienced (NE) 1.00-1.75
Table III
0 0 0 0
Average Weighted Mean 3.8 Very Much
6 Experienc
Scale Description Symbol Range
4 Very Much Experienced (VME) 3.26-4.00
3 Experienced (E) 2.51-3.25
3 Less Experienced (LE) 1.76-2.50
2 Not Experienced (NE) 1.00-1.75
-2.49 which was found to be higher than the tabular t-value of 2.101 at 18
Table IV
Σ x1 Σ x2
x̄ 1= x̄ 2=
N1 N2
33.88 38.60
x̄ 1= x̄ 2=
10 10
x̄ 1=3.39 x̄ 2=3.86
n ( Σ x 1) − ( Σ x 1) n ( Σ x 2) − ( Σ x 2)
2 2 2 2
2 2
1 S=
n ( n−1 ) n (n−1)
2 2
10 ( 117.52 ) −( 33.88 ) 10 ( 149.48 )−( 38.60 )
= =
10 ( 10−1 ) 10 ( 10−1 )
1175.2−1147.85 1494.8−1489.96
= =
10 ( 9 ) 10 ( 9 )
27.35 4.84
= =
90 90
S21=0.3039 S21=0.05379
x̄ 1−x̄ 2
df =N 1+ N 2−2 S21 s 22
n1 n 2
=10+10 – 2
√ .3039 0.05379
df =18 .35769
√ 0.035769
Computed T-Value = -2.49
community residents, the items were presented along with their weighted
means and ranks to wit: 2.5) I had the idea of attempting a suicide with a
feeling of distrust of others (3.65); 5.5) I experience shock (3.88); 5.5) I felt
weighted mean of 3.83 or Very Much Experienced. The result implies that the
interest or avoidance of sex. It is evident in the result that one of the basic
needs of marriage life is sex. If the woman doesn’t want to have sexual
intercourse with their husband some of them it is the primary reason why men
hits women.
Officer/Women Law Enforcers, the items were presented along with their
weighted means and ranks to wit: 4) I endured depression with a mean rating of
experience shock (3.60); 8.5) I suffer denial and confusion with a mean rating of
Officer/Women Law Enforcers, the items were presented along with their
weighted means and ranks to wit: 8.5) I suffer denial and confusion (3.20); 8.5)
clearly showed that Women’s Desk Officer/Women Law Enforcers see that
some of the women endured depression when there husband hits them
physically. They can’t even think positively on what they are going to do just to
Table V
0 0 0 0
Average Weighted Mean 3.8 Very Much
3 Experienc
Scale Description Symbol Range
4 Very Much Experienced (VME) 3.26-4.00
3 Experienced (E) 2.51-3.25
4 Less Experienced (LE) 1.76-2.50
3 Not Experienced (NE) 1.00-1.75
Table V
0 0 0
Average Weighted Mean 3.7 Very Much
0 Experienc
Scale Description Symbol Range
4 Very Much Experienced (VME) 3.26-4.00
3 Experienced (E) 2.51-3.25
5 Less Experienced (LE) 1.76-2.50
4 Not Experienced (NE) 1.00-1.75
-0.91 which was found to be higher than the tabular t-value of 2.101 at 18
Table VI
Σ x1 Σ x2
x̄ 1= x̄ 2=
N1 N2
38.34 37
x̄ 1= x̄ 2=
10 10
x̄ 1=3.83 x̄ 2=3.70
n ( Σ x 1) − ( Σ x 1) n ( Σ x 22) −( Σ x 2)
2 2 2
2 2
1 S=2
n ( n−1 ) n (n−1)
2 2
10 ( 147.28 )−( 38.34 ) 10 ( 138.44 )−( 37 )
= =
10 ( 10−1 ) 10 ( 10−1 )
1472.8−1469.96 1384.4−1369
= =
10 ( 9 ) 10(9)
2.84 15.4
= =
90 90
S21=0.03156 S21=0.1711
x̄ 1−x̄ 2
df =N 1+ N 2−2 2
S1 s 2
n1 n 2
=10+10– 2
√ .03156 0.1711
df =18 .20316
√ 0.020316
community residents, the items were presented along with their weighted
system with a mean rating of (4.00); 2) Coordinate and refer VAW cases to
residents, the items were presented along with their weighted means and
ranks to wit: 4.5) Assist VAW victim in securing Protection order and
accessing necessary services (3.25); 4.5) Record the violence cases handled
and secured (2.75); 10) Sensitive to the situation and needs of the victim-
weighted mean of 3.30 or Very Much Experienced. The result implies that the
system. It is evident in the result that the women will easily to respond and keep
Officer/Women Law Enforcers, the items were presented along with their
weighted means and ranks to wit: 4.5) Assist VAW victim in securing Protection
order and accessing necessary services with a mean rating of (4.00); 4.5)
Respond to violence cases (4.00); 4.5) Record the violence cases handled and
submit a report to the DILG/Social Welfare Development Office (4.00); 4.5) Keep
VAW cases records confidential and secured (4.00); 4.5) Develop a responsive
building, and referral system (4.00); 4.5) Coordinate and refer VAW cases to
other service providers as necessary (4.00); 4.5) Address other forms of abuse
and other marginalized groups. (4.00); 4.5) Lead advocacies on the elimination
Law Enforcers, the items were presented along with their weighted means and
ranks to wit: 9.5) Sensitive to the situation and needs of the victim-survivors
clearly showed that Women’s Desk Officer/Women Law Enforcers see that
community. Some of them are one of the victims of VAW and they want to be
Table VII
Responses on the Actions Conducted by Law Enforcers to Reduce Violence Against Women
A. Women Community Residents (n=40)
Items 4 3 2 1
F % F % F % F % WM Desc Ran
. k
1. Assist VAW victim in securing Protection order and accessing 25 62.50 5 12.5 5 12.5 5 12.5 3.25 E 4.5
necessary services. 0 0 0
2. Respond to violence cases. 17 42.50 10 25.0 3 7.50 1 25.0 2.85 E 8
0 0 0
3. Record the violence cases handled and submit a report to the 10 25.00 30 75.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.25 E 4.5
DILG/Social Welfare Development Office. 0
4. Keep VAW cases records confidential and secured. 5 12.50 20 50.0 1 37.5 0 0.00 2.75 E 9
0 5 0
5. Develop a responsive plan to address violence against women, 40 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 2
including support services, capacity building, and referral system. 0
6. Coordinate and refer VAW cases to government agencies, 40 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 2
nongovernment organizations (NGOs), institutions, and other service 0
providers as necessary.
7. Address other forms of abuse committed against women, especially 8 20.00 27 67.5 5 12.5 0 0.00 3.08 E 7
senior citizens, women with disabilities, and other marginalized groups. 0 0
8. Lead advocacies on the elimination of VAW in the community. 6 15.00 34 85.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.15 E 6
9. Sensitive to the situation and needs of the victim-survivors. 9 22.50 18 45.0 4 10.0 9 22.5 2.68 E 10
0 0 0
10. Passionate and resourceful in helping the victim-survivors. 40 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 2
Scale Description Symbol Range
4 Very Much Experienced (VME) 3.26-4.00
3 Experienced (E) 2.51-3.25
2 Less Experienced (LE) 1.76-2.50
1 Not Experienced (NE) 1.00-1.75
Table VII
Responses on the Actions Conducted by Law Enforcers to Reduce Violence Against Women
B. Women’s Desk Officers (n=5)
Items 4 3 2 1
F % F % F % F % WM Desc Ran
. k
1. Assist VAW victim in securing Protection order and accessing 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 4.5
necessary services. 0
2. Respond to violence cases. 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 4.5
3. Record the violence cases handled and submit a report to the 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 4.5
DILG/Social Welfare Development Office. 0
4. Keep VAW cases records confidential and secured. 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 4.5
5. Develop a responsive plan to address violence against women, 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 4.5
including support services, capacity building, and referral system. 0
6. Coordinate and refer VAW cases to government agencies, 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 4.5
nongovernment organizations (NGOs), institutions, and other service 0
providers as necessary.
7. Address other forms of abuse committed against women, especially 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 4.5
senior citizens, women with disabilities, and other marginalized groups. 0
8. Lead advocacies on the elimination of VAW in the community. 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 4.00 VME 4.5
9. Sensitive to the situation and needs of the victim-survivors. 0 0.00 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.00 E 9.5
10. Passionate and resourceful in helping the victim-survivors. 0 0.00 5 100.0 0 0.00 0 0.00 3.00 E 9.5
Scale Description Symbol Range
4 Very Much Experienced (VME) 3.26-4.00
4 Experienced (E) 2.51-3.25
3 Less Experienced (LE) 1.76-2.50
1 Not Experienced (NE) 1.00-1.75
value -2.36 which was found to be higher than the tabular t-value of 2.101 at
Table VIII
Σ x1 Σ x2
x̄ 1= x̄ 2=
N1 N2
33.01 38
x̄ 1= x̄ 2=
10 10
x̄ 1=3.30 x̄ 2=3.80
n ( Σ x 1) − ( Σ x 1) n ( Σ x 2) −( Σ x 2)
2 2 2 2
2 2
1 S=
n ( n−1 ) n (n−1)
2 2
10 ( 111.39 ) −( 33.01 ) 10 ( 146 )−( 38 )
= =
10 ( 10−1 ) 10 ( 10−1 )
1113.90−1089.66 1460−1444
= =
10 ( 9 ) 10( 9)
24.24 16
= =
90 90
S21=0.2693 S21=0.1778
x̄ 1−x̄ 2
df =N 1+ N 2−2 S21 s 22
n1 n 2
=10+10– 2
√ .2693 0.1778
df =18 0.4471
√ 0.04471
3.86 or very much experience. Their perception gained an over all mean rating of
perception gained an over all mean rating of 3.77 or Very Much Experienced.
perception gained an over all mean rating of 3.55 or Very Much Experienced.
Table IX
by Women resulted to a t- value of -2.49 which was found to be higher than the
higher than the tabular value of 2.101 at 18 df at 0.05 level of significance, there
value of -2.36 which was found to be higher than the tabular value of 2.101 at
Table X
This study will be conducted in Tagbilaran City, Bohol during the year 2022 –
a. Age;
b. Civil Status;
c. Educational Attainment;
d. Employment Status;
a. Age;
b. Gender;
c. Rank; and
FREE VAW community and for the safety of every woman in the City of
Null Hypotheses
Research Design
self-made questionnaire as the main data gathering tool to obtain the objectives
of the inquisition. This method is used in order to ascertain the normal condition,
Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered, these are
the findings:
residents were single, aged 30 years old and below, elementary undergraduate,
self employed, has children, most of them has a relationship with her husband
Faculty respondents were female. Belonged to age group 31-40 years old, has a
ranked of PAT - PSGT and once a week in frequency in handling VAW cases.
Much Experienced. The result implies that the women community residents is
most of them are unemployed. It is evident in the result that one of the reasons
of couples are being of their wives/common law wives. Specially, nowadays the
goods are very expensive and its hard for the men to supply all the needs in the
Law Enforcers see that gender and inequality and norms is the primary reason
why unemployment is existing. That, women are not given more opportunities
than men. That, unlike men wherever they applied for work they can be easily
T-Test formula.
Much Experienced. The result implies that the women community residents is
is evident in the result that one of the basic needs of marriage life is sex. If the
woman doesn’t want to have sexual intercourse with their husband some of
Law Enforcers see that some of the women endured depression when there
husband hits them physically. They can’t even think positively on what they are
Much Experienced. The result implies that the women community residents
support services, capacity building, and referral system. It is evident in the result
that the women will easily to respond and keep away to their husband that gives
Law Enforcers see that some of the women lead advocacies on the elimination
of VAW in the community. Some of them are one of the victims of VAW and they
Much Experienced. The result implies that the women community residents
support services, capacity building, and referral system. It is evident in the result
that the women will easily to respond and keep away to their husband that gives
Law Enforcers see that some of the women lead advocacies on the elimination
of VAW in the community. Some of them are one of the victims of VAW and they
T-Test formula.
After thorough study of the data, the researchers were able to arrive at
1. Majority of the women community residents were single, aged 30 years old
2. Majority of the women’s desk officers were females. Belonged to age group
31-40 years old, married, has a rank of PAT - PSGT and has a once a week of
reduce violence against women thus the null hypothesis was rejected.
Based on the findings and conclusions drawn, the following measures are
1. The study recommends that women must have equal distribution of power
and resources.
2. Every woman must be economically independent. They must look for income
3. Every woman must know their worth and prevent self blame to prevent
4. The women’s desk officer must provide seminars and lectures regarding on
5. Every women must know their strengths and weaknesses inorder to surpass
VAWC is a law the seeks to address the prevalence of violence against women
and their children by their intimate partners like their husband or ex-husband, live-in
It’s not only between the partners that will gain their success but also the
community and environment. Seeing the every family that is happy is one of the
successful moment of every country. It’s not only in the four corners of the
house will make the men/women/children will change their future but also the
important also to have self value and worth inorder to prove to our
The following objectives have been formulated for the purpose of providing
1. To have a good harmony between the husband and wife or within the
protecting to them.
Mechanics of Implementation
Once approved by the examining panel, a copy of this research study will
Director for approval, with the request that special attention will be given to the
proposed preventive and safety measures thereof. The items of this program are
Schedule of Implementation
Be Wise.
Women’s Desk To become prepared and Attend Orientations and All round Women will have
Officer/Women be mastery in their Seminars in Mastering Women’s Desk year more learnings after
Law Enforcers preparations in lectures their profession in Officer/Women 2023 - 2024 seminars and
for women in the protection for women. Law Enforcers awareness programs.
Provide time in
To mold every woman in enhancing their
their vision to be treated capablities in handling
well. cases for women.
Appendix A
Respectfully yours,
Appendix B
Respectfully yours,
Appendix C
Good day!
In view hereof, the researchers are asking for your permission in the
administration of their questionnaires to the Women’s Desk Officers/Women Law
Enforcers under your jurisdiction in order to obtain necessary data for the
completion of their research. Rest assured that the responses would be treated
with confidentiality and anonymity.
Respectfully yours,
Appendix D
Good day!
In view hereof, the researchers are asking for your permission in the
administration of their questionnaires to the women residents of Tagbilaran City
in order to obtain necessary data for the completion completing of their research.
Rest assured that the responses would be treated with confidentiality and
Respectfully yours,
Appendix E
Survey Questionnaire
a.) Age
[] 30 years old and below
[] 31 - 40 years old
[] 41 - 50 years old
[] 51 years old and above
a.) Age
[ ] 30 years old and below
[ ] 31 - 40 years old
[ ] 41 – 50 years old
[ ] 51 years old and above
b.) Gender
[ ] Male
[ ] Female
c.) Ranks
[ ] PAT - PSGT
[ ] PMS - PEMS
[ ] PLT. - PCAPT.
[ ] PMAJ - PCOL.
Direction: Please indicate a checkmark (√) of your response to the column that
corresponds to your answer. Numerical choices correspond to the
following quantifiers.
Items 4
3 2 1
(E) (LE) (NE)
1. Unequal distribution of power and resources.
2. Gender inequality and norms.
3. Illiteracy.
4. Economic dependency.
5. Patriarchal society.
6. Sexual dissatisfaction.
7. Unemployment.
8. Extramarital relation.
9. Suspicious attitude.
10. Gambling.
Direction: Please indicate a checkmark (√) of your response to the column that
corresponds to your answer. Numerical choices correspond to the
following quantifiers.
Items 4 3 2 1
(VME) (E) (LE) (NE)
1. I
endured depression.
2. I
experienced generalized anxiety.
3. I
had the idea of attempting a suicide.
4. I
experienced having diminished interest
or avoidance of sex.
5. Low self-esteem/self-blame.
6. I experience shock.
7. I suffer denial and confusion.
8. I felt shame or guilt.
9. I experience nervousness.
10. I have feeling of distrust of others.
Direction: Please indicate a checkmark (√) of your response to the column that
corresponds to your answer. Numerical choices correspond to the
following quantifiers.
Items 4
3 2 1
(E) (LE) (NE)
1. Assist VAW victim in securing Protection order
and accessing necessary services.
2. Respond to violence cases.
3. Record the violence cases handled and submit
a report to the DILG/Social Welfare
Development Office.
4. Keep VAW cases records confidential and
5. Develop a responsive plan to address violence
against women, including support services,
capacity building, and referral system.
6. Coordinate and refer VAW cases to
government agencies, nongovernment
organizations (NGOs), institutions, and other
service providers as necessary.
7. Address other forms of abuse committed
against women, especially senior citizens,
women with disabilities, and other
marginalized groups.
8. Lead advocacies on the elimination of VAW in
the community.
9. Sensitive to the situation and needs of the
10. Passionate and resourceful in helping the
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Nationality : Filipino
Nationality : Filipino
Nationality : Filipino